Architectural SSL - July 2013

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AT THE FRONT Healthcare—LED is gaining ground in the market not only because of energy savings—or even color—but for its compatibility with medical equipment.

SSL BUZZ DOE’s Multi-Year Plan notes LED experienced a 25% growth world wide in 2012—a rate expected to continue for the next few years.

SSL PROJECTS Bulgaria’s Galleria Burgas takes shopping at the mall to a new level with clever, but tactful use of color-washing RGB lighting.

NUMBER 29 • JULY 2013


LED, with its diminutive nature, can be the hammer that helps shatter the ceiling of design potential. As a result, the shape of future light sources can be molded to suit the intended form.


ARCHITECTURAL SSL • Chronicling the Advancement of LEDs in the Built Environment

STUCK IN THE PAST. For over 100 years, lighting has been imprisoned by glass and archaic holding devices, thus giving the materials more control over form than design intent. But is this restriction self-imposed?


SSL Buzz: Vintry Fine Wines, NYC, Wins GE Honors.


SSL Profile: People Mover, Millender Station, Detroit.


White Pages: Is Better Than L70 Necessary?

Circle 01

Circle 02

Jul. 13





08 In Brief: The French Renaissance Revival style meets SSL; Steven Blackman takes on OLED.

07 DOE Multi-Year Plan

05 LED Insights

DOE’s latest look into LED’s development indicates continued adoption and lower prices.

35 Project Profile: Millender Station, Detroit.

10 Art of Light?

Six-plus years into producing the magazine has generated some perspective: It’s time to work on SSL’s “core.” By Jim Crockett

A new luminous textile offering combines light and art for a versatile product with applications ranging from retail to healthcare.

11 A Sharp Bouquet Vintry Fine Wines elevates the wine bottle to an art form.


48 SSL Observed


“The ballasts of the [fluorescent MRI] light fixtures were being vibrated by RF waves and were blowing out much sooner than product data would have led us to believe.” —Michael Gailey

Lighting is a business and often requires more serious moments. At the same time, it’s something that lends itself to creativity and is fueled by an element people often forget: fun. By Kevin Willmorth




14 Market Setting Feature: Shattering Glass Ceilings

38 White Pages Second thoughts on L90; some “light” SSL reading suggestions.

For over 100 years lighting has been imprisoned by glass. LEDs, however, are causing cracks, and could be the hammer that shatters the ceiling of outright design potential. by Kevin Willmorth

20 At The Front: Technologically Compatible Not only are healthcare designers freely specifying LED for assorted applications ranging from decorative to exterior, they’re now finding medical applications for the technology. by Barbara Horwitz-Bennett

42 Advances Office lighting; lightbars and modules; track offerings; spotlights; sconces; reflectors; controls; area lighting.

Architectural SSL, Vol. 7, No. 4 (ISSN# 1941-8388) is published five times per year by Construction Business Media. Publication Office: Construction Business Media, 579 First Bank Drive, Suite 220, Palatine, IL 60067; 847 359 6493; (Copyright © 2013 by Construction Business Media) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Architectural SSL Magazine, 519 East Briarcliff Road, Bolingbrook, IL 60440.

26 Featured Project: Balkan Delight Bulgaria’s Galleria Burgas takes the mall experience to a new level, cleverly and tactfully using RGB to add to the shopping fun. by Vilma Barr



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NUMBER 29 • JULY 2013

Gary Redmond

Managing Partner Director Publishing Operations

Tim Shea

Managing Partner Director Business Development

Dave Pape

EDITORIAL Jim Crockett 847 359 6493 Kevin Willmorth

Megan Mazzocco 847 359 6493

Vice President Director, Art & Production

Editorial Director Editor Associate Editor

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Vilma Barr Barbara Horwitz-Bennett Ellen Lampert-Greaux Chuck Ross Jan Bottiglieri

Copy Editor

DESIGN & PRODUCTION Dave Pape Art Director Lauren Lenkowski

Alex Mastera

Directing the Way the Ball Bounces putting more detail in the projects and products

Amid the novel technologies being implemented with net zero projects, lighting is on the back burner. But SSL can deliver capabilities greater than simply turning off the lights.

we’re showing with a greater concentration on technique and avenues of innovation that are taking lighting in new directions. Don’t get me wrong: in many areas SSL is turning the evolution corner—it’s just in unexpected ways. For example, at the recent NeoCon, a contract interiors show, I was surprised by

Giving it the ol’ college try, my boss brought

the amount of LED integrated into the furniture

in one of those giant inflatable exercise balls

systems of manufacturers like Herman Miller

to sit on at his desk in an effort to improve his

and Steelcase. Big drivers for these players

posture. After a valiant effort, he abandoned the

are flexibility and modularity. In turn, they’re

unwieldy, unsettling experiment. I tried it too

developing novel lighting forms—mostly task

and concurred it was not for me. But another

sources—that fit into the new kinds of open work

of our office mates gave it a more serious trial.

environments they feel architects are starting

She explained to us it’s all about the “core”—

to produce. Steelcase’s new line, for example,

strengthening one’s back and stomach muscles

focused on meeting spaces, particularly video

to improve overall health.

conferencing and dealing with noise abatement.

In a more conventional seating arrangement,

But good lighting, they demonstrated, is also

I had dinner with Kevin Willmorth to converse

critical for video, and the manufacturer showed

about next year’s editorial calendar. In this

interesting controllable LED lighting built into

Associate Art Director

discussion, Kevin also invoked “core,” but he was

the walls and ceilings just for that purpose.

Graphic Designer

technology different from traditional lighting.

ments, it seems to me there’s a disconnect in the

He’d like us to pursue a direction that focuses

architectural community as to what 21st century

more on what’s happening at the R&D level of

lighting can be. Earlier this year we launched

SSL, with some analysis of what those lab results

a new publication—Net Zero Buildings—which

might produce in the not-so-distant future, and

features a lot of cool and unorthodox technology

how that will separate it from old tech.

that’s helping designers create facilities that can

ADVERTISING SALES Gary Redmond 847 359 6493

Tim Shea 847 359 6493

Trey Higgens 847 577 8980

Jim Oestmann 847 838 0500

talking about identifying what really makes SSL

I, too, have been doing some forest-for-the-

But as far as cutting-edge work environ-

better sustain themselves. Yet the lighting angles

trees thinking and agree with Kevin that we

we’ve been discussing aren’t that exciting—just

need to strengthen the critical musculature

lots of daylighting and shut-off controls. So a

David Haggett Ted Rzempoluch 847 934 9123 609 361 1733

of our operation, especially as I believe we’ve

final core exercise I’d like to initiate is coverage

accomplished our initial mission—which was to

pointing out kick-butt SSL applications to show

demonstrate that SSL was not a flash in the pan.

early net zero adopters that lighting can be

Jim Führer 503 679 5409

That said, I can’t honestly say SSL technology

much more than just turning off lights.

Bob Fox 203 356 9694

SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES There is no charge for subscriptions to qualified requestors in the U.S. All other annual subscriptions will be charged $39 for standard delivery or $55 for air mail delivery. For subscriptions, inquiries or address changes, call 630 739 0900 ext. 201.

is where I want it to be, despite several years

But at the ultimate core, I hope we can

of rapid growth and hoopla; for as Kevin points

continue to be a voice that helps shape a still-

out, the lighting community is not doing things

nascent technology whose potential has yet to

a whole lot differently than what they were

really shine. You too, have a role in getting this

doing 6 years ago when we started this publi-

ball bouncing, so be sure to give us a shout.•

cation. Much of the LED that has made it into the built environment is clearly more energy efficient than the more antiquated sources it has

A Publication of Construction Business Media

replaced, but it’s still basically the same thing, just a different lamp source.


Part of the renewed core I’d like to work on is

Jim Crockett, editorial director



Think … Think Juno Lighting Group

Think about upgrading your existing fixtures to LED efficiency with the Indy™ LED Commercial Retrofit Kits, it’s fast and affordable. There’s never been a faster more affordable way to experience LED efficiency. Indy™ LED Commercial Retrofit Kits install easily and are available for CFL, HID and Incandescent, converting most 6” and 8” existing rough-in frames to energy saving LED. Now you can quickly enjoy all the benefits of Indy’s advanced LED technology. Like lumen packages ranging from 800 to 2800 delivered lumens. Power reduction of up to 75%. 50,000 hour service life and 10-year maintenance free operation. Add in the Indy patent pending hyperbolic reflector and the lumen depreciation indicator, and Indy LED Commercial Retrofit kits will have you thinking LED again and again. Indy LED Commercial Retrofit Kits are available now, so let the upgrades begin at Download the installation video to see how easy it is to retrofit to LED.

Sign up at for a chance to win an Apple® iPod touch® and to learn more about Juno Lighting Group Commercial LED lighting. Circle 03

Shine On.


Price-Efficacy Tradeoff for LED Packages

The U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) released its latest solid-state lighting (SSL) research and development Multi-Year Program Plan (MYPP), providing insights into the current state of LED and OLED technology and markets and an outline of areas identified by both agency planners and industry Warm Target

leaders for future research spending. For the

Cool Target

next year or so, research dollars likely will focus on the materials and components that comprise LED products, and means of bringing costs down in OLED fabrication. The last year saw significant advances, report authors note, including a 25% growth in worldwide LED lighting-product sales in 2012, reaching

ABOVE: The estimates represent typical prices for packages in quantities of 1,000. The data represents devices in the highest efficacy bins which fall within specified ranges of CCT and CRI. Each period, demonstrated as the rectangles, is characterized by two sets of values associated with high efficacy and lowest price.

a total of more than $14 billion—a rate expected to be matched for at least the next several years. These sales have been aided by rapidly dropping prices, with typical prices for high-quality LED replacements for 60-watt Edison-style lamps dropping to about $15 in 2012, from an original

Breakdown of LED Luminaire Efficiency

high of more than $50 per replacement. Several OLED manufacturers were able to fabricate small devices with efficacies over 100 lm/w, and




































commercial-grade panels, while expensive, now are available with efficacies over 50 lm/W, with good lumen maintenance. LED light sources are beginning to make inroads in some applications, now comprising 10% of the installed stock of MR16-style lamps, up from only 3% in 2010. Improved efficacy is expected to boost sales further, as LED products are expected to surpass efficacies of the most efficient conventional light sources within a few years, reaching levels greater than 200 lm/W within a decade. However, researchers see a challenge in the current use of lumen depreciation as a consumeror specifier-facing metric for estimated LED

ABOVE: Package efficacy projections are for the color-mixed case; warm white packages have CCT ranges of 2580-3710K, and CRI > 80; projections assume a drive current density of 35 A/cm2; Luminaire efficacies were derived by muliplying the efficiency x the package efficacy values.

lifespan, because it ignores the many other factors


ABOVE: The efficacy of LEDS in luminaires are often degraded by several factors, including optical efficiency and driver efficiency. Overall systems are particularly sensitive to thermal management. Innovations in luminaire design are addressing these issues, including the current practice of mounting LED packages directly onto a heat sink.





tthat hat c could ou uld d lea le llead ad to t ap product’s rodu uct’s ctt’s s fai fa failure. ailu lur ure re. e. The The h lu llumen um men en en mai m maintenance ain a nte ntenance L L70 70 rat rrating, atin a ing ng, g, whi w which hich hic h iid identifi dentifi fies es e the th he en number umbe mber ber o off h hou hours ours our rs o off u use se b bef before e efo ore ea an nL LED E ED D la lam lamp’s am mp’s llumen um men en en ou output utp tpu put utt dr d dro drops rop ops ps b by y 30 3 30% 30%, 0% %, is det de d determined ete ermin mined by the by th the e man m manufacturer anu anuf ufa fac ctur tu ure rer err of of the the th e dio d di diodes odes use u used sed iin n the the h pro pr p product, rod odu duc uct ct,, but bu butt man m many a any ny y oth ot other the her err com co c components— om mponents— ts s— including inc in ncl clu uding in ng gd drivers, rive iv ver ers s, refl re refl flec ectors ect ecto ors s and and optical optic opt p ica cal al lenses—can len nse ses es— s—c —ca can an n fail fai fa aill independent ind in nde dep epe pen end nde den ent ntt of of the th the e diodes. dio di d odes. The The MYPP M MYP Y YPP PP P now now includes inc in nclu clu udes s a task task k of of identifying ide id den ent nti tify fyi yin ng ways ways ay ys s to o simulate sim mula lat ate e full-system full ll-s -sy sys yst ste em failure fai fa ailu lur ure re rates rat ra rate es that that more m ore a accurately ccu ura rat ate tely ly y rrefl efl fle ect ctt rea re rreal-world eal al-w -w world rld com co c combinations om mbina in nat atio tion ons ns so off d diodes iod io ode des es and an and dc components. ompo mpon pone nen ent nts s. Looking L ooking in ng g ttoward ow ward fisc fiscal scal year yearr 2015 2015 milestones, miles mile est sto ones, MYPP MYPP YP PP P participants part rti tici cip ipa ants ant n s have have hav ave set set e an an OLED OLED goal goal goa go al off a c commercial omm mmerci cia al p panel anel p priced ric riice ed at at $50 $50 50 per pe perr kil ki k kilolumen ilol olu lum um men ((klm), klm m), wit w with ith i h an an effi efffi fica cacy cac cacy y of of 100 100 0 lm llm/W. m/W m/W /W. With W ith itth hL LEDs EDs iimproving mpro mpr p ovin ing ng g rrapidly, apid idl dly, y, OLE O OLED L LE ED m makers akers s will willl b be e und u under n nde der err pre pr p pressure res ess ssu ure tto om meet eett thi tth this his sg goal oal tto o maintain main mai a nta ntain n the th their hei eirr pro p products’ roducts’ ts s’ viab v viability. ia abi bili ilit ity. y. IIff th they hey ya aren’t ren’tt abl a able ble b e tto o mee m meet eet eett tha th tthat hat at pri p price rrice ce ep point oin int ntt by by 2 2015 015 5o orr soon soo so oon on n th thereafter, here errea eaf afte ter er, r, th they hey y may ma ay yn not ot b be e abl a able b ble e tto og generate enerate e lar la large arg ge eno e enough n nou oug ugh gh hd demand eman mand and d to o jus jjustify ju ust stif ify y ffurther urth the her er iinvestments nvest stm tm ments s in n res re research ese sea ear arc ch and and nd d development ev velo ellop pmen ent ntt a and nd m manufacturing anufa fac act ctu uring in ng g cap ca capability. apa pab abi bili litty.

experience the

The The h M MYPP YP YPP PP P is i upd u updated pda pdat ate ted d ann an a annually, nnu nua ual ally lly, y, rrefl eflecting ectin ting pro p progress rrog ogr gre ess ttoward ow ward tthe he goa g goals oal oals sa and nd the th he shi sh s shifting hift fti tin ng R&D R &D p &D priorities. ri rio oritie ities es. s. Det D Details e eta ail ils so off leg le legislation egi gis sla lat atio ion on na and nd pol p policies olic o ici cie es d defi efining ning in ng g th the he p program rogram ra am mm may ay be be fou fo ffound, oun und nd, d, iin n part, par pa art rt,, a att www w ww ww.s .ss sl. l.e energ rgy gy. y.g gov/ ov v/a /ab abo bou out ut.h .ht htm tml mll and an and d ww w w.s ssl sl.e energy.g /p par art rtn nersh ner hip ips ps.h .ht htm tm ml.•

difference With Metal Coaters, Color Counts but More Matters: more flexibility,


more reliability, more service, and

Hidden Appeal

more quality. We work hard to uphold

Delivering up to 3,675 lumens in a compact

our brand promise of being the only

package, Lithonia Lighting’s D-Series LED

coil coating company “Where More

flood luminaires now are spotlighting the French Renaissance Revival architecture of

T han Color Matter s.” E xperience

the Castle Museum, in Saginaw, Mich. The

the Metal Coater s dif f er ence at

40,000-sq.-ft. facility was built originally as

w w

a post office, but now preserves more than 100,000 objects and artifacts related to the region’s history and culture. In addition to highlighting the museum’s Loire Valley-inspired façade, the 19 new luminaires also are making a difference in the facility’s energy budget. Using only 41 watts per fixture, the complete installation costs less than one dollar per night.•


Circle 04

ABOVE: Not only does the new lighting consume less than 780 watts, but they’re barely noticeable—an important consideration for museum officials in recasting its architectural lighting.





Fixture Designer Turns to OLED Lighting designer Steven Blackman has spent 30 years developing fixtures to work with every lighting technology on the market. Now, he’s setting his sights on OLEDs, with a new fixture, the Aradess, and a new company, Blackjack Lighting— both informed by his interest in following the next big thing. “I started in the lighting industry when halide was the new technology,” he says, noting the ways new illumination equipment can feed into the design of fixtures, themselves. This

THE NEW STANDARD IN LED AREA & ROADWAY LIGHTING TThe ASPIRE® AP650 luminaire is suitable ffor area, roadway, site and general lighting applications. Providing excellent vertical light distribution, high uniformity, and lasting performance, the ASPIRE® is ideal for commercial, institutional and municipal markets.

requires designers to understand the mechanics of new lamping. His first OLED design—the Vela chandelier for WAC Lighting—won an Architectural SSL Product Innovation Award last December. The Aradess table lamp, one of the first designs under the Blackjack Lighting label, should be coming


to market in the fall. The shape of the lamp is built to maximize the impact of the unidirectional, yet diffuse, illumination created by its eight OLED panels, each just under 5 in. square. “You don’t need a shade, you can have a flat top,” he say, describing how OLED’s performance characteristics influenced his plans. “Instead of being a point source, it sends diffuse light in one direction.” Blackman chose Philips Lumileds’ Lumiblade panels as the OLED source, and the Aradess represents something of a partnership between the designer and the international lighting giant. “This is a signature product for them, plus a proof of concept to show how OLEDs perform.”•

800-621-3376 |

Circle 05


In the Mood York Stock Exchange and at Deloitte University. In its “off” state, the product looks like a piece of wall art, with the fabric panels themselves available in white or a specific color. But when turned “on,” the multicolored LEDs integrated into the frame are able to play low-resolution video on the fabric itself. Philips sees the product, described as a “mood wall,” as a perfect fit in waiting rooms or MRI rooms—anywhere there’s a degree of anxiety. But, as noted, its end use is really in the hands of the individual designer. One of the coolest things on display at Lightfair

But to make life easier, more than 100 pre-

this past Spring was Philips’ Luminous

programmed panels are available to download

Textiles. The company exhibited the product,

on their website (

which has been available in Europe, as a

Drag-and-drop WMV files can also be used in

healthcare solution, but it has many other

programming efforts.

potential applications, as it’s already been installed domestically in Nordstrom’s, the New

Furthermore, being a textile, the product also has sound-dampening acoustic properties.•

ABOVE: The combination of soft, diffused light and the aesthetics of the material creates an effect that has an almost “dream-like” quality, according to Philips. The textile also helps dampen noise and soften echoes, allowing the panels to be practical as well as dramatic.

Circle 06

The New Linear



High Efficiency LED Ultra Low Profile


Edison Winner a Game Changer L’Observatoire International, NYC, took top honors at GE’s annual Edison Awards competition anounced at Lightfair, for the lighting of Vintry Fine Wines, New York. The project, designed by Jeff Taylor and Jessica Jie Soo, is located in Manhattan’s Battery Park neighborhood. The lighting design capitalizes on Roger Marvel Architect’s unusual design to help

Actual Size Profile

draw customers into the warm interior of the wine shop. The L’Observatoire lighting designers used GE’s Tetra Contour product to line the shelves and ceilings, “effortlessly” merging with the graceful curves and rows of the store that

the shelves or the ceiling, is carefully detailed

evokes the geography of a vineyard, notes the

to prevent visibility from any angle. All of the

competition’s judges.

fixtures are dimmable and maintained by a

The placement of the fixtures was extensively

state-of-the-art computerized control system

studied in a mock-up to ensure maximum lighting

that follows the astronomical clock. The lights

with a minimum of reflection from the LED

are brighter during the day, and dim themselves

mounting. Each fixture, whether it is located in

during evening hours.•

ABOVE: The warm, 2700K color of the LEDs brings warmth to the space of the store while highlighting leather surfaces. The curvilinear forms expand the perceived space and actual linear footage of the store. The bright, clean lines of light, note the GE judges, allow the space to have a great deal of merchandise without appearing cluttered.

t Over 250 Lumens / Foot t Over 70 Lumens / Watt t Commercial, Plug N’ Play

877- SSL- GREEN download brochure at

Circle 07


Save Like a Venetian Sustainability is becoming a big draw for

more than 5,700 GE energy smart BR30 LED

conference facilities across the country, and

lamps. The new 12W replacements are taking the

the Las Vegas Sands Corp. is working to meet

place of 120W bulbs, cutting annual electricity use

that demand with its Sands Eco 360˚ Green

by almost 4.1 million kilowatt hours—and cutting

Meetings program. To further that effort, the

more than $400,000 in annual lighting costs.

company recently completed an extensive

The meeting-room upgrades continue an

energy-efficiency upgrade at the Venetian/

effort Las Vegas Sands began in 2010, when it

Palazzo Las Vegas property.

replaced lamps in more than 7,000 guest suites

The project involved replacing halogen lamps illuminating its meeting rooms with

with 7-watt PAR20 LEDs, along with 10- and 15watt CFL bulbs.•


Sleep Easier Lite Control was recently awarded a Small Business Innovation research grant from DOE for OLED technology advancement. Specifically, the company will be developing a family of fixtures for corridors and public spaces where spectral color content is important, such as in hospitals, as a means to prevent the sleep-disruptive effects of more traditional sources.•

Circle 08

The New Linear



Powerful, Low Profile Cove LLuminaire C i i


Cleaner Look, Aisle Five When designing their new outlet in Geneva, N.Y., managers from the Tops Friendly Markets chain

cutting lighting energy use by 70%. The fixtures feature the manufacturer’s

decided to investigate new lighting options that

TrueWhite technology, improving color

might improve shoppers’ experiences—and their

rendering for customers at the store—which

own energy bills. As a result of that research, the

is one of more than 150 Tops supermarkets

store retrofitted its aisles with CS18 luminaires

operating across the Northeast U.S. Additionally,

and CR24 troffers from Cree to take the place

the troffers are providing strong vertical light

of the T5 fixtures that had been the corporate

levels, even when mounted high above on the

standard, improving visual merchandising and

store’s 13-ft. ceiling.•

ABOVE: Beyond improved energy efficiency, the LED troffers provide excellent CRI. “Consistent, high-quality light levels from top to bottom of the shelf are a critical need for retailers as they look to enhance the overall shopping experience,” says Dan Jaskza, an energy consultant for the grocer.


Two by Two It’s not every day a lighting designer gets the task of illuminating Noah’s Ark—or, at least, a lobby designed to resemble the legendary vessel. The space serves as an entry to classrooms in a school building of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. To bring Old

t Specification grade t Even linear light distribution t Coves, wall washes, indirect t 2700K, 3000K & 4000K t Several optical solutions t Up to 100 lumens / watt

World appeal to modern-day LED fixtures, the team at Wigodsky Architects turned to Meyda Custom Lighting. The company developed resin candle lights in 6-in., 8-in. and 10-in. heights to cover LED track fixtures, filling the space with a warm ambient glow. Additionally, custom-fabricated lanterns from Meyda light the wood stairs outside the ark that lead to the building’s second floor.•

877- SSL- GREEN download brochure at

Circle 09

For over 100 years, lighting has been imprisoned

connections to power-line, transformer or ballasts

from re-inventing the light source. However, this

by glass. Whether in the form of an inverted pear,

more fixed bricks in the walls of conventional

acceptance is more Stockholm Syndrome than

globe, twist, or candle flame, designers have been

sourcing. The primitive mechanics employed

utopian delight. Fragile light sources require access

trapped by fragile envelopes. Beyond the glass are

reveals the late 19th century origin of glass bulb

for service, creating design complexity that is

archaic holding and connection devices; Edison,

technology. Yet, like the residential market’s cling

both expensive and hobbling. The archaic rule

Medium, Mogul, Candelabra, DC Bayonet, GU, GX,

to antique styles, there is comfort in the familiar.

that big lumens require a big light source is no

2-pin, 4-pin, and tombstone holders which make

Acceptance of the unchangeable liberates designers

more, as is the opposite notion. Otherwise glass



Traditional glass forms have limited lighting products over their history. Solid-state lighting, however, does not have to be bound by what have been self-imposed restrictions.


has more control over form tha than design intent. he generalized photometri The photometric distributions coupled d light outp to stepped output potential are added barriers. Further, the lack of precision creates waste. Light is thrown away to protect occupants from glare with absorbing black panels, or lost in optics, inter-reflection and absorption of lenses, diffusers and reflective surfaces. Over a century, the accumulated waste from the losses within applied product design, spent lamps and energy used to make more heat than light is incalculable. To continue this paradigm is irresponsible. Enter the glass-shattering hammer of solidstate lighting. At less than one millimeter, LEDs produce the luminous potential of glass lamps in a tiny fraction of the space. These diminutive devices have already caused cracks in lighting’s glass prison, and shatter the ceiling of outright design potential. OLED, the rapidly emerging second wave in the solid-state prison break, smashes the relationship of lamp-diffuser by being both. For the first time in product design history, the

Solid-state technology has the potential to

shape of the light source can be molded to suit

eliminate the physical barriers of light source

the intended physical form. With the glass ceiling

selection. Arrays of LEDs can be configured

smashed, the sky is the limit. Or is it…

infinitely, including 3-dimensional orientations. If the desire is for 3000 lumens inside a 45mm slot,

Shaping and Scaling

1000mm in length, an array can be configured to

Ideally, all product design would start with

deliver that. Further, if the goal is to corral that

establishing a specific customer need. From that,

light into a 15° × 60° beam pattern, that can be

factors of form to suit the application would be

accomplished as well. If the same lumen and beam

defined, inclusive of scale, shape and appearance

pattern is desired from a 120mm x 120mm square,

factors important to that customer. From this

or a 75mm round, or triangle, ob-round, hexagon

specification, a product would be designed to

or freeform shape, an array can be designed to

fulfill the identified requirements. The closer the

suit that, while still delivering an identical optical

design solution is to the specification, without

distribution. The range of LED power levels

adding unnecessarily to the target, the more

extends this flexibility. From high power devices

effective and efficient the product will be. However,

that deliver intense light from a single point, to

use of conventional glass sources compromises

low power sources that deliver small quantities of

design based on available light sources, imposing

concentrated light arranged in multiples, the

control over scale and shape. If the desire is

potential for creating precise shaping of light

for 3000 lumens of output in a linear shape, the

forms is virtually unrestrained. A 3000-lumen

choices are limited by the availability of the glass

source can have one, 10 or 100 individual sources,

envelopes delivering that output. Because of this,

or a single luminous sheet of plastic. Further,

luminaire design is often accomplished in reverse

single point sources with individual optics can

order. Customer need is considered in more general

generate very precise beam patterns.


Philips’ Lumiblade 124 mm x 124 mm GL350 OLED Panels are at the heart of the Living Sculpture 3D Module, created by Christopher Bauder/ WHITEvoid. Designed as a modular system with the intent of removing much of the technical issues required for such creative OLED installations from the hands of lighting designers, the system allows the user to focus on their own creations.

terms, with the final product a compromise between intent and the realities of blown and

Maximize Efficiency

shaped-glass vessels. In some cases, satisfying the

Conventionally, aiming light into patterns—

customer is impossible, effecting demand.

whether for outdoor area light or indoor task/


shape, scale and distribution of light to fit a customer’s desire—even the supporting electronics can be made to fit in available space, or in some cases integrated into the light source package itself.

Integration of Control and Support Beyond form factor and light delivery, solid-state creates an opportunity to integrate leading-edge control and smart technology. Where glass bulbs powered by off-shelf ballasts have moved toward modest offering of dimmer control, solid-state products offer the opportunity to integrate controls interfacing, from Bluetooth to Wireless and conventional wired solutions. The low power of LED products, and relative small electronics components, supports integration of advanced design of features to maintain, activate or sense Utilizing integration of the diminutive scale of LEDs to edge light, rather than back light using glass bulbs, luminaire designers from Focal Point, with their new Theory fixture, are exploring forms never before possible.

surrounding conditions, as well as monitor product condition, and control lumen degradation as the products age. With the ability to be switched frequently, LEDs suffer no ill effect from reactive


ambient luminaire—reflectors, shields and lenses

control, and can even be switched at very high

surrounding clumsy glass sources are effective,

frequencies as part of a communications network,

but imprecise. The general rule of glass bulb

using visible light.

optics is that tighter control equates to lower efficiency. When the desire is for a distinct split

Challenges to Overcome

in output, the only solution is to add another

While some of the potential described here is

bulky lamp. The need for smooth light patterns on

already available, there are several significant

surfaces or behind diffusers often demands more

challenges: First, the technology’s antiquated

lamps be used. Since lamp output is generally fixed

manufacturing, delivery and supply chain. Born in

for each unit, the result is often greater lumen

its own culture of mass production, the electronics

potential than necessary.

industry is ill-prepared to serve the made-to-

Application of LEDs in arrays offers opportunities

market. The infrastructure of electronics production

in specific directions. Multiple, closely spaced low

and delivery is even more constrained than the

emission—and low cost—sources control imaging

glass lamp industry. However, this is an unnecessary,

on surfaces and diffusers, while higher intensity

self-imposed restraint. Why? The equipment

arrangements with focused optics are aimed

used to make and populate an LED board is fairly

where the light is needed. This creates higher

simple. Prototype labs are able to populate COB

total efficiency by eliminating compromise losses,

(chip-on-board) and LED package arrays using

with greater visual comfort by more precisely

reasonably affordable equipment to serve short

controlling brightness of luminous surfaces. OLED

and medium run orders. What’s missing is a business

extends this by eliminating the need for diffuser

model and infrastructure for widespread support

materials altogether by providing both surface

of on-demand development and processing.

and light emission in one.

Without this, any attempt to create unique design

The combination of light source shaping with

order model of many segments of the lighting

to generate exactly the amount of light desired

solutions outside commodity demand increases

aiming in three dimensions affords designers

cost exponentially. Further, the process of design,

opportunities to pursue fresh new approaches of

approval, delivery and testing slows product

greater total efficiency. This means creating the

deployment beyond reason. This also applies to


the electronic components, specifically drivers

little interest in satisfying it. This is not specifically

imposes the same structural restrictions that

and power supplies. To attain optimal efficiency

constraining in commodity product classifications,

exist in the glass bulb business. In this regard, the

demands very tight matching of load to power

like down-lights, linear strips, ceiling panels, retail

pressure to create standardized sockets and

supply specification. A custom array connected to

accent, refrigerated case and street/area lighting.

modules draws SSL further into the glass bulb

a “close-enough” driver configuration results in a

These segments support this level of production

paradigm. The glass ceiling will fall, but above it

loss of efficiency, and increased cost.

easily, affording opportunities to create freely.

will be an equally daunting barrier made of silicon.

Compounding this is the relative lack of maturity

Manufacturers must create a business model that

in the SSL segment. While there is general recognition

Bringing Down the House

uses automation to deliver more affordable, flexible

of the concept of creating arrays and systems to

SSL technology will obviously cause fractures in

production of a wider range of made-to-order arrays

support specific customer desire with high efficiency,

the conventional glass bulb universe by continuing

of LEDs and more flexible or modular driver/

unless that customer base can be defined in

down its current path. However, basing solid-

power supply systems that can be physically

multiples of 10,000+ per inventory order, there is

state source configurations on high-volume targets

configured to suit product designers. This would push the application of ready-made modules down to the LED package and die level, allowing greater degrees of design freedom at the array and product





level. The benefits of this can reach all levels of the lighting market, from the largest to smallest. Larger producers whose lines include both high and low volume items will benefit from broadening their inclusion of high performing solid-state products over more product offerings. Innovative newcomers will be afforded an opportunity to break new ground in lighting that address application barriers and qualitative walls set in glass. Most of all, scaled semi-custom short run solid-state production cannot be matched by glass product manufacturers, which ultimately can be used as an unfair advantage to end dependence on glass sources almost entirely. When product designers look upon solid-state as their preferred source founded on the freedom to delight customers most effectively, they will break the remaining glass walls down getting to it.•

Vista Architectural Lighting continues to build a reputation of excellence on a trusted foundation. We’re committed to supporting your success with American made, expertly engineered fixtures superbly crafted to your specifications. Visit our new website to learn how Vista is leading the way with superior service and lighting solutions that will exceed your expectations. SHIFTING PARADIGM

Small-scale production delivers quality and flexibility that challenges the made-to-inventory mass manufacturing glass lamp technology requires. This clean room at Norlux’ Chicago-area facility illustrates this, delivering LED arrays and drivers to customer order, as well as stocked configurations.

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LED Finds a Cure

Photo: Steve Henke/Henke Studio

By Barbara Horwitz-Bennett, contributing writer

Not only are healthcare lighting

outpatient center in Trumbull,

of hyperbaric chambers, which

designers freely specifying LED

of the light fixtures were being

Conn., in addition to selecting

deliver oxygen therapy to patients

lighting for assorted applications

vibrated by the RF waves and were

LED luminaires for some specialty

with wounds that are not healing.

including decorative, accent, color-

blowing out much sooner than

sconces and site lighting poles.

In fact, lighting was a key consid-

changing and outdoor lighting, but

product data would have led us to

Although the market is currently

eration for the recent relocation

they are now finding medical

believe,” relates Michael Gailey, a

offering only one downlight type

and expansion of the hospital’s

applications for the technology.

designer with Shepley Bulfinch’s

for these MRI applications, Gailey

Advanced Wound Center.

healthcare design practice in

anticipates that more options will

Bulfinch collaborated with Lam

Boston. “We did further research

come to the fore as LED manufac-

electrician with Henry County

Partners on the phased renovation

with ETS Lindgren, the RF shielding

turers discover this niche market.

Hospital, the facility needed an

of three MRI rooms at Yale-New

manufacturer and installer, and

Haven Hospital, they initially chose

identified LED light fixtures that

Healing Wounds

they can pose health risks in these

MRI-compatible fluorescent lights.

can better tolerate RF waves.”

In addition to MRI rooms, some

settings. In addition, dimming was

healthcare providers, such as

essential. “Third, we wanted to

For example, when Shepley

But by the time the team got to the

“We discovered that the ballasts

Now Shepley Bulfinch routinely

According to Paul Wallace, an

alternative to fluorescent lamps as

third phase the project, many of the

specifies LED lighting for MRI

Henry County Hospital, New Castle,

reduce maintenance, reduce energy

fluorescents installed during phase

rooms and recently did so for

Ind., are finding LED to be very

use, and be more environmentally

one already required replacement.

Bridgeport Hospital’s Park Avenue

compatible with the requirements

conscious,” adds Wallace.



Amplatz Children’s Hospital patients can choose the lighting color in their rooms and even connect their iPad to the lighting system to regulate changes in lighting based on the tempo of their musical selection.


LEDs were used to backlight images of nature which line the nurses’ stations.

RETROFIT DONE RIGHT With other market sectors, particularly office spaces, benefitting from swapping out conventional lighting with LED fixtures, healthcare is no exception. Take, for example, WatsonClinic, a large multi-specialty clinic in Lakeland, Fla. After

Photo: Nick Merrick/Hedrich Blessing

conducting a full assessment of the clinic’s lighting infrastructure, Assistant Director of Facilities, Gary Picklesimer, identified a number of Cree products, namely LR6 downlights, and CR22 and CR24 luminaires, to replace the facility’s existing 75-watt halogen lamps. These Cree products THE RIGHT ACCENT Y Small LEDs embedded in the floor

graphic and in the ceiling help set the scene surrounding the hospital’s information desk in the lobby.

presented the most optimal solution from a design, cost and functionality standpoint. The LED fixtures are also compatible with 0-10V dimming control, which is supporting the clinic’s interest in rolling out a daylighting harvesting system. “As the sun rises, the lights dim down from the edge of the rooms to the middle, saving energy and

Photo: Nick Merrick/Hedrich Blessing

providing consistent lighting throughout the day,” explains Gregg Ryberg, director of health care sales, Cree, St. Paul, Minn. In addition, the new LED fixtures have effectively transformed the clinic’s environment into a brighter, cheerier space. “Our doctors love this new

The hospital had actually

“Further, it provides a plug-and-

Lurie Children’s Hospital, which

lighting system, and our patients

researched LED lighting a few years

play dimming functionality that

recently became the world’s tallest

love it too—most particularly, our

prior, but didn’t care for the look

allows end users to easily connect

children’s hospital.

older patients whose eyesight

of the available fixtures and also

fixtures, reducing installation time

felt that the color was too harsh.

and expenses.”

In addition to engaging close to a

isn’t generally quite so good,”

dozen of the city’s cultural

reports Picklesimer. “They notice

attractions to provide decorative

something different, without

But now that the technology and

In addition to the chambers,

fixture aesthetics have developed

the hospital installed the VTLED

elements, the building features

knowing what it is, and comment

so significantly, LED became an

fixtures in exam rooms, dressing

large Philips Color Kinetics LED

on how much better the lobby

ideal choice.

rooms and the nurse’s station.

illuminated specialty windows and

areas look.”

In the end, the hospital went with

the hospital’s hand logo located

Furthermore, because of the

Lithonia’s VTLED. “It delivers high

Looking Good

outside the 11th floor Crown Sky

switch to LED, the facilities team

quality volumetric lighting and full-

Beyond medically based uses, LEDs

Garden. But what’s unique about

was actually able to remove a

range dimming (0–10V) as standard

continue to make a splash in the

the design is the fact that children

total of 20 fixtures in the lobby

features,” explain Steve Vorhees,

decorative lighting category as

have daily access to a portable

area with the LED delivering

Kirby Risk Electrical Supply,

evidenced by a number of eye-

control board in the hospital’s family

higher light levels at greater

Muncie, Ind., and John Edwards,

catching lighting designs at

life center where they can choose the

operating efficiencies.

LightSOURCE, Indianapolis.

Chicago’s new Ann & Robert H.

color which will illuminate the logo.


PARKING PERKS Once again proving its worth in the realm of exterior area lighting, a recent LED parking lot retrofit for Spectrum Health, a large Grand Rapids, Mich.-based not-for-profit healthcare system, has resulted in the hospital saving an estimated $170,000 in annual energy and maintenance expenses combined. According to Elizabeth A. Photo: Lauri Tredinnick/Pivotal Lighting

Jones, brand manager for Evolve LED Lighting Fixtures & HID, GE Lighting East Cleveland, the project, which involved the re-lamping of 1.25 million sq. ft. of parking garage space with 1,500 GE Evolve LED Garage fixtures, also did a great job directing light only where it was needed. CATCH THE WAVE

“Compared to traditional parking

U Animated, LED-powered graphics from

lot lighting from such sources as

Traxon mimic the movement of water on a feature wall that winds through the Crown Sky Garden on Lurie Children’s Hospital’s 11th floor in Chicago.

high-pressure sodium fixtures, LEDs offer improved light-level uniformity because they more effectively direct light where it is intended, reducing hot spots and Photo: Photo: Nick Merrick/Hedrich-Blessing

dark spots,” says Jones. How? The Evolve Scalable Area Lighting product, she explains, incorporates an innovative reflective, low-glare optic design, as well as a unique thermal management system, for superior

THE RIGHT PATH Y I-Light LED strips curve along the

resin panels to backlight the planter walls separating visitors from the surrounding foliage in the garden atrium.

photometric performance and low maintenance requirements. Because parking lot lighting accounts for a significant part of

In addition, specialty LED lighting

panels using narrow beam 12–in.

Spectrum’s power consumption,

is playing an important role in the

LED fixtures, but they were visible

the project will make a significant

spacious sky garden (above) by

through the resin. As a result we

dent in the healthcare provider’s

lighting up a large, interactive wall,

decided to create a line of light that

total energy profile.

backlighting colorful resin panels at

would glow and provide backlight,”

the bottom of planters and grazing a

explains Lauri Tredinnick, IALD,

marble wall structure.

LEED AP, senior lighting designer,

“Combining overall savings from maintenance costs, energy costs, a rebate from VHA Novation

As the garden’s centerpiece,

Pivotal Lighting/Affiliated Engineers,

—a supply chain management

flowing graphics burst forth from

Madison, Wis. “The I-Light fixture

services company that serves

a winding feature wall as people

we found was small, provided a

more than 1,300 non-for-profit

approach. Thanks to LED’s thin

continuous line of light, was wet

hospitals—as well as a Consumers

profile, the wall, powered by Traxon

location listed and could be curved

Energy utility rebate, Spectrum

Technologies, could be set adjacent

as required. With the different

will realize project payback in just

to the planter walls, which are also

white color temperatures available,

three years,” says GE’s Jones.

illuminated by LED.

we were also able to select the

“Initially we looked at trying to illuminate the wall behind the


HEALTHY CHOICE? U As an alternative to fluorescents, which pose health risks in hyperbaric chambers, LED was a great solution for Henry County Hospital’s Advanced Wound Center in New Castle, Ind.

temperature that made the colored resins read best.”

Photo courtesy: Jan Terry/Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

GO WITH THE FLOW U RGB LED nodes from Color Kinetics are embedded in panels of the “Flowing Waters” sculpture, which hangs underneath the hospital’s entrance canopy, to create the sensation of a

flowing, rippling effect for the static sculpture.

to be mounted in a fixed position,

required,” explains Tredinnick.

from Color Kinetics were a good fit

However, those 12–in. fixtures

the sculptor, Mark Davis, was relying

“Because of the difficult detail

for the marble wall structure. “The

upon the lighting to create a flowing,

requirements and sealed nature of

punch of the narrow beam provided

rippling effect. Consequently, each

the panels to keep water out, the

wonderful sparkle on the marble

undulating panel was created with

long life of the LEDs is an added

and the cable connection between

two layers of carbon fiber material

bonus. Additional column mount

each fixture allowed for flexibility

with a detailed edge to allow for

LED accent lights are tuned to the

to follow the curves,” she says.

integral lighting.

green/blue range to highlight the

Also, the fixtures’ rigidity and WIDE SERVING U Lithonia’s VTLED fixtures were also

installed in exam rooms, dressing rooms and the nurse’s stations at Henry County.

At the same time, the lighting

underside of the panels creating

their secure cable connection will

had to be small, controllable and

more depth of color and intensity

optimally enable staff to pull out the

flexible in small increments, and any

for an undulating effect.”

fixtures when access is required.

wiring had to be fed through the

Another noteworthy LED

mounting structure on the panels.

Pediatric LED

application is lighting the “Healing

“Nodes of RGB Color Kinetics

Waters” sculpture that hangs just

LEDs connected with low voltage

atmosphere created by solid state

below the hospital’s entrance

flexible cable fit in to the edge

lighting at Lurie Children’s Hospital,

canopy. Because the sculpture had

detail and provide the controllability

LED also plays a pivotal role at the

Similar to the playful, lively


Photo: Paul Crosby Photography

THE PERFECT COMPLEMENT U Color-changing LEDs combine with colored zinc panels to create a warm, playful façade for the addition and renovation to the University of Minnesota Medical Center is Amplatz Children’s Hospital. Not just about aesthetics, the project is a recipient of the 2012 GW Edison Sustainable Design Award.

University of Minnesota Amplatz

their musical selection also regulates

Children’s Hospital.

a change in lighting.

In fact, visitors may mistake the

LEDs can also be found embedded

place for a children’s museum, as its

in a compass decorating the lobby

color zinc-paneled exterior combines

floor, providing ambient light while

with color-changing LEDs to light

recessed in the ceiling on top of the

up the façade. The “Passport to

information desk, and back-lighting

Discovery”-themed interior, featuring

panels on the walls with images of

natural habitat displays, stuffed

nature, lining the nurses’ stations

animals and colorful, patterned

and common areas.

interiors, humanizes the facility. Tsoi/Kobus & Assocs. and HGA

Z The distinctive hospital addition

elevates the children’s hospital’s visibility, also reinforcing clear planning and circulation, both internally and externally within the densely built urban campus.

But Amplatz Children’s Hospital is not just about the aesthetic—a

designed the patient rooms so

recipient of the 2012 GE Edison

occupants can manipulate the

Sustainable Design Award for

LED lighting to change the color,

Lighting, the hospital operates at

and even connect their iPad to the

34% below ASHRAE/IES/90.1/2007

lighting system so that the tempo of

energy consumption standards.•




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Circle 12

F§±TUR§D PRoj§Ct

Galleria Burgas, Bulgaria Clients: Globe Trade Centre Architect: Studio 17.5, Sofia Lighting: Lighting Design Collective Products: Linear RGBs: Kemps Architectural Lighting, K-Light modules Exterior inground façade lighting: Bega 8720 Interactive interior lighting: Martin MAC350 Encounter LED Moving Head and LightJockey control software RGB floodlights: Pro-Technica Text: Vilma Barr Photos: Bogdan Shahanski The Challenge: Create a lighting scheme for a new three-level, 377,000-sq.-ft. mall, based on the white and pastel hues of the surrounding sub-tropical environment. Lighting would also need to meet the LEED Gold rating for sustainability and reduction of light pollution. The Solution: Lighting Design Collective created environments that combine natural light with white and soft pastel hues reminiscent of neighboring structures. Public spaces create daylight and sunlight effects so that the use of artificial lighting during the day was minimized. At sunset, lighting with color begins to dramatize the moods of the environments within the Galleria. The tinted light concept is a subtle light strategy that is also an aid to wayfinding and creates vistas of color that differentiate between the various zones of the North Mall and the South Mall.

A characteristic common among

Burgas, itself, is an historical trading

Bulgaria, located on the Balkan

and manufacturing center first settled

climates, globally, is an exterior

Peninsula bordering the Black Sea,

by the ancient Thracians about

bathed in a rainbow of colors.

is no different in that respect. What

800 B.C. Highlights include nearby

From Miami to the French Riviera,

makes it stand out is that the rainbow

beaches and edifices that date

soft hues of coral, pink, lavender

of color is created using light.

back to the Byzantine Middle Ages.

and pale yellow blend with whitewashed stucco or siding.


The Galleria Burgas, in Burgas,

buildings in warm-weather

The shopping center is located a few kilometers from the city’s center.

Beyond its 500,000 residents, the city attracts an increasing number

Vistas of Color

of tourists from the U.K., Germany

Zara and Esprit plus local purveyors,

and soft pastel hues reminiscent of

internal avenue. Tapio Rosenius,

and Scandinavia. Therefore, the

a Carrefour supermarket, food

neighboring structures.

director of the Lighting Design

project’s developers wanted a facility

court, and a 10-screen multiplex.

that stood out.

That said, its lighting is perhaps

By Day...

at the design development phase

the marquee attraction. The vision

Designed in a traditional rectangular

to locate skylights throughout the

shoppers can choose from 100

of the Lighting Design Collective

layout by architects Studio 17.5,

public spaces to create daylight

fashion stores including branches

was to create environments that

two court spaces at opposite ends

and sunlight effects. For example,

of international chains such as

combined natural light with white

of the mall are linked by a looped

in the food court areas, circular

Constructed at a cost of $96 million,

Collective, worked with Studio 17.5


skylights are encircled by timber

By Night...

cones as both a decorative and

At sunset, lighting with color takes

functional feature, according to

over, dramatizing the moods of

Rosenius. This, of course, meant

different environments within the

the use of artificial lighting during

Galleria. Cold cathode is the main

the day was minimized. Where

source of illumination that back-

extra illumination is required, cove

lights 24-in.-deep Barrisol bands

lighting and recessed downlighting

that are positioned on the vertical

lamps, as well as asymmetric flood-

face of the bulkheads separating the

lights, are employed.

three levels. “These bands works on a twin-lamp system that combines yellow, orange, lavender, tangerine, and pink, with distinct patterns for each zone,” explains Rosenius.

The tinted light concept is a subtle light strategy that is also an aid to wayfinding. At the test site, we could observe how vistas of color differentiate between the various zones of the mall.

“In the south mall are gradients of orange, amber, and yellow. For the north mall, we used shades of pinks and purples.” To test their color theories, a mockup space was built in Madrid, LDC’s home base. Here, final decisions

U Lighting Design Collective collaborated with architects from Studio 17.5 at the

project’s design development phase to locate skylights throughout the public spaces that create daylight and sunlight effects. In the food court areas, circular skylights are encircled by timber cones as both a decorative and functional feature. Additional illumination is provided by triple-head recessed fixtures.

were made for color combinations


and gradients by Rosenius and his

the edge of the ceilings in both

lighting designers along with members

atriums are RGB LED floodlights

of a client facility team.

from Pro-Technical Bulgaria. “They

“It was here that we could we

the canopies that stretch across

theme as a key element of the

the space,” says Rosenius.

lighting concept,” Rosenius says.

Design Collective created environments that combine natural light with white and soft pastel hues reminiscent of the exteriors of neighboring structures. The use of artificial lighting during the day was minimized. Where additional illumination is required, cove lighting and recessed downlighting are employed.

Visitor interactivity with

“The tinted light concept is a subtle

lighting and space is a feature of

light strategy that is also an aid

the atrium in the Cinema Court.

to wayfinding. At the test site, we

Martin’s MAC350 Encounter LED

could observe how vistas of color

moving head features are pre-

differentiate between the various

programmed, using LightJockey

zones of the north mall and the

control software timed to mimic

south mall.”

visitors’ movements. Chase

Cold cathode was also used for

U For the interior of the three-level Galleria Burgas, in Burgas, Bulgaria, Lighting

create large-scale wash effects on

could evaluate the ‘transition’

sequences are played throughout

the indirect ceiling cove in the mall’s

the day. For sequences that produce

public spaces. Manufacturer and

patterns on the ground level floor,

supplier was Kemps Architectural.

children are encouraged to follow

The company was also responsible

the pools of light as they move

for the acrylic square fitting with a

around the space.

central Philips 6-watt LED installed

For the exterior entrance canopies,

on the main elevator tower. Around

programmed LEDs from Pro-Technica


change effects during the evening. The sequence can be adapted to emphasize holidays and special events—all part of the flexibility LDC designed into the system. “The operator can transform key public areas quickly and inexpensively using the existing backlit surfaces, moving light projectors, and colorchanging lights.” Award Winner Galleria Burgas was awarded Building of the Year 2012 in the Commercial Buildings category in the competition held under the auspices of the Ministry of Regional Development with the support of professional Bulgarian architecture and construction organizations. At the award

U Cold cathode is the main source of illumination that backlights 24-in.-deep Barrisol bands positioned on the vertical face

of the bulkheads separating the three levels. The bands utilize a twin-lamp system that combines yellow, orange, lavender, tangerine, and pink, with distinct patterns for each zone. In the South Mall are gradients of orange, amber, and yellow. In the North Mall are shades of pinks and purples.

ceremony, LDC’s lighting plan was


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Circle 13

particularly commended for “…the implementation of a contemporary architectural lighting concept that achieves a unique atmosphere for the visitors and additional value to the shopping experience.” Burgas’ development goal is to achieve the status as one of the greenest cities in Bulgaria, and the project certainly helped fulfill that desire. Lighting for the galleria, for example, meets LEED Gold rating for sustainability and reduction of light pollution. The project was also cited as being built entirely with eco- and environmentally friendly building materials, delivered mainly from the region. The building has an envelope of high-insulation glass to reduce heat loads and a 38,000 sq. ft. green roof that increases the insulation qualities of the building. Deal Closer Rosenius reports positive feedback from users and mall management. “We are great believers in the emotional power of light and color. For Galleria Burgas, our objective was on the experiential quality of the space. These buildings are lifestyle merchandising environments. The lighting program provides a backdrop that makes shoppers feel comfortable—an important element

U Around the edge of the ceilings in both the north and south atriums are RGB LED floodlights that create large-scale wash

effects. Lighting for Galleria Burgas meets the LEED Gold rating for sustainability and reduction of light pollution. Galleria Burgas was named Commercial Building of the Year 2012 in the award program sponsored by the Ministry of Regional Development of Bulgaria.

in the project’s success.”•


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The Detroit Transportation Company is testing a proposition that a combination of color and light will be a model to give the city’s 26-year-old People Mover a contemporary visual boost. It is testing its theory at the Millender Station stop, located in the Millender Center, a 33-story mixeduse residential, office center, and retail/hotel complex. With the new wall-to-ceiling design of pairs of LED tubes, the station’s light show is visible on the top floor of the five-level glassenclosed corner podium structure. The Detroit People Mover is an elevated, light rail system that serves a 2.9-mile, 13-station route in downtown Detroit. It opened in June, 1987 to provide convenient transportation for residents working and living in the center city district and for tourists. Comprised of two linked driverless trains, an automated system guides it on a single set of tracks along its route, stopping for passengers at predetermined platforms. It is one of five urban “people mover” systems built for U.S. cities. The other four are in Miami; Jacksonville; Irving, Texas; and Morgantown, W.Va. Overhead track systems operating in Seattle and Las Vegas are monorails that use more and larger passenger cars for their trains. Managers from the Detroit Transportation Corp., which owns and operates the People Mover, had observed the ridership holding at a rate well below planned capacity. They voted on a plan to enliven the station interiors, starting with an artistic lighting installation at the Millender Station. Light art for public transit has been gaining favor in recent years in urban areas.

ABOVE: The Detroit Transportation Corporation has initiated a program to boost ridership of its 26-year-old downtown People Mover system. For the glass-enclosed Millender Station, located within the mixed use Millender Building, its interior space has a new art-inspired LED lighting installation that communicates a lively, contemporary image.

New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority incorporated light art for two of its most recently renovated stations, at 96th St. and Broadway and at Columbus Circle. The Pershing Square station

Images: Kevin Boswick

of the Los Angeles subway system features examples of such works in neon.




THE CHALLENGE: Comprised of two linked driverless trains, the Detroit People Mover is an automated system stopping for passengers at predetermined platforms. With ridership operating at well below planned capacity, the Detroit Transportation Co. (DTC) needed to boost awareness of the People Mover and integrate it into the city’s day-intoevening activities. THE SOLUTION: At the Millender Station stop, located in the Millender Center, a 33-story mixed-use complex, the station’s interior now glows with a new wallto-ceiling design of pairs of LED tubes, a light show that is visible on the top floor of the fivelevel glass-enclosed corner podium structure. PROJECT CREDITS:

Client: Detroit Transportation Co. Architect: Steven C. Flum, Inc., Detroit Lighting Design: Barbara Bouyea, Washington Depot, Conn. PRODUCTS:

Traxon: Weather-resistant Media Tube RGB in custom lengths. Color-changing Graze XB RGB and Graze XB e:cue: Lighting Control Engine (LCE-fx) and Butler XT.

MAKING COMMUTING MORE PLEASANT Traxon’s Graze XB RGB and Graze SB Warm White LED tubes introduce a visual identity to the Millender Station. The color shifting patterns are controlled by e-cue’s Lighting Control Engine LCE-fx and the Butler XT.

Warm White.

Design for the Millender Station installation

fx (LCE-fx) and Butler XT. When needed, DPM

was a collaboration between architect Steven C.

staff can remotely reprogram the system for

Flum, Inc., and lighting designer Barbara Bouyea,

events and holidays.

Washington Depot, Conn. Traxon and e:cue’s

At present, the People Mover costs $0.75 per

lighting and control products were used to create

ride. The fare, increased by $0.25 last December,

an illuminated display at this prominent station

had been in place since the system opened. It

that was integrated with the geometry of the

carries approximately 7,000 riders daily, about

Center’s architecture and scale on the cityscape.

one-tenth of its designed capacity. Public and

Traxon’s weather-resistant Media Tube RGB

private efforts have been working to lift the pall

was produced in custom lengths and mounted

on the Detroit economy that the city has suffered

in pairs to the dominant slanted surface that

in the past decade.

extends from the top of the main wall to form

A major investment in center city Detroit was

the ceiling of the waiting area, creating an

announced in March by Village Green, a Detroit-

illuminated mural. Color-changing Graze XB

based real estate company that purchased

RGB and Graze XB Warm White from Traxon

Millender Center promising a major upgrading

were installed along the glass station enclosure,

of the facility. The new LED lighting at Millender

adding dimensional interest to the walkway and

Center can be considered a bright spot in the

creating a gallery-like atmosphere.

city’s revitalization. The system’s hoped-for in-

To manage the shifting illumination patterns, Bouyea specified e:cue’s Lighting Control Engine


COLOR BOOST Detroit’s People Mover is an elevated, driverless light rail system that extends for 2.9 miles on a 13-station route. As part of the city’s downtown revitalization program, Detroit is upgrading the stations. For the Millender Station, the design was a collaboration between architect Steven C. Flum Inc. and lighting designer Barbara Bouyea.

crease in ridership could be a new chapter in the classic tale, “The Little Train That Could.”•

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By Nate Heiking, Advaced Lighting Project Manager, Kenall Lighting

Better than L70 for Interior Spaces? An L90 lumen maintenance point sounds great on paper—but what should we really expect from the technology?

Those of us who have been pushing solid-state lighting for the past six-

at a 25°C ambient and a T5HO at 35°C. The problem is, the luminaire

plus years are used to preaching about its high-efficiency, fine optical

enclosure, surrounding optics and environmental ambient rarely, if

control and expected lifetimes greater than anything else available.

ever, keep the lamp even close to these temperatures. A brand-new

Why? Whether it's an A-lamp or area light, manufacturers need to

fluorescent troffer or suspended direct-indirect could, in fact, begin its

communicate the intrinsic benefit of asking for the 2× to 20× premium

life well below L90, but this fact can be hidden in relative photometry.

over the incumbent technology. Outdoor lighting specifications, which

Here's another question to consider—did anyone care or even notice?

have been predominantly based on HID sources, are quite rapidly

The temperature dependency of LED sources is why absolute

changing to SSL because a solid ROI can be communicated on those

photometry is specified by IESNA LM-79. It certainly provides for more

three aspects. It’s a tougher case for SSL in conditioned interior

accurate light output from the luminaire, but it is not without its own

applications where the efficient—and inexpensive—linear fluorescent

demons that will be problematic for a legitimate L90 specification—

is currently king. SSL manufacturers rely on efficiency gains over

that necessary evil known as binning. Despite the diligent efforts of

fluorescent luminaires as the primary value proposition. However, a

LED manufacturers to control their processes from die fabrication to

rumbling of lumen maintenance claims as high as L90 are beginning to

packaging, all LEDs have some variation in terms of chromaticity and

emanate from lighting manufacturers in an effort to add value to interior

flux that must be tested and quantitatively grouped—or binned—into

SSL products. Is this all smoke and mirrors, or is there legitimate value

a predetermined range of values. This range is usually a 10% to 14%

for a L90 lifetime specification?

variation on flux. The luminaire manufacturer then procures the LEDs to that binning specification, which will contain discrete LEDs of all values in-between. On top of that, every LED manufacturer claims a

Solid-state lighting manufacturers rely on efficiency gains over fluorescent luminaires as the primary value proposition. However, a rumbling of lumen maintenance claims as high as L90 are beginning to emanate from lighting manufacturers in an effort to add value.

measurement tolerance of 5% to 7.5% on their flux measurement. All of this potential variation together means it’s very possible that a brand new LED luminaire will leave the factory well below L90. Whether or not the products ship out of the factory at full output or below L90, there is a high probability that it will not be caught and relamped. Why? Because the only approved method for assessing LED luminous flux will be to test each product in an integrating sphere by

LED lifetime for general lighting applications is traditionally defined

a laboratory that's certified to conduct LM-79 testing. To that extent,

as the L70 lumen maintenance point, at which time the light output

products will likely not even undergo a re-lamping at L70 since it’s

has depreciated 30% from its original value. The industry settled upon

still not to a point where users will find the lighting uncomfortable, let

this point for defining lifetime because it represented the threshold of

alone any clear indication that end-of-life has been reached. Lumen

the human eye for detecting reductions in light output. Was this a little

maintenance is not a definite point in time that can be marked with a

overzealous? Probably, but the community needed something. At least

calendar—it’s a function heavily dependent on tens, if not hundreds, of

with L70, there would be a perception of depreciation, although over

variables not accounted for in any end-of-life projection.

the five-plus years of operation, it would be difficult to detect. Should

L90 sounds really appealing on paper, whether it’s LED or fluorescent,

L90 ever be adopted, it means that end-of-life is essentially being

especially within the game that is specification lighting. When initial

declared before the eye can ever see a difference! Ironic indeed.

output and end-of-life lie so closely together and warranties are

Admittedly, this is not new. L90 is clearly in response to the newer

established around those qualities, that manufacturer is accepting a very

800 series T8 lamps that are claiming L90+ lumen maintenance over

high degree of risk in order to capture a bit of attention. Manufacturers

40,000 hour-plus periods. The question to ask, however, is whether

can’t be faulted for that, but let’s have a realistic expectation of what the

this should this be the benchmark. Keep in mind that these values are

technology is capable of providing and make sure there is actual value

really only possible on a benchtop. A T8 lamp produces its peak lumens

provided that offsets the risk. After all, this isn’t uncharted territory.•






OCTOBER 23 & 24, 2013

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*A $50 registration fee will be charged on the show-site for qualified attendees who have not pre-registered online. Non-exhibiting suppliers/manufacturers will be charged a $150 entry fee during online registration/$175 at the door. Non-sponsoring lighting-agency reps will not be admitted.

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Circle 16

By Kevin Willmorth, editor

Assessment of Advanced Solid State Lighting Released in April, this new report offers plenty of clear, useful insight.

Released this Spring, the Assessment of Advanced Solid State Lighting—

unfair comparisons to prove a foregone conclusion. None of this is

by the Committee on Assessment of Solid-State Lighting; Board of

apparent in this study. In review of the content and its organization, it

Energy and Environmental Systems; Division on Energy and Physical

is apparent the reader will be provided a very clear and realistic vision

Sciences; National Research Council—offers some insights in assessing

of the state of solid-state lighting as of the time of its publication.

the status of solid-state technologies in lighting markets. The 141-page report is broken down into six content sections,

In my opinion, this is a perfect foundation for understanding the market and the technology that applies, helpful to those new entrants

concluding with a seventh “findings and recommendations" section.

with no previous knowledge, as well as to veterans of the market, who

Each section includes “findings” and “recommendations” pertinent to

tend to lose objectivity from being too close to the subject.

that specific sectional topic. Section three will be of particular interest to anyone looking for a basic understanding of solid-state technologies, including LED and OLED forms. Section four is a comprehensive review of retrofit lamps and solid-state lighting products, while section five explores applications of the technology.

In review of this report's content and organization, it is apparent the reader will get a clear, realistic vision of the state of solid-state lighting at the time of its publication. This is a perfect foundation for understanding the market.

Content Highlights The report opens with a look at electrical system efficiencies, from power generation to light delivery, as well as a review of lighting

The only criticism one might have of the content is that it tends, like

system efficacies with all system components contributing to

many scholarly efforts, to lean heavily on data points and metrics, at

performance losses. In the lighting basics section, color and lamp

the cost of underestimating and understating subjective issues that

form factors are described.

drive market adoption. This is an unfortunate, but understandable

Section two, The "History of Public Policy on Lighting," will be of

oversight, considering the intent and purpose of the report.

interest to anyone looking into the emergence of various publically funded programs and departments, including the entry of the DOE.

The Report in General

This is a comprehensive and interesting inclusion, adding depth and

In all, this is an impressive and welcome document for the solid-state

insight into where many of the related programs originated from, and

lighting market. The contributing members involved in this report

how they compare to others already in place. This section includes

includes an impressive list of lighting professionals, industry experts,

legislative and regulatory (code) forms of policy.

manufacturers, academics and utility members from a broad spectrum

The actual assessment sections, numbered three through six, are

of locations and interests. The writing is also well done, making it an

well considered and concise, with a great deal of information delivered

interesting read with very little of the tedious preachiness that technical

within reach of most anyone involved in lighting. Of particular interest

documents often suffer from. The recommendations and findings

is the section six assessment of the lagging role the United States is

encompass a wide range of unresolved issues surrounding the continued

playing in deployment of SSL, while Japan is leading in both technology

deployment of SSL, guiding anyone interested into participating in

deployment and research. Further, section six defines several barriers

future deployment efforts.

in the SSL value chain, as well as other development issues, such as

The specific tasks of the committees involved in completing this

standards development. Section seven is a summary of the findings

report included the review of Development of SSL Technology and

and recommendations shown in the previous six sections.

Products; discussion of SSL Future Impacts; and a Study of Implications, which includes recommendations to the DOE for future action. This

My Take

report is a requirement of the Energy Independence Act of 2007, and

Many studies of this type tend to be overly technical, or lack objectivity

includes the requirement that it be updated in 2015.

due to predisposition of the body initiating the study in the first place. This can include presentation of overly optimistic assessments or


View the full report at•

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Circle 16

Circle 17

Product Introductions

Get Into the Zone Specifically designed to integrate with Armstrong’s TechZone ceiling systems (though they’ll install in virtually any grid ceiling), Focal Point Lighting’s Avenue series of fixture families now are available in LED versions that create a continuous glow across their linear profiles. The luminaires are available in 3000K, 3500K and 4000K color temperatures. ´ Visit or Circle 291.

Application of LEDs in arrays offers opportunities to generate exactly the amount of light desired in specific directions.

1 In Tune with the Times Drawing on the iconic shape of a spare and simple tuning fork, Modern Forms’ Forq sconces incorporate glass diffusers that seal in replaceable LED modules with a minimal extension from the wall. The fixture is dimmable and is wet listed. ´ Visit or Circle 292.

2 White Light The Winona Lighting BLANCA white LED luminaires are available for spot, flood, linear surface and linear cove applications. Four color temperatures are available, as are multiple distribution options. All are IP66 rated to weather the elements. ´ Visit or Circle 293.

3 Form That Follows Function The rectangular shape of the Argos fixture derives from the optimal format for LEDs on a PCB for the best thermal-to-surface-area ratios. This 25W luminaire from WAC Lighting delivers up to 1525 lumens, with a fixture efficacy of 60 lumens/watt. Available in several lighting distributions, color temperatures and finishes. ´ Visit or Circle 294.


Product Introductions

Spotlight on History

The ability to rotate on three axes made LEC’s 4040M spotlight a great choice for lighting the historic tunnels of Nimes, France.

Photo: Vincent Formica

The 4040M spotlight from LEC brought its unique ability to rotate on three axes to the historic tunnels of Nimes, France, as part of a larger project to update roadways and walkways in the ancient city. Available in stainless steel and anodized aluminum, the fixtures also can be dimmed when ordered with a 24V power supply. ´ Visit or Circle 295.

4 Two Loops Are Better Than One The Wattstopper LMLS-600 photosensor is designed for use in automatic daylighting control in skylight applications and includes both an openloop sensor to detect daylight contribution and a closed-loop sensor to read ambient light levels. The unit also recalibrates itself every night to adapt to reflectance changes in the space. ´ Visit or Circle 296.

5 High-Lumen Downlights Sapphire Series downlights from Nora Lighting incorporate deep, architectural-grade reflectors in a range of contemporary finishes and are available in 2700K, 3000K and 4000K color temperatures for use in commercial and architectural applications. ´ Visit or Circle 297.

6 A Better Reflection Angela (for spot fixtures) and Angelina (downlights) are two new reflector families offered by LEDiL, and are designed for Zhaga-compliant solderless connectors that support chips-on-board (COB) products from more than 10 major manufacturers. ´ Visit or Circle 298.


Product Introductions

Improved Output MaxLite WallMax Wall Pack fixtures have been upgraded with new optics to increase both light output and efficacy. Lumen packages now produce approximately 30% more illumination, with individual fixture improvements ranging from 500 to 1,000 lm each. The 30W, 40W and 60W fixtures can replace 150W to 250W metal halide units, and are sealed using shatter-resistant borosilicate glass lenses and corrosion-proof housings. ´ Visit or Circle 299.

Solid state creates an opportunity to integrate leading-edge control and smart technology from Bluetooth to wireless.

1 Get Networked Sensity Systems presents the Light Sensory Network, a new way for building and facility managers to create networked lighting systems when they convert to LED lighting. The systems embed networking technology and sensors within LED luminaires, consolidating controls. ´ Visit or Circle 300.

2 Easy-Access Drivers ERG Lighting’s SLD, XLD and XLA series of GenLume LED drivers offer output power ranging from 18W to 200W and include easy-to-install wiring compartments that eliminate the need for a J-box. ´ Visit or Circle 301.

3 Flat Expression The Axenia LC flat-panel downlights offered by Zenaro Lighting are less than ½-in. deep, providing general lighting in a range of commercial applications. Available in standard recessed ceiling-fixture sizes, and in wattages ranging from 30W to 75W, the luminaires can be specified with color temperatures of 4000K or 5000K. ´ Visit or Circle 302.


Product Introductions

Designed for Tight Fits The Ultra-narrow Slimline LED modules from Universal Lighting Technologies are just 0.73 in. wide for squeezing into narrow sconce, troffer and cove applications, and feature connectors on both ends allowing both serial and parallel configurations. The 6-, 12-, and 18-in.-long modules are each available in two lumen packages and in color temperatures ranging from 3000K to 5000K. ´ Visit or Circle 303.

Barriers slowing new SSL forms include lack of a business model and infrastructure for support of on-demand development.

4 What the “H” Samsung Electronics’ H-Series linear LED modules are Zhaga-compliant and feature 145 lumen/watt luminous efficacy and a color temperature of 5000K. The series includes four types of modules, each with a different form factor and luminous flux, to suit varying applications. ´ Visit or Circle 304.

5 Micro Footprint The LUXEON Z ES emitter from Philips Lumileds offers optical control in the smallest available footprint. The emitter’s undomed design can mean better optical coupling and greater luminance at narrower beam angles. ´ Visit or Circle 305.

6 New Canopy Option The Cree CPY250 series of canopy and soffit fixtures can cut energy use by 75%, vs. the standard metal halide systems it’s designed to replace, which could mean a payback period of less than two years. Units are available with either a flat lens, or a prismatic drop lens, shown here. ´ Visit or Circle 306.





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Circle 13



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Circle 03





Circle 19







Circle 14



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08, 10, 12


Circle 15



Circle 18



Circle 12



Circle 02



Circle 01

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Circle 07, 09

11, 13


Circle 05



Circle 10


EDITORIAL PREVIEW: We span the globe taking a look at light as art and how SSL is helping make it happen. Three exhibits by pioneering light artist James Turrell, including a prominent one at the Guggenheim in New York (pictured at the right), are running simultaneously across the U.S. Halfway around the world, 800,000 people participated in the 18-day Vivid Sydney event in Australia. Look for more inspirational creations in the Topics at the Front feature. In the Market Setting Feature, Kevin Willmorth tackles the question of why wait?—at least when it comes to making the jump to adopting SSL. We’ll also take a look at the creative lighting of the new Intermix retail store in New York, where almost invisible LED sources help illuminate a major architectural component in this former meatpacking operation. Plus new products, news, and a look at mitigating flicker in AC-powered LEDs.





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By Kevin Willmorth

The Fun Factor Unquestionably, there are, and will be, many serious moments in the journey into solid state. But without a little fun, the trip may be all for naught. John Irving, the author of The World According to Garp, once said “Life is serious, but art is fun!”

lighting companies forecast to attain $100MM

separate inside/outside control of its impossible

in sales within 5 years’ time. It was hard to stop

luminous shape. How can anyone come up with

laughing long enough to breathe, so that was

that and not have fun?

fun—too bad the 2008 economic mess shut the

Even giant-sized Acuity is having fun with its

party down. All those wasted PowerPoint slides,

OLED lighting design center—a collection of

all that venture cap evaporated away. Current

arrangements using OLED sources to create

projections are more realistic, not as much fun,

form and fill. At Lightfair I also ran into an old

but at least I can get through meetings without

colleague who’s now the head designer at Manning

giggling. Oh, the good old days…

Lighting; He’s having fun with the company’s

Over the last seven years I have fried, blown,

DigitalSpeck line, multiple winners in this past

I can relate to that, as it certainly fits my own

popped, fused and melted many LEDs. That’s

Spring’s PIA awards program. They’re using a

experience in lighting, where the work of design

more fun than it sounds, since each incident

novel approach to edge lighting in unique planar

and execution of it is serious, but the art of it all

was followed by an “Ouch… oh… so that’s how

versions of familiar forms.

is a complete gas.

that works” moment. In 2010 I did the “52 in 52”

While there are times when it seems like

Fun is unquestionably the key. I frankly forgot

project and had a lot of fun. It was an interesting

about it, and after 25-some odd years in the

everything is too serious, the last couple of

journey through dozens of LED platforms. I

business, lighting became stale and I started

years have been fun for a lot of reasons. First

learned a ton from it, which is always fun. In

looking elsewhere for other ways of making a

off, it’s great fun to see technology disruptions

2011 and 2012, I took time to learn new skills,

living. Then solid-state lighting broke out and it

cause widespread mayhem. LEDs have caused

add some tools, focus on customer fun, and to

renewed that spark. It turns out I enjoy this

more conversation, discussion and committee

make Tasca, a new LED task light company.

business more than anyone would ever guess.

meetings than any other technology before it.

But I’m not the only one having a ball. Max

I like light itself, the process of creating new

More defenses have been raised, cages rattled

Gunawan certainly is, in having brought the

things, and writing about it. But that’s the key—

and hands wrung over this technology than any

Lumio book to light (as featured last issue in

the fun of learning and exploring conceals the

other, save the day Edison shook things up with

the Buzz section). His “light” book’s origami-like

seriousness of it all. It’s a formula that still works

his electric bulb.

pages create a soft, ambient glow, yet generate

for me seven years into this SSL journey.•

It’s also been fun to see new technology

500 lumens. Its “binding” also allows the light

providers jump into the deep end with all the

source to stand open at any angle. I also like that

confidence that money can buy—so many new

it’s cordless and re-charges with a USB connector.

ideas, new words and equally crazy projections.

Another product that must have been fun to

For example, did you hear the one where the U.S.

develop is the Theory by Focal Point. It’s one of


lighting market was going to grow to $110B in

those designs that elicits the “How does it work?”

Kevin Willmorth, a lighting expert and fixture designer,

five years? I laughed, I cried, then laughed some

reaction when first seeing it. Digging deeper, I

has been instrumental in helping create a vision and

more. I personally saw projections of start-up

found that it delivers over 3000 lumens, with

mission statement for Architectural SSL.


Superior Efficacy & Color Rendering NSpec Sapphire Series High Lumen LED Downlights The Sapphire Series by NSpec includes 4", 6" and 8" apertures with 850, 1250, 2000 and 3000 lumen packages. All fixtures feature Cree LEDs and Cree LED drivers for reliable performance. They are available in 2700, 3000 and 4000K temperatures and are cULus listed. The dimmable units are specifiable in 120V or 277V for commercial jobs of all sizes and offer dedicated EM housing back-ups for new construction and remodel applications. Deep architectural grade reflectors are standard and provide exceptional visual and optical cut-offs. Reflectors are available in a range of contemporary finishes.

Circle 18


w w w. n o r a l i g h t i n g . c o m

Wireless Adjustable Aiming & Dimming. This is Kim Lighting. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Kim Lighting is under license.

Circle 19

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