8220 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33615 |
January 10, 2021 CLERGY Rev. Michael Cormier, Pastor Rev. Brian Fabiszewski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Francisco Hernandez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Ramon Rodriguez Deacon Matt Shirina Deacon Jim Minary Deacon Frank Julian
PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9am - 4pm 5124 Gateway Dr. Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.885.7861 |
SCHOOL OFFICE 5111 Webb Rd. Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734 |
Becoming closer to God through Baptism
“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”- Mark 1:7-11 You’ve probably heard the phrase “born again.” It’s a term that Catholics may not be very familiar with, but many of our Protestant friends are. It might be that they were baptized or even verbally committed their life to Christ. Many Catholics are traditionally baptized as infants, and in their teenage years recommit and confirm the seal of the Holy Spirit they received. It can be a spiritually uplifting time for many. The Gospel for this weekend comes from St. Mark and it’s the account of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. We know that Jesus was conceived without sin and He remained sinless His entire life. So, we might ask the question, “why did Jesus have to be baptized?” Throughout salvation history, God gives us both extreme and practical examples of His love for us. Jesus is His son and you and I are children of God. Just as Adam and Eve were created by God, so were you and me. Like Adam and Eve, we are sinful creatures and we often use our free will to make poor decisions. It’s just the nature of man. The only way we can attain our place in Heaven is to be cleansed by water and the Holy Spirit, through the blood of the lamb, Christ’s eternal sacrifice on the cross. Jesus submitted to the ritual cleansing that was being performed by John in the Jordan River, not because He needed it, but because we do, and so He sanctified, or made holy, the waters of baptism. God said to Jesus at His baptism, “You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased.” Imagine the God of the Universe, creator of all, saying the words, “John, Mary, Greg - you are my beloved child, with whom I am well pleased, who I created to live with me, to be with me for all eternity.” Know that God loves you more than anything and invites you to be close to His heart. If you would like to learn more about coming into the Catholic Church and the Sacrament of Baptism, visit your local Catholic parish today. -Bishop Gregory Parkes
I pray these lines find all doing well and the New Year – so far, is being good to you. Seems like we have gotten back to normal here in the office, vacations are over and its status quo. Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. Today’s first reading is one of my favorites because it reminds us that – as All Powerful, infinite and Awesome as our God is, He is gentle and above all – He is loving. Today’s Scripture connection is very obvious, and I have always been one to overstate the obvious so here goes. The prophet Isaiah wrote so long ago, we know he was inspired by the Holy Spirit. He writes, “Here is . . . my chosen one with whom I am well pleased” That being stated it is so great when we see the New and Old Testament line up perfectly with the New Testament which states “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” Jesus obviously knew who He was, there was no need that He had to hear it. The people there however, having heard that would have been drastically affected, seeing the Baptism and hearing the words from Heaven. This weekend is a great time to focus on and think about our Baptism. If you are like me you were Baptized as a few day old infant so you do not remember but keep in mind that when you were Baptized you were also anointed priest, prophet and king. May you always keep in mind your royal heritage as a part of the family of God. God Bless You! Love, Fr. Mike
STAFF 813-885-7861 Business Manager - Rae Stabile 813-493-3069 Facility Manager - Arnie Fernandez 813-486-1612 Parish Secretary - Irene Martinez Bulletin Coordinator - Monica Windmiller Director of Music - David Funes 813-885-7811 Director of Faith Formation Deacon Matt Shirina 813-884-3624 Religious Education Ministry Judy Licari 813-884-3624 Youth Coordinator -Thomas Myers
SCHOOL OFFICE Ph. 813.884.4502 Principal - Marrie McLaughlin
MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday: 7:00am Saturday: 9:00am & 4:00pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:00am, 9:00am & 11:00am, Spanish at 1:00 pm MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos a la 1:00pm
CONFESSIONS/ Confesiones: Saturdays - 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Church or by appointment
January 10, 2021
Prayer List SUNDAY - JANUARY 10 - THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 7:00 A.M. + Annette Kurinovich 9:00 A.M. People of Incarnation 11:00 AM. + Albert Fernandez 1:00 P.M. + Mapora Dager MONDAY - JANUARY 11 7:00 A.M. + Joseph A Herndon TUESDAY - JANUARY 12 7:00 A.M. + Joseph A Herndon WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 13 7:00 A.M. + Joseph A Herndon THURSDAY - JANUARY 14 7:00 A.M. + Marie Mendez FRIDAY - JANUARY 15 8:00 A.M. + Joseph A Herndon SATURDAY - JANUARY 16 9:00 AM. + Loreano David Romero 4:00 P.M. + Earle Madison Moore Jr SUNDAY - JANUARY 17 - SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 A.M. + Charles Azuka Onyechi 9:00 A.M. + Juana Zayas Ortiz 11:00 A.M. People of Incarnation 1:00 P.M. + Legionnarios Fallecidos
SACRIFICIAL GIFTS OF TREASURE OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish.
Offertory Donations………..…......$ 8,566.13 Online Giving……………………...$ 5,814.00 Offertory Total………………....$ 14,380.13
Offertory Donations………..….....$ 6,645.00 Online Giving……………………...$ 3,343.00 Offertory Total………………....$ 9,988.00
Please pray for those who are suffering from illness in our parish. Prayer list names remain on the prayer list for 3 months. If you would like to add, remove or update a name call the parish office at 813-885-7861or send an e-mail to Julie Bianchi Monique Biumi Joseph Brana Miriam Brown Nicole Burgos Olga Cora Robert J Cornelio Robert Curry Jennie Cusmano Anne Delgado Laura Delince Susan Denney Beverly Fenton Steve Fisher
Paula Gray Yaris de la Guardia Lopez
Ana Sophia Girwar-Nath
Kiara Girwar-Nath Adriene Goldman Angelica Gonzalez
Jenny Hatfield Isabel Hernandez Margie Hilton Jacqualyn Jones Charles Kanaszka Teresa Kanaszka Patricia Kilkelly Mary Ellen King Alyza Kitchens Sharon Maclejews Alberto Martinez Matthew T. McLane Meagan E. McLane Melissa D. McLane Xaviel Mercedes Bonnie Miller
Veronica Nickell Dina Marie Osburn Sarah Paccione Sylvia Rom Joseph Santiago Chuck Schaff Nancy Shirina Peggy Shirina Rachel Slowey Dominic Van Someren
Rose Marie Varas Daniel Alvarez Viera Rose Vrabel Pat Whitty Amy Workman Sienna Rose Yeager
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY 2LT Dillon C. Browne PV2 Chad Michael Burgess PV2 Angelique Burgess SGT Damian Patrick Bumm SRA Jasmin S. Chan SSGT Christina Costa Marine Amir Cris USCG LT. Andrew Ellis USCG Ensign Patrick Ellis CPL Michael K. Lam A1C Noel C. Marcano SRA Brett Masser LC George Mike
LCPL. Reese Nichols US Navy Brian Quevedo CG Tyler Reyes PFC Yoselyn Rivera C Louis Ruscetta Dante Sanchez SN Ryan Schultz 2LT Brandon Shively SPC Jason Seal Daniella Alexandra Serrano A1C Aaron Wilson Cadet Caleb K. Wong
READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42
Offertory Donations………..…......$ 10,214.00 Online Christmas Giving………. ..$ 3,694.00 Online Offertory Weekly Giving….. $ 7,025.38 Online Christmas Giving…………$ 705.00 Offertory Total………………...…$ 17,239.38
TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Behold my servant with whom I am pleased; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11. Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29) or Isaiah 12:2-6. Second Reading — God anointed him with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:3438) or 1 John 5:1-9. Gospel — You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased (Mark 1:7-11).
January 10, 2021
A change in Offertory Envelopes: Envelopes are now being provided annually instead of bimonthly: 11/1/2020 - thru10/31/2021 • Envelopes will no longer be mailed. • Please call Rae at 813-493-3069 to schedule a time to stop by the Parish Office and pick up your envelopes. • This change will help the Parish to practice good stewardship as well as making it easier for you the parishioner.
On Jan. 23 after 4pm Mass & on Jan. 24 after all Masses you can pick up your envelopes in St. Michael’s Hall
Dear Faith Formation Families, please log in to Formed, there are wonderful movies and teachings for the whole family. God bless you. Enter Access Code A47GQK
Sign up for Online Giving! If you need help with online giving please contact Rae Stabile, Business Manager Mon. - Fri. at 813-885-7861 from 9am - 4pm or 813-493-3069 anytime.
Ways To Stay Connected Like Us On Facebook Live Stream Masses Every Sunday 11am & 1pm Spanish
Visit our Diocesan Website
For your donation of flower arrangements for our church & chapel. 11234 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33635 | (813) 818 - 9600
AN ANCIENT BAPTISTERY One of the most ancient and enduring sites for baptism in Rome is the church of San Giovanni in Fonte. This church is in fact a baptistery, and houses the font for the Lateran Basilica, the cathedral of Rome. The Emperor Constantine sponsored its construction in the year 315, and it is therefore the oldest baptistery in the world. It is the model for nearly all later baptisteries, including perhaps the font in your own parish church.
To Request Your 2020 Contributions Statement please Email: and include your name and envelope number in the email. or Call Rae at the Parish Office at 813-493-3069.
The Parish Office is Open! WHILE WE ARE HAPPY TO OPEN, THE FOLLOWING PROTOCOLS ARE IN PLACE TO KEEP THE STAFF AND VISITORS SAFE. If you or a loved one is ill, please stay home. Visits to the Parish Office are by appointment only. All visitors will need to wear a mask. No exceptions. Only one visitor at a time. Due to safety reasons, there can be no waiting in the front office. If you need to see or speak with one of our priests or a staff member, please call the parish office during office hours to request an appointment. Mass Intentions can be reserved over the phone or by emailing Irene at Payment can be dropped off in the bottom mailbox located outside the parish office (rt side of the front door).
January 10, 2021
La Oficina Parroquial esta abierta! Al tiempo de que estamos contentos de poder abrir las puertas de nuestra parroquia, debemos observar el siguiente protocolo a fin de mantener el bienestar de nuestros feligreses y empleados: Si usted, o algún miembro de su familia estuviese enfermo, manténganse en su casa. Las visitas a la oficina de la parroquia se coordinarán mediante cita previa. Todos los visitantes necesitan llevar una mascara – sin excepción de persona. Para la seguridad y bienestar de todos, se aceptará solo un visitante a la vez en la oficina. Si necesita hablar con uno de los sacerdotes o con uno de los empleados, favor de llamar a la oficina durante horas laborables para establecer una cita. Pueden reservar intención para una misa a través del teléfono, así como mediante el uso de nuestro correo electrónico: Puede colocar el pago de ese servicio en el buzón de correo, localizado en la pared, a la derecha de la puerta de la oficina. 5
January 10, 2021
Our Public Masses Have Resumed With Nuestra Misas Publicas Se Reanuden Con Revised Mass Schedule and Safety Horario de Misas Revisado y Protocolos Protocols In Effect de Seguridad En Efecto (Face masks are mandatory for people who attend mass).
Here are some details of some changes to expect. The dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still in effect and will be until further notice. Everyone must use main entrance and follow the instructions of the ushers. Please be patient. The side doors are ONLY emergency exits. They are marked by green crosses. People who live in the same home may sit together. Ushers will greet each person and show them to their seat. In order to properly disinfect after each Mass, the Sunday schedule will be:
Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 7am, 9am & 11am, Spanish at 1pm Please limit private prayer after mass to no longer than 5 minutes so our volunteers can properly disinfect the church. The chapel and cry room will remain closed. There will be a collection basket at the entrance. No basket will be passed around and there will be no basket bearers. Hand sanitizer dispensers are in the Narthex as you enter and leave. No holding hands at Our Father and no contact peace. Ushers will direct section by section in a single line at three communion spots. Communion is ONLY distributed on the hand, not the tongue, for the time being at Incarnation. Please respect other’s space in communion line with proper distance.
Las mascarillas son obligatorias para las personas que asisten a misa.
A continuación, detalles de algunos cambios a implementar: Continúa la dispensa de no asistir a la Misa de Domingo, hasta próximo aviso. Todos debemos usar la puerta principal de la iglesia, así como seguir las instrucciones de los acomodadores (ujieres). Por favor ejercitemos la paciencia. Las puertas laterales de la iglesia se usarían SOLO en emergencia. Siga la guía de las marcas con cinta verde en los bancos. Los ujieres (acomodadores) cortésmente le indicarán los espacios disponibles. Las personas que viven en una misma casa pueden sentarse juntos en el mismo banco. En atención al hecho de que debemos desinfectar los bancos después de cada misa, el horario de celebración de misas es como sigue:
Sábado: 4:00 p.m. Domingo: 7am, 9am & 11am, 1:00 p.m. en Español La capilla y el cuarto para familias con niños pequeños permanecerán cerrados. Canasta de colecta: las encontraremos a la entrada. No pasaremos la canasta dentro de la misa y por el momento las especies para la consagración serán colocados en la mesa cerca del altar en lugar de llevarlos en procesión. Tendrá la oportunidad de higienizar sus manos a la entrada/ salida del templo. No unirnos de manos durante el Padre Nuestro; no contacto en el saludo de la Paz. Los Ujieres dirigen a los comulgantes a formar una sola fila para la comunión, la cual se hará por sección, habrán tres estaciones para recibir la Comunión. Por el momento, La Comunión será distribuida solo en la mano, no sobre la lengua. Por favor mantenga la distancia entre personas en la fila para recibir la Comunión.
THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Principal Marrie McLaughlin
January 10, 2021 813-884-4502
10 de enero de 2021
Nos acercamos más a Dios por medio del Bautismo “Tú eres mi Hijo amado; yo tengo en ti mis complacencias”. - Mc 1, 7-11 Probablemente has oído la frase "nacido de nuevo". Es un término con el cual los católicos puede que no estén muy familiarizados, pero muchos de nuestros amigos protestantes sí lo están. Puede ser que hayan sido bautizados o incluso hayan entregado verbalmente su vida a Cristo. Muchos católicos son tradicionalmente bautizados cuando son bebés y en su adolescencia vuelven a comprometerse y confirmar el don del Espíritu Santo que recibieron. Éste puede ser un momento espiritualmente edificante para muchos. El Evangelio de este fin de semana es según san Marcos y nos relata el bautismo de Jesús en el río Jordán. Sabemos que Jesús fue concebido sin pecado y permaneció sin pecado toda su vida. Pues entonces podríamos preguntarnos, "¿por qué Jesús tuvo que ser bautizado?" A lo largo de la historia de la salvación, Dios nos da ejemplos extremos y prácticos de su amor por nosotros. Jesús es su Hijo y tú y yo somos hijos e hijas de Dios. Así como Adán y Eva fueron creados por Dios, también lo fuimos tú y yo. Al igual que Adán y Eva, somos pecadores y a menudo usamos nuestro libre albedrío para hacer malas decisiones. Así es la naturaleza humana. La única manera que podemos alcanzar nuestro lugar en el cielo es siendo limpiados por el agua y el Espíritu Santo, por la sangre del Cordero, o sea, por el sacrificio eterno de Cristo en la cruz. Jesús se sometió al ritual de la purificación que realizaba Juan en el río Jordán; no porque necesitara ser purificado, sino porque nosotros sí lo necesitamos, y por eso santificó las aguas del Bautismo. Dios le dijo a Jesús en su bautismo: " Tú eres mi Hijo amado; yo tengo en ti mis complacencias." Imagina al Dios del Universo, creador de todos, diciendo las palabras: "María, Juan, Greg, tú eres mi hija amada, ustedes son mis hijos amados; yo tengo en ustedes mis complacencias, los creé para vivir conmigo, para estar conmigo por toda la eternidad". Sepan que Dios los ama más que a nada y les invita a acercarse a su corazón. Si deseas conocer más acerca de cómo entrar en comunión con la Iglesia católica y el sacramento del Bautismo, visita la parroquia católica de tu localidad hoy. -Monseñor Gregory Parkes LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — He aquí mi siervo a quien he dado mi espíritu. (Isaías 42:1-4, 6-7) o Isaías 55:1-11. Salmo — Te alabamos, Señor (Salmo 29 [28]) o Isaías 12:2-6. Segunda lectura —Dios ha ungido a Jesús por el Espíritu Santo y el poder (Hechos 10:34-38) ó 1 Juan 5:1-9. Evangelio — Tú eres mi Hijo, el Amado, al que miro con cariño (Marcos 1:7-11).
LAS AGUAS BAUTISMALES Cuando se planta un césped nuevo, debe regarse constantemente. Los jardineros dicen que esto “teje” el césped al suelo. Lo mismo sucede cuando se injerta una rama a un árbol: el cataplasma que los une debe estar húmedo en todo momento. El agua es lo que mantiene unidas a las células de nuestro cuerpo. Con razón las religiones de todas las épocas y culturas han usado tanto este símbolo. Cuando Jesús se sumerge en el Jordán para ser bautizado, se “teje” a todo aquello que lo precedía. Al sumergirse en el Jordán, se hizo uno con el pueblo de Israel que había cruzado el río para llegar a su Tierra Prometida. Junto a Juan Bautista, Cristo se tejió a la tradición profética que presagiaba la venida del Reino de Dios. Jesús se había convertido plenamente en humano en las aguas del vientre de María y al participar del rito del Bautismo del arrepentimiento, se sintió identificado con nuestra frágil y pecaminosa humanidad. Por las aguas del Bautismo Cristo continúa injertando nuevos miembros a su Cuerpo, la Iglesia; gracias a nuestro destino de vida eterna, por estas aguas somos limpiados del pecado y recibimos la promesa de la gracia. Para nosotros, como para Jesús, las aguas bautismales también inauguran nuestra misión de proclamar la Buena Nueva.
LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Heb 1:1-6; Sal 97 (96):1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mc 1:14-20 Martes: Heb 2:5-12; Sal 8 :2ab, 5, 6-9; Mc 1:21-28 Miércoles: Heb 2:14-18; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Mc 1:29-39 Jueves: Heb 3:7-14; Sal 95 (94):6-11; Mc 1:40-45 Viernes: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Sal 78 (77):3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mc 2:1-12 Sábado: Heb 4:12-16; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; Mc 2:13-17 Domingo: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Sal 40 (39):2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17 -20; Jn 1:35-42