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Church of the Incarnation


July 12, 2015 | Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Parish Office: 5124 Gateway Dr. , Tampa, FL 33615 Phone: 813-885-7861 Fax: 813-884-3624

Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm www.icctampa.org

PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9am - 4pm 5124 Gateway Dr. , Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.885.7861 Fax: 813.884.3624 www.icctampa.org

SCHOOL OFFICE 5111 Webb Rd., Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734 www.icstampa.org CLERGY Rev. Michael Suszynski, Pastor Rev. Jairo Atehortua Parochial Vicar Rev. Philip Clement, Parochial Vicar Deacon Pablo Maldonado Deacon Ramon Rodriguez

STAFF Parish Business Administrator - Paul Hunter phunter@icctampa.org Facility Manager - Dave Arnold darnold@icctampa.org / 919-4284

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps 124:1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Tuesday: Ex 2:1-15a; Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Ps 103:1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Ex 3:13-20; Ps 105:1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15,16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Ex 12:37-42; Ps 136:1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34

Parish Secretary - Irene Martinez imartinez@icctampa.org Receptionist/ Bulletin Editor - Silvia Rivera srivera@icctampa.org Director of Music - Alex Groppe agroppe@icctampa.org Asst. Director of Music (Spanish) - David Funes dfunes@icctampa.org Director of Faith Formation - Carmen Cayon ccayon@icctampa.org Sacrament Prep. & Youth Ministry - Philomena Johnson pjohnson@icctampa.org

MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday: 7:00am & 8:30am Saturday: 8:30am & 4:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am (signed), & 12pm MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos a la 1:30pm Viernes a las 6:30pm LATIN MASS: Sundays at 4:30pm CONFESSIONS: Saturdays - 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Church Or by appointment DEVOTIONS Morning Prayer Group: Liturgy of the Hours Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. & Sat.: 8:10am - 8:25am EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every 1st Friday following the 8:30 am Mass until 6:15pm ROSARY: Thursdays at 11:30am in the chapel ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL - Jueves de 5:30pm6:30pm en la capilla

SENT BY GOD In Amos’ time the vocation of prophet had achieved a very formal status in Israel. The prophets had arisen, originally, to act as God’s voice when Israel was no longer led by the spiritual/civil figures known as “judges,” but by monarchs. Over time, the monarchy had appropriated the offices of priest and prophet, established them into companies, and reserved the right to appoint courtly prophets. Then, as now, when those in power also got to choose who would act as their official conscience, things sometimes went awry. At such times, God raised up prophets from unlikely places, and this is how Amos received his vocation as prophet. In last week’s Gospel we heard how Jesus was raised up as God’s anointed from a place many viewed as unlikely. As we continue to discern our own vocation as baptized disciples, we can be assured that we are, in Paul’s words, “chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will” (Ephesians 1:11). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING Perhaps Amos and the Apostles, if we could ask them, would refer us to today’s second reading. In it we find the beautiful hymn that Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians. It is a proclamation of praise from a man who knew well the sufferings of the Christian. He reminds us of the glory of being a Christian: We were chosen in Christ. We were sealed with the Holy Spirit. Certainly we share in his sufferings, but by his sufferings we have been redeemed. We are the adopted children of God. In Christ we have been given “every spiritual blessing in the heavens” (Ephesians 1:3). Today’s Readings: Am 7:12–15; Ps 85:9–14; Eph 1:3–14 [3–10]; Mk 6:7–13 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 12, 2015

† MASS INTENTIONS † SUNDAY - JULY 12 - FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 A.M. (SI) Rosemarie Bertrand by Sisters 9:00 A.M. +Thelma Schmidt by Kelley Family 10:30 A.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 12:00 P.M. +Piedad Martinez by Pina Estano 1:30 P.M. +Arcenio Sevillano by Wife 4:30 P.M. (SI) Robert Ennis by Rosemarie Mullis MONDAY - JULY 13 - ST. HENRY 7:00 A.M. +Bernadette Michel by The Choir 8:30 A.M. (SI) In Thanksgiving by Angie Cruz TUESDAY - JULY 14 - ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA, VIRGIN 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +Antonio Dalano by Patricia King WEDNESDAY - JULY 15 - ST. BONAVENTURE, BISHOP 7:00 A.M. +Dang Thanh Huy by Suong Trang 8:30 A.M. (SI) Michelle Watson by Kuhla Family THURSDAY - JULY 16 - OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +Bryant Pheil by Maria Pheil FRIDAY - JULY 17 7:00 A.M. +Rita Crofton by Kuhla Family 8:30 A.M. +Francis Alappat by Daughter 6:30 P.M. (SI) In Thanksgiving by Juan and Martha Estevez SATURDAY - JULY 18 - ST. CAMILLUS DE LELLIS, PRIEST 8:30 A.M. +Conchita Delgado 4:30 P.M. +Jay Cerra by Cerra Family SUNDAY - JULY 19 - SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 A.M. +Michael Mosher by Carole Spencer and Debbie Wood 9:00 A.M. +Thelma Schmidt by Sue and Patrick McDaniel 10:30 A.M. +Cecilia Guzman by Children 12:00 P.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 1:30 P.M. +Beatriz E. Llano by Brothers 4:30 P.M. +Maria T. Del Solar by Sons and Daughters

SACRIFICIAL GIFTS OF TREASURE OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish. Weekly Target .................................................. $21,000.00 06/28/2015 Offertory Donations ..................... $18,407.50 Shortfall……………………………………….$ 2,592.50 ........................................................................... $ 891.00 Dominican Parish….………………………….$ 258.00 Peter’s Pence Collection……………………...$ 3, 828.00 07/05/2015 Offertory Donations ..................... $16,809.00 Shortfall……………………………………….$ 4,191.00 Helping Hand…………………………………$ 133.00 Peter’s Pence Collection……………………...$ 163.00 RENOVATION & BUILDING FUND (Second Collection) is used to pay the monthly principal and interest obligation on our Church Renovation Loan and to fund repairs and updates to our Church building. 06/28/2015 Renovation Donations……….….$ 1,752.00 07/05/2015 Renovation Donations…………..$ 2,798.00


If you would like to add or remove a name, e-mail Silvia Rivera at: srivera@icctampa.org or call the parish office 813-885-7861. Jeannette Abrenica Alexis Aldana Christian Alexander Pablo Aviles Maria Barrios Barry Beard Will Beran Rosemarie Bertrand Monique Biumi Ted Brown Kay Burgess Susan E. Caballero Norma Colacchio Nora Corteses Wilma Crammond Nellie Cruz Mario R. De Armas, III Leslie D’ Elia Germaine Dutton Nila Espinola Richard Fanelli Jimmy Garad Rosemary Germano Jimmy Gibson Gloria Giordano Sal Giordano Carol Ann Giza Manuel Gonzalez, Jr. Manuel Gonzalez, Sr. Joseph Greco Estelle Groppe Robert Hasty Jim Henry Patricia Hill Janet Hogsten Penni Hollis

Irvin Rivera, Jr. Rose Rivera Chuck Robins Jose J. Rodriguez Rodolfo Rodriguez Judy Rosser Geraldine S. Juan C. Sanchez Mary Santiago John Semago Theda Semago Kim Schult Kody Sir Glen Smith Charles Stachowiak Kathleen Stachowiak Phyllis Stadtmueller Sarah Struck Evan Untiveros Patrick Vaccariello Gretchen Mitchell Anderson Thomas Varghese Evelyn Molina Ines Velazquez Juan and Beba Montero William Vitto Walt Morse Rose Vrabel Myra Newman Nina Wagner Sarah Paccione Jerry Wegman Sandy Palermo Sandy Werner JR Pearce Gabriella Winters Germaine Pempsell Helen Wood Patrick Pempsell Amy Workman Phillip Pempsell Martin Young Marilou Pfingsten Heather Mary Post Bernard Rafferty, Sr. Kelly Reilly Donna Ridgeway Vilma Rivas

Don Hughes Paul Hunter Sarah Hurtado Susan Jamieson Jack Jones Theresa Kanaskas Dorothy Kingerly Lois Klei Helen Kovach James Kuhla Mimi Kuhla Helen Lawrence Tom Lom Janet Losinski Michael Lowe Anna Marshall Ana Marsicano Matt T. McLane Melissa McLane Marie Mendez

PV2 Chad Michael Burgess PV2 Angelique Burgess SGT Damian Patrick Bumm MAJ Robert R. Torres, Africa Angela Costa Christina Costa

Thank You, Buds Blooms & Beyond for your donation of flower arrangements for our church and chapel. 11234 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33635 (813)818-9600 (800)531-2837 www.budsbloomsandbeyond.com


Church of the Incarnation


Director of Faith Formation & R.C.I.A. Carmen Cayon ccayon@icctampa.org


Grades Pk-12 Sacrament Preparation & Youth Ministry Philomena Johnson pjohnson@icctampa.org

FAITH FORMATION NEWS REGISTRATION FOR NEXT YEAR’S FAITH FORMATION, FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION WILL BE ON THE FOLLOWING SUNDAYS, AUGUST 23RD AND 30TH AFTER ALL MASSES IN ST. MICHAEL’S HALL. A COPY OF YOUR CHILD’S BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE IS REQUIRED AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. Children a ending Incarna on Catholic School are required to register for sacraments. Sacrament Prepara on and Confirma on are done through the Parish Faith Forma on Office, not through the school. For more information about the 1st Eucharist and 1st Reconciliation and or Confirmation preparation process for Children and Teens (Ages 7-17), please contact Philomena Johnson at pjohnson@icctampa.org or (813) 885-7861.


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 12, 2015



TREE OF LIFE MEMORIALS ALTAR SERVERS - David Smith - iccaltarservers@gmail.com EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - If you would like to join this ministry contact Frank Salamone Phone: 813-205-8259 Email: fsalamone2003@yahoo.com READERS - Will Beran - 882-0178 ENVIRONMENT/ART - Connie Hennessey - 884-8326 USHERS - Tom Osborn - 885-3829 VISITORS OF THE SICK - Fr. Jairo Atehortua - 885-7861 BIBLE STUDY - Carmen Cayon - 885-7861 COLUMBIETTES - Maureen Finch - 885-1065 or maureen4@tampabay.rr.com. Meet every 2nd Thursday at 7:00pm, St. Patrick's Room ICCW - INCARNATION COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Alma Shamblin - 886-9365 Gen. Mtg. 1st Thursdays - Rosary at 7pm - Mtg. starts at 7:30pm JOB SEARCH SUPPORT - Hilda Lyons - icjobsupport@hotmail.com Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. at the Town ’N Country Public Library KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - For membership information - Dave Shively - 813-525-5839 or Ralph Galera - 813-792-8950. LIFE MINISTRY - Teresa Trubilla - 841-6563 - Trubilla@mac.com MUSIC MINISTRY - Alex Groppe - agroppe@icctampa.org Tuesday Rehearsals, 7 - 9pm in the Church Music Room

In memory of a loved one who has passed away you may want to consider the Tree of Life Memorial at the church’s entrance. You may also want to remember a special Anniversary or a family member with a Leaf on the Tree. For information call Connie Hennessey at 884-8326. ANOINTING OF THE SICK gives spiritual strength in the face of suffering. A Parish priest is on call 24 hrs. in cases of emergency and is available for appointments. Call the Parish Office at 8857861. MATRIMONY (Marriage) - Couples need to contact the Parish Office at 885-7861 before setting a date. The preparation process takes a minimum of 6 months. HOLY ORDERS is for single men answering the call to priesthood. Any man or woman interested in the religious life should contact one of our parish priests or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 727-345-3338. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY - Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick at home. Please call the Parish Office at 885-7861 to make arrangements.

PRAYER SHAWL GROUP - Leonor “Lily” Duran - 813-806-1567 or lilypadiii@yahoo.com. 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm in Faith Formation Office RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE - Connie Hennessey - 884-8326 SPECIAL EDUCATION - Mary Thomson - 884-8040 12 STEP MEETINGS - For more information contact AA Central Office at 813-933-9123 or www.aatampa-area.org Men's Closed Meetings - Tuesday, 7 pm St. Patrick's Room Closed Meetings - Wednesday, 7 pm St. Patrick's Room

CABALLEROS DE COLÓN - Información - Félix Cayon 813-8844052 o Ralph Galera 813-792-8950. COMITÉ PASTORAL HISPANO - Padre Jairo - 885-7861 fatehortua@icctampa.org. Se reúne el tercer jueves de cada mes CORO HISPANO - David Funes - dfunes@icctampa.org miércoles a las 7:00pm y los domingos a las 12:00 pm EMAUS DAMAS - Luz Dary Domínguez - 813-408-0207. Miércoles de por medio 7pm. EMAUS HOMBRES - Stevenson Quirindongo


ESCUELA DE EVANGELIZACIÓN JUAN PABLO II María Teresa Aguilar 813-315-0925. Viernes 7pm, salón de clase #3. GRUPO DE JOVENES - Carmen Cayón - 885-7861.

STORE HOURS: Saturday - 4:00pm - 5:30pm Sunday - 8:00am - 1:30pm TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Amos said, “The LORD took me from following the flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy to my people” (Amos 7:12-15). Psalm — Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation (Psalm 85). Second Reading — The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3-14 [3-10]). Gospel — Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two (Mark 6:7-13). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

GRUPO DE JOVENES ADULTOS - Ana Acevedo al 359-7722. Viernes, 7:30pm, salón de conferencia. GRUPO DE MATRIMONIOS - Ricardo and Claribel Duran clariduran@gmail.com. Viernes, Viernes, 7:30pm, salón St. Francis 1. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN - Denisse Vargas – 813-693-9387 o Milagros Olivo - 813-361-4356. Martes 7:30pm, salón St. Michael. LECTORES - Marcela Marshall - 813-453-3227 - mmarsh23@aol.com LEGIÓN DE MARÍA - Priscilla Hatch - 813-600-0208 o Sila Richards 813-885-2322 MINISTROS DE EUCARISTÍA - Tito Bello - 516-2619 MONAGUILLOS - Doris Quirindongo - 843-6654 RETIROS VIÑA DE RAQUEL - Grace Leiva - 813-479-5465 UJIERES - José Guaba - 504-5538

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Peregrinación Espiritual a Tierra Santa Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Spiritual Director (Director Espiritual) Father Jairo Atehortua November 2 -11, 2015 For more information contact: Maria Anderson Multi Services 813-374-0133 info@multiservicestampa.com Para más información en español comuníquese con Maria Anderson. Multi Services 813-374-0133 info@multiservicestampa.com

July 12, 2015

Prayer for Protection against Storms & Hurricanes

Our Father in Heaven through the intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, spare us during this Hurricane season from all harm. Protect us and our homes from all disasters of nature. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Summer Camps around the Diocese

• • •

2015 Tampa Catholic Volleyball Camps July 20th - 24th - Top Performance Camp GIRLS Ages 10-18 and BOYS 9-14 Visit: TampaCatholic.org Questions? Contact TC Head Coach John Babitt - 813-205- 1250 Summer Adventure at Good Counsel Camp, Floral City, FL owned and operated by the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg. Ages 7-15. One and two week sessions 352-2708831; GoodCounselCamp@aol.com. Mary Help of Christians Summer Camp offers spiritual growth, kayaking, waterskiing, horseback riding and so much more. Visit www.mhctampa.org. The Tampa Catholic Crusaderette Dance Team will sponsor a dance camp August 3 & 4. For more information visit tampacatholic.org. The Tampa Catholic Cheerleading Team will sponsor a cheer camp August 5, 6, & 7. For registration visit: tampacatholic.org.

Ladies, register today for the 2nd Annual Spirit FM Catholic Women’s Conference! Join women from throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg as they discover how their faith and everyday life come together! There will be three exceptional speakers and Spirit FM’s very own morning show host, Abby. Tickets are $40 in advance and includes breakfast, lunch and conference swag. You ill not want to miss this! Saturday, September 26, 2015 St. Lawrence Catholic Church/Higgins Hall FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER VISIT:

www.spiritfm905.com |7

Church of the Incarnation


Need to find out Mass times?

Think of us as you are doing your summer cleaning….. Incarnation Catholic School Early Childhood Program is excited to have a 3 year old class this coming school year! In preparation for this new phase, we are asking for donations of any gently used children’s books, dress-up clothes, toys, play furniture, etc. You are welcome to leave your donations on Sundays in the boxes that will be located in the narthex of the church. You may also email notor@icstampa.org to arrange for pick up. Thank you for your support.


If you are traveling, you can always find a church and a Mass schedule by visiting www.masstimes.org. May you and your loved ones know the rest, refreshment, and new life that comes only from Christ ̶ during these summer months and always. The American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals will hold its Annual Meeting at the Sirata Beach Resort in St. Petersburg, July 15-18, 2015. Program and registration information can be found at www.aafcp.net. This year’s educational meeting will offer FertilityCare practitioners, nurses, physicians, educators, and other healthcare professionals the latest developments and research in this rapidly evolving field. CME’s and CEU’s are available. Local medical professionals are encouraged to take advantage of the reduced rate, one-day mini-conference on Saturday, July 18th.

Church of the Incarnation

Domingo 12 de Julio de 2015. Reflexionando la Palabra de Dios Ser cristiano, ser creyente, ser discípulos de Jesús no es sólo cuestión de estar registrado, como ser ciudadano es cuestión de estar inscrito en el registro civil. Ser cristiano es, en primer lugar, cuestión de fe, adhesión personal, aceptación en la propia vida de Jesús. Tenemos mucho que hacer, pues el criterio de identidad cristiana para una gran mayoría, sigue siendo el de estoy bautizado y creo que hay un Dios. Nos reconocemos cristianos, pero es muy posible que no siempre seamos muy conscientes de lo que somos, es decir, de cómo tenemos que ser, de qué tenemos que hacer. Hay una cierta crisis de identidad cristiana que surge en una civilización inhumana y casi antihumana. Del mismo modo que los derechos humanos se quedan en unos buenos deseos que no acaban de calar en el corazón de los hombres que los recitan, así tampoco ha encajado en el corazón del cristiano el evangelio. Los cristianos no somos precisamente luz y sal de un mundo deshumanizado, además de descristianizado. Ser cristiano es una vocación. Muchos recordamos aquellas sentencias del viejo catecismo: somos cristianos por la gracia de Dios. Y así es. Ser cristiano es responder, sí, a la llamada de Dios. Pablo les recordaba esta verdad entrañable a los cristianos de Éfeso: Antes de que fuese creado el mundo, ya Dios nos había llamado, nos había elegido. Ser cristiano es una tarea, una misión. Cristo es el principio de la misión y su síntesis final. En medio está el cristianismo y nuestra misión es continuación de la misión de Cristo. Para esa tarea, Jesús eligió primero, formó luego y envió después a sus discípulos, a los cristianos. La misión del cristiano es, en consecuencia, anunciar el reino de Dios y echar del mundo y de los hombres a los demonios. Mal podemos cumplir la misión de anunciar el reino si nos atraen el poder, el dinero, el bienestar y el placer. Y no podremos exorcizar al mundo y a los hombres, si nosotros mismos vivimos encantados de la vida, poseídos de los demonios del egoísmo, de la injusticia, de la indiferencia, de la insolidaridad, del pecado. Para esa misión Jesús envió a sus discípulos de dos en dos. Pero les recomendó que fueran a cuerpo limpio, sin provisiones. Dios proveerá. La palabra de Dios es eficaz por ser de Dios. Los discípulos de Jesús no podemos confundir el evangelio con una campaña publicitaria. Predicar no es vender nada, no es abrir mercado, ni es forzar a nadie al consumo indiscriminado. Tampoco es una manera de obtener beneficios o privilegios. Cristo el enviado del Padre, nos dio gran ejemplo al vivir la negación a sí mismo. Esto es algo que no está muy de moda, pero que es muy necesario. Nuestro mundo necesita personas que se abajen, que dejen las alturas y que se entreguen. Necesitamos cristianos que vivan la pequeñez, cristianos que vivan una pobreza no sólo material, sino espiritual. Esto significa, darnos cuenta de que no somos nada ante Dios ni ante los hermanos y poder contemplar así, las grandes



Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 12 de julio de 2015 La fidelidad brotó en la tierra y la justicia vino del cielo. — Salmo 85 (84):12

maravillas de Dios. La sencillez y la humildad son necesaria para cambiar el mundo desde el Evangelio. No miremos la humillación como algo negativo, sino como aquello que nos acerca al hermano y nos hace ponernos a su servicio desde el amor. Desde nuestra pequeñez, Dios se da a todos. P. Jairo

Para reflexionar Para ser misionero no es necesario ir a tierras lejanas, sino que donde vivimos y nos movemos podemos anunciar y testimoniar el Evangelio. A nuestro lado encontramos personas que lloran y sufren, que esperan y desesperan y tienden su mano para que las socorramos. Solamente con la gracia y la fuerza del Señor se puede proclamar el Evangelio y sembrar la semilla del Reino. En el camino misionero el Señor nos invita a llevar con nosotros el bastón de la fe y las sandalias de la esperanza, el pan de su palabra que alimenta y sacia, y la túnica que cubre al necesitado. Todo bautizado es misionero en su ambiente: familia, trabajo, diversión.

Retiros “La Viña de Raquel” La Viña de Raquel nos ofrece un lugar seguro donde se logra reconstruir y redimir los corazones rotos por motivo de un aborto. Allí se ofrece un ambiente confidencial donde no se le juzga, y donde hombres y mujeres pueden expresarse y reconciliar aquellas emociones que han suscitado después de un aborto, y así comenzar el proceso de renovación y sanación. El próximo retiro en español será: el 31 de Julio al 2 de Agosto, 2015. Para más información: 813-500-9785. projectrachel@ccdosp.org www.rachelsvineyard.org

Inscripción para Formación de Fe Fecha: 23 y 30 de agosto después de todas las misas Donde: Salón St. Michael

12 de julio de 2015




Lunes: Ex 1:8-14, 22; Sal 124 (123):1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Martes: Ex 2:1-15a; Sal 69 (68):3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Miércoles: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Sal 103 (102):1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Jueves: Ex 3:13-20; Sal 105 (104):1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Viernes: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Sal 116 (115):12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Sábado: Ex 12:37-42; Sal 136 (135):1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Domingo: Jer 23:1-6; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Ef 2:13-18; Mc 6:30-34

Los evangelios relatan que Jesús envió a los Doce apóstoles y también a otros setenta y dos discípulos (Marcos 6:7; Lucas 10:1) “de dos en dos” a “todos los pueblos y lugares”. De esta manera le preparaban el camino. El libro del Eclesiastés (4:9-12) subraya lo sabio que es andar de dos en dos a fin de ayudarse y protegerse mutuamente. El autor lamenta: “¡Pobre del que está solo, cuando se cae, no tiene quien lo levante!”. Los cristianos nunca podemos ser cristianos a solas. A Jesús le gustan los grupos. No tenemos el lujo de ser individualistas o autosuficientes. Nuestra misión requiere que vayamos por el mundo de dos en dos, porque donde están dos o tres reunidos en el nombre de Jesús, allí estará él (Mateo 18:20). En el Génesis (7:2) Noé se lleva los animales de dos en dos, así las especies se volverán numerosas comenzando de dos en dos. Jesús envía sus discípulos de dos en dos para que nos amemos y ayudemos los unos a los otros y de esta manera los que vienen después de nosotros, sean tan numerosos como las estrellas del firmamento (Génesis 15:5).

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Amós es enviado por Dios a profetizar al pueblo de Israel (Amós 7:12-15). Salmo — Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia (Salmo 85 [84]). Segunda lectura — El Dios y Padre de Cristo Jesús nuestro Señor nos ha elegido (Efesios 1:3-14 [3-10]). Evangelio — Jesús envía a los doce apóstoles de dos en dos (Marcos 6:7-13).


—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

He aquí una prueba para verificar si tu misión en la tierra ha concluido. Si estás vivo, aún no ha concluido.

ATENCIÓN INDIVIDUAL Dios ama a cada uno de nosotros como si solo hubiera uno de nosotros.


—San Augustín

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