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RATIONALE I chose my briefs with the intention of working my design practice towards the fashion and cultural industries, the briefs I chose each incorporated relevant skills I wanted to pick up on and develop. Branding and identity is a core skill that I wanted to reiterate within my practice, branding will always be a relevant area of any practice regardless of the field or industry designing for. I wanted to look at editorial design, self initiating my development with type, layout and grid use. Through this process comes printed matter that offers itself to print finishes and various methods of production. Collaboration is a key part of me as a designer, I feel I work really well alongside peers, bouncing ideas around and developing fresh concepts through these means. I also like the idea of setting up a collaborative practice post level six which should hopefully help me decide more definitively my style of work when collaborating. I want to keep my fingers on my motion graphic interest, with the digital age constantly growing, it’s inevitable that video and motion will be a much larger part of design practice across all industries as technology develops and I want to keep up to date as and where I can.


Staff Use

All work must be clearly presented and labelled with your name, module code, brief title and any other appropriate information. Please separate the work appropriately and include a printed version of each brief. All blog. posts relevant to this module should be ‘tagged’ with the module code OUGD301 and follow the naming conventions outlined on E-studio Submitted Brief 1

Fashion Brand of the Future (Cott & Flyer) – (301.1)

Brief 2

80 Years On – (301.2)

Brief 3

Cymatics (Audio / Visual) – (301.3)

Brief 4

Loco – (301.4)

Brief 5

Typogateaux – (301.5)

Module Proposal Project File Evaluation

Your 500word End of Module Self-evaluation should be posted to your blog. Design Practice Blog.

Title and Brief Summary – include a short rationale for each brief identifying why you chose it, what was the focus of the brief and how long you spent on it. BRIEF 1

Fashion Brand of the Future is an ex-competition brief looking for the concept and delivery of a new Luxury male fashion brand. I chose this brief to pursue as one of my main briefs for the sheer fact that I want to direct my design practice towards the fashion and cultural industries. My reasoning for this is fairly straight forward, I love the idea of being able to work as creatively as possible and feel that with the fashion industry constantly evolving and changing at such a fast pace there is always room for a innovative concepts and new ideas. That said, I tried to develop this brief in a very professional manor, without over complicating the design process or glamorising any of the printed deliverables, in order to achieve a clean-cut professional aesthetic. I feel I spent too long in developing the brand concept, working with various logo ideas but failing the ability to make quick decisions, disabling me from moving into the design practice stage as early as I would’ve liked. In all, the brief spanned over a 6 week period amongst others.


80 Years on is again an ex-competition brief, this time for ISTD. I chose the brief with the intention of developing my type and layout skills, experimenting with grid systems and researching into historical typography. As I opted to take the image module last year I felt as though I needed to self direct my type building skills, with this brief seeming to fit the bill perfectly. I didn’t spend as much time as I hoped to spend on this brief, I gathered a significant amount of research over the first half of the module, again getting into the production side late and not achieving the outcome I initially hoped for.


Cymatics is a brief that stemmed from last years’ image module, an investigation into the correlation between audio and visual. This year we entitled the project ‘Audio Visual’ as we wanted to move away from conventional cymatic elements and feed in a more creative research process. I chose to collaborate on this brief with Matt Tucker again as we worked considerably well last year and felt we could capitalise on this fact to produce a really exciting brief. As the content is particularly experimental we knew it needed a graphical response and approached it as a series of experiments collated in a printed journal and video responses. We are looking at collaborating post level 6 and wanted to re-establish our working relationship in order to start understanding the way we work and the strengths each of us can offer the collaboration. The brief was a fairly quick turn around, with all of the research, experimentation and production totalling around 4 weeks.


Brief 5

Loco was my second collaboration, this time with Oliver Cassell. I decided to join him on this brief for 2 main reasons; the first being that it is a live, client led brief and the second that it is for a music event that again ties in with design for more of cultural audience, something I’m looking to factor in to my design process from here on in. The focus of the brief was a strong brand concept and powerful visuals, which gave me the opportunity to experiment endlessly with image-based visuals, something that I always have a soft spot for. I spent a large amount of time developing visuals for this brief, with a few different aesthetic angles that were ultimately directed by the client. In total I think this brief stemmed over the entire module give or take a week.

Typogateaux was my fifth additional brief, collaborating with Yafet Bisrat. I have had a soft spot for typogateax since my arrival on the course and having the opportunity to design the promotional material for the event was an exciting prospect. Again, typogateaux is a creative event and works well alongside my other briefs as I’m hoping to head towards a cultural based design practice. The brief was turned around in under two weeks.

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