The Echo Oct 19 2017

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YES! We are the only Cat Hospital East of Vancouver

Reducing homelessness ❚ | PAGE 2

• Wellness Exams • Surgery & Dentistry • Nutritional Consultation • Emergencies • Boarding

The inclusiveness of Scouts ❚ | PAGE 5


VOLUME 16 NUMBER 39 | 50¢

OCTOBER 19, 2017

1338 Battle St •

A week of awareness in Kamloops Mid-October marks a number of significant awareness weeks in the City of Kamloops, as the community looks to highlight fire prevention, waste reduction, and homelessness. From Sunday Oct. 8 to Saturday Oct. 14, fire departments across BC and North America worked to educate the public about the importance of fire safety and having a practiced fire escape plan with two ways out as part of Fire Prevention Week. In a typical home fire, you may have as little as one to two minutes after the smoke alarm sounds to safely escape. That’s why home escape planning is so critical in a fire situation, as it ensures that everyone in the household knows how to wisely use that small window of time. Kamloops Fire Rescue encouraged all Kamloops households to develop a plan together and practice it. A home escape plan includes working smoke alarm on every level of the home, in every bedroom, and near all sleeping areas. It also includes two ways out of every room, usually a door or a window, with a clear path to an outside meeting place like a tree or lighting pole that is a safe distance from the home. Kamloops Fire Rescue also offered a number of additional tips

Sandbar Grill Gourmet Burger & BBQ #10 - 177 Tranquille Rd (on the river)

236-421-2270 Mon - Sat open at 11:30 Sun 11:00 - 5:00 See our menu on Facebook!

A Kamloops firefighter shows a group of children how a fire truck works. Mid-October marks three awareness campaigns: Fire Prevention Week, Waste Reduction Week, and Homelessness Action Week. Photo: Kamloops Fire Rescue. and recommendations for prac- response teams; and to never runs from Monday, Oct. 16 ticing a home escape plan, in- go back into a burning building. to Sunday, Oct. 22. The City cluding: drawing a map of your To learn more about this of Kamloops is encouraging home marking the exits and year’s Fire Prevention Week residents to participate by repaths to outside; conducting a campaign titled “Every Sec- ducing their household waste. home fire drill twice a year, one ond Counts: Plan 2 Ways Out” To help residents save money at day and one at night; teaching visit or on their utility bills, the City is children to escape on their own contact Kamloops Fire Rescue. waiving the $50 exchange fee when they can’t be helped; makOn the heels of Fire Preven- for the month of October for ing sure the numbers on your tion Week follows Waste Re- residents who wish to downsize home are clearly marked to aid duction Week in Canada, which - continued on page 2

Hallowe’en Party 7:30 START $10 cover


y usic b Live M r” e t h ig “T

$5 appies 7:30–9:30pm Cash prizes for best costumes! Bring in a carved pumpkin to win $50 Gift Certificate*


– Owners Karleen Robbie and Jim Bigham * gcs available Nov 1 – Dec 2017

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