August 2020

Page 1

August 2020 $4.95 NEW SOUTH WALES SPOTLIGHT The Brittany is an adaptable, energetic and fun-loving breed with a great eagerness to please. & AFFECTIONATE PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP Loyal A $100 TUFFROCK VOUCHER 3 to WIN! WIN! BLUE MTNS DOG TRAINING CLUB TRIAL How young is too young for a family pet? Why do dogs howl? PET PHOBIAS
2 TEAM 8178 DogsNSW FEEDTHEEXTRAORDINARYIN YOURPUPPIESWITHEUKANUBA™ Forsmarter,moretrainablepuppies* Puppieswilldomostoftheirgrowingintheirfirstyearoflife, whichiswhycompleteandbalancednutritionissoimportantto helpsupporttheirdevelopmentintoadulthood. Inparticular,DHAisafattyacidthatisessentialtothegrowth andcognitivedevelopmentofpuppies’brains. Eukanuba™ Puppydietsarespecificallyformulatedwithclinically provenlevelsofDHAtosupportbraindevelopmentforsmarter, moretrainablepuppies. * OnlyavailableattheEukanubaProShop(,1stAugust–30thSeptember2020.OfferincludesPuppyDryandWetDiets.15kgorderminimum.Dataonfile. 20%OFFALLEUKANUBA™ PUPPYFOOD* EnjoythisandotherexclusivepromotionswhenyoujointheEukanuba™ ProfessionalClub.Tosignupvisitourwebsite:


DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 3 REGULARS 4 From the Chairman 6 From the Editor • 25 & 50 year members 7 News • Pet Phobias • Need for more assistance dogs • Life can be ‘ruff’ as we head back to work 19 Giveaways • Win a $100 TuffRock Gift Voucher • Puppy Competition 26 Book Reviews • Jonathan Unleashed • The Funny Life of Pets PHOTOS: Cover : ID 151035730 © BarbaraCerovsek Above: Photo by Le Hammer. Submitted by Maggie Young. Left: Submitted by Antonella Casella. Photo by Casey D. 20 Spotlight Brittanys are agile, fun-loving dogs that enjoy the company of people of any age. They are loyal, affectionate, have a great deal of courage and spirit and make good watchdogs. 17 Summary of ANKC LTD Annual General Meeting & Board Meeting in QLD • 19 & 20 October 2019 18 Summary of ANKC LTD Special Board Meeting held in Victoria • 8 & 9 February 2020 27 Editorial Policy Breeders Directory Royal Canin is a proud sponsor of DOGS NSW FEATURES 8 Blue Mountains Dog Training Club Obedience & Rally Trial ~ 4 July 10 How young is too young for a family pet? 15 Why do dogs howl?
ontents WIN! A $100 TUFFROCK VOUCHER 3 to WIN!

Chairman's Report

The second outbreak of COVID 19 in Victoria, in mid July, shows the extreme speed at which community transfer of this virus can occur. This highlights the reasons why none of us can afford to become complacent and think that the epidemic is over.

It behoves all of us to be extra careful and vigilant around social distancing, wearing masks, if around high numbers of people, and frequent hand washing with hand sanitiser or soap and water. This outbreak shows the virus is still around and can quickly break out if we do not continue to take the appropriate care.

For people wishing to apply to run Events and Trials there is a list of requirements that must be complied with that is up on the DOGS NSW website under ‘Upcoming events’. These are basically COVID safe plans that must be followed and adhered to if we wish to continue to run our events for the foreseeable future. Equally, care must be taken by exhibitors to social distance, particularly when lining up to go into the ring, while in the ring being judged, and giving space to all while exiting the ring. Lists of exhibitors and participants must be kept by all clubs for up to 28 days for tracing purposes, if needed.

A very successful Obedience trial was held on the 4th of July with a well placed COVID Safe Plan in place. This shows that we can get back to our hobby if we take care and act appropriately. If we do not, we will be back to square one with no events, trials, etc.

All of our dogs and younger puppies desperately need to get out and be socialised and if we all continue to act correctly and sensibly, we can all continue back towards our new “normal”.

With all the efforts being put in place by Government officials across the different states, the COVID situation should hopefully be back under good control by the time this gets printed. If, however, it spreads into community NSW, we would need to rapidly reassess our position in regards to the holding of public events.


Dr Karen Hedberg BVSc

Chairman, DOGS NSW


Her Excellency General The Honourable

Margaret Beazley AO QC, Governor of New South Wales


Dr Karen Hedberg BVSc

Senior Deputy Chairman

Mrs Lynette Brown

Deputy Chairman

Mr Myron Arthur

Deputy Chairman

Mr John Sheppard

Deputy Chairman

Mrs Lyn Brand


Mr Russell Britten, Mr Peter Cutler, Miss Vicki Etherington OAM, Mr Robert Harbin, Mrs Nancy Keck, Mr Allen Lee, Mr Edward Pickering, Mrs Christina Rafton, Miss Jan Seary, Mr Guy Spagnolo.

DOGS NSW Member Services

PO Box 632 St Marys NSW 1790

The Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs 44 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills NSW 2748

T: (02) 9834 3022





PO Box 632 St Marys NSW 1790

Managing Editor / Designer

Kerry Christofi


T: (02) 9834 0217


Abby Davis

Advertising Manager

Kerry Christofi E:

T: (02) 9834 0217

Printed and Distributed by: Printcraft (QLD) Pty Ltd (07) 3291 2415

© DOGS NSW 2020. All material copyright DOGS NSW. All Rights reserved. No material in this publication may be reproduced without prior permission. DOGS NSW does not expect or invite any person to act or rely on any statement, opinion or advice contained in this publication and readers must rely on their own enquiries in making any decisions or giving any advice. Neither DOGS NSW nor any employee or agent or DOGS NSW nor any contributor to this publication will be liable for any loss or damage caused or potentially caused by any inaccurate statement, opinion, figures, contact details, advice or information contained in this publication.

So stay safe and take care!
DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 5 Become a Petcover Preferred Breeder Partner You can send your puppies to their new homes with 6 Weeks Introductory Breeder Cover* while earning rewards. Introductory insurance cover with a 3 day waiting period for accident/injury and 7 day waiting period for illness. Free to the new owner, and you earn rewards. Easy online activation on behalf of the new owner. Find out more Call 1300 731 324 or visit *6 Weeks Introductory Breeder Cover (Insurance) only available for puppies aged from 8 weeks to 36 weeks, from our approved Breeders. Terms, conditions and waiting periods apply. Policy limits and exclusions may apply. Excludes pre-existing conditions. Petcover_HP-DOGSNSW-0420.indd 1 5/06/2020 12:10:58 PM FOR CANINE REPRODUCTION • Progesterone test results within one hour • Reproductive services 7 days a week • Vaginal, TCI and surgical inseminations using fresh chilled or frozen semen Dr Grant Poolman BVSc MVSc Dr Angus Hayes BVSc MVS Dr Kay Weller BVSc (Hons) MANCVS Dr Kate Eppleston BVSc BAERHEARING TESTINGAVAILABLE BOWRAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL 78 Station Street, Bowral, 2576 •Tel 02 4861 1444 •Fax 02 4862 1220 • •Email:

Editor's message

With Victoria once again in lockdown and borders closed we can be thankful that NSW is plodding on carefully and remaining COVID safe with restrictions easing a little.

It is with a glimmer of hope on the horizon, that the Blue Mountains Dog Training Club held the very first show at Orchard Hills on Saturday, July 4.

With strict safety guidelines in place and COVID restrictions adhered to, both the club and competitors managed to enjoy their Obedience and Rally Trial and as you can tell from the coverage of the event on pages 8 -10, it was a very happy one, with all participants wearing great smiles after being in lockdown for so many months. Thanks to Susan Dellas for organising the copy and results,and to Margo Turnbull for the photographic coverage, all received in record time so it could make this edition.

‘How Young is too Young for a Family Pet?’ is a topic often discussed, particularly for novice pet owners, however, online insurance comparison service commissioned a survey of an independent, nationally representative panel of 1,002 Australian parents to find out at what age they think is appropriate for their children to have a pet (both cats and dogs). In addition, parents were questioned whether the size of the pet matters and what would be the reasons for not allowing kids to have pets at an earlier age. The results may surprise you. Please turn to page 12 and read on.

We’ve all had dogs howl at some time or the other, however, do we know what it means? This is a dog’s form of communication, along with whining, growls and let’s not forget barking. We have a feature which looks into why dogs howl, the types of dog howls and how to combat excessive howling. This artcile commences on page 15.

There are a number of different news articles from vets including one on Pet phobias (fear of noises, thunderstorns, fireworks, etc). Dr Jenni Green, Veterinary Director from the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Camden and Small Animal Veterinarian discusses the symptoms of phobias, what can occur and more importantly what can be done to assist in these situations. Please turn to page 7.

CQUniversity Veterinary Nursing Teacher Courtney Liddy, manages animals both with their physical and psychological health concerns and discusses the possible development of negative pet behaviours when owners commence going back to work, after being in COVID isolation. She offers very simple solutions and ways to avoid problems. This article commences on page 25.

Our spotlight breed feature is the friendly and very adaptable Brittany. With its amiable nature and willingness to please, the Brittany is easy to train and does particularly well at agility as well as joining in with human sports, such as swimming, jogging and endurance. The Brittany is very energetic with great stamina, however, it is also happy to chill out beside you. The spotlight feature commences on page 20.

Winners of the ‘Texicoats’ competition in June’s magazine were: Doris Leadle, Helen Pakalns and Margaret Davis, who were all thrilled with their win!

25 & 50 year Memberships

Congratulations to those members listed below who have reached their 50 and 25 year membership status. We would like to acknowledge these members and thank them for their continuing support of our organisation.

If you would like to check your membership’s longevity, please call DOGS NSW on 9834 3022 or email:

50 Year members

1936 Mr Bruce Hall

1951 Mrs Magda Hall

1970 Mrs Lynette McKay

1970 Mr & Mrs Lynn & Carolyn Butler

1970 Mrs Lynette Jones

1970 Miss Marelyne MacLeod-Woodhouse

25 Year members

1985 Miss Julie-Anne Morris

1990 Mrs Marion Scaresbrook

1992 Ms Kerry Beckhaus

1994 Mr & Mrs Greg & Barbara Katon

1995 Ms Christine Hanney

/ Advertising
Email: petergoldstien12 @ Factory: 7am to 3.30pm (Mon. to Fri.) 8am to 12.00 (Saturday)

Dogs,thunderstorms and fireworks: the fear is real


A phobia is an excessive or persistent fear of a specific stimulus or situation. Any animal can develop a phobia to almost any situation or stimulus. In dogs, the most common phobias relate to thunderstorms and loud noises.

Dogs with noise phobias show symptoms including panting, pacing and hiding. They are often so frightened they try and escape and can sustain injury in the process. Because of this, fearful dogs can be a danger to themselves.

Dr Jenni Green, University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Camden Veterinary Director and Small Animal Veterinarian explains: “Dogs that exhibit thunderstorm or noise phobias have very intense symptoms. These can include panting, pacing, whining, drooling, hiding, and destroying things around the house.

“They’re often so frightened they will try and escape. Many dogs go missing during storms or fireworks. They often go through windows and doors and sustain injuries in the process.

“Dogs with noise phobias appear to chain events together and, over time, start to show signs of fear even before a storm. It can get to the point where they are fearful just from rain. We call this ‘generalising’.”

Since we know noise and storm phobias often go hand in hand with other anxiety conditions, there’s good reason to seek veterinary advice for pets appearing to suffer during noise events. With forward planning, your veterinarian may be able to prescribe treatment.

“Medication can reduce the level of fear and anxiety in order to allow other storm or noise phobia treatment methods to work, such as the use of thunder shirts or safe zones,” says Dr Green.

Thunder shirts apply a gentle and constant pressure on the pet’s torso. Using pressure to relieve anxiety is a common practice. The pressure works in a similar manner to swaddling an infant.

A safe zone is an area pets can access during storms or fearful situations. You can enhance safe zones by adding sound proofing, a white noise machine and a comfy bed. It’s ideal to make sure that they always have access to this area, even when you’re not home.

Your dog will often choose their own safe zone but it might be a bathroom, interior closets, or under or behind furniture.

In a recent study, almost 75 percent of pets were frightened of fireworks. Only 30 percent of owners sought help for their frightened pet.

“The message we need to get out there is that vets can help,” says Dr Green. “There are lots of treatment options that can be considered. No one wants their pet to be terrified, or worse, get lost or injured because they are scared.”

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 7 NEWS

Blue Mountains Dog Training Club Obedience & Rally O Trial 4 July 202 0

Blue Mountains Dog Training Club held its annual Obedience trial and inaugural Rally Obedience trial on 4 July 2020 to be COVID safe. We capped entries at ten (10) per class and ran four (4) classes in the morning, with the remaining five (5) classes in the afternoon, while limiting to 100 people total per session. We ended up with 77 entries and a day where everyone smiled, while socially distancing.

Blue Mountains Dog Training Club, would like to thank the Board and DOGS NSW for allowing the Obedience and Rally Obedience Trial to proceed. All COVID safe practices were upheld and all who attended had a broad smile on their face.

Words: Susan Dellas - President and Trial Manager BMDTC / Photos: Margo Turnbull
Above: Novice Stays Novice - Judge: M Foord
J. McCartney with Australian Kelpie
CCD - Judge: Dr N Hansbro
Dickinson with Australian Cattle Dog, AUSTRAX
SILVER LINING, the only pass in CCD.
DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 9 UD - Judge: D Anderson Competitor: B Gilhooly with German Shepherd Dog ALJUDAN ZETA FAME CDX. RAE. RM. UDX - Judge: V Etherington OAM Competitor: S Dickinson with Australian Cattle Dog CH.O.CH. TIRLTA DARTBROOK UDX. Steward: K Dive Open - Judge: G Bartolo Competitor S Fedoryschyn with Border Collie GADHAR MITCH CD, RA, HNA.S HSB.S. Open - Judge: G Bartolo D. Potter with Cavalier King
Charles Spaniel
NEUT. CH. BLAKESLEIGH ROMANTIC DREAMER CDX. Club Member pass The only club member to pass S Dellas with British Bulldog Sawyermoon Aladdin (AI) Above: Place ribbons





There was movement at Orchard Hills grounds

For the word had got around

That Blue Mountain Club was holding a trial,

It had been months without a trial.

So, the trialling mob had gathered at the grounds

While the dogs sniffed the air with delight

As their owners tried to remember what to do.

With Judges dusting off their gear and

Remembering where things go

The rings were set up ready to go,

Judges ready, stewards’ ready competitors ready

So off we go nothing can stop us now not even Covid-19

Rally Novice - Judge: P Connolly
Webster Brittany, KIRINBELL CHASE N THE DRAGON Rally Novice - Judge: P Connolly
Rothwell with Samoyed SUNMIST WALK SO COOL Rally Novice - Judge: P Connolly 3RD PLACE - V Case with Sporting Register Dog, COOLIBAH CRACK OF DAWN Rally Excellent - Judge: J Stewart
R Fullerton with Sporting Register Dog
Rally Advanced - Judge: P Connolly Competitor: C Minton with German Shepherd Dog DRUANN JUST FOR FUN CD. RN.

Australians with PTSD to skyrocket at alarming rate NEED FOR MORE ASSISTANCE DOGS

TV presenter and PTSD Dogs Australia Ambassador Tamara Wrigley is calling for funding and a new property for the non-profit, which trains displaced and unwanted dogs to support and assist veterans (both working and medicallydischarged) and First Responders – fire, police and ambulance.

PTSD affects as many as one in four people who experience traumatic events, and these figures are set to increase over the coming months due to triggers brought on by Covid-19, especially for first line responders who haven’t been able to catch a break due to the fires and being isolated from their support network due to coronavirus restrictions.

After the SARS outbreak in 2003, almost 50 percent of the front-line healthcare workers and people who were self-quarantined showed symptoms of PTSD, according to a study.

It is estimated that approximately 8.3% of Australian Defence Force (ADF) members have experienced PTSD in the last 12 months, which is significantly higher than in the Australian community (5.2%). In particular, ADF males report a greater rate of PTSD compared with the general community (8.1% versus 4.6%).

Those figures could nearly triple with PTSD Dogs Australia already experiencing an increased volume of calls from people with early signs of PTSD needing assistance over the past few months.

Research shows assistance dogs are an extremely effective intervention for veterans with PTSD, with all studies showing they confer a range of benefits on functioning and mental health.

To date, more than 20 dogs have been through the program (case studies available) since the charity launched in 2018, but with mental health issues so prevalent among veterans and first responders, including those caught up in the recent fires and COVID-19, there is an urgent need for more dogs and more foster parents, especially as waitlists for similar charities can be several years-long.

“PTSD Dogs Australia has been inundated with requests recently from all over Australia, including those affected by the fires and COVID-19,” says Tamara.

“It takes at least 18 months and costs around $40,000 to train an assistance dog, and we need a larger property now so we can get these dogs in and start training them so they will be ready for the avalanche of screams for help, because they’re coming.

“We rescue dogs from shelters all over the country, and they’re assessed on their empathy and trainability. We call our training immersion therapy because unlike a psychologist or psychiatrist, who takes them back through the process of whatever caused their PTSD, we minimise the stress of their learning process.

“It has to be slow and gradual, and once they become familiar with the dog, we take them out into public spaces at quiet times and build their confidence slowly and get them feeling confident and in control again.

“People suffering PTSD tend to remove themselves from society and lock themselves in their house, and our dogs are trained to help mitigate that and get them back out and into the community again.

“These dogs give people their lives back, and we rescue the dogs which in turn rescue their humans.”

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 11
Picture: Tamara Wrigley with PTSD Dogs Australia co-founder and veteran Roger Weeks) NEWS

How young is too young for a family pet?

Parents reveal the age they believe kids can have a family pet, with only 1 in 4 saying it’s safe to have a pet at any age

Pet ownership rates in Australia are among the highest in the world, with two-thirds (61 per cent) of Australian households owning an animal. 1. Around two thirds of dog and cat owners refer to their pet as a member of the family,2. but how many parents feel it’s safe to have their newborn, toddler or primary-school aged child around their ‘fur baby’? New research reveals only one in four parents believe newborns are perfectly safe around cats or dogs, however large.

Online insurance comparison service commissioned a survey of an independent, nationally representative panel of 1002 Australian parents 3. to find out at what age they think is appropriate for their children to have a pet (both cats and dogs). On top of this, parents were questioned whether the size of the pet matters, and what would be the reasons for not allowing kids to have pets at an earlier age.


Interestingly, only a quarter of parents (25 per cent) think it is safe to have a pet with a newborn baby. Furthermore, when it came to the size of the dog in particular, this didn’t seem to alter their views. Twenty-eight (28) per cent of respondents think it is safe to own a small family dog with a newborn, an equal 25 per cent agree in the case of a medium-sized dog, and 24 per cent said having a large family dog wouldn’t be an issue. A quarter (25 per cent) were also comfortable owning a cat with a newborn baby.

While it’s not recommended that young children are left unattended with pets, there are benefits to having a furry friend around the house with a newborn. A child who gains exposure to pets during infancy may develop a sturdier immune system and a lower chance of allergies. 4.

Babies up to age 1

It was also found that more than a third of parents (34 per cent) are comfortable bringing a pet into the family when a baby is younger than one.

When it comes to canines, as long as it is small in size, 38 per cent of parents think it’s safe when the child is younger than one. This, compared with 35 per cent if it’s a medium-sized dog, and 31 per cent when it comes to large dogs. Meanwhile, 36 per cent of parents think it’s safe for a cat to join the household when a baby is under one.

Pets can be more than just companions, they can provide a soothing presence and non-judgmental support for children too. This is particularly the case when animals are used as part of a treatment plan to help children develop communication skills, along with medical, developmental and emotional disorders.5.


Primary - school aged children

Nearly a third of parents (30%) believe children need to be older than five before having a pet in the house. Forty-four per cent of parents think this in relation to introducing a large family dog, 31% in relation to a medium-sized dog, and 22% for a small dog. On top of this, 21% think children need to be five years of age or older to introduce a cat safely into the home.

Regardless of age, children who have four-legged friends are found to benefit in various ways, such as gaining greater self-esteem, better social skills and are less likely to experience loneliness. 6. So much so that the NSW Government has implemented three programs – Living Safely with Pets, Living Safely with Dogs, and We Are Family 7.– in primary schools to teach children how to be responsible pet owners and ensure children and pets can live harmoniously together.8.

It’s important for parents to teach kids how to behave appropriately around pets once they are old enough to interact with them independently, for the safety of both parties. Kids should also be taught to recognise the signs of when their pet is unhappy or unwell, and how to practice good hygiene with animals too.

Reasons why parents don’t introduce pets to younger children

Respondents were also asked the reasons why they would not allow children to have pets at an earlier age and presented four scenarios: the pet might harm the child, the child might harm the pet, not wanting the added responsibility of looking after a pet, and not liking pets in general. The most common reason, chosen by more than half (54 per cent) of parents was that the pet might harm their child, followed by 40 per cent who were concerned the child might harm the pet. Knowing the task of looking after the pet would rest on their hands, 34 per cent of parents said they didn’t want the extra responsibility.

A further quarter (25 per cent) of parents said they think it’s safe for their children to have a pet at any age, while a mere six (6) per cent of respondents don’t like pets in general.

The responsibility of owning a pet also comes with rising vet bills, an expense that Aussies are forking out for more than ever. Our national veterinary expenditure increased by $414 million since 2016 – hitting $2.6 billion in 2019.

Last year, the average annual household spend on veterinary services for dogs hit $470, with 84 per cent of dog owners saying they had taken a trip to the vet in the past 12 months.

Check-ups and vaccinations are among the most common reasons we visit the vet,11. starting from around $80 and up to $90.12. Meanwhile, puppy vaccinations can cost anywhere between $170-250.

The rates of microchipping and desexing have also increased over time, with 86 per cent of dogs and cats now microchipped, and 81 per cent of canines desexed. spokesperson Claire Rosenberg says: “It’s common for parents to be hesitant about bringing a pet into the home around young children, as kids and animals are both notoriously unpredictable! However, being prepared and doing your research around the most suitable pet for your situation is important – taking into

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 13

account the personality and size of the dog or cat you choose. With pets often viewed as part of the family, looking after their health and protecting them from harm could prove costly if something were to happen. Households may want to consider getting pet insurance for peace of mind.

Case study – Erin, parent to a 6-year old daughter and pug

Erin and her husband introduced their pet pug, Blaze, into the family when their daughter Avery was just three years old. Having grown up with dogs themselves, they wanted Avery to have the same positive experiences they had. Erin intentionally chose a smaller breed as Avery was sometimes frightened by larger dogs.

While it took around a month to adjust to the new four-legged family member, Avery now refers to Blaze as her brother, reads books to him regularly and even plays dress-ups with him. Erin admits they would have introduced a dog earlier if it wasn’t for the added responsibility, alongside juggling work and taking care of their first-born toddler.

Now, Blaze is very much a part of the family and travels interstate on holidays too. Blaze is even having a party thrown for his third birthday next month, with party hats included!

Cost of common veterinary procedures without pet insurance 15

Veterinary Procedure

Cost of treatment for dogs Cost of treatment for cats

Annual vaccinations and veterinary check $90 From $80

Puppy / kitten vaccinations

$170 - $250 $170-$200

Desexing $200 - $500 16 $115 - $300 (male or female)

Microchipping $60 - $80 $60

Flea and worming treatment, and heartworm prevention (the first year) $120 - $300 $100

Annual flea and worming treatment (ongoing) $120 $100 - $150

Costs associated with pet ownership - average annual household spend 17

Product or service

Cost for dogs Cost for cats

Boarding / minding $108 $96

Clipping / grooming $154 $45

Training / behaviour / therapy $70 $36

Pet healthcare products $224 $147

Alternative healthcare treatment $57 $44

Annual flea and worming treatment (ongoing) $147 $69


1. Animal Medicines Australia, 2019, -Pet-Survey-Report19_v1.7_WEB_high-res.pdf

2. Animal Medicines Australia, 2019, -Pet-Survey-Report19_v1.7_WEB_high-res.pdf

3. Survey commissioned by Pureprofile, February 2020, of parents who have children aged 16 and under.

RSPCA Australia, 2019

Raising Children Network Australia (supported by Australian Government Department of Social Services)

6. Pet Industry Association of Australia, 2017

NSW Government,

NSW Government,

9. Animal Medicines Australia, 2019 p. 40 -Pet-Survey-Report19_v1.7_WEB_high-res.pdf

10. Animal Medicines Australia, 2019 p. 34-44 -Pet-Survey-Report19_v1.7_WEB_high-res.pdf

11. Ibid, p.41



14. Animal Medicines Australia, 2019 p.43 - 44 -Pet-Survey-Report19_v1.7_WEB_high-res.pdf

15. RSPCA,

Depending on age, gender and size


Why doDogs Howl?

We’ve all heard dogs howl at least once. Whether your canine just randomly started howling or was responding to another dog howling a few houses down, howls are a typical way many dogs communicate. Just like humans have their preferences forms of communication though, some dogs howl more than others.

The amount a dog howls depends on the breed and their personality. One dog might only howl once or twice in their whole lifetime, while another might howl nearly every day. Quiet breeds like Whippets hardly howl at all. On the other hand, dogs like beagles and some other hunting dogs howl all the time as well as breeds like the Siberian Husky and Basenji, who are noted for their howling.

Dog Communication

Dogs communicate in a variety of different ways. Compared to all the ways dogs communicate, howling is one of the least common vocalizations you might hear.

• Barking

Barking is probably one of the most widely recognised vocalisations dogs make. Every dog probably barks at least once a day, unless it belongs to one of the extremely quiet dog breeds. Barking is used in many different situations, including surprise, initiating play, and threatening others.

• Non-verbal communication

While we may not always see it, non-verbal communication is the most common form of communication dogs use to tell others what’s on their mind. Dogs are continually using their bodies to speak to other dogs and us.

• Growls, whines, and other vocalisations

After barking, you’ll probably mostly hear growls, whines, and different auditory sounds. These sounds differ in meaning depending on the situation and context, and they don’t always mean what you think they mean. For instance, growling is often used by Siberian Huskies as another form of barking, not a signal of aggression. So, where does howling fit into all of this?

Types of Dog Howls (and What They Mean)

While our human ears might not be able to recognise it, there are many different kinds of howls. What each cry sounds like will vary from dog to dog. Smaller dogs are going to have a higher-pitched howl, while a bigger dog’s howl will be lowe. Because of this, it is essential to consider a dog’s body language as well as your own dog’s par ticular personality.

While both domestic dogs and wolves howl, they do so for different reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons dogs of all sort howl:

• Separation anxiety is a common, troublesome reason a dog might howl. This type of howling will happen when a dog is separated from “their person” and is paired with other anxiety symptoms. This is especially common in dogs going through rehoming.

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 15 FEATURE

• Some dogs might howl due to pain or other medical issues. While most dogs will be quieter and try to hide when hurt, others will vocalise even more than usual.

• Other dogs will howl in response to another sound, like a siren or another dog. This is one of the most common reasons a dog will howl. This type of howling is innate in their genetics and comes from a time when they have to communicate with pack members over long distances.

• Rarely, dogs will howl for attention. This is one of the least common reasons a dog will howl. However, if you have previously given your dog attention when he was howling for a different purpose, they might learn that howling gets them attention and cuddles. This can create troublesome attention-howling.

• You might hear dogs howling while they’re hunting. These howling dogs are usually Beagles or another breed that bays while following a scent trail.

What to do about Excessive Howling

The way you can prevent or stop howling depends on why your dog was howling, to begin with. If your dog is howling because of separation anxiety, you will need to help them overcome this severe disorder first. There are many ways to do this at home, but you may want to seek the help of a behaviourist if the condition is critical.

If your dog howls at loud noises like sirens, there are a couple of things you can do to prevent more episodes. You can try to desensitise your dog to these noises by slowly introducing them to these sounds throughout the day, making them more “normal” and decreasing the chance that your dog will react to them negatively.

As stated by Doggypedia, “You can also teach your dog a ’quiet’’ command to stop howling in an instant when you’re nearby.” Of course, this only works if you’re there to give your dog the command, so it is less helpful if your dog howls while you’re away.

Furthermore, to teach your dog this command, they will also need to know the “speak” command. If your dog already knows this command, great. Otherwise, you will have to teach it to them first, which can take some time. Highly trainable dogs and those who have already gone through a dog training course are going to catch on to these new commands faster.


At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Australian National Kennel Council Limited held in Brisbane:

1. Election of ANKC Ltd Executive

- Mr William (Bill) Smith was elected as Vice President for a one-year term from 19 October 2019; and

- Mr David Sales was re-elected unopposed as Treasurer for a one-year term from 19 October 2019.

- Ms Pamela Campbell was re-elected as a member of the Executive Committee for a one-year term from 19 October 2019.

At the October 2019 ANKC Ltd Board meeting, Directors resolved/ considered the following:

1. ANKC Ltd Judges’ Listing

It was resolved that the ANKC Ltd Judges’ listing only display the name, postcode, telephone number and email address for all Judges.

2. CACIB Shows

It was resolved the following confirmed expressions of interest to conduct CACIB Shows in 2019-2020 have been approved by ANKC for submission to FCI for their approval:

Member Body Date of Show Show Details

Dogs SA 29 May 2020 Dogs SA Winter International

Dogs Tasmania 25 October 2020 Combined Breeds Dog Club of TAS

Dogs Victoria 13 February 2021 Twilight Canine Country Club

Dogs SA 4 June 2021 Dogs SA Winter International

Dogs West 9 July 2021

The FCI Winter Festival Championship Show

Dogs QLD 16 July 2021 API Event

Dogs NSW 27 August 2021 Dogs NSW Spring Fair Dog Show

3. Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration, Clause 1.2.2: Amendment

It was resolved that Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration Clause 1.2.2 be amended as follows: 1.2.2 Export Pedigrees are to be distributed as follows:a. only one (1) Certificate, ie, a Certified Export Pedigree, be issued for the export of a dog. (10/19)

b. Original document to new owner or Controlling Body (whichever is required).

c. Copy of this document to the party registered as the owner at the time the application for Export Pedigree was lodged. This document to be clearly marked “COPY ONLY”. (10/00)

4. Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration, Clause 6.6.2: Amendment

It was resolved that Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration Clause 6.6.2 be amended as follows: 6.6.1 Main register – is open to dogs whelped from a Sire and Dam that are both registered either in the ANKC Ltd’s Main Register or other Register or Studbook recognised by this ANKC Ltd. 6.6.2 Limited Register - is open to dogs eligible for registration on the Main Register where the breeder stipulates that the dog is: (i) ineligible for exhibition at a Conformation Exhibition, and (ii) not to be used for breeding purposes, and/or (iii) not entire or has been desexed, and (iv) ineligible for export pedigree, and (v) not registered on the main register

5. Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration, Clause 6.8.1: Amendment

It was resolved that Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration Clause 6.8.1 be amended to read as follows: 6.8.1 As from 1 January 2008, it is compulsory PRIOR to the registration of an Associate Dog on the National Database, that the application to register such dog is accompanied by a Sterilisation Certificate or a recognised Animal Register official documentation showing the owner, microchip number and indicating that the dog is desexed.

6. Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration: New Clause 8.12.2

It was resolved that the results of the Labrador Retriever 2019 survey be endorsed and for Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration be amended with the inclusion of Clause 8.12.2 to read as follows:


The Minimum Breeding Age for Labrador Retriever bitches must be 18 months at the time of mating (unless a veterinary certificate is produced stating that for health reasons the bitch should be mated before 18 months). Breeders of litters whelped on or after 1st June, 2020, will be required to comply with the requirements as a prerequisite to registration of any litter on the ANKC Ltd Main Register. Litters which do not meet the above requirements will only be able to be placed on the Limited Register and will be flagged not to be upgraded.

7. National Code of Ethics of Responsible Dog Ownership, Opening Statement: Amendment

It was resolved that the Opening Statement of the National Code of Ethics of Responsible Dog Ownership be amended to read as follows:

Each member, upon being elected or re-elected to membership of a Member Body of the ANKC Ltd shall be bound by the National Code of Practice subject to each States relevant legislation.

8. National Code of Ethics of Responsible Dog Ownership, Clause 16: Amendment

It was resolved that the National Code of Ethics of Responsible Dog Ownership Clause 16 be amended to read as follows: 16. A member shall not permit any of that member’s pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed, to a cross bred dog, to an unregistered dog of the same breed, or to a dog not on the ANKC Ltd Main Register without the prior approval of the member’s Member Body.

9. National Code of Ethics of Responsible Dog Ownership, Clause 24: Amendment

It was resolved that the National Code of Ethics of Responsible Dog Ownership Clause 24 be amended to read as follows: 24. A member shall provide to all recipients of dogs sold or otherwise disposed of by that member, written details of:

1. The breed characteristics;

2. Current vaccination certificate signed by a veterinary surgeon evidencing that the dog has been immunised against Canine Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo-virus; 3. Microchip number verification and transfer

4. Responsible dog ownership information; and

5. All documentation required by the member’s Member Body, including but not limited to –(i) A written receipt clearly stating whether the dog was sold on main or limited (ii) Any other conditions of sale and/or agreements

10. ANKC Ltd Registration of Frozen Semen and Other Procedures: Amendment to Forms

It was resolved that the Application for Registration of Semen form be amended to have a declaration for owner/s of the Donor Dog authorising that the semen be registered directly into the Purchasing Owner’s name.

11. * ANKC Ltd Rules - Amendments

Amendments to the following rules have been endorsed.

ANKC Ltd Rules for the Conduct of Lure Coursing Trials

ANKC Ltd Rules for the Conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs

ANKC Ltd Rules for the Conduct of Field Trials for Spaniels and Retrievers

ANKC Ltd Rules for the Conduct of Sled Sport Events

* New or Amended regulations, policy statements, procedures, publications and listings will be made available from the ANKC Ltd website.

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 17


At the February 2020 ANKC Ltd Special Board meeting, Directors resolved/considered the following:

1. * ANKC Ltd Regulations Part 5 – Show

It was RESOLVED that the final submission received from the National Regulations Part 5 – Shows Review Working Party be endorsed.

Note: The submission was a complete review of the regulations.

2. * ANKC Ltd Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration

It was RESOLVED that Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration Clause 6.5.1 be amended to read:

6.5.1 Subject to 6.5.2, all litters and puppies must be registered with an ANKC Member Body in the State or Territory of residency of the owner irrespective of where the pups are born. Note: This regulation is effective immediately.

3 * Regulations Part 13 – Regulations for the Conduct of National Breed Councils, Section 2 – Additional Clause

It was RESOLVED that ANKC Ltd Regulations Part 13Regulations for the Conduct of National Breed Councils, Section 2: Regulations for Registration of National Breed Councils, be amended by the inclusion of additional Clause, numbered 2.8.4, 2.8.5 & 2.8.6 to read:

2.8.4 It is the duty of all Office Bearers, Delegates and Committee Members of a National Breed Council to keep proper financial records of the National Breed Council as required by law including, as a minimum: -

1) receipt books

2) records of payments - with supporting documents, vouchers and approvals

3) invoices

4) bank statements

5) bank deposit books (if used)

6) cheque books

2.8.5 Office Bearers, Delegates and/or Committee Members of a National Breed Council must return all documentation held by them including but not limited to the documents referred to in paragraph 2.8.4 above within twenty one (21) days of the expiration of the role of Office Bearer, Delegate or Committee Member of a National Breed Council.

2.8.6 A breach of Regulation 2.8.4 and/or 2.8.5 shall be deemed to be misconduct and actionable by disciplinary action by the relevant State Member Body against an outgoing member. This regulation amendment is effective from 1 March, 2020.

4. National Judge’s Code of Practice and Conduct –Clause 16 Amendment

It was RESOLVED that the National Judge’s Code of Practice and Conduct, Clause 16 be amended to read:

16. A Judge must not duplicate assignments in the same breeds and or group within a minimum of 3 months of each other and within a minimum of 200 kilometres at championship shows. (10/97), (02/15), (10/15).

Note: This will not apply to Neuter only shows. It was agreed the same note would also be included in Regulations Part 5 – Show, Clause 3.2.3.

5. British Bulldog Breed Standard

It was RESOLVED that ANKC adopt the amended Pre-1987 breed standard for the British Bulldog as recommended by the National Breed Standards Coordination Group.

6. ANKC Recognition of Canine Scentwork

It was RESOLVED that ANKC recognise Canine Scent Work effective 1 July 2020.

7. ANKC Scent Work Committee

It was RESOLVED that the ANKC Canine Scent Work Working Party be recognized as an official ANKC Committee from 1 March 2020.

8. ANKC Ltd Judges List – Inclusion of “Suburb”

It was RESOLVED that ANKC include the “Suburb” of a Judge on the ANKC Judges list.

* New or Amended regulations, policy statements, procedures, publications and listings will be made available from the ANKC Ltd website.

18 PB

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To be in the running to win a years free membership with DOGS NSW, Oakwood puppy products plus ROYAL CANIN® products, visit the DOGS NSW website or to enter your pup. Please give us your full name, email / postal addresses, social media handles, plus phone details. Australian residents only please.

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By Post:

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 19
be in the running to win one of three (3) $100 Tuffrock Product Vouchers, simply post or email the answer to the question below and ensure you include your name, address, email, phone number and DOGS NSW membership number. One entry per person. Entries close 31st August 2020. Question: How could your dog benefit from Tuffrock’s PK9JF Joint Supplement?
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The Brittany is a French breed originating in Northern France as early as 1850. By 1904 the Brittany had evolved into a distinct breed. Brittanys were first imported into Australia in 1974 and 1975. These imports played a very important roll in the development of the breed in Australia.

This breed is classified as a Utility Gundog, which means that they hunt, point, flush and retrieve their game. The Brittany is used in Australia for hunting Stubble Quail, Duck, Rabbit, Hare and to a lesser degree foxes, pigs and deer.


The Brittany is a medium-sized dog growing to approximately 51cm (18-20 inches) at the shoulder and weighing between 13-18 kgs. They fit nicely into the family car and don’t take up much room.

They are a leggy dog in appearance with great stamina, energy and ruggedness without clumsiness. This gives the Brittany the ability to cover large amounts of ground. Coupled with the desire for hunting and refusal to quit, makes the breed versatile for show or fieldwork. They come in a variety of colours – orange/white, liver/white, black/white, black tri-colour, liver tri-colour and roan of all these colours.

NOTE: They can also be born with any length of tail (bobtail to full tail)


Brittanys are happy, alert dogs, neither shy or mean. They are energetic, fun loving and enjoy the company of people of any age. Brittanys are loyal, affectionate and eager to please their master, as well as being good watchdogs. They make fantastic pets for children, especially four to five years and up, though smaller children may get their faces washed and get pushed over by an over exuberant puppy wanting to play. If supervised the puppy soon learns not to knock his small master over and baby and puppy grow up together and become the best of friends.


Fondly referred to as “the human orientated breed”, they adore people and are ready, willing and able to join in on any family activity including swimming, jogging, sailing and bike riding. The Brittany is a very adaptable breed at home, both indoors and out. It is agile, energetic, with great stamina and a will to please; so happy to run in the paddock, but also happy to chill out on the lounge. Brittanys are obedient and make great family pets.

The Brittany is a tough, rugged, little dog with a great deal of courage and spirit. They can be active, fast and skilful when hunting and are excellent retrievers on both land and water.

It is an easy dog to train and excels at obedience and agility. They can become bored with repetitious training, so it is essential to put variety into their routines.

A Brittany’s coat is of a short to medium length with some fringing on the back of their legs. The breed is fondly referred to as the Wash ‘n’ Wear dog, as the coat is designed not to absorb or hold water, mud or dirt. After bathing, a quick rub with a towel and a shake and they are almost dry. A quick brush and your done.

Brittanys are small and inexpensive to feed, although they are very good eaters, so listen carefully to your breeder’s instructions and advice on feeding.

WORDS: Karen Ward
DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 21
‘The Brittany is a very adaptable breed at home, both indoors and out. Agile, energetic, with great stamina and a will to please; so happy to run in the paddock, but also happy to chill out on the lounge.’


Page 20 (top): Image submitted by Sarah Kos Page 20 (bottom): Photo by Diana Anderson. Submitted by Claire Anderson. Page 21: Photo 170737246 © Slowmotiongli

This page (top left):Submitted by Samantha Ibbott-Cordi. (top right): Photo submitted by Mary Webster. (left): Source unknown. (below left): Submitted by Kirsty Tite. (bottom right): Photo by Cabal Canine Candids. Submitted by Samantha Ibbott-Cordi.

24 Register today at or call us on 1300 738 225 breeder Petplan preferred Become a... Send your puppies to their new homes with 6 Weeks Introductory Breeder Cover*. Introductory insurance cover with a 3 day waiting period for accident/injury and 7 day waiting period for illness Free for the new owner, and you earn rewards Easy online activation request on behalf of the new owner Earn points vouchers to redeem gift *6 Weeks Introductory Breeder Cover (Insurance) only available for puppies aged from 8 weeks to 36 weeks, from our approved Breeders. Terms, conditions and waiting periods apply. Policy limits and exclusions may apply. Excludes pre-existing conditions. PP0036-DNSW-BR-HP-0620.indd 1 5/06/2020 12:18:23 PM Dogs QLD Member: 4100153223

Life for pets can be ruff as we head back to work

Many pets have loved being by their owner’s side every day in isolation, however as COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease and people return to ‘normal’ routines these animals could develop negative behaviours from this transition. That’s according to CQUniversity Veterinary Nursing Teacher, Courtney Liddy (pictured below), who works to manage animals physical and psychological health concerns as a Veterinary Nurse at a Gladstone clinic.

“With lots of families working and schooling from home in isolation, they may have been letting their dogs inside more and spending more time with their pets. “The pet thinks this is fantastic and think it is the new normal. Since some of us have been home for months which is plenty of time for animals to believe this is their new routine,” Ms Liddy said.

“Suddenly, everyone in the house goes back to work and school and the animal goes from having their family around to having nothing very quickly - less attention and fewer walks. This is quite stressful for an animal as they do not understand why.”

This sense of abandonment can be a trigger for many animals as Ms Liddy explained it can lead to separation anxiety and heightened stress reactions in a variety of animal species.

“Dogs are typically the animal we associate with separation anxiety but we also see it in hand-raised birds who are particularly attached to their ‘person’ or ‘mate’. These birds will often spend a lot of time out of the cage with the owners in the house.

“Some cats who are quite attached to one particular owner may also exhibit separation anxiety,” she said.

In dogs we typically see behaviours such as barking/howling, digging, inappropriate urination/defecation, chewing/destructive behaviour, inappetence and escaping.

“For cats, you may see increased vocalisation, depression, hiding, inappropriate urination/defecation and blocked bladders – all caused by stress. And in birds, you may see increased vocalisation and feather plucking.”

Animals that were adopted or purchased during COVID-19 restrictions are more susceptible to developing separation anxiety as they are not accustomed to being alone for 8-10 hours a day but Ms Liddy advised to take note of any unhealthy behaviours to implement early strategies and minimise the impact going back to work will have on our pets.

“Start building healthy degrees of separation now! This may include putting them outside for a few hours during the day and not interacting with them but don’t leave them so long that they panic, gradually build the time frame. Start by leaving them half an hour and build on that so they gain confidence in being alone.”

Other strategies could include providing them with toys and activities throughout the day to keep them stimulated.

“When the dog is left alone, provide enrichment for them that calmly keeps them occupied. My dogs love frozen treats (treats frozen in water in an ice cream container). They play with the chunk of ice and as it melts the treats become available.“

Overall, she suggested creating a happy environment for the animal so that they can be relaxed without a human presence to keep them company.

“Leave them somewhere they already associate with sleep. My dogs are crate trained, they go into their crates at night, this stops them from getting into mischief. If I am getting ready to leave, they will take themselves to their crates as they see this a relaxing safe area.

“Don’t rush them into the area you are going to leave them in – this just creates anxiety over that area as they are not being allowed time to think. Take your time to settle them.”

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 25

Book Reviews

Jonathan Unleashed

Jonathan Trefil’s boss is unhinged, his relationship baffling and his New York apartment just the wrong side of legal. His girlfriend wants to marry someone just like him - only richer and more organised, with a different sense of humour.

On the plus side, his two flat mates are determined to fix his life - or possibly to destroy it altogether. It’s difficult to be certain because, being dogs, they only speak dog.

A novel for anyone who has ever owned a dog, wanted to own a dog, or laughed at a dog video on the internet.

Author: Meg Rosoff

ISBN: 9781408870785

Format: Paperback Pages: 276 pages

Published: 17 April 2017

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Australia

RRP: $16.19



To be in the running to win a copy of this book please email your full name, address, contact number, together with your DOGS NSW membership number to: OR post your details to:

‘JONATHAN UNLEASHED’ Competition c/- DOGS NSW PO Box 632 St Marys NSW 1790 Entries close 31st August 2020.

The Funny Life of Pets

Pets are brilliant. They come in different shapes and sizes. Some are furry. Some are scaly. Some are so small you can hold them in one hand. Others are twice the size of you and if they sit on you there is a danger you will burst.

Written by the outstanding children’s comedian James Campbell, prepare yourself for The Funny Side of Pets! This is a book filled with outrageous facts, hilarious jokes, insanely funny online videos and brilliant stories all about pets, the author, along with all sorts of other things.

Rob Jones adds to the fun with his clever and funny illustrations.

Author: James Campbell

Illustrator: Rob Jones

ISBN: 9781408889947

Format: Paperback Pages: 240 pages

Published: 1 September 2018

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Australia

RRP: $11.69



DOGS NSW Editorial Policy

The editor reserves the right to withhold publication of any material whatsoever. Views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the correspondents and contributors and not necessarily those of the editor, DOGS NSW, the printers or other contributors. DOGS NSW will not accept anything that is poorly written, offensive or defamatory in tone or nature and will reject subject matter that is deemed as not being in the best interest of the organisation, its policies and Code of Ethics. All material is accepted in good faith and the accuracy of the contents of any material submitted is the responsibility of the contributor. Names and addresses of contributors may be withheld from publication on request but must be supplied. While every effort is made to ensure that all material is reproduced correctly, DOGS NSW accept no responsibility for any error.


The Competition and Consumer Act came into force on 19 April 2011. Certain provisions of the Act relating

to consumer protection place a heavy burden upon advertisers, advertising agents and the publishers of advertisements. In view of the obvious impossibility of our ensuring that advertisements submitted for publication comply with the Act, advertisers themselves need to ensure that the provisions of the Act are strictly complied with. Advertisers are warned that it is their responsibility to be able to substantiate any statements or claims made in advertisements. In cases of doubt, advertisers are asked to seek legal advice before submitting advertising material.


From time to time, members refer to DOGS NSW matters in which it is not appropriate for our organisation to become involved. For example, disputes between members in relation to the sale of dogs. These are usually private matters to be determined by the contractual agreements between parties. Disputes on such matters should be resolved by the courts and not by DOGS NSW. Members are requested to refrain from referring such matters to DOGS NSW. They are issues of a private or domestic

DOGS NSW Breeders Directory

Airedale Terrier

BELLTIRNA 2000591780 0448 257 124

DRIESDALE 2100074135 0417 854 462


ELCAVEL 2000388500 0407 258 121

Afghan Hound

CALAHORRA 2100009655 0439 575 260

KARAKUSH 2100027669 0427 733 555


CHIENON 2100010892

Akita (Japanese)

FROMDAYONE 2100093251 0451 308 009

ITABASS 2100075916 0426 144 399

Alaskan Malamute

LONGSTRIDER 2100020007 02 6227 6429

American Staffordshire Terrier

REDWHITENBLU 2100082814 0405 921 742

IRONCLAD 2100043427 0418 119 407

BASALTBLU 2100091776 0410 822 277

BKBULLIES 2100093036 0431 716 655

NIKAR 2100067405 0406 987 032

IMPERIUMS 2100076421 0451 004 535

Australian Cattle Dog

ADAVALE 2000491530

nature and should properly be resolved by the courts or the Department of Fair Trading.


The breeders who appear throughout this magazine are merely breeders that DOGS NSW understands may have litters for sale. In providing you with their details, DOGS NSW makes no representations as to the reputation of any breeder or as to the soundness or suitability of any puppy you may decide to acquire from any breeder. You must satisfy yourself that any puppy you may decide to acquire is healthy, sound and meets your requirements.

DOGS NSW accepts no responsibility in respect of the information contained in the magazine or in respect of any puppy that you may decide to acquire from any breeder in it.

All breeders who are current members of DOGS NSW have agreed to abide by the DOGS NSW Regulations, including the Code of Ethics.

02 4777 4355

WAIIRI 2100022295 0407 331 389

AZRAR 2000380310 0427 361 617

EMBROOKE 2100087233 0452 599 398

TABLEROCK 2100079234 0404 206 006

NYINIKAY 2100063266 0431 734 231

ALLROUNDERS 2100053299 0420 679 672

KOMBINALONG 2100054230 0419 787 375

Australian Kelpie

DUSTYBELLE 2000755050 0419 443 118

EUROWENBAN 2000715060 0400 653 378

Australian Silky Terrier

PELGATE 2000226390 02 4977 1302

Australian Shepherd

CRYSTALEYE 2000842590 02 4977 1302

MAHTEEK 2000663280 0427 317 631

GOLDMAID 2100073441 0427 701 944

Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog

AMBAJAYE 2000484530 02 4565 0232

MAHTEEK 2000663280 0427 317 631

Australian Terrier

LASPAMAS 2000709600 0428 115 559

REDGUNDI 2000198910 02 6845 4147

CLIFTOP 2000861710 02 6567 8229


WAZAZI 2000375280 02 9627 7769

ZANDEENA 2000792590 0402 654 754

EURABBIE 2000459220 02 4996 3252

Basset Hound

BASSPARQUE 2100085848 03 5453 9362


KEBOLEE 2100068477 02 6227 1255

JOHGRA 2100089671 0456 002 744

Bearded Collie

EDINGLEN 2100066730 0438 067 697

BONIBRAES 2000537290 0431 736 528

Bedlington Terrier

BRECKLAND 2000427870

02 9654 1344

KAYRS 2100004740 02 4777 4551

FIORALAINN 2100069299 0416 523 763

Belgian Shepherd Dog (All Varieties)

BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB 2000001770 02 9653 1196

WEEDRAM 2000203320 02 4841 1767

TEANGIBELGE 2000837420 0413 016 988

TARRARAY 2100006698 0417 464 573

Bernese Mountain Dog

BRANBERN 2000230000 0418 242 956

Bichon Frise

MONSAN 2000606130

02 4847 5084

SILVERYMOON 2000823010 0413 056 197

TERINAH 2100000074 02 6553 7585

KELZARKI 2000282150 02 4841 1004

JASMINEROSE 2100028995 0419 144 188

TATATOYS 2100091853 0466 186 293


HUNTERHOUND 2100056026 0414 266 955

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 27

DOGS NSW Breeders

Border Collie

GLENLOY 2100044005

02 6593 3170

YARRANCOLY 2000625810 02 6723 1446

BORDALACE 2000272200 0411 259 819

NAHROF 2000818560 02 9484 2524

INGENUE 2000836730 02 4774 8355

ARAJOEL 2000418120 02 6993 1736

NEECABE 2100027878 02 4630 9405

DREAMWOOD 2100034524 0411 253 386

BIDGEESRUN 2100074837 02 4849 4232

SACHELLA 2100059395 0412 517 271

BELLAINDLE 2100080127 0421 272 909

ESPERANZAMIA 2100078032 0407 617 133

ETCHINTHYME 2100086031 0429 177 723

GLENBALA 2000732090 02 4841 0229

BALLYANN 2000870460 02 4576 5859

CURRAWEECHE 2000878180 0408 586 203

BRENFURBABYS 2100063724 0448 086 614

FINEALTA 2000916340 0432 371 261

LANGTRY 2100029553 0409 910 426

AVOCAREDS 2100077641 0439 716 625

DENERRYVALE 2100077015 0415 639 935

NAKIVA 2100021026 0414 270 877

LIVENLAUGH 2100068265 0438 922 051

DUSZAH 2100065939 0402 573 935

MAHTEEK 2000663280 0427 317 631

Border Terrier

HEDGEHOPE 2100077972 02 6567 4912

GUILCROFT 2100041052 0416 151 159


BORTIQUE 2100026566 0427 411 466

Boston Terrier

TENTAFIELD 2000907140 0408 184 162

TIPLAND 2000929730 0427 273 354

ZAREBA 2100088111


GUNTOP 2000619780

02 4684 1176

THASRITE 2100038739 02 4822 8380

CASEURO 2000496490 0418 604 474

BOXCREST 2000856600 0414 328 748

ABIZAC 2000528340 0404 165 578

BASTELLA 2100066776 0409 076 259


TIAHART 2000845540 02 4683 1252

Briard (continued)

CACHAREL 4004465880 0419 642 845

British Bulldog

WONDERBULL 2000570560 0412 731 372

MACBULL 2100084597 0402 417 259

BUMBULLB 2100016325 0409 966 372

IRONBULL 2100088732 0407 294 957

TOUGHBULL 2100078012 0414 398 027

JIAAS 2100070142

BULLMAJESTY 2100075303 0406 928 105


KIRINBELL 2100057883 0419 695 206


FYNOBULL 2100051814 0413 011 023

ANMENTA 2100010664 0407 893 464

BRINKYBULL 2100026383 0403 995 182

Bull Terrier (Miniature)

CHRYSALISS 2100083707 0497 473 377

Bull Terrier

PONDERRA 2100079766 0466 938 841

FALLOUT 2100073548 0435 957 857

CREDEM 2100064264 0412 287 810

Cairn Terrier

DUNCAIRN 2100038088 0414 322 905

EMERALDCITY 2100042785 0412 217 573

BARRAGAN 2000322700 0435 602 447

Cane Corso

GUARDACOR 2100080420 0427 872 833

TERRAVALLEY 2100091809 0418 985 216

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

ZEAL 2000995500 02 9651 1607

PABIANPARK 2100016307 02 6643 4607

FALCONRISE 2100008158 02 6633 5283

DOUGSBA 2000864610 0438 686 941

CAVALIERLOVE 2100037834 02 9528 2942

ELCAVEL 2000388500 0407 258 121

CHEVALOVE 2100055549 0411 105 277

VALLEYCAV 2100064610

ALEXABELLE 2100074833 0408 382 223

ERTAE 2000907890 0428 746 636

AIJESLEYCAVS 2100066907 0400 500 616

ELVISTA 2100073130 0415 658 549

DABENVILLE 2000910300 0408 182 319

KALIAK 2000805920 0425 295 629

BELLJARI 2000804200 0481 225 735

Central Asian Shepherd Dog

SREDNEAZIAT 2100056024

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

KABOVA 2100039662 0413 810 098

Chihuahua (Long Coat)

DREISTLEIGH 2000866950 0438 499 056

Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)

INVALHALLA 2100082568 0451 174 516

SCOTSDREAM 2000725380

Chinese Crested Dog

ALITTLEBIT 2100082568 0434 139 566

ERTAE 2000907890 0428 746 636

Chow Chow

KUTEAZ 2000879520 02 9838 1333

MAHOGANYMATE 2100036820 0410 289 052

CHOWPRIDE 2100064738 0431 829 215

NAMEK 2100089967 0499 637 731

Cocker Spaniel

COCKER SPANIEL SOC NSW 2000003040 0409 047 693

BATHGATE 2100032327 02 6331 1036

ROYONI 2000854120 02 9606 8093

GUNWISE 2000444290

Collie (Rough)

TYRONELEA 2100000143 02 4423 0840

CATHGARRY 2000683190 0429 390 770

Collie (Smooth)

JEDFORD 2000871960 0411 318 193

Curly Coated Retriever

CURLY COATED RETRIEVER ASSN 2000003710 02 9639 1762

MIAMBA 2000673210 02 4878 5269

HUNTAWAY 2100017196 02 4998 1203

Dachshund (All Varieties)

DACHSHUND CLUB OF NSW 2000003760 0408 447 642

Dachshund (Min Long & Long)

GLASSWATER 2000376470 02 4681 0202

WYNBOURN 2100035074

BEEDASHIE 2100069382 0412 494 842

Dachshund (Min Smooth)

COGGLYN 2000513240 02 9644 3589

YANCANNIA 2000608520 02 4774 8313

BELLEN 2000893980 02 6655 9097

AASHUDNA 2100065525 0422 369 962

AQUADACHS 2100083923 0427 821 560

CORNERSPICE 2100072984 0412 978 441

NERRICKY 2100075298 0403 215 549

Dachshund (Smooth)

GOLDAC 2000838120 02 9872 3680


DOGS NSW Breeders

BELLEN 2000893980

02 6655 9097

AQUADACHS 2100083923 0427 821 560

NERRICKY 2100075298

0403 215 549

CORNERSPICE 2100072984 0412 978 441

Dachshund (Wire)

WYREDACH 2000735420

02 9489 3872

TARRANGOWER 2100036277 0417 406 168


DUMBLEDEER 2000559040

KRYSTAWAY 2000474640

GENTRY 2000292760

02 9913 9424

02 4284 9639

02 6492 2402

STARSWEPT 2100009954 02 4774 1104

SPRINTAWAY 2000865680 0409 109 511


FIREAX 2000571190

ATAKARNA 2100012296

0412 283 441

02 4357 2542

DOBERMANN CLUB OF NSW 2000003910 0416 057 977

TAGJAGER 2100065588 0478 225 148

MONELITE 2100034174 0414 747 645

CASHWYN 2100029840 0408 974 300

VSSK 2100091389 0400 177 572

English Setter

NUNDIALLA 2100013491 0429 362 670

English Springer Spaniel

AZUCROFT 2000859770

02 9838 1945

BURLISHCHARM 2100063916 0409 461 052

DEFERLEE 2000529711

02 6766 9922

BURCHFIELD 2100049229 0418 114 636

REIBEY 2000868610 0419 417 923

English Toy Terrier

SASNDASH 2100074237

Field Spaniel

02 6365 9118

MEADOWBRIAR 2100057059 0417 043 878

DAWNUS 2100056325 0413 322 811

Finnish Lapphund

ORICAL 2100064353 0413 546 836

KORPI 2100072722 0427 335 350

Finnish Spitz

EURABBIE 2000459220

Flat Coated Retriever

02 4996 3252

BLACQLABEL 2000165720 0438 421 828

Fox Terrier (Smooth)

TRIPLEFUN 2000475290

02 6924 2357

FOXSCOTT 2000901120 02 6343 2778

French Bulldog

FROGWYCK 2100007017

02 4573 1818

JIAAS 2100070142

FRENCH BULLDOG CLUB OF NSW 2000004260 0409 155 477

TOPETTE 2000329160

02 4787 7571

THEMISTOCLES 2100077440 0424 334 112

NNAMTRAH 2100085122

02 6767 0370

SERRESMOI 2100085753 0422 808 757

LECARBUL 2100065014 0415 431 903

DALLIEURS 2100086437 0423 551 294

KYADEL 2100081431 0407 517 218

WELLAN 2100082764 0432 285 836


SQUAREHEADS 2100088325 0407 985 859

MORKSTAR 2100084508 0414 955 166

German Shepherd Dog

SUNDANEKA 2000236750

TAKIMBRE 2100033184 02 4836 7351

AMBALA 2100057639 0401 019 213

VLADIMIR 2100070199 0410 691 873

KINGVALE 2100051980 0419 688 019

SILVERDALE 2100030686 0427 010 689

ALLENDELL 2002862170

LYNIANWORHAY 2100066542 0458 637 999

German Shorthaired Pointer

GERMANICUS 2100059391 0412 705 914

German Spitz (Klein)(Mittel)

VONLEENARD 2000808510

Golden Retriever

GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB NSW 2000004510 0414 761 870

IVYLOCK 2100072003 0408 030 515

KATSPAWS 2100068953 0433 931 821

KITEROA 2100057394 0434 524 900

GOLDKEY 2000376240 0410 627 468

NISTAR 2000187370 0412 336 530

NARAGOLD 2100058719 0407 803 447

BIJETY 2100077380 0448 670 059

RIELLYS 2100092876 0447 884 099

BYABBY 2100024357 0409 590 710

GOLDENPATCH 2100071555 0423 291 110

VIVARETRIEVA 2100090593 0402 653 314

Gordon Setter

GORDON SETTER CLUB NSW 2000004530 02 9449 6245

Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen

RICKABY 2000350520 02 6888 5610

Great Dane

HILDYDANE 2000631770 02 4777 5925

RITHPEN 2100089763 02 4739 5380

HIDALGO 2100042912 0407 313 702

JONRADANE 2100067753 0406 575 472

DANESTORM 2100033889 0447 899 417

MOJODANES 2100087036 0402 507 512


KERRIS 2100060565 0416 279 377

EDELPARK 2000654250 0402 332 332

BELJALA 2000210070 0408 524 191

KARYME 2100054865

Hungarian Vizsla

METROPOLIS 2100049443

Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla

RUGALMAS 2100042948

VADASZAT 2100088924 0409 715 424

Irish Wolfhound

ORNUMFLOW 2000542370 02 6337 7232

WULFGAR 2000375140 02 4572 8570

MACLAOMAINN 2100070815 02 4845 9066

MIONLACH 2100091665 0429 144 958

Irish Terrier

TAWNYOAK 2000639190 0409 314 339

Italian Greyhound

PICCINO 2100080053 0412 129 646

VANTARSI 2000542370 0410 564 740

BERIZZA 2000684470

Jack Russell Terrier

WILDENFOX 2000782310 02 6365 2633

STONEQUARRY 2100034659 0403 335 690

BRIGHTHELM 2000659100 0427 020 203

9450 1639

DURNSTEIN 2000261970 0407 005 990

GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG LEAGUE 2000004360 02 4730 4013

GLENBALA 2000732090 02 4841 0229

MOREKOS 2100058170

SIOBAHN 2000756441 0426 226 138

FREEVALE 2100030686 02 4774 0286

SUNHAZE 2000823100 02 4938 1531

CBONNYJACK 2100036936 02 4930 1713

JACKNTHEBOX 2000781900 0407 942 852

CASMARA-JR 2000755740 02 6672 1773

KALYANKA 2100055451 0438 863 980

Japanese Chin

FROSTQUEEN 2000314380

0408 413 483

TOKUBETSU 2100002801 0407 087 375

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 29


Japanese Spitz

MANNERKING 2000648390

0419 013 702

MIKALORI 2000761130 0421 633 964

Kangal Shepherd Dog

HASKAN 2100081456


0406 205 858

RYMISKA 2000166940 0438 153 622

HUNKEEDORI 2100008795 0403 257 072

NAWTIKEES 2100020495 0414 939 196

King Charles Spaniel

LEISUREVIEW 2000582130

0414 289 900

THOMWOOD 2100025441 0400 144 413

Labrador Retriever

LINDIANT 2000720840

GUNNISLAKE 2000619560

DRIFTWAY 2000557860

02 4777 4986

02 4651 2496

02 9652 0363

LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB 2000005560 0409 229 188

SANDAKHAN 2002911000

02 4844 2274

GAMBAMIRRI 2003023320 02 9971 2912

ROSEBIRD 2000884970 0418 296 355


02 4938 8118

DOMEZAAR 2100040082 02 4938 9525

YELLOWDOG 2100067478 0438 403 455

TRUEBRED 2000923650 0432 665 881

WOLFBULL 2100073502 0414 993 307

EMBELLISH 2100040605 0432 758 859

PHENWICK 2100003449

02 6946 4457

CHOCRADOR 2100031316 0418 478 890

OLDCASTLE 2100033307 0458 060 874

SUNNINGHILL 2100076525 0412 954 070

ACALEYA 2100080596 0403 551 145

COASTALDRIFT 2100084922 0400 115 072

PUDDNCREEK 2100066593 0409 310 524

MERELDA 2100083030 0428 132 118

SNOWIZARD 2100080182 0427 603 985

PASKARLA 2100005584 0411 249 371

ERAKY 2100013119 0411 089 635

CHOCAHOLYC 2100073865 0415 743 712

JARKK 2100049647 0411 486 339

BELLBIDGEE 2100064234 0447 284 801

GAMBAMIRRI 2003023320 02 9971 2912

ARROSER 2100070273 0425 807 792

GOLDYCHOCS 2100087835

LACOTE 2100015449 0427 888 887

TERRACAROL 2000325470 02 4990 5103

GUNSMITH 2100027350 02 9651 2943

LIBERTYLABS 2100084435 0447 768 171

COASTALDRIFT 2100084922 0400 115 072

TANWARRAGOLD 2000841670 0428 377 107

BARDUFF 2100075374 0402 322 220

KAFTAN 2100090185 0413 838 993

HUBBADUBLE 2100032184 0401 445 776

ALIASA 2100065591

SUMALABS 2100092488 0428 629 988

ALINJARRA 2100083237 0428 576 001

SPIRITROCK 2100049000 0401 382 131

Lagotto Romagnolo

OTTOGAL 2100084790 0400 552 097

Landseer (European Continental Type)

WYLAH 2100058246 02 9639 0860


BERGLOWE 21000884790

Lhasa Apso

KRADDOELL 2100085029 0402 314 367

ZALAND 2100031023 0412 073 263

RYSUP 2000764130 0425 807 519

NEOKARMA 2100019001 0414 584 960

SOOQUAN 2100040167 0416 229 102


DARKRAI 2100059643 0401 873 041

Maremma Sheepdog

GLASSWATER 2000376470 02 4681 0202

FOXDALE 2000849630 02 6366 3605

DELLBIANCO 2100075634 02 6355 2951

SCINTILLI 2100067629 0408 160 726


CADFELL 2100037283 0403 750 366

Miniature Pinscher

RUBYSTUD 2100067292 0429 920 124

MARNIECHAR 2000818450 0412 742 170

Neapolitan Mastiff

MAGNUFI 2000772370 02 6547 5021

MAGGIORMENTE 2000580160 0429 352 520


MEKONG 2000511490 0424 756 977

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

TOLLERON 2100007787 0427 149 639

Old English Sheepdog

DEZIGNERZ 2000801340


MONDELISE 2000770060

0400 131 913

CALPAP 2100082108 0411 707 693

ABFAB 2100034728 0403 070 795

TAMDALE 2000646590 0412 086 869

KUTAS 2000519870 0412 896 876

Pharoah Hound

PENNHARI 2100080223 0401 568 534


RHYLL 2100025721 02 6769 1601

HIPOINT 2100032551 0419 161 255


POMPALACE 2100049363 0488 488 607

FERONA 2100048060 0432 166 883

LACOCHET 2100056444 0403 514 307

POMPACK 2100075391 0437 756 839

Poodle (Miniature)

CROSSWYNDS 2100030841

DARELLSIG 2100042229 02 6644 9873

JEABO 2100048203 0431 614 429

ALITTLEBIT 2100082568 0434 139 566

Poodle (Standard)

PICARDY 2000903710 02 4657 2533

SIROKKO 2100047811 0416 289 482

Poodle (Toy)

TDROP 2100040494 0420 301 669

MANRAY 2000785090 02 4341 8715

CHIPPINDALL 2100051813 0412 301 907

LEFAY 2000585760 0408 114 368

TOYLYN 2100041468 02 6760 3285

BELLARROW 2000664030 0404 057 342

NIKNAKLODGE 2100074265

GUANJUN 2100031850 0401 863 502

Portuguese Podengo (Small)

ZURK 2000368510

BALLAHOND 2000343820 0438 680 411

Portuguese Water Dog

RULETT 2000534800 0413 612 208


HUGAPUG 2100034147 0429 636 691

TROYCOLE 2000108870 02 4988 7078

PUG DOG CLUB NSW 2000007960 02 4329 3028

DEARNLEA 2100005952 0421 284 548

TONEMNA 2100046185 0449 266 033

KHEIREDDIN 2000318730 0408 481 045

NULKABA 2100034622 02 4991 6095

QUOM 2000825710 0408 476 063

KABOVA 2100039662 0413 810 098

GUPALSZIV 2000910020 0409 170 846

MASKERADE 2100060542 0418 493 399

NSW Breeders Directory

DOGS NSW Breeders Directory

Pyrenean Mountain Dog

ESPINAY 21000910020 0412 167 278

Rhodesian Ridgeback

LWILLOWS 2000733580 0407 705 170

CHURINGALOGE 2000506350 02 6727 3099

BALLAHOND 2000343820 0438 680 411

LIONHEART 2100069865 02 9655 1554

OLDNARWONAH 2100061603 0427 363 523

MBAQANGA 2100095364 0490 061 498

DOMRIJ 2100000739 02 9606 6797


DREISTLEIGH 2000866950 02 6644 1003

RENNIROTT 2100080821 0426 952 786

VSSK 2100091389 0400 177 572

NEDROTTS 2100044899 0422 667 955

Russian Black Terrier

CZARSDYNASTY 2100083025 0411 840 689

LIBERTYBROOK 2100028780 0407 958 374

Russian Toy (Long Haired)

EDELPARK 2000654250 0402 332 332

Saint Bernard

CASPERSCOVE 2000728970 0425 259 999

HEILIGER 2100013750 02 6359 5253

SAINT BERNARD CLUB OF INC 2000008460 02 4975 3377


SNOWMYTH 2100011289 0408 254 857

AHZU 2100067081 0413 589 676


TULANG 2100054717 0476 826 584

MONTERREZ 2100088261 0435 602 447

Schnauzer (All Varieties)

KLABAUTER 2100019773

SAGINOR 2000757270 0427 277 888

DEAPRIL 2100076567 0427 866 261

SWASHBUCKLE 2100059426 0424 084 078

TREULIEBE 2100091936 02 4997 4454

Schnauzer (Giant)

BLACKGLORY 2100092083 0432 719 963

WULFGAR 2000375140 02 4572 8570

Schnauzer (Miniature)

MOKAI 2100078390 0406 375 559

HEISSPUR 2100050673

DEAPRIL 2100076567 0412 496 445

JAKARAHLEE 2100078988 0400 260 473

Scottish Terrier

OURSCOT 2100078391 0402 854 409

Shar Pei

WAYATINAH 2000966040

Shetland Sheepdog

0415 301 657

BEAUIDEAL 2000579880 0408 489 478

HARTLY 2100050965 0401 234 643

KELANMEE 2100001997 02 4885 2196

HERDSMAN 2000490190 0408 088 863

Shih Tzu

DREAMFORCE 2000804600

0412 233 369

PLACKY 2000907070 02 4889 8127

BELTZU 2100013958 0407 001 643

HASHANAH 2100028906 02 9771 2910

LEIMING 20002451160 0490 032 694

Siberian Husky


Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

ARDGAEITHE 2000757451 02 4925 3875

Spanish Water Dog

HERMOSA 2100088604 0402 654 754

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

MOSSTROOPER 2000632610 02 9858 1641

HELSTAFF 2000273230 02 9667 4619

ZERACIOUS 2100061491 0424 771 130

OZISTAFFS 2100082044 0403 404 909

STAFFROYALE 2000820100 0404 712 727

ROCKINANGEL 2100085519 0418 482 041

GAMESTER 2000591480 0415 294 210

CELTICBLU 2100087098 0418 487 449

ENGLISHBLUE 2100061467 0422 009 607

VOODOOSTAFFS 2100067056 0432 778 521

SASHABLUE 2100083718 0414 421 228

TRUBEAUTEE 2100093578

QUANTUMSTAFF 2100064451 0403 608 345

KINGOFSTAF 2100074241 0414 600 848

Tenterfield Terrier

ATENTA 2100030719

TRIPLEFUN 2000475290 0408 666 148

ALAULA 2100083404 0417 408 084

JANENTIE 2100054871 0438 506 162

WANDANDIAN 2100045603 0427 215 866

Tibetan Mastiff

JANGBU 2100061549 0410 828 466

Tibetan Spaniel

RAISHA 2000926630 02 6227 5758

ACACIAHILL 2000764850 0428 860 499

INNESLAKE 2000872560 0411 404 496

Tibetan Terrier

TYBETERR 2000838190 0479 016 432

TIBETOES 2100033959 0414 223 777


WEIMARANER CLUB NSW 2000009250 0414 621 181

SINAWAY 2100043419 0415 434 873

SOMERFORD 2100024971 0438 289 798

GREYDOVE 2100006373

Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)

GIANDARRA 2100091258 0448 438 878

SOUVIGNY 2000852380 0427 389 328

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)

NIRENO 2100092054

DANIIANPARK 2100079050 0416 289 149

NESBO 21000107230 0416 283 422

AZIAH 2100005043 0401 326 352

BERAMAGGS 2100089772

ANWYL 2000918850 0411 071 578

Welsh Terrier

QUENDRITH 2100048058 0409 222 092

West Highland White Terrier

ROLLYHILL 2100026791 0422 024 503

STEFFIA 200021060 0417 920 064

MACBRAEDLY 2000486450 0407 229 156


CALAHORRA 2100009655 0439 575 260

SSASP 2000317220 02 6345 3421

HARTZFYRRE 2100086653 0400 414 834

PARISHAAR 2100072592 0456 375 064

BUNDOON 2100042394 02 4573 2423

BUFFALO 2000353310 0408 161 540

0412 026 875

ARTICPRIDE 2100053580 0438 050 046

ARTICWOLF 2100053580 0409 398 352

Skye Terrier

SKYESDLIMIT 2100082382

0438 522 421

White Swiss Shepherd Dog

LELOUPBLANC 2100082180 0414 646 635

Yorkshire Terrier

AAZEEN 2100084267 0438 655 213

DOGS NSW ۔ August 2020 31


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