Incarnation Catholic Church Bulletin 4-11-21

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8220 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33615 |


DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9am - 4pm 5124 Gateway Dr. Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.885.7861 |

APRIL 11, 2021 SCHOOL OFFICE 5111 Webb Rd. Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734 |

I pray these lines find all doing well and still filled with the joy of the Easter Season, I am filled not only with joy but a good amount of chocolate as well!!! So many of you already know but this was my first Holy Week and Easter here at Incarnation Church and I could not be happier or more proud of the entire group of celebrations. I need to share that I was in awe over my Deacons, the MCs and altar servers for doing an outstanding job at each and every one of the celebrations. The decorations were also phenomenal, very beautiful and well done. Connie Hennessey and her helpers did an amazing job, I was able to see that it is a lot of work as they were working. This week we hear about “doubting” Thomas. Thomas was a realist and if we think about it how can we really blame him for not believing the news. Realize this too, Jesus was someone he looked up to and loved, I’m sure he was devastated, he did not want to believe that it was true and if it wasn’t, to be totally crushed a second time. When Thomas saw Jesus, he did not need to put his hand into his side or place his finger in the nail marks, he then believed. We also celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. The Divine Mercy image is a wonderful gift given to the Church and a personal favorite! What is so important to keep in mind is that God’s “Divine Mercy” is available 24/7.There are some wonderful teachings connected with this devotion and some that are not exactly accurate. God is in love with us, and as any perfect Father, He is always there to forgive and offer mercy when needed. I pray you have a great week! Love, Fr. Mike

God’s Merciful Love “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” – John 20:29 Do you believe everything you read or hear? Social media today can be a landscape of halftruths or lies, made to look like solid truth that something happened. Even the so called “trusted media” can portray a slanted or biased view of events. We have become accustomed to the expression “Fake News”. So what are we to believe? It’s human nature to doubt. We see this demonstrated in this weekend’s Gospel of Saint John. We find Didymus, also known as Thomas, questioning his friends if they really saw Jesus. So the following week, Thomas sees Jesus with his own eyes, and touches His wounds. By doing this, he truly believes. But Jesus tells Thomas, and us, “blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” Faith is a powerful thing, and so is mercy. To have faith, you must let go of what is logical and what you know to be true by your experiences and put your trust in someone or something that is beyond our ability to prove. As humans, we sometimes let people down. Friends and family put their trust in you. They have faith that you can do something, but often you fall short. You let them down or they let you down. Consequently, we have trouble having faith in others unless we really know them and trust them. The same goes with Jesus. Do you really know Jesus and believe in Him? Do you really trust Him? Because of the great mercy of our Lord, He loves us despite of our doubt, our questioning, and our unbelief. We should take this as a life lesson to show mercy to others when they make mistakes or doubt our intentions or efforts. On this Divine Mercy Sunday, give thanks to God for His merciful love and patience with us, and ask Him to help us to be more forgiving and patient with others. -Bishop Gregory Parkes

CLERGY Rev. Michael Cormier, Pastor Rev. Brian Fabiszewski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Francisco Hernandez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Ramon Rodriguez Deacon Matt Shirina Deacon Jim Minary Deacon Frank Julian

STAFF 813-885-7861 Business Manager - Rae Stabile 813-493-3069 Facility Manager - Arnie Fernandez 813-486-1612 Parish Secretary - Irene Martinez Bulletin Coordinator - Monica Windmiller Director of Music - David Funes 813-885-7861 Director of Faith Formation Deacon Matt Shirina 813-884-3684 Religious Education Ministry Judy Licari 813-885-7861 Youth Coordinator -Thomas Myers

SCHOOL OFFICE Ph. 813.884.4502 Principal - Marrie McLaughlin

MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday: 7:00am Saturday: 9:00am & 4:00pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:00am, 9:00am & 11:00am, Spanish at 1:00 pm MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos a la 1:00pm

CONFESSIONS/ Confesiones: Saturdays - 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Church or by appointment



APRIL 11, 2021 Prayer List


7:00 A.M. People of Incarnation 9:00 A.M. + Louie & William Gonzalez 11:00 AM. + Gary Trimble 1:00 P.M. + Caridad Goris MONDAY - APRIL 12 7:00 A.M. + Mario Lopez TUESDAY - APRIL 13 7:00 A.M. + Rita Galloway WEDNESDAY - APRIL 14 7:00 A.M. + Richard A. Damiano THURSDAY - APRIL 15 7:00 A.M. + Beverly Fenton FRIDAY - APRIL 16 7:00 A.M. + John Davies SATURDAY - APRIL 17 9:00 A.M. + Timothy Brady 4:00 P.M. + Mary Ann Casale SUNDAY - APRIL 18 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER

7:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M.

People of Incarnation + Salvador Italiano + Nina Leto + Abraham Canfux

SACRIFICIAL GIFTS OF TREASURE OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish.

Offertory Donations………..…......$ 11,290.77 Online Giving……………………...$ 4,669.00 Offertory Total………………....$ 15,959.77

Offertory Donations………..…......$ 13,339.00 Online Giving……………………...$ 4,208.00 Offertory Total………………....$ 17,547.00

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48

Please pray for those who are suffering from illness in our parish. Prayer list names remain on the prayer list for 3 months. If you would like to add, remove or update a name call the parish office at 813-885-7861or send an e-mail to Abshier Family Melissa Adler Nora Alonso Julie Bianchi Monique Biumi Joseph Brana Catherine Bravo Nicole Burgos Cora Millie Cecil Olga Cora Robert Curry Jennie Cusmano Anne Delgado Laura Delince Susan Denney Emmanuel Ana Sophia Girwar-Nath

Kiara Girwar-Nath Adriene Goldman Angelica Gonzalez Jenny Hatfield Jeff Haynes

Anne Haywood Jacqualyn Jones Charles Kanaszka Teresa Kanaszka Jon Kemman Mary Ellen King Sharon Maclejews Alberto Martinez Matthew T. McLane Meagan E. McLane Melissa D. McLane Xaviel Mercedes Bonnie Miller Ginny Miller Dina Marie Osburn Sarah Paccione Luiza Paci Lisa Roach Sylvia Rom Madison Rudeck Chuck Schaff Nancy Shirina

Peggy Shirina Rachel Slowey Dominic Van Someren

Karyn Steuer Rose Marie Varas Rose Vrabel Maerena Walton Xavier Ward Pat Whitty Bob Wood Thelma Wood Amy Workman Sienna Rose Yeager Eunice Young

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY 2LT Dillon C. Browne PV2 Chad Michael Burgess PV2 Angelique Burgess SGT Damian Patrick Bumm SRA Jasmin S. Chan SSGT Christina Costa Marine Amir Cris USCG LT. Andrew Ellis USCG Ensign Patrick Ellis SFC Michael Haley SGT Timothy Haley CPL Michael K. Lam A1C Noel C. Marcano

SRA Brett Masser LC George Mike LCPL. Reese Nichols CG Tyler Reyes PFC Yoselyn Rivera C Louis Ruscetta SN Ryan Schultz 2LT Brandon Shively SPC Jason Seal Daniella Alexandra Serrano A1C Aaron Wilson Cadet Caleb K. Wong

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:32-35). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting (Psalm 118). Second Reading — The victory that conquers the world is our faith (1 John 5:1-6). Gospel — Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed (John 20:19-31).

For your donation of flower arrangements for our church & chapel. 11234 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33635 | (813) 818 - 9600 3


Zoom Bible Study

You are invited to join the Wednesday morning Bible study group as we begin a new program: Eucharist: Discovering the Mass in the Bible with Dr. Brant Pitre In this study we will dig down to the Biblical roots of the Eucharist, through its foreshadowing in the momentous events of the Old Testament, the Gospels, and Apostolic teaching. Our group meets virtually via zoom on Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10:15am. We will begin the study on Wednesday, April 14, and it will run for 10 weeks. For additional information, please contact: Nancy Militello – or 813-855-7564


APRIL 11, 2021

Beware of Text Message, Email and Social Media Scams It has come to the attention of the Diocese of St. Petersburg that parishioners have been receiving text messages, emails or direct messages asking for money and gift cards from people pretending to be our priests or sisters. Our priests, religious and staff do not contact individuals via text message or social media to ask for money or personal information. Also, we have become aware that at least one person was contacted by someone using Facebook Messenger pretending to be Bishop Gregory Parkes. Bishop Parkes does not contact individuals on social media using Facebook Messenger or direct messaging. Please report any suspicious activity to Facebook, Instagram or other platforms and do not respond. Do not reply to such text, email or social media messages and call your parish, school or the Diocese to verify its legitimacy if it appears suspicious. For helpful hints to keep yourself safe from scammers, please view the updated collection of resources at this link https:// If you have particular questions, please contact Teresa Peterson at (727) 344-1611 or

Del Génesis a Jesús por Scott Hanh Este Estudio Bíblico VIRTUAL comenzara: Lunes Abril 12, 2021. Si Ud. Está interesado llamar: Diacono Matt Shirina 813-884-3624 o Longina Alvarez 630-308-5763

Que es la Biblia, de dónde viene, y porque fue escrita? ¿Cómo deben leer la biblia los católicos, y cuál es la historia que relata? Éstas son las preguntas que se examinarán a grandes rasgos en este curso. Después de un repaso de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre la revelación divina y la biblia, nos lanzamos inmediatamente a leer las Escrituras. Se comienza con el relato de la creación y el Arca de Noé y se delinea la historia de la salvación, el cómo se desliza en una serie de alianzas que Dios forja con el pueblo escogido – comenzando con Abrahán y las doce tribus de Israel. Luego seguimos con Moisés y al final con el Rey David. Vemos como esta historia llega a su culminación y cumplimiento con Jesús y la Iglesia.

Roe v Wade Movie From Friday, April 9 to Monday, April 26, you are invited to a Virtual Movie Premiere Event of “the real story you’ve never been told” about the Roe v Wade Supreme Court abortion decision. Individuals can sign up to stream the film for a discounted price of $12.99 plus $1.25 transaction fee at florida. Consider inviting your family and friends to view this intriguing drama with you in your home. (NOTE: This is for home showing only, not for use in churches, businesses or public sites). You can see the trailer, fact checks, and details at Questions? Contact Sabrina Burton Schultz at or 813-246-6916.(Bulletin and social media graphics are available under the RESOURCES tab at 4

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Principal Marrie McLaughlin

APRIL 11, 2021 813-884-4502



APRIL 11, 2021



APRIL 11, 2021



APRIL 11, 2021



APRIL 11, 2021


11 de abril de 2021

El amor misericordioso de Dios “Dichosos los que creen sin haber visto”. – Juan 20, 29 ¿Crees todo lo que lees o escuchas? Los medios de comunicación social de hoy en día pueden ofrecernos una gama de medias verdades o de mentiras y presentarlas de manera que parezcan verdades acerca de cualquier acontecimiento. Incluso los llamados "medios de comunicación fiables" pueden presentar una visión torcida o parcial de lo sucedido. Nos hemos acostumbrado a la expresión "noticias falsas". Entonces, ¿qué debemos creer? Dudar es propio de la naturaleza humana. Lo vemos demostrado en el Evangelio de san Juan de este fin de semana. Encontramos a Tomás, desconfiado de que sus amigos habían verdaderamente visto a Jesús. Luego, a la semana siguiente, Tomás ve a Jesús con sus propios ojos y toca sus llagas. Y así llegó a creer. Pero Jesús le dice a Tomás y a nosotros, "Dichosos los que creen sin haber visto". La fe es algo poderoso, al igual que la misericordia. Para tener fe debemos dejar al lado lo que es lógico y lo que sabemos que es verdad por propia experiencia, y poner nuestra confianza en alguien o en algo que está más allá de nuestra capacidad de evidenciar. Por ser humanos, a veces defraudamos a la gente. Los amigos y la familia confían en ti. Tienen fe en lo que puedes hacer, pero a menudo te quedas corto. Les decepcionas o te decepcionan. Como consecuencia, nos cuesta tener fe en los demás a menos que los conozcamos realmente y confiemos en ellos. Lo mismo ocurre con Jesús. ¿Conoces realmente a Jesús y crees en él? ¿Confías de veras en él? Nuestro Señor, por su gran misericordia, nos ama a pesar de nuestras dudas, de nuestros cuestionamientos y de nuestra incredulidad. Deberíamos tomar esto como una lección de vida, para mostrar misericordia a los demás cuando cometen errores o dudan de nuestras intenciones o esfuerzos. En este Domingo de la Divina Misericordia demos gracias a Dios por su amor misericordioso y por su paciencia con nosotros, y pidámosle que nos ayude a ser más indulgentes y pacientes con los demás. -Monseñor Gregory Parkes

10 Pido al Señor que estas líneas les encuentren bien a todos; que todo esté bien y todavía sientan la alegría de la temporada de Pascua; estoy lleno, no solo de alegría, sino también de una buena cantidad de chocolate!!! La mayoría de ustedes saben que ésta fue mi primera Semana Santa aquí en Encarnación, y no podría estar más feliz ni más orgulloso de todo el grupo que con su apoyo, hizo posible las celebraciones. Necesito compartir que fue con asombro que disfruté de la facilidad con la que trabajaron mis diáconos, los MC y monaguillos, para hacer una tremenda labor en todas y cada una de las celebraciones. Las decoraciones también fueron fenomenales, muy hermosas y bien hechas. Connie Hennessey y sus ayudantes hicieron un trabajo increíble, al tener la oportunidad de verles trabajando, pude apreciar su dedicación y esmero. Esta semana escuchamos sobre el "dudar" de Thomas. Thomás era realista y, si lo pensamos bien, ¿cómo podemos culparlo por no creer en la gran noticia? También démonos cuenta de que Jesús era alguien a quien Thomás admiraba y amaba; estoy seguro de que estaba deshecho, no quería creer que era verdad y de no haberlo sido, sería totalmente aplastado por segunda vez. Cuando Tomás vio a Jesús, no necesitó poner su mano en el costado de Jesús, ni colocar el dedo en las marcas que hacían las uñas, para entonces creer. También celebramos el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia. La Divina Misericordia es un regalo maravilloso dado a La Iglesia y un regalo personal para cada uno de nosotros. Es importante tener en cuenta que la "Divina Misericordia" de Dios está disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Hay algunas enseñanzas maravillosas conectadas con esta devoción y algunas que no son exactamente precisos. Dios está enamorado de nosotros, y como cualquier Padre perfecto, siempre está allí para perdonar y ofrecernos Su gran misericordia, cuando sea necesaria. Ruego al Señor que todos tengan una buena semana! Con todo mi cariño, Padre Mike LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — La communidad de los creyentes compartía todo con el mismo amor (Hechos 4:32-35). Salmo — La misericordia del Señor es eterna. Aleluya (Salmo 118[117]). Segunda lectura — Si alguien cree que Jesús es el Enviado, ése ha nacido de Dios (1 Juan 5:1-6). Evangelio — Felices los que creen sin haber visto (Juan 20:19-31).

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