turtle time!
North Shore SpecialiSt
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pat Kavanagh 250-319-7938
accessibility for all Ken hill
kavanaghpat06@gmail.com office: 250-554-4511 755 Fortune Drive (old Strauss Herb building)
❚ | PAGE 5 VOLUME 16 NUMBER 35 | 50¢
SeptemBer 14, 2017
Best-West Realty ltd.
Tourism Kamloops sees record-breaking June In early May, Tourism Kamloops launched its Boldy Unscripted branding campaign, and the move seems to have paid dividends as Kamloops set a new record for tourists in June, however fears persist over the effect local wildfires and smoky skies had on tourism during July and August. June 2017 saw a 26 per cent increase over June of 2016, representing the single highest reporting in Tourism Kamloops’ history, while year-to-date indicators by the end of June recorded a 2 per cent increase over last year, as reported by Tourism Kamloops. Kamloops has long been a hub for tourists, with world-class skiing, mountain biking, and hiking right on the city’s doorstep, in addition to a number of other local draws. Among Canada’s top 100 cities by population, Kamloops ranks in the top three for hottest summer, number of sunny days, and days without precipitation annually, making the outdoor activities in the region all the more attractive for tourists. The large number of tournaments the city hosts annually also provide a bump to the number of tourists who visit. Early 2017 forecasts had predicted another strong year for tourism across the province, however tourism in Kamloops was slow to pick up following a longer than usual winter, short spring, and a lack of big events in the city during the first half of the year. However, with the launch of Boldy
PHoTo: Jesse Robinson via Tourism Kamloops Facebook.
Unscripted and the 360 Kamera Krew campaign, which challenged locals and visitors alike to spontaneously take part in some of Kamloops’ unique tourism activities, including skydiving and wine trail tours, seems to have captured the attention of markets in BC, Alberta, and Pacific Northwest states. The campaign was a bold idea, and it seems to have paid off. “Although one month does not necessar-
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ily speak to a trend, the timing supports our launch initiatives and the work undertaken over the past year to invigorate visitor interest in our area,” said Tourism Kamloops CEO Beverley DeSantis. “Visitors were ready to discover or re-discover Kamloops through a new lens. Locals know and appreciate what we have in Kamloops and we just needed to tweak
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