St. John Bosco Today April-June 2023

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Salesian Bulletin Philippines April June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2

April June 2023

Volume 51 Number 2

The Salesian Bulletin Philippines






FISProvincialSuperior Fr.FidelOrendain,SDB










Current Events







Obituary +Ms RheenaMayLim(ADMA) +Fr.SalvatorePutzu,SDB

Editorial Team

Director-in-Chief Fr.ÁngelFernándezArtime,SDB

Editor-in-Chief Fr.DonnieDuchinDuya,SDB

Lay-out StudioNext24

ManagingEditor Ms.SusanLiwanag

CopyEditor Fr.RichieSantos,SDB

Circulation Ms.Ma.NicoleEspanillo

To subscribe, please contact SalesiansofDonBoscoFINCommissionon SocialCommunication(CSCom)

3/F Don Bosco Provincial Office, Don Bosco Compound, C. Roces Ave. cor. A. Arnaiz Ave , Makati City, the Philippines Tel (02) 8893-8227 loc 114

Annual Subscription (4 issues)₱300.00

Send your comments and suggestions to

Copyright©2023bySalesiansofDonBoscoFIN Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthismagazinemay bereproducedwithoutexpresspermissionfrom thepublisher.

From the Editor

I am writing this piece from Turin during the meeting of the Salesian Bulletin editors.

The talks, ranging from the topics of Salesianity to Artificial Intelligence, were beautiful and awe-inspiring. They've been carefully pieced together to satisfy the meeting's gargantuan theme:TheSalesianBulletininachangingworld

To say that the resource persons enriched us in discussing their assigned topics is an understatement

As an outsider, Flavia Trupia spoke of SB as a brand of our Salesian Family "As a brand," she emphasized that "it must have meaning for an external audience, but before that, for the internal audience, for those who are part of its system If this recognition does not happen, the brand is weakened and becomes less credible even for its external users.” Thus, it is imperative for the members of the Salesian Family must be the main users and sponsors of their own brand

On the other hand, Br Jean Paul Muller insists that "We do not write only to entertain some readers, but we communicate a vision of the world."

These remind us of the responsibility of the Salesian Bulletin, not as a mere PR tool, but as a channel that rallies the members of the Salesian Family in terms of championing Don Bosco's charism, especially in fighting for the rights of the young.

Fr Bruno Ferrero, the 16th SB editor of the Italian edition, narrates an encounter between Bl. Bartolo Longo and Don Bosco. The former asked him what his secret was for winning over the world

“Here is my secret," Don Bosco replied: “I send the Salesian Bulletin to whoever wants it and to those who don't want it ” This was a revelation for his questioner. He had not yet woken up to the power of the press; but returning to Pompei, he improved the printing shop he had, added to the number of machines and multiplied the number of copies of his bimonthly The Rosary and the Madonna of Pompei

About the Cover

SalesianBulletin(SB)editorsfrom aroundtheworldshowoffsomeofthe issuesofthemagazinethatdatesbackto thetimeofSt.JohnBoscohimself,who startedthemagazineandservedasits firsteditor.Readthecoverstoryonp.25. ThisphotowastakeninValdoccoafter theSBeditors'meetingfrom21–25April 2023 PhotobyANS

10-11 18-19 20-21 22 9 12 13 26-27

from the Rector Major

GodgaveDonBoscoalargeheartwithoutlimits,liketheshoresofthesea. Ifeelthebeatingofthathearteveryday.

His name is Alberto She’s a young mom whose name I don’t know He lives in Peru; she lives in Hyderabad, India. What unites these two life stories is that I met each of them while carrying out my service mission. Both experienced God’s caress in the welcome that Don Bosco once gave each of them in one of his houses, changing their lives and saving them from poverty – and perhaps death – to which they were doomed I think I can say that the fruit of the Lord’s Passover is also communicated through human gestures that heal and save.

Here are the two stories.

I was in Huancayo, Peru, a few weeks ago I was about to celebrate the Eucharist with more than 680 young people, members of the province’s Salesian Youth Movement, and several hundred people from that city high in the mountains of Peru when I was told that a former student wanted to greet me and that he had traveled almost five hours to get there – and would travel another five hours back home.

The moment came before Mass when a young man approached me and told me how happy he was to greet me He told me his name (Alberto) and added, “I’m here because I wanted to make this trip to thank Don Bosco in the person of the Rector Major because the Salesians saved my life.” I thanked him and asked why he was telling me this. As he continued his testimony, each word reached deeper into my heart He told me he had been a difficult lad, giving a lot of trouble to the Salesians who had welcomed him into one of the homes for children at risk

He added that they would have had dozens of reasons to get rid of him because, saying, “I was a poor devil who thought I could only expect some more evil, but they had a lot of patience with me

Despite my repeated rebellions, they gave me new opportunities again and again Today I am a father, I have a beautiful daughter, and I am a social educator. Had it not been for what the Salesians did for me, my life would be very different, if not already over.”

I was speechless and very moved He even referred to a Salesian who was present then and had been one of his teachers. This Salesian, smiling – and I think with great joy in his heart – confirmed the young man’s story. Later, we sat down to a meal together before he returned home to his family.

Five days after this encounter, I was in the State of Hyderabad in India One afternoon, a young mother was awaiting me with her six-month-old daughter at the reception area of the Salesian house. She wanted to greet me. We took some photos together at the request of the young mom.

That was the sum total of this encounter: no other words were spoken Still, she has a difficult yet beautiful story: this young mother was a girl picked up from the street where she was living alone It’s easy to imagine what her fate could have been. In the Good Lord’s Providence, she was found one day by the Salesian who had begun the ministry to the street children in Hyderabad, bringing them into a Salesian house. She was one of the girls who lived in a house with other girls Along with the other teachers present, my Salesian confreres ensured attention to their basic needs and training This is how this girl forged a path for herself that would lead her to become what she is today – a wife and mother – and something else that I believe is precious: a teacher in the Salesian school where we met.

How could I not see in these two stories the Hand of God reaching us through the good we can do? All of us are the ones who, in whatever part of the world, in whatever situation of life and profession, believe in humanity and the dignity of every person. We believe that we must continue to build a better world.

I write this because good news must be made known. Bad news spreads by itself or through people interested in it These two life stories, so real and in such proximity, confirm a thousand times the value of the good we all try to do • Fr.AngelFernandezArtime,SDB

SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 3

HappyEastertoall! I hope you had a profound experience of the Holy Week that prepared you to celebrate Easter Sunday. I am sure you will agree that there is no other Good News in the world ever that will top this Good News of proclaiming that the Lord Jesus has Risen from the dead.

St. Peter, in the Acts of the Apostles, proclaimed that Jesus of Nazareth, who went about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil, was put to death hanging on a tree. God raised him on the third day and was seen by his chosen witnesses, those who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead (Acts 10). This is not just fiction or a myth or a legend, but a real story, a true-to-life story that happened, the greatest story ever told.

I also have a true story that happened to me this past Lenten Season. I heard confessions at St. John Bosco Parish in Makati during the Easter Triduum. The Parish started again using the confessional cubicles after the pandemic. I could not but be amused when I heard an old lady as she went into the penitent’s cubicle complaining, “Where can I find the light? It is dark here.” I told her, “Ma’am, please kneel on the kneeler, and there’ll be light.” She did, and there was light. It made me think that what happened to her was the experience of what happens to us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation: we are in the dark because of our sins, but when we kneel to confess, the light of Christ turns up

This is how we began the proclamation of the Good News of the Resurrection of the Lord in our Easter Vigil We started in darkness, then we put on and blessed the Easter fire to light the Easter Candle and started to proclaim, “Christ our Light, thanks be to God!” Our celebration of Easter starts in darkness But there is something good in recognizing the darkness around us and the darkness of our life If, in the eyes of Faith, we see the darkness as our radical need for and dependence on the Light of Christ, the Divine Light

On Easter Sunday, we light our candles from the Light of Christ, the Paschal Candle It symbolizes Christ’s Light penetrating the darkness in us and destroying it from within Why not also re-commit ourselves by renewing our religious profession as consecrated individuals? Let us renew our Baptismal Vows and Religious profession to confess our conviction that we will live a new life, an eternal life that is faithful to the Salesian life. •

SJBtoday 4 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 from the
FIN Provincial Superior

from the FIS Provincial Superior

Itisalmostnaturalforpeopletofocusonthemselvesfirstduringa crisis.Andtoacertaindegree,thatisnecessaryandbeneficial. However,ittakesadeepermotivationtolookbeyondselfand performactswhichprioritizeotherpeoplewhoaremoreinneed ofassistance.

The pandemic since March 2020 kept many of us inside our houses, bringing us down to our knees People were in isolation, and work –having work – was a challenge Each family and each workplace had to find a formula to work around the personal, social, and economic upheaval And then, on December 2021, on the first day of Misa de Gallo, came super typhoon Odette which destroyed not only homes but also the sense of normalcy that we were ever so slowly beginning to feel after nearly two years into the pandemic It shattered what little control we seemed to have Six Salesian centers in FIS were affected and faced multiple emergencies with severely strained resources and capacities The efforts of these Salesian Centers had to take on a two-pronged prioritization --- the needs of their constituents to rebuild their lives as well as the repair of damaged structures. Indeed, our constituents need our facilities up and running. Our institutional programs can effectively make their mark with good, functional structures.


There were outstanding manifestations of generosity and selfsacrifice shown by donors, individuals, and Salesian Communities. They exemplify the sample of the Yeast Jesus spoke of in the Scriptures. He emphasizes that even though we may not always notice it, God is working constantly and many times quietly in and through people’s lives, providing others with the “bread of life” that they need to have life to the full. He reminds us that He is able to use the smallest good to bring abundant goodness.

The FIS province experienced how different groups of the Lay discovered the importance of their role in the Salesian ministry and the complementarity that exists among members. Donors from both abroad and local have given small amounts to help those in need, especially those who were badly affected by both the pandemic and the typhoon.

Taking inspiration from the yeast, the Salesian Family has helped create change and growth in their communities.

SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 5

The months of difficulty have reminded us how much we rely on each other not only in times of emergencies but that we are all called to express holiness as a family providing support and strengthening each other through good example. These manifestations are also our way of witnessing and teaching our young people with whom we walk side by side. By involving them in the various activities of assistance, we saw how individuals can inspire others to do the same, thus creating a community of "yeasts" who work together to make a difference in the world.

Likewise, quite recently, the FIS, through an Educators’ Congress, has encouraged teachers to inspire their students to explore and learn new ideas. Our alumni in politics have rallied others to take action on important social issues. We thank the Lord for all their "yeast-like" manifestations to create something new and meaningful. Like yeast, those who seek to create change and growth may need to move quickly and adapt to changing circumstances. This can be both exhilarating and exhausting, requiring constant focus and dedication to the cause.

However, being a yeast also comes with its challenges. Obstacles and negative reactions, and consequences over the good deeds done may surface. For example, as a community of educators, the FIS feels that it needs to face the controversial issues brought about by Gender Ideology. We know that advocacy and (re)education over respecting one’s gender will put us face to face with opposition, criticism, or even backlash from individuals and groups with differing views. But we seek to enlighten and refresh our constituents and those who care to listen and be aware of the basic truths of our Christian identity. A yeast can spur newness over precepts that have been taken for granted.

Indeed, there is newfound energy and enthusiasm in our Salesian Family growing together as evangelizing witnesses and missionary disciples. Their optimism and enthusiasm bring hope to the FIS to create positive changes and growth that can inspire and empower others to embrace their own potential for impact in a world that truly needs it.•

Delegatesto"LevelUp:FISSalesian Educators'Congress"heldlast MarchinSalesianRetreatHouse, Lawaan,TalisayCity,Cebugamely smiledforthissouvenirphoto PhotobyJanOdivilas



Don Bosco Tech ASEAN country coordinators and representatives flew from their foreign offices to Manila, Philippines, for their 1st Bi-Annual Meeting. Attended by the country coordinators, Fr. Gerard Ravasco (Cambodia), Bro. Ephraim Santos (Indonesia), Fr. Charles Saw (Myanmar), Mr. Francis Wichai Srisusa (Thailand), Bro. Amilcar Da Silva (Timor Leste), Fr. Duong Quochu Huy (Vietnam), and the DB Tech ASEAN Executive Council Coordinator and the Executive Director of Don Bosco-One TVET Philippines, Inc., Fr. Jose DindoVitug(thePhilippines—NorthProvince).

They were also joined by the Project Manager of Public Cooperation Partners of Don Bosco Mondo, Mr. Lukas Lambert, and Mr. Mark Carlos Tito Gumapon, Managing Director of DB Tech ASEAN.

Recently, DB Tech ASEAN set up its Central Office in Makati City, hosted by Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati (DBTI). This in-person meeting allowed the coordinators and representatives to finally meet in the DB Tech ASEAN Central Office for the first time. It allowed them to witness TVET in the Philippines by touring some nearby Don Bosco TVET Centers. Fr. Gerardo Martin, SDB, FIN Provincial Supervisor, welcomed the DB Tech ASEAN representatives

The EAO Regional Councilor, Fr Nguyen Thinh Phuoc Joseph, dedicated an inspirational message to all the attendees It was followed by the Reflection on the Commission of the Youth Ministry, presided by Fr Joebeth Vivo, SDB of the Youth Ministry Department in Rome

As a DB Tech ASEAN out-of-the-country meeting tradition, the participants spent the last day having company visits and facility tours. The first stop was the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) in Pasig City. The CPSC Governing Board-Engaged Faculty Consultant, Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen, and Engr. Dr. Mian Khuram Ahsan, the Senior Faculty Specialist of CPSC, welcomed the guests and their team. The CPSC representatives presented the programs and activities of their institution, and the DB Tech ASEAN guests were toured inside the company and its facilities. •


Br.AmilcarDaSilva(TimorLeste),Fr.GerardRavasco(Cambodia), Br EphremMarianoSantos(Indonesia),Fr JoseDindoVitug(PhilippinesFIN),Fr.GerardoMartin(Philippines-FIN),Mr.LukasLamberts(Don BoscoMondo),Fr JoseLorbethVivo(DepartmentofYouthMinistry),Mr MarkCarlosTitoGumapon(DBTechAsean),Fr CharlesSaw(Myanmar), Fr DuongQoucHuy(Vietnam),Fr JayDavid(Philippines-FIN)

Current Events
SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 7
Current Events SJBtoday 8 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2
GreenAlliance,rampeduptheawarenessofitsstakeholderstoits GreenTVETProgramthroughadigitalphotocompetitiontitled,
CONGRATULATIONS! DonBoscoOneTVETPhilippines,inpartnershipwithDonBosco

On March 3, 2023, Don Bosco Academy Bacolor hosted the Bosconian Youth Congress. A gathering of Senior High School students from Don Bosco schools in the FIN Province with the aim to propose their lines of action about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal for Quality Education. The BYC desires to recognize the capabilities of Bosconian Leaders when posed with real-lifeissues.

The attending senior high school students were from Don Bosco Technical Institute Makati, Don Bosco Technical Institute Tarlac, Don Bosco Canlubang, Don Bosco Academy-Mabalacat, Don Bosco Technical College Mandaluyong and Don Bosco Academy-Bacolor

Having settled in, they were met with their assigned guides, who welcomed them with a campus tour The campus tour covered all facilities and buildings along with its background history The visiting students had some free time before being seated in the gymnasium for the opening Mass

Recess started immediately after the mass Food and drinks were provided with the option of purchasing desired foods at the canteen After recess, the students returned to the gymnasium for the beginning of the program Each school entered the gym while proudly shouting their respective cheer. The emcees introduced their chosen guest speaker, who educated the Bosconians on the importance of quality education.

The speaker also covered the pandemic's effects, students' mental health, and possible solutions. Lastly, a Q and A portion concluded the talk. At this point, each school was called upon to present its advocacies. This was the whole heart of the BYC, the reason why it was held. Each school identified a problem and its proposed line of action to tackle it.

The presentations were followed by a lunch break to prepare for the next part of the day, the Obstacle Course

After lunch, the students were grouped into teams of 15 students with an assigned facilitator from Don Bosco Mandaluyong Despite only a few teams completing the eight-station obstacle course, everyone was happy to have participated The games ended with synthesis questions to recognize the lessons and importance of the games

The event’s last part was performances from each school which undoubtedly became the favorite part of most participants These included dance numbers and band performances, which everyone heavily enjoyed Of course, as Bosconians, they left the venue as clean as they entered it

To end the day, a photo-op took place, and the participants expressed their gratitude and goodbyes to each other. They left with a heart filled with newly-made companions and a soul filled with happiness. •

Current Events
SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 9
SamTayag Bosconian-DBTCMandaluyong BosconianYouthCongressgathered(in-person)SHSleadersfromDBEC-FINschoolsagain. Fr.JerrySantos,SDBtalkswiththedelegatesofthisyear'sBosconianYouthCongress.


Queen Isabel, the monarch of Brazil (from Portugal), dreamt of bringing the sons of Don Bosco and his charism to the kingdom, seeing the impact of the Salesian work, especially the oratory. She did everything, including complete financing of the expenses for the arrival of the first Salesians. On June 14, 1883, the first missionaries arrived at the mother house in Nitero, State of Rio de Janeiro, to assume their work for poor and abandoned youth.

Likewise, St. John Bosco is a significant figure in Brazilian history because of his prophetic second missionary dream of 1883 about a city within 15and 20- degrees latitude, on a plateau, by a lake flowing with milk and honey where there will be inconceivable wealth. This would later become the new capital, Brasilia. The sons of Don Bosco arrived in the area even before its construction.

The Salesians did not only settle within the big cities. Courageous and zealous Salesians went to Cuiabá, Mato Grosso (1894), and São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas (1914) to reach and serve more young people, especially in the indigenous territories.

Today the Salesians of Don Bosco in Brazil are spread throughout six Salesian provinces: Belo Horizonte, Campo Grande, Manaus, São Paolo, Porto Alegre, and Recife, and are well coordinated through the CISBRASIL (Conferência das Inspetorias Salesians do Brasil) with four FMA provinces for a more significant impact on the Salesian mission in the only Portuguese-speaking region of the southern cone.

Don Bosco continues his prophetic dream and mission through his sons and daughters working in education, evangelization, and social transformation, is present in more than 100 schools, five colleges and universities, 105 social works, 60 parishes, seven radio stations, three museums, mission stations and in every place where the young are for almost 140 years.

As a missionary in Brazil, I feel so blessed to participate in the mission of the Church and the Congregation in the largest Catholic country. Even though the Church and the youth of Brazil also face numerous challenges and threats, imitating the examples of Don Bosco, we look for strength and opportunities to realize his dreams among the young.

Missions SJBtoday 10 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2

Thoughcultural andcommunication barriersexist, thecommonmission andonevocation keepusunitedas acommunity

United Br Jomar,intheforeground,withagroupof PostnoviceswhobelongtoCampoGrande(BCG) andManaus(BMA)Provinces.Contributedphoto.

When I arrived in Brazil in 2017, I worked among the river folks in an isolated municipality in the Amazon region; these were one of the best moments in my Salesian life. I am currently in my third year as one of the formators accompanying more than 30 post-novices. Though I am the only non-Brazilian in the community,

I do my best to share my Salesian vocation through my brotherly presence, creativity, attention, availability, and willingness to learn and deepen relationships among the confreres. Though cultural and communication barriers exist, the common mission and one vocation keep us united as a community.

I no longer dream of building structures or being successful in the work. I may not see and reap the fruits of our labor, but I firmly believe that God is present in every community and mission to which I am sent.

I dream of doing my best because God will fill up what is lacking. After all, this is His work and not mine. All for Jesus, Jesus for all! •

SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2

Makati City, the Philippines—On 23 April 2023, The Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) members in the Philippines convened for the General Council Meeting and celebration of ADMA's Foundation Day. This was held in Roozen Hall in St. John Bosco Parish in Makati City, attended by over a hundred members.

Annually, the officers from different chapters in the Philippines gather to report on updates and the status of their respective groups. Even those who were not able to attend submitted reports, such as those from Pangasinan, Pampanga, and Tarlac, including ADMA FIS Delegate and Spiritual Animator Fr. Godofredo Atienza SDB. Likewise, the national council office reported on past and future plans for the association.


ADMA members from different districts (Laguna, Manila, Paranaque, Pasay) were well represented Members from potential chapters: Diocesan Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Laguna, St John Bosco Parish in Makati, and Maria Ausiliatrice in Manila also attended the meeting

The formation was given by Sr Mary Jude Alcance, FMA’s Delegate to ADMA Sr Jude reminded everyone to revisit the ADMA regulations, especially Article 4, on Members' Personal Commitment

In the Holy Mass dedicated for the deceased and sick members, we prayed specially for the eternal peace of the soul of +Rheena May Lim (1971–2023). She was the national president from 2017 until our Heavenly Father called her home on 3 April 2023. Fr. Cris Magbitang, SDB, ADMA FIN Delegate and Spiritual Animator, presided over the Holy Mass. •

Current Events
SJBtoday 12 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2
Sr.Judereminded everyonetorevisitthe ADMAregulations, especiallyArticle4,on Members'Personal Commitment.


After getting acquainted with the Strenna of the Rector Major for the year 2023, the various local Educating Communities committed to becoming yeast in today’s human family

It was the gift they gave the Provincial Superior, Sr Teresita Padron, FMA, on the occasion of the Provincial Educating Community Gratitude Day, themed “Say YES become YEAST,” held last February 18, 2023, online via Zoom and onsite at the Mary Help of Christians College in Canlubang, Calamba Laguna

The Eucharistic celebration officiated by the SDB-FIN Provincial Fr. Gerry Martin, SDB, highlighted the call to be leaven. The program showcased thankfulness towards how each sector lives as a leaven of the human family according to their vocation and role in the Educating community.

Grateful ProvincialEducatingCommunitycelebratesGratitudeDay inMaryHelpofChristiansinCanlubang. Contributedphoto Current Events FMASisterscelebrateProvincialEducatingCommunityGratitudeDay2023 Sr.MarielDeMata,FMA
ofthehumanfamily SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 13
Theprogramshowcasedthankfulness towardshoweachsectorlivesasaleaven


March 15, 2023 is an ordinary day to many, but to Salesian Educators in the Philippine South Province (FIS), it is a remarkable one. After ten long years of hiatus, Don Bosco Retreat HouseLawaan was packed with Salesian Educators from different schools in the province, all beaming with joy and excitement for the two-day Congress on March15-16,2023.

Laying Down the Groundwork

Committed to furthering St. John Bosco’s mission amidst the constantly changing education landscape, LevelUp: Salesian Educators’ Congress 2023 came to life focusing on the theme: “Cultivating a Culture of Innovation in Salesian Schools. With a clear vision and a practical need, the province wanted to initiate inclusive and meaningful exchanges among Salesian Educators on school innovation and to surface innovation items for schools at the provincial level.

A community of 230 Salesian educators and school leaders participated in the Congress. They are as follows: Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu, Saint Louis School of Don Bosco-Dumaguete, Don Bosco Technical Institute-Victorias, Don Bosco Formation Center-Lawaan, Don Bosco Mati-SHS, Don Bosco Dumangas-SHS, and Lourdes Kindergarten School. Moreover, school leaders from the Philippines North Province (FIN) joined the gathering.

The congress allowed the Salesian Educators to come together, share best practices, and learn from one another.

Setting-out to LevelUp

The Shrine of St. John Bosco the Dreamer became a solid witness to the eager prayers of the Salesian Educators as the Congress started with a celebration of the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Adriano A Satura SDB, FIS Provincial Economer and concelebrated by Salesians from the FIS & FIN In his homily, Fr Satura enjoined the entire educative pastoral community to embark on an unfamiliar journey to raise the bar of Salesian Education in the province

Moving forward, the morning session opened with a powerful message on the importance of cultivating a culture of innovation in schools delivered by Fr Fidel Ma D Orendain, SDB during his keynote speech Keynote Fr FideldeliveredhiskeynoteaddressattheFIS Educators'Congress PhotobyJanOdivilas

SJBtoday 14 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 Current Events

Furthermore, Fr. Orendain stressed that schools could never go wrong when the Salesian identity and mark is at the heart of every innovation. Nods of affirmation and agreement are evident among the participants as Fr. Orendain concluded his speech reminding the educators of the noble challenge they are up to.

A light yet impactful session was facilitated by Mr. Paul Ray Mark N. Salsag in the remainder of the congress days. Mr. Salsag shared starting points for building a culture of innovation in schools focusing on the following key areas: curriculum and instruction, assessment, teacher development, linkage building, and brand building.

Echoing voices and thrilled conversations enveloped the session hall as Salesian Educators were also engrossed with several activities and workshops during the congress, such as the plenary activities on getting to know other Salesian Educators and sharing of insights from previous inputs to building their innovative classroom desk prototype, and benchmarking on possible school innovation management items with their fellow educators in the same field from different settings As the night of March 15 approached, music and laughter engulfed the hall as Salesian Educators showcased their talents during the fellowship night-a night, which rightfully proved that Salesian Educators are well-rounded individuals Moreover, exciting raffle prizes sponsored by guest publishing houses: Salesiana Books, Vibal Publishing, and Quipper Philippines thrilled the educators The said publishing houses also staged a mini-expo for the educators and administrators alike, ready to partner with their publishing needs

Embracing A Culture of Innovation

One by one, six teacher-innovators owned the stage during the teacher-innovator presentation as the classroom innovations they implemented toward effective learning were featured. The activity is a clear manifestation that, indeed, seeds of innovation have already been planted among Salesian Educators. Institutionalizing innovative practices is surely the next big step.

The Province dreams that FIS schools would collaborate and share best practices to promote continuous improvement and innovation in the delivery of Salesian education. And as the end of the congress drew near, this aspiration was solidified by Fr. Rooney John G. Undar, SDB, FIS Youth Ministry Delegate, as he presented the FIS Education Agenda gearing towards a “Unified School System towards East Asia and ASEAN Linkages”. The deliverables are subdivided into the dimensions of the Salesian Educative Pastoral Plan: Education and Culture, Education to the Faith, Social Experience, and Vocation Animation Fr Undar emphasized that these targets would require work and would take several years to fruition but he assured everyone of the Province’s commitment in the desire to raise the quality of Salesian education in the Province •


Delegatestothecongressenthusiasticallyjoinedthe activitiespreparedforthem Seenhereisagroup activity PhotobyJanOdivilas

SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 15


Looking Ahead

The Salesian Educators Congress 2023 became a platform for sharing best practices, exchanging ideas, networking, and collaborating among Salesian educators from different settings. Despite being separated by islands, the commitment to educating the young remains a dependable bridge that connects every Salesian educator. Each one surely went home with heavier bags–packed with insights, experiences, benchmarked ideas, and bigger aspirations. Looking ahead, 2025 is the year familiar faces get to see each other once more! •


Delegatestothecongressenthusiasticallyjoinedthe activitiespreparedforthem.Seenhereisagroup activity.PhotobyJanOdivilas

SJBtoday 16 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2
bestpractices,exchanging ideas,networking,and collaboratingamong Salesianeducatorsfrom differentsettings


Bisperas Sa Veritas received from His Eminence, Jose Cardinal Advincula of Manila, and Fr. Anton Pascual, President of Radio Veritas, a Plaque of Appreciation last March 8, 2023, at the Arsobispado in Intramuros, Manila. Fr. Bernard Nolasco, SDB, the main anchor of the program, received the plaque with Mr. Bennette Consolacion, one of the program's co-anchors.

Word Media Ministry produces Bisperas Sa Veritas in collaboration with Word And Life Publications. It is aired live over Radio Veritas, 846 kHz, every Saturday from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. It is also live-streamed via Facebook Live (DZRV 846), Sky Cable (Channel 211), and YouTube (VERITAS PH LIVE STREAM).

It had its first airing in 2004 on the eve of the First Sunday of Advent with the late Fr. Salvatore Putzu, SDB as the main anchor.

BisperasSaVeritasreceived fromHisEminence,Jose CardinalAdvinculaofManila, andFr.AntonPascual, PresidentofRadioVeritas, aPlaqueofAppreciation Contributedphoto

Together with him on that maiden broadcast were the late Dr Cecilia Valmonte, then Cleric Bernard Nolasco, Citas Sugue, and Mila Macam Since then, the program has seen many other coanchors Bisperas Sa Veritas' mainstays are Fr Bernard, Bennette, Citas, Mila, Lolita ‘Lholet’ Balboa, and Vi Hernandez

Now in its 19th year, the program remains strong, thanks to the gracious support of benefactors and the kapanalig listeners around the country and viewers around the world

If you wish to support Bisperas Sa Veritas, please email us at wordandlifepublications@gmail com, and we will give you details on how you can send your gracious support.

Bisperas Sa Veritas motto: To Hear, Live, and Share God’s Word! •

Current Events
SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 17


TheStrennaoftheRectorMajorhighlightsanelementuniquelycharacteristicofour vocationasmembersoftheSecularInstituteoftheVolunteersofDonBosco,our responsiblereserve.Astheyeastthatworkssilentlytotransformthewholebatchof dough,wearecalledtoliveourvocationauthenticallywithoutrevealingourbeing consecratedsecularssoasnottocallattentiontoourselvesbutratherallowtheHoly Spirittoworkthroughustobethetransformingpresenceinthelivesofotherswe encounter.AsmembersoftheSalesianFamily,weareallcalledtoholinessinour everydaylives.

I would like to share four points I have read about sanctification and how I experienced these

First, sanctification is not about perfection but persistence. Aware of my unworthiness, I ask God in my daily prayers to grant me the graces that I need to grow in holiness, to be lovable, and to be able to love the "unlovable" for me I pray this short prayer “Jesus, open the eyes of my heart and help me see people the way you see them”

Second, sanctification is hard. In the first meeting of the Secular Institutes (SIs) of the Philippines in 2013, a member of the SI of Christ the King from India approached me and asked what is my profession, and I said I am working in the technical department of a company And he told me, “Your job is the real ‘marketplace’ for SIs ” I asked, “why?” And he replied: “Because the nature of your work does not require you to be nurturing, unlike those in the teaching, counseling, or medical professions.”

And that made me realize that, yes, I think he is right. How do I live my vocation there? In the corporate world? By efficiently doing my job, sharing my knowledge, empowering my staff, being honest and strict but fair, especially in dealing with my staff and equipment suppliers, and being punctual at work and in meetings.

Reflection SJBtoday 18 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2
on the Strenna for 2023

I value people, so I find time to interact, especially with the young people, usually not regular employees but outsourced, I greet the building and our office guards, maintenance personnel, and those who serve in our canteen, and I listen to their stories about their dreams, their struggles, their everyday ordinary life. I also receive requests for prayers, guidance, and advice.

Like everyone else, there were times when I encountered difficulties in the office, like when I was asked to change the ratings of my staff so that the less qualified one would get a better rating because he was a friend of the boss of my boss and the other more qualified based on performance, would get a lower rating. I disagreed, and I did not sign the revised ratings. I suffered the consequences, but that did not stop me from doing my job well. Maybe, that is another grace from God, detachment.

Third, sanctification happens because we are united with Christ. Without a personal experience of God, there can be no real transformation. It is Christ who makes us holy.

Fourth, sanctification is slow. I know that I have a long way to go to be holy, and that means more opportunities to rely on God And hopefully, I glorify Him in my life

As the Rector Major stressed, “At times, our human contributions or small efforts can seem insignificant, but will always be important to God We must not confuse littleness and humility with weakness We can do little in the face of the much that is required of us However, it is not enough or irrelevant because it is God who gives its growth provided we do all we can and always in His name ”

In our Annual Retreat last year, our preacher emphasized that we are called and chosen for our specific vocation because we are great sinners, and God loves us We are not called to serve but rather to build relationships, meaningful and salvific, beginning with our own families, then our Institute, the Salesian Family, and the world. Let us always be grateful to God for this privilege. •

SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 19 CanvaStockPhoto


The parable of the yeast is as brief as the preceding parable of the mustard seed (vv.18-19). Yet, however short and simple these two parables are, they both bring up the theme of big and exceptional growth. The parable of the yeast will yield several points of reflection and insight if the reader undertakes a close reading of the text.

The parable intends to compare God’s kingdom, not only with the yeast but also with actions and other elements in the story. Thus, the kingdom of God is compared to yeast taken and mixed in with the flour all these done by a woman. The reader is taken by the quick succession of actions, which promptly suggests a key point about God’s kingdom it is active in daily life.

In the Bible and rabbinic works, yeast has positive and negative connotations. Associated with the Passover celebration, yeast carries an unsavory meaning, as in 1 Cor 5:8: “Therefore, let us celebrate the festival, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” The wise persons of Israel, too, describe yeast as evil: “On the one hand, the yeast in the dough, the evil inclination that is within every person” (Berakhot 17a).

However, in the context of Luke’s parable, yeast, used to illustrate the kingdom of God, has a more positive undertone.

Lectio Divina SJBtoday 20 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2
on the Strenna for 2023

To dig deeper into the story, it is profitable to follow the woman’s activities as she goes about her work in the kitchen. The domestic setting is assumed as it presents a tranquil scene of a woman taking yeast and mixing it with flour.

In Greek, mixing yeast with flour is more graphically described as “hiding yeast in the flour.” There is nothing exceptional in the scene, as it portrays what seems to be an ordinary activity in a Jewish household baking bread. Then, the surprise comes when the narrator mentions that the woman is working with three measures, that is, 45 kilos of flour! With that amount of flour, she could produce loaves of bread enough to feed her whole village! The point, however, of the parable is how small yeast can make a huge quantity of flour rise and become edible Something so small can bring about a significant change

Thus is the kingdom of God It creates beautiful transformation in the present world, not in a hidden manner, but in the most visible events and familiar actions in daily life A mother’s smile to her child in painful moments cannot be hidden; a generous offer of food to the needy is not concealed; encouraging words to the depressed cannot be unheard In the end, the parable of the yeast makes the reader think how sin can make as G Lohfink suggests the human world tasteless and bland, while the “reign of God will make it palatable again, restore creation, and return it to its whole abundance and tastiness ” •

SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 21
Thusisthe kingdomofGod. Itcreatesbeautiful transformationinthe presentworld,notina hiddenmanner,butin themostvisibleevents andfamiliaractionsin dailylife.


On May 24, 2023, the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Paranaque City will celebrate the first anniversary of the Pontifical Coronation of the venerable and miraculous image of Mary Help of Christians venerated on the said shrine. According to Brockhaus, a Pontifical Coronation is “a pious institutional act, wherein the pope, through a bull [an official papal document], designates a crown or stellar halo to be added to a Marian image under a specific devotional title in a particular area or diocese.”

Looking back on the preparation before the momentous event, we go back in time some years back as there was some request asking to process the petition for the Pontifical Coronation of Mary Help of Christians. On January 16, 2021, an unofficial launching of the committee was created. The committee will prepare the necessary documents in petitioning the Holy Father, Pope Francis, to be submitted to the Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Historical records, pictures, literature materials, accounts of eyewitnesses on the origin of the image, and devotion were gathered among the people. In the end, the documents were arranged based on historicity, devotion, and miracles which are the requirements for the Pontifical Coronation

On March 2, 2021, the documents were submitted to the Arzobispado de Manila through the Most Rev Broderick S Pabillo, D D , who was then the Apostolic Administrator, as the image stayed for the longest time under their ecclesiastical territory

Acopyofthepetitionforthe PontificalCoronationatthefootof theOurLady’simageinthe NSMHCParish Photoscourtesyof Mr.AndrewChanco

The Chancery of the Diocese of Paranaque through Most Rev Jesse E Mercado, D D , through which the National Shrine and Parish are under, and the Provincial House of the Salesians of Don Bosco –Philippine North Province through Fr Gerardo N Martin, SDB, Provincial which shepherds the National Shrine and Parish

On April 23, 2021, with the endorsement of Most Rev Jesse E Mercado, D D , the document was forwarded to the Apostolic Nunciature through His Excellency Archbishop Charles J. Brown, D.D., Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines to be sent to Rome.

SJBtoday 22 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2

Ms.JoniQuizon,Ms.SusanOpinion,andMs.KittenSiosonsubmittingthe documentswiththeendorsementofBishopJesseE Mercado,D D tothe ApostolicNunciature PhotoscourtesyofMr AndrewChanco

Months of waiting have passed, seeking the approval of the petition.

On December 23, 2021, Fr. Crisostomo Eugenio D. Magbitang, SDB, received a phone call from the Chancery of the Diocese of Paranaque in the afternoon informing him of the good news that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, had granted the petition.

The following day, December 24, 2021, the announcement was made. A fitting gift for the devotees of Mary Help of Christians to make her

in the act of coronation that it is the faith of the people that are then affirmed and crowned as they give homage to the Mother of God under the title, Help of Christians.


SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 23
HisEminenceJoseLazaroF CardinalAdvincula,D D ,ArchbishopofManila, placedtheCrownofOurLady PhotocourtesyofMr AndrewChanco


28-30 April 2023 - The Salesian Brothers of the Philippines North and South Provinces (FIN and FIS, respectively) and the other Provinces residing at the Sandor Brothers’ Formation House convened in Negros Oriental for their Formative Encounter as they assimilate the message of the General Chapter XXVIII (GC28).

The central theme of their reflection was on the question, “What kind of Salesian Brothers for the youth of today?” Their three-day encounter officially began at St Louis School of Don Bosco (SLS-DB) in Dumaguete City.

They were divided into smaller groups and had encounters with the Senior High School students of SLS-DB. After their encounter with the students, they left for Melania’s Graden in Tanjay City where they had their other activities and conferences

Fr. Adrian Mendoza, SDB, FIS Delegate for the Commission on Formation, shared his insights regarding Pope Francis’ message for the GC28 as his opening remarks.

As the first resource person for the formative encounter, Br Carmelo Martinez, SDB shared his insights and reflections about the identity and the mission of the SalesianBrothersfortheYouthofToday.

He reiterated the importance of communication, presence, and cultivating a Christ-centered community, especially in the context of the CoViD-19 pandemic, both during and after.

Fr. Fidel Orendain, SDB, FIS Provincial Superior, deepened the reflections of the Brothers by emphasizing the circumstances in which the young find themselves in what is truly necessary for the formation of Salesians in general in response to the cry of the young.

Aside from these conferences, there were opportunities for group sharing, reflection, and social interaction among Brothers to cultivate camaraderie and friendship

As a young Salesian Brother myself, I found this encounter formative, informative, refreshing, and consoling. I am particularly inspired by the examples of the older Salesians present, and their wisdom is real treasure I am also inspired by my contemporaries for their creativity and zeal for their Salesian Brother vocation It was an experience that reassured and fortified my Salesian Brother vocation.•

SJBtoday 24 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2
Events TheParticipantsto theFIN-FIS SalesianBrothers' Encounter. Contributedphoto. Br.RojMallari,SDB


(ANS – Rome) – The Salesian citadel at Valdocco is excited over recent days in preparation for the now imminent International Meeting of the Salesian Bulletin (SB) The event, which falls four years after the last edition – and with an editorial and information landscape still in constant evolution –will develop the theme “The Salesian Bulletin in a changing world ” More than 60 Editors, Managers, and others in charge of the SB are called to reflect and discuss how to keep perpetually alive one of Don Bosco’s most significant and long-lived creations: the Salesian Bulletin, to be precise

The first arrivals by participants are scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, 21 April However, the official opening of activities will take place on Saturday morning, the 22nd, with the welcome and introductory speeches by the General Councillor for Social Communication, Fr. Gildasio Mendes, and the Superior of the Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta Special Circumscription, Fr. Leonardo Mancini, as "host."

The Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr. Stefano Martoglio will deliver a talk entitled: “The charismatic dimension of the Salesian Bulletin.”

Fr. Giuseppe Costa, co-spokesman for the Salesian Congregation, former Editor of the Italian SB and with a life spent in journalism and publishing will headline the speakers on the second day.

In the afternoon there will a guided tour of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians and the Casa Don Bosco Museum. Work will then be completed with the meeting between Editors of the same geographical areas (America, Asia, and Oceania, Europe, Africa).

On the third day, communicator, teacher, and populariser Flavia Trupia will speak, focusing on: “The value, the brand of the Salesian Bulletin and its continuous relationship with readers.”

The afternoon will then continue with a plenary session to share what has been heard and taken on board from the morning’s addresses. It will be rounded off with a report by the Economer General of the Salesian Congregation, Bro. Jean Paul Muller, entitled: “Communicating today with Salesian identity, credibility and visibility in a changing society.”

The final day, Tuesday, 25 April, will instead be more relaxing, dedicated to getting to know the most significant Salesian Places outside Turin, starting from Chieri and Castelnuovo Don Bosco. Finally, on Wednesday 26th, after the final farewells, all participants will return home, hopefully, enlivened and enriched by the experience. •

TheParticipantsinSBEditors'worldwidemeetingposebeforethe portraitofMaryHelpofChristiansintheMHCBasilicainTurin.

SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 25
Salesian News Worldwide


+Rheena May Lim, a member of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) since her childhood days at the Immaculate Conception Parish in Santa Cruz, Laguna, passedawayon3April2023.

In about 35 years as a member of ADMA, she has been one of the pillars of the association in the Philippines, devotedly spreading the Salesian spirituality and gift of faith she has received to all she encountered.

Always generous of her time and in simple ways, +Rheena took every opportunity to instill the knowledge and love of Jesus and Mary for all and encouraged pious practices and devotions with that loving assurance that these will help in overcoming life’s challenges and ultimately lead to a peaceful and deeper relationship with Our Lord.

As national president of ADMA at the time Our Heavenly Father called her, she continued to personally take care of the responsibilities of the association entrusted to her care before her surgery in as much as her remaining strength allowed.

We could only imagine a proud father in Don Bosco for her constant zeal and commitment to fulfilling the mission of the association–imparting the fundamental values and ideals of living, loving, and serving in imitation of Our Blessed Mother, testifying in the daily that Jesus is indeed alive and truly risen

The Salesian Family Mass for her eternal repose was held on 10 April 2023, Easter Monday, at the Immaculate Conception Parish Church in her hometown in Santa Cruz, Laguna. +Rheena was preceded in death by her parents, +Eddie and +Exuperia and her brother, +Ed Ritchel. She is survived by her brother, Charles Randell; her sisters-in-law, Maria Elfina and Alejandra; and her nephews and niece, Christian Matthew, Ritchelene Mae, and Zenon Andrei.

“To this date, we have no known ADMA member who has been proclaimed a saint by the Church, nor is there anyone in the process of sainthood.

"But I believe that all ADMA members who have gone ahead of us who remained faithful to their ADMA promise 'to bear fruitful witness to Christ in daily life' are enjoying the presence of the Lord Jesus together with Mary, the Help of Christians ”* •

*SeeLim,RheenaMay “TheAssociationofMaryHelpofChristians:A MissiontobeFaithfultoJesusLikeMary.”St.JohnBoscoToday,September–November2015,Vol 45,No 2,pp 22-23


SJBtoday 26 April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2
“Letyourlightshinebeforeothers,sothattheymayseeyourgood worksandgiveglorytoyourFatherinheaven.”

The Salesians of Don Bosco–Philippines North Province (FIN) announce with profound sadnessthedeathof+Fr.SalvatorePutzu,SDB, lastJanuary26,2023.

He was diagnosed with cancer in September 2022, and it was already in an advanced stage. As he received his Lifetime Achievement Award bestowed on him by the Asian Catholic Communications Inc. (ACCI) during the 16th Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Awards on September 15, 2022, he did know that he was being prepared for the eternal reward

We pray that he is receiving it now

Fr Sal was born on October 12, 1938, in Sardinia, Italy He made his first profession as a Salesian of Don Bosco on October 27, 1963, and was ordained a priest on September 7, 1974

He lived a very fruitful and grace-filled life as a true son of Don Bosco, the patron saint of publishers and the Catholic press He served the Lord as someone who always has in his heart the spread of the Good News of His Kingdom

He will always be remembered as someone who has championed the field of Catechesis and New Evangelization; as a Salesian priest who always have a gentle and caring heart for the poor and the most in need; and as a great devotee of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as seen in most of his writings.


Fr. Sal has spent the last 40 years of his missionary life in the Philippines in the field of Catechesis. In 1989, he founded the Word And Life Publications (WLP) for Catechesis and New Evangelization.

Under his guidance as editor-in-chief, WLP received the Publisher of the Year Award on September 11, 1995. He has been recognized by several award-giving bodies, like the Catholic Authors Awards by the Asian Catholic Publishers, Inc, The Catholic Mass Media Award, as an outstanding Catholic Publisher for his continuing contribution to the Propagation of the Christian Faith through the print media and radio media.

Last September 15, 2022, Asian Catholic Communications Inc. (ACCI) awarded Fr . Sal with the Lifetime Achievement Award during the 16th Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Awards This Lifetime Achievement Award is given to a Catholic writer whose lifework represents a continuing contribution to the propagation of the Christian Faith through the print media in recognition of the exemplary Catholic life and apostolic zeal as reflected in the Christian values and ideals contained in his writings •

Obituary SJBtoday April – June 2023 | Volume 51 Number 2 27
A book for people who accompany the young! Canquicklyproviderelevantand reliableguidetothosewhowantto helptheyouth Backedupwithup-to-dateresearch withimplicationsonthelivesofthe youth Broughttolifefivemonthsafterthe seriesoflockdownsbeganduetothe COVID-19virusin2020 Forordersorinquiries, messageusat

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