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Church of the Incarnation


Parish Office: 5124 Gateway Dr. , Tampa, FL 33615 Phone: 813-885-7861 Fax: 813-884-3624


Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm www.icctampa.org

PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9am - 4pm 5124 Gateway Dr. , Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.885.7861 Fax: 813.884.3624 www.icctampa.org

SCHOOL OFFICE 5111 Webb Rd., Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734 www.icstampa.org CLERGY Rev. Michael Suszynski, Pastor Rev. Jairo Atehortua Parochial Vicar Rev. Philip Clement, Parochial Vicar Deacon Pablo Maldonado Deacon Ramon Rodriguez

STAFF Parish Business Administrator - Paul Hunter phunter@icctampa.org Facility Manager - Dave Arnold darnold@icctampa.org / 919-4284 Parish Secretary - Irene Martinez imartinez@icctampa.org Receptionist/ Bulletin Editor - Silvia Rivera srivera@icctampa.org Director of Music - Alex Groppe agroppe@icctampa.org

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Fasting may be a priority in your Lenten springcleaning regimen. Almost every religious tradition recognizes that fasting is a key to heightened spiritual awareness. You know this from your own experience. When you are engaged in a hobby, painting a room, keeping vigil near a delivery room, or standing watch at a sickbed, you may simply forget to eat. What you are doing so fills you that the intensity of the action is itself nourishing. In fasting from food, or drink, or habitual behaviors, you make room for what is truly important. Even though Lenten Sundays stand apart from the Lenten fast, you will notice traces of fasting in our liturgy. We fast from singing the Gloria and Alleluia, we fast from flowers bedecking the altar, and there may be a noticeable drop in the number of infant baptisms as parents elect to wait until Easter. This hints that fasting is a prelude to feasting, and the vigor of our Easter alleluias is rich fare after a long silence. In the same way, even a small fast—no cream in the coffee, no pepper in the soup, no radio in the car—can not only point to deeper hungers, but help us rejoice more fully in the feast when we break our fast together. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Asst. Director of Music (Spanish) - David Funes dfunes@icctampa.org Director of Faith Formation - Carmen Cayon ccayon@icctampa.org Sacrament Prep. & Youth Ministry - Philomena Johnson pjohnson@icctampa.org


Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46


Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15

Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32



Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12

Monday through Friday: 7:00am & 8:30am


Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26


Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48


Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b34; Mk 9:2-10

Saturday: 8:30am & 4:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am (signed), & 12pm MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos a la 1:30pm Viernes a las 6:30pm LATIN MASS: Sundays at 4:30pm CONFESSIONS: Saturdays - 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Church Or by appointment DEVOTIONS Morning Prayer Group: Liturgy of the Hours Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. & Sat.: 8:10am - 8:25am EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every 1st Friday following the 8:30 am Mass until 6:15pm ROSARY: Thursdays at 11:30am in the chapel ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL - Jueves de 5:30pm6:30pm en la capilla

THE MEANING OF OUR BAPTISM Lent is the time of year that we devote to scrutinizing our lives in the light of our baptism into the death and resurrection of Jesus. Today’s readings are a nice shorthand catechism of what our baptized lives mean. As Noah passed through the waters of the flood to a covenant with God, so did we enter into a covenant, a promised relationship with God through our baptism. The psalm reminds us that if we truly keep the covenant, the way of life God expects us to follow will not be a burden, but a source of love and truth. Peter’s letter gives one explanation of what our baptism means: it is an appeal that we make to God for a clear conscience. How do we obtain this clear conscience? The words that Jesus proclaims immediately following his temptation show us the way: “Repent and believe in the gospel.” It might be a good spiritual exercise to keep these readings before us throughout the entire season of Lent, a means to help us return to a life lived in our baptismal promises. —Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

First Sunday of Lent

February 22, 2015

† MASS INTENTIONS † SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 22 - FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 7:30 A.M. +Robert Lopez by Madeline Nunez 9:00 A.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 10:30 A.M. +Mary Perkinson by ICCW 12:00 P.M. +Ana Crosby by Richard and Dee Dee 1:30 P.M. +Roberto Pagan by Family 4:30 P.M. MONDAY - FEBRUARY 23 - ST. POLYCARP, BISHOP AND MARTYR 7:00 A.M. (SI) Postulants of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia 8:30 A.M. +Maria Lopes by Family TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 24 7:00 A.M. +Dr. Hafiz Rahman by Family 8:30 A.M. +Kathleen Williams by Family WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 25 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +Charles Blount by Sharon Slowey THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 26 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 27 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. (SI) Norma Uliassi SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 28 8:30 A.M. +Miguel Soto by Maria Soto 4:30 P.M. +James Stitt by Wife SUNDAY - MARCH 1 - SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. +Mary Perkinson by Columbiettes 10:30 A.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 12:00 P.M. +Ambrosia Mesias by Pina Valdes 1:30 P.M. +Lydia Gonzalez by Beatrice Betancourt 4:30 P.M.

SACRIFICIAL GIFTS OF TREASURE OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish. Weekly Target ................................................. $21,000.00 02/15/2015 Offertory Donations ..................... $19,053.94 Shortfall……………………………………….$ 1,946.06 Dominican Parish….………………………….$ 1,207.00 RENOVATION & BUILDING FUND (Second Collection) is used to pay the monthly principal and interest obligation on our Church Renovation Loan and to fund repairs and updates to our Church building. 02/15/2015 Renovation Donations .................... $ 1,207.00

If you would like to add or remove a name, e-mail Silvia Rivera at: srivera@icctampa.org or call the parish office 813-885-7861. Jeannette Abrenica Alexis Aldana Thomas Baffil Lucas Baker Maria Barrios Barry Beard Will Beran Monique Biumi Judith Brown Ted Brown Kay Burgess Frank Burke Carmen Casar Linda Casares Nora Corteses Cameron Cowans Wilma Crammond Nellie Cruz Jake Dairaghi Robert Davis Leslie D’ Elia Kelly Decker Conchita Delgado Vito Demalteris Germaine Dutton Nila Espinola Antoinette Falcone Richard Fanelli Joy Galante Jimmy Garad Rosemary Germano Gloria Giordano Sal Giordano Manuel Gonzalez, Jr. Manuel Gonzalez, Sr. Joseph Greco Michael Griffin Robert Hasty Isabelle Henderson

Letty Hernandez Bob Higgins Janet Hogsten Penni Hollis Sarah Hurtado Susan Jamieson Dorothy Kingerly James Kuhla Mimi Kuhla Raul Lagares Helen Lawrence Susan Lestock Michelle Levi Diane I. Lievers Tom Lom Janet Losinski Michael Lowe Reinaldo Macias Anna Marshall Matt T. McLane Melissa Mclane Mary J. McNally Kathy McNamee Marie Mendez Joe Messina Audrey Messina Evelyn Molina Johnny Montano Rene Music Ladys Nuesi Alicia Oacio Sarah Paccione Lisa Paige Sandy Palermo JR Pearce Germaine Pempsell Patrick Pempsell Bernard Rafferty, Sr. Kelly Reilly

Donna Ridgeway Maria D. Rios de Abreu

Vilma Rivas Irvin Rivera, Jr. Rose Rivera Chuck Robins Judy Rosser Geraldine S. Violeta Salas Juan C. Sanchez Thomas Santiago Annette Scalise Donald Schirmer Dawn Seifert John Semago Kim Schult Phil Sheridan Kody Sir Sheri Simpson Monica Sprouse Charles Stachowiak Kathleen Stachowiak Phyllis Stadtmueller Dorothy Stanlake Ann Sullivan Evan Untiveros Patrick Vaccariello Ivy Valdes Ines Velazquez William Vitto Jerry Wegman Sandy Werner Gabriella Winters Helen Wood Amy Workman Lupita Nuria Elena

PV2 Chad Michael Burgess PV2 Angelique Burgess SGT Damian Patrick Bumm Ltc. Col Sean D. Smith, Kuwait MAJ Robert R. Torres, Africa

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! If you have any questions about our finances or parish renovation activities, please contact Business Manager, Paul Hunter at 813-8857861 or by e-mail: phunter@icctampa.org.

Thank You, Buds Blooms & Beyond for your donation of flower arrangements for our church and chapel. 11234 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33635 (813)818-9600 (800)531-2837 www.budsbloomsandbeyond.com


Church of the Incarnation Director of Faith Formation & R.C.I.A.



Carmen Cayon ccayon@icctampa.org Grades Pk-12 Sacrament Preparation & Youth Ministry Philomena Johnson pjohnson@icctampa.org Young Adult Ministry Fr. Philip Clement fclement@icctampa.org

"Proeliatores Dei" is our parish's young adult group. Young adult parishioners ages 18-28 are welcome to join us every Thursday night from 7:30 - 9:00 in the Lion's Lair for faith, fun, and fraternity. For more information, please go to our website: www.thewarriorsofgod.org or call Fr. Philip at the church office (813-885-7861). We hope to see you there!

FAITH FORMATION NEWS!! Faith Formation children will be celebrating Mardi Gras Sunday, March 15th on the pavilion at 10:30AM. ALL ARE WELCOME to join us as we celebrate Fat Tuesday and prepare ourselves for Lent. Faith Formation Office needs beads! If you have any that you would like to donate before the 15th please contact Philomena in the Faith Formation Office. THANK YOU!!


First Sunday of Lent

February 22, 2015


TREE OF LIFE MEMORIALS ALTAR SERVERS - David Smith - iccaltarservers@gmail.com EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - If you would like to join this ministry contact Frank Salamone Phone: 813-205-8259 Email: fsalamone2003@yahoo.com READERS - Will Beran - 882-0178 ENVIRONMENT/ART - Connie Hennessey - 884-8326 USHERS - Tom Osborn - 885-3829 VISITORS OF THE SICK - Fr. Jairo Atehortua - 885-7861 BIBLE STUDY - Carmen Cayon - 885-7861 CARNIVAL - Dave Arnold - 919-4284 COLUMBIETTES - Maureen Finch - 885-1065 or maureen4@tampabay.rr.com. Meet every 2nd Thursday at 7:00pm, St. Patrick's Room FINANCE COUNCIL - Tim Madden - 831-9770 tmmadden@tampabay.rr.com HELPING HAND - Paul Hunter - 885-7861 ICCW - INCARNATION COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Alma Shamblin - 886-9365 Gen. Mtg. 1st Thursdays - Rosary at 7pm - Mtg. starts at 7:30pm JOB SEARCH SUPPORT - Hilda Lyons - icjobsupport@hotmail.com Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. at the Town ’N Country Public Library KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - For membership information - Dave Shively - 813-525-5839 or Ralph Galera - 813-792-8950.

In memory of a loved one who has passed away you may want to consider the Tree of Life Memorial at the church’s entrance. You may also want to remember a special Anniversary or a family member with a Leaf on the Tree. For information call Connie Hennessey at 884-8326. ANOINTING OF THE SICK gives spiritual strength in the face of suffering. A Parish priest is on call 24 hrs. in cases of emergency and is available for appointments. Call the Parish Office at 8857861. MATRIMONY (Marriage) - Couples need to contact the Parish Office at 885-7861 before setting a date. The preparation process takes a minimum of 6 months. HOLY ORDERS is for single men answering the call to priesthood. Any man or woman interested in the religious life should contact one of our parish priests or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 727-345-3338. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY - Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick at home. Please call the Parish Office at 885-7861 to make arrangements.

LIFE MINISTRY - Teresa Trubilla - 841-6563 - Trubilla@mac.com MUSIC MINISTRY - Alex Groppe - agroppe@icctampa.org Tuesday Rehearsals, 7 - 9pm in the Church Music Room

CABALLEROS DE COLÓN - Información - Félix Cayon 813-8844052 o Ralph Galera 813-792-8950.

PRAYER SHAWL GROUP - Leonor “Lily” Duran - 813-806-1567 or lilypadiii@yahoo.com. 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm in Faith Formation Office

COMITÉ PASTORAL HISPANO - Padre Jairo - 885-7861 fatehortua@icctampa.org. Se reúne el tercer jueves de cada mes

RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE - Connie Hennessey - 884-8326

CORO HISPANO - David Funes - dfunes@icctampa.org miércoles a las 7:00pm y los domingos a las 12:00 pm

SPECIAL EDUCATION - Mary Thomson - 884-8040 STEWARDSHIP - Tim Madden - 831-9770 tmmadden@tampabay.rr.com

EMAUS DAMAS - Liliana Astete 646-339-4286 y Doris Quirindongo (813) 843-6654. Miércoles de por medio 7pm.

THAT MAN IS YOU - Michael Rivera - 598-0972

EMAUS HOMBRES - Stevenson Quirindongo

12 STEP MEETINGS - Mary at 813-884-7171

ESCUELA DE EVANGELIZACIÓN JUAN PABLO II María Teresa Aguilar 813-315-0925. Viernes 7pm, salón de clase #3. GRUPO DE JOVENES - Carmen Cayón - 885-7861.

Men's Closed Meetings - Tuesday, 7 pm St. Patrick's Room


Closed Meetings - Wednesday, 7 pm St. Patrick's Room

2014 Tax Statement Please request donation reports for tax year2014 by e-mail to phunter@icctampa.org. This saves time for you and postage for the church.

GRUPO DE JOVENES ADULTOS - Ana Acevedo al 359-7722. Viernes, 7:30pm, salón de conferencia. GRUPO DE MATRIMONIOS - Lecy y Dante Sánchez - 850-4526. Viernes, 7:30pm, salón St. Francis 1. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN - Reina Borjas al 813-249-0986. Martes 7:30pm, salón St. Michael. LECTORES LEGIÓN DE MARÍA - Priscilla Hatch - 813-600-0208 o Sila Richards 813-885-2322 MINISTROS DE EUCARISTÍA - Tito Bello - 516-2619 MONAGUILLOS - Doris Quirindongo - 843-6654 RETIROS VIÑA DE RAQUEL - Grace Leiva - 813-479-5465 UJIERES - José Guaba - 504-5538

First Sunday of Lent

February 22, 2015


EVERY FRIDAY, Starting February 27 – March 20, 2015

EAT-IN OR TAKE-OUT 4:30PM TO 7:00PM IN SAINT MICHAEL’S HALL MENU SELECTION: Each dinner served with bread, dessert and a choice of two of the following: French

Fries, Cole Slaw, Macaroni & Cheese or Yellow Rice/Black Beans. Seafood Combo - $7.50 Flounder Filet Dinner - $6.50

Shrimp Dinner - $6.50 Child’s Plate (12 & under) - $4.50


Save These Dates! STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays of Lent 5:45pm - Spanish 7:30pm - English CONFESSIONS Saturdays - 2:30pm - 3:30pm

LENTEN BIBLE STUDY/REFLECTION Wednesday Evenings 7-9 PM Classroom 3 February 25-March 25, 2015 All are welcome For more information contact Dennis or Adele Ference (813) 886-0041

LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU (Diocesan-wide Confessions)

March 12, 2015 5:00pm - 7:00pm LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE March 23 at 7:00pm SEDER MEAL March 30, 2015 HOLY WEEK March 30th through April 3rd PALM SUNDAY March 29th EASTER SUNDAY April 5th

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY! The Diocese of St. Petersburg and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development are looking for Catholics with leadership abilities, community service experience, social media skills, and effective writing/communication skills. The CCHD Internship combines practical work in carrying out the mandate of CCHD at the local level. Some duties are: youth and young adult outreach, parish education, and community economic outreach. The time commitment is 17/18 hours per week with compensation of $12/hr. For more information please contact Shelby Ginty sag@dosp.org (727) 254-1780

H.E.A.R.T. (Healing the Effects of Abortion Related Trauma) continues to offer spiritual support for post-abortive men and women and will now launch an additional layer of spiritual support for those who have already completed a HEART program or who have attended Rachel's Vineyard Retreat. Starting Friday April 17 at St. James Catholic Church in Port Richey, we begin a 9-week study, “Full of Grace, Women and the Abundant Life.” For more information about HEART programs or Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats contact Pat 727-534-5729 or Emma Boe, (Project Rachel Director) 813-924-4173. |7

Church of the Incarnation


The K O C District Free Throw Contest was held on February 7th at Incarnation School Pavilion. All ten winners from the Incarnation Council Contest also prevailed at the District level, and they will now compete at the Regional level on February 28th at St. Petersburg High School. We wish them success!

Boys' Photo: Incarnation Knight Roger Caruso, Kemuel Henderson (10), Avery Altamirano (11), Michael Contreras (12), Jarred Arnold (13), Steven Sargeant (14), District Deputy Ricardo Cox, and St. Paul Knight Anthony Cutrono.

Girls' Photo: Incarnation Knight Roger Caruso, Kayla Kramer (10), Maddie Maroney (11), Keyarra Henderson (12), Valerie Lamarre (13), Gladys Alvarado(14), District Deputy Ricardo Cox, and St. Paul Knight Anthony Cutrono.

Florida Blood Services would like to thank Incarnation for all the years of hosting the blood drives. Incarnation Catholic Church donated 178 successful units. Each unit saves 3 lives. Incarnation saved 534 lives 2014.

Tickets on sale after all masses this Sunday & next Sunday in the gazebo.

Did you know Incarnation owns Hand Bells? Music Ministry is reforming the Bell Choir! Introducing Campanello! (That’s Italian for “bells”) Here is an opportunity to become involved in your parish through a fun, new and rewarding ministry! NO MUSICAL EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED - It’s true - you will learn the very basics of music as you learn to ring! Musicians and singers are also encouraged to join! Find out more at an informational meeting to be held in the Choir room of our Church Saturday, February 21 at 2:30 PM. We are looking for folks with a willing spirit, able to commit to weekly rehearsals and eventually ringing at Masses every other month or so. This ministry is open to parishioners age 16 and up.

Ladies: How would you like to spend your time helping women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy? It has been so rewarding helping Moms choose life for their babies and helping them through their pregnancies and seeing the joy in their faces when their babies arrive. LifeChoices Women’s Care, a pregnancy resource clinic, welcomes more helping hands and loving hearts to serve as client advocates, nurses and ultrasound technicians in service to women in need. We especially need bilingual (Spanish/ English) volunteers. Call Brenda at (813) 948-7734 or email brenda.pereira@lifechoiceswc.org. We also need volunteers who can serve as community outreach coordinators working from home and during evening hours. Call Rene at (813) 948-7734 or email rene.ellis@lifechoiceswc.org 8|

Come and enjoy traditional Irish fare and singing. Irish dancers from the Scariff - Hardiman School of Irish Dance will perform. Music provided by our own John Pfingsten. Buy your tickets after Mass in the Gazebo February 22nd and March 1st. Place: St. Michael's Hall Date: Saturday, March 7th 6:00PM - 10:00PM Cost: $15.00 per person Contact: Jose Pena - 813-475-5119 All are welcome! Be sure to wear something green.


BEAUTY IN FORGIVENESS Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another. —Jean P. F. Richter

Church of the Incarnation


Primer Domingo de Cuaresma 22 de febrero de 2015 Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos, guíanos con la verdad de tu doctrina. — Salmo 25 (24):4

Domingo 22 de Febrero de 2015. Reflexionando la Palabra de Dios Comenzamos el tiempo de Cuaresma. Es este un tiempo de fuerte y explícita llamada a la conversión: Conviértanse y crean en el Evangelio. Lo oímos en el Evangelio, y se nos subrayó el pasado miércoles, Miércoles de Ceniza, como la actitud más propia del tiempo litúrgico que comenzamos. Y es la invitación que la Iglesia ha repetido desde su comienzo. Continuamente. Pero, de modo más especial, en este tiempo de Cuaresma. Así nos lo demuestran los dos grupos especiales que, en él, adquirían protagonismo: los catecúmenos (que vivían su primera y definitiva conversión) y los pecadores públicos (que rehacían su conversión al retornar a las exigencias de su bautismo). La Cuaresma es, pues, tiempo de conversión. O, lo que es lo mismo, de volver a empezar. Porque la adhesión a Jesús como centro de nuestra vida no es un hecho puntual, conseguido de una vez para siempre. Admite y necesita progreso. Y, sobre todo, admite volver y comenzar de nuevo. Por eso, conversión: cambio de vida... a mejor; mayor acercamiento y fidelidad a Jesús de Nazaret. Desde aquí, descubrimos que: Nadie está del todo perdido. Para el cristiano, la última palabra en su vida no la tiene el pecado. Detrás de él, siempre está el Padre amoroso, que, en Cristo, acepta nuestro corazón renovado por la fuerza del Espíritu. La conversión no es un mirar al pasado para quedarnos en él, sino para descubrir y lanzarnos al futuro. Es una mirada esperanzada hacia delante. Porque no se detiene en lo que no hemos conseguido, sino que se ilusiona con lo que podemos llegar a ser. La conversión no es mirar hacia abajo disgustándonos por nuestros pecados, sino alzar los ojos al cielo y descubrir que Dios nos quiere. El camino y el modelo de este proceder, para nosotros, es Cristo. La Iglesia nos lo presenta hoy victorioso en medio de las dificultades. Diríamos que se nos está escenificando el hecho de la conversión: Jesús, rodeado por la naturaleza desordenada y hostil, representa al ser humano que, alejándose de Dios, ha roto la armonía con la creación. Jesús, con su aceptación de la voluntad del Padre, ha restaurado todo. Y la clave está en este punto: Jesús, frente al enemigo que procura alejarlo de su conciencia de pequeñez, aparece y acepta su "ser hombre". Esto choca con lo que, también aquí, de alguna manera dice el enemigo: "Seréis como dioses". Sí, pero sabiendo que somos hombres; es decir, limitados, pobres, pecadores. Y, por tanto, necesitados continuamente de conversión. ¡Ánimo, pues! La resurrección nos espera, es nuestra meta. Vale la pena el esfuerzo del camino. Es posible que nuestra vida sea todavía mucho mejor. P. Jairo


A propósito de cuaresma y camino… Este es el tiempo de regresar a casa del Padre para apreciar y agradecer su amor. Lo mismo que rezamos todos los días “El pan de cada DIA dánoslo hoy”, también tenemos que decir “El cambio de cada DIA te damos hoy. Es el deseo y el trabajo de una conversión diaria. Los siguientes son algunos elementos en los que podemos trabajar:

Si eres soberbio y orgulloso, conviértete en sencillo y humilde. ∗ Si eres opresor, conviértete en liberador. ∗ Si eres avaro y apegado al dinero, a lo material, conviértete en generoso. ∗ Si eres rencoroso, procura tener un corazón grande, capaz de perdonar. ∗ Si eres iracundo y malgeniado, trata de ser pacifico, comunicando paz. ∗ Si eres demasiado intransigente, procura ser más comprensivo. ∗ Si eres caprichoso y grosero, piensa en los demás más que en ti mismo. ∗ Si eres sensual, valora, valora el amor, superando la obsesión del sexo desordenado. ∗ Si eres egoísta, piensa menos en ti y tiende más la mano a los demás. ∗ Si señalas a otro con el dedo, procura darles la mano del amor y del silencio. ∗ Si no nos hemos preocupado de nuestros amigos, ni de los recién llegados a este país, invitémoslos para que se sientan bienvenidos. En fin, pongamos todos los “Si”… que nosotros conocemos mejor que nadie y añadamos nuestro propósito y decisión de cambiar y empezar de nuevo.

Todos los Viernes Durante la Cuaresma

Comenzando el 27 de febrero y el 6, 13, y 20 de marzo, 2015 Las Damas Católicas de Incarnation (ICCW) como todos los años durante la Cuaresma tendrán la venta de pescado frito. Traiga a toda su familia. Salón St. Michael - Horario: 4:30pm - 7:00pm

22 de Febrero de 2015 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes:

Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Martes: Is 55:10-11; Sal 34 (33):4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Miércoles: Jon 3:1-10; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lc 11:29-32 Jueves: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Sal 138 (137):1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Viernes: Ez 18:21-28; Sal 130 (129):1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Sábado: Dt 26:16-19; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Domingo: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Sal 116 (115): 10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mc 9:2-10

Servicios Litúrgicos durante la Cuaresma ♦ Vía Crucis en español todos los viernes a las 5:45pm en la Iglesia. ♦ Vía Crucis en inglés los viernes a las 7:30pm


TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Según un dicho árabe, si quieres conocer bien a una persona, debes convivir durante cuarenta días con ella. Cuarenta no puede tomarse al pie de la letra, ya que en las culturas semitas de siglos pasados cuarenta significaba “un largo periodo de tiempo”. Los judíos, cristianos y musulmanes provenimos de esas culturas antiguas y es por eso que para nosotros el número cuarenta es muy importante. Algunos ejemplos bíblicos: El diluvió duró cuarenta días. Moisés habló con Dios durante cuarenta días en el Sinaí. El pueblo de Israel pasó cuarenta años en el desierto purificándose de sus pecados. Jesús ayunó cuarenta días en el desierto antes de iniciar su ministerio público. El profeta Mahoma tenía cuarenta años cuando Dios lo llamó; asimismo, según el Islam, Dios creó a Adán en cuarenta días, y la persona que desea sabiduría necesita ayunar cuarenta días. No se sabe de dónde viene esta conexión del número cuarenta con la religión. Algunos astrónomos piensan que es debido al planeta Venus. Venus (estrella matutina) viaja por el cielo regresando a su lugar de origen cada cuarenta años menos cuarenta días. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

LA BELLEZA DEL PERDÓN La humanidad nunca es tan hermosa como cuando reza implorando perdón o cuando perdona a otro. —Jean P. F. Richter

LA CALIDAD DEL CAMBIO Cambiar, y cambiar para algo mejor, son dos cosas muy diferentes. —Proverbio alemán

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