ICC Bulletin 1204'11

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(a Holy Day of Obligation to attend Mass)

MASS SCHEDULE: VIGIL MASS: Wednesday, Dec. 7 7:00pm


Thursday, Dec. 8 7:00 am 8:30am 12:10pm 6:00pm Spanish & 7:30pm

8220 W. HILLSBOROUGH AVE. • TAMPA, FLORIDA 33615 http://www.icctampa.org

Phone: 813- 885-7861

Church of the Incarnation, Tampa, FL

(813) 33615 885-7861 8220 W. HILLSBOROUGH AVE. • TAMPA, Phone: FLORIDA


Phone: 813- 885-7861

5124 Gateway Drive (mailing address) • Fax: (813) 884-3624 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Clergy - 813-885-7861 Very Rev. Michael Suszynski, Pastor Rev. Diego Ossa, Parochial Vicar Rev. Philip Clement, Parochial Vicar Deacon Joseph Krzanowski Deacon Frank Julian Deacon Pablo Maldonado

MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday - 7am & 8:30am

Misas en Español:

Saturday - 8:30 am & 4:30pm (Vigil)

Cada domingo a la 1:30pm

Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am (signed), 12pm

Cada viernes a las 6:30 pm


DEVOTIONS: Morning Prayer Group: Liturgy of the Hours Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. from 8:10am - 8:25am First Friday Adoration following the 8:30 am Mass until 6:15pm Rosary every Thursday at 11:30am in the chapel Rosario en español cada jueves a las 7:00pm en la capilla

Dave Arnold -

CONFESSIONS: Saturdays - 2:30 to 3:30pm in the Church

Staff - 813-885-7861 Paul Hunter

Parish Business Administrator

Facility Manager - 919-4284 iccdave@tampabay.rr.com

Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2011

Irene Martinez

Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor irenemartz@tampabay.rr.com

Silvia Rivera

Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. — Mark 1:3

Receptionist/ Asst Editor



In times of great difficulties scoffers taunt us, “Where is God? Why hasn’t your Lord come to save you now?” And we of faith respond much in the same way as Peter did in today’s second reading: the “delay” of the Lord’s second coming is not any type of punishment or failure to keep the divine promise, but a loving sign of God’s patience. God is giving everyone the chance to seek repentance. God does not make life more difficult. Rather, God lessens our burdens as once before for the Jewish exiles returning home to Judea after captivity in Babylon. It was God who personally led them, making a “straight highway” for them across the desert. We join with our ancestors of faith, who hoped that they might see God’s Chosen One before them and who eventually realized that the Lord was also walking with

Donal Noonan

Music Director dnoonan@icctampa.org Carmen Cayon

Director of Faith Formation carmen_dre@tampabay.rr.com Philomena Johnson

Grades Pk-12 ; Sacrament Preparation & Youth Ministry pjohnson@icctampa.org Jane Rullier Co-Peer Minister Administrative Assistant jrullier@icctampa.org


813 884-4502 http://www.icstampa.org Mr. Michael Zelenka, Principal Page 2

them side by side. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Is 35:1-10; Lk 5:17-26 Is 40:1-11; Mt 18:12-14 Is 40:25-31; Mt 11:28-30 Gn 3:9-15, 20; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 Is 48:17-19; Mt 11:16-19 Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lk 1:46-50, 53-54; 1 Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 on the web @ www.icctampa.org

2nd Sunday of Advent

† Mass Intentions † SUNDAY - DECEMBER 4 - SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 7:30 A.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 9:00 A.M. +Dan Duet by Tom and Susan Fraher 10:30 A.M. +Henry J. Fernandez by Lindy Fernandez 12:00 P.M. +Jack Baker by Mercy Stitt 1:30 P.M. +Estrella Yara Dupres by Cynthia Dupres MONDAY - DECEMBER 5 7:00 A.M. +Jean Marie Ronald Bathard by Caline 8:30 A.M. +Bobby Medina by Carmen Medina TUESDAY - DECEMBER 6 - ST. NICHOLAS, BISHOP 7:00 A.M. +John Little by Rob Little Family 8:30 A.M. +Mary Watkins by Parish Staff WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 7 - ST. AMBROSE, BISHOP 7:00 A.M. +Francisco Espina, Sr. by Doriza and Family 8:30 A.M. VOCATIONS 7:00 P.M. +Conchita and +Oscar de la Cruz by Trinidad THURSDAY - DECEMBER 8 - THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 12:10 P.M. (SI) In Thanksgiving by Dolores Gaitan 6:00 P.M. +Francisco Santana and + Florentina Soriano by Family 7:30 P.M. +Carmen Rigualts by Robert and Olga Gonzalez FRIDAY - DECEMBER 9 - ST. JUAN DIEGO CUAUHTLATOATZIN 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. +Roger Urbanski by Bob and Shirley Beaudry 6:30 P.M. +Manolo Garcia by Fernandez Family SATURDAY - DECEMBER 10 8:30 A.M. +Aracely and +Jose Giraldo by Albert Giraldo 4:30 P.M. +Paul W. Allaert by Mike and Teresa Thompson SUNDAY - DECEMBER 11 - THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 7:30 A.M. (SI) Prayer Box Intentions by Our Lady of Mercy Group 9:00 A.M. PEOPLE OF INCARNATION 10:30 A.M. +Mary and +Mose Taylor by Mark Taylor 12:00 P.M. +Jeannie O’Brien by Hilda Lyons 1:30 P.M. +Alberto Goris by Rosa Genao

SACRIFICIAL GIFTS OF TREASURE OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish. Weekly Target ................................................. $23,000.00 11/27/2011 Offertory Donations .................... $17,216.28 Shortfall ............................................................ $ 5,783.72 Tuition Assistance ........................................... $ 70.00 Helping Hand ................................................... $ 1,488.00 RENOVATION & BUILDING FUND (Second Collection) is used to pay the monthly principal and interest obligation on our Church Renovation Loan and to fund repairs and updates to our Church building.

December 4, 2011

Sick Prayer List: New names appear in bold. Other than critical or terminal conditions, the names will remain on this list for 30 days. Please help us keep our prayer list current. If you would like to add a name, e-mail Silvia Rivera at: iccsrive@tampabay.rr.com or call the office. Please pray also for our parishioners who are in hospitals, nursing homes and our shut ins. Betty Alberico Colleen Beran David Boyd Mariana Brandao Alice V. Brown Kenneth Brown Jose Caldevilla Linda Casarez Milagro Castillo Kathy Castle Zachary Cayon Ray Chiarmonte Mary Childers Mike Childers Delma Chimelis Frank Chinchar Jim and Gail Colegrove

Barbara Cunningham

Lissette Dayhou Marta De La Rosa Wandy Del Valle Christopher Dempsey

Sara Desrocher Gail Diestler Tammy Dominguez Sr. Anne Dupuis Shirley Duran Dylan Edward Manuel Escamilla Tom Esgro Mary Ferreira Bertha Fyda William Gareau Mary Gibson

Sheila Gildea Kirk Goetz Maria Gonzalez Paula Hague Patrick Hardy Robert Hasty Greg Jackson Doris Jansen Trudy Jorge Joan Julian Rodrigo Jurado Colleen Kramer Sue Ellen Krick Mimi Kuhla Ann Kuratnick Mary Larkin Daniela C. LaRosa Grace Leiva Michael Lloyd Paige Macfarlane Bonnie McCurdy Matthew T. McLane, Sr.

Bill McNamee Maria Merlo Andrea Mkleska Beba Montero Noah Nero Linda Nicholas Fr. Jonathan Niehaus

Anne Patchil JR Pearce Angelo Perez Carol Perez Tom Phillips

Peter Proley Lydia Quesada Evette Reas Violet Riche Christopher Rivera Irvin Rivera, Jr. Delores Roberta Maria Robles Phillip Rosete Evaristo Rodriguez Ewen Rosale Humberto Sanchez Brenda Sandy Kiki Santiago Gina Schmidt Kaylala Silva Robert G. Smith, Jr. Bill and Angie Spink

Noah Spivey Howard Stables Janet Taylor Sheli Thomas Jaime Torres Rhoda Toscano Adrian Valentin Joan Vassil Thomas Vassil Jerry Wegman Ty Wegman Selwyn Williams Steven Yudicky Bruno Zabukas

11/27/2011 Renovation Donations .................... $ 1,877.00

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! If you have any questions about our finances or parish

SSGT Angelique Vazquez, Japan LCPL Almoris E. Lugo, Jr. SGT Ryan Wegman, Iraq PFC Joshua Luckey, Afghanistan

MAJ Marty Maldonado, Afghanistan CW2 William Garcia, Afghanistan David Valencia

renovation activities, please contact Business Manager, Paul Hunter at 813-885-7861 or by e-mail: iccphunter@tampabay.rr.com.

We are very happy to report that PFC James Blackwelder has returned safely from Afghanistan. Thank you for your prayers!

Thank You To Buds, Blooms & Beyond, Floral & Gift Shop for their donations of flower arrangements for our Weekend Liturgies. Visit them at 11234 W. Hillsborough. 813.818.9600 Page 3

Church of the Incarnation, Tampa, FL

Phone: (813) 885-7861

FAITH FORMATION STAFF Director of Faith Formation & R.C.I.A. Carmen Cayon carmen_dre@tampabay.rr.com

Grades Pk-12 Sacrament Preparation & Youth Ministry

Co-Peer Minister Administrative Assistant Jane Rullier jrullier@icctampa.org

Philomena Johnson pjohnson@icctampa.org




Incarnation Youth and Families lived our Gospel for the Sunday of November 20th: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:31-46) We joined with Joy Ministries on Friday Night and we made over 400 sandwiches and bagged 400 bags of snacks, fruit and water and distributed them on Bayshore Blvd to the homeless. Afterwards, we traveled to Pinellas Hope and donated the remainder of the food to them. Incarnation youth had an AMAZING time at the Overnight Retreat on Nov 19th and 20th. Big thanks to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the teens who attended and our chaperones! Our youth had a great time, won two activities and got cool prizes. The retreat was wrapped up on Sunday with a trip to Pinellas Hope. Sunday night, we enjoyed a beautiful concert, Music for Food, by Donal Noonan and the Vocal Ensemble where we collected over 600 bags of donated food that we later put into 125 Thanksgiving bags for the poor and needy of our parish. WE ARE TRULY BLESSED TO HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE WHO DONATED THEIR TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE TO HELP OTHERS. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Faith Formation Classes Resume: Dec 11th Check out our pictures on Facebook: Incarnation Catholic Church and in the bulletin. Please continue to watch the bulletin for ongoing opportunities to serve others in our community. Page 4

on the web @ www.icctampa.org

2nd Sunday of Advent

December 4, 2011

Incarnation Catholic School “Preparing Students for the Future” 5111 Webb Road, Tampa, FL 33615 Phone: 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734 Website: http://www.icstampa.org/

Inspiring life-long learners Challenging each individual to develop spiritually Striving to serve each other and the community

SCRIP NEWS Christmas Employee Incentives If your company or business would like to give their employees a Christmas incentive, WE CAN HELP!! ICS sells gift cards for many national stores, restaurants, and spas. All you have to do is take our order form (available in St. Michael’s Hall from 8:15am until 11:45am) to the boss and suggest buying gift cards for the employees this holiday season. Visit www.glscrip.com for a complete list of vendors available, besides the ones on our order form. Please allow one week when placing a special order. If you order this Sunday, the gift cards will be available next Sunday. Please call 813-884-4502 for more details and other options for purchasing gift cards or picking up ordered gift cards.

HOURS: Mon—Fri—10am to 10pm & Sat/Sun. 8am –10pm

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Church of the Incarnation, Tampa, FL

Phone: (813) 885-7861

PARISH ACTIVITIES Religious Articles Store

Hours of Operation Open 1/2 hour before & after all Sunday Masses & the 4:30 Mass on Saturday For Information: Call Connie at 884-8326

SUNDAY - DECEMBER 4 CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS BAZAAR IN ST. MICHAEL’S HALL MONDAY - DECEMBER 5 TUESDAY - DECEMBER 6 9:00 A.M. Job Search Support Group 7:00 P.M. Alcoholics Anonymous 7:00 P.M. Spanish Prayer Group 7:00 P.M. Music Ministry WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 7 7:00 P.M. Alcoholics Anonymous 7:00 P.M. Al-Anon 7:00 P.M. Al-Anon Spanish 7:30 P.M. Spanish Choir THURSDAY - DECEMBER 8 9:00 A.M. Legion of Mary 11:30 A.M. Our Lady of Mercy Prayer Group 7:00 P.M. Spanish Intercessions Group 7:00 P.M. Music Ministry FRIDAY - DECEMBER 9 7:00 P.M. Spanish Youth Group SATURDAY - DECEMBER 10 7:00 P.M. Spanish Young Adults

St. Brendan St. Patrick’s Room St. Michael’s Hall Church St. Patrick’s Room St. John’s Room St. Francis Room 1 Music Room St. Brendan Chapel Chapel Church St. Patrick’s Room St. Patrick’s Room


December 10/11 4:30 pm:

Patrick Eberly, David Gibson, Samantha Stevens

7:30 am:

Margaret Parker, Matthew Walsh

9:00 am:

Molly Conrad, Marielle Conrad, Mojo Conrad

10:30 am:

Aaron Raju, Alan Raju, Brandon Shively

12:00 pm:

Nathaniel Fernandez, Carmelle Kuizon, Angelica Valdes

Anointing of the Sick gives spiritual strength in the face of suffering. A Parish priest is on call 24 hrs. in cases of emergency. Call the Parish Office at 885-7861. Matrimony (Marriage) - Couples need to contact the Parish Office at 885-7861 before setting a date. The preparation process takes a minimum of 6 months. Holy Orders is for single men answering the call to priesthood. Any man or woman interested in the religious life should contact one of our parish priests or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 345-3338.

HOMEBOUND & HOSPITAL MINISTRY - Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick AT HOME or in TOWN ’N COUNTRY HOSPITAL. Please call the Parish Office at 885-7861 to make arrangements.

LITURGY GROUPS ALTAR SERVERS DAVID SMITH……………………….885-7861 KAITLIN JOHNSON………………………….885-7861 Or via e-mail iccaltarservers@gmail.com EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS DEACON JOE KRZANOWSKI…….. 885-7861 READERS WILL BERAN ………………………. 882-0178 MUSIC DIRECTOR DONAL NOONAN………….…..……885-7861 ENVIRONMENT/ART CONNIE HENNESSEY ………………...884-8326 USHERS RAY POMPONIO…………………...884-1366 VISITORS OF THE SICK FR. PHILIP CLEMENT...….………. 885-7861

PARISH ORGANIZATIONS BIBLE STUDY CARMEN CAYON…….………….... 885-7861 CARNIVAL PAUL/NORMA HUNTER …………...854-1171 COFFEE & DONUTS ALMA SHAMBLIN…………………..886-9365 Or via e-mail afshamblin@aol.com COLUMBIETTES DALE ZGURZYNSKI…......................885-5228 FINANCE COUNCIL DEACON FRANK JULIAN ………………….... 885-7861 HELPING HAND PARISH OFFICE…..……………..…..885-7861 INC. COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN ALMA SHAMBLIN…………………….886-9365 Or via e-mail afshamblin@aol.com INC. HOME & SCHOOL KIM FIELD….. ….….884-4502 (School Office) JOB SEARCH SUPPORT HILDA LYONS……icjobsupport@hotmail.com KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS STAN ZGURZYNSKI………….. … 885-5228 LIFE MINISTRY TERESA TRUBILLA……….….……..841-6563 Or via e-mail T2DeskTop@aol.com MEMORIALS-TREE OF LIFE CONNIE HENNESSEY….. ……….. 884-8326 OFFICE VOLUNTEERS IRENE MARTINEZ………………….885-7861 PRAYER GROUP ANA MARSICANO…………………..886-0091 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY SILVIA RIVERA ...…………………..885-7861 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE CONNIE HENNESSEY……………... 884-8326 SCRIP SANDY REY…...…………………….884-4502 SPECIAL EDUCATION ISABEL MORAES……………...…….852-1501 MARY THOMSON………………….. 884-8040 STEWARDSHIP PAUL HUNTER…….………………...854-1171 VOCATIONS COMMITTEE MICHELE & ROGER CARUSO……..962-4556 WELCOMING COMMITTEE EVELYN ROBERTS. …….…………886-6436 & DORIS WHITTLE………………...920-1089


TREE OF LIFE - MEMORIALS In memory of a loved one that has passed away you may want to consider the Tree of Life Memorial at the church’s entrance. You may also want to remember a special Anniversary or a family member with a Leaf on the Tree. For information call Connie Hennessey at 884-8326. Page 6

CARMEN CAYON ……………….885-7861 RCIA CARMEN CAYON……….……….885-7861 FIRST EUCHARIST PHILOMENA JOHNSON……….885-7861 CONFIRMATION PHILOMENA JOHNSON…….…885-7861 MARRIAGE PREPARATION FR. PHILIP CLEMENT… .…………...885-7861 To receive Sacraments you must be registered in the parish. Registration forms are available at the Welcome Table in St. Michael’s Hall on Sunday mornings or at the Parish Office during the Week.

on the web @ www.icctampa.org

2nd Sunday of Advent

December 4, 2011 The Catholics Come Home® ini a ve for the Diocese of St. Petersburg is a media campaign intended to show the beauty of our faith and to invite those who have le the Catholic faith or just “wandered away” to come back home.

The Advent/Christmas season provides an excellent opportunity to invite people to come home to the Catholic Church. From December 16‐January 22 television commercials will be aired on almost every network and cable sta on in the Tampa Bay media market. These are posi ve messages that will evoke pride in our Catholic faith and will allow viewers who have been away from the prac ce of the Catholic faith to say, “There’s a place for us—we are invited back!” The television ads alone are not sufficient. The invita on, witness and hospitality of all parishioners is needed. We can invite family members, friends, neighbors and fellow workers to rediscover their Catholic faith or embrace it for the first me. Invite them home this Christmas! For more informa on and to find out how you can help, visit: www.dosp.org and click on the Diocese of St. Petersburg/Catholics Come Home® logo on the front page of the website.

Let us help with your Christmas shopping.....without a trip to the mall! A great gift idea for family members, friends and neighbors.....a ticket to the Queen of Hearts Casino Night. February 18, 2012 from 6:30 to 11:00pm. Cost is $35 and includes appetizers and buffet, dancing, $2500 in casino chips and a chance to win fantastic prizes. A great evening of fun and a great way to support your parish in its efforts to refurbish meeting rooms/classrooms. Tickets will be available after Sunday Masses on Dec. 11, Jan. 22nd & Feb. 12th. in the gazebo. Sponsors are needed for Casino Night....any donations are much appreciated. Contact Connie Hennessey 813 884 8326 for information.

JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS DRAWING: DECEMBER 17TH 2011 Lenovo G570 Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit Intel Core 14-231 M Processor Dual Core 15.6” Display 4GB RAM 500GB Hard Drive DVD RW/CD-RW Built in Wireless 4 USB Ports Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 Kaspersky Internet Security 2011

2nd Prize - $50 Scrip Certificate 3rd Prize - $25 Scrip Certificate

Tickets $2.00 or 6 for $10.00 Tickets on sale in Gazebo THIS SUNDAY Need not be present to win (sponsored by Knights of Columbus )

Page 7

Church of the Incarnation, Tampa, FL

Phone: (813) 885-7861

Christmas Spiritual Bouquet Envelopes and Mass Cards are now available!

One of the best Christmas gifts you could give is your blood! We are having a Blood Drive next Sunday. The Bloodmobile will be here from 8:00am to 3:00pm.

The eleventh annual, parish-wide Christmas project, Shoeboxes for Seniors, will be held the weekend of Dec. 17/18. The residents of Rocky Creek Retirement Center will be the recipients of your shoeboxes. A flyer with complete details will be in next weekend’s bulletin!

Remember your loved ones - both living and deceased at all Masses celebrated on Christmas. List the names of your loved ones on the envelopes and place in the collection basket. There is no suggested offering; any donation will gladly be accepted.

CHRISTMAS SALE! December 11th 8:30am - 1pm St. Michael’s Hall

Christmas Spiritual Bouquet Envelopes are available at the front entrance of the church and in the pews. They are also available at the Parish Office during the week. Mass Cards are available for $20 at the Religious Articles Store or at the Parish Office.

Jewelry, Fine Glassware, watches…

Kids come do your Christmas shopping for mom, dad and other family members! Affordable Gi s ‐ from .50¢ to $5.00 & we’ll wrap them for free!

Bake Sale….

Page 8

Coffee & Donuts ….


Raffle with great gifts!

on the web @ www.icctampa.org

Segundo Domingo de Adviento 4 de diciembre de 2011 Preparen el camino del Señor, enderecen sus senderos. — Marcos 1:3 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo San Juan Damasceno Lunes: San Sabas Martes: San Nicolás Miércoles: San Ambrosio Jueves: La Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María; Sra. De los Milagros de Caacupé, patrona de Paraguay Viernes: San Juan Diego INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN DE LA VIRGEN MARÍA DÍA DE PRECEPTO OBLIGACIÓN DE ASISTIR A MISA Jueves, 8 de diciembre HORARIO DE LAS MISAS: 7:00am, 8:30am, 12:10pm, 6:00pm (Español) y 7:30pm

Apoye a los religiosos de edad avanzada. Un donante del fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos escribe: “Agradecemos a Dios por todas las hermanas que enseñaron en nuestra escuela, no solo el abecedario sino también el amor a Dios”. Le rogamos que Comparta Su Cuidado y haga una aportación generosa en la segunda colecta de la semana que viene.

Servicios de Reconciliación

ORACIÓN DE LA SEMANA 4 de diciembre de 2011, Segundo Domingo de Adviento Que nuestras responsabilidades terrenas no nos impidan, Señor, prepararnos a la venida de tu Hijo, y que la sabiduría que viene del cielo, nos disponga a recibirlo y a participar de su propia vida. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Pregunta de reflexión: ¿Qué responsabilidades terrenas me impiden recibir al Hijo de Dios? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company, Inc.

CELEBRACIÓN EN HONOR A NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE sábado, 10 de diciembre 5:00am – Mañanitas, seguido por el Santo Rosario, Salve, Predicación y Desayuno. 7:00pm – Procesión, el Santo Rosario y la Santa Misa Traigan sus velitas para la procesión.

HAGA SONREIR A UN NIÑO” 11 de diciembre en el Salón St. Michael después de la Misa de 1:30pm. La entrada para los adultos es un juguete nuevo sin envolver. ¡Los Esperamos!

La próxima semana tendremos tres Servicios de Reconciliación en conjunto con otras dos parroquias. Estos son los siguientes: Incarnation el 12 de diciembre, Christ the King el 13 de diciembre, St. Lawrence el 14 de diciembre – todos a las 7:00pm. Les recomendamos a nuestros feligreses que aprovechen esta oportunidad para recibir el Sacramento de la Reconciliación en este tiempo de Adviento.

El Comité de Ministerios de Vida estará llevando a cabo la colecta anual de “Shoeboxes for Seniors”, el fin de semana del 17/18 de diciembre. Por su generosidad, residentes de Rocky Creek Retirement Center recibirán la sorpresa el día de Navidad con el regalo de estas cajas. Gracias por compartir el amor de Dios con otros y por bendecir a una persona de edad avanzada esta Navidad.

La Legión de María se reúne todos los Jueves de 9:30am - 11:00am en el Salón St. Brendan. Para más información llamar a Brunilda Reyes al 813-841-5366.

FELICITACIONES - para Harry and Helen Sheridan quienes recibieron La Medalla de San Judas el pasado domingo, por sus muchos años de servicio a esta parroquia de Incarnation en varios ministerios y proyectos. Nuestro Obispo Robert Lynch les entrego la medalla, en una ceremonia especial en la Catedral de San Judas en St. Petersburg.

Pg 9

4 de diciembre de 2011 INICIATIVA CATÓLICOS REGRESEN A CASA La evangelización ha sido siempre la misión de la iglesia católica. La llamada a evangelizar que nos dio Cristo requiere que proclamemos la Palabra de Dios usando toda forma de comunicación. En la iglesia de hoy el usar los medios de comunicación se ha vuelto indispensable para poder traer el mensaje del Evangelio al mundo del Internet, radio y televisión. Nuestros esfuerzos pueden resultar en un aumento en la participación de la Misa, más gente participando en el Sacramento de Reconciliación, una renovación de la identidad católica para todos. El éxito de esta iniciativa es la responsabilidad de cada persona en cada parroquia. Los avisos sirven en forma indirecta para conversaciones de fe y momentos de evangelización en los hogares, escuelas, barrios y lugares de trabajo en toda nuestra diócesis. Para más información, y para ver cómo usted puede ayudar, visite www.dosp.org y presione el logo de Diócesis de St. Petersburg/Católicos Regresen® en la pagina inicial del sitio del Internet.

ARBOLITOS DE NAVIDAD Arbolitos de Navidad a la venta auspiciado por nuestra escuela de Incarnation. La escuela necesita nuestro apoyo. ¡Gracias por su patrocinio! Horario: lunes a viernes de 10am - 10pm sábado y domingo de 8am - 10pm

Pg 10

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Is 35:1-10; Lc 5:17-26 Martes: Is 40:1-11; Mt 18:12-14 Miércoles: Is 40:25-31; Mt 11:28-30 Jueves: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26-38 Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Mt 11:16-19 Sábado: Eclo 48:1-4, 9-11; Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Domingo: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lc 1:46-50, 53-54; 1 Tes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28

¿Esta buscando un gran regalo estupendo de Navidad? En la entrada de la iglesia tenemos el Giving Tree. Todos los fondos recaudados serán donados a Heifer International. Todo lo que necesita hacer es elegir el animal que le gustaría donar, escoja la etiqueta del árbol y traiga la etiqueta y su donación al salón St. Brendan los domingos o a la oficina de Formación de Fe durante la semana. El árbol estará en la entrada de la iglesia hasta el 8 de enero, 2012. Para más información sobre este ministerio visite la pagina web: www.heifer.org. Gracias por su generosidad.

NUESTRA CULTURA Para el pueblo hispano, el símbolo del camino es muy importante. Consideramos la vida misma como un camino. Somos peregrinos, caminantes, inmigrantes, en nuestra vida terrena y vemos esto también como una imagen de nuestro caminar espiritual. ©Nuestra Parroquia

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