8220 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33615 www.icctampa.org
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH OFFICE Hours: 9am - 4pm 5124 Gateway Dr., Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.885.7861 www.icctampa.org
September 16 2018 SCHOOL OFFICE 5111 Webb Rd., Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734 www.icstampa.org
CLERGY Rev. Michael Suszynski, Pastor Rev. Brian Fabiszewski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Francisco Hernandez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Ramon Rodriguez Deacon Matt Shirina
STAFF 813-885-7861 Business Manager - Rae Stabile stewardship@icctampa.org 813-493-3069
LISTENING AND RESPONDING There are three interwoven themes in today’s readings: listening to God, faith vs. good works, and losing our life in order to find it. How are they related? The Suffering Servant of Isaiah undergoes much distress and ridicule, but is able to bear it because he has listened to the promptings of God day after day. The psalm tells us that God listens, too. God hears our prayers for help and is always ready to save us. As our faith deepens, so does our desire to do the works of justice and charity that build up the reign of God. God directs our actions in ways we often cannot see, and we don’t always see the results. We are called upon in faith to trust that what we do is enough, and that willingness to listen to God’s promptings will lead us in the right way. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The Lord GOD is my help; who will prove me wrong? (Isaiah 50:5-9a). Psalm — I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living (Psalm 116). Second Reading — Faith, if it does not have works, is dead (James 2:14-18). Gospel — Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:27 -35). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 7:1-10 Tuesday: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Ps 100:1-5; Lk 7:11-17 Wednesday: 1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13; Ps 33:2-5, 12, 22; Lk 7:31-35 Thursday: 1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 28; Lk 7:36-50 Friday: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 Saturday: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56:10c-14; Lk 8:4-15 Sunday: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-8; Jas 3:16 — 4:3; Mk 9:30-37
This Sunday 9/16, the Sabor Latino Committee will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets under the portico before and after all Sunday masses.
Facility Manager - Arnie Fernandez facilitymanager@icctampa.org 813-486-1612 Parish Secretary - Irene Martinez secretary@icctampa.org Bulletin Coordinator - Monica Windmiller bulletin@icctampa.org Director of Music - David Funes musicdirector@icctampa.org 813-885-7811 Director of Faith Formation Deacon Matt Shirina dff@icctampa.org 813-884-3624 Religious Education Ministry Cheralyn Quevedo reled@icctampa.org 813-884-3624
MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday: 7:00am & 8:30am Saturday: 8:30am & 4:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12pm Holy Days: 7:00pm (Vigil) , 7:00am, 8:30am, 12:10pm, 6:00pm (Spanish), 7:30pm (English)
MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos a la 1:30pm Viernes a las 6:30pm
CONFESSIONS: Saturdays - 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Church or by appointment
DEVOTIONS: Morning Prayer Group: Liturgy of the Hours Mon., Tue., Thurs., Fri. & Sat.: 8:10am 8:25am
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every 1st Friday following the 8:30am Mass until 6:15pm in the chapel ROSARY: Thursdays at 11:30am in the chapel
ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL - Jueves de 5:30pm 6:30pm
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 A.M. People of Incarnation 9:00 A.M.(SI) Alicia Rios de Zuñiga (100th b-day) by Daughters 10:30 A.M +Nicholas & Cathy Paccione by Loretta 12:00 P.M. +Rose Conte by Cathy Benvenutko 1:30 P.M. +Mauro Benildo Ibarguen y Familia MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 17
7:00 A.M. +Andreas O’Keeffe 8:30 A.M. +Andreas O’Keeffe TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 18
7:00 A.M. 8:30A.M. +Gail Royer by Regina Ward WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 19
7:00 A.M. +Raymond Gubernat by Family 8:30 A.M. +Manuel Duran by Family THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 20
7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 21
7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. +Victor Hernandez by Esther Hernandez SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 22
8:30 A.M. (SI) David Martinez (birthday) by mom and dad 4:30 P.M. People of Incarnation
7:30 A.M. +James Parker by Dennis & Mary Ann Whalen 9:00 A.M. +Orestes I. Valladres by Valladres Family 10:30 A.M. +Colin Timothy Madden by Jim & Sandy Cacacie 12:00 P.M. +Elmer Schremp by Mercy Stitt 1:30 P.M. +Ma. Teresa Caballero by Daughters
2nd Collections
1st week - Renovation 2nd week -Tuition Assistance 3rd week - Dominican Mission 4th week - Helping Hands OFFERTORY (First Collection) is used solely for the operation and maintenance of the parish. Weekly Target ................................................. $21,000.00 9/09/2018 Offertory Donations…………......$ 12,344.86 Online Giving………...…………$ 1,704.00 Shortfall……………………........$ 6,951.14 Tuition Assistance …………….. $ 778.00 Missionary Coop Appeal ............. $ 2,536.00 9/02/2018 Offertory Donations…………......$ 13,072.85 Online Giving………...…………$ 2,296.00 Shortfall……………………........$ 5,631.15 Renovation………..……………..$ 2,232.00
September 16, 2018
Prayer List Please pray for those who are suffering from illness in our parish. Prayer list names remain on the prayer list for 3 months. If you would like to add, remove or update a name call the parish office at 813-8857861 or send an e-mail to bulletin@icctampa.org. Oliva Alford Cesar Arroyave Maureen Ashy Gloria Basile Monique Biumi Joseph Brana Bertito Bravo Ellen Broussard Nancy Burnett Ruth Bush Isabel Calderin Jessica I Caldwell Ann Castro Martha Gail Cerra Silas Cipollone Barbara ClarkAlexander Frances Cloonan Thomas J. Cloonan, Jr Olga Cora Lyle Courtney Mary Courtney Barbara Cowne Haley Crumpler Haydee Delestre Stacey Dion Everlinda Echevarria Martha Estevez Martha Fanelli
Beverly Fenton Maureen Finch Adriene Golman Ene Gonzalez Manuel Gonzalez Stan Hafers Linda Haley Francisco Hernandez Gladys Hernandez Chris Hoffman Tim Hoffman Natasha Infante Sandra Johns Charles Kanaszka Teresa Kanaszka Veronica Kilkelly Patricia Kilkelly Tina K– Lillis Rosalind Lozcano Marciano Macias Anna Marsicano Patricia Martinez Donna McCaffrey Matt McLane Matthew McLane Melissa McLane Llidio Mendes Araceli Moriel Mesa Elizabeth Millan
Bonnie Miller Gloria Oyola Sarah Paccione Vincent Palermo Gina Pullara Laura Pullara Nancy Reid Dawn Cerra Redmond Alice Reyes Carmen Rivera Lourdes Rivera Ismael Rodriguez Laurean Romanowski Carmen R. Rosado Diane Schnelly Linda Sentis Dave Slack Jim Smith Maria M. Smith Sandra Smith Ed Swartz Frank Troy Dominic Van Someren Terry Vargas Rose Vrabel Jessica Ward Monica Windmiller Amy Workman
PV2 Chad Michael Burgess PV2 Angelique Burgess SGT Damian Patrick Bumm A1C Jasmin S. Chan SRA Christina Costa SFC Michael Haley PVT Michael K. Lam SRA Brett Masser PFC Yoselyn Rivera LCPL. Skyler Ramirez SN Ryan Schultz A1C Aaron Wilson Cadet Caleb K. Wong
Thank You, Buds Blooms & Beyond for your donation of flower arrangements for our church and chapel. 11234 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, FL 33635 (813)818-9600 (800)531-2837 www.budsbloomsandbeyond.com
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Director of Faith Formation Deacon Matt Shirina dff@icctampa.org
September 16, 2018 813-884-3624
Faith Formation is always in need of pocket folders (2 pocket folders with prongs,) pencils, crayons, glue, glue sticks and notebooks. Please contact Cheralyn Quevedo if you would like to donate any of these items. Thank you!
This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday, September 16, 2018. The 2018 theme will be "Enlisting Witnesses for Jesus Christ." Those who the Community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. Today, at the 9:00am mass, we will commission and bless all our catechists as we begin a new year of Faith Formation for all those children and youth enrolled in our program. Catechists - Thank you for your commitment and dedication … and for being true witnesses for our Lord Jesus Christ!
We are still in need of a few more Catechists and Catechist-aids. If you feel God is calling you to help pass on our Faith to the children and youth of our Parish, please contact Cheralyn Quevedo at (813)884-3624 and see where your gifts and talents can be used.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Faith Formation is looking for bilingual volunteers to help in the office to answer phones and assist Deacon Matt and Cheralyn with day to day activities. If anyone is willing and able to help out, please contact Cheralyn at 813-884-3624 or email: reled@icctampa.org
Religious Education Ministry Cheralyn Quevedo reled@icctampa.org
Prayer for Protection against Storms & Hurricanes
Our Father in Heaven through the intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, spare us during this Hurricane season from all harm. Protect us and our homes from all disasters of nature. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
WANTED ICCW is hosting Incarnation Children’s Christmas Bazaar on December 2, 2018. We need your help! Please consider donating new and/or in good condition items. Our members donate many items, but we need much more. The children will buy them for .25¢ - $5.00 to give as Christmas gifts to family members. ICCW members will giftwrap and tag these gifts free of charge. The proceeds of this event will go towards our church roof repairs fund. Please call Connie at 813-884-8326 if you can donate. God Bless you! 4
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 16, 2018
Attn St. Padre Pio Devotees: The St. Padre Pio Prayer Group at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, at 10110 N Central Ave., Tampa, FL 33612, wishes to invite you to the celebration of St. Pio’s Feast Day, commemorating the 50th anniversary of his passing and the 100th anniversary of his stigmata. Celebration will begin at the shrine on Saturday, September 22nd 2018. The schedule will be as follows: Eucharistic Adoration Rosary Mass
9:00 - 10:00 am 10:00 - 11:00 am 1:00 am
40 Days for Life Kickoff Vigil HEALING THE ABORTION WOUNDED Project Rachel Significant growth can result from working through the pain of abortion together as a couple. For example, the spouse that was not involved in their husband’s or wife’s past abortion may choose to “spiritually adopt” their spouse’s aborted child. This spiritual adoption can assist in the healing process and be a beautiful way to unite the couple as the family God intends them to be. Raphael’s Way 10 Hour Healing Retreat will be held on Oct. 5 & 6 in the Palm Harbor area and Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreat will be Oct. 12-14 in Lutz. For more information and registration: Email ProjectRachel@ccdosp.org or call 813-924-4173. Project Rachel is affiliated with Rachel's Vineyard www.rachelsvineyard.org Healing After Abortion. Call toll-free national hotlines: Rachel's Vineyard: 877 HOPE 4 ME (877-467-3463) National Hotline for Abortion Recovery: 866-482-LIFE (866-482-5433)
40 Days for Life, a national campaign of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, will kick off on September 26th. Join Bishop Gregory Parkes and area clergy for a Kickoff Vigil to start the Tampa Campaign; Monday, September 17th at 6:00 PM. Tampa Women’s Health Center (2010 E. Fletcher Ave, Tampa, FL 33612). Parking behind Knights Women’s Center in the strip mall next-door (2002 E. Fletcher Ave., Tampa). To learn more, visit: www.40daysforlife.com/Tampa or contact Sabrina: sab@dosp.org; 813-246-6916. Mark Your Calendars
BLESSING OF ANIMALS Thursday October 4th – The Feast of St Francis of Assisi
We will once again have the Blessing of the Animals at 5:30pm outside in the front left corner of the property (out by the marquee sign). Please make sure your pet is either on a leash or in a cage. A short prayer service and animal blessing will begin promptly at 5:30pm … so don’t be late! All animals are welcome. For questions, please contact Deacon Matt @ 813-884-3624 or email dff@icctampa.org 5
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 16, 2018
Everyone is Invited to the Free Family Faith Fest! The Family Faith Fest is expected to be the largest event in the 50-year history of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. All are invited to take part in this one- me event that will bring our community together like never before! Everyone is invited -- your neighbors, cousins, best friends, especially anyone who is searching for hope, faith and the love of Jesus Christ. Bishop Gregory Parkes invites everyone to the Family Faith Fest, the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s 50th Anniversary celebra on, Saturday, October 27 from 10 am to 6 pm at Al Lopez Park in Tampa. Visit www.familyfaithfest.org for more informa on. Volunteers Needed for the Free Family Faith Fest Your help will make the Family Faith Fest a success for the thousands who will be a ending to enjoy themselves through fellowship, prayer, faith, music, and most of all FUN! There are many volunteer opportuni es available. Visit www.familyfaithfest.org/volunteer-informa on for complete list as well as volunteer requirements. Par cipants must be at least 16 years old to sign-up to volunteer for the Family Faith Fest. Deadline to sign up for volunteering is Friday, October 5. Family Faith Fest, the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s 50th Anniversary celebra on, will be held Saturday, October 27 from 10 am to 6 pm at Al Lopez Park in Tampa. Visit www.familyfaithfest.org for more informa on. 6
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 16, 2018
Principal Marrie McLaughlin
mhm@icstampa.org 813-884-4502
SCHOOL OFFICE 5111 Webb Rd., Tampa, FL 33615 Ph. 813.884.4502 Fax: 813.885.3734
ALTAR SERVERS - Jennifer Clavell - 813-244-8039 or José Clavell –813-244-8053 BIBLE STUDY - Deacon Matt Shirina - 813-884-3624 COLUMBIETTES - Jennifer Clavell - 813-244-8039 Meet every 2nd Thursday at 7:00pm, COUPLES FOR CHRIST - Arthur Barlaan - 813-918-0611 or Joy Barlaan - 813-434-7651 Email: cfcartjoyusa@gmail.com ENVIRONMENT/ART - Connie Hennessey - 813-884-8326 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - If you would like to join this ministry contact Frank Salamone Phone: 813-304-0080 Email: fsalamone2003@yahoo.com FAITH & FAMILY WOMEN’S GROUP - Email: FaithandFamilyWomensGroup@icctampa.org FINANCE COUNCIL - Paul M. Phillips - 813-943-5057 ICCW - INCARNATION COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Connie Hennessey - 813-884-8326 or Email: ICCWTampa@gmail.com. Gen. Mtg. 1st Thursdays - Mtg. starts at 7:00pm INCARNATION GIFT SHOP - ICCW - 813 - 8848326 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - For membership information - Juan Caba - jcaba22@hotmail.com or Jose Clavell - jose.clavell@gmail.com LIFE MINISTRY - Deacon Matt - dff@icctampa.org MUSIC MINISTRY - David Funes - musicdirector@icctampa.org 813-885-7811. Wednesday Rehearsals, 7 - 9pm . PRAYER SHAWL GROUP - Leonor “Lily” Duran - 813-806-1567 or lilypadiii@yahoo.com. Meeting 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm SPECIAL EDUCATION - Mary Thomson - 727-221-0246 SPIRITUAL MOTHERHOOD FOR PRIESTS - Cheralyn Quevedo - 813-523-9349 or cjqcafe@gmail.com. Rosary of Intercession every Tuesday at 9:00am in the Church. READERS - David Schnelly - 813-926-9513 Email:schndj@aol.com USHERS - Jim Cacacie - 813-927-1052 or jcacacie@tampabay.rr.com VISITORS OF THE SICK - Fr. Francisco - 813-885-7861 12 STEP MEETINGS - For more information contact AA Central Office at 813-933-9123 or www.aatampa-area.org Co - ed Closed Meetings - Wednesday, 7 pm St. Patrick's Room
CABALLEROS DE COLÓN - Información - Jose Clavell jose.clavell@gmail.com o Juan Caba jcaba22@hotmail.com COMITÉ HISPANO - Se reúne el tercer jueves de cada mes CORO HISPANO - David Funes - musicdirector@icctampa.org o 813-885-7861. Jueves a las 7:00pm EMAUS DAMAS - Evelyn Rivera - 813-451-0741 o evy15@outlook.com. Gabriella Hernandez - 813-735-8347 o gaby6633@hotmail.com. Miércoles de por medio 7pm. EMAUS HOMBRES - Stevenson Quirindongo 813-817-9321 GRUPO DE JOVENES ADULTOS “VIVE” - Johnatan Fernandez Johnatan.Fernandez@wellcare.comViernes, 7:00pm GRUPO DE MATRIMONIOS - Madelyn Molina - 813-415-1117 o mmolina64@verizon.net Eddie Velazquez. 813-557-9951 o eddie0619@verizon.net Reuniones los Miercoles de 7:30 – 9:00pm GRUPO DE ORACIÓN - Juan de la Cruz - 813-7201153. Martes 7:30pm LECTORES - Jorge Lefebre – 813-357-9629 LEGIÓN DE MARÍA - Priscilla Hatch - 813-600-0208 o Sila Richards 813-885-2322 MINISTROS DE EUCARISTÍA - Leticia Torres - 813-468-8668 MINISTERIO DE TEATRO - Melvin Guerrero - 813-270-3016 o salomeguesp@hotmail.com MONAGUILLOS - Jennifer Clavell - 813-244-8039 o Jose Clavell 813-244-8053 RETIROS VIÑA DE RAQUEL - Grace Leiva - 813-479-5465 o graceleiva0@gmail.com UJIERES - José Guaba - 813-504-5538
TREE OF LIFE MEMORIALS In memory of a loved one who has passed away you may want to consider the Tree of Life Memorial at the church’s entrance. You may also want to remember a special Anniversary or a family member with a Leaf on the Tree. For information call Connie Hennessey at 884-8326.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK gives spiritual strength in the face of suffering. A Parish priest is on call 24 hrs. in cases of emergency and is available for appointments. Call the Parish Office at 885-7861.
Gift Shop Hours are: Saturday 5:30 to 6PM Sunday 8:30AM to 1:30PM
We now accept Cash, Checks & Credit Cards!
MATRIMONY (Marriage) - Couples need to contact the Parish Office at 885-7861 before setting a date. The preparation process takes a minimum of 6 months. HOLY ORDERS is for single men answering the call to priesthood. Any man or woman interested in the religious life should contact one of our parish priests or the Diocesan Vocations Director at 727-345-3338. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY - Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick at home. Please call the Parish Office at 885-7861 to make arrangements.
Vigésimo Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
16 de septiembre de 2018
ESCUCHANDO Y RESPONDIENDO En las lecturas de hoy se entrecruzan tres temas: escuchar a Dios, la fe vs. las buenas obras y perder nuestra vida para poder salvarla. ¿De qué manera están relacionados estos temas? En Isaías, el Siervo Sufriente padece muchos disgustos y burlas, pero puede soportarlos porque ha escuchado los mensajes de Dios día tras día. El salmo nos dice que Dios también escucha. Dios escucha nuestras súplicas y siempre está dispuesto a salvarnos. Cuando nuestra fe se profundiza, también se profundiza nuestro deseo de hacer obras de justicia y caridad que fortalecen el Reino de Dios. Dios guía nuestras acciones de maneras que muchas veces no podemos ver y no siempre vemos los resultados. Se nos llama en fe a confiar en que lo que hacemos es suficiente y que nuestra disposición a escuchar los mensajes de Dios nos guiará por el camino correcto. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — En la tribulación el Señor Yavé me ha abierto los oídos para que yo escuche. (Isaías 50:5-9a). Salmo — Caminaré en presencia del Señor, en el país de la vida (Salmo 116 [115]). Segunda lectura — Demuestra tu fe por las buenas obras que produces (Santiago 2:14-18). Evangelio — Después que Pedro profesó que Jesús es el Mesías, Jesús lo reprendió por tratar equivocadamente de apartar a Jesús de su misión. (Marcos 8:27-35). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Sal 40 (39):7-10, 17; Lc 7:1-10 Martes: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Sal 100 (99):1-5; Lc 7:11-17 Miércoles: 1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13; Sal 33 (32):2-5, 12, 22; Lc 7:31-35 Jueves: 1 Cor 15:1-11; Sal 118 (117):1b-2, 16ab-17, 28; Lc 7:36-50 Viernes: Ef 4:1-7, 11-13; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Mt 9:9-13 Sábado: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Sal 56 (55):10c-14; Lc 8:4-15 Domingo: Sab 2:12, 17-20; Sal 54 (53):3-8; Sant 3:16 — 4:3; Mc 9:30-37
Este domingo 9/16, el comité del Sabor Latino estará vendiendo boletos de la rifa 50/50 en frente de la iglesia durante todas las Misas.
Iglesia de Encarnación les invita a los hombres y mujeres que han vivido el retiro de Emaus a compartir el 29 de Septiembre de 8:30 a 1:30pm en el Salón San Michael. Reserve su espacio enviando su nombre y apellido por texto al 813-735-8345. El Comité Parroquial de la Peregrinación a la Misa Hispana con el Obispo Parkes, invita a una venta de empanadas para cubrir parte de los gastos de la misma. Tendremos empanadas a $2.00, agua/soda $1.00 y café gratis. El 23 de Septiembre de 8:30 a 3:00pm en el Salón San Michael.
16 de septiembre de 2018