the Echo Sept 28 2017

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Brazilian dog Guru by Ken Hill ❚ | PAGE 5


VOLUME 16 NUMBER 36 | 50¢

septeMBer 28, 2017

1338 Battle St •

Celebrating Culture Days in Kamloops The 8th annual Culture Days will be celebrated in Kamloops over the weekend of Friday, Sept. 29 to Sunday, Oct. 1 shining a spotlight on the city’s rich arts and culture community. Culture Days is celebrated in hundreds of towns from coast to coast, giving Canadians thousands of free activities to enjoy from a wide range of disciplines, including visual arts, music, dance, theatre, architecture, heritage, film and video, literature, culinary arts, and new media. The local chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists will be hosting an art exhibition and artists demonstrations throughout the three days from 10am-4pm at the Old Courthouse Gallery. The Kamloops Art Gallery will feature an artist’s talk with Holly Ward, who will discuss areas of artistic research and exploration into the historical figure of the peasant in relation to the contemporary questions of place, citizenship and collectivity. The Fibre Art Network, a showcase of original, creative fibre arts currently exhibiting Botanical Reflections, will give art enthusiasts an opportunity to meet some of the artists at the Old Courthouse on Saturday. The Kamloops Museum and Archives will have free admission on both Friday and Saturday, as visitors will be able to not only view the displays, but also learning to needle felt and make cards. In honor of Canada 150, the Kamloops Child Development Centre will host a multicultural celebration and open house. Each classroom at the centre will repre-

charo Neville (r) of the Kamloops Art Gallery will host a number of exhibitions and a talk with artist Holly Ward during culture Days Sept. 29-oct. 1. Photo: Kamloops Art Gallery Facebook.

sent a Canadian province or territory and the heritage of the people from that region. Visitors will be able to enjoy family friendly games, crafts, folk songs, and dance demonstrations from across Canada, in addition to delicious cuisine samples, an art exhibition and auction, and more. Kamloops Makerspace, a nonprofit that operates a space in Kamloops where innovative people can gather to pursue their dreams, will debut its new CLAYSPACE pottery studio, along with a tour


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of the facility and demonstrations of key equipment, including a laser cutter, 3D printer, vinyl cutter, and much more. Western Canada Theatre (WCT) will present an open dress rehearsal for its production of Million Dollar Quartet, the smash Broadway musical and WCT’s first mainstage production of the season, as OPHI part of the Culture Days celebration. The QUEEN show recounts the time back in 1956 $ - continued on page 2 Also availabl


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items may not be exactly as shown. Financing 198 West Victoria St (next to Stereo Warehouse) 250-377-3818 Someavailable OAC 60 months. See store for details.

Open Mon-Sat 9-6, Sun & Holidays 12-5

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