Church of the Incarnation
August 31, 2014 -Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. LABOR DAY MASS SCHEDULE: 8:30AM Mass Only! No 7:00am Mass
PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9am - 4pm 5124 Gateway Dr. , Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.885.7861 Fax: 813.884.3624
SCHOOL OFFICE 5111 Webb Rd., Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734 CLERGY Rev. Michael Suszynski, Pastor Rev. Jairo Atehortua Parochial Vicar Rev. Philip Clement, Parochial Vicar Deacon Pablo Maldonado Deacon Ramon Rodriguez
STAFF Parish Business Administrator - Paul Hunter Facility Manager - Dave Arnold / 919-4284 Parish Secretary - Irene Martinez Receptionist/ Bulletin Editor - Silvia Rivera Director of Music - Alex Groppe Asst. Director of Music (Spanish) - David Funes Director of Faith Formation - Carmen Cayon Sacrament Prep. & Youth Ministry - Philomena Johnson
MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday: 7:00am & 8:30am
DOING GOD’S WILL The language of Jeremiah as he addresses his yearnings to God—he says, “You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped” (Jeremiah 20:7)—indicates a close and personal relationship with God. It is one the prophet obviously cherishes despite the derision and reproach it brings him. In the Gospel, Jesus indicates a similar bond with his Father. In spite of the difficult challenges presented by following God’s will, Jesus is not deterred. Giving up our own worldly cares and dreams, even as we accept pain and suffering, is more than a fair exchange for doing the will of God. The only way to do God’s will is offer our whole selves to God. As St. Paul writes in the Letter to the Romans: “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Romans 12:2a). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday:1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97-102; Lk 4:16-30, or, for Labor Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Blessings of Human Labor,” nos. 907-911 Tuesday:1 Cor 2:10b-16; Ps 145:8-14; Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday:1 Cor 3:1-9; Ps 33:12-15, 20-21; Lk 4:38-44 Thursday:1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 5:1-11 Friday:1 Cor 4:1-5; Ps 37:3-6, 27-28, 39-40; Lk 5:33-39 Saturday:1 Cor 4:6b-15; Ps 145:17-21; Lk 6:1-5 Sunday: Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20
Saturday: 8:30am & 4:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am (signed), & 12pm MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos a la 1:30pm Viernes a las 6:30pm LATIN MASS: Sundays at 4:30pm CONFESSIONS: Saturdays - 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Church Or by appointment DEVOTIONS Morning Prayer Group: Liturgy of the Hours Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. & Sat.: 8:10am - 8:25am ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every 1st Friday following the 8:30 am Mass until 6:15pm ROSARY: Thursdays at 11:30am in the chapel ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL - Jueves de 5:30pm6:30pm en la capilla
One of the most memorable images from the pontificate of Pope John Paul II is not his shocked expression as he is hit by a bullet, but rather his tender meeting with his assailant, and his forgiveness. It is far more compelling because, although people are struck by bullets every day, true reconciliation is in relatively short supply. An outside observer might list attempting to kill the pope as an unforgiveable sin, but of course we know that forgiveness of sin is woven deeply into our tradition of living as Christ did. Interestingly enough, the Church took a hard line on these matters early on. Until the second century, people expected Christ’s return in the near future, so they deferred judgment to him. Soon, however, bishops began to grant forgiveness for sin after baptism, but only once. What we know as the sacrament of penance takes its life from Jesus’ work of reconciliation, but just as scripture shows Jesus forgiving people in one life-changing encounter, so the church granted one chance only. Great sins were the target, such as idolatry, adultery, and murder. Penance was lengthy, difficult, and public, and the bishop was in charge of the process. For the next several weeks, we’ll look at subsequent creative and helpful changes in the celebration of this sacrament. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2014
† MASS INTENTIONS † SUNDAY - AUGUST 31 - TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 A.M. (SI) For All Persecuted Christians 9:00 A.M. +George Charles Stewart by Fraher Family 10:30 A.M. +Rosemin Ramos by Vinalon Family 12:00 P.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 1:30 P.M. (SI) In Thanksgiving Carmen Pelaez 4:30 P.M. MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 1 - LABOR DAY 7:00 A.M. NO MASS 8:30 A.M. +Ramon Olivo by Family TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 2 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +William Holtel by Gratt Family WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 3 - ST. GREGORY THE GREAT, POPE 7:00 A.M. VOCATIONS 8:30 A.M. THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 4 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +Rosalia Reyes by Family FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 5 - ST. TERESA OF CALCUTTA, RELIGIOUS 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +All Souls by Suong Le 6:30 P.M. (SI) In Thanksgiving to St. Pope John Paul II by Islene Bertin SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 6 8:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. (SI) Prayer Box Intentions by OLM Group SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 7 - TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 A.M. +Dylan Kutz by Family 9:00 A.M. +Ann Marie Stachowiak by Charles Stachowiak 10:30 A.M. +Robert Casler by Jim and Sandy Cacacie 12:00 P.M. (SI) David Jaimes by Mom 1:30 P.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 4:30 P.M. (SI) Victor and Angela Rodriguez by Mom
SACRIFICIAL GIFTS OF TREASURE OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish. Weekly Target.................................................. $23,000.00 08/24/2014 Offertory Donations ..................... $17,279.50 Shortfall……………………………………….$ 5,720.50 Helping Hand ................................................... $ 846.00 Dominican Parish….………………………….$ 360.00 RENOVATION & BUILDING FUND (Second Collection) is used to pay the monthly principal and interest obligation on our Church Renovation Loan and to fund repairs and updates to our Church building. 08/24/2014 Renovation Donations .................... $ 1,785.00
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! If you have any questions about our finances or parish renovation activities, please contact Business Manager, Paul Hunter at 813-8857861 or by e-mail:
If you would like to add or remove a name, e-mail Silvia Rivera at: or call the parish office 813-885-7861. Jeannette Abrenica Thomas Baffil Lucas Baker Maria Barrios Gisela Brandes Judith Brown Ted Brown Kay Burgess Frank Burke Dolores Carlson Carmen Casar Linda Casares Bill Cawley Louis Crapsi Crimilda Crespo Nellie Cruz Leslie D’ Elia Enid Diaz Bonnie Domini Mary Ellen Dorney Jan Douglas Edward Drost Manuel Duran Germaine Dutton Nila Espinola Richard Fanelli Tasha Feller Joy Galante Jimmy Garad William Gareau Sal Giordano Michael Griffin Robert Hasty Joanne Hellenbrand Letty Hernandez
Janet Hogsten Penni Hollis June Jebson Peter Jebson Mary Jones John A. Keene Mimi Kuhla Erika Lacayo Debbie Langston Helen Lawrence Susan Lestock Tom Lom Janet Losinski Lance Losinski Reinaldo Macias Anna Marshall Shay Martins Matthew McClane, Sr.
Marie Mendez Johnny Montano John Nevadomski Ladys Nuesi Alicia Oacio David Ortiz Lisa Paige Sandy Palermo Sammy Parker Bob Patterson JR Pearce Germaine Pempsell Patrick Pempsell Kim Perez Mary Perkinson Ofelia Pineda Bernard Rafferty, Sr.
PV2 Chad Michael Burgess PV2 Angelique Burgess SGT Damian Patrick Bumm
Irvin Rivera, Jr. Dewey Roberts Jim Rogers Juan C. Sanchez Lydia Santiago Thomas Santiago T. Sasikumar Annette Scalise Donald Schirmer Dawn Seifert John Semago Phil Sheridan Kody Sir Jack Skelly John Skiers Dianna Slowey Thomas
Charles Stachowyek Ann Sullivan Shirley Sullivan Ivy Valdes Ines Velazquez Ingrid Velez Rosa Villanueva William Vitto Rose Vrabel Brett Wallick Jerry Wegman Elvia White Nick Wolf Amy Workman Lupita
PFC Timothy Haley Brian McPhillips, Afghanistan
Thank You, Buds Blooms & Beyond for your donation of flower arrangements for our church and chapel. 11234 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33635 (813)818-9600 (800)531-2837
Church of the Incarnation
Director of Faith Formation & R.C.I.A. Carmen Cayon
Grades Pk-12 Sacrament Preparation & Youth Ministry Philomena Johnson
Young Adult Ministry
The Young Adult group meetings will start up again on Thursday, September
Fr. Philip Clement
4th. For more information, please go to our website: or call Fr. Philip at the church office (813-885-7861). We hope to see you there!
FAITH FORMATION NEWS!! Registration for this year’s Faith Formation is still available!! If you have not registered your child/children for this year’s Faith Formation you may still do so through the Faith Formation Office during the week from 9AM – 4PM. Faith Formation sessions begin Sunday, September 7th. **ALL GRADES will meet from 10:15AM -11:45AM this year!! Open House will be held Sunday, September 14th . Please take this opportunity to meet your child’s catechist.
****************** FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST COMMUNION (Sacrament Prep) REGISTRATION deadline is Sept. 30th. Please contact Philomena Johnson in the Faith Formation at 813-8857861 for information.
We will be having our 3rd Annual Mardi gras celebration in Faith Formation this year and will be in need of beads if you have any that you would like to donate please contact the Faith Formation Office – ask for Philomena 885-7861 and THANK YOU!! If you like to take photographs we in the Faith Formation Office are in need of a photographer to take pictures during our Sac Prep, and Confirmation Workshops as well as during our celebrations on various Sundays throughout the year. If you are interested please call Philomena in the Faith Formation Office at 885-7861. THANK YOU!! ******************
WE’RE BACK IN SESSION! Sept. 10th in St. John’s Room 7:00PM - 8:30PM
**************** COME JOIN THE FUN – SEE WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS YEAR! CONFIRMATION for teens Registration deadline is Sept. 30th. Please contact Philomena Johnson in the Faith Formation Office at 813-885-7861 for information. 4|
BRING A FRIEND!! Faith Formation is in need of Teen Aides for Sunday’s. Please call Miss Phil if you are interested in helping out this year!!
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2014
TREE OF LIFE MEMORIALS ALTAR SERVERS - David Smith - EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - If you would like to join this ministry contact Frank Salamone Phone: 813-205-8259 Email: READERS - Will Beran - 882-0178 ENVIRONMENT/ART - Connie Hennessey - 884-8326 USHERS - Tom Osborn - 885-3829 VISITORS OF THE SICK - Fr. Jairo Atehortua - 885-7861 BIBLE STUDY - Carmen Cayon - 885-7861 CARNIVAL - Dave Arnold - 919-4284 COLUMBIETTES - Maureen Finch - 885-1065 or Meet every 2nd Thursday at 7:00pm, St. Patrick's Room FINANCE COUNCIL - Tim Madden - 831-9770 HELPING HAND - Paul Hunter - 885-7861 ICCW - INCARNATION COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Alma Shamblin - 886-9365 Gen. Mtg. 1st Thursdays - Rosary at 7pm - Mtg. starts at 7:30pm JOB SEARCH SUPPORT - Hilda Lyons - Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. at the Town ’N Country Public Library KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4th Degree Assembly 2984 Harry - 813-765-5725 - meets every 3rd Monday at 7:30 PM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - For membership information - Dave Shively - 813-525-5839 or Ralph Galera - 813-792-8950.
In memory of a loved one who has passed away you may want to consider the Tree of Life Memorial at the church’s entrance. You may also want to remember a special Anniversary or a family member with a Leaf on the Tree. For information call Connie Hennessey at 884-8326.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK gives spiritual strength in the face of suffering. A Parish priest is on call 24 hrs. in cases of emergency and is available for appointments. Call the Parish Office at 8857861. MATRIMONY (Marriage) - Couples need to contact the Parish Office at 885-7861 before setting a date. The preparation process takes a minimum of 6 months. HOLY ORDERS is for single men answering the call to priesthood. Any man or woman interested in the religious life should contact one of our parish priests or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 727-345-3338. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY - Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick at home. Please call the Parish Office at 885-7861 to make arrangements.
LIFE MINISTRY - Teresa Trubilla - 841-6563 - MUSIC MINISTRY - Alex Groppe - Tuesday Rehearsals, 7 - 9pm in the Church Music Room PRAYER SHAWL GROUP - Silvia Rivera - 885-7861 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm in Faith Formation Office RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE - Connie Hennessey - 884-8326 SPECIAL EDUCATION - Mary Thomson - 884-8040 STEWARDSHIP - Tim Madden - 831-9770 THAT MAN IS YOU - Michael Rivera - 598-0972 Tuesdays at 5:15am in St. Francis Room 12 STEP MEETINGS - Mary at 813-884-7171 Men's Closed Meetings - Tuesday, 7 pm St. Patrick's Room Closed Meetings - Wednesday, 7 pm St. Patrick's Room Al-Anon Closed Meetings - Wednesday, 7 pm St. Francis Room 2
Prayer for Protection against Storms & Hurricanes Our Father in Heaven through the intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, spare us during this Hurricane season from all harm. Protect us and our homes from all disasters of nature. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
CABALLEROS DE COLÓN - Información - Félix Cayon 813-8844052 o Ralph Galera 813-792-8950. COMITÉ PASTORAL HISPANO - Padre Jairo - 885-7861 Se reúne el tercer jueves de cada mes CORO HISPANO - David Funes - miércoles a las 7:00pm y los domingos a las 12:00 pm EMAUS DAMAS - Liliana Astete 646-339-4286 y Doris Quirindongo (813) 843-6654. Miércoles de por medio 7pm. EMAUS HOMBRES - Stevenson Quirindongo
ESCUELA DE EVANGELIZACIÓN JUAN PABLO II María Teresa Aguilar 813-315 0925. Viernes 7pm, salón de clase #3. GRUPO DE JOVENES - Carmen Cayón - 885-7861. GRUPO DE JOVENES ADULTOS - Ana Acevedo al 359-7722. Viernes, 7:30pm, salón de conferencia. GRUPO DE MATRIMONIOS - Lecy y Dante Sánchez - 850-4526. Viernes, 7:30pm, salón St. Francis 1. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN - Juan Estévez 813-545-8744 o Reina Borjas al 813-249-0986. Martes 7:30pm, salón St. Michael. LECTORES - Alan Aguilar- 315-0928 LEGIÓN DE MARÍA - Azucena Zavala 813-410-5737 o Myriam Freyre 813-516-2239 Sábado 9:30am, salón St. Francis. MINISTROS DE EUCARISTÍA - Tito Bello - 516-2619 MONAGUILLOS - Doris Quirindongo - 843-6654 UJIERES - José Guaba - 504-5538
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2014
Incarnation Sound System Fundraiser
Starting SOON! Topic
Start Day
James: Pearls for Wise Living
Sept. 15
Galatians: Set Free to Live
Sept. 15
Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come A Quick Journey through the Bible Theology of the Body: Discovering the Master Plan for Your Life
Sept. 16
Mondays 11:00 AM Mondays 7-9 PM Tuesdays 7-9 PM Wednesdays 7-9 PM Thursdays 7-9 PM
Sept. 17 Sept. 18
Target: 45,000.00 Make a difference and prayerfully consider making a donation towards the replacement of our sound system. Envelopes will be in the pews starting the first week of September. For more information call the parish office at 885-7861.
Annual Diocesan Hispanic Mass Bishop Robert N. Lynch, wishes to extend an invitation to all of our Incarnation parishioners, to attend the Annual Diocesan Hispanic Mass on Saturday, October 11, at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, in St. Petersburg. This year the Mass will be celebrated in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of Belize, Mexico, and Queen of the Americas. The Rosary will begin at 10:00am, followed by the entrance of the image of the Blessed Mother into the cathedral church. After the conclusion of the Mass, everyone is invited to attend a small reception in the parish hall.
Facts about the RCIA process:
LABOR A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil. —Grover Cleveland
RCIA Catechists are not teachers in the usual sense of classroom instructors. Pope Francis, in his homily at a Mass for catechists, said: “Catechists are people who keep the memory of God alive; they keep it alive in themselves and they are able to revive it in others.... This is not easy! It engages our entire existence! Dear catechists, I ask you: Are we in fact the memory of God?” The RCIA tells us that catechesis to those in the process of becoming Catholic should include an explanation of church teaching, and it should “also enlightens faith, directs the heart towards God, fosters participation in the liturgy, inspires apostolic activity, and nurtures a life completely in accord with the spirit of Christ” (No. 78). If you have a desire to share your faith with others, perhaps you would like to help our parish as a catechist in the RCIA process. Feel free to Contact RCIA Director, Carmen Cayon for more information. |7
Church of the Incarnation
Around the Diocese
An Invitation to Attend the Annual WHITE MASS & DINNER SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014
VIGIL MASS at 5:30 PM Presided over by Most Rev. Robert N. Lynch Followed by Dinner & Speaker Dr. Ryan Topping IN RECOGNITION OF: Catholic Physicians /Medical Students/Healthcare Professionals LOCATION: Bethany Retreat Center ~ 18150 Bethany Center Dr., Lutz, FL 33558 COST: $ 40.00 per person for dinner Registration deadline: September 5, 2014 Contact info: Dr. Diane Gowski 727- 480-7574 See Dr. Rob Hamill 727-785-3445
LifeChoices Women’s Care, a pregnancy resource clinic on Dale Mabry needs your help with donations of gently used maternity clothes, baby clothes and larger baby items such as bouncers, swings and high chairs and newborn size diapers and wipes. The clinic is part of the Life Alliance of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Pregnant moms participating in our “Earn While You Learn” program earn baby items by coming to the center. Our greatest needs right now are maternity clothes, newborn size diapers, baby wipes and larger baby items. Please consider donating items to us. The clinic is at 1527 Dale Mabry Highway, Suite 101 in Lutz – (813) 948-7734. We are open on Mondays from 9:30am – 6:30pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am – 4pm. If you are not able to donate your items during these hours, please call John Hofmann at (813) 949-9076 to arrange another time. For additional information about the center or to find out about volunteer opportunities, please contact Susan Connelly at (813) 948-7734. An Invitation from the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute (LPMI) Pray & Reflect: “be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God…” (Romans 12:2) Ask yourself: Am I struggling with discerning the will of God in my life? Discerning the will of God is not always an easy task, but through prayer and seeking wise counsel it can be easier. The LPMI provides education and formation for laity in the Catholic faith to better equip them for ministry and service. The Year of Discernment consists of eight Saturday sessions from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm at Christ the King Parish, Tampa.
New Pregnancy Center needs you! You can make a difference in the lives of women facing unplanned pregnancies. Are you willing to listen, provide pregnancy education, support and empower them to make positive life choices? Your skills can save lives and lead to responsible parenting or making an adoption Plan. Please consider serving God by serving women in need and protecting our most precious preborn infants.
New classes begin September 13, 2014 and continue once monthly through April 2015. Registrations are due in the LPMI office no later than September 1, 2014. LPMI Brochures are available in the church and/or the parish office. For more information, contact us at or 727-344-1611, ext. 5458 or visit our website: sp_lpmi
Volunteer opportunities at Knights Women’s Center on Fletcher Avenue in Tampa include client advocates, sidewalk counselors, receptionist, and Ultrasound nurses or technicians. (Nurses will also be trained for limited ultrasound).
Volunteer Training will be held on Saturday August 30, 8:00am – 5:00pm.
Please consider giving the 40 Days for Life campaign your full support by signing up to pray for and hour or more during the 40 days or participate in a kickoff or closing prayer vigil.
Catholic Charities, 2021 East Busch Boulevard, Tampa Register or more information: Liliana Gimenez, 813-6314398, Knights Women’s Center – Educate Empower Support A ministry of Catholic Charities, Diocese of St. Petersburg 8|
7th Annual 40 Days for Life Campaign
I invite you to join me at the Kickoff Vigil scheduled to take place at St. Lawrence Parish, Tampa on Sunday, September 14, 2014 at 2:30 PM. For details contact Sabrina Burton Schultz at 727-344-1611 *5325 or email to:
Church of the Incarnation
813-885-7861 Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 31 de agosto de 2014 Dejen que una nueva manera de pensar los transforme internamente, para que sepan distinguir cuál es la voluntad de Dios, es decir, lo que es bueno, lo que le agrada, lo perfecto. — Romanos 12:2
Domingo 31 de Agosto. Domingo 22 del Tiempo Ordinario Reflexionando la Palabra de Dios ¡Qué difícil es nadar contra corriente! También resulta difícil y arriesgado predicar lo que la gente no quiere oír, como lo es tarea ardua corregir, en nosotros mismos o en los demás, comportamientos equivocados o incrustados por la costumbre. Este era el reto del profeta Jeremías. Cuando Jesús dejó entender a los discípulos que había de padecer y morir, tampoco lo entendieron, por más que les habló de la resurrección al tercer día: Pedro se lo llevó aparte y se puso a increparlo: “¡No lo permita Dios, Señor! ¡Eso no puede pasarte!” La respuesta de Jesús fue contundente: “Apártate de mí, Satanás, que me haces tropezar; tú piensas como los hombres, no como Dios” Este es el meollo de la cuestión: la diferencia de pensamiento entre Dios y los hombres. El hombre piensa en la vida temporal, porque no ve más allá de sus necesidades presentes, mientras que Dios piensa en la vida eterna. Para el hombre lo importante es la salud y la felicidad y para Dios lo más importante es el espíritu. El hombre busca el placer de los sentidos y siente repugnancia por la prueba y el dolor, al tiempo que Dios prevé en el sufrimiento la purificación del hombre y el medio para conducirle a bienes más elevados. El hombre procura eliminar todo cuanto le cuesta. Pensemos, por ejemplo, en los planteamientos del aborto y la eutanasia, pero Dios ama y protege a su pueblo y procura la vida y el bien, no para algunos solamente, serían los preferidos, sino para todos, privilegiando a los más desprotegidos. El hombre lo ve todo con el ojo enfermo de su egoísmo, y Dios contempla toda la creación con el ojo purísimo del amor y la quiere conducir a la felicidad total, cuando hará un cielo nuevo y una tierra nueva, completando el coronamiento de su obra. El pequeño planeta tierra; más todavía, cada uno de nosotros, somos como un átomo insignificante en el concierto del universo inconmensurable. Ante este panorama, ¿De qué le sirve a un hombre ganar el mundo entero, si arruina su vida? es decir, si se viera excluido de aquel concierto universal de gloria, ¿porque se encerró en sí mismo y se negó a formar parte del todo; si lo ha querido todo para él solo? ¡Miremos, pues, si andamos errados cuando no queremos saber nada de Dios y de su obra! ¡Miremos cuan pobres somos si pretendemos ser el centro del mundo, si queremos comer después de hartarnos y no sabemos poner freno a nuestra avaricia o a nuestro afán de dominio! Jesús sentencia esta situación con una frase impresionante: Si uno quiere salvar su vida, la perderá; pero el que la pierda por mí la encontrará. Encontrar la vida es centrarse en Dios, sentirse pueblo con los demás y parte insignificante del universo, obra maestra del Creador. P. Jairo 9|
Lo que significa la Cruz La cruz como símbolo nos acompaña a los cristianos desde el principio de nuestra vida. La que nos regalan los padrinos en el bautizo, la de la Primera Comunión y nos acompaña en todos los momentos importantes en que celebramos nuestra fe. Tenemos otro significado que lo encontramos en el evangelio. Jesús alude a la cruz como el resumen de todo lo que le puede pasar al que decida seguirle. Jesús dice a Pedro: “El que quiera seguirme, que se niegue a sí mismo, que cargue con su cruz, y me siga”. En primer lugar, hay que querer seguirle, lo implica el conocimiento de lo que se quiere, la voluntad y la valentía de mantener la decisión cuando vengan malos momentos. Querer, ha de ser una decisión a toda prueba y de carácter firme. ***************************************************
Legión de María Virgen Peregrina La Legión de María tiene la misión de llevar a la Virgen Peregrina a los hogares de las familias que así lo deseen. La entrega de la imagen de la Virgen se realiza en la misa hispana del viernes a las 6:30pm, con la bendición del Padre a la persona que la recibe. Así mismo le invitamos para la consagración al Inmaculado corazón de Maria y la Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Para más información: Azucena Zavala 813-410-5735 o Myriam Freyre 813-516-2239.
CON JESÚS TODO ES POSIBLE. NO CAMBIE DE PAREJA, CAMBIE DE ACTITUD. Asista a las reuniones del GRUPO DE PAREJAS MDS y reciba el apoyo. Balancear la presencia de Dios en la familia, las necesidades individuales y las necesidades de la pareja son un trabajo continuo que resulta ser MUY productivo... Invitamos a todas las parejas casadas o no casadas para que participen de nuestro grupo para su crecimiento. Tenemos charlas todos los viernes en el salón St. Francis a las 7:30 pm. Sin costo alguno. Ofrecemos cuidado de los niños. El próximo retiro inolvidable de parejas será en Septiembre 26, 27 y 28. Para mayor información comunicarse con Lecy o Dante al (813) 850-4526.
31 de agosto, 2014
LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Cor 2:1-5; Sal 119 (118):97-102; Lc 4:16-30, ó las lecturas de la Misa “Por la santificación del trabajo” Martes: 1 Cor 2:10b-16; Sal 145 (144):8-14; Lc 4:31-37 Miércoles: 1 Cor 3:1-9; Sal 33 (32):12-15, 20-21; Lc 4:38-44 Jueves: 1 Cor 3:18-23; Sal 24 (23):1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lc 5:1-11 Viernes: 1 Cor 4:1-5; Sal 37 (36):3-6, 27-28, 39-40; Lc 5:33-39 Sábado: 1 Cor 4:6b-15; Sal 145 (144):17-21; Lc 6:1-5 Domingo: Ez 33:7-9; Sal 95 (94):1-2, 6-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20
Si tienes algún talento artístico en el área musical, danza y hasta como poeta o si simplemente quieres ayudar en la logística del evento, TE NECESITAMOS. El Padre Jairo está muy entusiasmado con el próximo Sabor Latino que se va a festejar el 25 de Octubre y quisiera incluir muchos actos. Va a ser un día para compartir y de mucha alegría. Si deseas compartir tu talento por favor comunícate vía email