MEDIA UPDATE – David Margan and Marylu Lloyd This month it was all about the Dogs Australia’s launch and Christmas messaging with both our Facebook and Instagram again drawing almost 100 new followers to each platform. • Facebook followers 9021 • Instagram followers 1133 Total net audience growth across both platforms increased by 24 per cent. Total Facebook engagement for the past few weeks is up by a whopping 84 per cent! Facebook Impressions * 45,825 – an increase of 34.2 per cent! [*Impressions are the number of times your content
is displayed, no matter if it was clicked or not.]
Without a doubt the Top Facebook post for 2021 was the Cocker Spaniel Christmas post – reaching over 9,500 people. photos/a.734370636626855/4766921330038412/
CALLING ALL DOGS QUEENSLAND MEMBERS You are crucial to building our numbers and following. Please sign-up to Dogs Australia’s Facebook page and to receive the Bush Telegraph. AND Please follow the private Dogs Queensland Members Facebook group: (1) Dogs Queensland Members | Facebook. You will have to provide your registration
number and answer a few questions too. If you are not a paid up member you can follow us on (1) Dogs Queensland | Facebook page. AND Remember to share Dogs Queensland Facebook and Dogs Australia Facebook pages.
Junior Handler Reminder A reminder to all Junior Handlers and Parents that to compete in the Junior Handler State Final in October 2022, the Junior Handler must be a Junior Member. Membership is free to become a Junior Member – simply download the Membership form (link below) and return to Dogs Queensland. https://emarketing-au.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws. com/59095/9cX6XluHDI5ENZLqUjrN0Jjxdzlbge5YM5PH56zu458/2664645.pdf
DOG WORLD January 2022