Oryza Residence Brand Identity

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Story of Oryza

Oryza Sativa Oryza is a genus of seven to twenty species of grasses in the tribe Oryzeae, within the subfamily Bambusoideae, native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Northern Australia and Africa. The species that grow in Asia, specifically in Indonesia is Oryza Sativa. Oryza sativa, commonly known as Asian rice, is the plant species most commonly referred to in English as rice. Oryza sativa is the cereal with the smallest genome. Wikipedia

The myth behind Oryza

Dewi Sri, or Shridevi (Dewi literally means goddess) (Javanese), Nyai Pohaci Sanghyang Asri (Sundanese) is the Javanese, Sundanese, and Balinese pre-Hindu and pre-Islam era goddess of rice and fertility, still widely worshipped on the islands of Bali and Java. Despite her mythology is native to the island of Java, after the adoption of Hinduism in Java as early as first century, the goddess is associated with the Hindu goddess Lakshmi as both are attributed to wealth and family prosperity.


Fertility Based on folk lore, when Dewi Sri dead her grave showed a miraculous sign; for at the time of her burial, up grew some useful plants that would forever benefit human kinds. From her belly button grew a very useful plant that is called padi (rice). In some version, white rice grew from her right eye, while red rice grew from her left eye. From that time, the people of Java island venerated and revered her as the benevolent “Goddess of Rice� and fertility.



of Life

in Luxury

Oryza is not just a simple and good name that easy to pronounce and remember. Oryza is a useful plants that essentials for human needs and wellbeing. Symbolic of fertility, wealthy and prosperity. In other perspective, keeping Oryza exist is just like our responsibility in maintaining the balance of nature and life. Oryza is value of life. Beyond just a name, in branding we can give a new meaning and value to differentiate. Oryza Mansions is a brand for enjoying value of life in luxury.

Brand Value


fertility wealthy prosperity

nursing vertilize


growing seeds cultivating


Existing facility around canggu

• Located in rice field terraces and overlooking river

• Just 600 meters from surfing spots

• Asia’s championship golf course • Echo Beach

Oryza as a brand

Based on its’s philosophy, Oryza as a brand should be treated with utmost care and attention just like how rice farmers tend their crops. It should be planted on a fertile land with good soil, preserved with care before it can actually be harvested, shared and appreciated.

Brand Value

Oryza Residence Brand Value

Oryza Mesidence Brand Philosophy


Successfull and meaningful rice harvest will only came up from the harmony of great vision, belief and action

Flourish phisically, grow strong & Healthy


Abundance of valuable possesions, well being


the quality of having experience & being wise

Projection Analysis

Value Design

Differentiation Spirit of respecting the nature

Support the local farmer Share the knowledge

Quality Product & Business

Improve Business Result

To have a solid reputation that offer experience through it’s philosophy of natural resources, and then become a sustainable business

Defining Luxury Many people have the tendency to associate luxury with high price, which means the higher the price the more luxurious it becomes. In addition to price, factors such as uniqueness and availability also further influence the luxuriousness of a certain goods or service.

What is the new definition of luxury when advertising for this lifestyle is targeted mainly toward the mass market? What are we paying for when quality has given way to quantity? Can integrity survive in a corporate culture driven to meet regular growth and profit projections? Is luxury still the best that money can buy?

Oryza Residence offers the experience of waking up in the middle of the breath taking Balinese landscape. Surround yourself by the beautiful paddy field and coconut groves whilst listening to the soothing sound of the river. Explore and be enchanted by the exquisite Balinese landscape like never before.

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Oryza as a brand


view: rice field & mountain view

view: jungle & garden view riverside

view: rice field & mountain view

view: garden & ocean view

view: rice field & jungle view riverside

view: garden & jungle view riverside

Comparison with Oryza Villa

Image Maping


Visual Identity Mood Board

Signature of Luxury: People

Signature of Luxury: Scenery



Signature of Luxury: Surrounding


Quality Environmental

Signature of Luxury: Food & Beverages


of Taste

Signature of Luxury: Privacy

Quality Momment

Signature of Oryza as Luxury


comfort calm & quite, the absence of violent or confrontational activity within a place or group


positive in atmosphere and full of energy

Signature of Luxury: Architecture Design

of Luxury

Oryza Residence Visual Identity Exploration

Simplyfying Visual Identity

Color scheme

Signature study

Signature study

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum

Styling & Rhytm Implementing

Comparassion Terminology





- country estate - extensive manor and its property - vacation residence - a large and luxurious country residence, - A house, often larger and more expensive than average, in the countryside or on the coast, often used as a retreat. - country house in ancient Rome consisting of residential quarters and farm buildings around a courtyard.

From Italian villa, from Latin villa (“country house”)


- - - - - -

from Latin mansiō (“dwelling, stoppingplace”), from the past participle stem of manēre (“stay”).

Enormous home large estate a large, impressive house. a manor house a large building divided into apartments A stopping-place during a journey




Private House

- a place where belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only - a place that is quiet and free from people who can interrupt

private and house From Latin prīvātus (“bereaved; set apart from”), perfect passive participle of prīvō (“I bereave, deprive”), from prīvus (“single, peculiar”).


- - -

From Middle English retret, from Old French retrait or retret (to draw back), from Latin retrahere (retract).


- House/ home - cottage - building or place where one resides - environtment - set of rooms for rent

pull back/move back withdraw to a quiet or secluded place a quiet or secluded place in which one can rest and relax

- -

Borrowing from Spanish From Latin casa (“house”).





noun a person’s home; the place where someone lives. • the official house of a government minister or other public and official figure. • the fact of living in a particular place: Rome was his main place of residence.

A residence is an establishment where it was originally or currently being used by a host as their main place of dwelling or home. Architecturally, a residence is typically a house, mansion, cottage or even grand castles and palaces. A residence is offered to travelers as temporary lodgings where they can rent a room. The rooms are generally furnished in the style which complements the architecture type of the building. This boutique type of accommodation has a nice homely feel where the traveler is the ‘house-guest’. Hotels, especially the extended stay chains, commonly function as residences for many guests.

Definition of the word ‘Residence’

according to English Dictionary residence ¦ rez(ə)dəns; rezə dens¦

noun a person's home; the place where someone lives. • the official house of a government minister or other public and official figure. • the fact of living in a particular place : Rome was his main place of residence. PHRASES in residence living in or occupying a particular place : the guests in residence at the hotel. • ( —— in residence) a person with a particular occupation (esp. an artist or writer) paid to work in a college or other institution. take up residence start living in a particular place. ORIGIN late Middle English (denoting the fact of living in a place): from Old French, or from medieval Latin residentia, from Latin residere ‘remain’ (see reside ).

Definition of the word ‘Residence’

according to Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (2000)

residence. 1. Dwelling place, especially of a person of rank or distinction. 2. Settlement of traders. 3. Fact of living in a place for the discharge of duties, e.g. the presence of incumbents in benefices, or with reference to colleges, universities, etc. 4. Seat of a Court (e.g. Residenz in Germany, so a Residenz-Stadt is a town where a princely court is based (e.g. Munich, Würzburg, etc.). 5. A residential quarter is a district of a town which is predominantly or entirely for housing.

Definition of the word ‘Residence’

according to The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. (2012) for residence see domicile

Domicile domicile (dŏm´əsīl´), one's legal residence. This may or may not be the place where one actually resides at any one time. The domicile is the permanent home to which one is presumed to have the intention of returning whenever the purpose for which one is absent has been accomplished. One may simultaneously have a temporary lodging for a short time at one place, a more permanent abode called a residence at another, and a domicile at still another place. Usually the domicile of the husband and father determines that of wife and children. Determining domicile is important in defining the legal status of a person and the nationality of a public corporation (a legal person) under international law.

Description of the word ‘Residence’ A residence is an establishment where it was originally or currently being used by a host as their main place of dwelling or home. Architecturally, a residence is typically a house, mansion, cottage or even grand castles and palaces. A residence is offered to travelers as temporary lodgings where they can rent a room. The rooms are generally furnished in the style which complements the architecture type of the building. This boutique type of accommodation has a nice homely feel where the traveler is the 'house-guest'. Hotels, especially the extended stay chains, commonly function as residences for many guests.[1][2] Residence may more specifically refer to: ■ Home ■ Group home ■ Nursing home ■ Dwelling or accommodation ■ House ■ Lodging ■ Habitual residence, a civil law term dealing with the status of refugees, and child abduction ■ Residence in English family law, pertaining to where children should live in the case of disputes ■ Tax residence, to determine the location of someone's home for tax purposes ■ The Canadian term for what Americans call a dormitory ■ Residenz, the German term for residence which normally meant the city palace of a noble family

Terms related to the word ‘Residence’ reside ¦ri zīd¦ verb [ intrans. ] have one's permanent home in a particular place : people who work in the city actually reside in neighboring towns. • be situated : the paintings now reside on the walls of a restaurant. • (of power or a right) belong by right to a person or body : legislative powers reside with the federal assembly. • (of a quality) be present or inherent in something : the meaning of an utterance does not wholly reside in the semantic meaning. ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense [be in residence as an official] ): probably a back-formation from resident , influenced by French résider or Latin residere ‘remain,’ from re- ‘back’ + sedere ‘sit.’

residency ¦ rez(ə)dənsē;

rezə densē¦

noun ( pl. -cies) 1 the fact of living in a place : a government ruling confirmed the returning refugees' right to residency. • a residential post held by a writer, musician, or artist, typically for teaching purposes. 2 historical the official residence of the British governor general's representative or other government agent, esp. at the court of an Indian state. • a group or organization of intelligence agents in a foreign country. 3 a period of specialized medical training in a hospital; the position of a resident.

residential ¦ rezə den ch əl¦ adjective designed for people to live in : private residential and nursing homes. • providing accommodations in addition to other services : a residential college. • occupied by private houses : quieter traffic in residential areas. • concerning or relating to residence : land has been diverted from residential use. DERIVATIVES

residentially adverb

Terms related to the word ‘Residence’ resident ¦ rez(ə)dənt;

rezə dent¦

noun 1 a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis. • a bird, butterfly, or other animal of a species that does not migrate. • a person who boards at a boarding school. • historical a British government agent in any semi-independent state, esp. the governor general's agent at the court of an Indian state. 2 a medical graduate engaged in specialized practice under supervision in a hospital. adjective living somewhere on a long-term basis : he has been resident in Brazil for a long time. • living at a school or institution : resident students. • having quarters on the premises of one's work : resident farm workers. • attached to and working regularly for a particular institution : the film studio needed a resident historian. • (of a bird, butterfly, or other animal) nonmigratory; remaining in an area throughout the year. • (of a computer program, file, etc.) immediately available in computer memory, rather than having to be loaded from elsewhere. DERIVATIVES

residentship ¦- sh ip¦ noun ( historical). ORIGIN Middle English : from Latin resident- ‘remaining,’ from the verb residere (see reside ).

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