ARCHITECTURAL SSL • Chronicling the Advancement of LEDs in the Built Environment
GET SMART. For the past 10 years, we’ve traversed the sometimes labyrinth-like corridors of the solid-state lighting market, proferring accurate assessment of the technology as it grew. [PAGE 16]
AT THE FRONT The illumination of transitional elements, such as lobbies and hallways, can set the tone for expectations in the core spaces.
SSL PROJECT In envisioning a suite of flagship shops in major markets, T-Mobile turns to LED to help create signature store experiences.
SSL PROFILE Updated grounds about Trottier Observatory and Science Courtyard at James Fraser Univ. breathe new life around the scientific structure.
NUMBER 48 • JUNE 2017
WHAT’S NEXT? So, with a decade of observation in our back pocket, what does the past tell us about SSL’s next 10 years? Peek inside as we identify the top 10 turns that must be negotiated for safe passage.
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