INCARNATION 8220 W. HILLSBOROUGH AVE. • TAMPA, FLORIDA 33615 5124 Gateway Drive (mailing address) • Fax: (813) 884-3624 Clergy - 813-885-7861
Father Michael Suszynski, Pastor Father Diego Ossa, Parochial Vicar Father Jose George, Parochial Vicar Deacon Joseph Krzanowski Deacon Frank Julian Deacon Pablo Maldonado
Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm Phone: 813- 885-7861
The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2011
Staff - 813-885-7861 Paul Hunter Parish Business Administrator Joseph Griffith Facility Manager Irene Martinez Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Silvia Rivera Receptionist/ Asst Editor Donal Noonan Music Director Carmen Cayon Director of Faith Formation
Faith Formation Office - 813-887-5110 Philomena Johnson Grades Pk-5 & First Communion
MASS SCHEDULE Brian Greenfield Youth Director Grades 6-12 & Confirmation
Incarnation School - 813 884-4502 Mr. Michael Zelenka, Principal Mrs. Diane Doyle & Mrs. Stephanie Stahl
Assistant Principals
Monday through Friday - 7am & 8:30am
Misas en Español:
Saturday - 8:30 am & 4:30pm (Vigil)
Cada domingo a la 1:30pm
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am (signed), 12pm
Cada viernes a las 6:30 pm
DEVOTIONS: Morning Prayer Group: Liturgy of the Hours Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. from 8:10am - 8:25am First Friday Adoration following the 8:30 am Mass until 6:15pm Rosary every Thursday at 11:30am in the chapel Rosario en español cada jueves a las 7:00pm en la capilla
Incarnation Casino Night February 12, 2011
Event Underwriter
January 2, 2011
MONDAY - JANUARY 3 - THE MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. (SI) Roger and Dilia Fernandez Michael and Kate Caballero TUESDAY - JANUARY 4 - ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON, RELIGIOUS 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +Bennett V. Wheeler Martin Butler WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 5 - ST. JOHN NEUMANN, BISHOP 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. VOCATIONS THURSDAY - JANUARY 6 - BLESSED ANDRÉ BESSETTE, RELIGIOUS 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +Bennett V. Wheeler Martin Butler FRIDAY - JANUARY 7 - ST. RAYMOND OF PEÑAFORT, PRIEST 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. +Deceased Members of Novoa Family Fernandez Family SATURDAY - JANUARY 8 8:30 A.M. +Manuel and +Bertha Thomas Sandy Palermo 4:30 P.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION SUNDAY - JANUARY 9 - BAPTISM OF THE LORD 7:30 A.M. +Rene Specht Zac Family 9:00 A.M. +Jim and +Jean O’Neill 9:00AM Ushers 10:30 A.M. +Michael Dorney Norma, Marie and Rose 12:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. +Hipolito Goris Wife and Children
SACRIFICIAL GIFTS OF TREASURE OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish. Weekly Target.....................................................$23,000.00 12/19/2010 Offertory Donations...........................$20,783.50 12/26/2010 Offertory Donation ............................$13,886.92 Christmas..............................................................$32,527.50 RENOVATION & BUILDING FUND (Second Collection) is used solely to pay the monthly principal and interest obligation on our Church Renovation Loan and to fund repairs and updates to our Church building. 12/19/2010 Renovation Donations ........................ $ 1,952.00 12/26/2010 Renovation Donations ........................ $ 1,513.00 Christmas Renovation Donations ........................ $ 796.00 12/19/2010 Tuition Assistance ............................. $ 38.50 12/26/2010 Tuition Assistance .............................. $ 114.00 12/19/2010 Helping Hand ..................................... $ 1,236.00 12/26/2010 Helping Hand ..................................... $ 1,080.00
Sick Prayer List: New names appear in bold. Other than critical or terminal conditions, the names will remain on this list for 30 days. Please help us keep our prayer list current. If you would like to add a name, e-mail Silvia Rivera at: or call the office. Please pray also for our parishioners who are in hospitals, nursing homes and our shut ins. Paul W. Allaert Diego Noel Alvarado Linda Alvarez Bertha Aquino Joseph Basile Claudia Beran Elaine Brandl Alex Cadawan Virginia Calvo Danielle Cansa Zayas Jana Casarez Linda Casarez Lydia Colon Olga Cora Dionna Cortes Lea Ann Cote Bob Cramer Hank Cramer Jacqueline Cramer Alice Daly Ernest Davis Steve Delgado Delores Delikat Lorraine Dodson Dan Duet Dylan Edward Bertha Fyda Evelyn Garcia
Sheila Gildea Maria Gonzalez Paula Hague Patrick Hardy Wendy Hardy Steven Harman Linda Henderson Carolyn Humphrey Rodrigo Jurado Colleen Kramer Mimi Kuhla Mary Larkin Pratt Lutz Louis Mastroianni Matthew T. McLane Pat McMahon Bill Meagher Marie Mendez Pedro Menendez Lois Mescall E. D. Miller Noah Nero Mary E. O’Brien Robert Owens Maria A. Patton Rondon Paul Idelbrando Perez Dolores Peterson
CPL Daniel Uribe, Afghanistan 1LT Brian Hoffman, Afghanistan SPC Robert Caruso, Iraq PFC Daniel Van Evera, Kuwait SSGT Angelique Vazquez, Qatar LCPL Almoris E. Lugo, Jr. PD2 Vincent Lloyd, Iraq MAJ Sean D. Smith, Iraq
Lydia Quesada Feliciano Ramos Dolores Resendez Geraldine Richards Zoila Rivas Aida Rivera Gabriel Rivera Carleigh Rodriguez Minerva Rodriguez Jason Saez Arturo Sanchez Humberto Sanchez Gene Sheridan Noah Spivey Yolie Stepp Pat Sullivan Janet Taylor Bridget Thompson Rhoda Toscano Maryellen Turgeon Chase Weadock Judy Williams Selwyn Williams Steven Yudicky John Carlo Velez Bridget Vitto
SGT Stephen Banks, Iraq CPT Leo Daab, MD, Iraq CPT Raymundo Resendez PFC James Blackwelder, Afghanistan Terry Stegman, Afghanistan
Thank you to Buds, Blooms & Beyond, Floral & Gift Shop for their donations of flower arrangements for our Weekend Liturgies. Visit them at 11234 W. Hillsborough. Ph. # 813-818-9600
January 2, 2011
The Epiphany of the Lord
Faith Formation Team Director of Faith Formation & R.C.I.A. Carmen Cayon 813-885-7861 Grades Pre K - 5 & First Communion Philomena Johnson 813-887-5110 Grades 6-12 Confirmation & Youth Ministry Brian Greenfield 813-887-5110
RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
ADULT FAITH FORMATION Any adult who has already been Baptized and received First Holy Communion in the Catholic faith, but has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation please contact Carmen at 885-7861 or e-mail no later than January 3, 2011.
Inquiry Sessions will begin every Monday night at 7:30pm in the parish conference room in January. If you are interested in finding out about entering the Catholic faith, please join us for our informal gatherings where we invite questions and develop a relationship with Christ. For more information call Carmen 885-7861 or email:
SMALL FAITH COMMUNITIES Our parish will begin forming a team of individuals who are interested in helping our parish establish Small Faith Communities. If you are an active Catholic adult and are willing to be formed as a Small Faith Community Leader in our parish, please contact Carmen.
If you are an active Catholic adult who feels called to develop their own faith life by establishing a relationship with a person who is preparing to become a member of our Catholic Church, please contact Carmen. We are always in need of Bilingual male and female Catholic sponsors and catechists for the RCIA process. Dare to be transformed!
Bible Study Groups will formally begin in January 2011 Please see calendar below for different study times and topics and contact Carmen for more information. Have you ever considered Bible Study?
Do you want to better understand the readings at Mass?
In January our Parish will offer the following Bible Study programs: Topic
Length of Study
Acts of Apostles 20 weeks Monday evening 7 to 9:00 pm 40.00 Join Existing Group ____________________________________ Classroom One___________________________________________________________ Quick Journey through 8 weeks Tuesday evening 7 to 9:00 pm 25.00 New Group Conference Room_________________________________________________________ The Bible______________________________ Acts of Apostles 20 weeks Wednesday morning 9:30 to 11:30 am 40.00 Join Existing Group ______________________________________ Conference Room__________________________________________________________ Church History (EPIC) 40 weeks Wednesday evening 7 to 9:00 pm 40.00 Join Existing Group ______________________________________ Conference Room__________________________________________________________ Introduction to the Bible 8 weeks Thursday evening 7 to 9:00 pm 15.00 New Group (Little Rock Series) Media Center _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Acts of Apostles 8 weeks Sunday morning 10 to 11:30 am 40.00 Join Existing Group ______________________________________ Conference Room_________________________________________________________ (Spanish) Sunday afternoon 12 to 1:00 pm Join Existing Group ______________________________________ St. Patrick’s______________________________________________________________ (Spanish) Thursday evening 7 to 9:00 pm Join Existing Group ______________________________________ St. Patrick’s______________________________________________________________ Study groups are facilitated by parish trained catechists. Costs cover individual workbook and materials. Scholarships are available. Programs will commence the week starting Sunday, January 9, 2011 Register today by calling 885-7861 or There will also be summer programs to be announced at a later date. LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUR FAITH! JESUS WANTS YOU CLOSER TO HIM!
The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2011 They opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. — Matthew 2:11b
LIGHT OF THE WORLD Epiphany can be understood as an extension of the Nativity of the Lord that we celebrate on December 25. While at Christmas we celebrate Jesus’ coming as the longawaited king and Messiah of the Jewish people, on Epiphany we celebrate the revelation that Jesus is the Savior and Light of all nations—Jews, Gentiles, and all people. The star shines so brightly that it attracts magi who come from far distant countries to worship Jesus. They are not Jews, yet they are drawn to the Light of the World. The letter to the Ephesians reveals that the Light of the World was for the Gentiles as well as the Jews—Christ gathers all people into the light of his love. The reading from Isaiah also describes a gathering of diverse peoples, but this time it is to the light that emanates from the people of God. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Jn 3:22-30 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Ps 29; Acts 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17
Casino Night 2011 is seeking sponsors and donations for the much needed RESTORATION OF ST. MICHAEL'S HALL. Parishioners who have a business that might benefit from the advertising should consider one of several levels of sponsorship: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. For information on individual donations or sponsorships please contact either Connie Hennessey at 813-884-8326 or Mary Conte at 813-818-9600.
FEAST OF FAITH The Liturgy of Emmanuel The assembly has gathered from near and far, on foot, by bus, by car, by subway, singly and by twos and threes: single people, couples, families. Now that movement is ritualized and made visible in the liturgy’s entrance procession. We are not alone on this journey; Christ is with us. The procession is led by the cross, with the image of Christ upon it. Candles, signs of a living presence, are carried around the cross. Candles also accompany the Book of the Gospels, another sign of Emmanuel, God-with-us. The priest presider is likewise a sign of Christ’s presence in our assembly; he will act in persona Christi, in the person of Christ, who presides at every Eucharist. As the procession begins, we stand and sing together in our first act as a community. The joining of our voices begins to turn many into one. The songs we sing range from ancient chants to contemporary hymns, but they have the same purpose, to foster our unity and turn our thoughts to the mysteries we gather to celebrate. We may feel that we can’t sing well, but “Christ always invites us to enter into song, to rise above our own preoccupations, and to give our entire selves to the hymn of his Paschal Sacrifice” (USCCB, Sing to the Lord, 14). —Corinna Laughlin, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Hyde - Gold level sponsor Gonzalez Insurance - Bronze level sponsor Green Thumb - Bronze level sponsor The Hiller Group, Inc. Casino Night Frank D. Mastandrea, M.D. - Four of a Kind sponsor Reggie Mason Allstate Insurance - Bronze level sponsor Saturday, Feb. 12, 2011 Michael Rivera Allstate Insurance - Bronze level sponsor WE ARE VERY GRATEFUL FOR YOUR DONATIONS! 5
Parish Office Staff Paul Hunter, Parish Business Administrator Joseph Griffith, Facility Manager Irene Martinez, Parish Secretary/ Bulletin Editor Silvia Rivera, Receptionist/ Assistant Bulletin Editor
PARISH ACTIVITIES SUNDAY - JANUARY 2 MONDAY - JANUARY 3 7:00 P.M. Youth Beat 7:30 P.M. Spanish Choir TUESDAY - JANUARY 4 9:00 A.M. Job Search Support Group 7:00 P.M. Alcoholics Anonymous 7:00 P.M. Spanish Prayer Group 7:30 P.M. Adult Choir WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 5 7:00 P.M. AA Closed Meeting 7:00 P.M. Al-Anon 7:00 P.M. Al-Anon Spanish 7:00 P.M. Faith Formation THURSDAY - JANUARY 6 11:30 A.M. Our Lady of Mercy Prayer Group 1:00 P.M. Legion of Mary 7:00 P.M. Spanish Intercessions Group 7:00 P.M. ICCW General Meeting 7:30 P.M. Vocal Ensemble FRIDAY - JANUARY 7 7:00 P.M. Spanish Youth Group SATURDAY - JANUARY 8 2:30 - 3:30 P.M. Confessions 7:00 P.M. Spanish Young Adults
Liturgy Groups St. Michael’s Hall Music Room Conference Room St. Patrick’s Room St. Michael’s Hall Music Room St. Patrick’s Room St. John’s Room Teacher’s Lounge St. Michael’s Hall Chapel Conference Room Chapel St. Michael’s Hall Music Room St. Francis Room Church St. Francis Room
4:30 pm:
Taylor Bump, Cameron Carlyon, David Gibson
7:30 am: 9:00 am:
Benjamin Parker, Margaret Parker, Ryan Walsh Madeline Dudash, Brett Gajewski
10:30 am:
Christopher Mendola, Vincent Mendola, Brandon Shively
12:00 pm:
Herman Grimaldo, Jeff Miraflor, Rafael Villa
1:30 pm:
George, Alexandria, Gabriel, Julissa, Raul, Maricel
Anointing of the Sick gives spiritual strength in the face of suffering. A Parish priest is on call 24 hrs. in cases of emergency. Call the Parish Office at 885-7861. Matrimony (Marriage) - Couples need to contact the Parish Office at 885-7861 before setting a date. The preparation process takes a minimum of 6 months. Holy Orders is for single men answering the call to priesthood. Any man or woman interested in the religious life should contact one of our parish priests or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 345-3338.
HOMEBOUND & HOSPITAL MINISTRY - Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick AT HOME or in TOWN ’N COUNTRY HOSPITAL. Please call the Parish Office at 885-7861 to make arrangements.
TREE OF LIFE - MEMORIALS In memory of a loved one that has passed away you may want to consider the Tree of Life Memorial at the church’s entrance. You may also want to remember a special Anniversary or a family member with a Leaf on the Tree. For information call Connie Hennessey at 884-8326. 6
To receive Sacraments you must be registered in the parish. Registration forms are available at the Welcome Table in St. Michael’s Hall on Sunday mornings or at the Parish Office during the Week.
Sidewalk Counseling Workshop
Healing Mass with Fr. Richard McAlear O.M.I.
Learn how to offer assistance to the abortion-vulnerable in a Christ-like manner. Our free training will be held on Friday, January 7th; 9:30 – 11:30 am at Catholic Charities in Tampa (2021 E. Busch Blvd.) This 2-hour training will help equip you to speak with the abortion-vulnerable on the sidewalks in front of our local abortion centers. Our presenter is Emma Boe, Coordinator of Project Rachel. To sign up, contact Sabrina at 727-344-1611 *325;
Monday, Jan 24th, 7 p.m. at St. Paul Catholic Church, 12708 North Dale Mabry, Tampa and Tuesday, Jan 25th 7 p.m. at St. Cecelia’s Catholic Church, 820 Jasmine Way, Clearwater. Fr. McAlear has had a healing ministry since 1976. His gifts of teaching and healing are indicators of the healing love of Jesus so badly needed in our world today. His ministry has brought him to every part of the United States and many countries throughout the world. No registration needed. For more information call Joyce Schaefer at 727-439-6423.
Make a Gift through an IRA Charitable Rollover Normally, a distribution from your IRA is taxed as ordinary income. However, tax legislation just enacted extends the opportunity for the remainder of 2010 and throughout 2011 for individuals 70½ or older to make a direct distribution from your IRA to a qualified charity, such as Church of the Incarnation, the Annual Pastoral Appeal, the Catholic Foundation or another diocesan institution. Such qualified direct distributions to charity from your IRA are not subject to income tax. The new law also provides that you may consider such distributions made in January 2011 as made in 2010. For more information about how you and the Church can benefit from an IRA charitable rollover, contact the parish office or the Catholic Foundation, Diocese of St. Petersburg at (727) 374-0220 or e-mail at
March for Life St. Augustine St. Catherine’s Respect Life Committee will have a Pilgrimage to St. Augustine on Saturday, January 15, 2011. We will join other parishes in Florida in a peaceful prayer procession in the March for Life. The bus will leave the parish promptly at 7:00 AM and return about 9:00 PM. Cost is $42.00 per person which covers the bus fare, Subway boxed lunch, beverages, snacks, and gratuities. Only 48 seats are available on a first come basis only. Payment must accompany the reservation. Call Judy at 727-535-9440 or Bonnie at 727535-1910 for more information or if you have questions.
Local CMA guild event The local CMA (Catholic Medical Association) guild will hold a speaker event on Saturday, January 8 at St. Anthony’s hospital auditorium in St. Petersburg , FL starting at 10 am and ending by noon. Guest speaker is Johnnette Benkovic, who is nationally recognized (including from EWTN television) and dynamic. Her topic is " The Catholic Medical Ethic in Today’s Culture”. RSVP requested (but not required) to Diane Gowski at 727- 480- 7574 or email at & please visit guild website at Anyone interested is invited to attend this inspiring lecture! Please spread the word to friends and colleagues to join us! Nominal fee request (payable on day of event) to help defray costs.
Franciscan Center, 3010 N. Perry Avenue, Tampa FL 33603 Upcoming Programs at the Franciscan Center, 3010 N. Perry Ave., Tampa, 33603. For more information, please contact the Center at 813-229-2695, e-mail: or on the web at UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE Fr. Bill Burton, OFM January 6 – Thursday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Many of us want to understand the Bible better, but don't know where to start. We have the opportunity to have with us an expert on the Bible who will give us an essential background for understanding the bible. Father Bill Burton is a Biblicist, someone who studies the bible as a vocation. With his delightful sense of humor and his warm and engaging manner he has brought the bible to life for many people across the country, sharing his enthusiasm and love for God's word. Register early! Fee: $25 (includes continental breakfast and lunch) SOUL AT WORK: Spiritual Self Care Carol Mitchell Ph.D. and Maureen Connors, Ph.D. January 18 - Tuesday, 7-9 p.m. We hear often about our need for exercise, rest and good nutrition. To maintain our best selves at work we also need to attend to our spiritual self care. Come explore ways to develop a spiritual self care plan for yourself. Register early! Fee: $20
What a wonderful Christmas season we had here at Incarnation. A warm and heart felt thank you to all the members of the music ministry who's talents and gifts animated, lifted and praised the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord! A big thank you to Pam and Jerry Keegan who decorated the church for our Celebrate The Season Concert and the Town N’ Country Ecumenical Carole Service! Thanks to Norma and Paul Hunter who coordinated the ticket sales and front of house operations. Natalie Fisher, Linda Noyes, Josh Arroyo and Karen Manteiga for their wonderful gifts of leadership, and to each and every choir member in the parish choir, vocal ensemble and children’s choir who answered the call to leadership in music! Thank you everyone! We are blessed at Incarnation to have you! All the best for 2011
Donal Noonan, Music Director The Life Ministries Committee extends a heart-felt thank you to everyone who so generously donated to our tenth annual Shoeboxes for Seniors program at Christmas. Thanks to the parishioners, students, and teachers, we collected 231 filled shoeboxes. The shoeboxes were delivered to Rocky Creek Retirement Center where they were opened by residents Christmas morning. For some of the residents, this was the only present they received. Thank you for spreading Christmas joy to so many people.
LITURGICAL MINISTERS MEETING Readers, Ushers & Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion: Fr Suszynski has called a meeting of all ministers to review his expectations. This meeting will be held on Wednesday January 12th at 7 pm in the Church. EVERY MINISTER is EXPECTED TO ATTEND THIS IMPORTANT MEETING. Attendance will be taken. Altar servers are not required to attend since it’s on a school night. Altar server director & parent coordinators your attendance is needed.
SUITCASE COLLECTION We are collecting suitcases for the Children’s Home. Please drop them off at the Parish Office during the week or in St. Michael’s Hall on Sundays.
ALTAR SERVER TRAINING We are going to have one hour of "volunteer" training once a month. This will be for any new servers or existing servers that want to learn more. This is not mandatory but will be ongoing in an effort to find a convenient time to help everyone. The next Altar Server Training will be held on Sunday, January 16, 2011 from 3:15 to 4:30pm in the church. Please contact Tom Wille by email: or via the parish office at 885-7861 with any questions or to RSVP for the training.
Now taking reservations for the Senior Citizens Luncheon (FREE) Saturday, January 15, 2010
JUBILEE MASS The Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Robert Lynch honoring all couples throughout the diocese who will celebrate their silver anniversary, or 50 or more years of marriage during 2011 will take place at St. Jude Cathedral on Sunday, February 13th at 3:00pm. A reception with light hors d’oeuvres will follow. You must pre-register by contacting the parish office no later than Monday, January 24th.
St. Michael’s Hall 12:00 noon Contact: Connie Hennessey 813-884-8326 Sponsored by the Incarnation Council of Catholic Women.
La Epifanía del Señor 2 de enero de 2011 Abriendo sus cofres, le ofrecieron regalos: oro, incienso y mirra. — Mateo 2:11b LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Santos Basilio y Gregorio Nacianceno Lunes: El Santísimo Nombre de Jesús Martes: Santa Isabel Ana Seton Miércoles: San Juan Neumann Jueves: Beato André Bessette Viernes: San Raimundo de Peñafort Las Damas Católicas están recogiendo MALETAS a beneficio del Children’s Home, las pueden dejar en el Salón St. Michael’s los domingos o en la Oficina Parroquial durante la semana.
Los invitamos a la celebración parroquial en honor a la Patrona de La República Dominicana, esta será el domingo, 16 de enero, en nuestra Misa de 1:30pm.
REFLEXIONES PARA LA HOMILÍA Muchos de nosotros, o de las personas que conocemos dentro de la comunidad hispana, hemos hecho largos viajes para llegar a este país. La decisión de salir de la propia patria no es fácil y se toma, en último término, porque se piensa que lo que se busca es más grande y merece la pena. Todos buscamos algo: una vida mejor, un futuro mejor para nuestros hijos. En el fondo, todos anhelamos la salvación. El salir de la opresión y entrar en una tierra interna o externa, de libertad. Y eso mismo es lo que hicieron los sabios, o magos. El hecho de que se pusieran en marcha a pesar de todas las dificultades que eso podría entrañar, significa que buscaban con un enorme deseo, la luz y la salvación de Dios. Siguieron su estrella, es decir esa vocación, esa llamada a buscar a Dios con todas sus fuerzas. El hecho de que encontraran a Jesús ofrece una fuerte esperanza a todos nosotros: es posible encontrar a Dios. De cualquier país, de cualquier raza y condición, son todos llamados a buscar su vocación y encontrar a su Dios. Aunque el camino no sea fácil y haya que dejar cosas atrás. Para la reflexión: ¿A qué te sientes llamado? ¿Qué cosas tendrías que dejar atrás para lograrlo? ¿Qué estrella o qué luz persigues? ©Nuestra Parroquia 2011
RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS El Obispo Robert Lynch será el celebrante principal en la Misa de Acción de Gracias en la cual se honrara a todos los matrimonios de la diócesis que celebraran este año sus bodas de plata o de oro, así como las parejas que celebren más de 50 años de matrimonio. Será el domingo 13 de febrero, 2011 a las 3:00pm,en la Catedral San Judas en St. Petersburg, 5875 5th Ave. N., St. Petersburg.-Por favor den sus nombres, dirección y fecha de aniversario en la oficina parroquial antes del 24 de enero, 2011. PRE-CANA EN ESPAÑOL 2011 Las fechas son: 19 de Febrero, 21 de Mayo, 15 de octubre Las conferencias se realizarán en el Centro de Retiros de Bethany, 18150 Bethany Center Dr., Lutz - 33558. Horario: 8:30am - 5:00pm Llamar a la Oficina de Ministerio de Matrimonios y Familia de la Diócesis al 727-341-6847. PEQUEÑAS COMUNIDADES DE FE Nuestra parroquia comenzará a formar un equipo de personas que estén interesados en ayudar a establecer Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe. Si usted es un adulto Católico, activo y esta dispuesto a prepararse como un líder de grupo, comuníquese con Carmen al 813-885-7861.
Enterate de todo lo que quieres saber sobre la fe católica: ¿Conoces a alguien que no practica su fe, y le interesa la fe católica? ¿Eres católico pero tu esposa/o no lo es y quiere serlo? ¿Has sido bautizado en la Iglesia Católica, pero necesitas la Confirmación y Comunión? Si has respondido con un "si" a cualquiera de estas preguntas, tú y esa persona que conoces, están invitados a participar en el proceso de RICA. Quisiéramos conocerte y responder a tus preguntas. Las reuniones se llevaran a cabo todos los lunes a las 7:30pm en el Salón de Conferencias comenzando el 10 de enero, 2011. Favor de comunicarse con Carmen al 813-8857861. Si usted es adulto, Católico activo y siente el llamado de crecer en su fe y así poder establecer una amistad con personas que se están preparando para ser miembros de nuestra Iglesia Católica por medio de los sacramentos de iniciación, le pedimos que por favor se unan a nosotros. Este ano, necesitamos mujeres y hombres católicos que sean bilingües. ¡Arriésgate a ser transformado! FORMACIÓN DE FE PARA ADULTOS ¿Necesitas el Sacramento de Confirmación? Si estas interesado en recibir este sacramento, favor de comunicarte con Carmen al 813-885-7861 o antes del 3 de enero, 2011.
LUZ DEL MUNDO Se puede entender la Epifanía como una extensión de la Natividad del Señor que celebramos el 25 de diciembre. En la Navidad celebramos la venida de Jesús como el rey y Mesías tan esperado por el pueblo judío, y en la Epifanía celebramos la revelación de Jesús como el Salvador y la Luz de las naciones; es decir, de judíos, gentiles y de todos los pueblos. La estrella brilla con tanto fulgor que atrae a los magos que vienen de países distantes para adorar a Jesús. No son judíos, y sin embargo se ven atraídos al que es la Luz del Mundo. La carta a los efesios revela que la Luz del Mundo era tanto para gentiles como para judíos, pues Cristo reúne a todos los pueblos en la luz de su amor. La lectura de Isaías también describe a diversos pueblos que vienen, pero esta vez les atrae la luz que emana del pueblo de Dios.© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. Calendario de Actividades Domingo: 12:00pm Lunes: 7:00pm Martes: 7:00pm Miércoles: 7:00pm Jueves: 1:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Viernes: 7:00pm 7:00pm Sábado: 7:00pm
Estudio Bíblico St. Francis Grupo de Hombres o St. Patrick Grupo de Mujeres St. Patrick Grupo de Oración St. Michael Al-Anon Teacher’s Lounge Legión de María Conference Room Corazones Unidos Capilla Estudio Bíblico Salón 1 Grupo de Jóvenes St. Patrick Grupo de Matrimonios St. Francis Grupo Jóvenes Adultos St. Francis
NUESTRA PARROQUIA A menudo se da a los niños, sobre todo los nacidos en Estados Unidos, nombres que gustan porque se han escuchado en una novela, porque suenan buen, o porque están de moda. En la tradición judía y griega, sin embargo, el nombre dado al recién nacido marcaba mucho su vida y su camino. En los evangelios vemos casos de nombres que Jesús cambia, como queriendo significar el cambio radical de quienes escuchan su llamada. ©Nuestra Parroquia 2011
LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Martes: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Mc 6:34-44 Miércoles: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Mc 6:45-52 Jueves: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Lc 4:14-22a Viernes: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Lc 5:12-16 Sábado: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Jn 3:22-30 Domingo: Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Sal 29 (28); Hch 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17 Sabías que... Epifanía significa "manifestación", por ello la Iglesia celebra como epifanías de Jesús tres eventos: su Epifanía ante los Reyes Magos, su Epifanía en el Bautismo, su Epifanía en las Bodas de Caná.
Un pensamiento: "Mucho os ama el Creador pues os hace tantos beneficios; por eso debéis guardaros del pecado de la ingratitud y cuidar de alabar siempre a Dios." San Francisco de Asís