20 Years and counting!

2o24 FAH - REE JS
Read all about Promoting animal welfare In N.C. and what they are doIng on page 26 in this issue.

20 Years and counting!
2o24 FAH - REE JS
Read all about Promoting animal welfare In N.C. and what they are doIng on page 26 in this issue.
So many people were effected by Hurricane Helene recently. From Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and into North Carolina. Many are homeless. Many lost their lives. Some people are still missing. So many American citizens gave of their time and resources from day one to help those in need! They were there with trailers of food, water, clothing, generators, and life essentials. They were there with their four wheelers and their all terrain vehicles, their horses and mules...and some even were there with their helicopters.
Many individuals, bike clubs and HD dealerships have put together events to help raise money and to gather items needed to take to those in need. Your average, every day people were there first, helping their fellow brothers and sisters. They didn’t hesistate! They didn’t care what their religion was. They didn’t care what their race was! They didn’t care what their political affiliation was! THEY WERE THERE! ...and many still are!
There have also been linemen from around the country there, firemen, police officers, sheriff deputies, and even the National Guard and some active duty military personel. Thank you!
If you can help in any way, please do. Many are still homeless, and missing. Samaritan’s Purse has done an amazing job! Here is their website: www.samaritanspurse.org or go to our Facebook page for other groups, bike shops and Harley dealers having events and fundraisers for those who are suffering.
If you are lost...have faith in Him!
He will get you through whatever it is that you may face...because He is with you...all the time!
God Bless you and yours!
Motorcycle Magazine
Send: ideas, recipes, stories, photos, complaints, suggestions or whatever to: PO Box 692 - Nashville, N.C. - 27856 or email: behindbarz333@gmail.com
check out on the following... FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter
PUBLISHERS & EDITORS: debbie “DOOBIE” sykes - 252-314-8589 vince “Vinney” byrne - RIP
SALEZ: Debbie Sykes
spick - the best of both worlds charlie - after the 18th hole
m.a. - the one and only harley mama jason - foreign corespondent kate - foreign corespondent bones - black hills under ground pork - black hills high wire preacher man - SHBC RIP angel eyes - on the other side moe - shitcreek Survivor vinney - the original picker! RIP mike - always on call jaybird - Always ridin’ damn yank - on the north side bob bryant - poetry biker becky - Road Glide Queen dave - Iron Man
chewy - iron mutt ewing RIP
mikey - Inspector Clouseau
2 timer - Only as he can tell it! bobby earl - cointreuversial wild bill - the iron horse cowboy RIP
Sabrina Williams and Shelley Milburn Pages 9 and 26.
“jus” rick - former golden boy bunny - anywhere there’s cruzan RIP d-rod - “guardians” public relations RIP indiana bill - the longest in the world
paul - ghost baseball player
bob - preacher bob and bullwinkle
michelle - keeping it real
leslie - along for the ride
rodger - Jesus freak
samantha - Blue Knights
jason - The Kitchen Goat
L-R: Sabrina Williams and her daughter, Shelley Milburn. Shelley owns Shelley Milburn Nationwide Insurance in Rocky Mount, NC...her ad is on page 9 in this issue. She also own PAWNC...read all about this amazing non profit on page 26. The killer “Shovel” motorcycles they are sitting on were provided by George Horton, owner of Old School Detail in Louisburg, NC...his ad is on page 19.
NC SUPPORT OUR TROOPS located in Ayden, North Carolina is a nonprofit organization formed with the mission to support troops and their family members by providing care and comfort items and expressions of appreciation for their service and sacrifices.
Packing care packages for our deployed troops is a way to show your support and appreciation for the service and sacrifices by our military members. We also provide support for troops at home, their families and veterans.
The end of last year our team of volunteers had to work from home because of not having a building to meet in and work from.
We met these challenges while supporting troops through deployments and homeland activations. We continued with support from caring volunteers and donors who want our troops to know that America cares about and appreciates their service.
We are now settled in our new location and we are looking forward to 2025. Below are some suggestions on how you can help...
Ideas: Order items from Amazon, assemble goody bags with 6-8 items in a sandwich or party bag, add signed cards. Make as many as your family, church or bike group can help with! Make financial contributions for postage. Groups are welcome to setup GoFund me pages for postage. Our financial donations have dropped significantly and monetary donations for postage is our greatest need.
Please don’t forget our military members who are serving away from home and family this year.
Thank you!
Barbara Whitehead
Thank you to the employees of Camping World of Greenville for a day of service! Even though they did not have their elf hats on, they jumped into the Christmas spirit to help start preparations!
When I first started riding with my husband, he had an old Virago. It belonged to a friend, who had asked my husband to see if he could get it running. After my husband fixed it, his friend gave it to him. The Virago was the bike on which my husband taught me about being a passenger. It was also the first bike that dumped me.
It was really nothing, unless you’re a newbie like I was. We were on the main street in our town. We were waiting to turn left at an intersection. Just as my husband began the turn, the bike stalled, the wheels locked, and down we went. When the dust settled, my husband was on the ground still straddling the bike. I was spread-eagled above him on my fingers and toes, like I was playing a weird game of Twister.
Once we were sure we were both okay, we jumped up and righted the bike. Mind you, we were still in the middle of the town’s main street — ironically at the intersection where the fire station sits. I just knew that at any second someone was going to come by and recognize us. I also knew that I was useless to my husband in getting the bike started. I checked on him once more, then crossed the road to stand on the corner out of traffic. With me safe, my husband could concentrate on the bike. (I confess I kept my helmet on for expediency, yes, but also in the hopes of escaping recognition.)
The bike started right up. As soon as traffic cleared, my husband turned left and stopped to pick me up. We did another general assessment of each other, then headed to the place we had planned to go for lunch. It wasn’t until we were about thirty minutes into lunch that my husband realized that in his attempt to keep me from face-planting on the pavement, he had received a small quarter-sized burn on his leg where he had come into contact with the exhaust pipe when the bike went down. Other than a few aches from the geriatric gymnastics we performed while trying to keep from kissing the asphalt, that was the only evidence that we had hit a “bump in the road“…so to speak. (And yes, the first time I told this story, someone popped up and said, “I thought that was you I saw standing on the corner.” Oh, how I love small town life!)
Life comes with tipovers, moments when something unexpected knocks us for a loop. It can throw you for a minute or ring your bell a bit. You might even get burned. No matter how prepared you are, you can’t control everything. That’s why you need to trust the One that does.
Do you know Him? When I was younger, I thought I did. It took me a while, but I finally realized that I knew ABOUT God in my head, but I didn’t really KNOW Him in my heart. There’s a difference — a BIG difference for such a small distance between your head and your heart. If you didn’t know that such a difference exists, perhaps you need to take a minute and think about it.
I knew about Jesus because I was raised going to church. I knew all the stories, sang all the songs, and read the Bible. I had a lot of head knowledge about Jesus. What I didn’t have was a personal relationship wih Him. He was real in my head, but He had no place in my heart — and I was the only one who could change that. Want to know why? Because as all powerful as God is, He will never force Himself on you. He’ll come into your life if you invite Him in, but the choice is yours. That’s how much He loves you. He gives you free will: to choose Him or to walk away.
I don’t know about you, but once I figured out that the emptiness I felt in my heart could actually be filled if only I asked, I knelt and I asked. And I’ve never, ever been sorry that I did. Not even when life got tough (and believe me, it has gotten really tough more than once). God has shown me that He allows hard things to come into my life because He has a way to use them for my good. He wouldn’t let them happen if He didn’t.
Do you KNOW Jesus? You can. He’s just waiting for you to invite Him into your life.
“He who has the Son [by accepting Him as Lord and Savior] has the life [that is eternal]; he who does not have the Son of God [by personal faith] does not have the life.”
1 John 5:12
Below is Leslie’s fourth book, “Along for the Ride: Motorcycle Moments with the Master” now available on Amazon. Book is pictured below.
Happy New Year from all of us at Nationwide Ins.
To thank you, our loyal readers, we are going way back to the beginning! In honor of this 20 year milestone we are offering BB subscriptions for the price of $15/1 year and $30/2 years. Each issue of BB will come to you in a protective manila envelope with free stickers inclosed! Thank you for your support! Offer expires 31 Dec 2024.
Are you a biker friendly business?
If not, you should be! The motorcycle industry is a 25+ billion dollar industry! The average income of a biker is $75k+ annually! Women are more than 1/3 of the motorcycle market! Average age is 40-65. Bikers spend over 3 billion annually on charities!
Get Behind Barz Mag distributed to your business and we will let bikers know you carry it and are biker friendly! All you have to do is ask! Call us and we will let you know how. 252-314-8589
Do you care about your business? If you do, and want to advertise in a respected and professional magazine, give us a call. We are the only full color, glossy biker publication in VA., N.C. & S.C. combined. We were the first free biker mag with an E-Magazine! We have more online social websites than anyone else to offer you the optimum advertising possibilities ~ Print Mag, Virtual Mag and many other social media outlets! All at your disposal for one price when you advertise with us! You have one option when advertising with Behind Barz Mag ~ FULL COLOR! We do not do black & white, we do not do newsprint, we do not charge for web advertising!
We care about your business... do you?
Well...this is not the start of an article I’ve ever wanted to write. I’ve got some very sad news on September 27th. My little brother, Ed Thompson, left this world under confidential circumstances. It is by far the worst news I’ve ever received in my entire life! Being my family was broken when I was a child. I didn’t even know I had a brother until I was 13 years old. The way we met was at a summer church revival where you spend a week out of the summer going to church each afternoon for a couple of hours. There was lots of children and teens around my age, so it was fun and entertaining. Especially coming from a home where there wasn’t much money to go do other things like going to the beach or cool vacations you hear about other families doing. So if you’ve had a chance to do ANYTHING!! You were grateful to do it!
As the week started during this revival. This little blonde haired kid would come running up to me and kick me in the leg with these work boots on. It wasn’t painful as much as it was annoying. I couldn’t never grab ahold of the little shit because he would run in between the parked cars in the parking lot and then run inside the church. This went on for a few days until I had made up my mind I was going to catch him while in the act. I acted like I didn’t see him and when he got close I snatched his little ass up and asked, Why are you kicking me?? He blew me away when he said... because you are my big brother.
I dropped him at his feet. I asked again, what? He said it again...you are my big brother. Then he ran off. I figured this little kid must be mistaken. I was the only boy in my family. So clearly he is off his rocker. He must be a special needs kid hahaha.
I didn’t see him anymore until the day arrived where I met my Dad officially for the first time. Dad had carried me over to his house and when I walked through the front door, the little turd who had been kicking my leg at the church house was sitting on the couch. Our eyes met and the horror ran over his face. He knew pay back was right there and right now! Hahaha!
Rest easy, there was no pay back. I was so tickled to finally meet my Dad and meet his family that I didn’t care about said leg kickings. I had a little sister, as well. Wendy was a little blonde haired cutie. Just a sweet little country girl and our family bond started from there.
There was canoeing trips, mountain trips, beach trips and searching the fields for arrowheads. I couldn’t help but gain a strong bond with him. As the years went by, he eventually left NC to gain knowledge in Aeronautics at Boston University. Ed was a very intelligent individual. I remember him tootering Trigonometry and calculus in high school. He seemed to always achieve the highest goals. I was definitely proud of him and admired his abilities.
I thought one day, my little brother would eventually leave Massachusetts but he started creating a life in Rockport and he had a job with Jetblue at the Boston Airport. He was doing great! Ed and I would share writing letters at first until technology got us on Facebook and sharing on messager. After that, it was constant texts and pictures.
He and I shared a lot of common interests...guns, motorcycles, and other activities. Then one day he hit meup and told me he had finally bought himself a Harley-Davidson. I can’t remember the year but it was a break out model. He was tickled to death and we made countless plans to meet and ride together.
I hated that it never happened. I never had the time to ride that ride to Massachusetts. Work schedules, family events and just shit that always found a way to get in the way. I regret we never made it.
I remember when he bought his first Harley, not just any Harley. He wanted a Harley Softtail Breakout. So that’s what he got. I remember telling him to be careful in the Boston Traffic. It’s already bad enough on the back country roads. I wanted him to have his eyes going all the way around his head. I was actually terrified that he got one. Just because Raleigh and Greenville suck down here as far as traffic and people going 80mph with a cellphone in their face. I didn’t even want to think how it was up there. I was there once doing a job and I hated driving in my truck. I would lose my mind if I rode my bike in that traffic!
I hate that he’s gone.. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. I know in time my heart will heal but its going to be a very long time.
Well, I’m going to end this right here and pick back up on the next one.
The temperatures are wonderful right now so let’s get those two wheels on the road before those temps hit those 19 and 20s. Y’all be safe.
Til next time... 2Timer
7 Days A Week
I am from Wake Forest, NC and I am on my 5th Harley in 17 years and I would never ride anything else!! Ride safe my wind siblings!
Tonja Mattison Wake Forest North Carolina
Below: Our WTH Ride (second one this year) it’s always a blast! No destination, no plans just a full tank of gas, the weekend free and lots of laughter! It’s bittersweet the season is coming to an end but looking forward to more adventures next year!!!
Awesome of course!
Chama New Mexico
Left: I ride a ‘22 Iron 883, I have only been riding about a year. Still very new.
Whitney Mooresville, North Carolina
I live in Oklahoma and ride a 2013 Heritage Softtail Classic. Her name is Ursula. I’ve been riding a little over a year and a half. I started on an 883 and moved up to this girl about 3 months later. Always buy the bike you want, not the one you think you want to learn on. That was expensive but I do have 2 Harleys now!
Carol lynn. Earlsboro, Oklahoma.
I’m a South Dakota native & live in the Black Hills. I ride a 2016 Street Glide Special & have been riding since I was about 13. My mom bought me a Kawasaki 175 Enduro with hail money from her car for my first bike! This was from our trip to Canada this summer. It was a great trip! Favorite so far!
Bridgette Banks-Thomas
Rapid City
South Dakota
I passed the rider course on July 7th, got my endorsement on the 9th and bought my first bike, 2015 HD Street (XG500) with 9k miles, on the 13th. This pic was the day I brought it home.
Valerie Cape Coral Florida
As we approach the holiday season, whether you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Hanukkah, or any of the other major holidays from November to January, I want to remind you that charity runs year-round. Give what you can when you can. While the holiday spirit inspires many to give, the needs of our communities do not begin and end with the season’s celebrations. Real charity is a lifelong commitment—an understanding that there are people who need support every day of the year, not just when we feel the warm fuzzies of holiday cheer.
If the past few years have taught me anything, it’s that yes, sometimes we need to build walls for security, but we must also make room at the table for others. True family and charity are not defined by blood or relation but by the willingness to share what we have to help those in need. Needs are not just monetary but also skill sets and support. Charity can sometimes be taken advantage of, but I would rather see one person out of ten abuse it than have nine people go without the help they truly need.
Charity isn’t about money alone. It’s about sharing your talents, time, and love. If you can bake a pie, bake one for someone who could use some warmth. If you can offer a listening ear, lend it to someone who needs to be heard. The wealthiest people I’ve ever known were not those with designer clothes or impressive bank accounts—they were the ones who gave selflessly, even when they had little.
This holiday season, and every season, I encourage you to open your heart to charity, in whatever form it may take. Spend time with your families, extend kindness to your neighbors, and embrace the values that truly matter: Food, Family, and Friendship. Around a kitchen table, with a pile of dishes waiting to be cleaned, may you find the keys to happiness. May you find peace, joy, and fulfillment, not just in this season, but in every moment of giving throughout the year.
Jason Knapp ~ The Kitchen
Goat Feeds
Kitchen Goat Feeds Corporation is a 501c3 charity.
To contact Jason: Jason@thekitchengoat.com
Call or text: 252-220-0294
You can also check him out on Facebook: jasonknappthekitchengoat
Our mission: Easing the burden for Eastern NC cancer patients by providing grocery gift cards, ensuring food security during recovery.
* 1 lb. ground beef
* 1/4 cup Old Mule BBQ Sauce.
* 1/2 cup bread crumbs.
*1 egg
*2 TBS minced onion.
Mix all ingredients. Place 2 TBS of Old Mule in bottom of a baking pan and put meat mixture on top. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven and put a thin layer of sauce on top. Return to oven for additional 15-30 minutes. Enjoy!
1 (15 oz) can of Black Beans
1 (15 oz) can of Pinto Beans
2 (15 oz) cans of Northern White Beans
2 to 3 slices of cooked bacon (Crumble up)
1 cup of Old Mule Sauce – Original Flavor (or your favorite one!)
The “Kitchen Goat” Jason Knapp Once a history teacher, he now raises goats in Nash County, NC, but he’s always had a passion for cooking. At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, he started posting cooking videos on YouTube.
“I called it ‘Cooking a la Quarantine’ and once everything lifted up someone said, ‘Why don’t you call it ‘Kitchen Goat’ and I said, ‘That’s so stupid. Let’s try it,’” Read more about the Kitchen Goat on his Facebook page where you can follow along for more recipes and see what he is doing for local cancer patients.
¼ cup of Old Mule Mustard
¼ cup of Old Mule Smoked Chipotle chopped onions (opt.)
Coat shallow dish (9×13) with a vegetable spray. Mix cans of beans together with the one cup of Old Mule Original. Pour into dish and sprinkle
onions on top of beans as well as crumbled bacon. Cover top of beans with Old Mule Mustard and Old Mule Smoked Chipotle. Bake at 375 degrees for about one hour to one hour fifteen minutes. ENJOY!!
Make great Christmas gifts! Check them out at: www.OldMule.com and give them a try.
The 2024 riding season is coming to a close for most riders in the north and it’s time to winterize their scooters and start planning next year’s adventures. My hope is that my scooter brothers and sisters had a great year in the saddle and that their passion for riding and the unique relationships of the scooter community is as strong as ever among them. The traditions and codes of the biker life are very unique and are the foundation of a tight knit counterculture. Just like every other sect of society the scooter world is in danger of being lost if we don’t make a concerted effort to pass our traditions to future generations.
I’m not just saying that the codes and traditions of the biker world have to be preserved and passed on, I’m saying that the history and traditions of American culture, which bikers are a part of, must be. The foundation stones of American culture are freethinking liberty lovers but there are those who seek to destroy liberty by rewriting the history of our republic. America needs the proud, brash, in your face, no nonsense, common sense and politically incorrect patriotism of bikers today more than ever. If we are to survive as a free republic we must not allow our history to be forgotten or erased….
We The People have allowed the total whitewashing of the historical roots of Thanksgiving through the guise of tradition to be completed. The day that was initiated as a day to thank God for the preservation and provision of the colonists has become a day steeped in bogus traditions and self indulgences that have nothing to do with the reason Americans celebrate Thanksgiving as a national holiday.
Though many traditions are good and need to be preserved and passed on to keep people and events of historical importance alive to our posterity, I believe the vast majority of traditions are merely a way to keep people from critically thinking so they don’t question the status quo’s.
Our Nation is on the verge of collapse because of the division of the people by a progressive minority who are determined to erase any and all references to God in relation to our nation’s founding. Progressive policies have decimated the nuclear family and our children are being indoctrinated into a collective ideology with no knowledge of what role God had in our inception. The first Thanksgiving was, without any doubt, a day the early colonists set aside for thanking God for His Provision and Providence, but today it is merely a day for family, friends, food and football. The republic is in grave danger because we have allowed ourselves to fall into the trap of tradition and no longer mention the role God played in the lives of those who designed our Republic or in the documents they wrote. There is no mention of the religious persecution that led thousands to flee Europe and risk everything to find a place where they could worship freely. Our children are being taught that America is a racist nation and that they should hate it. We have all but lost an entire generation to Progressive indoctrination. The only way to turn America around is by restoring our historical roots and the knowledge of God’s role in the republic’s inception. It has to start somewhere and I suggest it begins with Christians and patriots.
If we take the time to individually acknowledge God on this “National Day of Thanksgiving” I believe He will honor our ‘offering’ and will begin to restore us to favor with Him. It will be a slow process but it must begin now. I challenge every head of the household to take the lead this year and at the very least, before diving into the turkey and pumpkin pie, call to order your family and guests and openly thank God for the privilege of living in this republic and for His provision and the blessings He has given you through the year. And if you really want to see His favor, start a new tradition by providing a time for everyone else to offer thanks also. Saving America has to start with the individual; will it be you that makes a difference?
By: Bob Seymour
22 September 24
THANK YOU to everyone who came out to The Insane T-Shirt Palooza Benefit at Webbs Mill in Spring Hope back in September!
Check out the photos on the facing page!
What an amazing venue to host our event ~ the historic Webb’s Mill, located alongside the majestic Tar River! It is a family owned private property. Available for weddings, reunions, birthday parties, meetings and even biker events! The Tar River Toy Run will be held there this year. Check out the flyer on the inside cover!
The food was incredible! Pork sliders were prepared by Pete Curtis, including his homemade sauce! They were the bomb! We had a “charcuterie table” provided by Libby Tippett and we were in awe, it was AMAZING! If you would like one like this give her a call at: 252-640-9989.
We had a delectable dessert table full of all kinds of sweets by Essential Edibles (122 S. Pine St. in Spring Hope 252-303-0174) plus a giant bowl of pasta from Michael’s Showside Grill (102 N. Pine St. in Spring Hope 252-478-7989)! Michael can cater anything from weddings to reunions to parties of any kind! Cathy Curtis had a huge cake made for the event! Bryan from “The Cut” BBQ & Catering grilled a gator and it was delicious...my first time ever eating it!
Thank you to each and every one of you who came out yesterday, spent time with us, bought raffle tickets and helped us raise money for PAWNC (Promoting Animal Welfare in NC) and The Kitchen Goat Feeds! Both of these 501c groups are amazing charities!
Thank you to Pete & Cathy Curtis of Webb’s Mill for helping make this event possible!!! A big thanks to Libby Tippett, Michael’s Showside Grill, Essential Edibles and Bryan of The Cut BBQ & Catering for the amazing eats!!! Thank you to Emma, Moe, Jeanne, David and Darron for helping during the event!
Thanks to PAWNC - Promoting Animal Welfare in NC and The Kitchen Goat Feeds for all you do for our communities!!!
With everyone’s help $1,459.00 was raised!!!
PAWNC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2012 for the purpose of reducing euthanasia rates of unwanted dogs & cats in North Carolina, primarily focusing on Nash County Animal Shelter. PAWNC was formed to educate the public about responsible pet ownership and provide spay/neuter assistance to reduce the number of unwanted animals in our community. We offer free spay/ neuter for any animal adopted from Nash County Animal Shelter. Due to the fact Nash Co Animal Shelter does not have a fund to assist injured or sick animals that are brought in, we provide emergency medical assistance for these animals. Pawcarolina@gmail.com PAWNC.org
The Kitchen Goat Feeds
Since 2020, Kitchen Goat Feeds Corporation has raised nearly $10,000 for charity, with $5,000 coming from the successful Goat Fest 2023. Thanks to your support, we’ve provided grocery gift cards to local cancer patients, helping ease their burdens. We’re now committed to expanding our assistance by including gas cards and exploring new ways to help even more individuals in need.
THANKS goes out to the following businesses who sent us t-shirts, hats, koozies, poker chips, signs, and so many more items for this event!
Wyatt’s Lemonade, SD
The Dollhouse, SC
Black Hills HD, SD
The Rat Hole, SC
New River HD, NC
Myrtle Beach HD, SC
Motorcyclist Map
Independence HD, NC
Rooster’s HD, IA
Woodstock HD, IL
Bumpus HD, TN
Black Bear HD, VA
~ Doobie
Horny Toad HD, TX
Gator HD, FL
Pensacola HD, FL
Sonoma County HD, CA
Carolina Coast HD, NC
Dallas HD, TX
Bluegrass HD, KY
Harv’s HD, NY
Old School HD, CT
Fuquay Gun
Eastern NC Shovel Fest
Story for Halifax Co. Sheriff
Eastern Indoor Shooting Range
A huge THANKS to the following bussinesses for the gift certificates and other giveaways!
Ribeyes of Nashville
Faulkner’s Store
Dick’s Hotdog Stand
Doug Saul’s BBQ and Seafood Harper’s Garden and Stone Center
Dos Hermanos Mexican Rest.
Spring Hope Barber
Wendy’s Hole in The Wall
What a great time we had with family and friends and new friends at the Myrtle Beach Fall Rally 2024! From Captain Archies to the Rat Hole to Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson and everywhere inbetween we had a blast thanks to everyone. Memories made that will last a lifetime!
J.R. Stainback Henderson, NC
Wyatt’s Lemonade 28 Sept 2024
The 2024 St. Jude donation was $26,246.17!!!!! Thank you Loud American Sturgis and The Rathco for a fun day to celebrate….and HUGE thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate with Wyatt! Thank you all f or such a fun and successful lemonade season!!!!! The past 5 years have been so fun and such a blessing! Without each and every one of you being here Wyatt’s Lemonade wouldn’t have become the family it is!
Wyatt’s Mom & Dad
Bikers are a very giving group and they love to help a worthy cause. Wyatt’s Lemonade is definately that! You can find Wyatt and his mom and dad in Sturgis every year selling lemonade and raising money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. If you can’t make the Sturgis Rally you can still go to his website and donate.
The Motor Muscle Excursion (MME) roared to life on a perfect day for riding. Over 80 motorcycles, a Jeep, and two Mustangs gathered in Smithfield, NC, ready to embark on a journey that was about more than just the open road.
The event, supporting both the Blue Knights and Whole Vet organizations, aimed to raise funds and awareness for veterans and first responders. Despite a few unexpected detours along the way, all participants arrived safely at the final destination, Garden State Grill, where the real festivities began.
At Garden State Grill, riders were treated to an atmosphere of camaraderie and celebration. The air was filled with the sound of an awesome live band, Dirt Road Junction Band. Their performance was a highlight of the event, and attendees are encouraged to follow this talented group for more of their fantastic music.
Inside, delicious food awaited the hungry participants. Laughter and conversation flowed as freely as the refreshments, with everyone united in the spirit of the cause.
The event was graced by some special guests, including William Cox of 9/11 TRF Guardians, adding to the significance of the gathering and its mission to support those who serve.
The highlight of the afternoon came when Greg Toback of Blue Knights had his head painted a vibrant blue, while Dale Robbins of Whole Vet transformed into a walking Cheetos advertisement with his hair, mustache, and beard dyed a brilliant orange. These good-natured stunts by the event organizers exemplified the fun and lighthearted atmosphere of the event.
In a separate event, the Blue Knights demonstrated their community spirit once again at the local Spring Hope, NC Pumpkin Festival on October 5th. When local law enforcement was deployed for hurricane relief, the Pumpkin Festival Committee found an unexpected solution. Debbie Sykes of Behind Barz Magazine reached out to the Blue Knights Wake County Chapter for assistance.
The law enforcement motorcycle club stepped up, providing security for the parade route. In a surprising turn, the Blue Knights were also invited to participate in the parade itself. Members from two chapters - Wake County Chapter 2 and Rocky Mount Chapter 21came together for this community event, showcasing the club’s commitment to service beyond their usual scope.
This collaboration highlights how Blue Knights Motorcycle Clubs can unite to support local traditions, even in challenging circumstances, further emphasizing the Blue Knights’ dedication to community service and fellow first responders.
On October 12, 2024, spectators gathered at Cox’s Double Eagle HarleyDavidson dealership located in West End, NC for the highly anticipated Fall Bash hosted by the Double Eagle Crew and ClubstyleNC. The atmosphere was electric as motorcycle enthusiasts showcased their stunning rides in a vibrant bike show held on the front lawn. With a $20 entry fee, attendees contributed to a worthy cause, supporting Ward McInvaille and Shaun Miller on their journeys to recovery following recent tragic accidents.
The energy surged as the Grant Brothers took charge, orchestrating the bike show with flair and dedication. Many spectators marveled at the craftsmanship of the bikes on display, each one telling its own story.
Over on the pad, excitement reached new heights with two adrenalinepumping stunt show performances by Clubstyle NC. Daring riders, Dustin Moore, Nickolaus Smith, and Christian Wilson, wowed the crowd with their impressive skills, ensuring that everyone experienced the thrill of the action.
As the day unfolded, the lineup of vendors added to the festive atmosphere. The infamous Thicc Burger food truck drew long lines, serving up mouthwatering burgers that kept everyone energized. Attendees also enjoyed refreshing brews from Hatchet Brewing Co., perfectly complementing the lively vibe. Raffles and giveaways sprinkled in additional fun, enticing attendees to take a chance on some great prizes.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to the event sponsors, whose support made this gathering possible: Rockingham Dragway, The Twisted Grape, Law Tigers East, Death Wish, Left Lane Syndicate, Eastwood Outfitters, Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine, Dixie Moto Co., and Wretched Motorclothing. Their generosity and commitment to the community truly made a difference.
Thanks to the contributions from vendors and sponsors alike, the event raised over $1,400 for Ward and Shaun, highlighting the power of unity in times of need.
Cox’s Double Eagle Harley-Davidson, located in West End, NC, is more than just a dealership; it’s a community hub for riders from surrounding areas including Sanford, Pinehurst, Rockingham, and beyond. Whether you’re looking to purchase a new bike, get your motorcycle serviced, or connect with fellow enthusiasts, this is the place to be.
The Fall Bash was not just an event; it was a celebration of community spirit and resilience. Spectators left with a sense of camaraderie and hope, eagerly looking forward to future gatherings at Cox’s Double Eagle Harley-Davidson, where they can continue to support those in need while enjoying everything the dealership has to offer. Be sure to stop by and see what’s happening at this vibrant location!
Continued next page...
Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson
Our friends from the Saltwater FOOLS and 1-800-BOARDUP of Myrtle Beach stopped by the dealership today to take these awesome photos! That’s because nearly $10,000 was raised for the Saltwater FOOLS during our 12th Annual 9/11 Memorial Ride last week! This money will be used to train local firefighters to save lives to the best of their abilities, and will also go to local firefighter families in need!
The generosity of this community blows us away every single time, and we have endless gratitude for everyone who made this possible! Nothing makes us happier than being able to give back when it matters most! THANK YOU to every person, business, department, and organization who contributed to this incredible day!
Project Hope Foundation Ride
Harley-Davidson of Greenville
We cannot thank the biker community enough for the support you showed during the Project HOPE Foundation Ride for Autism on Saturday, August 17th.
From t-shirts, registration, 50/50 tickets, silent auction and company donations we were able to raise $17,000 for Project Hope Foundation, Inc.
Thank you to all who came out in support of this cause!
New River Harley-Davidson
American Legion Post 265
Grillin’ with gratitude! Big thanks to the American Legion Riders Chapter 265 North Carolina for handling the grill at this Hot Dogs Saturday. Your brought the heat & served up some serious smiles. We couldn’t do it without you!
Harley-Davidson of Lynchburg Toy For Tots
Thank you to everyone who came out today in support of the Toys for Tots event. We raised over $1,500 plus two large boxes of toys. Of you were unable to attend today but want to donate we will continue collecting toys throughout the season.
We are looking forward to next year!!!
Bumpus Harley-Davidson
First Responders Appreciation Breakfast on September 7th. Huge thank you to CMA/Wheels of Grace for joining us at our facility to cook delicious pancakes and sausage for our First Responders Event! Your generosity and support made the day even more special. We are grateful for your partnership and for taking the time to honor our local heroes.
Few pics from our Saturday ride. Started off thinking short ride and ended up with 300 miles with a 250 mile back road loop. Met a few more riders all good and game for the long jaunt. Cloudy day but perfect for riding. Thanks for coming out team, till next time.
Raleigh, NC
Few pictures from my Key West Ride and the Ride to Joshua Tree National Park back across the Grand Canyon to Monument Valley and 4 Corners to the Million Dollar Highway to Gunnison National Park to Rocky Mountain National Park and then back to Middle Tennessee. Several stops on the ride at different locations. One helluva spring ride May and June!!!
JD Burgess
Rode up to Mt Washington last year when up there for 100th Laconia Bike Week and it was 82 at the bottom and 42 at the top. The snow pic is today - 11 Nov.
Part of our Appalachian adventure took us to the stunning New River Gorge National Park! We rode down Fayette Station Road into the gorge, crossed the Tunney Hunsaker Bridge, and rode back up. The road was smooth, but those switchbacks definitely kept us on our toes! Incredible views and an unforgettable ride through one of the most beautiful parts of the country!
Two Wheel Buckeyes South Charleston, Ohio
KINSTON, NC 31 August 24
Motorcycle ride today benefiting St. Baldrick’s Foundation to Conquer Kids’ Cancer! Gorgeous day and super nice ride! Thank God all were safe and had good fellowship afterwards. Pray for the children with cancer, their families, and the medical staff fighting this ugly disease.
21 September
Benefit ride today to raise money for kids in need for Christmas at the Goldsboro Worship Center. For a first annual ride they did an excellent job on everything. You can still support them by donating to the number on the flyer pictured below. May God bless all who came out today and the children that will have a better Christmas this year because of this program.
My first time on a motorcycle was on the back of a family friend’s Harley Davidson when I was a little girl. It was a defining moment for me, and riding bikes has become a huge part of the fabric of who I am. The memories I’ve had on bikes are some of my most cherished. I’ve ridden thousands of miles to magical places like the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone national parks, and I love the beauty of our country. When I bought my first Harley, a Sportster 1200, it was rare for a woman to drive, much less own a bike. I’m in love with my third Harley, a rare factory Street Glide nicknamed Kittie. Life is short, and you can bet that I’ll be riding every chance that I get. Ladies, if you’re thinking about riding on the back of a bike or driving your own, don’t think twice. Your time is now!
Patti Jinks
Nashville, Tennessee.
My bike is a 2010 Harley Davidson Street Glide trike that I had rebuilt from the frame up!
Rodger Duvall
~ Jesus Freak
Thee Redeemed House biker Church
Jesus gave us the most accurate Acronym ever.
T.G.R. The Golden Rule, if you would not like it done to you, don’t do it to others!
This abbreviation format from the first letter of words combined make a statement representing a lifestyle.
I believe we need to be reminded of its meaning for this Acronym, over the years I feel like it’s meaning has become passive in that it’s use is overlooked.
I personally don’t use this catch phrase Acronym when writing as an end quotation.
I don’t see it at all as an end statement, but as a way of life, anyone can quote it, but to live it is respectful.
I respect anyone, but will question someone who is disrespectful when I know they say they are respectful and are not.
Arrogance is a respect killer.
An attitude of superiority in an overbearing manner is a disrespect of other’s importance in being insulting, not thinking about being respectful and disregarding an opportunity to be respectful is not very intelligent.
If one is going to use the Acronym MLLH&R in every thought, situation, circumstances, speaking, or post on social media, do it directly to the person.
Use it constructive in the most highest degree of respect!
His ethical principle of treating others as oneself would prefer to be treated is found in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 7 verse 12.
This is God’s lesson about loving others, His greatest commandment is to love Him and others.
Now L.T.R .R.T.L.
That’s the standard... Live to ride ride to live.
The freedom to live and ride free is respect. When I ride I’m not protected from the elements, I have to be respectful of them ,that I believe is true freedom brother and sister take it or leave it.
Let’s turn it around like Jesus did in Matthew chapter 7 Respect honor others with loyalty and love much.
R&HLLM. It all starts with Respect.
See ya next year, Lord willing.
“Jesus Freak” Rodger.
This time of year for Exiled MC has found us again. The time of year that we all look forward to and the time to put in what all view as a labor of love. For those who are not familiar with what You’re Not Alone Day (YNAD) is, let me brag a bit! We, Exiled Motorcycle Club, adopt a few families in our community that are in need. We hold a fundraiser that includes a poker run, 50/50, silent auction and a very entertaining live auction the first Saturday in October. At the end of the day we present the families with 100% of the monies collected. We also, continually keep up with the families to make sure they know they have help if needed. It is truly a labor of love for not only the club but our families and countless members of our community.
I just recently got married and my beautiful wife “Fancy” has never been around for a YNAD event. I mention this for a reason. The Club rolls into our normal routine this time of year. We have done this event for 16 years. Sometimes we get lost in the fundraising and logistics of the event ever year and miss the true magic of the day. As mentioned, my wife has never experienced a YNAD event. The first time I saw the awe on here face is when the 100th bike pulled in ready for the poker run, with more in ear shot headed our way. After leaving the Club House, I had the pleasure of riding heads up with her close to the front of the pack. I yelled over to her, “When hit the bottom of the next hill, check your mirror”. As we approached, she took a double take. She was amazed at just how many bikes were present and just how long the poker run processional was. The smile on her face was priceless. It was unlike anything she’s ever seen. My point is this, we see what our community does. We experience the out pouring of love from our community. It was having the chance to see the event from the eyes of someone who has never experienced it before that help to show us all just how amazing this thing really is.
This year we adopted two families. First is Alisha Moore, who is a Registered Nurse, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. She has had several surgeries and continues chemotherapy. She and her Husband David have a beautiful blended family and are some of the best people you will ever meet. Secondly is Caroline Marrs. Caroline as a sweet and energetic young lady who absolutely captured our hearts. Caroline has been diagnosed with a type of ocular cancer. Caroline travels with her mom or dad to Memphis TN every four weeks for treatment and eye exams. Both of these families were more than deserving. They both feel right into our band of misfits perfectly.
The event itself did not disappoint, as usual. We ended up with 108 bikes in the poker run. This year we also included a rolling car and bike show in the poker run. We had four categories, Motorcycle, Car Truck and Jeep. With prizes for people’s choice and Exiled’s choice. Several classic cars, trucks and some awesome jeeps joined us in the poker run. We rolled back into the club house to a reception that included past adopted families and other members of the community. We threw down on some banging BBQ then got the auction rolling. The auction was amazing, as all ways. We laughed, we cried and we talked pure smack. The auction is ALWAYS a great time. Some of the items donated for the auction are awe aspiring. As the evening progressed DJ Peaches started pumping out some great music as we celebrated. We even had a memorable karaoke singing of “Sweet Carloine” by Steven “No Show” Welsh, which everyone joined in to help. Finally it came time to present everything to the families. Tears ran and hugs were given. One thing that never gets old is the look on the family’s faces when we hand them what we raised. In the words of Justin “VP” Steffey “I’m not crying; you’re crying!”.
At the end of the day, we are truly blessed to be living in the community that we do. We aren’t the ones blessing these families. It is our community that does this. You are the ones who donate and pour out love to these families. We are simply the facilitators that connect the community with the families in need. We want to thank everyone that had a hand in making this year’s event so successful, there’s no way possible would could do this without you.
We are working to ensure events listed in Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine are as up to date as possible. Please be sure to confirm the status of any & all events before making plans to attend by calling or emailing the event contact person listed with event.
Bryson Haddock Memorial Ride
Cox Double Eagle H-D 7540 NC Hwy 15/501 S. 11am Reg. 12pm KSU. $20/bike. 1pm return. Lunch at the dealership. More info: 910-420-1564
Enforcers MC Buckhorn Chapter
2nd Annual “Suspect” Memorial Event Casa Event Center 5825 E. Main St.
All proceeds will be donated to the Duke Cancer Center in memory of Billy Gleason. 12pm - 8pm. Kickstands up 12:30. BBQ plates served for donations until gone. For more info: Fly Bye 252-292-8617 or Scoot 919-917-4929
Marine Corps League - Lake Country Detachment 1085
17th Annual Toys For Tots Poker Run 22 Flat Rock Rd. Reg 10am. Bikes out at noon. $25 per hand and includes meal. 804-350-7157
Amphibious Tractor Memorial
@New River Harley-Davidson 2394 Wilmington Hwy. For A Donation Ride...Raising money to build a memorial at The National Museum of the USMC honoring all the U.S. Marines who have manned US Marine Corp landing & amphibious assault vehicles since 1942. More info: 910-346-9997
Military Appreciation Day
@Independence HD 9205 E. Independence Blvd. 11am-4pm. Free and open to the public. Free military challenge coins. Live music. Free food and drinks. Giveaways. For more info: 704-847-4647
Welcome Home Ride, Celebration, and Car/Bike Show
@The Harley Shop at The Beach 4002 Hwy 17 S. Honoring our brave and forgotten! Reg 10am - 11:30am. Music, food, drinks, cash bar, prizes. $20 donation for rider/vehicle. $10 per passenger. Everyone and all cars and bikes welcome! More info: 843-663-5555
Marine Riders Lower Cape Fear Toys For Tots
@New River Harley-Davidson 2394 Wilmington Hwy. Reg at 9am-10:45am. KSU 11am. Entry fee $10 plus a toy. More info: Matt Henson 540-560-8658
Chris Howlett 719-761-4796 or email: marineriderslowercapefear@gmail.com
Veteran’s Day Celebration
@Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson 4710 Kings Hwy. 11am-2pm. Free burgers and hot dogs. Free event shirts while they last. Live music. Short ceremony at 12:30pm to include Quilts of Valor presentation and the cutting of a cake representing the US military. Veterans and current service members enter to win 1 of 5 HD giveaways!
More info: 843-369-5555
Currituck Toy Run
Registration at Moyock Welcome Center Reg 9am-11am. KSU 11:30am. $20 per bike with an unwrapped toy. Ride escorted by the Vurrituck County Sherriff’s Department. Ride hosted by Outer Banks HOG. Burgers and hot dogs served at Outer Banks HD 8739 Caratoke Hwy. Rain date Nov. 16th. More info: 252-338-8866
15 Annual Steelhorse Strangers MC Toy Run
@The Festival House at The Homestead Steakhouse 205 Frank Timberlake Rd. Reg 10:30am. KSU 1:30pm. $10 toy or $10 donation per person. 2:30pm arrive back for food and fellowship. Meal include with donation. Escorted ride. See flyer on following page.
Many more events at our Facebook page below:
Annual Boneyard HOG Chapter Toy Run
@Boneyard Harley-Davidson 2300 Elaine’s Way. $20/bike. $10/passenger. or a prexsent of an equal or greater value. Lunch is included with registration. Reg 9am. KSU 11:30am. Lunch at 12:30 and provided by Parker’s BBQ. More info: 252-439-1345
Kingdom Warriors M/M 9th Annual Toy Run
Starts at Nash Co. Agriculture Center 1006 Eastern Ave. $20 per biker/ $5 rider donation or a new unwrapped toy of equal value. Meal included. Reg 10:30am. KSU 11:30am. Danny Carter 252-903-8403 or Danny Taylor 252-452-1877
Boston Butt Fundraiser (Pork Shoulder BBQ)
Blue Knights Chapter NCXXI
Ready to eat. Fully cooked. Lightly seasoned. Feeds 10+ people. Pre-orders only. $35 each. Pick-up at Rocky Mount FOP lodge on Sunday 11am-1pm. Proceeds benefit Cops & Kids Christmas Fund. Contact: bkncxxi@gmail.com
20th Annual Toys For Tots Toy Ride
@New River Harley-Davidson 2394 Wilmington Hwy. Escorted ride followed by a hot dog lunch. Please bring a new, unwrapped toy for registration. Donations accepted! More info: 910-346-9997 info@nrhd.com www.nrhd.com
22nd Annual Polk County Toy Run
@Tryon Arts & Crafts School 373 Harnon Field Rd. Riders $10 or new, unwrapped toy. Reg 10am. Departure 1:30pm. BBQ lunch provided. Door prizes, 50/50 and Santa Claus! More info: Barry Gee 828-817-3084
32nd Annual Ride For The Kennedy Children’s Home Temple Church 1500 Kingdom Way Reg 9am-11:15am. KSU 11:30am. $20 per rider. $10 passenger. Toys for children or gift cards for teens greatly appreciated. Lunch and prizes will be at Kennedy Home. For more info: Bill 252-670-7460 or Bruce 252-229-1106
Blue KNights SC-1
US Marine Corps 40th Annual Toys For Tots
@SC Military Museum 1 National Guard Rd. Police escorted. Starts 11am. Ride at 1pm. Coast is one new, unwrapped toy per rider. Food trucks, DJ, vendors.
15th Annual Toys For Tots
@Beach House Harley-Davidson 100 Harley-Davidson Dr. Reg 9am - 11:30am. KSU 12pm. Bring new, unwrapped toy or cash donation. More info: 910-575-9997
1st Annual Tar River Toy Run
@Webbs Mill 9245 Webbs Mill Rd. Run leaves at 1pm. Bring a toy and join the run to Free Will Baptist Childrens Home in Middlesex. Then ride back to Webbs Mill for food, fun, door prizes, 50/50 raffles. Cash donations accepted. More info: Charlie 252-908-1986 or Josh 252-908-6086 See the flyer on the inside cover!
See our Facebook page for these events and more: www.facebook.com/BehindBarzMag
For 20 years we have included stickers in each issue of the magazine. I personally put each and every sticker in each and every copy myself (Doobie)!!! Here lately folks have gotten bad about pulling stickers out of many copies... I guess because they like the stickers so much. It has happened in the past but not like it has the last few issues. It is unfair to others who pick up a copy of the magazine only to find that their copy does not have a sticker. So, starting with the Jan-Feb 2023 issue of Behind Barz we are not going to place stickers in each copy. We will have stickers available for FREE but you have to send a self addressed, stamped envelope to our PO Box listed on previous page. We will then send you the sticker that goes with this issue (if you write “BB RED FREEDOM” on the envelope) plus we will throw in 3 more stickers, of our choice. We hate this has to be done but with the time it takes to place each sticker in every copy and then people are pulling the stickers out we feel that this is the best way to do it right now. Thanks for your continued support! We still have lots of killer prizes from our sponsors on the previous page to give away. So remember, you can’t win it if you don’t stick it!