ARCHITECTURAL SSL • Chronicling the Advancement of LED Lighting in the Built Environment
THE CATCH 22’S OF LIGHTING FOR THE HUMAN GOOD The promise of recent LED advances, including color tuning, is exciting, especially if it aids productivity or sleep. That said, no standards exist at this time, nor has science conclusively confirmed any such benefits.
SSL BUZZ DOE tests color tuning in California GM jumps on LED; lighting healthcare lobbies; MGM Cotai wows in Macau; a Vietnamese take on color.
AT THE FRONT An underground enlightenment is underway, as former cave-like environments are being transformed into slick and stylish spaces.
SSL PROJECT At the newest exhibit at the New York Aquarium, LED illumination takes patrons on a shark hunt of lighting-inspired excitement.
SEEING THE FOREST THROUGH THE TREES Conversely, in figuring out LED’s impact on the biology of humans and animals, extreme criticisms must be taken with a grain of salt.
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