What a crazy past few weeks! We have drones or UFOs (unidentified flying objects) flying all around the country. Our government says it knows nothing. Nobody will shoot them down. Who are they? Where did they come from? ...and what do they want? Maybe in 2025 we will find out...check out the first sticker of the new year on page 50. Maybe it will make you laugh. Maybe you’ll think we are a part of the conspiracy...either way you can get a this free sticker along with a few others (of our choosing). All ya gotta do is send a self-addressed stamped envelope to us. Easy peazy!
Thank you to all of our advertisers! Without them we would not be able to print this full color, glossy publication for you. Please visit them and patronize them. Tell them you saw their ad in Behind Barz Mag. We want to thank each one of you, our readers for your continued support, as well. Behind Barz is a biker mag for bikers and we appreciate all the suggestions and criticism we get from you!
One great thing happening in 2025 is that 45 is going to be 47!!!
We want to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year! We hope that all of the roads you travel on are fun, safe and exhilarating! We wish you good health and happiness.
We will see you out there Livin’ The Life!
If you are lost...have faith in Him! He will get you through whatever it is that you may face...because He is with you...all the time!
God Bless you and yours!
Murals & Motorsickles...A Grand Adventure
Read all about it on page 26.
We reserve the right to edit all letters, opinions, or articles for publication in “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. No part of “Behind Barz” may be reproduced for any purpose in intirety or in part without the express written consent of “Behind Barz”. “Behind Barz” does not endorse any advertiser or its products and cannot be held responsible for advertisers claims. “Behind Barz” has the right to refuse advertisements for any reason. “BB” will not intentionally publish fraudulent or misleading advertising. Opinions depicted in any photograph or writing does not necessarily reflect the view point of the staff of “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. Manuscripts, artwork, photographs, inquiries and submitted materials are welcomed.
Motorcycle Magazine
Send: ideas, recipes, stories, photos, complaints, suggestions or whatever to: PO Box 692 - Nashville, N.C. - 27856 or email: behindbarz333@gmail.com
check out on the following... FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter
PUBLISHERS & EDITORS: debbie “DOOBIE” sykes - 252-314-8589 vince “Vinney” byrne - RIP
SALEZ: Debbie Sykes
spick - the best of both worlds charlie - after the 18th hole
m.a. - the one and only harley mama jason - foreign corespondent kate - foreign corespondent bones - black hills under ground pork - black hills high wire preacher man - SHBC RIP angel eyes - on the other side moe - shitcreek Survivor vinney - the original picker! RIP mike - always on call jaybird - Always ridin’ damn yank - on the north side bob bryant - poetry biker becky - Road Glide Queen dave - Iron Man
chewy - iron mutt ewing RIP mikey - Inspector Clouseau
2 timer - Only as he can tell it! bobby earl - cointreuversial
wild bill - the iron horse cowboy RIP
“jus” rick - former golden boy
bunny - anywhere there’s cruzan RIP
d-rod - “guardians” public relations RIP indiana bill - the longest in the world
paul - ghost baseball player
bob - preacher bob and bullwinkle michelle - keeping it real leslie - along for the ride
rodger - Jesus freak
samantha - Blue Knights
jason - The Kitchen Goat
NC SUPPORT OUR TROOPS located in Ayden, North Carolina is a nonprofit organization formed with the mission to support troops and their family members by providing care and comfort items and expressions of appreciation for their service and sacrifices.
Packing care packages for our deployed troops is a way to show your support and appreciation for the service and sacrifices by our military members. We also provide support for troops at home, their families and veterans.
The end of 2023 our team of volunteers had to work from home because of not having a building to meet in and work from. We met these challenges while supporting troops through deployments and homeland activations. We continued with support from caring volunteers and donors who want our troops to know that America cares about and appreciates their service.
2024 we got settled into our new location and we are looking forward to 2025. Below are some suggestions on how you can help...
Ideas: Order items from Amazon, assemble goody bags with 6-8 items in a sandwich or party bag, add signed cards. Make as many as your family, church or bike group can help with! Make financial contributions for postage. Groups are welcome to setup GoFund me pages for postage. Our financial donations have dropped significantly and monetary donations for postage is our greatest need.
Please don’t forget our military members who are serving away from home and family this year.
Thank you!
Happy New Year!
Barbara Whitehead
Photo above: Our team from the Crystal Coast and our “regular” team members were still smiling after a day of supporting our troops!
We supported 8409 troops today - Army, Marines, Navy, and National Guard, all working together to provide a morale boost to those who serve!
We received a donation of 20 pallets of Coffee drinks today. We put the news out that troops could pick up and many units responded, allowing us to serve 7750 troops with items picked up! We served Air Force, Army and NC National Guard.
Photo above:
Students from NC State University , Virginia Tech , and East Carolina University participating in the intern program at Nutrien spent a day of service at our center today. They filled over 1200 candy bags, helped volunteers unpack and organize donations, and helped organize our center! We appreciate their help! They met with an Army chaplain who shared information about his job, Seymour Johnson AFB family center personnel, and an Hope For The Warriors volunteer who shared about their missions.
Photo above:
We had a great day, packing stockings, sorting and bagging candy, and toys for military children. There was lots of laughter even while working in the cold warehouse! We had North Carolina National Guard soldier volunteers, our Crystal Coast volunteers, our Energizers, along with our regular team. Thank you to all who braved the cold to support our troops!
In my article in the last issue, I shared the experience of my first tipover. It wasn’t a big deal, but it did have a lingering effect on me. In all the time that I had ridden with my husband up to that point, I experienced nothing but excitement. Climbing up behind him, feeling the wind in my face and the growl of the Harley’s pipes beneath me was exhilarating. Sure, at first there were moments of apprehension. However, those moments paled in comparison to the thrill of riding with my husband. But the bike wasn’t the only thing that fell in the street that day. So did my naivety.
When the bike went down, I learned a hard truth. No matter how good a biker you ride with in this world, stuff happens. Hard stuff. Unexpected stuff. Painful stuff. It’s not that I didn’t already know this. It’s one of the reasons my husband didn’t ride while we were raising our kids. But up to the point where the bike tipped over, I had only entertained thoughts about the thrill of riding. I never considered the danger.
I continued to ride with my husband after the tipover. Outwardly nothing changed. Even my husband wasn’t aware of the mental gymnastics going on in my head each time we rode after that spill. Before that moment, I spent my time on my husband’s bike enjoying the sights, sounds, and even the scents of riding. I was (fairly) relaxed and enjoyed spending time in silent communion with God and my husband. After the tipover, however, I developed a bad case of the “what ifs”:
What if we wrecked on this bridge and went over the side? Would I be able to swim to safety?
What if my husband hits those mown grass clippings? If we slide, will these pants protect me from road rash? What if we wreck here on this country road? Should I aim to land in the ditch or in the field? On my back or on my side? What if I can’t get reception on my cell phone so I can call for help?
For the next few rides I spent most of my time looking for the safest place to land in an accident that never happened. The time I could have — should have — spent enjoying rides with my husband was wasted in thoughts about which way to jump if the bike went down. I tied myself in knots thinking about all the ways we could crash instead of enjoying the journey. I missed out on the thrill of riding because my focus was on the fear of falling.
Fear is jealous. It does not like to share your attention with anything or anyone. It’s also a lousy companion, because it does not leave easily or quietly. It took time and effort, but I slowly worked at intentionally shifting my focus away from what might happen while we were riding to what actually was happening. I stopped looking for places to land and instead looked at all the beauty God had created around us. I had been missing all the blessings of riding because I had been focused on falling. So I made a new choice. I chose to trust in my heavenly Father’s care and enjoy the time He gives me to ride with my husband. Could we still fall? Sure. But I can trust God with that too, because He doesn’t allow what He can’t redeem.
How about you? Have you been knocked over by life? Are your thoughts now consumed by preparing for the next blow — one that may never come? You don’t have to live that way. It’s not always easy to give
fear an eviction notice, but it is always possible. God made it possible for His children by giving us His Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Do you have His Spirit?
Riding comes with danger. There’s no denying that. In fact, I suspect some of us thrive on the danger. But let’s not forget that danger is, by definition, life threatening. If you suffer a fatal accident, you could lose your life — on this earth. However, death is not a destination. It’s a doorway. When you step across its threshhold, where will you be? There are only two choices. And those choices are YOUR choices. You don’t get to choose one after you walk through death’s door. You have to make that choice now. If you don’t choose one, by default you have chosen the other.
God loves you. He doesn’t want you to live in fear, but in courage. He wants you to surrender your fear to Him. When you acknowledge that Jesus is the only one who could pay the price for all the wrong deeds and thoughts every one of us has committed, and when you ask Him to be your Savior and your Lord, fear is no longer the one driving your ride. God is, and nothing is better than having God behind the bars.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.“
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
“Everyone who believes [with a deep, abiding trust in the fact] that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed) is born of God [that is, reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose]…”
1 John 5:1 AMP
16 November 2024
Operation Handprint
Oxford, NC
Oxford’s first military veteran art mural. The muralist is Aletha Williams! I got to meet this amazing Artist! She is a Navy Veteran!!! I also got to leave my handprint on the wallSupporting Veterans!!! ~ OB JAMMR
Aletha Williams ~ 32 veterans are represented on the wall. She says that there probably is no other veterans mural in the country has that many veterans depicted.
Art was a pleasent childhood memory for Aletha. After the miltary, anxiety and depression she resorted to teaching herself how to paint. This mural is 1,200 square feet in size!
“The Sacred Witness” is the name of the mural. It is an amazing story and we will have more info in an upcoming issue.
I’d like to clarify, the PGR does not have chapters. We are not a motorcycle club, riding club, or riding group. We are a national non-profit with national and regional leadership along with state captains who are responsible for the activities within their state. Our mission is to honor those who have served. We have a presence in all 50 states.
We are very active in NC, and I would suggest you join and get out to a mission to learn more.
To join the PGR, follow this link: www.patriotguard. org. If that link doesn’t work for you, go to our main website: www.patriotguard.org and select the Join Today link in the top right corner. On the screen that opens, input your information and click the Register button.
Once you’ve gotten registered and signed in, be sure to subscribe to missions for your state (Members -> Subscribe to Missions). When you get notification of one that you can attend, simply show up and introduce yourself to the Ride Captain in charge.
Membership is open to everyone; you don’t have to have a motorcycle or be a veteran. There are no member dues or meetings, and no requirements to join, except respect for our military, veterans, first responders, and their families.
Bob Williams Charles Bullock PGR Operations North Carolina State Captain
Are you a biker friendly business?
If not, you should be! The motorcycle industry is a 25+ billion dollar industry! The average income of a biker is $75k+ annually! Women are more than 1/3 of the motorcycle market! Average age is 40-65. Bikers spend over 3 billion annually on charities!
Get Behind Barz Mag distributed to your business and we will let bikers know you carry it and are biker friendly! All you have to do is ask! Call us and we will let you know how. 252-314-8589
Do you care about your business? If you do, and want to advertise in a respected and professional magazine, give us a call. We are the only full color, glossy biker publication in VA., N.C. & S.C. combined. We were the first free biker mag with an E-Magazine! We have more online social websites than anyone else to offer you the optimum advertising possibilities ~ Print Mag, Virtual Mag and many other social media outlets! All at your disposal for one price when you advertise with us! You have one option when advertising with Behind Barz Mag ~ FULL COLOR! We do not do black & white, we do not do newsprint, we do not charge for web advertising!
We care about your business... do you?
I have no idea what we have in store. Chicken salad has been converted back to Chicken shit. I’m literally waiting for Trump to get back in office before this current administration nose dives the country in to an all out war.
I was born in 1976 and I remember some shit but never have I witnessed a time in my life where I would leave this country and not look back. Taxes to incompetent leadership. From government overreach during covid to enforced injections or lose your livelihood.
Whats crazier is that tons of people are okay with it. People were okay with a leader who couldn’t hardly talk straight, walk straight, and couldn’t tell the truth even if it was written on a teleprompter...Now it’s 10 days before Christmas and I’m watching big drones hovering over New Jersey and other places nearby. Like what in the fudge nuggets is going on people?
You know it’s a different time when you’ve got almost the entire country celebrating the murder of a CEO and treating the murderer like a hero. Which by the way, should be a very direct and personal message to those who have the power to save a life or end one.
Okay enough of the world...just always remember, it’s not our world to worry about. God is in control. God is always in control. All this fear and all these things that are happening are all part of it man. Every time I see the world just falling further down the hole I remember God is in control.
I don’t or we don’t always understand it...but it’s true.
Ive not done a lot of riding here lately. I’ve been kinda dealing with the death of my little brother and it’s taken a toll on me. It’s hard to wake up and realize every day, that he’s not going to be here again today.
We had a graveside service for him just about a week ago and I still can’t come to terms with it.
In my head, I tell myself, he’s going to make a phone call tell me this was all just one big joke... sure I’d be ready to kick his ass but I’d hug him a lot harder.
My family went through his pictures and pulled out a few to send me. I even got him on a motorcycle. I was looking me one Iand I knew he would have one. It’s hard saying goodbye to someone who you thought would be alive forever or at least as long as I am.
Our Dad passed in 95 at 46 years old. Me and my brother always thought something was going to take us out before we reached that age. Taking a step back and a big breath...my brother almost made it...I wish he would have.
I am going to end this one kinda short. Not a lot has happened other than that. It’s been one of the hardest deaths in my life time.
Well you know what time of year this is... time to refresh those motorcycles. I’m getting the clutch replaced on mine in a few myself. Probably add a better stereo. We’ll see.
Yall ride safe and I’ll type to you again on the next article. ‘Til next time... 2Timer
Open 7 Days A Week
I’ve been riding for over 40 years and I still love it as much today as when I first rode down a dirt road on an old Honda. My road name is “Bama”.
Anita Truman Hutchinson Grand Island, Florida
I passed my road test yesterday!!
I had to ride 45 mins on the highway with no winter gear or windshield ...it was 6 degrees so at 110km p/h that’s how cold?
Hard ride but I survived!! And passed!
Jocelyn Wilson Chilliwack River Valley, British Columbia Canada
Happy to be here, I learned how to ride when I turned 50! 8 years later I can say I’m still obsessed with riding…I’m in Northern California, let’s ride!!!
Tanya Ivanov Hehir Morgan Hill, California.
Loving this new lease on life! Been riding 2 months now. I’ve lost a whole lot of weight and gained so much freedom! This is me and my girl, Cheshire. We are from Texas!
Amanda Hendrickson Pearland, Texas
My name is Tara and I live in Wa state. In 2022 I made one of the best decisions of my life. I put my big girl panties on and decided to take my MSS class and bought a 2019 Street Glide Special! I got a lot of smack talk along with some great advice and words of encouragement. 3 little seasons later, an iron butt, and moving back here, I’ve racked up a few miles on my girl…. Katiecakes! I named her after my sister who passed away and she is now my angel who protects me when I ride. The amazing people I’ve been blessed with meeting since then HAS BEEN MIND BLOWING!
I’ve traded that bike in for a 24 Road Glide...Shark Skin Blue.
Tara Shannon...Washington State.
My bike is a 2018 HD Softail Slim. I bought it new as a reminder life is short, live your dream. I had just successfully completed chemo, radiation and immunotherapy for stage 3 small cell lung cancer. Now, 6 years later, I am still cancer free! I am a retired union Cement Mason (concrete finisher) and now work part time at Michaels where I do custom framing. I have temporary custody of my daughters, 2 German Shepherds and a yellow lab pup that I am socializing for a company that provides seeing eye dogs. I am a single mom of 2 adult daughters and 2 grandsons.
Lisa Haller...Hazelwood, Missouri
I’m Michelle Micalizzi, and I’ve been riding for 39 years. I started out as a passenger, but 25 years ago, I bought my first bike—Ruby, a Harley Softail Standard. Ruby and I rode together for 17 years, including three cross-country trips. These days, I ride Silver, my 2011 Harley Davidson Road King.
I love long road trips with a loose agenda, but for now, I’m staying local here in AZ as I focus on what matters most: caring for my aging mother. I am considering taking Mom in a chase RV on a trip to Sturgis and Denver this summer. When the time is right - I’ll be traveling extensively on my bike both here in the US and in Europe!
It’s exciting to see more women riding today—25 years ago, there were only a few of us on the road. I’m thrilled to see that number grow!!
You can find Michelle on Facebook and Instagram at: @michellemicalizzi13 & @micalizzirides
As the clock strikes midnight on December 31, we’re given a fresh slate—a chance to reflect on the past year and set our sights on the changes we wish to see in the world. For us at Kitchen Goat Feeds LLC, the New Year isn’t just about resolutions; it’s about actions, commitment, and the community we love.
2024 was a year of growth and collaboration. Together, we made strides in our mission to provide grocery gift cards to local cancer patients, easing the burden of families fighting some of life’s toughest battles. We cooked, we shared stories, and we proved that when people come together with purpose, incredible things happen.
As we enter 2025, our focus remains the same: bettering ourselves and the world around us. Whether it’s through lending a hand, supporting neighbors in need, or simply spreading kindness, every small act makes a big difference.
One of the highlights of our upcoming year is Goat Fest 2025, scheduled for May 3, 2025, the first Saturday in May. This event is the heartbeat of our efforts, raising funds to continue providing grocery gift cards to local cancer patients. It’s a celebration of community, food, and hope—a reminder that we are all in this together.
If you’re looking for a way to start your year with impact, we’d love for you to join us. We’re actively seeking sponsors and volunteers to make Goat Fest 2025 our best event yet. Whether you’re a local business, an individual looking to make a difference, or part of an organization that values giving back, there’s a place for you in this journey.
If you’d like to sponsor or help out, please reach out to me directly at jason@thekitchengoat.com or give me a call at: 252-220-0294. Together, we can bring hope and support to those who need it most.
Here’s to a year of compassion, action, and community. Let’s make 2025 a year to remember!
With gratitude, Kitchen Goat
Jason Knapp ~ The Kitchen Goat Feeds
Kitchen Goat Feeds Corporation is a 501c3 charity.
To contact Jason: Jason@thekitchengoat.com Call or text: 252-220-0294 You can also check him out on Facebook: jasonknappthekitchengoat
Our mission: Easing the burden for Eastern NC cancer patients by providing grocery gift cards, ensuring food security during recovery.
The recipe on the following page is a sneak peek of the upcoming volume two Kitchen Goat Feeds Cookbook. $30 delivered and anything beyond shipping and goes to Christina’s son’s medical expenses that are not covered by Medicaid and Medicare.
• 3 lb pork loin, trimmed of excess
• Salt and pepper, to
• Basil Bash to taste
• 16 oz sauerkraut, drained
• 1 tsp minced garlic
• 1 onion, sliced
• 1 apple, sliced
• 1 cup apple juice
This recipe takes the classic combination of pork and sauerkraut to the next level. Tender, juicy pork is paired with sweetened sauerkraut, enhanced by the addition of apples and onions. It’s an easy, flavorful dish your whole family will love!
1. Prepare the Pork:
• Season the pork loin generously with salt, pepper and Old Mule Basil Bash on all sides.
• Heat oil in a large skillet or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Sear the pork loin on all sides for 2-3 minutes per side until browned.
2. Assemble in Slow Cooker:
• Place the seared pork loin into the slow cooker. Pour apple juice around the pork.
• Add the sliced onions, apples, and minced garlic around the pork. Top everything with the drained sauerkraut.
3. Cook:
• Cover with the lid and cook on low for 8-10 hours or on high for 4-5 hours, until the pork is tender and easy to slice or shred.
4. Serve:
• Remove the pork from the slow cooker, slice or shred it, and serve with the flavorful cooking juices and sauerkraut.
This hearty dish is perfect for a comforting meal, and the slow cooker does most of the work! Enjoy with mashed potatoes or crusty bread for a complete meal.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
The “Kitchen Goat” Jason Knapp Once a history teacher, he now raises goats in Nash County, NC, but he’s always had a passion for cooking. At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, he started posting cooking videos on YouTube.
“I called it ‘Cooking a la Quarantine’ and once everything lifted up someone said, ‘Why don’t you call it ‘Kitchen Goat’ and I said, ‘That’s so stupid. Let’s try it,’”
Read more about the Kitchen Goat on his Facebook page where you can follow along for more recipes and see what he is doing for local cancer patients.
Author: Kristen Chidsey
Cook Time: 8 hours
Servings: 8
Calories: 267 kcal
them out at: www.OldMule.com and give them a try.
There is an old saying that’s been running through my mind for about 6 months that says “All Good Things Must Come To an End” and I’ve been trying to ignore it because in the back of my mind I knew my Journey with Bullwinkle was coming to an end. I fought hard against the reality that the medical issues I have would make it necessary to give up riding but I finally realized and accepted the facts. I hadn’t fully grasped or understood that if I have an episode of vertigo in the canyons or my eyes cloud over while I’m riding, especially in traffic, I’d be putting other people at risk and I couldn’t live with myself if a risk I took caused someone harm. Last Saturday I laid down my love and lifelong passion for riding scooters and pulled the trigger on passing Bullwinkle on to my son in Georgia. It is the hardest decision I’ve had to make since the journey began 10 years ago next month...
When I sent my son a text to tell him what I was going to do my eyes filled with water and started leaking. The decision to let go of Bullwinkle is the most difficult choice I’ve had to make since my journey began 10 years ago. The moment I accepted the fact that I’m facing the end of 60 years of riding and that the epic life changing journey I’ve been on is over a flood of emotions and memories began to overwhelm my mind. It took a couple days for me to shake off the feelings of sadness and confusion but once I was able to control the narrative in my mind my perspective changed and peace began to fill my spirit.
I literally felt peace begin to drive fear and uncertainty of the unknown as I start over again, again…, out of my mind and fill my spirit with hope and encouragement again.
Once I came to grips with the changes I have to make my perspective changed from mourning over the end of the journey to being thankful to God for the memories and opportunities I had to share my faith with tens of thousands of people and to see and experience the beauty and diversity of America from the saddle of my scooter. I really didn’t understand that while I was crisscrossing the country trying to fulfill a 40 year old dream I had, I was simultaneously answering 30 years of my wife’s prayers for prodigals.
As cool as it was to fulfill the quest to put my front wheel in all 48 states, nothing can compare to the realization that Bullwinkle and I had been used to fulfill 30+ years of my wife’s prayers. My wife had a passion for prodigals who had been driven away from God by religion’s demands for uniformity to its laws and by laws. She held prayer meetings at my church every Sunday evening and she used her lunch hour every day to do prayer walks through our town asking God to bring them back to Him or send someone to them who could reach and love them where they are and share the simplicity of the gospel with them… enter Bullwinkle and I wandering ‘aimlessly’ across America for 9 years…
I think it was my 3rd year of living on the road with Bullwinkle that I went to a church in Moravian Falls N.C. with a pastor friend and his wife. It was during that meeting that the Spirit of God spoke to my spirit and revealed His purpose for allowing my wife to die and for me
to lose everything and wander multiple tens of thousands of miles on Bullwinkle with no real destination. That encounter with the Spirit was 6-7 years ago and it changed my perspective of everything that had happened from being the victim of a tragic series of events to being blessed with the opportunity to see 30 years of my wife’s prayers answered and to meet thousands of the most amazing and kindest people and to travel 180,000 miles in America on a Warhorse named Bullwinkle…
I have no clue how many prodigals I led back to faith or how many people met and accepted Jesus for the first time or how many believers I encouraged or inspired but I believe the number is in the multiple thousands in every state and around the world and every one of them is tied to Bullwinkle in one way or another. God has used the love and passion I have for people and for riding scooters in epic ways to open doors for me to share my story with people who are looking for “more”….
I wrote this to try encouraging my riding brothers and sisters to not give up when tragedy strikes unexpectedly, no matter how dark things look or how great the loss there is still hope. 10 years ago I had a ’fairytale life’ but after 23 of the longest days of my life
I was a widower and very shortly after that I lost everything I had and have been homeless, broke and alone ever since but God used the tragedies in my life to give others hope in the midst of storms in their lives.
If it hadn’t been for all of the tragedies, sacrifices and losses I’ve endured I never would have met or had the opportunity to meet, and hopefully encourage, inspire, give or restore hope to people like those in these photos….God does some of His most profound and life changing work in darkness so never give up or give into depression and anxiety, instead, let the grieving process run its course and seek His perspective and purpose for allowing tragedy in your life…. (Romans 8:28 AND 29 hold the answer we all need…)
It’s been an epic 10 years and all totaled 218,000+ mile adventure that I never would have chosen to take but looking back on it all I would do it all over again. My life is not my own and I will willingly lay it aside to help someone experience the same peace I’ve been given…...
By: Bob Seymour
Starting January 2025...Murals & Motorsickles contest. This will be a contest of grand adventure ...riding your motorsickle and seeking out murals for chances at killer prizes!
Murals have become very popular and they are scattered throughout this great country of ours. You can see them on downtown buildings in cities and rural communities, even on barns along the countryside.
A muralist is an artist who creates large-scale paintings or artworks on walls, ceilings or other permanent surfaces. A great example is the photo pictured above! It is a killer mural found by Mike Lambeth in Greensboro, NC! There is also one on page 10 in this issue from Oxford, NC.
Mike Lambeth took this picture of his motorsickle in Greensboro, N.C.
***Contest start date is 1 January 2025***
To be a participant in the Murals & Motorsickles contest:
A. You will have to sign up/register by deadline (Deadline is 31 May 2025).
B. Cost is $50 per person.
C. You will be given a towel with the event logo and a number to hold or place on your motorsickle for photos.
E. Points will be given for each mural where photo is taken. Two ways to submit photos...via email: behindbarz333@gmail.com or via text: 252-314-8589
Points will be awarded as follows...
1 point = Photo of you, towel, mural.
2 points = Photo of motorcycle, towel, mural.
5 points = Photo of you, motorcycle, towel, Mural.
(Towel with logo must be visible in all photos. Understandably not all instances are safe to include motorcycle in photo.)
F. You must list city and state where mural is located.
G. Anyone can sign up and participate from anywhere in the USA.
H. You do not have to have a motorcycle to participate.
Once can request a form via email or by downloading one from the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61568540344932 After completing it you can email the completed form (we accept Paypal) or mail it in with payment. A logo towel and a “Murals & Motorsickles” sticker will be shipped to you.
The rest is up to you. No set destination. No set list of murals to find. Any mural found in the USA is eligible for points.
As photos are submitted they will be posted to the “Murals & Motorsickles” page on Facebook. Deadline for mural picture entries is 31 Aug 25. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place winners will be announced in September. Surprise drawings will be held each month from submitted photos for monthly prizes! So, the more photos you submit the more chances you have at winning prizes!
By signing up and paying to participate you give Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine permission to use your photos in the print and online magazine, plus on any social media platforms.
16 November 2024
Today, I had the honor of riding with the Myrtle Beach HOG Chapter, and what a day it was! Riding with locals is always a treat—they know all the best twisty, fun roads. The moto community never disappoints with its hospitality, and this group was no exception. They even made me an honorary member of their chapter!
It was fantastic meeting so many great people and reconnecting with some familiar faces along the way. There’s nothing like riding with others who share the same passion for the open road.
The weather couldn’t have been better—plenty of sunshine and perfect, mild temps. Our destination was a great brewery in North Carolina, the perfect end to an amazing ride.
A huge thank you to Myrtle Beach HOG for the warm welcome and unforgettable experience. Until next time, ride safe!
Below: Big thanks to Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson for fitting me into their busy schedule for a quick service today! It’s always great to find employees who are true moto enthusiasts—they don’t just work in the industry, they live the life. When you love what you do, it never feels like work. They really embody the Harley philosophy of keeping us on the road. Appreciate the support! Ride safe, everyone!
Road Warrior AKA R-DUB
384,000-mile Road Glide, over 600,000 lifetime. Riding 49 states yearly in memory of his firefighter brothers lost on 9/11, including his younger brother, who inspired his first Harley. Silver medalist, 2019 Iron Butt Rally. Coast to Coast: 39 hrs. You can follow R-DUB along on his travels at: www.facebook.com/roadwarriorakardub instagram.com/road_warrior_aka_r_dub
The Legacy Motown Revue
Saturday, January 4: 7:30PM General: $20 Advance/$25 Door
Ashton Lalyn & The Verdict
Friday, January 10: 7PM General: $15 Advance/$20 Door
Feature Attraction Band
Saturday, January 18: 7PM General: $15 Advance/$20 Door
Woodburning Class Create your own Charcuterie Board!
Instructed by Regina Pena
Thursday, January 23: 6-8:30PM $35. ALL SUPPLIES PROVIDED.
Skye Fortenbery
Saturday, January 25: 7PM $11 General Admission Acoustic Solo
Bill Lyerly & Clyde Mattocks
Thursday, January 30: 7:30PM General: $15 Advance/$20 Door
The Malpass Brothers
Saturday, February 8: 7:30PM General: $30 Advance/$35 Door
The Classic Vinyl Band Clay
Saturday, February 15: 7PM General: $15 Advance/$20 Door
The Toler Family
Friday, February 28: 7PM General: $10 Advance/$15 Door
Nash County Arts Council members receive discounts on tickets & admissions, classes, & rentals.
100 E Washington Street Nashville, NC 27856 (252) 459-4734 www nasharts org sgray@nasharts org
join or purchase tickets!
Thank you for your continued support! Without it there is no way we could have made it this far! 21 years is a lot of miles Behind Barz - Livin’ The Life! We are so glad that we decided to start this venture! We have met so many wonderful people over the years! Thank you for subscribing, buying our BB Gear and picking up the mag at the biker friendly businesses that you see within these pages! Please show them some love!
4th Annual Eastern NC Shovel Fest
19 October 2024
Story & photos: Doobie
This was a great event, as always, by George, Gregg and Jake! This was the 4th Annual Eastern NC Shovel Fest. People came from far and wide to attend this event at Old School Bike Shop and Old School Detail in Louisburg, N.C. In all, over 400 people and 300 bikes came out to Shovel Fest throughout the day!
There were several vendors onsite the day of the event, including food vendors, swap meet vendors and a local beer brewery. The live band, “Neglected Toys” kept everyone entertained all afternoon! There was no cover charge, nor has there ever been and money raised from the day went to Meels On Wheels Of Franklin County...$2,006. It was a beautiful day and lots of door prizes were handed out.
Bike show winners were...
1st Place and People’s Choice: Billy Pressley. 2nd Place winner was Scott Hicks. 3rd Place winner was Sue Hatch.
h e Y e a r - R o u n d G i f t o f
m y r t l e b e a c h h a r l e y c o m
l o w c o u n t r y h a r l e y c o m
A s w e r e v o u r e n g i n e s a n d r i d e i n t o a n e w y e a r , w e c a n ’ t
h e l p b u t t h i n k a b o u t a l l o f t h e p o s s i b i l i t i e s a n d
o p p o r t u n i t i e s t h a t c o m e a l o n g w i t h n e w b e g i n n i n g s ! 2 0 2 5
g r e a t e s t o n e y e t , a n d a t M y r t l e B e a c h H a r l e y - D a
l e c d c a
h r i z n r r n l l f h w a m k h i s e r r y l d t d
o n h r O t f p s t f f a
u d i n a s o m h r t e
u b t r c y c n g i n e v i g o d e s t
n t ’ s w e a l y s r e y o e s u r u
i h a e e v t h i h e d b r a r e f
r i d e r s h a v e e v e r y t h i n g t h e y n e e d t o b e p r e p a r e d f o
e n d l e s s t w o o r t h r e e - w h e e l e d j o u r n e y s .
e n e o t e e - w h y s . i t
W i t h t h e l a r g e s t s e l e c t i o n o f n e w a n d p r e - o w n e d H a r l e y -
D a v i d s o n m o t o r c y c l e s i n t h e C a r o l i n a s , t h e y ’ r e t h e r o o t s
t a k s u d r r
t h a t k e e p u s g r o u n d e d , b u t o u r d e a l e r s h i p s a r e m o r e t h a n
j u s t t h e b e a u t i f u l m a c h i n e s o n o u r s h o w r o o m f l o o r s F o r
b i h r o o F o
t a e r s , r c h w a f r t e
s t a r t e r s , o u r M o t o r c l o t h e s D e p a r t m e n t s a l w a y s o f f e r t h e
e s t o H a r y - D v i s n a p r l n
l a t e s t s e l e c t i o n o f H a r l e y - D a v i d s o n a p p a r e l a n d
m e r c h a n d i s e M e a n w h i l e , o u r P a r t s & A c c e s s o r i e s
c h a n d i M e i l , u r P a r t s A c s i e
D e p a r t m e n t s a r e e q u i p p e d w i t h t h e b e s t - o f - t h e - b e s t t o
b r i n g y o u r v i s i o n f o r y o u r m o t o r c y c l e t o l i f e F i n a l l y , o u r
S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t s w i l l p u l l e v e r y t h i n g t o g e t h e r
D e p a r t m e n t s a r e e u p e d w t h t h - e t s y a e D s l y
h ’ s m l e f b e v o t
W h e t h e r i t ’ s a s i m p l e f i x o r a b i g p r o j e c t , w e ’ v e g o t y o u
v a t h e e a o f a l s p s i a
c o v e r e d A n d a t t h e h e a r t o f i t a l l i s a p a s s i o n a t e a n d
s e a s o n e d s t a f f , d e d i c a t e d t o m a k i n g s u r e y o u r i d e a w a y
e a s n e d e d i m a k r i d e a w a y
r e l v u H l e a s h a n v b e f
m o r e i n l o v e w i t h y o u r H a r l e y - D a v i d s o n t h a n e v e r b e f o r e
A n e w y e a r a l s o m e a n s a b r a n d n e w e v e n t c a l e n d a r ! W i t h
y o u r f a v o r i t e a n n u a l e v e n t s c o m i n g b a c k f o r a n o t h e r
y e a r , a l o n g w i t h s o m e n e w a d d i t i o n s t o t h e l i n e - u p , w e
h a v e a w h o l e l o t o f f u n p l a n n e d f o r o u r r i d e r s i n 2 0 2 5 !
T h e H a r l e y S h o p a t t h e B e a c h , l o c a t e d i n N o r t h M y r t l e
n e e a l m e b d e w e e t l e d a r t n a g s t l d r e h c , l e d t e
a c h a d s i t e r d e l r h t M l a h r l y
B e a c h a n d s i s t e r d e a l e r s h i p t o M y r t l e B e a c h H a r l e y -
D a v i d s o n , i s k i c k i n g o f f t h e y e a r w i t h o u r C h i l l y C h i l i
D a v i d i c k e a r r i l l
C u A p p e i a i R i e S a u d a y J 2 t h
C u s t o m e r A p p r e c i a t i o n R i d e o n S a t u r d a y , J a n u a r y 2 5 t h
s e n t i c o m l
t h a n k y o u t o e v e r y o n e f o r t h e c o n t i n u e d s u p p o r t .
T h i s e v e n t i s c o m p l e t e l y f r e e , a n d i s o u r w a y o f s a y i n g
u n e a l
L o w C o u n t r y H a r l e y - D a v i d s o n , a l o n g w i t h t h e i r s i s t e r
S m r i l r e a i w c
d e a l e r s h i p S u m m e r v i l l e H a r l e y - D a v i d s o n , w i l l c o n t i n u e
t e i r m o n B e t s , a r o l e b o n J a n a r 6
t h e i r m o n t h l y B i k e N i g h t s , a t T r o l l e y P u b o n J a n u a r y 1 6 t h
y n F e u a 2 w t r y r l y
a n d O ' L a c y ' s P u b o n F e b r u a r y 2 0 t h L o w C o u n t r y H a r l e y -
D a d w l f r e k t t
D a v i d s o n w i l l a l s o h o s t a f r e e m o n t h l y R i d e r C o o k o u t a t
t h e d e a l r h p u a r y 2 h F e b r u a r y 2 d
t h e d e a l e r s h i p o n J a n u a r y 2 5 t h a n d F e b r u a r y 2 2 n d
A s y o u c a n s e e , w e d e f i n i t e l y d o n ’ t k n o w t h e m e a n i n g o f
“ s l o w s e a s o n ” a r o u n d h e r e ! W e ’ r e s t a r t i n g 2 0 2 5 o f f s t r o n g
w i t h t h e h o p e o f c o n t i n u i n g t h a t m o m e n t u m a l l t h e w a y
c o i o i t o m n t l h e w y
t h r g h e n d f r R d i a e a
t h r o u g h t h e e n d o f t h e y e a r . R i d i n g a H a r l e y - D a v i d s o n
a n d b e i n g p a r t o f t h e l i f e s t y l e t h a t c o m e s w i t h i t m i g h t b e
e a r t h l t y l e t t m s i t g b e
t h r l n g b u e t a s t h r l l e d u i c i n g a s f
t h r i l l i n g , b u t w e ’ r e j u s t a s t h r i l l e d a b o u t k i c k i n g a s s f o r
t h e r e a r w i t h l u a m a z i g r i d e r s
a n o t h e r y e a r w i t h a l l o f o u r a m a z i n g r i d e r s a n d
c u t e C h
c u s t o m e r s ! C h e e r s t o 2 0 2 5 ! p s a
7 December 2024
The Blue Knight NC Chapter 2 celebrated the holiday’s with their annual Christmas party. This is a favorite event that chapter 2 looks forward to every year. The Blue Knights NC Chapter 2 use this event to get together outside of their regular monthly meetings and have an absolute blast every year.
Every year Chapter 2 gets together with some really yummy food cooked by their director Mike Hunter, who does an amazing job. Before they eat there is always a memorial for those who are no longer with us, this memorial is very special to the club. Once everyone’s stomachs are full even more fun begins with “Dirty Santa”. Dirty Santa is where everyone brings a gift and leaves them on the table in the middle of the room, you can either take a gift from the table or steal someone else gift. The group enjoys this activity and everyone looks forward to all the laughter that this game brings. There is also some sort of special guest, you could say. Blue knights NC Chapter 2 always ends the night with a closing prayer and everyone leaves with full belly’s and a smile on their face. This is the reason Chapter 2 is such an amazing group because they all celebrate and enjoy each other’s company and they are always willing to help anyone in need.
Blue Knights NC Chapter 2 will be partnering with Chapter 12 to deliver gift baskets and other donations to Wake Med children’s Hospital December 23rd, 2024. They will be presenting the patient’s, Parents, and staff with stuffed animals, gift cards and an appreciation basket. The best part about this group is their dedication, if the weather does not allow them to ride they will show up in their car’s. This is the second year that these groups have donated to their local hospital during the holiday’s. Being in the hospital is scary time but can be very sad especially around Christmas, so anything these groups can do to spread cheer around their community, they do it!
It means a lot to these groups when they are supported back by their community as well, whether it is spreading the word about them to donating so they can continue to show support to their communities, anything is appreciated. Both Blue Knight NC Chapter 2 and 12 have a Facebook supporter page that is open to the public where you can share your support and they encourage you to check them out.
Happy holiday’s from your local Blue Knights!
Biker Style Boogie ‘24
It’s been a while since Easyrider Rodeo was in this area and it drew large crowds but after it left it seemed to leave a void for a good old fashioned biker weekend in Eastern NC...a place where you could camp, party, see old friends and just do what Bikers do.
My business partner and I had been talking about doing a rally and since he had around 53 acres in the country back off the beaten path we talked about it with the help from a Brother (Luke Ferguson / Backyard Barbeque in Trenton) that had some experience under his belt with putting on a weekend blow out. From that conversation and a hand shake, ”Biker Style Boogie” was set in motion.
It took months of planning and getting our ducks in a row just to have a few get shot down but we pulled it off and even with the wash out on Friday that came through with Hurricane Helena we still had a few die hard bikers come out and camp. Saturday cleared up but the ground was saturated and limited our events a little. We did manage to get in a 75 mile bike run with about 22 bikes, did bike games, had a few vendors and a couple awesome bands “Marvin and the Mechanics & Steel Standing (Minus our Brother “ Big Mike”) rocked Saturday afternoon and into the night.
We were blessed with a large amount of raffle donations (Look on our fb “Biker Style Boogie” for a full listing of donators and give us a follow to be updated for the 2025 Boogie on Sept. 26 thru 28.
Finally, we want to thank our major sponsors: Behind Barz Magazine (Nashville NC), Bridgers Upholstery (Tarboro NC), Dudley Construction (Tarboro, NC) and Flowers Screen Printing (Elizabeth City). Finally, we want to thank everyone that came out to support us and the volunteers that donated their time and energy to help make it happen. After all was said and done we raised $1,340.00 to donate to Grassroots 252, Co. to help with autistic and special needs children and young adults.
Continued next page...
Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson
Rubber Side Down Foundation
We’re always happy to see our friends with the Rivertown Riders RC, but they stopped by yesterday for a reason that really warms our hearts! Their Rubber Side Down Foundation was the beneficiary of the Scenic Rally Ride during Fall Bike Week! The Rubber Side Down Foundation is a local non-profit that helps bikers who have gone down and their families during that time of need. Bikers are typically out of work in these situations, so the foundation assists them with food, utilities, other bills, and even helps local kids with money for college when they can!
All because of everyone who was involved, $1,716 was raised! We always like to brag on this community for its generosity, but it still amazes us every single time! It’s so important that we lift each other up and help those around us when we can, and this money will go directly towards doing just that! Over 100 people took time out of their day to go on this awesome ride, so thank y’all for continuing to show up when it matters most!
Anthony’s Way Ride For Kindness
Shipwreck Harley-Davidson
12 Oct 2024 was full of kindness here at Carolina Coast Harley-Davidson®, now Shipwreck Harley-Davidson, as we hosted the 2nd Annual Anthony’s Way Ride for Kindness! A heartfelt thank you to Tony and Cassi and all of the volunteers for making this event possible.
It’s truly uplifting to see our bike community rally together for such a meaningful cause, supporting kids and teens with ADHD.
Together, we’re not just riding - we’re making a positive impact! Let’s keep the spirit of kindness alive and if you weren’t able to make the ride but would like to be involved - please visit Anthony’s Road to Kindness and their website at: https://www.anthonysroadtokindness.com/
Cox Double Eagle Harley-Davidson
Underwearness Inc.
3,500 pairs of underwear were donated to North Carolina! Your donations have helped provide this basic necessity for kids who have lost everything in the recent hurricanes. And a huge thank you to Walmart Evergreen for helping us with our shopping and Cox’s Double Eagle Harley-Davidson for delivering the underwear to temporary housing and emergency services. Together, we are making a difference for children in need … one pair at a time!
Sea Breeze Harley-Davidson
Beautiful day to ride! Thank you to everyone who came out to support a wonderful cause! We had a total of 135 motorcycles attend the ride, plus many more who stopped by to donate and hang out with us. Because of you, children of the less fortunate in our community will experience the joy of Christmas. That’s the ultimate gift of all!
A special shout out to our local HOG chapter for their awesome work, Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office for escorting our riders safely, Life Is Good Motorcyclist Ministry, Toys For Tots Foundation, The Marine Corps Reserve for helping this event run smoothly, and Coastal Catering (Jeromes Steakhouse) for serving the most delicious meal as always.
Until next year folks! We hope everyone enjoys the holidays. Don’t forget, you made a beautiful difference today. “Hope is only a gift away” -Toys For Tots
Turned 400,000 miles on my ‘99 Police Special today. Been riding since1963. Most of my riding buddies have passed, but I still feel the old crew riding with me. By the way, I’m 81 years old.
I’ve always preferred to ride solo no matter if it’s a short day ride, or a long ride around the country.
Here are a few photos from my adventure back in July-August, 2024. About 8000 miles and 29 days on the road on my 1949 Harley-Davidson chopper.
Craig Spalding Sparks, Nevada
Please feel free to send us a few sentences or 1-2 paragraphs! Don’t forget 3-4 high resolution photos to go along with the info. Tell us your name (how you would like it listed), and the city and state where you reside. We will be glad to send you a free copy of the mag via snail mail (USPS) plus a few Behind Barz stickers for participating!
I didn’t know motorcycling, in general, and motorcycling with my wife, specifically, would make me feel so happy! Today was probably the last ride of the season. It was gray and wet all day and finally the skies cleared right when we left home at 60°! We rode south to check out New Richmond Bridge Park, and from there, we went west to Douglas and just caught the end of the sunset over Lake Michigan from the bluffs. We shared a perch dinner with a fall salad and a small flight of beers at Saugatuck Brewing Company and rode home in the dark. Sixty miles in total. We are excited about all the miles to come and adventures ahead. I never saw this coming, but we are truly loving the journey of motorcycle life. Who knows, maybe someday we’ll get to retire and can move south where we’ll have a longer riding season.
Check them out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mi_motorcyclists/profile card/?igsh=MTI2djJnems3aTRjaQ==
Troy and Kathy Hauch Zeeland, Michigan.
I retired in May of this year. I decided to celebrate by taking 35 days and cruise around the country. I rode for 10,962 miles. Here’s a few pictures. What an amazing adventure I had!
30 November 2024
It may have been cold but that didn’t deter us! Accompanied by clear blue skies and awesome open roads we rode out to New Bern, met up with 100’s of other crazy bikers and then rode out to the Kennedy Children’s Home! A great day raising money for a great cause.
I am the President of Blue Knights NC XII and, like my counterpart Vince with NC II we welcome any chance to let people know who we are and what we do. And you don’t have to be a Blue Knight to ride, eat and laugh with us! EVERYONE is welcome to tag along.
MAYSVILLE, NC 23 November 24
The Jones County Toy Run was today. Bless the little children and bless those that made this possible!!! Host location was Broken Spoke Biker Church in Maysville.
KINSTON, NC 30 November 24
The Kennedy Home ride today was definitely COLD but so so worth it! These young people look forward to the bikes coming every year. God bless the little children and God bless everyone that braved the cold to come out and support this ride!
30 Oct 2024
Rocky Mount, NC
Brent Hoggard, a deacon at Sunset Avenue Baptist Church in Rocky Mount, NC asked me if I knew of any Christian bike groups that would be willing to come out to his church and speak to some of the youth there. I contacted Becky with the CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) in Wilson and she called a few other members. They didn’t hesitate to volunteer for a ride out to the church to do just that.
Anita, Spanky and Becky rode their bikes out to the church to meet me at 5:30pm. Brent greeted us outside at the church and we talked briefly and then followed him inside. Church members had prepared a delicious meal. (This is something they do every Wednesday night for anyone who would like to come out and eat with them for a donation). This particular evening they had hot dogs & h amburgers (with fixins), fries, chips, and a salad bar! It was amazing! A crowd was there eating with us. We sat with Brent and his wife and we all thoroughly enjoyed our meal.
Afterwards we went outside to the parking lot where our bikes were and soon the kids came out...they were so excited to hear about the CMA and motorcycles and how you can ride a motorcycle and be a Christian. Anita told them how bikers help each other and their communities and how we are a family. Afterwards, Anita, Spanky and Becky gave the kids a metal pocket cross and a coin. I had a few BB stickers for them.
Then they wanted to sit on the bikes...we all agreed that it was ok and Anita said we weren’t at all afraid of a few fingerprints. The smiles on the kids faces was worth a million fingerprints! When we cranked our bikes their eyes got big and they yelled with excitement! I am not sure who got more from the visit, the kids or us!!! It was a wonderful experience! Thanks to the CMA members for riding out and fellowshipping to the kids! also...Thanks for inviting us Brent and for the wonderful hospitality! Thanks also to SABC for the wonderful meal!
Right: CMA members Spanky, Anita and Becky stand with their bikes.
story & photos: ~ Doobie
Brent Hoggard (blue shirt)
Rodger Duvall ~ Jesus Freak Thee Redeemed House biker Church
Long enough to desire it again and again, the pursuit will be a suffering passion to surrender for it.
I am envisioning miles of road in this new year that may provide the perfect ride.
This perfection arrives when all the conditions surrounding it meet together at the perfect time.
The perfect storm, perfect day, perfect relationship, perfect Job, perfect Love, ect...
Ones perfections may not be another’s, it’s conditions may not be perfect for someone else.
We can make allowance to what others may believe is their perfection and that’s perfectly alright.
I’m looking for this perfect road personally this year.
The only way I’ll find it is by going down many roads, so I’m going to need to ride more.
I believe when I find this road I hope to know it as I begin to realize it, and hey ya know what I believe I’ll know it.
When one begins to realize this perfect road ride, you’ll realize revelation of its curves, banked perfection, straightaways just long enough, stop signs when the need to power up with each gear pushing exhaust from rpm red lines. Shade when needed, sun where it should be, thoughts lost far away from negativity, with revelations of future answers.
One will realize in the moment of effortlessness the perfect ride. This won’t last long but stay as long as you can.
When you find this road your hunger will be satisfied, your thirst will be quenched, you’ll find that it draws you in and not cast you out.
It’s will become yours, you’ll never be lost.
On the last day of your life ride, the road will begin a new ride everlasting effortlessly perfect in paradise forever, perfect because the perfect one will be there.
“ ...No one who (rides) to Jesus, will never be hungry, and no one who believes will be thirsty again. But as I told you, you’ve seen Me, and yet you don’t believe.
Everyone the Father gives will come to Me, and the one’s who do come to Me I will never cast out.
For I have come down from heaven not to do my will, but the will of the One Who sent Me.
And this is the will of the one who sent Me: that I should lose none of those He given Me, but will raise them up on the last day.
For this is the will of My Father, everyone that sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life and I will raise them up on the last day. “, (Ride)
John 6 :35-40
See ya next year, Lord willing. “Jesus Freak” Rodger.
story & photos: Doobie
The Tar River Toy Run was held on 7 Dec 2024 at Webbs Mill Event Center in Spring Hope, NC. Bikers came on their bikes and in their vehicles. Many brought toys and some made cash donations. The toys were intended for the Middlesex Children’s Home. But there are no young children at the home right now. So, Pete and Cathy Curtis, owners of Webbs Mill, created a Facebook post asking if anyone wanted to purchase items that the young adults/ teenagers at Middlesex Children’s Home had asked for... items like hoodies, jerseys, gift cards, etc. Within 12 hours those items on their “wish list” had all been purchased! Pete and Cathy, Charlie and Bonita Bogey, & Josh decided the toys needed to go to kids in the mountains of North Carolina.
Charlie, Josh, and Sandra met with Bill Houston (former owner of Carolina Billiards) in Wilson and ask would he take toys when he went west to take a load of items to Hurricane Helene victims. Bill Houston didn’t hesitate! He was there at Webbs Mill with his 20 foot inclosed trailer. He has made many trips to the mountains of NC with food, heaters, fuel and other items for Hurricane Helene victims. This time he was going with a trailer filled to the roof with 487 toys, numerous blankets, coats, hats, mittens and scarves for our fellow North Carolinians. Plus, he was also taking 300 pounds of Barbecue!!!
Josh led the ride of bikers on a short run and then back to the Mill for the great meal prepared by Charlie, Kevin and Peanut...their helpers were Hunter and Austin. They put out a spread of BBQ, boiled potatoes, slaw, and brunswick stew! For appetizers they had amazing bacon wrapped weenies and tender marinated venison skewers by Bonita Bogey and Briana.
There were also lots of door prizes. $5,505 went to the Middlesex Children’s Home. The teenagers at the Children’s Home got their wish and toys and needed items were sent to those suffering from Hurricane Helene.
Thanks to the crew who gave of their time, hard work, great ideas, and friendship for this event: Bonita, Charlie, Josh, Briana, Pete & Cathy, Aspen, Peanut, Melissa, Alex, Bailee, Sandra, Hunter, Austin, along with several others and numerous sponsors! Thanks also to Old School Detail and Old School Bike Shop for the truck load of toys and money donation!
This was an amazing first event of The Tar River Toy Run! What better place to have it than along side the scenic Tar River at the historic Webbs Mill Event Center! This event will always be held on the first Saturday in December. We hope to see you there in 2025!
For 21 years we have included stickers in each issue of the magazine. I personally put each and every sticker in each and every copy myself (Doobie)!!! Here lately folks have gotten bad about pulling stickers out of many copies... I guess because they like the stickers so much. It has happened in the past but not like it has the last few issues. It is unfair to others who pick up a copy of the magazine only to find that their copy does not have a sticker. So, starting with the Jan-Feb 2023 issue of Behind Barz we are not going to place stickers in each copy. We will have stickers available for FREE but you have to send a self addressed, stamped envelope to our PO Box listed on previous page. We will then send you the sticker that goes with this issue (if you write “BB ALIEN” on the envelope) plus, we will throw in 3 more stickers, of our choice. We hate this has to be done but with the time it takes to place each sticker in every copy and then people are pulling the stickers out we feel that this is the best way to do it right now.
Thanks for your continued support! We still have lots of killer prizes from our sponsors on the previous page to give away. So remember, you can’t win it if you don’t stick it!