PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9am - 4pm 5124 Gateway Dr. Tampa, FL 33615 | Ph. 813.885.7861 |
SCHOOL OFFICE 5111 Webb Rd. Tampa, FL 33615 | Ph. 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734 |
CLERGY Rev. Michael Cormier, Pastor Rev. Brian Fabiszewski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Francisco Hernandez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Ramon Rodriguez Deacon Matt Shirina Deacon Jim Minary STAFF 813-885-7861 Business Manager - Rae Stabile 813-493-3069
8220 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33615 |
Facility Manager - Arnie Fernandez 813-486-1612 Parish Secretary - Irene Martinez Bulletin Coordinator - Monica Windmiller Director of Music - David Funes 813-885-7811 Director of Faith Formation Deacon Matt Shirina 813-884-3624 Religious Education Ministry Cheralyn Quevedo 813-884-3624 Youth Coordinator -Thomas Myers SCHOOL OFFICE Ph. 813.884.4502 Principal - Marrie McLaughlin MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday: 7:00am & 8:30am Saturday: 8:30am & 4:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12pm Holy Days: 7:00pm (Vigil) , 7:00am, 8:30am, 12:10pm, 6:00pm (Spanish), 7:30pm (English) MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos a la 1:30pm Viernes a las 6:30pm CONFESSIONS/Confesiones: Saturdays - 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Church or by appointment
DEVOTIONS: Morning Prayer Group: Liturgy of the Hours Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. & Sat.: 8:10am - 8:25am EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every 1st Friday following the 8:30am Mass until 6:15pm in the chapel
Outside Confessions Every Saturday From 2:30 - 3:30pm
ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL - Jueves de 5:30pm 6:30pm
Do you recognize Jesus? We are now three weeks past the crucifixion and resurrection. There is still a buzz through the community about what has transpired. Some believe, others still not sure. We see that today in our news and events. Sometimes we don’t know what to believe until we see or experience the events ourselves. Sometimes it matters who is giving you the information. Are they a credible source? Are they factual and believable? This weekend’s Gospel from Luke finds two disciples on the road to a village called Emmaus. On the way, they encounter someone who they do not recognize, and begin conversing about all the things that had just happened in Jerusalem regarding Jesus the Nazarene. Incredibly, it was Jesus they were speaking with, but they didn’t recognize Him. It wasn’t until He took bread, broke it and gave it to them that they recognized Him. He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread. Do you recognize Jesus at the breaking of the bread every Sunday at the altar? Do you recognize Jesus in the faces of those at church? How about in your community—the poor, the downtrodden, the sick? Would someone see Jesus in you? Are you Jesus for someone when they are down, when they need a consoling word, a smile? The Gospel says that after Jesus left them, they returned to Jerusalem where they gathered with the eleven. They hear the good news that Jesus has truly been raised, and they share their experience of encountering Jesus on the road to Emmaus. This encounter transformed them into witnesses. This weekend ask Jesus to enter more deeply into your heart when you accept Him - body, blood, soul and divinity. This will empower you to be Christ for others, and to live and share the Good News with others. -Bishop Parkes, Diocese of St. Petersburg I pray these lines find all doing well. All is still going well here although very slow. It almost gets rough to remember what day it is. Daily Mass is the main reason why I am able to maintain my days. Know that generally I celebrate Mass daily around 9:30 and hold all of you in prayer. The separation has been rough, I miss seeing all of you, especially at Mass! Hopefully things will return to a certain level of normalcy soon. One thing I have always been proud of and now see it as a real disadvantage is my total lack of computer savvy as well as techno savvy. I thought, “I know just enough to get by.” Well, now I do not. My only computer work is writing these articles, and crazy enough when I have written them, I do not even know how to send it or get it to the web coordinator, I make a call and get walked through the process. The only computer I have is in my office, my spare time is spent painting decoys, no computers needed for that. The problem now arises that there are those who stay connected in so many ways via computer, face book etc. whereas I cannot but it does not mean I am not concerned and do not care. Other parishes do amazing things with their technology, newer churches especially or parishes where the pastor is a computer “Geek” -I mean that as a total compliment and am in awe over these individuals! Incarnation parish presently is celebrating Mass on Saturday evening. There is a 4:00 Spanish Mass followed by a 5:00 English Mass, they are both live streamed and will be archived (kept available) until the following Sunday Evening before they are removed. In this way you can join the live Mass with us or watch it later that Saturday night or anytime Sunday. Confessions will be available in both languages outside from 2:30 until 3:30 or until we are finished with the last penitent. Our Chapel has been and is open for prayer on weekdays from 7:00AM – 9:00AM and 4:00PM – 6:00PM, (no more than 10 people at a time) it has been great to see people taking advantage of this opportunity. Today we are presented in our Gospel, the road to Emmaus. Jesus is walking with these men who were so downtrodden because of all that had happened to Jesus and how He was killed. He was right there walking with them but surrounding circumstances, depression, fear kept them from seeing Jesus. The same thing can happen in our lives as well - He is always with us; Jesus has never left our side and He never will. One day, 200 years from now all of us will leave this world for Heaven. Potentially I got this idea from the writings of a saint or spiritual writer – I say this because I’m not that deep! LOL When we have concluded our time here, we are going to be able to see our lives like a movie, we will be seated and watch every part of our lives with the Lord. (For a caveat, this was an image that was used from our diocese where a man walked up to a barn, walks in, and a huge movie screen is there projecting his entire life.) The difference in watching this version is going to be that we will physically see Jesus and exactly where he was at every part of our lives. Knowing Jesus is with us makes all the difference in the world, we should always look for Him in every situation. Sometimes, it is very easy to see Jesus working in our lives and those times are a gift, today’s example being the breaking of the bread. There are other times when it may not be so easy finding Him working within our present situation but if you look for Him – you will find Him! He never abandons us. As a kid (heck – I’m still one!) I loved dinosaurs!! So, here is a joke for all your prehistoric fans; Which Dinosaur knew the most words? The Thesaurus Have a Blessed Week! -Love, Fr. Mike 2
Third Sunday of Easter
April 26, 2020
Prayer List Please pray for those who are suffering from illness in our parish. Prayer list names remain on the prayer list for 3 months. If you would like to add, remove or update a name call the parish office at 813-885-7861or send an e-mail to Katherine Baylon Luz Baylon Julie Bianchi Monique Biumi Joseph Brana Elaine Brandl Nicole Burgos Julio Candanedo Olga Cora Lincoln Corra Teresa Cueva Rachel Curry Robert Curry Jennie Cusmano Anne Delgado Martha Fanelli Richard Fanelli Beverly Fenton Gloria Fernandez Manuel Fernandez Ana Sophia Girwar-Nath Kiara Girwar-Nath Adriene Goldman Angelica Gonzalez Griselia Guerrero Sandra Infante Jan Jenkins Jacqualyn Jones Charles Kanaszka Teresa Kanaszka Jonny Kemman
Patricia Kilkelly Mary Ellen King Mary Laverde Benny Longo Sharon Maclejews Bonnie Miller Dina Marie Osburn Sarah Paccione Sergio Padron Reina Amador Rojas Sylvia Rom Bubba Rosche Ana Maria Salvador Chuck Schaff Courtland Shade Nancy Shirina Rachel Slowey Dominic Van Someren Elizabeth Urso Carlos Valencia Rose Marie Varas Jeanne Vincer Rose Vrabel Diana Walker Pat Whitty Greg Windmiller Amy Workman Dale Zgurzynski
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY 2LT Dillon C. Browne PV2 Chad Michael Burgess PV2 Angelique Burgess SGT Damian Patrick Bumm SRA Jasmin S. Chan SSGT Christina Costa Marine Amir Cris USCG LT. Andrew Ellis USCG Ensign Patrick Ellis CPL Michael K. Lam A1C Noel C. Marcano SRA Brett Masser LC George Mike LCPL. Reese Nichols US Navy Brian Quevedo CG Tyler Reyes PFC Yoselyn Rivera C Louis Ruscetta
Dante Sanchez SN Ryan Schultz 2LT Brandon Shively SPC Jason Seal Daniella Alexandra Serrano A1C Aaron Wilson Cadet Caleb K. Wong
Ways To Stay Connected Like Us On Facebook
Visit our Diocesan Website READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Ps 23:1-6; 1 Pt 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — God has raised the crucified Jesus, who now pours forth the Holy Spirit upon us (Acts 2:14, 22-33). Psalm — Lord, you will show us the path of life (Psalm 16). Second Reading — Our faith and hope are in God, who raised Jesus from the dead (1 Peter 1:17-21). Gospel — Through his words and in the breaking of the bread, the risen Christ made himself known to two disciples on their way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). We also offer this prayer for the continued health and well-being of people all over the world, especially those in our parish community. Almighty ever-living God, eternal health of believers, hear our prayers for your servants who are sick with coronavirus: grant them, we implore you, your merciful help, so that, with their health restored, they may give you thanks in the midst of your Church. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Dear Faith Formation Families, please log in to Formed, there are wonderful movies and teachings for the whole family. God bless you. Enter Access Code A47GQK Dear First Communion and Confirmation Families, I hope you’re staying safe and well during this pandemic. As you know we are not able to attend Mass or Faith Formation classes until a safe time can be determined to resume. At this time, none of us know when that will be. We do know however that both Confirmation and Communion are postponed. Please watch your email as well as our website and FB page for further updates. Please know you remain in our prayers. Stay safe and well. 3
Third Sunday of Easter
April 26, 2020
Dear brothers and sisters of Incarnation, Fr. Francisco and the Five Loaves and Two Fish Apostolate intends to collaborate with Catholic Charities of our Diocese of Saint Petersburg to help the homeless people in our area. Last March Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Saint Petersburg, in association with the city of Tampa, created a transitional shelter with the intention of safely locating homeless people in our area, the project is known as Hillsborough Hope and for the moment it will be open all April. Catholic Charities has laid out the land where the shelter has been erected with 100 tents; three meals a day will be offered; It will also provide support staff, a mobile laundry and six portable toilets. They have volunteers to carry out the work, but they need our support in donations. HERE IS A LIST OF THE THINGS THEY ARE IN NEED OF:
•Bibles (English and Spanish) •Clean clothes and shoes in good condition for men and women •Personal hygiene items: soap, deodorant and shaver, •Cereals (single-serve size) •Energy bars •Individual snack items •Bottled water •Orange juice •Energy drinks •Fruits: oranges and apples •Sheets and blankets •Board games •Puzzles •Books •Reading glasses •Sunscreen •Toilet paper •Cleaning items HOW TO PROCEED TO MAKE A DONATION: Bring your donations to: Place: Incarnation Church - In front of the church under the portico, there will be a collection box. Collection Day/Time: Tuesdays only (in April) from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm. 1) Place your donations in a plastic bag (previously disinfected) and tie it up. 2) Drive through the church portico; stop, get out of your car and place the bag in the box. On Tuesday, April 14, we collected: 800 pounds of clothes and blankets, 700 pounds of food, including water, and 20 pounds of literature and games. The donation was delivered on Wednesday April 15 to Catholic Charities. It will continue to receive donations until June. Thank you very much for your generosity! Fr Francisco Hernández, on behalf of Denisse Vargas, Ladys and Juan de la Cruz. 4
Tercer Domingo de Pascua
26 de abril de 2020
Queridos hermanos y hermanas del EPAPHI, el Apostolado Cinco Panes y Dos Peces tiene la intención de organizar un gesto de colaboración con la iniciativa de Caridades Católicas de nuestra Diócesis de Saint Petersburg a favor de las personas sin techo de nuestra área. El pasado mes de marzo Caridades Católicas de la Diócesis de San Petersburgo, en asociación con la ciudad de Tampa ha creado un refugio transitorio con la intensión de ubicar con seguridad a las personas de nuestra área que no tienen hogar, el proyecto se conoce como Hillsborough Hope (esperanza) y por el momento estará abierto todo el mes de abril. Caridades Católicas ha dispuesto el terreno donde se ha levantado el refugio con 100 tiendas de campaña, se ofrecerán tres comidas al día; además proporcionará personal de apoyo, una lavandería móvil y seis baños portátiles. Ellos cuentan con voluntarios para realizar el trabajo, pero necesitan de nuestro apoyo en donaciones. Si tú o alguien de tu grupo tiene intenciones de ayudar, a continuación te presentamos una lista de las cosas que están necesitando: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Biblias en inglés y español, Ropa y zapatos limpios y en buenas condiciones para ambos sexos, Artículos de higiene personal: Jabón, desodorante y afeitadora, Unidades pequeñas de cereales, Barritas energéticas, Artículos individuales para merienda, Agua embotellada, Jugos de naranja, Bebidas energéticas, Frutas: naranjas y manzanas, Sábanas y mantas, Juegos de mesa, rompecabezas, Libros, Lentes de lectura, Protector solar, Papel de baño, Artículos de limpieza. Cómo proceder para las donaciones: • Se colocarán en una caja que estará en el pórtico del templo de nuestra parroquia, • Estarán en una bolsa de plástico cerrada y desinfectada previamente, • La persona llegará al pórtico en su auto, se desmonta del mismo y coloca la bolsa en la caja, luego continua su marcha, • Las donaciones se harán los días martes de cada semana de 9:00 am a 12:30 pm. El martes 14 de abril se recolectaron: 800 libras de ropa y mantas, 700 libras de comida, incluida el agua y 20 libras de literatura y juegos. Lo donado se entrego el miércoles 15 de abril a Caridades Católicas. Ellos seguirán recibiendo donaciones hasta el mes de junio. Muchas gracias por su generosidad, P. Francisco Hernández, en nombre de Denisse Vargas, Ladys y Juan de la Cruz. 5
26 de abril de 2020
¿Reconoces a Jesús?
Ya han pasado tres semanas desde la crucifixión y la resurrección. Aún hay rumores entre la comunidad acerca de lo ocurrido. Algunos creen, otros aún no están seguros. Vemos lo mismo hoy en día en las noticias y acontecimientos. A veces no sabemos qué creer hasta ver por nosotros mismos o pasar por la experiencia de lo acontecido. A veces influye de quién recibimos la información. ¿Es una fuente fidedigna? ¿Es la información objetiva y creíble? En el Evangelio de san Lucas de este fin de semana hallamos a dos discípulos en el camino hacia un pueblecito llamado Emaús. Mientras caminan se encuentran con alguien que no reconocen y comienzan a conversar con el extraño sobre todo lo sucedido en Jerusalén con respecto a Jesús de Nazaret. Increíblemente, es Jesús con quien ellos están hablando, pero no lo reconocen. No fue hasta que él tomó el pan, lo partió y se los dio, que lo reconocieron. El Señor Jesús se hace reconocer al partir del pan. ¿Reconoces a Jesús cuando se parte el pan cada domingo en el altar? ¿Reconoces a Jesús en el rostro de los demás en la iglesia? ¿Qué tal en tu comunidad, en los pobres, en los oprimidos, en los enfermos? ¿Podrá ver alguien a Jesús en ti? ¿Muestras tú el rostro de Jesús cuando alguien está agobiado, cuando una persona necesita un consejo o una sonrisa? El Evangelio dice que después que Jesús los dejó, los dos discípulos regresaron a Jerusalén donde se reunieron con los Once. Oyeron la buena nueva de que Jesús verdaderamente había resucitado y compartieron su experiencia del encuentro con Jesús en el camino hacia Emaús. Este encuentro los convirtió en testigos. Este fin de semana recibe en tu corazón a Jesús, su cuerpo sangre, alma y divinidad, y pídele que tome posesión de todo su ser. Esto te fortalecerá para ser otro Cristo para los demás, y así vivir y compartir la buena nueva con todos. -Monseñor Gregory Parkes, Obispo de la Diócesis de St. Petersburg
6 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — No era posible que Jesús quedara bajo el dominio de la muerte (Hechos 2:14, 22-33). Salmo — Señor, nos mostrarás el sendero de vida (Salmo 16 [17]). Segunda lectura — Han sido salvados por la Sangre preciosa de Cristo, como con un cordero sin mancha ni defecto. (1 Pedro 1:17-21). Evangelio — Reconocieron a Jesús en la fracción del pan (Juan 24:13 -35). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Hch 6:8-15; Sal 119 (118):23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Hch 7:51 — 8:1a; Sal 31 (30):3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Miércoles: Hch 8:1b-8; Sal 66 (65):1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Jueves: Hch 8:26-40; Sal 66 (65):8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Viernes: Hch 9:1-20; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59, Sábado: Hch 9:31-42; Sal 116 (115):12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Domingo: Hch 2:14a, 36-41; Sal 23 (22):1-6; 1 Pe 2:20b-25; Jn 10:110 Lunes: Martes:
QUÉDATE CON NOSOTROS, SEÑOR Camina con nosotros, Señor, por el camino de tu resurrección. Explícanos a nosotros, tardos para creer, lo que la Escritura nos dice de ti. Parte el pan de la Eucaristía con nosotros cuando compartimos nuestras vidas con los hermanos y hermanas. Quédate con nosotros cada vez que se acerca la noche y la luz se apaga en nuestros corazones. —De Oraciones Biblicas por Lucien Deis