On the cover...The Hurricane Alley Rally 2024 ~ Myrtle Beach Bike Week. September 30th - October 6th. Read all about it on pages 2627. We hope to see y’all there! Check out page 3 and the back cover for Thee Dollhouse and The Rat Hole ads. Great Rally destinations!
September 11th. is Patriot Day where we remember the people who died in the 2021 terrorist attacks on the United States of America! We hope that you will take a few moments out of your day to remember the lives lost, honor the heroes who responded, and reaffirm a commitment to our nation’s values and unity!
Just a reminder that Behind Barz Mag can bee seen and read on the web. We were the first motorcycle e-magazine in N.C. If you would like Behind Barz in your business, please give us a call: 252-314-8589...Our ad rates are unmatched by ANYONE in the motorcycle realm! Distributed to NC, SC, VA & TN in hard copy and full color, glossy! You can find us on Facebook: www. facebook.com/BehindBarzMag and we are on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram, You get a lot for your hard earned money when you advertise with us! We promote your events, bike runs, benefits, and your business relentlessly! NO NEWS PRINT HERE!
We will see y’all out there Livin’ The Life!
Correction for the July-Aug issue story: Judy Kay’s Odyssey...photos were by Jordan Gorski/Transcendence Photography.
If you are lost...have faith in Him! He will get you through whatever it is that you may face...because He is with you...all the time!
God Bless you and yours!
We reserve the right to edit all letters, opinions, or articles for publication in “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. No part of “Behind Barz” may be reproduced for any purpose in intirety or in part without the express written consent of “Behind Barz”. “Behind Barz” does not endorse any advertiser or its products and cannot be held responsible for advertisers claims. “Behind Barz” has the right to refuse advertisements for any reason. “BB” will not intentionally publish fraudulent or misleading advertising. Opinions depicted in any photograph or writing does not necessarily reflect the view point of the staff of “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. Manuscripts, artwork, photographs, inquiries and submitted materials are welcomed.
Motorcycle Magazine
Send: ideas, recipes, stories, photos, complaints, suggestions or whatever to: PO Box 692 - Nashville, N.C. - 27856 or email: behindbarzmm@suddenlink.net check out the official website... WWW.BEHINDBARZ.COM also FaceBook, Instagram, or Twitter
PUBLISHERS & EDITORS: debbie “DOOBIE” sykes - 252-314-8589 vince “Vinney” byrne - RIP
SALEZ: Debbie Sykes
spick - the best of both worlds charlie - after the 18th hole m.a. - the one and only harley mama jason - foreign corespondent kate - foreign corespondent bones - black hills under ground pork - black hills high wire lady d - LA corespondent angel eyes - on the other side moe - shitcreek Survivor vinney - the original picker! RIP mike - always on call jaybird - Always ridin’ damn yank - on the north side bob bryant - poetry biker becky - Road Glide Queen dave - Iron Man chewy - iron mutt ewing RIP jason - The Kitchen Goat big ed - Only as he can tell it! bobby earl - cointreuversial wild bill - the iron horse cowboy RIP “jus” rick - former golden boy preacher man - SHBC RIP d-rod - “guardians” public relations RIP indiana bill - the longest in the world paul - ghost baseball player bob - preacher bob and bullwinkle michelle - keeping it real bunny - anywhere there’s cruzan RIP rodger - Jesus freak samantha - Blue Knights mikey - Inspector Clouseau
NC SUPPORT OUR TROOPS located in Ayden, North Carolina is a nonprofit organization formed with the mission to support troops and their family members by providing care and comfort items and expressions of appreciation for their service and sacrifices.
Packing care packages for our deployed troops is a way to show your support and appreciation for the service and sacrifices by our military members. We also provide support for troops at home, their families and veterans.
The end of last year our team of volunteers had to work from home because of not having a building to meet in and work from.
We met these challenges while supporting troops through deployments and homeland activations. We continued with support from caring volunteers and donors who want our troops to know that America cares about and appreciates their service.
We are now in our new location and we are looking forward to 2024. Below are some suggestions on how you can help...
Ideas: Order items from Amazon, assemble goody bags with 6-8 items in a sandwich or party bag, add signed cards. Make as many as your family, church or bike group can help with! Make financial contributions for postage. Groups are welcome to setup GoFund me pages for postage. Our financial donations have dropped significantly and monetary donations for postage is our greatest need.
Please don’t forget our military members who are serving away from home and family this year.
Thank you!
Barbara Whitehead
We are so honored to have the support of American Legion Victory 289.
What a pleasure it is to meet with and especially today (26 June 2024) to present a check for $1,136 from the Post’s fundraising efforts of Apr & May.
At NC Support our Troops facility on Lee St, Ayden. Pictured from left to right: Jerry Cox - Adjutant/Finance, Jerry “JT” Taylor - Commander, Barbara Whitehead, Greg Roberson - 1st Vice Commander.
Photo left: Austin and his mom brought in donations today and told us “see you later” as we bid him GodSpeed on his military journey starting with the first steps of basic training.
Photo above:
We had a busy day packing for our troops! Laura Sakaluk Hurst packed and labeled about 30 care packages fo r mailing. Josie DiCesare, Brenda and Carla packed 125 hygiene kits. The postage costs for today is about $750. Your donations make this mission possible! A special thank you to Lynda King Taylor‘s brother Bill for a wonderful donation of hygiene and snack items. Many of our bins are low or out of items so donations are very much needed and appreciated!
Photo above:
What a day!!! We supported about 4450 Marines, Sailors and Soldiers today with pickups!
The last two days off work were spent just hanging out with our favorite kid. We also remembered a great friend, John Stucker, and got to help out the family of Miley Byrd. We were blessed with gorgeous weather and a safe ride! There were so many great friends there either riding or helping make this event possible. Miley and John will forever be in the hearts of their families and friends….
Oh and we had company come home for dinner to end the day.
Riding with my husband is fun, but it’s challenging for a multitasker like me. I hardly ever do just one thing at a time. However, sitting on the back of a Harley isn’t conducive to a great deal of anything but relaxing and enjoying the scenery. Put in a position of forced physical inactivity, my mental activity sometimes goes into overdrive to compensate. That can be a problem. When I am all up in my head, I am not focused on what is happening around me.
This happens to me mostly on long rides in the country. The fresh air and beautiful vistas ease the stress of day-to-day living. Thoughts begin to float in and out of my mind. If my mind wanders too far, it catches up with an idea (usually a writing idea) and the two become a dynamic duo. My mind and my idea take off on an adventure of their own…dragging my attention with them. That is definitely NOT a good thing when you’re on the back of a bike tooling down the highway.
It didn’t take but a few times of this happening for me to figure out that it’s not a good idea to lose focus, even if I’m not the one driving. If I’m not paying attention to my husband and the road, I miss signs and information that would help me have a better ride. If I give free rein to my thoughts instead of corralling them, I could find myself unseated or even eating dirt because I missed a cue that a rough road was coming up. If I’m not alert to the dangers around me, I become a danger to myself. If there is one thing that you need to bring fully loaded on every ride as a biker’s passenger, it is your attention. Letting that wander can lead to the kind of adventures you really want to avoid.
The best way to ride with a biker is to keep your focus on who’s behind the bars. When you are attuned to the biker’s leading, then even the roughest ride becomes bearable. You may not enjoy some parts of the ride — you may even find some parts uncomfortable, frightening, or even painful — but you will endure the ride much better when you keep your attention on the one in charge and trust him to get you to your destination.
Who do you ride with? Who’s behind the bars in your life journey? Is it God? He’s the only one I trust to get me through life in this broken world. I’ll admit that He’s taken me down some rough roads — some parts didn’t even look like roads at all — but He’s never dumped me anywhere. He’s never left me stranded. He never will. And we’re all free to ride with Him.
But it’s your choice. And if you haven’t said “yes”, then you have said “no” by default. There’s still time to change that. Take advantage of it while you can. God wants to see you in heaven. So do I.
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6 NLT
“…what must I do to be saved?” And they answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus [as your personal Savior and entrust yourself to Him] and you will be saved…”
Acts 16:30-31 AMP
Below is Leslie’s fourth book, “Along for the Ride: Motorcycle Moments with the Master” now available on Amazon. Book is pictured below.
To thank you, our loyal readers, we are going way back to the beginning!
In honor of this 20 year milestone we are offering BB subscriptions for the price of $15/1 year and $30/2 years.
Each issue of BB will come to you in a protective manila envelope with free stickers inclosed!
Thank you for your support!
Offer expires 31 Dec 2024.
448 members and 86 guests for a total of 534 attending the 2024 84th Motor Maid Convention in Dublin, OH. New convention attendance record! Motor Maids Rock! The Motor Maids hold a National Convention each July in a different part of North America. Motor Maids may only attend convention on a motorcycle. 2024 marked 84 years of continuous operation...the oldest known wome’s motorcycle club.
Are you a biker friendly business?
If not, you should be! The motorcycle industry is a 25+ billion dollar industry! The average income of a biker is $75k+ annually! Women are more than 1/3 of the motorcycle market! Average age is 40-65. Bikers spend over 3 billion annually on charities!
Get Behind Barz Mag distributed to your business and we will let bikers know you carry it and are biker friendly! All you have to do is ask! Call us and we will let you know how. 252-314-8589
Do you care about your business? If you do, and want to advertise in a respected and professional magazine, give us a call. We are the only full color, glossy biker publication in VA., N.C. & S.C. combined. We were the first free biker mag with an E-Magazine! We have more online social websites than anyone else to offer you the optimum advertising possibilities ~ Print Mag, Virtual Mag and many other social media outlets! All at your disposal for one price when you advertise with us! You have one option when advertising with Behind Barz Mag ~ FULL COLOR! We do not do black & white, we do not do newsprint, we do not charge for web advertising!
We care about your business... do you?
Well well well!! Are you feeling safe? I’ve been preaching this stuff for years and people pointed at me and said I was just blind to conspiracies.
That our government is good and will not turn on its people. We’ll let’s go ask Trump this question. It is in your face that there is agenda and that agenda is for we the people to work, pay our taxes and stand in line. If not you will be pointed out and ridiculed. You will be the trash, the scum. You will be labeled a right wing extremist. Labels Labels Labels whos got the Labels? A racist, an extremist, a hater, a Christian Bible thumper. That’s just a hand full of Labels. All the while the left side is doing everything they blame you of being.
So hear me out since this is my 2 cents. This is my thoughts on Trump being took out. You see, we the people were meant to see Trump having his head blown off.
We were meant to see it. They wanted us to see it. Trump is supposed to be dead right now. It was a turning of the head or the hand of God but He’s alive and it’s a miracle regardless of grace or not.
I just find it funny that Biden would say, “ put the bullseye on Trump.” And then not just a few weeks later, a bullseye was placed on Trump...but for real. The secret service was completely weaponized against Bidens political opponent. Because they stone walled every question thrown at them.
Plus think about this... I’ve been to a bunch of rock concerts in my time. Every time I go, I’m checked out with a metal detector, if I have a backpack, it’s looked through. I mean this is a concert and I’m extremely lucky to get my hand full of joints pass the gate.
The shooter, had a backpack, a drone, a RANGE FINDER, and even seen just beginning weird hours before the rally started. Also after the shooting took place. You mean to tell me. This 20 year old had complicated explosives with remote triggers. This geek had access to explosives!! Hello!! Not just some Pyro cramp for some special gender reveal party. But some real deal explosives. I don’t know about you, but you don’t go finding explosive at Walmart or the dollar tree. You’ve got to have your shit together to have that shit. I mean sure, a few shotgun shells and a bit of hardware, you can make some things go bang bang but remote control activated bang bang... now we are going big time. That’s just not something a 20 year old geek who works at a retirement center is going to get a hold of . Am I wrong?
I know. I get worked up on this shit. I take it personally. Like Damn 2Timer this is a motorcycle magazine. But to me it’s a part of it. Most of these old school motorcycle clubs started with men from our military. They were so used to the thrill and excitement and also the risk of war. The only thing that compared was riding two wheels was the closest thing they felt they could do. Then add a few more brothers and now you’ve got a platoon.
I see freedom when I see a motorcycle. I feel freedom when I ride. When I think of freedom, I think of Good ol’ days America. I had no Idea we were losing a life we had when Covid hit, but it did.
The global market took a shit and we still have not recovered fully. It’s still not over either. If you read the good book. You will see we are actually riding the revelations highway. The things that are happening are all part of it. Our yesterday is gone and I’m afraid it’s never coming back.
See y’all... this is why I ride. So much is changing around us and every day seems to be a new challenge. So I guess I can say with that...enjoy the time we do have. Enjoy those cool afternoon rides coming soon. Enjoy those sun sets and golden leafs in the distance. Take a breath and hug your family for no reason but to show them love. More Change is to come. So embrace the good days my sisters and brothers. Embrace it.
Til next time... 2Timer
Blue Knights NC: Two Chapters, One Mission Blue Knights NC Chapter 2: Riding for a Cause
On June 22, 2024, the Blue Knights NC Chapter 2 from Wake County showcased their commitment to community service by participating in a charity ride benefiting the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford, NC. Hosted by the Knights of Solomon, this event aimed to raise substantial funds for the children’s home.
The ride kicked off at Bulldog Harley-Davidson in Smithfield, NC, with participants embarking on a scenic journey to Oxford. State Troopers on motorcycles provided a police escort throughout the route, ensuring the safety of the large group. As the procession passed through various towns, local police officers and fire departments assisted by blocking traffic, creating a seamless and secure passage for the riders.
Before setting off, riders received a brief safety briefing. The scorching summer heat necessitated a quick pit stop about seven minutes from the destination, allowing participants to stretch, cool off, and hydrate. Upon arrival at the Masonic Home, the Blue Knights were greeted by cheering crowds lining the roads. The children’s excitement was palpable as they eagerly snapped photos with the motorcycles and enjoyed the festive atmosphere.
The charity ride proved to be a resounding success, raising a total of $1600. The Blue Knights NC Chapter 2 expressed their honor in participating and their commitment to supporting this worthy cause in the years to come.
Meanwhile, the Johnson County Chapter of the Blue Knights NC demonstrated their appreciation for local businesses supporting their organization. During their monthly chapter meeting, the group decided to create a special plaque for the Golden Corral in Smithfield, where they regularly gather.
This gesture of gratitude acknowledges the restaurant’s generosity in providing a private room for the chapter’s meetings and offering a substantial discount on meals. The chapter presented the plaque to the restaurant manager, who shared her thoughts on hosting the Blue Knights: “It is a true honor to have them here each month. They are respectful, and we enjoy having them around.”
The Blue Knights Chapter 12 expressed their deep gratitude for the Golden Corral’s continued support, emphasizing the importance of community partnerships in their mission.
Set your oven to 400 degrees. Place your favorite veggies (below we are using green beans, cherry tomatoes, and red potatoes) on 9 x 13 pan. Coat them with Olive Oil and generously dust the veggies with Basil Bash.
Place in oven and cook for 30 to 45 minutes checking to make sure your green beans don’t shrivel up to nothing! Enjoy!
Start with as many wings as you wish. Place on a pan and coat with EVERYTHING RUB. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove from oven, baste with your favorite Old Mule Sauce and grill until crispy. You may want to continue basting. Serve with Old Mule on the side for dipping and lots of napkins.
The “Kitchen Goat” Jason Knapp Once a history teacher, he now raises goats in Nash County, NC, but he’s always had a passion for cooking. At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, he started posting cooking videos on YouTube.
“I called it ‘Cooking a la Quarantine’ and once everything lifted up someone said, ‘Why don’t you call it ‘Kitchen Goat’ and I said, ‘That’s so stupid. Let’s try it,’” Read more about the Kitchen Goat in the next issue of BB. In the meantime, check out his Facebook page for more recipes and see what he is doing for local cancer patients.
“My life motto is “blessed are the flexible for we shall bend but not break’ and I’m continually tested by people and circumstances I have no control over. Last spring I wrote about how much I looked forward to going up to the Sturgis rally this year and that it would take God Himself to keep me from going, I did put a caveat on that statement which said He was more than able to stop me…
Well here I am still in Allenspark Colorado reading all the posts and looking at all the pictures on my friend’s facebook pages. I’d love to be in South Dakota with my friend’s and the people who came from all over the States and other countries that wanted to connect with me but I really couldn’t afford it this year and with my body in the shape it is it would take me 2-3 days to make the ride and a week to recover…
As disappointing as it is not to be riding the Black Hills with my friends I’m not allowing myself to miss the moment I’m in. I’m too old and physically busted up to do much anymore and being this high in the mountains makes it all but impossible to do anything so I sit and write about stuff I’m pondering. The day I knew and came to grips with Sturgis not happening for me again this year I started pondering about all the people I’ve met, rode and partied with up there and I smiled….
It’s because of my commitment to flexibility and my perspective of life that I’m not angry about missing the rally. Instead of wasting time whining about stuff I couldn’t change, I decided to take some time and go back through the photos I took over the years of some of the most ‘colorful’ people I’ve ever met and the beautiful scenery in the Black Hills I’ve ridden.
By: Bob Seymour
As I was going through my Sturgis photos and reading the captions and comments I had to laugh because of a flood of memories in my mind. It took no time at all for the disappointment I initially felt to turn into a feeling of thankfulness for having been given so many opportunities to meet so many people and ride the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Life is, or can be, an epic journey if we have the right perspective and we are flexible. Flexibility is what has kept disappointment and frustration from robbing my joy and it is my perspective that allows me to be flexible. I’ve been a believer for over 40 years and it is my faith in God and my trust in the promises in His word that changed my perspective so I am able to see problems and obstacles as opportunities.
Disappointment and frustration result from us not getting our own way. We set expectations and when things don’t happen the way we thought they should, anger rises up in our minds and all we can think about is what we missed out on. If we allow anger to take control of our mind we become blind to opportunities in the moment we’re in….
If I had not been flexible when I left on a 48 state road trip back in 2016 I wouldn’t have met tens of thousands of people or ridden in some of the most beautiful places in America. Being flexible kept me from getting bent out of shape because it took 32,000 miles and 4 months to get from the dealership I bought my scooter from in Jacksonville North Carolina to Sumner Washington.
I was an emotional wreck when I left on that ride and I had goals set that were constantly being altered but my perspective and flexibility gave me the ability to see beyond what my eyes were seeing. Perspective and faith in God is why I’ve been able to see a missed exit, a flat tire, a storm or unexpected issues/obstacles as opportunities….
I’ve been homeless and living off my scooter for almost 10 years with no income or savings and only 2 people have been faithful in supporting the ministry I do. If I had allowed my circumstances to control me I would still be sitting behind a desk and I never would have met the thousands of people I have. I’d be sitting at my desk wondering what would have happened if I had not listened to the voices of logic and reason telling me not to leave my comfort zone….
Looking at the faces of friends I’ve made since this journey began reminded me that “all things work together for good” if we are flexible and if we have a positive perspective. I would never have chosen to take the path I’m on because it cost me everyone and everything I had but today I thank God for all of the sacrifices and hardships I went through.
I said all of that in hopes that it encourages someone to step back and look at the unexpected from a perspective that is focused on hidden opportunities woven into obstacles. It isn’t easy to look at the unexpected and face the unknown unless we have faith and we understand that our perspective will become our reality but I am living proof that it is possible if we dare to believe and if we trust in the faithfulness of God….”
Thee Redeemed House biker Church
The destination becomes thoughts focused free in the Spirit of riding.
Freedom from any distraction, unless of course it involves safety.
Most of us live in the reality of instant communication, with easily accessible information from Media.
The constant introduction of advance design, makes the phone you purchased yesterday is already old technology compared to the new one coming out next week.
The constant clatter of beeps, dings, alerts, can be distractions that overwhelm in taking away from what we were focused on.
Some are warnings to be prepared to take action.
The big screen information center on the new Harley Davidsons provide many indicators about your bike’s performance.
Speed, tach, fuel, oil, air, brakes, gears, GPS, gas stations, restaurants, hospitals, dealerships, and music, etc. ect.
Alot of info at the ready, a screen that will even tell you not to operate screen while moving.
Most of the info one will engage the screen with will take some time before first gear and throttle, with the group you may be riding with, to wait on you.
12 years ago all the bike had was just a fuel, oil, speedometer, tach, air temperature gauges, light switch, and 6 presets on the radio. Unless one upgraded.
A quick look check on all the gauges and music, you’re good to go. Only check now is roads ahead as one navigates back road curves.
Getting lost during in the ride is like what is described as the “Runner’s high”
There is a freedom from distraction just gliding through time and space and distance.
During this sort of blackout aftermath, one will ask themselves, “ how did I just travel this far and not remember the miles that just passed by?
It difficult to think back and determine when you got in this zone. We never say, “ ok right here at this point, I’m going to forget about everything around me”.
Jesus found out about His ride journey and destination most likely when He was baptized. Thee voice from heaven decended upon Jesus as a gentle Dove and spoke these words, “ this is my Son whom I am well pleased, listen to Him”.
This information screen Jesus received came to Him when He prayed, His Father showed Him everyone and every place He was going to go that day.
Jesus was provided with all the information needed to complete His ride.
His journey, mixed with curves, straightaways, stops, wrecks, hurts, ailments, rest stops, weather, and it never stopped Him in moving forward to His end here, which became the beginning of everyone’s journey who would believe.
Are you ready to start?
All the information needed is in this screen, “ look unto Jesus The Author and Finisher of your Faith” Hebrews 12:2
Your Faith in Christ Amen, now let’s ride!
“Jesus Freak” Rodger.
Open 7 Days A Week
Road Warrior aka rdubb 19 miles off pavement to check out the Salmon Glacier in Hyder Alaska below. Worth it! 366,000 miles dedicated to all the victims of 9/11. 343 Never Forget! Right: On my way to Sturgis. Annual ride to Scenic SD. 25 states done in 2024, 24 to go! All in memory of my 343 firefighter brothers killed on 9/11. NYAlaskaSturgis-?
Hello SD!!! Iron Mountain Road. My first time here! Sturgis 2024!!! My awesome ride today!
Sherri McCasland Northwest Arkansas.
Right: Im 6’2 and I look small. But took the bike up to the Sturgis sign! TravisDaniel... All the way from Edmonton Alberta Canada!
Rode from Myrtle Beach, SC to Raleigh, NC to meet up with my friend. We both rode out there. Hung out for 4 days and then headed home. I hope everyone had a blast. Ride safe, keep the shiny side upright and rubber down!
Cathy Woodard
Myrtle Beach, SC.
Above & right:
Nash County boys representing in the Black Hills at the 84th!
From the Badlands to Mt. Rushmore to Deadwood to Sturgis and all points inbetween!
Mike Winstead
Joseph Coggin
Nicholas Frazier
My first time ever in Sturgis. I’m amazed at all the bikes. I’ve been to many rallies since I was 18 years old but never Sturgis. I can’t believe I’ve waited until I’m 50 years old to come. One thing is for sure as long as I’m able I will never miss again. I just love the terrain out here and Thank you Sturgis for having me . This Tennessee boy loves this place!
Adam Sims
Dayton, Tennessee
A trip to Sturgis has been on my husband’s bucket list since the early 2000’s. After two decades of me choosing our family vacation destinations, we finally made it. I was definitely apprehensive about coming because it’s out of my comfort zone, BUT loved every minute of it. Beautiful scenery, great people, and lots of memories were made. We only have 300 miles left of our trip back to our kids and home in Central Va. Safe travels, everyone!!!
Had a great time in Sturgis!!!
Scott & Moni Manley and “Snoopy”
Flora Vista, NM
Jelly Roll makes incredible music — but his heart is even more incredible. He has overcome so much in his life (I won’t recount it all here, but you should read about his story), and he pours that journey out in his music.
I am proud to call this man my friend. I welcomed him to South Dakota and got to hear him play his first ever concert at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip! @jellyroll615
Kristi Noem
Left: My friend Kid Rock brought the house down at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip but first I got to welcome him to South Dakota! This man is a patriot. He’s a great American. And he always makes me laugh! We loved having you in South Dakota!
Kristi Noem
Wyatt’s Lemonade
As of Sunday 18 Aug 24...
6 July 24
Zachary Staton Bullock...
I don’t even know where to begin. It’s hard to believe Friday made a month since my Deddy has been gone (5 June 24). A whole month of no phone calls. A whole month of no Monday night dinners. A whole month of the “first” missed memories. A whole month of learning how to go through life without my Deddy and my girls’ Opa!
Saturday, 6 July 24, was the memorial run for Deddy and boy we pull off one hell of a run. Ethnan Samantha Drohin we can’t possibly begin to thank you enough for putting this together. We can’t put into words the love that was felt for our family yesterday. Motorcycle after motorcycle, memorial shirt after memorial shirt, laugh after laugh, beer after beer, tear after tear, sweat drop after sweat drop and boy was there a lot of sweat shed yesterday….
Every action yesterday was a representation of the BIG LOVE my Deddy left behind. To see over 300 motorcycles pull together from everywhere. People from all walks of life coming together for the same passion my Deddy had; Motorcycles! We honored Deddy the best way we all knew how yesterday. Loud pipes and two wheels. Do you ride?!? Hell yeah I wanna ride!!
Everyone who braved the heat yesterday, everyone who arrived early to help set everything up, everyone who volunteered to work yesterday, everyone who rode, everyone who made yesterday possible; thank you from the bottom of my heart. I couldn’t possibly begin to tag everyone on Facebook.
It’s an overwhelming rush of emotions trying to put words together on what to say. When my Deddy passed away I lost one of my best friends…… BUT my family has grown significantly since that day and all of this is a testament to my Deddy and the love he had for everyone.
I could go on and on but I’ll bring it to a close here. Thank you all so very much. Thank you all for being there in the best way we knew how. From my family to yours, thank you! Big love to you all!
PS: To the family that went down yesterday (Woody & Amy), my heart goes out to you. I did not know you personally but my family is praying hard for you. I will be seeing you soon! Big love!
CMA Prayer Ride
Above and below:
On July 4th, Down East Fishers for Christ (#727) rode their annual Prayer ride. CMA rode to courthouse of Wilson, Greene, Wayne and Johnson counties. We pray for our county, country, first responders, EMT, and all law enforcement agencies.
We are grateful for the troops that protect our freedom. Thank you for your service.
Roadglide Queen
Christmas In July Toy Run Ride
The Harley Shop At The Beach
Here at The Harley Shop at the Beach, one of our most favorite things to do is give back whenever we can! Recently we got to do just that by bringing the local riding community together for our Christmas in July Toy Run Ride! In total, a group of 230+ riders raised $3,069, along with many brand-new toys, all for Fostering Hope!
This local non-profit helps children in need right here in Horry County, so we want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who helped us make a difference right here at home! What we do wouldn’t be possible without all of you, and we couldn’t be more grateful!
American Legion Post 116
Yesterday The Deuce (Norm Klein) and several of our American Legion Riders, made thier quarterly delivery of water and soda to the USO at the airport!
Big thank you to all of you for helping!
*If you would like to assist in this worthy cause by donating funds to purchase water/soda please let us know.
Endy Fire Dept.
Red KNights NC Chapter 24
Many thanks to all who helped make this ride a success!
Just over $5K raised for this couple today!!
This is what the Brotherhood is about...
Celebrating my 24th year riding to Daytona bike week, in the year 2000 I rode from Miami on my Ninja 500 and (many bikes later, 10 year marriage) now on my HD Road Glide and hubby on his Honda goldwing. Still loving Daytona and meeting people, vendors, rides and Glamping
Jackie H. Hollywood Florida
Gorgeous day with awesome awesome peeps!! We just getting started. We started in Rocky Mount, NC and rode to Bracey Va. With a stop at the Shady Shak for lunch.
Celebrated Doris Jones’ Birthday today! Thank You to Kathi Rivenburg who picked me up to meet at our usual spot.
I then Jumped on Doris’ bike for the rest of the day. I was the co-pilot and trip planner.
We rode to SugarLoaf Mountain and meandered around that area and then on to Eustis for lunch at the Crazy Gator! Great ride with some amazing Ladies, Carolyn Lemaster, Julie PItonzo Reilly, Kathi and Doris!
Oh and stopped for Ice Cream… Kathi headed home.
Did I mention it was hot? It was so grand to be out with the girls!
Darlene Hart Robbins
What an Epic Alaskan Journey with amazing friends!!!
9,258 Miles ~ 21 Days ~ Fruita, CO to the Arctic Circle, AK
Favorite Food: Halibut at Homer, AK ~ Hottest Day: Fairbanks, AK 97 ~ Coldest Day: British Columbia 40’s
We seen abundance of wildlife, bears, moose, deer, caribou, eagles, etc.
Favorite places, Arctic Circle, Valdez, and Homer Alaska, Canadian Rockies were majestically beautiful, as well. Feeling blessed for this amazing motorcycle trip of a lifetime!!
HOT ride today up NC 181 to Blowing Rock across the Blue Ridge Parkway. But worth it.
Love riding over the Linville Cove Viaduct.
Steve is in the white tank top, Jt is in the hi-viz vest, Aaron is in the black jacket and Rico is in the white jacket.
202 W. Boulevard Williamston, NC 252-792-5339
Shaws is known for their BBQ! But Wednesday is Burger Day at Shaws! They even have a burger with BBQ on it! Cooked to order your way!
1500 Nash St. N. Wilson, NC 252-243-6313
Founded by Socrates Dick Gliarmis in 1921 they are famous for their burgers and their chili which is the original chili recipe that Dick created. Number 1 since ‘21
6999 Old US Highway 52 Lexington, NC 336-731-6500
They opened in 2010 and only use fresh, local beef. Their chili is also made in house! Nothing is pre-made!
2515 Hwy 258 S. Kinston, NC 252-527-0511
Located inside an old country store Ma’s makes their with fesh beef daily and their chili is homemade and spicy!
101 East 2nd St. Clarksville, VA 434-210-7224
With stunning views of the lake you can’t go wrong with a burger a brew and a view!
BIB started by a couple of friends in 2017 and has become known for their brews and food!
9970 NC Hwy 4 Littleton, NC 252-586-5351
Established in 1978 they are known for their fresh hand patted burgers! They also serve breakfast!
18 Sept. is National Cheeseburger Day!
We asked for your input for the best Great American Burgers of The South via social media and boy did y’all deliver! We wanted to know where to find the best cheeseburgers in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina.
Those of us who live in the SOUTH love BBQ and pig pickins but this day celebrates a summer-time grilling favorite, the cheeseburger. Just like pizza, there are millions of ways to top, cook and prepare cheeseburgers and there are so many Great American Burger joints in the South!
We love those lesser known, hole in the wall establishments that are the heart and soul of America! You know...The ones where you can smell the aroma of fresh beef cooking before you walk through the front door.
Where you can feel the greese in the air as you step inside. The ones who are happy to see you come by for a visit and sit a while. They might even sit and visit with you while you place your order. You know the ones!
We couldn’t visit them all or showcase them all here for you because of space limitations but here are a few, in no particular order. Enjoy!
Please give these establishments a try and let us know what you think.
If you know of any Great American Cheeseburger Restaurants (mom and pop type places) around the South please let us know about them so we can give them a try...especially if they are biker friendly!
Thanks for participating!
2200 Little River Neck Rd. N. Myrtle Beach, SC 843-427-4943
Located along the Intercoastal Waterway! What a view and what amazing burgers! They also have daily specials and fresh seafood!
4916 Hayes Place Wilson, NC 252-237-2555
Their burgers are made from Fresh Ground Chuck that is 100% Certified Angus Beef, grilled to perfection with their Signature Cheese. Plus, they have hand cut Idaho fries cooked in peanut oil! It was a dream that started in 1955!
313 Franklin St. South Hill, VA 434-584-9382
Located inside a former elementary school. They have a Cheddar-Bacon Bison burger made with fresh local Bison. They also have a Black & Bleu burger if you are not into Bison.
333 Main St. Bunn, NC 919-497-0039
Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner with specials every day! Everything is cooked to order. Burger patties are prepared each day.
2800 S. Highway 17 Garden City, SC 843-652-4734
Greg’s is a biker favorite during Bike Week! They opened in Feb. of 1994 and serve up not only burgers, but they are famous for their surf and turf!
712 48th Ave N. Myrtle Beach, SC 1410 US 17 Business Surfside, SC 843-272-6834
Hamburger Joe’s has been around since 1989 and has two locations. Voted Best Burgers by Restaurant Guru in 2024.
Sometimes the ride ended before I wanted it to. I guess that’s the main reason I started riding my own.
I realized I truly could make that happen when I first met a female rider. I described that experience and my hope that other women also find their inspiration in the following story
I posted on my blog a while back…
One morning I rumbled into the parking garage at work and backed into a space in the section reserved for motorcycles. A young woman walked by as I stood next to the bike taking off my helmet. I didn’t really notice her until she stopped so suddenly her feet slid, and the noise made me look up.
She had turned back to point at me and then the bike, “YOU! Ride THAT!”
Thinking it was easier than carrying it,
I laughed and said, “YEAH!”
“It’s bigger than YOU!”
Thinking that’s another good reason why I don’t give the Heritage piggyback rides, I nodded “YOU…YOU GO GIRL!”
Oh, I do- every chance I get. Anytime I have an encounter like this, or when a little girl gives me a thumbs up as I ride by, or yells that she likes my bike- I wonder if she’s thinking she’d like to try riding too. And I hope she’s realizing she can do whatever she wants.
Which makes me think of Jackie. While I have always loved riding and had spent lots of time on the back of bikes, I hadn’t really thought of moving up to the front until I met her and saw her ride.
Years ago, on vacation with an ex, he was filling me in on the couple we were going to visit. I remember how cool I thought it was when he mentioned his friend’s wife had her own bike. When I met Jackie and we all went out riding together, I also remember thinking, “Surely I can ride my own too, why the hell didn’t I think of this before?!”
My relationship ended, I got my own bike not that much later, and eventually fell out of touch with Jackie. But I smile when something reminds me of her, feeling grateful our paths crossed and for the miles I’ve enjoyed since then as well as for the people I’ve met along the way.
So, a toast! To Jackie, wherever she is! May she be happy, healthy and still doing what she wants. And a big thanks for inspiring me to do something I wanted, even though I wasn’t sure I could at first.
As for the woman in the parking garage, I haven’t seen her again. But wouldn’t it be a nice surprise if when I did, she was rolling in on her own motorcycle too!?
We are working to ensure events listed in Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine are as up to date as possible. Please be sure to confirm the status of any & all events before making plans to attend by calling or emailing the event contact person listed with event.
19th Annual 343 Memorial Ride
Carolina Coast HD 6620 Market St. Reg 10am-12pm. KSU 1pm. $25 reg fee includes escorted ride, t-shirt, dog tag & food. More info: 910-791-9997
Ride For Freedom at Zinchouse Winery & Brewery 6225 Wake Forest Hwy. Reg begins at 11:30 am and ends at 1pm. Invocation at 1:15 pm and KSU at 1:30pm. $30 solo rider. $10 passenger. Police escorted 1.5 hour ride. Tunnel To Towers Foundation. Guest speaker, live music, vendors, food trucks.
Lowcountry 4th Annual 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride
Starting at American Legion Post 147 968 Folly Rd. KSU 11am. Police escorted ride, live band, breakfast/lunch drinks available, raffles, 50/50, sponsors. More info: call or text 843-252-0255
12th Annual 9/11 Memorial Ride Myrtle Beach HD 4710 S Kings Hwy. Reg 9am-11am. $10 rider, $5 passenger. All proceeds benefitting the Salwater F.O.O.L.S. Free coffe, donuts, dj, raffles, ride pin to first 500 signed up. Commemorative ceremony 11:30am sharp! National Anthem, Flag Ceremony, guest speakers, music by the Celtic Bagpipers, and a bike blessing. KSU: 12 p.m. - Ride will be escorted by the Horry County Sheriff’s Office. AFTER PARTY: CALLI BAKER’S FIREHOUSE BAR & GRILL - 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Free food, Live music, 50/50 raffle ticket sales continue, door prizes. Quilts of Valor presentation at 2:30 p.m. More info: 843-369-5555
Help Thy Neighbor Bike Night Plan B Bar 519 W. Market St.
Free food, live music, door prizes, 50/50 raffle. Every third Thursday of the month! More info: Betsy 919-500-6475 or Joe 919-780-9872
Motorcycle Muscle Excursion Bulldog HD 1043 Outlet Center Dr. $20 per vehicle. $10 additional riders. Reg 10am. 11am ready to roll. Final destination The Garden State Grill 10 Pine State St. Lillington. Benefiting Whole Vet & The Ble Knights Law Enforcement MC. See ad on page 17.
The Insane T-Shirt Palooza Benefit Webbs Mill 9245 Webbs Mill Rd. See flyer on pages 20-21
Biker Style Boogie 1498 Bennett Rd.
Vans’ choppers, classic bikes...what’s not to like? Games, live music, primitive camping (campers welcome...no hookups), vendor spots $50 (includes 2 free entries). $40 for the weekend. $20 single day pass. More info: Biker Wolf 252904-4121 or Dizzy 252-217-5025 All proceeds to help Autism Awareness. See flyer on page 13.
Eastern NC Shovel Fest
Old School Detail & Old School Bike Shop 572 MC Wilder Rd. 12pm-5pm. Bike Show, vendors, swap meet, live music. Raffle bike tickets $50 each. No cover charge! Coolers & chairs welcome! Raising money for Meels on Wheels of Franklin County. See ad on facing page.
Trunk or Treat
New River HD 2394 Wilmington Hwy. 10am until 2pm. Food, fun, motorcycles! Free event. More info Calie 910-346-9997
Many more events at our Facebook page below:
For 20 years we have included stickers in each issue of the magazine. I personally put each and every sticker in each and every copy myself (Doobie)!!! Here lately folks have gotten bad about pulling stickers out of many copies... I guess because they like the stickers so much. It has happened in the past but not like it has the last few issues. It is unfair to others who pick up a copy of the magazine only to find that their copy does not have a sticker. So, starting with the Jan-Feb 2023 issue of Behind Barz we are not going to place stickers in each copy. We will have stickers available for FREE but you have to send a self addressed, stamped envelope to our PO Box listed on previous page. We will then send you the sticker that goes with this issue (if you write “BB RED FREEDOM” on the envelope) plus we will throw in 3 more stickers, of our choice. We hate this has to be done but with the time it takes to place each sticker in every copy and then people are pulling the stickers out we feel that this is the best way to do it right now. Thanks for your continued support! We still have lots of killer prizes from our sponsors on the previous page to give away. So remember, you can’t win it if you don’t stick it!