Architectural SSL - May 2022

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ARCHITECTURAL SSL • Chronicling the Advancement of LEDs in the Built Environment

ARCHITECTURAL ILLUMINATION MATTERS The demands of the educational environment are changing, but the thoughtful and innovative use of lighting can achieve the latest design objectives. From wayfinding to wow, three profiled projects showcase new ways that lighting and light art can support student needs. [ PAGE 18 ]

AT THE FRONT Explore the many ways that lighting connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) can benefit students, administrators, and staff. DESIGNER INSIGHTS Michael Barber, Principal, The Lighting Practice explains his approach to the union of architecture and light throughout an educational setting.

SSL ADVANCES Check out some of the latest lighting creations from Studio M, Original BTC, Lodes, Gabriel Scott, Aurora Lampworks and more.

SSL PROFILE Tour the ancient ruins of the Domus Aurea in Rome, now lit to recreate an original experience and withstand harsh elements.

NUMBER 68 • MAY 2022

A LESSON IN LIGHTING Powel SLAMS K-8 school project balances form and function with academic lighting design rooted in practicality.

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