Well, how ‘bout dat! The election is over and the people have spoken! 45 became 47 and is already accomplishing so much that people’s heads are spinning! For the naysayers...be patient...all good things come to those who wait! Happy DOGE Day!
Lot’s going on in the motorcycle world...check out Westside Twins in the centerfold for their 1 year big event coming up March 29th! They have so much enventory and a great staff to help you. Stop by and see them.
We also have two stories in this issue about amazing people in our community who are doing some awesome things! Check out Aletha Williams (the muralist, healer, veteran) on pages 10-11.
On pages 34-35 you will find the story on “The Northern Sportsman”, Chris Edwards. He has an annual event for kids and he is a biker.
Thank you to all of our advertisers! Without them we would not be able to print this full color, glossy publication for you. Please visit them and patronize them. Tell them you saw their ad in Behind Barz Mag. We want to thank each one of you, our readers, for your continued support, as well. Behind Barz is a biker mag for bikers and we appreciate all the suggestions and criticism we get from you!
We will see you out there Livin’ The Life!
If you are lost...have faith in Him! He will get you through whatever it is that you may face...because He is with you...all the time!
God Bless you and yours!
Westside Twins Motorcycle Company
Read all about it on page 26-27.
We reserve the right to edit all letters, opinions, or articles for publication in “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. No part of “Behind Barz” may be reproduced for any purpose in intirety or in part without the express written consent of “Behind Barz”. “Behind Barz” does not endorse any advertiser or its products and cannot be held responsible for advertisers claims. “Behind Barz” has the right to refuse advertisements for any reason. “BB” will not intentionally publish fraudulent or misleading advertising. Opinions depicted in any photograph or writing does not necessarily reflect the view point of the staff of “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. Manuscripts, artwork, photographs, inquiries and submitted materials are welcomed.
Motorcycle Magazine
Send: ideas, recipes, stories, photos, complaints, suggestions or whatever to: PO Box 692 - Nashville, N.C. - 27856 or email: behindbarz333@gmail.com
check out on the following... FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter
PUBLISHERS & EDITORS: debbie “DOOBIE” sykes - 252-314-8589 vince “Vinney” byrne - RIP
SALEZ: Debbie Sykes
spick - the best of both worlds charlie - after the 18th hole
m.a. - the one and only harley mama jason - foreign corespondent kate - foreign corespondent bones - black hills under ground pork - black hills high wire preacher man - SHBC RIP angel eyes - on the other side moe - shitcreek Survivor vinney - the original picker! RIP mike - always on call jaybird - Always ridin’ damn yank - on the north side bob bryant - poetry biker becky - Road Glide Queen dave - Iron Man chewy - iron mutt ewing RIP mikey - Inspector Clouseau
2 timer - Only as he can tell it! bobby earl - cointreuversial wild bill - the iron horse cowboy RIP
“jus” rick - former golden boy bunny - anywhere there’s cruzan RIP
d-rod - “guardians” public relations RIP indiana bill - the longest in the world
paul - ghost baseball player bob - preacher bob and bullwinkle michelle - keeping it real leslie - along for the ride
rodger - Jesus freak samantha - Blue Knights jason - The Kitchen Goat
NC SUPPORT OUR TROOPS located in Ayden, North Carolina is a nonprofit organization formed with the mission to support troops and their family members by providing care and comfort items and expressions of appreciation for their service and sacrifices.
Packing care packages for our deployed troops is a way to show your support and appreciation for the service and sacrifices by our military members. We also provide support for troops at home, their families and veterans.
Below are some suggestions on how you can help...
Some ideas: Order items from Amazon, assemble goody bags with 6-8 items in a sandwich or party bag, add signed cards. Make as many as your family, church or bike group can help with! Make financial contributions for postage. Groups are welcome to setup GoFund me pages for postage. Our financial donations have dropped significantly and monetary donations for postage is our greatest need.
Order items from our Amazon wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ ls/8LJD7MJ6DH8W?
Make financial donations online for postage here: https://supportourtroops.org/donate
Or mail checks to: Support our Troops PO Box 696 Ayden NC 28513
Volunteer with our team or enlist local civic groups, schools, churches etc. to support us with activities.
Please don’t forget our military members who are serving away from home and family this year.
Thank you! Barbara Whitehead
Big thank you to VFW Post 670 and Auxiliary!! They picked up donations from South Post Commissary to deliver to us. Thank you for your support and donations!
Photo above and below:
We had a big group of energetic volunteers today! They enjoyed meeting soldiers and learning about their work. Thank you everyone working on preparing donations for care packages!
We need you to join our team to support our local heroes in 2023!
Please email or call us for more
email: ncp4p@yahoo.com
One unseasonably warm January day, my husband and I decided to take a short ride around town. We were slowing down for a red light when my husband’s boot got caught on the rear brake pedal. While he was working it loose, the bike began to tilt. I couldn’t see what the problem was. However, I could tell from the cant of the bike that there was going to be a bigger problem very soon if the bike didn’t stabilize.
All of this is happening at lightning speed. I’m not even thinking in sentences in my head. The bike continued to tilt precariously, so I responded instinctively. I leaned in the opposite direction and threw my leg out to keep the bike from going over any further. During that time, my husband got his boot free and his feet down and, just that quickly, disaster was averted.
My husband couldn’t see what I had done. However, he could feel me shifting around as I tried to regain my footpeg. He called over his shoulder, “Did you put your foot down?” I answered, “Yes” in an apologetic tone. I had learned that any movement I make changes the balance of the bike for my husband. I thought I may have made it harder for him to regain control of the bike because of what I had done. He surprised me with his response: “That’s what saved us.”
Later he explained how. I didn’t understand the explanation, but I did understand one thing. I was able to help out in a time of trouble by just doing the one small thing I could do.
God doesn’t expect all of us to part the Red Sea. Sometimes He just wants you to share your “loaves and fishes” or offer a thirsty man a drink. Look for opportunities to answer God’s call. Whatever He asks you to do is significant.
Perhaps you don’t know what God has called you to do because you haven’t asked Him to be a part of your life yet. That’s okay, because you can remedy that right now.
Do you realize that you’re not perfect? (Neither is any other human being on the planet, by the way.) Can you be honest enough to admit that you’ve made bad choices, done bad things? Can you admit that you regret them? Do you want to change, but you know that you can’t do it in your own strength? Do you realize that there is no way that you could ever be good enough, religious enough, or generous enough to earn a home in heaven?
Welcome to the human race. We are broken. We are messy. We need help.
God sent us that help in His only Son. God knew that the only way He could save us was to allow His Son to die in our place, to pay the price for all our mistakes, all our bad choices. Jesus was the only One who could do it, because He didn’t make bad choices or mistakes. He was — and is — perfect. He willingly took on Himself the consequences of our bad decisions, paid the price of death, and broke its power over us when He rose from the dead.
You are not reading this by accident or coincidence. This is God’s way of reaching out to you. YOU. He wants a relationship with you. Take a moment to examine your heart. Determine what you believe about the only Person who could — and did — pay the price to make it possible for you to leave this earth knowing that your final destination was worth every struggle and trial that you faced here. Is He your Savior? He wants to be. He died to prove it.
1 Peter 3:18 ICB: Christ himself died for you. And that one death paid for your sins. He was not guilty, but he died for those who are guilty. He did this to bring you all to God. His body was killed, but he was made alive in the spirit.
Ephesians 2;10 NIV: For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
In a previous issue of Behind Barz Magazine, we offered a brief glimpse into the life of Aletha Williams. This time, we invite you to take a closer look at the remarkable journey of this multifaceted artist, veteran, and advocate.
In 2024, Aletha made history by designing and painting Oxford’s first military veteran art mural, a powerful testament to her artistic talent and unwavering dedication to honoring those who have served. Using a North Carolina Art Council (NCAC) grant Aletha collaborated with The City of Oxford and several partners to start the project. However, she completed over 150 hours unpaid, driven by her passion for her community and the veterans who may benefit from the mural. Her artistic achievement is just one chapter in an extraordinary life story.
A muralist, Transformational and Spiritual Life Coach, and passionate public speaker against domestic violence and toxic relationships, Aletha wears many hats with grace and purpose.
Aletha, her parents, and seven siblings migrated from Jamaica. Reflecting on her unique journey, she shares, “In high school, I learned to fly a plane. In college, I learned to drive a car. After college, I learned to navigate an aircraft carrier, a destroyer, and a frigate. It wasn’t until my late 30s that I learned how to ride a bicycle or ice skate. I still fail miserably at both events. The thrill of learning and giving my creative connection to spirit the lead has taken me places.”
Aletha’s path of service began with the U.S. Navy, where she served for 24 years. She earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) in English with a minor in French from the United States Naval Academy. When Aletha graduated in 1994, she became one of just eight women assigned as a Surface Warfare Officer (SWO) to a combatant ship, paving the way for future generations of women in the military.
Amid her decade of service, Aletha faced a life-altering challenge: a cancer diagnosis. Recognizing the uncertainty of her future, she made the courageous decision to have a child before beginning treatment, understanding it might be her only opportunity. She and both her sons celebrate
21 years cancer-free, a journey that required much spiritual inner work to face the challenge of her career, health, and family.
Even during this difficult time, Aletha pursued higher education, earning two Master’s Degrees—one in Information Systems Operations and the other in Systems Engineering. After retiring from the Navy in 2014, she embraced a new calling in the arts, creating murals that bring life and beauty to public spaces. Aletha used her artistic skills as one of her many coaching tools to help veterans having transition difficulties in the civilian workspace. In 2014, Aletha took a year off to volunteer in her community and spend more time with her children. She reconnected to her artistic skills and hasn’t looked back.
Aletha is pursuing her PhD in Mind & Body Medicine at Saybrook University, deepening her commitment to holistic healing and well-being. One of her goals is ambitious and inspiring: to create murals in as many towns across North Carolina, transforming communities and positioning them on the tourism map using the NC Art Trail. She invites local arts councils, businesses, and other organizations to collaborate, offering her project management skills, leadership experience, and Mind-Body Medicine skillsets to manage projects, secure grants from the NC Arts Council, fund raise to capture each town’s unique character through large-scale public art.
What sets Aletha apart is her desire to involve the community. She often invites locals to assist with the initial stages of painting, allowing them to be part of the bigger picture, both literally and figuratively.
Aletha resides in Oxford, NC. She is available for public group events as a speaker and workshop facilitator on mindfulness, breathwork, and other integrative wellness techniques. Her dream is to work with hospitals, helping cancer patients heal through the transformative power of art and storytelling.
Aletha Williams continues to be an agent of change, bringing love and light to every endeavor, with a special focus on community engagement. Her journey is a powerful reminder that art, service, and healing can intersect in beautiful and meaningful ways. Keep an eye out for her next mural, it just might be coming to a town near you.
You can contact her below.
Gofundme link: https://gofund.me/b9979182
Podcast Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ innerstarrcompasshealing8795
My website veteran support page: https://www.innerstarrcompasshealing.com/veteran-support/
Photos: Cathy Tant 15 February 2025
Many friends and family all gathered at Old School Bike Shop and Old School Detail in Louisburg, N.C., for the annual gathering and feast in memory of Gary Tant who was the owner of The Biker Barn. He passed away on 7 Feb 20.
George cooked up some mean Biker Barn pork chops and a few home cooked sides. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and brought a dish to add to the feast. It was all delicious!
It was great seeing everyone and reminiscing about old times at The Biker Barn. We all miss Gary!
You can always find a free copy of Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine at Tyrrell County Visitors Center in Columbia, NC!!!
Pictured here are Faye Kirkman and Marie Cutrell. 203 S. Ludington Dr. Columbia, NC 27925
While there, enjoy a walk on the paved path down by the Scuppernong River, just behind the center! Photo courtesy of Melynda “Moe” Snead.
January 22nd the coast of the US received a fair amount of snow! Check out these pictures and where they were taken!
Much of the the east coast and the Gulf of America states were feeling the effects of old man winter!
Wilmington, NC
Wrightsville Beach, NC
With his owner, Ricky. we rescued him from the shelter 6 mo ago, he just turned one!!!
We are living a moment in history that will last ‘till the end of time! We are seeing the inside guts of the problem this country has had for years! That’s right folks, Donald is the surgeon removing the cancers of America!! These are amazing times that WE THE PEOPLE are living! Raise that American Flag up higher!
I have not stopped following the dirt that is coming down from Washington since Trump got back in HIS seat in the White house! This man is on a mission! He understands to get to the root. You’ve got to dig through the sh*t! Folks, the man and Elon are definitely exposing the issues. I mean what’s better than that? I can tell ya. What’s so wild about this is, the exposure. We are seeing undeniable truth. The money never lies. We are seeing the exposure of our own people in the federal robbing us blind. There is undeniable truth. It’s STILL not good enough for some of these left wing people. l mean
you show that Trump is fixing issues and people who hate him are still pointing a finger at 30 something felonies. Like who gives a sh*t about felonies he aquired during the most politically targeted president in the United States? They weaponized the FBI...to go after a former president!! Like, you suck! Like zero class. What’s even better some of the ones who were fighting to take Don down, end up going down themselves. Hahahaha!! I swear I’m loving it!
I love how our military is getting some well deserved attention! Especially after the former feeble brained, child sniffer couldn’t stop staring at his watch while the bodies of the 13 marines he helped kill, land home from the middle east. I mean his advisors are begging him to make a plan. Nope, just pull out and leave billions of our tax payer paid weapons to the hands of our enemies!! Then 13 of our guys get killed due to lack of leadership and the audacity of this child sniffin’ moron. He wouldn’t even acknowledge their names!! WHAT A LOSER!
okay...taking a breath...relax... I have to calm myself. This is a biker magazine and not a political news rag. Which I can’t help but mix the two. I mean I’m like Goodman in that movie, The Big Lewbowski. Where “everything goes back to Vietnam” with every encounter he makes.
But I’m not sorry. I relate to it. There’s so much bullsh*t and red tape and politics. It’s not just our country, but in the biker community, as well. It’s just how humans work, I guess. It’s always about a position of power, money, and fragile egos. All of it. It’s sad, actually. Something so beautiful as the open road has to have the mixture of greed and power involved in it.
I am a big fan of America! It’s kinda my hometown. I have had the pleasure and the blessing to have been raised in such a great country. It’s so great that the people who live in it are so ungrateful that they desecrate the White Crosses of those who gave everything, so they can sh*t on them. This disrespect got my attention a long time ago. My heart and mind attached to memories of a great man. I can’t help but feel emotional to this disrespect. This disrespect, fired a spark. You see, my Dad fought in Vietnam. There, he lost a part of his soul. My Grandma told me years after my Dad’s passing, “Your Daddy changed in Vietnam.” The boy I raised was a sweet and shy child. He was sweet and always happy. She told, me when he came back home he wasn’t the boy she had raised. He gave something away. Or lost it. The war changed him. He grew a new and most certainly a powerful love for America, for Country. He displayed the flag well in his front yard. His dream was a safe country for his children to grow up in, a traditional environment. With God above all, and people would be good. He wanted his children to grow up in peace...he gave all. Eventually Agent Orange took the rest of his soul in ‘95.
The man, my father. He had gained so much respect in my hometown. He was like famous in my eyes as a child. I admired him, and his love for country. I, too, gained this love. I know we as a nation needs to be respected and our leaders need to be respected. They must earn it and prove they make this Country first. This past administration, that’s the last thing they cared about. It was one big pay day. They drove us deep in debt...see...see...I am lost in it y’all.
I slip so quickly hahahaha! I’m sorry, I can’t help it. We’ve had to deal with lack of respect as the People. We had to deal with lack of respect for our law dogs. The lack of respect to our military. Just a plane ol’ lack of respect, and dammit, you know how bikers and respect go. One must have the other.
To me the sh*t hole world of politics stinks. I don’t really care for the Republicans either. They love money just as viciously. They are trying to walk the line and give what the people want because of Trump. They are trying to play ball. It only took feds to start getting the pink slip. Then all of a sudden this sh*t got real, really fast. I love it!
I feel now we are at least heading in the direction that probably would have made my father proud. Especially a President looking after our military. My Dad won’t much for the government, but he loved our military, since he was military himself.
Yea.. 2Timer lost it this article. Hear me out before you use my page as toilet paper. Hahahaha! I can almost smell the bird sh*t in the cages right now. HAHAHA!
If it means anything to ya, we are all Americans! We all need to, at the very least, respect that. Respect that we are all sharing our lives together on this big chuck of land stolen/conquered by the Indians. If anyone has a right to be pissed the REAL Natives have an argument in that claim. No. I just think there should be less Government involvement, but to do what they are hired to do. Because they work for us! I think they should stay out of our schools and our churches. I think they should butt out of our social business. Just do what you are hired to do. Protect the interest and lives of the American people. Do the job the American people want you to do.... p.s. leave my kids and my guns alone! Okay I’m done..
Okay, look I’ll go riding a bit and get some wind therapy to sort out my frustrations and do better the next article.
Big hugs and respect.. 2Timer
Open 7 Days A Week
My name is Michelle Gonsalves . I live in Rehoboth, Massachusetts. My love for motorcycles began when I was a child riding as my Dad’s passenger on his Harley. I sadly lost him in 2020 due to Suicide and he never knew that I went on to get my license. I started out on a Honda Shadow and just in 2022 I bought my first Harley. I always wished he and I got a chance to ride together. He’s always with me. I love supporting other women riders and I am a proud member of the Stillettos on Steel, Massachusetts Chapter.
I’m from Florida and have been riding for about 15 years. The first pic is from The Tail of the dragon, this was one of my favorite trips. I highly recommend it! I just recently upgraded to a Heritage in Nov. I look forward to putting lots of miles on.
Kristin Engelson
Port Charlotte, Florida
My name is April. I bought my ‘03 FXDWG brand new & spray painted it flat black the day after I got it. My dad almost had a heart attack!
I stopped riding in 2012 when I had my daughter and it sat for eleven years. I finally got it back on the road and gave my daughter her first ride.
She LOVES it!!
April Reneé Stone...Indialantic, Florida.
Left & Right: I ride a 2022 Street Bob! I have been riding for 3 seasons and don’t know how I existed prior to it. I’ve met so many amazing and likeminded people through riding and I feel truly blessed.
Tovah...Charleton, Massachusetts
I have been riding for about twenty years (gosh I am old). I ride an HD 2010 CVO softail. I had it customized with hard saddlebags and a fairing.
Susan Gingola - Cleburne, Texas
I’m from the good ole state of North Carolina. I’ve been riding 16 years and my only regret is not starting sooner. I love all things motorcycles, including riding them, looking at them, listening to them, reading about them and so on...This is my 3rd bike (2nd Harley).
Rhonda Storm - Kannapolis, NC
Email: behindbarz333@gmail.com
Get ready for Goat Fest 2025—the ultimate celebration of food, music, and community, all for a great cause! On May 3, 2025, Kitchen Goat Feeds LLC is bringing together barbecue lovers, music fans, and generous hearts to raise $30,000 in one day to provide grocery gift cards for local cancer patients in Nash, Edgecombe, Halifax, Johnston, Wilson, Moore, Franklin, and Northampton counties.
Music & Entertainment
This year, we’re excited to welcome the incredible Tony Jonez and other talented artists to keep the energy high and the good vibes flowing all day long. With live music setting the tone, Goat Fest 2025 will be a can’t-miss event for the whole family.
At the heart of Goat Fest is our barbecue showdown, featuring a pulled pork, ribs, and chili competition sanctioned by the Southern Barbecue Network. The best pitmasters in the region will go head-tohead to see who takes home the title of Goat Fest Champion—and you get to taste the results!
Family-Friendly Activities
• Kids’ Zone – Fun activities, games, and inflatables for the little ones.
• Local Vendors & Artisans – Shop from a variety of unique local businesses.
• Raffles & Prizes – Enter to win amazing prizes while supporting a great cause.
• Meet & Greet with Special Guests – Stay tuned for surprise appearances!
Every dollar raised at Goat Fest goes directly toward providing grocery gift cards for local cancer patients who are struggling to afford the basics. By attending, sponsoring, or donating, you’re making a real impact in the lives of families fighting cancer in our community.
Join us on May 3, 2025, for an unforgettable day of great food, great music, and giving back. Let’s hit our $30,000 goal and make a difference together!
~Jason Knapp
5c. Powdered sugar
4c. Peanut butter
1 c. melted margarine
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. light brown sugar
2 (12-oz.) bags chocolate chips 1½ tsp. melted margarine
Mix together with hands the 10X sugar, peanut butter, brown sugar, 1 cup melted margarine and vanilla. Press onto cookie sheet, 11 x 17 inches.
Topping: Melt chocolate chips and add 1½ teaspoons melted margarine. Spread chocolate over top of candy. Refrigerate for a short period.
Dallastown Cafeteria Staff
The “Kitchen Goat” Jason Knapp Once a history teacher, he now raises goats in Nash County, NC, but he’s always had a passion for cooking. At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, he started posting cooking videos on YouTube.
“I called it ‘Cooking a la Quarantine’ and once everything lifted up someone said, ‘Why don’t you call it ‘Kitchen Goat’ and I said, ‘That’s so stupid. Let’s try it,’” Read more about the Kitchen Goat on his Facebook page where you can follow along for more recipes and see what he is doing for local cancer patients.
“On January 5th 2016 Bullwinkle came into my life and 9 years, 5 days, 180,090 miles and 48 states later our journey together came to an end. In the words of the Grateful Dead’s song “Truckin” I can honestly say “What a long, strange, trip it’s been”. The only plan I had when I bought Bullwinkle was to put his front wheel in all 48 lower states and hopefully find a new purpose for my life in a place I felt I belonged. I didn’t have specific routes or a timeline to follow to fulfill my goal, I just pulled out of my son’s driveway and headed west on I-10 along the coast of The Gulf Of America. I’ll never forget that first year on the road because I was all but broke and had no warm riding gear, all I had was a 40 year old dream of seeing America from a scooter‘s saddle and my trust in God’s faithfulness to provide what I needed to fulfill my goal when I needed it.
What I thought was only going to be a few months of hammering out miles morphed into an epic journey totally devoid of logic and reason but instead had distractions that resulted in multiple thousands of miles of diversions every time I turned around. At the time those distractions and diversions were happening I looked at them as a good excuse or reason to put on more miles in Bullwinkle’s saddle. I had no clue God was building a network of relationships with people in every sect of society while I was wandering aimlessly back and forth across the country. All I was trying to do was fulfill my goal to ride in all 48 lower states while responding to messages from people all over the country who were in crisis and wanted me to come and pray for them or from people who just wanted to meet for coffee when I was coming through their area but God…..
Last month some friends helped transport Bullwinkle to Atlanta for me so I could transfer ownership to my youngest son Jake. Ever since I left Bullwinkle in the garage at Jake’s house to fly back to Colorado I’ve been reliving some of the adventures he and I shared and I’ve smiled and leaked a few times as I daydreamed about the journey. In a way I’ve really enjoyed pondering all the things I experienced and learned while being homeless and living on the road even though my riding days are behind me for the most part and all I have are memories. It’s because of my faith in God and having an eternal perspective of life that I’ve been able to ward off being depressed by being scooterless for the first time in decades and instead be grateful for the 60 years I was blessed to have spent riding….
I know a few other scooter tramps who are in or are nearing their 70’s and the thought of them having to stop riding because they’re no longer able to ride safely is wearing on them. One of the things that struck me hard after my wife died was that all I had left of her were memories and that there was never going to be another memory made with her. When that revelation hit me I broke down and cried like a little girl because my mind flooded with memories of times that I opted out of going places or doing things with her that would have made more memories to hold on to. If there was anything I would change about the 40+ years I had with my wife it would be to take every opportunity I had to spend time with her but opted out of…
I want to encourage everyone reading this to take every opportunity to get in the saddle and putt around town or just go out and lay down some serious miles, ride…and ride some more. If you’re like me and have been riding for 50-60 years and you have 50 weight oil flowing through your veins, you know that every ride can lead to an adventure. You could stop for fuel or food and end up meeting a new brother or sister from a different mother who turns out to be the closest friend you’ve ever had. I put 238k+ miles on in the past 10 years and the memories I have of those miles are priceless. I am way beyond grateful to have the memories I’ve made in the saddle to dwell on now that I can’t risk riding anymore. When I get around riders, especially younger riders, I love to listen to and can relate to their stories and share some of my own with them but that means going where they are because that’s how memories are made….Don’t pass on the next poker run or ignore the urge to go for a ride, even if it’s just a quick trip to a 7/11 because it could be the beginning of an epic adventure….
I started a new chapter in my life but I still haven’t found the place I belong yet so I’m thinking maybe there are more lessons to learn and memories to be made….
By: Bob Seymour
Hard to believe it is February! Linda (my wife), my son, Matt and Jim Grant were riding in 74 degree weather ( it is now in the 30s). It was beautiful out! We rode from Rocky Mount to Nashville, NC, to Kerr Lake, the Virginia line, Wake Forest, Louisburg and then back home.
~Paul Schroeder
Please feel free to send us a few sentences or 1-2 paragraphs! Don’t forget 3-4 high resolution photos to go along with the info. Tell us your name (how you would like it listed), and the city and state where you reside. We will be glad to send you a free copy of the mag via snail mail (USPS) plus a few Behind Barz stickers for participating!
One of the stops on my 11k ride around the country was the Monument at the Lynyrd Skynyrd crash site in Mississippi. About a year ago I stayed in the VanZant family home in Jacksonville, Florida. Music history was made in that house. Not one but three great musicians grew up in one house. It’s an Airbnb now. I spent a couple of days doing and going anywhere that was Skynyrd related. I was happy to sit there and contemplate the impact that their music has had on me.
Rick Meyers
This is a contest of grand adventure. Riding your motorsickle and seeking out murals for chances at killer prizes!
Murals have become very popular and they are scattered throughout this great country of ours. You can see them on downtown buildings in cities and rural communities, even on barns along the countryside.
A muralist is an artist who creates large-scale paintings or artworks on walls, ceilings or other permanent surfaces. A great example is the photo pictured above! It is a killer mural found by Mike Lambeth in Greensboro, NC!
Read all about the amazing muralist, Aletha Williams, and the mural she painted in Oxford, North Carolina on page 10-11 in this issue.
To be a participant in the Murals & Motorsickles contest:
A. You will have to sign up/register by deadline (Deadline is 31 May 2025).
B. Cost is $50 per person.
C. You will be given a towel with the event info to hold or place on your motorsickle for photos.
D. Points will be given for each mural where photo is taken. Two ways to submit photos...via email: behindbarz333@gmail.com or via text: 252-314-8589 Points will be awarded as follows...
1 point = Photo of you, towel, mural.
2 points = Photo of motorcycle, towel, mural.
5 points = Photo of you, motorcycle, towel, Mural.
(Murals & Motorsickles towel must be visible in all photos. Understandably not all instances are safe to include motorcycle in photo.)
E. You must list city and state where mural is located.
F. Anyone can sign up and participate from anywhere in the USA.
G. You do not have to have a motorcycle to participate. You can request a form via email or by downloading one from the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61568540344932 After completing it you can email the completed form (we accept Paypal) or mail it in with payment.
A “Murals & Motorsickles” towel and sticker will be shipped to you.
The rest is up to you. No set destination. No set list of murals to find. Any mural found in the USA is eligible for points.
As photos are submitted they will be posted to the “Murals & Motorsickles” page on Facebook. Deadline for mural picture entries is 31 Aug 25. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place winners will be announced in September. Surprise drawings will be held each month from submitted photos for monthly prizes!
By signing up and paying to participate you give Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine permission to use your photos in the print and online magazine, plus on any social media platforms.
Above you can see a few examples of the Murals & Motorsickles submissions we have received. You can go to the Facebook page and see many more. You still have time to enter and win some killer prizes from the sponsors here on this page! Deadline to enter is 31 May 25. In January we gave away a $100 gift card from Flying Iron HD of Rocky Mount, NC.
Every month until the end of the contest we will have a drawing for prizes. You just have to be a registered participant. All the rules and info is on the facing page here. More sponsors are signing on weekly. And you know what they say, you gotta get in it to win it!
Riding for a Cause:
The Blue Knights Wake County Chapter 2 exemplifies the spirit of service through their unwavering commitment to community support. From charity rides to memorial events, these dedicated law enforcement motorcyclists transform their passion for riding into meaningful action that benefits those in need.
As spring approaches, the chapter’s calendar is packed with impactful events that showcase their dedication to service. On March 29th, they’re heading to Westside Twins in Statesville for a special ride benefiting Whole Vet, an organization dedicated to helping veterans transition to civilian life and providing comprehensive support services. Riders can register between 9:00 and 10:00 AM, with kickstands up at 10:30 AM for an hour-long journey. The event features live music by Dani Kerr, food provided by American Legion Riders, cornhole tournaments, and a traditional bike blessing.
Following closely they will be with the 761st Black Panthers MC of Raleigh and the 919 Bosses for their Charity Ride supporting disabled veterans. Set for Saturday, April 5th, 2025, at Knightdale Station Park, this event begins with registration at 8:30 AM. The $20 participant donation goes directly to the D.A.V. of Knightdale, making every mile count for our veterans.
The Blue Knights will then showcase their mission at the Angier Bike Fest, May 30-31st. Their informational tent will offer visitors a chance to learn about their work while browsing supporter merchandise, including exclusive T-shirts and commemorative coins. These sales directly support their ongoing efforts to assist officers’ families and local charities in need.
Looking ahead to fall, mark your calendars for September 20th, when the 4th Annual Motor Muscle Excursion promises to be the biggest yet. The Blue Knights and Whole Vet have partnered to make this signature event surpass all previous years.
The chapter’s message is clear: community support drives their success. By attending these events and showing your support, you help the Blue Knights continue their vital mission of service. Each ride, each event, and each donation strengthens their ability to make a difference in Wake County and beyond.
It means a lot to these groups when they are supported back by their community as well, whether it is spreading the word about them to donating so they can continue to show support to their communities, anything is appreciated.
Both Blue Knight NC Chapter 2 and 12 have a Facebook supporter page that is open to the public where you can share your support and they encourage you to check them out.
story: Doobie photos: Chris Edwards
I am sure many of you remember watching “The Southern Sportsman” with Franc White! I know I do! It ran on TV from 1972-1996 and was a great show that I looked forward to watching every Saturday morning! Franc White took everyone fishing or huntingng via their televisions. Sometimes it was on a river or along the coast. Almost all of the filming was done in NC and he even had a cooking segment at the end of each show. Franc died in 2012 at his home in Hookerton, North Carolina.
“The Northern Sportsman”, Chris Edwards, has been talking to Franc’s daughter for the last nine years. He is working on restoring Franc White’s original tapes from his show by digitally remastering them. This process costs hundreds of dollars per tape. Trying to accomplish this comes without even a guarantee that they can be restored. As Chris says, “It’s a 50/50 shot”! He has also acquired Franc’s boat, canoe and even his Delorean!
He is carrying on the tradition. Chris is a NC native and he has been taking kids fishing through his non profit for 17 years! Every year he takes 50 kids fishing. They receive a free rod and reel, he feeds them and they get to experience the outdoors as most of us remember it...no tablets, no smart phones, no computer games...just pure, unadulterated outdoor fun!
Chris wants to do his own show kind of along the same lines as Franc White but he wants to take it to the next level. “This isn’t just about preserving the past—it’s about igniting a passion for the outdoors in today’s kids. Let’s give them the chance to explore, discover new adventures, and create memories that will last a lifetime”.
Not only does he want to take kids fishing, he also wants to show them how to cook and teach them how to clean the fish they catch...the simple life skills you don’t get playing a computer game.
Chris’s dedication has not gone unnoticed. In recognition of his efforts, the State of North Carolina awarded him a proclamation, officially designating the Saturday before Father’s Day as “The North Carolina Take a Kid Fishing Day.” This special day encourages families to bond and create lasting memories, just as Franc White envisioned. Join Chris and continue this legacy by participating in the events and doing yourself a favor – take a kid fishing!
You can help make this possible by joining The Northern Sportsman or donate money.
Watch the video in 4K below for more info: https://youtu.be/6JYnSmzp0nQ?si=81BzLPrS7Sd5JWub
The Northern Sportsman website: https://thenorthernsportsman.com/ Franc White website: https://francwhite. com/
New Old Stock Franc white cook books while they last...at website above.
GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme. com/f/TheNorthernSportsman
Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson Toy Run Ride Donation
The holiday season might be the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s extra wonderful when our friends from the American Red Cross of South Carolina stop by! Saturday, December 7th was our 15th Annual Toy Run Ride, and as always, our local riding community showed us just how willing they always are to help others!
Even though the temperatures were in the 20’s and 30’s, more than 200 riders came together and raised over $2,500, along with tons of toys, for local children in need! It was truly amazing to see everyone support this worthy cause despite those frigid conditions! The Christmas spirit was certainly alive and well that day, and we can’t think y’all enough for another successful ride!
Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson
National Wear Red Day
Today (7 Feb), we’re wearing red to raise awareness for cardiovascular disease. Heart health matters, and we’re proud to stand in support of the fight against heart disease.
Join us in spreading awareness—wear red, take care of your heart, and encourage those around you to do the same!
18th Annual Chili Cook-Off
New River Harley-Davidson
Spice & Speed – What a Day! The 18th Annual Chili Cook-Off at New River Harley-Davidson was pure – RAISING $2800 for the Semper FI & Americas Fund!!!! 20 teams threw down, but only a few rode away with top honors. The Winners:
* Little Cook & The Big Ham took 1st!
* Blue Knights MC rocked 2nd!
* Tuckahoe MC clinched 3rd & People’s Choice!
* Best Decorations: Red Heart Chili Peppers – reigning champs!
* Cindy’s Choice: V.E.M.A.
Huge thanks to BrÜtopia Brewing Company, Hidden Ships Distillery, & Stir Up Coffee for keeping the crowd fueled up! Now that your belly is full, it’s time to fill your garage—your dream Harley is waiting at New River Harley-Davidson.
Boneyard Harley-Davidson
Chili Cook-off
Another Chili Cook-off for the books! Giant thank you to everyone that came out and participated! We were able to raise over $300 and a whole lotta chili got donated to JOY Community Center & Soup Kitchen! Congratulations to everyone that entered, but especially to Neil who won “Hottest Chili” and Jason who won “Fan Favorite!” We’d also like to issue a special thanks to Sam Summerlin with SLS Customs for donating the gorgeous custom cutting boards that we used as trophies for this event!
What do bikers do when it snows? We do what everybody else does and have fun doing it!
January 22nd the coast of the US received a fair amount of snow as well as the Gulf of America states!
Check out these pictures and where they were taken!
bb life
SEVEN SPRINGS, NC 1 February 25
About today….last ride with David Spellen….. We will certainly miss you my friend…..You bought me the patch on my vest in Myrtle Beach several years ago. Life’s short Run hard… you said you respected me for getting up early to run….Well, my friend it’s your turn to fly. Peace my brother. It was great seeing everyone today. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful day to rememember our friend.
KINSTON, NC 28 December 24
It was a beautiful day to ride and have lunch with my hustlers…these are the folks that make things happen at our place, El Azteca. We are thankful and blessed to have them!
Are you a biker friendly business?
If not, you should be! The motorcycle industry is a 25+ billion dollar industry! The average income of a biker is $75k+ annually! Women are more than 1/3 of the motorcycle market! Average age is 40-65. Bikers spend over 3 billion annually on charities!
Get Behind Barz Mag distributed to your business and we will let bikers know you carry it and are biker friendly! All you have to do is ask! Call us and we will let you know how. 252-314-8589
Do you care about your business? If you do, and want to advertise in a respected and professional magazine, give us a call. We are the only full color, glossy biker publication in VA., N.C. & S.C. combined. We were the first free biker mag with an E-Magazine! We have more online social websites than anyone else to offer you the optimum advertising possibilities ~ Print Mag, Virtual Mag and many other social media outlets! All at your disposal for one price when you advertise with us! You have one option when advertising with Behind Barz Mag ~ FULL COLOR! We do not do black & white, we do not do newsprint, we do not charge for web advertising!
We care about your business... do you?
Rodger Duvall ~ Jesus Freak Thee Redeemed House biker Church
Hey, everyone who may read this, before we continue with this ride, I want to stop here for a moment and put the kickstand down and rest beside the roadway a bit.
This lifetime from throttle birth to exhausting out will bring us all to a place in it’s time to reflect on something that one can only know of it’s destination right then.
Look, this will cause us to look deep into our surroundings that are hidden far into us. We go about our personal lives not knowing someone we will meet, they are there for a reason, you may not be looking for them or them you, but you find each other in what you’re looking for.
Are you still with me, or are you walking to your bike to leave?
Check this out ok, I want to tell you about meeting someone unexpectedly. They show up when you least expect, and a connection is made.
We met a couple of years ago, and this Brother I met played drums for the Dave Scrape Wall band. Dylan was a very analytical person. You could tell he was a deep thinker. He analyzed his walk of freedom in Christ as a called follower of Jesus, and his life as a husband and Father, a drummer, artist, wood chainsaw artist, just a very talented guy.
But he had one flaw, ... Brain Cancer. Looking back now Brain Cancer was not a flaw, it made him flawless.
Ater the concert, he traveled back to his home in Chillicothe ,Ohio.
Ater a few phone conversations, we lost touch, silence for about 6 months, then a message from Dylan on my messenger.
He informed me the cancer was spreading, and he wanted to use me to journal to.
As I would read His thoughts to myself, I would find myself reflecting and being reminded where I fall short on doing the right thing. I would try to respond with the right answer that would bring closure to the deep deep thoughts that surfaced from a depth that I knew very little about.
I realized that I could not help satisfy the deep longing of his thinking soul. I didn’t want to ride off and leave him Stranded, which I felt like I had.
It wasn’t fair to him, or so I thought, see unknowingly at the time I’ve now come to realize God used him to share the most profound wisdom that can be treasured.
Dylan passed from this life into eternity today as I’m writing this.
The one thing that I will have forever is this most powerful gift, is this...
If you are fortunately blessed to find the authentic peace in knowing who you’d die for, you’ll live forever.
No matter what happens in this life your destination is to meet your soul mate, Jesus.
Let’s Ride... “Jesus Freak” Rodger.
If you are a Proud American Biker send us your photo with our American flag to include here!
If you are a citizen of the United States you should be proud to live in the greatest country on the face of this planet! You should be proud that you have more freedoms here than anywhere else in the world! Being American is an honor, not a privilage. We all have the same opportunities regardless of your background, race, religion, gender, class status, etc.
You are free to come and go as you wish. You are free to practice whatever religion you believe in. America is a place where everyone has the opportunity to go to college, open your own business, marry, peacefully assemble and protest, vote, own your own home, etc. Many or all of these things are forbidden in many countries around the world.
Send your photo to: behindbarz333@ gmail.com
You can also post to the Proud American Biker Facebook page.
In some places women are not aloud to vote and gay marriage is also not allowed. In many of those same places people are imprisoned/killed for those very reasons. Some countries you can’t even protest or defy the government or you will be put in prison just for speaking your mind.
Everyone who is protesting, hating, or bad mouthing this great country of ours you need to step back and take a look at how fortunate you are. You might not like the president that we voted in! You might not like the fact that male masculinity is back again! You might not even like that our military believes “stronger people are harder to kill!” But one thing is for sure, there are many of us who are proud American bikers! We fly the flag, we support our president and we will defend this great country to our last breath!
We are working to ensure events listed in Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine are as up to date as possible. Please be sure to confirm the status of any & all events before making plans to attend by calling or emailing the event contact person listed with event.
Twisted Iron Poker Run in Support of Ernie King
@New River Harley-Davidson 2394 Wilmington Hwy. 11am-3pm. Kickstands up at 12 noon! Rider $20. Passenger $10. Raffles, 50/50, hotdogs, Best Hand prize. For more info: www.twistediron.org
Bike Blessing @Independence HD 9205 E. Independence Blvd.
10am. Prayer and bike blessing for all riders. After blessing CMA will lead group on a ride then back to dealership for food. All bikes, riders and faiths welcome! For more info: 704-847-4647
Mardi Gras Bike Night
@Flying Iron HD 928 N. Winstead Ave. Drink, music and food. More info: 252-446-7292
Nash County Ghost Riders 10th Anniversary 7462 Southern Nash High School Rd.
Gates open Friday at noon. $10 gate fee. Nobody uner 21. No BYOB. No weapons. No attitudes. MC by invite only! Live music, food, drink, games and more! More info: Murphy 252-717-9281 or Five-O 252-218-8128
River Town Riders 4th Annual Memorial Ride
@ The Harley Shop at The Beach 4002 Hwy 17 in support of The Rubber Side Down Foundation which aides local bikers in the time of need. Reg 10am. KSU 11:45 $15 rider. $5 passenger. Raffles, 50/50 and door prizes!
Westeside Twins 1 Year Anniversary 2313 W. Front St. Benefit ride for One Nation Whole Vet. Reg 9-10. KSU 10:30 Cornhole Tournament, Bike Blessing. See page 26 in this issue
@Boneyard HD 2300 Elaine’s Way
9:30 AM-3 PM. Ride for Women & Children facing homelessness in Beaufort County. Reg: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM ($20 minimum donation). KSU: 11 AM. Tucci’s Fired Up & Jamerican’s Hot Dogs & More! 12 PM-3 PM). More info: 252-439-1345 | hailies@boneyardhd.com
The Wall That Heals is coming to Sea Breeze HD 100 Harley-Davidson Dr. Join us in honoring our heroes. More info: 910-575-9997
F.A.I.T.H. Riders Blessing of The Bikes
@Temple Church 1500 Kingdom Way 10am. Riding to Deadwood after the blessing for lunch and fellowship. All are invited!
Goat Fest 2025 3rd Annual 624 Wollet Mill Rd.
See page 23 in this issue for all the details!
Infedels MC Sanford Ch. $1,000 Poker Run
See page 3 in this issue for more details!
VFW Riders 11th Annual Four Season’s Poker Run
American Legion Braxton-Perkins Post 25 7609 Marshall Ave. Reg. 9am. First bike out 10:30am. Last bike in 2:30pm. $25 per rider. $15 passenger. For more info: Morningstar Misa-Graves 540-815-7563 Rain or shine!
Exiled MC Golf Tournament @ Mecklenburg Country Club 45 Country Club Dr. See flyer on page 42 in this issue!
Many more events at our Facebook page below:
For 21 years we have included stickers in each issue of the magazine. I personally put each and every sticker in each and every copy myself (Doobie)!!! Here lately folks have gotten bad about pulling stickers out of many copies... I guess because they like the stickers so much. It has happened in the past but not like it has the last few issues. It is unfair to others who pick up a copy of the magazine only to find that their copy does not have a sticker. So, starting with the Jan-Feb 2023 issue of Behind Barz we are not going to place stickers in each copy. We will have stickers available for FREE but you have to send a self addressed, stamped envelope to our PO Box listed on previous page. We will then send you the sticker that goes with this issue (if you write “PROUD AMERICAN BIKERS” on the envelope) plus, we will throw in 3 more stickers, of our choice. We hate this has to be done but with the time it takes to place each sticker in every copy and then people are pulling the stickers out we feel that this is the best way to do it right now. Thanks for your continued support! We still have lots of killer prizes from our sponsors on the previous page to give away. So remember, you can’t win it if you don’t stick it!