A look into the top 10 most iconic retro games, predominantly from the early 80’s right through to the late 90’s.
Retro game
I believe the word retro to be rather subjective, after asking a friend ‘games he considered to be iconic/ old school’, he, aong with others considered early PS2 games to belong to the ‘retro’ band. Whereas other sources believe anything past and including the PS1 to be in the new school catagory.
10 p To
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o r t Re
e gam
0’s 8 ic r t lec E le ∆ t t Ba t i b ∆ 8 es m a G n w o und R tro
GamesTetris / Pong / Donkey Kong/ Space Invaders / Street Fighter / 007 / Sonic / Zool /PacMac / Bomberman / Mortal Kombat / Duck Hunt / Super Mario / Final Fantasy / Metal slug / Asteroids / Breakout / Legend of Zelda / Snow Bros. / Contra / Chrono Trigger / Secret of Mana / Snake / Frogger / Asteroids / Centipide / Missile Command / Doom / Sim City 2000 Mega Man
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selling less than 24 000 units @ 600
the worst selling console ever,
The Apple Pippin by Macintosh was
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of a year.
do has never made a loss at the end
∆ Unlike Microsoft and Sony, Ninten-
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3,333,360 points.
sible in a game of Pac-Man is
The maximum achievable score pos-
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word mean ‘success’.
Atari is named after a Japanese
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video game system of all time.
The Game Boy is the best selling
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Sega Saturn.
with an internal hard drive was the
he first gaming console to ship
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Today, programmes like ‘100 greatest gadgets’ (exampled above) generally place speakers/presenters in front of visually considered backdrops, this one for instance feels quite techy and vibrant given the subject is gadgets and i think retro games would be quite easy to physically illustrate in a similar manor. I’m thinking the programme would be very much along these lines content wise too, I know it’s not entirely relevant to our task but I want to consider the nature of the programme I’m going to be designing for, trying to establish a tone of voice.
That said, shows like this one usually tend to have a comical, light hearted delivery. A chance for people to reminice over various memories.
I very much want to keep the visuals colourful, playful but most of all relevant and instantly recognisable
One of the more important aspects of designing for something like this is accurate use of font, colour and image. If you get it right people can instantly relate to the content without even realising it was directly because of the designers considered decisions. Get it wrong and even the biggest fan could be deterred by mis-information and innappropriate content. Alot of design associated with retro gaming can be extremely colourful, usually flaunting sans-serif typefaces on black.