1 07 genesis

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Chapter 7 1And the




N oah, Enter thou and all thine house into the Ark: for






righteous before me (In respect of the rest of the world, and because he had a desire to serve God CHAPTER 7


and live uprightly) in this age. (Or, generation) *1 Peter 2:5 Y e also as lively stones, be made a spiritual house, an holy Priesthood to





acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. 2Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, CHAPTER 7


the male and his female: but of unclean beasts by couples, the male and his female. (W hich might be offered in sacrifce, where six were for breed, and the seventh for sacrifce) 3Of the fow ls also of the heaven CHAPTER 7





and female, to keep seed alive upon the w hole earth. 4For seven days hence I cause it rain upon the earth forty days, and forty nights, and all the substance that I have made, w ill I destroy from of the earth. 5N oah CHAPTER 7


therefore did according to all that the Lord commanded him. *Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so likewise shall the coming of the Son of man be. *1 Peter 3:20 W hich were in time passed disobedient, when once the long suffering of God CHAPTER 7


abode in the days of Noah, while the Ark was preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved in the water. 6And Noah was six hundred years old, when the flood of waters was upon the earth. 7So N oah entered and his sons, and his w ife, and his sons’ w ives CHAPTER 7


w ith him into the Ark, because of the w aters of the flood. 8Of the clean beasts, and of the unclean beasts, and of the fow ls, and of all that creepeth upon the earth, 9There came CHAPTER 7

tw o


tw o



N oah into the Ark, male and female, as God had commanded N oah. (God compelled them to present themselves to Noah, as they did before to Adam, when he gave them names) *Genesis 2:19 So the Lord God formed of the earth every beast CHAPTER 7


of the field, and every fowl of the heaven, and brought them unto the man to see how he would call them: for howsoever the man named the living creature, so was the name thereof. 10And so after seven days, the w aters of the flood w ere upon the earth. CHAPTER 7


11I n the six hundredth year of N oah’ s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, in the same day w ere all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the w indow s of heaven w ere CHAPTER 7


(W hich



about the beginning of May, when all things did the most flourishing) (Both the waters in the earth did overfow, and also the clouds poured down) 12And the rain w as upon the earth forty days and forty nights. 13I n the selfsame day entered N oah CHAPTER 7


w ith Shem, and Ham and Japheth, the sons of N oah, and N oah’ s w ife, and the three w ives of his sons w ith them into the Ark. 14They and every beast after his kind, and all cattle after their kind, and everything CHAPTER 7


that creepeth and moveth upon the earth after his kind, and every fow l after his kind, even every bird of every feather. 15For they came to N oah into the Ark, tw o and tw o, of all flesh w herein is the breath of life. CHAPTER 7


(Every living thing that God would have to be preserved on earth, came into the Ark to Noah) 16And they entering in, came male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him (So that God’ s power defended him against the rage of the mighty CHAPTER 7


waters): and the Lord shut him in. (Or, shut it upon him) 17Then the flood w as forty days upon the earth, and the w aters w ere increased, and bare up (rose up) the Ark, w hich w as lifted up above the CHAPTER 7



w aters


also w axed (poured down) strong, and w ere increased exceedingly upon the earth, and the Ark w ent upon the w aters.


prevailed so (Hebrew, waxed

w aters

exceedingly very mighty)

(poured down heavily) upon the CHAPTER 7


earth, that all the high mountains, that are under the w hole heaven, w ere covered. 20Fifteen cubits (about 22 to 24 feet) upw ard did the the

w aters prevail, w hen mountains w ere

covered. 21Then all flesh CHAPTER 7


perished that moved upon the earth, both fow l and cattle and beast, and everything that creepeth and moveth upon the earth, and every 22Everything in

man. w hose

nostrils the spirit of life did CHAPTER 7


breathe, w hatsoever they w ere in the dry land, they died. 23So he (That is, God) destroyed everything that w as upon the earth, from man to beast, (Learn what it means to obey God only, and to forsake the multitude) CHAPTER 7




creeping thing, and to the fow l of the heaven: they w ere even destroyed from the earth. And N oah only remained,




w ere w ith him in the Ark. *1 Peter 3:20 W hich were in time passed disobedient, when once the CHAPTER 7


long suffering of God abode in the days of Noah, while the Ark was preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved in the water. 24And the w aters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days (about 5.5 months). CHAPTER 7

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