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Church of the Incarnation



PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9am - 4pm 5124 Gateway Dr. , Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.885.7861 Fax: 813.884.3624 www.icctampa.org

SCHOOL OFFICE 5111 Webb Rd., Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734 www.icstampa.org CLERGY Rev. Michael Suszynski, Pastor Rev. Jairo Atehortua Parochial Vicar Rev. Philip Clement, Parochial Vicar Deacon Pablo Maldonado Deacon Ramon Rodriguez

STAFF Parish Business Administrator - Paul Hunter phunter@icctampa.org Facility Manager - Dave Arnold darnold@icctampa.org / 919-4284 Parish Secretary - Irene Martinez imartinez@icctampa.org Receptionist/ Bulletin Editor - Silvia Rivera srivera@icctampa.org Director of Music - Alex Groppe agroppe@icctampa.org Asst. Director of Music (Spanish) - David Funes dfunes@icctampa.org Director of Faith Formation - Carmen Cayon ccayon@icctampa.org Sacrament Prep. & Youth Ministry - Philomena Johnson pjohnson@icctampa.org

MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday: 7:00am & 8:30am

JESUS TOLD THE TRUTH But how do we know whether Jesus was telling the truth? For the most part, we can answer that question for ourselves. In fact, for the most part, we’d be hard pressed to find any sincere person—of any religious tradition or culture—who would disagree with the fundamentals of Jesus’ message. When Jesus announces that true religion consists in doing justice, not just in calling ourselves just—does anyone disagree? When he proclaims us all members of one human family, are there any serious dissenting voices? Even when he teaches that happiness does not lie in holding on to possessions, where are the naysayers? Certainly there are aberrations: preachers of racism, nationalism, chauvinism, ethnic supremacy. Jesus would denounce them, whoever they are. And he’d be recognized as right, too, even if it got him into trouble. Jesus wasn’t put to death because his message was one that his listeners wanted to hear. He was crucified because he told the truth, popular or not. Today’s Readings: Ez 18:25–28; Ps 25:4–9; Phil 2:1–11 [1–5]; Mt 21:28–32 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Tuesday: Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88:2-8; Lk 9:51-56 Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-15; Lk 9:57-62 Thursday: Jb 19:21-27; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Friday: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Lk 10:13-16

Saturday: 8:30am & 4:30pm (Vigil)

Saturday: Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24

Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am (signed),

Sunday: Is 5:1-7; Ps 80:9, 12-16, 19-20; Phil 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43

& 12pm MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos a la 1:30pm Viernes a las 6:30pm LATIN MASS: Sundays at 4:30pm CONFESSIONS: Saturdays - 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Church Or by appointment DEVOTIONS Morning Prayer Group: Liturgy of the Hours Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. & Sat.: 8:10am - 8:25am ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every 1st Friday following the 8:30 am Mass until 6:15pm ROSARY: Thursdays at 11:30am in the chapel ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL - Jueves de 5:30pm6:30pm en la capilla

October 4

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 28, 2014

† MASS INTENTIONS † SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 28 - TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 A.M. +Ronald Carter by Ava Carter 9:00 A.M. +Richard Bussey by Bussey Family 10:30 A.M. +Bruno Zabukas by Wife Yvonne 12:00 P.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 1:30 P.M. +Deceased Family Members of Carmen Pelaez 4:30 P.M. MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 29 - STS. MICHAEL, GABRIEL AND RAPHAEL, ARCHANGELS 7:00 A.M. +Jaime Freyre by Family 8:30 A.M. +Harold Rivera by Family TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 30 - ST. JEROME, PRIEST 7:00 A.M. +James Francis Parker by Dennis and Maryann Whalen 8:30 A.M. WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 1 - ST. TÉRÈSE OF THE CHILD JESUS, VIRGIN 7:00 A.M. (SI) Jose Rene, Jr. by Family 8:30 A.M. VOCATIONS THURSDAY - OCTOBER 2- THE HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELS 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. FRIDAY - OCTOBER 3 7:00 A.M. +All Souls by Suong Le 8:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. +Mario Padilla by Rosibel Padilla SATURDAY - OCTOBER 4 - ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 8:30 A.M. +Frank Fernandez by Celia 4:30 P.M. +Giovanna and +Antonia Cerra by Family SUNDAY - OCTOBER 5 - TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 A.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 9:00 A.M. +Ann Rees by George and Thelma Schmidt 10:30 A.M. +Janet, +Mary and +Mose Taylor by Mark Taylor 12:00 P.M. (SI) Prayer Intention Box by OLM Group 1:30 P.M. +Hipolito Goris by Family 4:30 P.M. (SI) Luis and Cynthia Valentin 1st Wedding Anniversary

SACRIFICIAL GIFTS OF TREASURE OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish. Weekly Target ................................................. $23,000.00 09/21/2014 Offertory Donations ..................... $18,320.50 Shortfall……………………………………….$ 4,679.50 Sound System................................................... $ 5,753.00 Dominican Parish….………………………....$ 1,085.00 RENOVATION & BUILDING FUND (Second Collection) is used to pay the monthly principal and interest obligation on our Church Renovation Loan and to fund repairs and updates to our Church building.

If you would like to add or remove a name, e-mail Silvia Rivera at: srivera@icctampa.org or call the parish office 813-885-7861. Jeannette Abrenica Joyce Adams Thomas Baffil Lucas Baker Maria Barrios Gisela Brandes Judith Brown Ted Brown Kay Burgess Frank Burke Carmen Casar Linda Casares Bill Cawley Olga Cora Crimilda Crespo Nellie Cruz Jake Dairaghi Leslie D’ Elia Michael Delgado Vito Demalteris Bonnie Domini Mary Ellen Dorney Edward Drost Manuel Duran Germaine Dutton Nila Espinola Richard Fanelli Joy Galante Jimmy Garad Sal Giordano Michael Griffin Robert Hasty

Joanne Hellenbrand Letty Hernandez Janet Hogsten Penni Hollis Mary Jones John A. Keene Mimi Kuhla Erika Lacayo Debbie Langston Helen Lawrence Susan Lestock Tom Lom Janet Losinski Lance Losinski Reinaldo Macias Anna Marshall Shay Martins Kathy McNamee Marie Mendez Johnny Montano John Nevadomski Ladys Nuesi Alicia Oacio David Ortiz Lisa Paige Sandy Palermo Sammy Parker JR Pearce Germaine Pempsell Patrick Pempsell Henry Perez Mary Perkinson

Ofelia Pineda Bernard Rafferty, Sr. Irvin Rivera, Jr. Dewey Roberts Juan C. Sanchez Lydia Santiago Thomas Santiago T. Sasikumar Annette Scalise Donald Schirmer Dawn Seifert John Semago Phil Sheridan Kody Sir Dianna Slowey Thomas

Sheri Simpson Charles Stachowyek Ann Sullivan Ivy Valdes Ines Velazquez William Vitto Rose Vrabel Elvia White Gabriella Winters Amy Workman Lupita

PV2 Chad Michael Burgess PV2 Angelique Burgess SGT Damian Patrick Bumm SPC Timothy Haley Brian McPhillips, Afghanistan

09/21/2014 Renovation Donations…………..$ 1,899.00

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! If you have any questions about our finances or parish renovation activities, please contact Business Manager, Paul Hunter at 813-8857861 or by e-mail: phunter@icctampa.org.

Thank You, Buds Blooms & Beyond for your donation of flower arrangements for our church and chapel. 11234 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33635 (813)818-9600 (800)531-2837 www.budsbloomsandbeyond.com


Church of the Incarnation



Director of Faith Formation & R.C.I.A. Carmen Cayon ccayon@icctampa.org

Grades Pk-12 Sacrament Preparation & Youth Ministry Philomena Johnson pjohnson@icctampa.org

Young Adult Ministry Fr. Philip Clement fclement@icctampa.org

"Proeliatores Dei" is our parish's young adult group. Young adult parishioners ages 18-28 are welcome to join us every Thursday night from 7:30 - 9:00 in the Lion's Lair for faith, fun, and fraternity. For more information, please go to our website: www.thewarriorsofgod.org or call Fr. Philip at the church office (813-885-7861). We hope to see you there!

FAITH FORMATION NEWS!! Faith Formation will be in session for the entire month of October. We currently have 341 children and teens enrolled in Faith Formation. We still have space available for your child!! Faith Formation is Life-long and ongoing, please register your child so that they will have the experience of learning more about our Catholic faith and grow closer to Jesus Christ. WHAT’S HAPPENING IN FAITH FORMATION THIS MONTH!! OCTOBER 5TH - Respect Life Sunday. Please join us on the pavilion at 10:30AM to pray the Rosary. Please bring your own Rosary. OCTOBER 19TH - World Mission Sunday. Please plan on joining your child/children on the Pavilion at 10:30AM for the blessing of their Mission Boxes. The Mission Box is used to collect donations throughout the year to be used for our Mission Parish in the Dominican Republic. OCTOBER 25th – Please bring you and your family to our parish Sabor Latino Festival from 6-9PM in St. Michael’s Hall. Food from all of the different Latin countries represented in our parish will be there as well as music, entertainment, dancing and fellowship!! Watch for the ticket sales dates in the bulletin!! OCTOBER 22ND – Confirmation Parent and Teen Orientation Meeting – 7PM in the church. If you have not provided the Faith Formation Office with a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate it is due at this meeting. Blessing the Animal Kingdom Join us Saturday, October 4th For the annual Pet Blessing In honor of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi At 9:30am In the Pavilion 4|

On October 4 we celebrate World Animal Day, established in 1929 by an initiative of the World Organization of Animal Protection in Vienna. The day was instituted to celebrate all the animals and the people who care, love, and respect them. The decision was made to celebrate it on October 4, the day St. Francis of Assisi, appointed by St. Pope John Paul II as the patron saint of animals and environmentalist in 1980, died.

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 28, 2014


TREE OF LIFE MEMORIALS ALTAR SERVERS - David Smith - iccaltarservers@gmail.com EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - If you would like to join this ministry contact Frank Salamone Phone: 813-205-8259 Email: fsalamone2003@yahoo.com READERS - Will Beran - 882-0178 ENVIRONMENT/ART - Connie Hennessey - 884-8326 USHERS - Tom Osborn - 885-3829 VISITORS OF THE SICK - Fr. Jairo Atehortua - 885-7861 BIBLE STUDY - Carmen Cayon - 885-7861 CARNIVAL - Dave Arnold - 919-4284 COLUMBIETTES - Maureen Finch - 885-1065 or maureen4@tampabay.rr.com. Meet every 2nd Thursday at 7:00pm, St. Patrick's Room FINANCE COUNCIL - Tim Madden - 831-9770 tmmadden@tampabay.rr.com HELPING HAND - Paul Hunter - 885-7861 ICCW - INCARNATION COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Alma Shamblin - 886-9365 Gen. Mtg. 1st Thursdays - Rosary at 7pm - Mtg. starts at 7:30pm JOB SEARCH SUPPORT - Hilda Lyons - icjobsupport@hotmail.com Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. at the Town ’N Country Public Library KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4th Degree Assembly 2984 Harry - 813-765-5725 - meets every 3rd Monday at 7:30 PM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - For membership information - Dave Shively - 813-525-5839 or Ralph Galera - 813-792-8950.

In memory of a loved one who has passed away you may want to consider the Tree of Life Memorial at the church’s entrance. You may also want to remember a special Anniversary or a family member with a Leaf on the Tree. For information call Connie Hennessey at 884-8326.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK gives spiritual strength in the face of suffering. A Parish priest is on call 24 hrs. in cases of emergency and is available for appointments. Call the Parish Office at 8857861. MATRIMONY (Marriage) - Couples need to contact the Parish Office at 885-7861 before setting a date. The preparation process takes a minimum of 6 months. HOLY ORDERS is for single men answering the call to priesthood. Any man or woman interested in the religious life should contact one of our parish priests or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 727-345-3338. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY - Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick at home. Please call the Parish Office at 885-7861 to make arrangements.

LIFE MINISTRY - Teresa Trubilla - 841-6563 - Trubilla@mac.com MUSIC MINISTRY - Alex Groppe - agroppe@icctampa.org Tuesday Rehearsals, 7 - 9pm in the Church Music Room PRAYER SHAWL GROUP - Leonor “Lily” Duran lilypadiii@yahoo.com. 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm in Faith Formation Office RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE - Connie Hennessey - 884-8326 SPECIAL EDUCATION - Mary Thomson - 884-8040 STEWARDSHIP - Tim Madden - 831-9770 tmmadden@tampabay.rr.com THAT MAN IS YOU - Michael Rivera - 598-0972 Tuesdays at 5:15am in St. Francis Room 12 STEP MEETINGS - Mary at 813-884-7171 Men's Closed Meetings - Tuesday, 7 pm St. Patrick's Room Closed Meetings - Wednesday, 7 pm St. Patrick's Room Al-Anon Closed Meetings - Wednesday, 7 pm St. Francis Room 2

Pope Francis Tweet for the Week!

CABALLEROS DE COLÓN - Información - Félix Cayon 813-8844052 o Ralph Galera 813-792-8950. COMITÉ PASTORAL HISPANO - Padre Jairo - 885-7861 fatehortua@icctampa.org Se reúne el tercer jueves de cada mes CORO HISPANO - David Funes - dfunes@icctampa.org miércoles a las 7:00pm y los domingos a las 12:00 pm EMAUS DAMAS - Liliana Astete 646-339-4286 y Doris Quirindongo (813) 843-6654. Miércoles de por medio 7pm. EMAUS HOMBRES - Stevenson Quirindongo


ESCUELA DE EVANGELIZACIÓN JUAN PABLO II María Teresa Aguilar 813-315 0925. Viernes 7pm, salón de clase #3. GRUPO DE JOVENES - Carmen Cayón - 885-7861. GRUPO DE JOVENES ADULTOS - Ana Acevedo al 359-7722. Viernes, 7:30pm, salón de conferencia. GRUPO DE MATRIMONIOS - Lecy y Dante Sánchez - 850-4526. Viernes, 7:30pm, salón St. Francis 1. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN - Juan Estévez 813-545-8744 o Reina Borjas al 813-249-0986. Martes 7:30pm, salón St. Michael. LECTORES - Alan Aguilar- 315-0928 LEGIÓN DE MARÍA - Azucena Zavala 813-410-5737 o Myriam Freyre 813-516-2239 Sábado 9:30am, salón St. Francis.

The Lord is always there waiting to give us his love: it is an amazing thing, one which never ceases to surprise us!

MINISTROS DE EUCARISTÍA - Tito Bello - 516-2619 MONAGUILLOS - Doris Quirindongo - 843-6654 UJIERES - José Guaba - 504-5538

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 28, 2014

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The Christians of the middle east live in the land where Jesus walked, taught, suffered, and died. Today their numbers are greatly reduced, and they struggle to survive in the land made holy by Christ. Little Bethlehem will be with us the weekend of October 4th and 5th to offer religious items, carved from olive wood, after all masses. NOTE DATE CHANGE!

To raise funds for St. Michael’s new air conditioner. Please join us Saturday, February 14th 5:30 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. St. Michael’s Social Hall 8220 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33615

Lectors: 2014-2015 Training Dates Mark your calendars and Plan to attend ONE of these

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TRAINING All Extraordinary Ministers are required to attend at least one of the three training sessions that will be given; please make every effort to attend.

Day Monday Saturday Thursday Saturday

ENGLISH: Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 7:00pm

Date September 29, 2014 December 6, 2014 March 19, 2015 June 13, 2015

Time 7:00 PM-9:00 PM 10:00 AM - Noon 7:00-9:00 PM 10:00 AM - Noon

EXHIBITORS NEEDED! Incarnation’s Council of Catholic Women will host its Annual Holiday Market on Sunday, November 23, 2014.

SPANISH: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 7:00pm

Exhibitors interested in participating can contact Connie Hennessey at 813-884-8326. Do not wait, there are limited inside spaces available!

Future Training Dates: Monday, February 2, 2015 (English) Monday, February 9, 2015 (Spanish) Part-Time maintenance help needed for the weekends. For more information contact the Plant Manager: Dave at 813919-4284.

Event Description: A fun filled Holiday Festival: Featuring door prizes, music, delicious food and an art fair. Nice family event! Free Admission and Parking.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Gold Level Silver Level Bronze Level Other

$ 1000 $ 500 $ 250

Envelopes are available in the pews. |7

Church of the Incarnation




Church of the Incarnation


Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 28 de septiembre de 2014 Tengan los mismos sentimientos que tuvo Cristo Jesús. — Filipenses 2:5

Domingo 28 de Septiembre. Domingo 26 del Tiempo Ordinario Reflexionando la Palabra de Dios Con humildad y no sin cierto temor, hemos de contemplar siempre en nuestra vida la posibilidad de un cambio en cualquier sentido, dada nuestra inestabilidad y ligereza. Si estamos en el buen camino, nos conviene saber que podríamos deteriorarnos y acabar mal. Nos avisa el profeta Ezequiel: Cuando el justo se aparta de su justicia, comete la maldad y muere; muere por la maldad que cometió. Más, si el camino que ahora seguimos no es el mejor, no olvidemos que tenemos abiertas delante de nosotros, las puertas de la conversión. Dice el mismo profeta: Cuando el pecador se arrepiente del mal que hizo y practica la rectitud y la justicia, él mismo salva su vida. En el mismo sentido hemos de entender las palabras de Jesús: Les

aseguro que los publicanos y las prostitutas se les han adelantado en el camino del Reino de Dios. La razón es sencilla: unos dan signos de

♦ ♦

debemos ser puntuales: por respeto a la comunidad y a lo que vamos a celebrar; en los primeros minutos (el canto, el saludo, etc.), incluido el ensayo de los cantos, se prepara y se da sentido a toda la celebración; no deberíamos quedar dispersos por los bancos de la iglesia, sino agruparnos razonablemente delante, para crear un clima más expresivo de comunidad celebrante; debemos adoptar una postura interior y exterior de activa participación: en la escucha atenta, en la oración y el canto, etc.; porque es toda la comunidad la que celebra.

“La Experiencia de Emaús” Retiro de Hombres

conversión: Los publicanos y las prostitutas le creyeron. Han creído en Jesús y en su anuncio de salvación. Por el contrario, los sumos sacerdotes y los ancianos del pueblo dan todas las señales de testarudez y de endurecimiento en su hipocresía y falsedad. Les dice Jesús: Aun después de ver esto, ustedes no creyeron.

En la raíz de estos hechos hallaríamos dos comportamientos y sus motivaciones. Es lo del Evangelio: Un hombre tenía dos hijos. Se acercó al primero y le dijo: Hijo, ve hoy a trabajar en la viña. El contestó: No quiero. Pero después recapacitó y fue. La actitud de este joven demuestra bien a las claras que amaba a su padre y tenía despierta la conciencia, aunque le había podido por un momento su pereza y algún instinto de rebeldía interior. El segundo, en cambio, después de escuchar el mandato del padre para ir a trabajar en la viña, dijo inmediatamente que sí: Voy, señor. Pero no fue. Aquí vemos a un joven que pretende quedar bien con su padre para que no le fastidie más, pero no da ningún síntoma de amor filial. También está claro que no se arrepiente y no aparecen síntomas de remordimiento alguno. Se mira a sí mismo, busca exclusivamente su comodidad y está presto a cualquier hipocresía para que nadie se la estorbe. Le iría de perlas al pobre joven escuchar y meditar la recomendación de San Pablo a los filipenses: No se encierren en sus propios intereses, sino busquen todos el interés de los demás. Si de verdad queremos descubrir el camino y entender de qué extravíos nos conviene convertirnos, miremos con amor a Jesús, y meditemos atentamente su comportamiento. Nos los ha recomendado también San Pablo: Tengan entre ustedes los sentimientos propios de Cristo Jesús.

Él, actuando como un hombre cualquiera, se rebajó hasta someterse incluso a la muerte, y una muerte de cruz. P. Jairo


El Señor nos llama y nos reúne Venimos a misa para celebrar algo en común: esa debe ser nuestra actitud, y no la de encerramos en nosotros mismos: somos Pueblo de Dios, somos el Cuerpo de Cristo, somos una comunidad; porque todos formamos esta Iglesia en pequeño, los demás tienen en algún sentido derecho a nuestra presencia; así les ayudamos a celebrar mejor y a animarse en su fe;

Este es el momento para renovar y profundizar su relación con el Señor. Es un vehículo para conocer otros hombres de la parroquia que también están buscando una verdadera amistad con el Señor Jesús. Este retiro se llevara acabo los días 3, 4, & 5 del mes de Octubre en Tampa, FL y se proveerá transporte. El costo será de $100 ( Incluye cuarto, comidas y programa). Las inscripciones están disponibles después de la misa. Para más información llamar a Stevenson Quirindongo (813) 817-9321, Juan Caba (813) 531-2035, o Juan Miguel (813) 475-9709.

CON JESÚS TODO ES POSIBLE. NO CAMBIE DE PAREJA, CAMBIE DE ACTITUD. Asista a las reuniones del GRUPO DE PAREJAS MDS y reciba el apoyo. A veces no queremos escucharle a nuestro conyugue, ni a nuestra voz interior, pero cuando escuchamos testimonios reales, nuestra buena voluntad se fortalece... Invitamos a todas las parejas casadas o no casadas para que participen de nuestro grupo para su crecimiento. Tenemos charlas todos los viernes en el salón St. Francis a las 7:30 pm. Sin costo alguno. Ofrecemos cuidado de los niños. El próximo retiro inolvidable de parejas será en Noviembre 21, 22 y 23. Para mayor información comunicarse con Lecy o Dante al teléfono (813) 850 -4526.

28 de septiembre de 2014


LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 o Apo 12:7-12a; Sal 138 (137):1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Martes: Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Sal 88 (87):2-8; Lc 9:51-56 Miércoles: Job 9:1-12, 14-16; Sal 88 (87):10bc-15; Lc 9:57-62 Jueves: Job 19:21-27; Sal 27 (26):7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Viernes: Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Sal 139 (138): 1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Lc 10:13-16 Sábado: Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Sal 119 (118): 66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lc 10:17-24 Domingo: Is 5:1-7; Sal 80 (79): 9, 12-16, 19-20; Fil 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43

El Padre Michael bendecirá a las mascotas el sábado, 4 de octubre a las 9:30am en el pabellón. En honor al Santo Patrón de los animales San Francisco de Asís.

LO IMPOSIBLE Empieza a hacer lo que es necesario, luego lo que es posible, de pronto estarás haciendo lo que es imposible. —San Francisco de Asís

Se les invita cordialmente a participar de la Misa Hispana con el Obispo Lynch, el 11 de octubre del 2014, en la Catedral de St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 - (727) 347-9702. Se comenzará con el rosario a las 10:00am, procesión de la imagen de la Virgen y desfile de banderas a las 10:30am y la Santa Misa con el Señor Obispo a las 11:00am.

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