ICCbulletin 0612'11

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http://www.icctampa.org 5124 Gateway Drive (mailing address) • Fax: (813) 884-3624 Welcome To Our Parish! St. Michael’s Hall is closed for the Summer. For information regarding registering with our parish family please call the parish office at 813-885-7861 or stop by the office during the week.

Phone: 813- 885-7861 SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 9am - 4pm Fridays: 9am to 12 noon

Pentecost Sunday June 12, 2011

Clergy - 813-885-7861

Father Michael Suszynski, Pastor Father Diego Ossa, Parochial Vicar Father Jose George, Parochial Vicar Deacon Joseph Krzanowski Deacon Frank Julian Deacon Pablo Maldonado

BLOOD DRIVE TODAY UNTIL 3:00PM Today’s Blood Drive is being held in honor of Sara Desrochers, a 2 1/2 yr. old battling leukemia. Your donation is greatly appreciated!!

Staff - 813-885-7861 Paul Hunter Parish Business Administrator iccphunter@tampabay.rr.com Dave Arnold Facility Manager - 919-4284 iccdave@tampabay.rr.com Irene Martinez Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor irenemartz@tampabay.rr.com

Donate 2 times between May & August and be entered to WIN a Royal Caribbean Cruise for two!

Silvia Rivera Receptionist/ Asst Editor iccsrive@tampabay.rr.com Donal Noonan Music Director donal@tampabay.rr.com Carmen Cayon Director of Faith Formation carmen_dre@tampabay.rr.com Faith Formation Office - 813-887-5110 Philomena Johnson Grades Pk-5 & First Communion iccphil@tampabay.rr.com Brian Greenfield Youth Director Grades 6-12 & Confirmation greenfbr@gmail.com

Incarnation School - 813 884-4502 http://www.icstampa.org Mr. Michael Zelenka, Principal Mrs. Diane Doyle & Mrs. Stephanie Stahl

Assistant Principals

MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday - 7am & 8:30am

Misas en Español:

Saturday - 8:30 am & 4:30pm (Vigil)

Cada domingo a la 1:30pm

Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am (signed), 12pm

Cada viernes a las 6:30 pm

DEVOTIONS: Morning Prayer Group: Liturgy of the Hours Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. from 8:10am - 8:25am First Friday Adoration following the 8:30 am Mass until 6:15pm Rosary every Thursday at 11:30am in the chapel Rosario en español cada jueves a las 7:00pm en la capilla

CONFESSIONS: 2:30PM to 3:30 PM or By Appointment

CARNIVAL 2011 FINAL RESULTS Event Income Expenses Basket Raffle $1,497.00 Food Booths $38,064.13 $12,139.72 Game Booths $5,881.36 $778.38 Wheel of Fortune $952.75 Raffle $9,934.91 $6,528.45 Rides Pre sale $37,890.00 $24,234.00 Rides Grounds $22,170.00 $16,269.00 Concessions $1,610.00 Thrift Store $7,619.96 Construction $890.45 Electricity $200.00 Pods/Rental $294.97 Tent/Chair Rental $2,915.00 Waste Disposal $1,350.00 Total $125,620.11 $65,599.97 Food Booths American Beer Cake International (Greek) Italian Oriental Pepsi-Cola Funnel Cakes Spanish Total Food

Donations $0.00 $0.00

Profit $1,497.00 $25,924.41 $5,102.98


$952.75 $4,006.46 $13,656.00

$500.00 $1,129.11

$5,901.00 $2,110.00 $7,619.96 $238.66 ($200.00) ($294.97) ($2,915.00)


($1,350.00) $62,249.25

$4,262.85 $7,165.46 $1,463.95

$1,979.04 $2,402.55 $383.89

$2,283.81 $4,762.91 $1,080.06

$3,050.01 $2,885.01 $3,652.03 $7,260.81 $1,663.90 $6,660.11 $38,064.13

$974.97 $1,140.40 $1,330.44 $1,738.38 $582.02 $1,608.03 $12,139.72

$2,075.04 $1,744.61 $2,321.59 $5,522.43 $1,081.88 $5,052.08 $25,924.41

Games Booths Balloons (Darts) Football (Baseball)











Face Painting


Break a Plate




Hurl a Hoop




Gold Fish Bowl


The Dig




Kiddy Corner







Total Games $5,881.36 $778.38 $0.00 $5,102.98 We would again like to thank all those volunteers who helped build the booths, purchase and prepare the food, manage and staff the booths, cleanup and maintain security throughout the event and finally tear it all down and store it for next year.

On the web @ www.icctampa.org


Pentecost Sunday

June 12, 2011

Sick Prayer List: New names appear in

MONDAY - JUNE 13 - ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, PRIEST 7:00 A.M. +All Souls Anna Landecho 8:30 A.M. (SI) Dolores Mastrino Kuhla Family TUESDAY - JUNE 14 7:00 A.M. (SI) Patrick Hardy David Hardy 8:30 A.M. +Antonio Gutierrez Mirtha Gutierrez WEDNESDAY - JUNE 15 7:00 A.M. +Bee Butler Martin 8:30 A.M. +Lois Fedon Mccutcheon Family THURSDAY - JUNE 16 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. FRIDAY - JUNE 17 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +Ann and +Joseph O’Connell Mary and Henry 6:30 P.M. +Irma Fiorenttini Carmen and Evelyn SATURDAY - JUNE 18 8:30 A.M. (SI) In Thanksgiving Mercy Gocon 4:30 P.M. +Richard Ulloa Family SUNDAY - JUNE 19 - FATHER’S DAY 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. Spiritual Bouquet Masses 12:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M.

SACRIFICIAL GIFTS OF TREASURE OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish. Weekly Target ................................................. $23,000.00 06/05//2011 Offertory Donations ................... $20,175.49 Shortfall ............................................................ $ 2,824.51 Tuition Assistance ........................................... $ 13.00 Helping Hand ................................................... $ 170.00 RENOVATION & BUILDING FUND (Second Collection) is used to pay the monthly principal and interest obligation on our Church Renovation Loan and to fund repairs and updates to our Church building. 06/05//2011 Renovation Donations ................... $ 4,616.00

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! If you have any questions about our finances or parish renovation activities, please contact Business Manager, Paul Hunter at 813-885-7861 or by e-mail: iccphunter@tampabay.rr.com.

bold. Other than critical or terminal conditions, the names will remain on this list for 30 days. Please help us keep our prayer list current. If you would like to add a name, e-mail Silvia Rivera at: iccsrive@tampabay.rr.com or call the office. Please pray also for our parishioners who are in hospitals, nursing homes and our shut ins. Annlee Acevedo Patricia Alfonso Linda Alvarez Pablo Aviles Gene Biittner David Boyd Alice V. Brown Kenneth Brown Stan Bufkin Marty Butler III Pat Butler Jeanne Calvert Linda Casarez Ray Chiarmonte Mary Childers Delma Chimelis Mendel Claxton Lincoln Corra Bob Cramer Jacqueline Cramer Dora Cuellar John Dawes Lucy Dietz Raymond Diez Joseph Dintino Lorraine Dodson Dan Duet Shirley Duran Dylan Edward Manuel Escamilla Tom Esgro Jacqueline Fernandez

Dorothy Fetrow Albert Frietzsche Emanuel Fuller Bertha Fyda Sheila Gildea Luis Gonzalez Maria Gonzalez Rosa Goris Paula Hague Patrick Hardy Robert Hasty Steven Harman Carolyn Humphrey Rodrigo Jurado Colleen Kramer Mimi Kuhla Daniela C. LaRosa Frank Lettiere Michael Lloyd Paige Macfarlane Dolores Mastrino Matthew T. McLane Bertha Melendez Pat Munroe Noah Nero Kathleen Newell Ernesto Nieves Mike Ontiveros Mila Oquendo Barbara Painter Maria A. Patton JR Pearce

Joe Pena Angelo Perez Carol Perez Lydia Quesada Evette Reas John Reitzel Bob Remick Ivan Reyes Geraldine Richards Violet Riche Carmen Rivera Zoraida Rivera Maria Robles Ewen Rosale Humberto Sanchez Kiki Santiago Anne Marie Sims Noah Spivey Janet Taylor Ardith Ternes Sheli Thomas Brian Thometz Bridget Thompson Rhoda Toscano Pat Vaccaviello Maria Vizcarra Robert Walton Jerry Wegman Ty Wegman Selwyn Williams Steven Yudicky

SPC Robert Caruso, Iraq SSGT Angelique Vazquez, Japan LCPL Almoris E. Lugo, Jr. SPC Ryan Wegman, Iraq PVT Joshua Luckey, Afghanistan SGT Michael Haley CPT Raymundo Resendez, Iraq PFC James Blackwelder, Afghanistan Terry Stegman, Afghanistan MAJ Marty Maldonado, Afghanistan CW2 William Garcia, Afghanistan 1ST LT Robert M. Reynaud

Buds, Blooms & Beyond Thank you to Buds, Blooms & Beyond for their donations of flower arrangements for our weekend liturgies.

Visit them at 11234 W. Hillsborough. Ph. # 813-818-9600

Floral & Gift Shop


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Church of the Incarnation, Tampa, FL

Phone: (813) 885-7861

FAITH FORMATION STAFF Director of Faith Formation & R.C.I.A. Carmen Cayon 813-885-7861 carmen_dre@tampabay.rr.com Grades Pre K - 5 & First Communion Philomena Johnson 813-887-5110 iccphil@tampabay.rr.com Grades 6-12 Confirmation & Youth Ministry Brian Greenfield 813-887-5110 greenfbr@gmail.com

A REFLECTION FROM A CATECHUMEN WHO WAS BAPTIZED, CONFIRMED AND RECEIVED HOLY COMMUNION AT THE EASTER VIGIL: During my journey (after Inquiry through RCIA with my Sponsor), I felt so blessed to have many resources, prayers and support. It was not a solo journey. Every Rite that we had with my Sponsor at my side and her hand on my shoulder, was met with welcoming love, support and unity from our community. Her hand on my shoulder was a gentle reminder that, even though I may not see her face, she was there for me, ready to help. All I needed to do was call her. After Father confirmed me, there was a strong and lingering sense of the Holy Spirit... always there, always present. All I had to do was call. The Holy Spirit is a constant enduring blessing that God has sent us, until Jesus returns. Even though we cannot see His face, He is there. This is not a solo journey.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL The fee for this year is $30.00 per child. VBS will be held the week of June 20th – 24th 9:00AM – 12Noon Call Philomena Johnson at 813-887-5110 or email: iccphil@tampabay.rr.com Page 4

on the web @ www.icctampa.org

Pentecost Sunday

June 12, 2011

Congratulations Graduates! Kendall Alava Jessica Buchs Ailene Diaz Riley Dickens Jacqueline Do Devin Doyle Fabiana Eckhardt Sarah Fernandez Kiersten Finch Kensie Funsch Adriana Jones

Michelle Joseph Carmelle Kuizon Ariel Mathias Armando Mayo Nicholas McElroy Andre McFarlane Elizabeth McMahon Anthony Meehan Anthony Nguyen Andrew Pappacoda Arianna Paz

Hunter Perez Michele Prima Kevin Quidgley Blake Rey Emanuel Roman Amberlyne Rosario Nicole Sanchez Eleeza Santos Nicole Segovia-Pintus Brandon Shively Juliana Sowers

Anna Spencer Samantha Stevens Evelyn Ulloa Aimee Valdes Alyna Vasquez Ashley Ward Marissa Yanez Alexandra Zettel-Toledo

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. -– Acts 2:3

2 Cor 6:1-10; Mt 5:38-42 2 Cor 8:1-9; Mt 5:43-48 2 Cor 9:6-11; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 2 Cor 11:1-11; Mt 6:7-15 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Mt 6:19-23 2 Cor 12:1-10; Mt 6:24-34 Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; Dn 3; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18

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Church of the Incarnation, Tampa, FL


Phone: (813) 885-7861

PARISH ACTIVITIES SUNDAY - JUNE 12 MONDAY - JUNE 13 7:30 P.M. Spanish Choir TUESDAY - JUNE 14 9:00 A.M. Job Search Support Group 7:00 P.M. Alcoholics Anonymous 7:00 P.M. Spanish Prayer Group 7:30 P.M. Adult Choir WEDNESDAY - JUNE 15 7:00 P.M. Alcoholics Anonymous 7:00 P.M. Al-Anon 7:00 P.M. Al-Anon Spanish THURSDAY - JUNE 16 11:30 A.M. Our Lady of Mercy Prayer Group 1:00 P.M. Legion of Mary 7:00 P.M. Spanish Intercessions Group 7:30 P.M. Vocal Ensemble FRIDAY - JUNE 17 7:00 P.M. Spanish Youth Group SATURDAY - JUNE 18 7:00 P.M. Spanish Young Adults

Music Room Conference Room St. Patrick’s Room St. Michael’s Hall Music Room St. Patrick’s Room St. John’s Room Teacher’s Lounge Chapel Conference Room Chapel Music Room St. Francis Room St. Francis Room


June 18/19 4:30 pm:

Cameron Carlyon, Holliston Wagner, Miranda Warren

7:30 am:

Margaret Parker, Matthew Walsh, Ryan Walsh

9:00 am:

Magic Conrad, Mojo Conrad, Marielle Conrad

10:30 am:

Gabrielle Madden, Brandon Shively, Megan Shively

12:00 pm:

Liana Lemus, Nicholas Ortega, Angelica Valdes

1:30 pm:

Rashell, Raul, Julissa, Alexandria, Ashley, George

Anointing of the Sick gives spiritual strength in the face of suffering. A Parish priest is on call 24 hrs. in cases of emergency. Call the Parish Office at 885-7861. Matrimony (Marriage) - Couples need to contact the Parish Office at 885-7861 before setting a date. The preparation process takes a minimum of 6 months. Holy Orders is for single men answering the call to priesthood. Any man or woman interested in the religious life should contact one of our parish priests or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 345-3338.

HOMEBOUND & HOSPITAL MINISTRY - Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick AT HOME or in TOWN ’N COUNTRY HOSPITAL. Please call the Parish Office at 885-7861 to make arrangements.

LITURGY GROUPS ALTAR SERVERS DAVID SMITH……………………….885-7861 KAITLIN JOHNSON………………………….885-7861 Or via e-mail iccaltarservers@gmail.com EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS DEACON JOE KRZANOWSKI…….. 885-7861 READERS WILL BERAN ………………………. 882-0178 MUSIC DIRECTOR DONAL NOONAN………….…..……885-7861 ENVIRONMENT/ART LINDA GRIFFITH……………884-1217 CONNIE HENNESSEY ………………...884-8326 USHERS RAY POMPONIO…………………...884-1366 VISITORS OF THE SICK FR. JOSE GEORGE…….…………. 885-7861



TREE OF LIFE - MEMORIALS In memory of a loved one that has passed away you may want to consider the Tree of Life Memorial at the church’s entrance. You may also want to remember a special Anniversary or a family member with a Leaf on the Tree. For information call Connie Hennessey at 884-8326. Page 6

BAPTISMS CARMEN CAYON ……………….885-7861 RCIA CARMEN CAYON……….……….885-7861 FIRST EUCHARIST PHILOMENA JOHNSON……….887-5110 CONFIRMATION 887-5110 MARRIAGE PREPARATION FR. MICHAEL SUSZYNSKI… .…………...885-7861 To receive Sacraments you must be registered in the parish. Registration forms are available at the Welcome Table in St. Michael’s Hall on Sunday mornings or at the Parish Office during the Week.

on the web @ www.icctampa.org

Pentecost Sunday PROJECT RACHEL ~ H.E.A.R.T. (Healing the Effects of Abortion Related Trauma) “I never knew abortion had a cost…” Pregnancy loss due to abortion takes a huge toll on the mental, physical and spiritual health of women. Whether ‘it’ happened recently or years ago, shame, guilt, and regret plague the mind. H.E.A.R.T. provides recovery from pregnancy loss due to abortion. H.E.A.R.T. groups are being held in the Lutz/ North Tampa area in a private home. Both women and men can attend. Location, dates and times are provided to registered participants only. For more information or to register please call Myrna at (813) 262-1347 or email: heart@lutzpregnancy.org

June 12, 2011 SUMMER ADVENTURE AT GOOD COUNSEL CAMP Summer Adventure opportunities at Good Counsel Camp, Floral City, FL, which is owned and operated by the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg. This is a co-ed residential camp for ages 7 through 15 offering one and two week sessions. Camp brochures can be requested by contacting the Camp at 352-726-1910; by mail: 550 US Hwy 41 S., Inverness, FL 34450 and/or email: goodcounselcamp@aol.com. Website: http://www.goodcounselcamp.catholicweb.com

VOCATION RETREAT WITH BENEDICTINE SISTERS If you are a single, Catholic woman, 20 - 50 something, considering a religious vocation, the Benedictine Sisters at Holy Name Monastery in St. Leo, FL are offering 2 SAVE THE DATE programs that might help: UNITY IN DIVERSITY: ALL SAINTS The Multicultural Office of the Diocese of St. Petersburg is Come/See Discernment Retreat ~ June 3-5, 2011 Monastic Experience Week ~ June 26 - July 3, 2011 sponsoring a Multicultural event. Mark your calendars: For more information and an application, please contact October 29, 2011, from 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM at Nativity Parish, 705 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon. The day will begin Sister Mary David, OSB at 352-588-8320; by mail: Holy Name Monastery, 33201 State Road 52, St. Leo, FL with Mass and followed with food, music and dance. We 33574 or visit our website at want to recognize and celebrate the many cultures www.floridabenedictines.com. present in our diocese. For more information, please contact Angie Karpinski at the Multicultural Office, 727344-1611 x329 or by email: ak@dosp.org.

HEART (Healing the Effects of Abortion Related Trauma) trainings are open to anyone who has a heart to provide hope and healing to those impacted by an abortion decision. Trainings provided at the following locations by Emma Boe, Project Rachel Coordinator: Sat, June 18th at the Catholic Charities office in Spring Hill from 10:00 am till 12:30 pm. Fri. June 24th at the Catholic Charities office in Dade City from 9:00 am. Till 11:30 am Fri. June 24th at the Catholic Charities office on Busch Blvd. from 1:00 pm till 3:30 pm. Call Emma at 813-924-4173 to register.

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Church of the Incarnation, Tampa, FL

Phone: (813) 885-7861

The following students graduated from Incarnation in 2007. On May 27, 2011 they graduated from Jesuit HS with honors. WAY TO GO! Suma Cum Laude Tyler Hartlage Brian Hartnett Mathew Kuizon Stephen Lagor Miguel Valdes

Magna Cum Laude Alexander Valdes Cum Laude Michael Fernandez Michael Popp Jonathan Semiday-Hurtado

Job Search Support Ministry The Incarnation job support ministry meets on Tuesday mornings from 9 to 11 at the Incarnation parish conference room. If you are unemployed, underemployed, or trying to get back into the workforce, we invite you to join our group, a faith-based group of fellow members of our parish family, formed to provide support and assistance to help you get your "next" job. EMPLOYERS: Do you have vacancies in your company? Please help us by emailing a summary of the vacancies including requirements/skills needed, and we'll distribute this information to our job support members. Email to: icjobsupport@hotmail.com

Blessing of the Prayer Shawls May 28, 2011 On behalf of the Prayer Shawl Ministry I would like to thank Fr. Michael for the blessing of the prayer shawls on May 28th. It was a beautiful experience. So many ladies have taken the time to make these beautiful shawls and many have already gone out to people who have needed them. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and to all of those who are taking part in this ministry. I pray that it will continue to grow and touch the lives of all the people in our church and community.

If you know someone in need of a shawl, Request Forms are available at the entrance of the Church and at the Parish Office.

OUTSIDE SHRINE Statue of the Holy Family including the base to be placed in our school courtyard Memorialize your deceased loved one or someone living who has played an important role in your life! For information about this unique opportunity call Mr. Paul Hunter at 813-885-7861

THIS IS THE LAST WEEK BEFORE FATHER’S DAY! Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Mass Cards are available in the Religious Articles Store before and after Sunday Masses. They’re also available at the Parish Office through Thursday.

Silvia Rivera

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on the web @ www.icctampa.org

Domingo de Pentecostés 12 de junio de 2011 Entonces aparecieron lenguas de fuego, que se distribuyeron y se posaron sobre ellos. — Hechos 2:3 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: San Gaspar; San Juan de Sahagún Lunes: San Antonio de Padua Martes: San Basilio el Grande; San Gregorio de Nisa: San Gregorio Nacianceno Miércoles: Santa Micaela Jueves: San Francisco de Regis

HORARIO DE VERANO DE LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL: Lunes a Jueves 9:00am a 4:00pm Viernes 9:00am a 12:00 mediodía

CONFERENCIA CARISMÁTICA CATÓLICA “Guiados por la Fuerza del Espíritu” 24, 25 y 26 de junio, 2011 Lugar: Bayanihan Center 14301 Nine Eagles Dr., Tampa, FL 33626 Predicadores: Padre Julián Basora y el Hno. Saulo Hidalgo Entrada: $15.00 por adelantado $18.00 en la puerta Para información llamar a: María Rodríguez al 813-926-3774 o Hiram Rodríguez al 813-839-1278.

Bendición de las Mantas Mayo 29, 2011 En nombre del Ministerio de Chal de Oración quisiera agradecer al Padre Diego y al Padre Michael por la bendición de los chales este fin de semana pasado fue una hermosa experiencia. GRACIAS a todas las señoras que han tomado de su tiempo para hacer estos hermosos chales, muchos de los cuales ya se le han entregado a las personas que los han necesitado. Si conoce a alguien que este enfermo y necesite un chal comuníquese con Silvia Rivera al 813-885-7861.

PILDORITAS DE FE DEL PADRE DIEGO ¿Qué es Pentecostés? Pentecostés, cincuenta días después de la fiesta pascual, cincuenta días de espera que se hacía cada vez más intensa a partir, sobre todo, del día de la Ascensión. Ha sido un período de preparación al gran acontecimiento de la venida del Paráclito. El día de Pentecostés, se rememora ese momento en que se inicia la gran singladura de conducir a todos los hombres a la vida eterna, actualizar en cada uno los méritos de la Redención. En efecto, con su venida, los apóstoles recuperan las fuerzas perdidas, renuevan la ilusión y el entusiasmo, aumentan el valor y el coraje para dar testimonio ante todo el mundo de su fe en Cristo Jesús. Hasta ese momento siguen con las puertas atrancadas por miedo a los judíos. Desde que el Espíritu descendió sobre ellos las puertas quedaron abiertas, cayó la mordaza del miedo y del respeto humano. Ante toda Jerusalén primero, proclamaron que Jesús había muerto por la salvación de todos, y también que había resucitado y había sido glorificado, que sólo en Él estaba la redención del mundo entero. Fue el primer atrevimiento que pronto suscitaría una persecución que hoy, después de veinte siglos, todavía sigue en pie de guerra. Porque hemos de reconocer que las insidias de los enemigos de Cristo y de su Iglesia no han cesado. Unas veces de forma abierta y frontal, imponiendo el silencio con la violencia. Otras veces el ataque es tangencial, solapado y ladino. La sonrisa maliciosa, la adulación infame, la indiferencia que corroe, la corrupción de la familia, la degradación del sexo, la orquestación a escala internacional de campañas contra el Papa. Las fuerzas del mal no descansan, los hijos de las tinieblas continúan con denuedo su afán demoledor de cuanto anunció Jesucristo. Lo peor es que hay muchos ingenuos que no lo quieren ver, que no saben descubrir detrás de lo que parece inofensivo, los signos de los tiempos dicen a veces, la ofensiva feroz del que como león rugiente merodea a la busca de quien devorar. Pero Dios puede más. El Espíritu no deja de latir sobre las aguas del mundo. La fuerza de su viento sigue empujando la barca de Pedro, las velas multicolores de todos los creyentes. De una parte, por la efusión y la potencia del Espíritu Santo, los pecados nos son perdonados en el bautismo y en la penitencia. Por otra parte, el Paráclito nos ilumina, nos consuela, nos transforma, nos lanza como brasas encendidas en el mundo apagado y frío. Por eso, a pesar de todo, la aventura de amar y redimir, como lo hizo Cristo, sigue siendo una realidad palpitante y gozosa, una llamada urgente a todos los hombres, para que prendan el fuego de Dios en el universo entero. ©WWW.ENCUENTRA.COM

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12 de junio de 2011

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo:

2 Cor 6:1-10; Mt 5:38-42 2 Cor 8:1-9; Mt 5:43-48 2 Cor 9:6-11; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 2 Cor 11:1-11; Mt 6:7-15 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Mt 6:19-23 2 Cor 12:1-10; Mt 6:24-34 Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; Dn 3; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18

NUESTRA PARROQUIA A menudo, con un sentido de una cierta inferioridad, hay personas en nuestra comunidad que piensan que quienes tienen un nivel más alto de educación son mejores o más importantes. Lo cierto es que, en muchísimas ocasiones, la sabiduría de la vida y la visión interior, que son dones del Espíritu, no guardan una estricta relación con el nivel de educación de las personas. 15 de junio ♦ Santa María Micaela del Santísimo Sacramento Era una persona de la alta aristocracia española, vizcondesa de Jorbalán. Fundo la Congregación de Hermanas Adoratrices Esclavas del Santísimo Sacramento. Se dedicaban a atender a mujeres que habían andado por caminos equivocados y a abrirles posibilidades de otro tipo de vida. La obra se extendió a personas necesitadas, presos, enfermos y muchos otros. Murió en 1865. Cuando te das cuenta de que alguien cercano a ti está caminando por el camino erróneo, ¿cómo procuras ayudar y desafiar a esa persona para que se encuentre con Jesús, que es Camino, Verdad y Vida?

Pg 10

LA RIQUEZA DEL ESPÍRITU Los estudiantes, y la mayoría de los adultos que recuerdan sus días de escuela, están familiarizados con la frase “compara y contrasta” que de tanto en tanto aparece en las pruebas. Hoy escuchamos dos relatos diferentes sobre la venida del Espíritu. Contrastemos y luego comparemos. El relato de Lucas en Hechos está lleno de detalles impresionantes: El viento poderoso, llamas de fuego como lenguas, el milagro de las diferentes lenguas. El relato de Juan parece tímido: discípulos temerosos, el Cristo llagado, el soplo de aliento viene de su cuerpo resucitado y no del cielo. Mientras nuestras mentes modernas y literales se preguntan de qué manera sucedió; nuestra ruidosa cultura probablemente nos hará preferir el primer relato. Pero si comparamos los dos, la deslumbrante riqueza del Espíritu llena ambos relatos, ya que es el mismo aliento del Cristo resucitado, ascendido a los cielos en Lucas, el que se aparece a sus discípulos en Juan y envía a sus seguidores a llevar a cabo su misión de perdonar los pecados y proclamar los portentos de Dios.© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.

LOS DONES DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO Sabiduría, inteligencia, consejo, ciencia, fortaleza, piedad y temor de Dios. Un pensamiento: "Quien obra puede equivocarse, pero quien no hace nada, ya está equivocado." Santiago Alberione

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