About Enough! antisales course, Passing over the slang language, Enough! Doru’s antisales course - is a Great book that will be read by generations of sales people and consumers. Well, even if you thought the same about certain situations described in this book, you may not have had the authority, determination and courage to write it. I hope that, in the end, this book will change the mindset of sales departments, consumers and big companies. Enough! will remind people once again Ogilvy's famous phrase: The consumer isn't a moron; she is your wife! Anatoli Ciucurovschi, Managing Director, Brandbuilders Publisher
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I have nothing with sales agents. On the contrary!
ď ŽWatch this! No comment! 12
Prelude Why should you read this baloney? Why not? It will be neither the first nor the last that you read. OK, let’s take it easy… First of all, why do you need to be able to read? Because "The person who doesn't read is no better off than the person who can‘t read." - Mark Twain. (COVEY, E7 pg. 151) Okay, fine, but why this… baloney? Because you like baloney. Baloney n. (also boloney) (pl. –eys) slang 1 humbug, nonsense. 2 N. Amer. A large smoked sausage made of bacon, veal, pork, suet, and other meats, and sold ready for eating. (The Oxford Compact English Dictionary – 1998) Are you salivating? Well, I can assure you that the ―baloneys‖ on the following pages are not only tasty, but they are also healthy. They contain no cholesterol and no shame, and will even help to revive you after a grey day (like every other day, right?) and to renew your zest for life and sex. And if you were thinking of the other meaning of the word, ‖rubbish‖, you’re probably familiar with the fact that some time ago people built their huts of adobe. Adobe is a building material made from a mixture of clay, straw, excrement and water and molded into bricks and dried in the sun. Yes, excrement was used for building because the science of thixotropic additives or curing agents and accelerators had not yet been discovered. Our ancestors used handy materials and they lived just fine. I will use the same convenient procedure myself, to build a book from the numerous marketing excretions already used by our modern society. Finally, why read another sales book? First of all, this is the first book about ANTISALES. Remember: this is not an ANTI sales book, a book against the natural order of this world. This is not my idea at all! I DECLARE ONCE AND FOR ALL: THIS IS A BOOK ABOUT ANTISALES. I am referring to those sales that torment and terrorize us, those sales that we neither need nor ask for, and which we 15
do our best to avoid. For example high-pressure sales, misleading sales, manipulative sales, unwanted persistent sales, scrap sales and sales that we cannot afford. CLEAR? If you saw a book about ANTISEX, would you think that it was against sex? Not even fundamentalist nuns would buy such a book. Not even Taliban Protestants would read it. A book against the natural instincts would not interest anyone. Furthermore, nobody would be crazy enough to write such a blasphemy, to think up such sacrilege. Such a person would be excommunicated and burned at the stake. Immediately afterwards he/she would be hanged. Without a doubt, hanged after being electrocuted and injected with a lethal substance in a gassed room. I even tend to think that he/she would be beheaded after burning. Sex, as well as sales, are essential elements that permit humanity to progress. An antisex book would be a book about rape and recommend self-defense techniques; it would be a book about human trafficking and ways to prevent it; it would be a book about domestic violence and different methods of physical and psychological healing. This book would be sacred and useful for those who were or still are victims of sexual abuse, torture or dehumanization of any kind. Okay, but what’s the connection? The purchasing process strikingly resembles a sexual act. The buyer represents the female figure, while the seller represents the male. A distinctive quality of buyers is that they are quiet (but not silent!) and calm, and do not interrupt. On the other hand, sellers are aggressive and don't experience pleasure until they get inside... your life. Some, the most immoral, even enter by force. Buyers are rarely satisfied with what they buy, and if they are, the satisfaction lasts but a couple of minutes. In rare cases, maybe twice or three times in one’s life, satisfaction can be particularly intense, almost divine; for example, when receiving a car or a house as a gift. Sellers easily achieve self-satisfaction by deceiving themselves and their buyers into believing that what they are offering is precious, 16
and outdated. Some buyers, tired of the greyness of their lives and eager for adventure outside their daily routine, go shopping regularly and find benevolent sellers waiting for them with open arms, eager to free themselves of the stress caused by other buyers who have declined their offers. Buyers should have the freedom to buy whatever they want from wherever they want, and nobody should judge them for this is a normal condition. They shouldn’t even have this problem. But sellers want to sell everything, everywhere, and to everybody. On the other hand, sellers cannot sell as they wish. They must blindly follow the rules set out for them without deviating from their script or they will be threatened with dismissal. The greatest success is that of the ―smart‖ seller who knows how to bypass the rules despite the restriction imposed on him or her and sells everything to everyone. If male readers still unsure about this metaphor (except for the last point!) the women will agree with all the points; I think this is one of the few situations in which women will agree unanimously! I hope I’ve cleared this up now: this book is about antisales. Not against sex! What other reason are there for reading it? Probably after you finish it you will become an expert in this field. It’s down to you. Maybe you have heard that besides talent, an expert needs at least 10,000 hours of practice in the field in which he wants to be a specialist. Let’s do some calculations. In one year, that would mean 27 hours a day of study and exercise, which you really can’t afford. Or you could set a longer period, which again you can’t afford because you’d run out of patience or look for a different solution. All the planets of our solar system have days, but a day only has 24 hours on Earth. The length of the days on other planets is different. For example a day on Venus takes 243 Earth days – that is 5,832 hours (so in two days you can become a master: go for it!) and a Saturnian day is 0.44 of an Earth day, i.e. 10.65 hours. Which is great, because if you subtract eight hours of sleep, your one-hour lunch break and an hour’s travel to work and back, you’ve got it; you have almost half an hour left (and you also have to piss, right?) of hard work. 17
Goodbye stress and overwork! And if someone wants to sell you something, he/she would not have time to do it. There would still be other advantages: all planets of our solar system have years, but only on Earth a year has 365 days. For example, a Venusian year has 224.7 earth days, but a Saturnian year has 29.4 Earth years. I still hold on well on my nearly 1,500 Saturnian years, don’t I? Let's say you do not want to get out into space and that you grant yourself 10 years (and you can afford that luxury!) in order to become an expert on avoiding sellers. Therefore, you should spend nearly 3 hours daily (I mean day by day, even in weekends!) for that. But is it worth it? I tell you that it’s not worth it. During those 25 years in which I’ve rehearsed and excelled in this unpleasing profession, I have consumed more than 50,000 hours and over 50 billion neurons in fights with clients like you. Clients that I put down! «Which doctor would you have perform your next surgery? The doctor who has a dusty biology textbook from med school moldering high on the shelf behind his desk? Or the doctor whose desk is piled high with copies of the last four years‘ worth of the New England Journal of Medicine? I‘m serious. Which doctor do you want standing over you with a scalpel? Well, if you propose to sell yourself as an expert to your clients, you‘ll actually have to be an expert. You‘ll have to read. And learn. And learn a lot. There is no shortcut to being the best. No easy way around it. You have to know your stuff and know it cold.» (SULLIVAN, pg. 307) And I know mine! Both from the practice and the experience as a seller, Area Sales Manager, Sales Manager or General Manager in national or multinational companies, as well as from studies, trainings, conferences and countless courses in which I participated, either as a student or tutor, lecturer, trainer or speaker, all crowned with a Professional Diploma in Management and an MBA graduated with Magna Cum Laude. «Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit – Jester‘s reflection of Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night (I act, sc. 5).» (BERG, p.57) 18
Plus countless meetings, board meetings, presentations, fights, conflicts, duels and murders in which I took part on both sides of the barricade. You can also add my impressive library which I devoured and on which I have made a selection and I am sharing it with you in the bibliography, at the end of this Treaty. ―We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.‖ - Aristotl (COVEY, E7 pg. 22) Do you have 50,000 hours to lose? What about the neurons, I do not know what to say... Is it not easier to dedicate only a few hours to become a knowledgeable master in antisales? Or do you consider yourself already omniscient, and you are convinced that you can face the avalanche headed toward you? You are wrong again! ‖The fellow who thinks he knows it all is especially annoying to those of us who do. – Harold Coffin‖ (MACHALE, O pg. 57) Yes, I agree with him, but I also agree with what «Socrates said repeatedly to his followers in Athens: One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.» (CARNEGIE, HtW pg. 101) If you are among those who do not even know this only thing, please close the book and recover your money… at your nearest Collecting Recyclable Waste, to get a penny on a kilo of paper. ―I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. - Winston Churchill‖ (JOHNSON, D pg. 16) What are you waiting for? «At the age of 80, Michelangelo‘s motto in life was „Angora Impara‖, Latin for „And still I learn.‖» (EPPLER, pg. 110) And a supposed Chinese proverb says: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Although some disagree: «„Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.‖ – Karl Marx» (KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON) 19
Sale Have you ever thought that one of the meanings of the word "sell" is "betrayal"? Don’t believe me? Then remember how Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver. Or look here: http://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/sell Sell verb \ˈsel\ : to exchange (something) for money : to make (something) available to be bought : to be able to be bought for a particular price sold sell·ing transitive verb 1 : to deliver or give up in violation of duty, trust, or loyalty and especially for personal gain : BETRAY —often used with out <sell out their country> 3 a : to deliver into slavery for money b : to give into the power of another <sold his soul to the devil> 4 : to dispose of or manage for profit instead of in accordance with conscience, justice, or duty <sold their votes> 6 : to impose on : CHEAT As you can see, there have occurred other uses of the word, as unorthodoxic as the others, which I was nearly to miss them, namely ―to deliver into slavery for money‖ or ―to give into the power of another <sold his soul to the devil>‖ or even to ―cheat‖. Of course, the sellers will consider that they are the ones that are slaves or have been cheated. They need to seek endlessly new and new suckers so they could rob them, because they know that their products/services are crappy, praising them as if they sell diamonds to aborigines from the Neolithic or fragments of mirror to Chihuahua Indians(!). You can afford the impertinence to bother them with questions like: "OK, but how much does it cost?" before they even finish the spectacular and sensational advantages that you will enjoy once you will be the lucky owner of the "brush that cleans the teeth, cheeks, gums, tongue, nostrils, ears, nails, navel, scrotum, anus, urethra and foreskin." The coolest discovery in the new Millennium! Same as the toothpaste that removes bacteria, destroys viruses, kills microbes... 60
Bullshit! Actually «…even toothpaste is a superfluous product because dental health relies entirely on the brushing, the paste serves only to freshen the breath...» (BEIGBEDER, pg. 61) Very cool ...! By the way, do you still remember how little was the hole through which the toothpaste came out of the tube 25 or 30 years ago? It had 2-3 mm in diameter. At a slight tapping you got exactly what you needed for those 32 or fewer teeth from your inheritance. What have the manufacturers been thinking about? In unison: "How can we sell more toothpaste?" "We want to double sales, but the population does not grow at the same pace." So they have increased the diameter of the hole to 5-6 mm, so when a slight press is exercited on the tube you get an amount a toothpaste with which can even wash all hippopotamus’ teeth. If you were using a tube for an entire month, now you have to buy it weekly. Furthermore, you also find out that it is useless. Nice one, man! Ah, I must forget! Next time when you want to throw away the used tube of toothpaste, please do a little experiment prior to sending it to the eternal garbage pit: squeeze it to the brim with all the power you have and I assure you that you will remain astonished by the amount of paste still available in the interior, which could be enough for another 10-20 brushing (even useless, as was revealed above). This is the reason behind the huge fortunes of Bill Gates, Donald Trump or Ingvar Kamprad. In other words, their fortunes come from their fanatical avoidance from wasteful consumption. Or, as some say, you need to use your resources efficiently. I mean stingy, to be more explicit! Avaricious, skimpy, what does it matter, as long as you appear on the cover of Time magazine (which, by the way, has failed sometimes, for example when it appointed Hitler - Man of the year 1939 or Stalin in 1943) or between the persons whose power, talent, dicoveries and philanthropy have made a difference in our world? Please wait, I am not finished. Being rudely concerned with the increase of their profit, the manufacturers introduced on the market toothbrushes that cost at least 30$, but I saw one at 300$. What the hell? If a damn toothbrush is so expensive, and they also recommend to change it every 2-3 months, I can no longer save money to change my socks, what can I say about my car, not even when China will join the European Union. With all its builders and the rest of its army. 61
Phone call You know what I mean. Why you do not have the strength to reject a phone call from someone who wants to sell you something? Despite of what we have been taught when we where little, is not at all disrespectful to turn off the phone to somebody whom you have not asked anything. If you really needed that particular product or service, you are smart enough to find information about it and avoid to be bothered in your happiest moments,with all kinds of insistent calls and mental tensions. Are you really so airy-fairy, as not to know exactly what you need, so you are contacted in order to reduce your ignorance? Can't you realize that the servile voice on the other end of the phone seeks a profit for themselves, not for you? Don't believe me, right? Well, pay attention to the following: «When I phone someone I know, I simply ask for the appointment, and usually get it without being questioned. But if it is someone I have never met, he invariably asks: ―What is it you want to see me about?‖ There is the critical moment of the approach. As sure as I indicate that I want to sell something, I‘m licked right there, and the chances of getting an appointment later are ruined. The truth of it is, I may not know whether he needs what I am selling (see, what did I tell you!?). So the purpose of an appointment is merely for a discussion. Yet, even to this day I must be on my guard not to allow myself to be drawn into a sales talk on the phone. I must concentrate on one thing, and one thing alone: selling an appointment.» (BETTGER, pg. 140) Please wake up and understand once and for all that no one calls you to tell you that you've won the lottery or to reward you because you are a honest family person, or because you brush your teeth regularly, or because you ceased having sexual intercourse with anyone or anything from 9/11! If you give up, your chances of facing them will decrease by more than 50%. To be even more convincing, below are the steps that any 119
salesman who wants to get rich and to bankrupt you, at the same time, needs to learn and to abide: „Rules to be followed for the phone call: - nominal prospectus is required and ensure that you are talking to the appropriate person; - present the caller's name, followed by the function and the society to which he belongs; - check that the person concerned is really the decision factor who is searched; - announcement under appeal (meeting request), followed by an argument (promise) to arouse the interest of the prospectus, or another variant of the beginning; - avoid objections, after that, possibly, repeat the request; - if you have not succeeded in getting the meeting, try to get another customer commitment: meeting subject, return after a period etc.; - if the meeting was obtained, thanking at the end and close the conversation as soon as possible. This scenario is prepared either within the company or by the specialized companies, and is handed to the salesman at his coming into the Department of trade.‖ (I don’t even know where I found these rules!) It is also called script and it is designed as to not leave any loophole, its main purpose being to influence or change your decision. According to those who instruct the salesmen, the script is necessary because: - Without the script, the salesman thinks more about what he will say next than what the customer says. Make him think about what you say by simply refusing to say something! - The script helps you acquire the trust, to relax, to focus on objectives and to not get away from them. Everything is artificial and the truth is that the vast majority of salesmen says that they don't need a script because it is fake, insincere and forced. But no one listens to them! That's the latest fashion and it all comes from US. And if it works in the States, where has a great success, why wouldn't it function elsewhere where there are plenty mentally disabled or depressed people. Generals of the sellers’ hordes are preparing in detail another siege and you are so picky when I want to teach you. After all, you cannot make somebody to learn against his/her will. 120
(…) Where was I? Ah, yes, provide less information or none at all. Everything you say can be used (and will be used!) against you. You play with fire, believe me! No lawyer can pull you out from the shithole you sink (first of all, because they were all there in front of you!). No longer continue the phone call conversation! Turn off the phone. Be consistent! As they are persistent: «Truly shocking sales statistics as it relates to your follow up process: 12% of sales people make more than three contacts 2% of sales are made on the first contact 3% of sales are made on the second contact 5% of sales are made on the third contact 10% of sales are made on the fourth contact 80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact.» (Source) In other words, most sellers contact you more than three times and 80% of sales are made between the fifth and the twelfth contact. Even at the darkest hours they do not lose hope, while you usually give up (2%) from the first call. So what do you have to do? OK, I will explain again so you could understand: you'll have to turn off the phone for at least 12 (twelve) times until they have finally left you in peace. So, close the phone. NOW! You promised me you'd listen. HELLOOO…! It's just a lousy phone. Close it now, for God’s sake! Remember this: Never pee against the wind, do not knock nails in glass and don't eat the yellow snow! TZRRRRR! BIP-BIP-BIP-BIP…
The offer To see hypocrisy: « The game of buying and selling is fun. Keep that in mind. It's fun and only a game. Make offers. Someone might say "yes." And I always make offers with escape clauses. In real estate, I make an offer with the words "subject to approval of business partner." I never specify who the business partner is. Most people do not know my partner is my cat.» (KIYOSAKI, pg. 123) How not to become an ordinary crook after learning from one... extra... ordinary? So take heed, do you start offering them the ultimate test (if you could use a lie detector would be great!). It is not infallible, because the very experienced ones can fool it, but can help. Look directly into his eyes and put him three questions: – Did YOU bought it? If he says no, get him out the door. If he says yes, move on. Firstly because the first question is more exploratory. If he does not think he needs what he sell, how does he have the courage to sell it to you? If he does not have the product, how does he know how it works day by day? From the ten minutes formal presentation in which the marketing morons and the idiots from the PR (or vice versa!) have explained on a ppt (or in prezi, newest) the so many advantages that he must transmit to the customer? The second question: – How much does it cost? They got crazy if you ask the price before they finish the benefits exposure. Most of them will try to evade or delay the response.. Do not give out. Ask obsessively the final price. Without exhalation and other benefits. And after that give him the coup de grace: – What discount do I get? If he resists, almost worth to listen further. Why? Am I crazy? What have I taught you so far? To not let him recite his poetry. Well, I do not retract and contradict anything. 145
Listen to him because he's a professional. And from a professional you always have something to learn. NOT TO BUY... …but to learn. Free of charge. Eventually you could chain like Ulysses to not succumb to the call of sirens. Do not cede to his enticing words. But be careful and learn the techniques, tricks and scams that they use with aplomb and enthusiasm. Record him, eventually. It does not hurt. Whether you will listen him another time, when you miss his candor, whether to have him in your hand if he ever piss you. Because, with certainty, in his excitement, he will lay out all sorts of aberrations, exaggerations and outright lies, only good in court. Let's see what the professionals say about the subject. In the chapter "Hitting the Bull‘s Eye" after two types of approaches to client, we find that: «The first man made the same mistake that I had been making (…); he talked about himself, and his proposition, and what he wanted. The second man never once reffered to what he wanted. He shot straight for the bull‘s eye. He appealed to me entirely from my viewpoint. I found it impossible to say no to this second kind of appeal» (BETTGER, pg. 37) And then continues as follows: «Dale Carnegie says: ―There is only one way under high heaven to get anybody to do anything. Did you ever stop to think of that? Yes, just one way. And that is by making the other person want to do it. Remember, there is no other way.‖» And a little later: «When you show a man what he wants, he will move heaven and earth to get it.» (BETTGER, pg. 78) If you knew how I wish to come across me someone to show me "the thing that I want !" The misfortune is that all exhibitionists are men. How can he show you "the thing which you want"? Or he is Mafalda/Merlin, or he makes you to wish what he sells, that is to say he forces you to want it. And that does not count. Or he thinks you’re a sucker who don’t know what he wishes until another one tells him! Dear sallers, please do not consider us imbeciles and helpless. We know exactly what we want and if we needed anything, we're looking for you! 146
Negotiation techniques The subject of negotiation is way too extensive to treat it here in detail. Therefore, and to avoid you getting bored, as I can see you are already becoming impatient, I will only address a few techniques encountered in practice, of common use, so that you could get an idea on how you should act. You have already got in touch with the ―Puppy‖and it is not very commonly used anyway. Do do you know what the difference between a dog and a cat is? ―The dog thinks: they feed me, they protect me, they must be gods. The cat thinks: they feed me, they protect me, I must be God.‖ – Ira Lewis But what do you think about the salami? «Salami is a technique used to achieve an objective a little bit at a time rather than in one giant step. This strategy is said to have been named by Mátyás Rákosis, General Secretary of the Hungarian Communist Party who explained it in this way: ―When you want to get hold of a salami which your opponents are strenuously defending, you must not grab at it. You must start by carving yourself a very thin slice. The owner of the salami will hardly notice it, or at least he will not mind very much. The next day you will carve another slice, then still another. And so, little by little, the salami will pass into your possession.‖» (MADDUX, pg. 45) What else would you like that is simpler than this? You were doing the same when you were younger, when after every sip you took from your father’s whiskey bottle you completed the difference with yeast brandy, bagasse, alimentary alcohol or even drinking tea - that your old man marvelled when he got cured of ulcer despite his tireless thirst? When it comes to a worthy cause the little tricks you use to accomplish it are excused. Another one: «GOOD GUY / BAD GUY The good guy / bad guy ploy is an internationally used strategy. One member of negotiating team takes a hard line approach while another member is friendly and easy to deal 178
with. When the bad guy steps out for a few minutes, the good guy offers a deal that under the circumstances may seem too good to refuse. There are many versions of ―bad guys‖. They may be lawyers, spouses, personnel representatives, accountants, tax experts, sales managers, or economists. One danger in using this strategy is that it will be recognized for what it is. Here are some ways to deal with it if you feel it is being used on you. Walk out. Use your own bad guy. Tell them to drop the act and get down to business.» (MADDUX, pg. 50) He did all the work for me and now you know what you have to do. Sometimes this technique is used by the same person in both instances. Here’s another one: «THE BALANCE SHEET METHOD. This is often called the Ben Franklin Method. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the center. On one side, write all of the reasons in favor of the decision. On the other side of the line, list all of the opposing reasons. This method, pioneered by Ben Franklin, led him to become the first millionaire in America and one of the richest men in the colonies.» (TRACY, pg. 172 / HOPKINS, pg. 279) Villains, however, have other methods: «Some sellers, for example, will negotiate in order to determine your position, and then inform you they do not have the authority to accept your terms. They then go to some unseen person who will reject the tentative ―agreement‖ in order to attempt to leverage a better deal for the seller.» (MADDUX, pg. 26) In fact, this is only a strategic move by the first one that shows you all the support and understanding, still being your friend, while the second one, who can be the general manager or even the maid (still dressed appropriately) takes in your anger and frustration, redirecting them from the first person to the system and making them become harmless. Thus you can hate the man and you can avenge him, threaten, bully or even shoot him. But there is nothing you can do against the system. 179
So, «When you have the authority to make an agreement, always strive to negotiate with a person who has the same level of authority.» (MADDUX, pg. 26) Negotiation is an art in which talent is given by handling fine and elevated diplomacy, masochistic patience and sadistic perseverance. Even if you're not born with these skills, you can practice hard to become a succesfull aster (sorry!) master. And where would you practice? Have you forgotten already? Anytime, anywhere. At the market, at work, in the club, at the doctor, in a taxi, at school, when flirting, when you’re having lunch or taking an exam, when you’re being hired or fired, on holiday, at the seaside or on the mountains ... Here’s another one with puppies: «STANDING DOGGY How to do it: She bows down facing away from you, resting her palms on the floor to add stability. You grip her waist and do your bad thing. Good points: Top notch penetration, extremely dominant, and you can control the depth of each thrust. Bad points: As her head is pointing down, blood will flow there, possibly making her feel a bit dizzy and short of breath. So this one is only really suited to a quickie fuck in which you want to be the boss. Try to not tug her back and forth too much, as it‘s hard enough for her to maintain balance already. She should spread her arms as wide as possible to maintain stabilty.» (SMITH, pg. 109) Another bullshit…! We are all wacky. These guys are fucking you in any position. It looks like sex techniques, not negotiation. Oh my, wrong book, this was actually "Real sex". Actually, I should have realised. Where have you seen such customer care: „Try to not tug her back and forth too much‖? This should have given you food for thought. It is true that with such ways of expressing: „blood will flow there, possibly making her feel a bit dizzy and short of breath‖ or 180
„this one is only really suited to a quickie fuck in which you want to be the boss‖ you couldn’t realize it's not about negotiation techniques. On the contrary! Be that as it may! Nevertheless, for future references, be more careful please! With her… I mean with it… …with the quoted book. Please let me know when I deviate! You could rise your hand so I could see you! No, no, use your two fingers like in the school, not only the middle one. You look really tired. You must be needing a massage. Now. You can not wait until your next holiday. Even so, you deserve more than any type of massage, Thai or sensual. You deserve a special one. In your whole life you have never felt these kinds of sensations, believe me. You wouldn’t even have such an opportunity. How many times have you received an inside your head massage? Do a search on Youtube for „holophonic sound‖. You must use your headphones for improved benefits. Enjoy! Do you remember when I was telling you at the beggining of our journey that you are going to receive a free massage in a body zone where you would not have expected? Well, you would not expect the following as well: «THE PORCUPINE TECHNIQUE Of the minor closes, this is the most potent. Imagine a little porcupine snuffling around in the brush with all its sharp long needles sticking out. If somebody put one in a sack and threw it at you, what would you do? You‘d throw it right back. The porcupine is the technique of answering a prospect‘s question with a question of your own that maintains your control of the interview and allows you to lead into the next step of your selling sequence.» (HOPKINS, pg. 38) Sloooow dooown, this one is dangerous! «(…) Why are you so fearful of annoying prospects when your main concern should be to close them so that they can enjoy the benefits off your offering?»
(â&#x20AC;Ś) What were we talking about? Oh, yes, about the greatest salesman: ÂŤA young guy from New Jersey moves to California and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job. Instead of going to the Human Resources Department, he asks to see the store manager. He tells the manager that he wants a sales job: He can quickly determine if a shopper is a real buyer, and he can close most of the Buyers. The manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?" The young guy says, "Yeah, I was a garden equipment salesman back home in New Jersey." Well, the manager liked the way the young guy spoke, so he offered to put him on trial for a few days as a Sales Trainee. "Start tomorrow. Just report to the floor manager on level one. I'll come down after we close and see how you did." His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store closed, the store manager came down. "How many sales did you make today?" "Just One." The boss says, "Just one? Our salespeople average 20 or 30 sales a day, with an average gross of about $1,500 each. How much was your one sale for? The new guy says, "$111,447.23." "Over one hundred thousand dollars? What the heck did you sell?" "First, I sold him a small fishing hook. Then, I sold him a large fishing hook. Then he bought a new fishing rod and reel. When I asked him where he was going fishing, he said, "down off of Costa Mesa". So, I asked him if he wanted to have his own boat down there. He said 'Yes,' so we went down to the boat department and I sold him that twin engine 21 foot Starcraftt with a trailer. But, his Honda Civic couldn't pull the boat, so I took him down to the automotive department, where he traded in the Honda on a 4X4 Chevy Suburban." The manager said, "A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and SUV?" 193
The new Senior Sales Representative says, "No ... I forgot about the Tampons. He came in to buy a box of tampons for his wife, and I said, "Well, your weekend is shot, how would you like to go fishing?"» (Source) Now, that you had fun (I hope, if not, you are good for sales!), let's watch a utopia: «The wisest and best salesman is always the one who bluntly tells the truth about his article. He looks his prospective customer in the eye and tells his story. That is always impressive. And if he does not sell the first time, he leaves a trail of trust behind.» (BETTGER, pg. 106) Yeah, maybe you met an honest seller (we’re like in fairy tales!) who tells you the truth, but I assure you he tells it only partially. The inconvenient truth you will not be served never, but you will discover it after you have completed your purchase. And this is called "lie by omission", ie a kind of "negligent homicide" combined with "premeditated murder". Do you know «What's the difference between people who sell used cars and people who sell high tech? Answer: People selling used cars know they are lying.» (RACKHAM, pg. 80) Let me be clear and to conclude that there is no honest seller. Point. How I am so sure? Because I was „The greatest salesman‖. And I often said only what I want the client to hear. Because, otherwise, I would not have reached "the best". Yes, I know, you hate me! But not more than I hate myself for how ingrate I was. And by these pages I try to redeem my mistakes.
(…) «How old is the Puppy Dog Close? God gave Moses the 10 Commandment Tablets: ―Try them,‖ he said. Pretty strong close. Still working. After 5,000 years he still has billions of customers.» (GITOMER, pg. 186) During the lecture I gave you countless examples, so you should be now quite versed in recognizing and annihilate them. You should try to handle it yourself, because the world is moving and until a revised edition of this book you might be attacked by a rapacious predator if you don't update itself. The sales techniques evolve. But you? « If you go a little further, you get what Asians call "threeheaded turtle". Index finger rubs the anterior wall of the vagina inside up to the clitoris, while the thumb gently massage the body. At the same time, the third or fourth finger gently tickles the perineum - or, as the desire of women, the anus. The hand is the body of a turtle and three active fingers are three ends of doves. If all goes well, the result can be called "stepping into heaven." Sounds too poetic? First try and then decide.» (REUBEN, pg. 86) OMG, what have I done? I screwed again the book… Sorry! You must understand me… Here's a true story, to get over your anger: «A man goes to the Lucas Carlton in Paris with his girlfriend and orders the 1928 Mouton. The waiter returns with a decanter full of wine, pours a small amount in the glass for tasting. The customer picks up the glass, smells the wine, and puts it down on the table with a thud. "This is not the 1928 Mouton." The waiter assures him it is, and soon there is another twenty people surrounding the table including the chef, the manager of the hotel trying to convince the man that the wine is the 1928 Mouton. Finally someone asks him how he knows, it is not the 1928 Mouton. "My name is Phillipe de Rothschild, and I made the wine." Consternation. Finally the original waiter steps forward and admits that he poured the Clerc Milon 1928. "I could not bear to part with our last bottle of '28 Mouton. 198
You own Clerc Milon, it is in the same village as Mouton. You pick the grapes at the same time, the same cepage, you crush in the same way, you put them into similar barrels. You bottle at the same time, you even use eggs from the same chickens to fine them. The wines are the same, except for a small matter of geographic location." Rothschild beckons the waiter forward, and whispers to him: "When you return home tonight, ask your girlfriend to remove her underwear. Put one finger in one opening, another in the other opening, and smell the difference that a small matter of geographic location will give."» (Source) Major, I could say. Like the one between a modern art gallery and a public toilet. Was right who said: „Eat shit. One billion flies can‘t be wrong.‖ I take this opportunity to relax a little our sphincters, sorry, minds: «John decides to pay a visit to a psychiatrist because he wets his bed every night. He explains to the doctor that every night, a dwarf appears in his dream, saying to him: 'And now, dear John, we are going to pee.' And John duly pees in his bed. The psychiatrist advises him to respond to the dwarf's invitation with a determined 'NO!' John goes home, but returns the next day. 'I followed your advice,' he says to the doctor. 'When the dwarf appeared, and encouraged me to pee, I firmly said NO! But then the dwarf replied: Very well then, in that case, we are going to shit.'» (Source) OK, back to ours, as I see you started to like it: «... new closes have continued to appear with impressive regularity. Just last month I was reading an airline magazine that mentioned the Banana Close—a new one for me—and on the same day my junk mail contained a hard-to-resist invitation to learn more about the Half-open Close—a hidden secret of sales success that I'd somehow missed.» (RACKHAM, pg. 28) Do you realize how exposed you are? It can see your dick. Or your pussy.
Contracting Once we have reached this step, there are less things to be said. You did not quite follow my indications. You can still turn back, but you would need some balls of steel. Actually, you would need balls of titanium so you could refuse to close a transaction. You are only a small scared mouse which encountered a huge jackal. The predator will devour your bank account immediately after you have signed the agreement. I cannot let you suffer now at the end. You can still do something so you could be left with some extra pennies. Do you know what? Of course you do not. Otherwise you would have not reached this step. You should listen to me at least now! Give to the bastard in front of you 10% of the whole transaction (that is in general the value of a decent commission) so he\she could leave you alone. And that is all. Besides the fact that you keep your peace of mind, you could also save the rest of 90% which was supposed to be spent on a bargain. Do you know what the bear does when it traps its paw? It chews off the flesh until it meets the bone that could be broken so it could escape and survive. In a similar situation you would probably do the same. Did you see the Saw film series? Mr. Jig is a small child compared to the pack of predators that is on your traces in this very moment. I told you that running does not help you survive. But the advice I willut to give you now will help you. Of course, it depends on you to follow. Or you can adapt to it: «The CIA are interviewing three potential agents – two men and a woman. For the final test, they bring one of the male candidates to a door and hand him a revolver. ‗We must know that you will follow instructions, no matter what‘, says the interviewer. ‗Inside this room you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill her.‘ 225
‗You can‘t be serious‘, says the man. ‗I could never shoot my wife.‘ ‗Then you‘re not the right man for the job.‘ Says the CIA chap. The second man is given the same instructions. Five minutes later, he emerges with tears in his eyes and says, ‗I can‘t,‘ Finally, the woman is given the test, but with her husband. She takes the gun and enters the room. Shots are heard, then screaming, crashing and a lot of banging. After a few minutes, she comes out and wipes the sweat from her brow. ‗You didn‘t tell me the gun was loaded with blanks,‘ she says. ‗I had to beat him to death with the chair.‘.» (JONES D., pg. 83) Oh, do not be so spiteful! You have neither eaten garlic, nor your mouth stinks. You remind me of my wife. How I pity for myself! You are going to tell me that there have been worst examples where the protagonists were males. Like the biblical story were God commands to Avraam to sacrifice his own son so he could prove his loyalty. Let us not forget that even there the story did not go until the end, the divine leader tested Avraam’s faith on the edge, but he freed him from his trial on the last moment. On the other hand, the husband and his wife are not blood related, so... what does get in the way of their duty? I will not mention the children because this is a different story. But just if you are a mom. As a dad, you can’t never be sure. Or maybe the CIA employee was the heroine of the following story who escaped alive: «An individ breaks a bank and takes some hostages. He aggressively asks the first hostage: – Tell me, did you see me breaking the bank? The hostage says: Yes! Without even thinking about it, the thief is shooting him. After that, he asks the second hostage. He answers:
(...) « Some valuable people make others feel insignificant, but really valuable people make all feel important.» (ZIGLAR, AM pg. 167) And now I am sure that YOU feel IMPORTANT. Is that right? You all agree? All-all? You convinced me. I feel so good: „really valuable people make all feel important‖! Thank you! «Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being – Johann Wolfgang Goethe» (TRACY, pg. 201) or, in other variant: «Goethe taught, "Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be."» (COVEY, E7 pg. 155) Goethe, my man, which is the good one? Apply what you have learned from these pages and you'll be happy and free. «To know and not to do, is really not to know. To learn and not to do is not to learn. In other words, to understand something but not apply it is really not to understand it. It is only in the doing, the applying, that knowledge and understanding are internalized. (…) To know and not to do is not to know.» (COVEY, A pg. 33) Ho, I understand! He tells me four times the same thing like I am handicapped. Finally and in conclusion, these are the „pee‖ rules to follow for being quite effective in your fight with the sales agents: 1. Close the phone. 2. Postpone the meeting. 3. Ask for a minimum discount of 90%. 3,1 Refuse any offer. 3,14. Send them away. But not by being polite! Being tough: „If you ever call me I will sue you for harassment!‖ ENOUGH! 239
Table of contents About Enough! antisales course ......................................................... 2 Dear reader.......................................................................................... 6 unThanks............................................................................................. 9 Dedication ......................................................................................... 10 Motto................................................................................................. 12 Notes ................................................................................................. 13 Prelude .............................................................................................. 15 Gull's can't refuse .............................................................................. 39 What about your mother! .................................................................. 45 ÂŤI'm bad and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad.Âť . 55 Sale ................................................................................................... 60 What will the salespeople do? .......................................................... 66 Sales techniques ................................................................................ 72 The most important secret of sale ..................................................... 79 Who buys? ........................................................................................ 95 What am I buying? .......................................................................... 104 The prospecting .............................................................................. 111 The contact...................................................................................... 113 The call ........................................................................................... 119 Establishing meeting ....................................................................... 124 Three times IF and one time HATE................................................ 134 The meeting .................................................................................... 138 The offer ......................................................................................... 145 Demolition objections ..................................................................... 151 The negotiation ............................................................................... 156
What and when to negotiate? .......................................................... 158 How and how much to negotiate?................................................... 176 Negotiations techniques .................................................................. 178 A lesson of negotiation ................................................................... 183 You call yourself a salesman, you son of bitch? ............................. 190 The greatest salesman ..................................................................... 192 Closing techniques .......................................................................... 197 The rejection ................................................................................... 205 Saint or Sinner?............................................................................... 213 Finalising sale ................................................................................. 224 Contracting ..................................................................................... 225 Shut up and dig! .............................................................................. 228 MLM ............................................................................................... 229 Epilogue .......................................................................................... 237 Bibliography ................................................................................... 241 Websites.......................................................................................... 245 About bibliography ......................................................................... 246 Other resources ............................................................................... 248 About quotations ............................................................................. 250 About book ..................................................................................... 257 Why now? ....................................................................................... 270 Enough!........................................................................................... 273 Surprises ......................................................................................... 274 In preparation .................................................................................. 277 Lord forbids worse! ........................................................................ 279 Place for autograph ......................................................................... 287 286