Worldwide Prayer Focus DPM

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Derek Prince Ministries

Worldwide Prayer Focus January 2016 Pakistan January 1 Pray for God’s anointing on Directors James and Elizabeth as they minister this month at a leaders’ gathering for different ministries in Karachi. James has been invited for a return visit to Quetta to minister to inter-denominational leaders. Pray for all plans to come together, God’s protection and anointing, and that each person attending would be greatly blessed by the teaching, ministry and fellowship.

Australia January 2 Pray that the staff will return to work after the Christmas break refreshed and in good health. Pray for the Lord’s guidance on how to extend Derek’s Bible teaching to the younger generation.

India January 3 Directors Elsie and Danny will hold seminars in North Karnataka and Goa in January. Pray for God’s protection and good attendance in these areas that are strongly anti-Christian. Pray also that they will stay in good health as it is the coldest season of the year in India.

Iraq January 4 Pray for all the work in progress in northern Iraq and for the new Sorani translator who is publishing Derek’s titles in this language. Pray for safe distribution of Arabic and Farsi books in northern Iraq to the many churches in this country and beyond.

Ethiopia January 5 Opposition to converts is common here. Owning Christian material, accessing Christian media and meeting other believers are difficult. Security and other issues are also used to discourage missionaries. Pray for God’s protection and anointing upon Pastor Yemani as he ministers deliverance and that his team can continue to encourage the believers there. Pray for the right person to help with proofreading so more Tigrigna and Amharic books can be printed and distributed as soon as possible.

Belarus January 6 The recent elections in Belarus have caused many people to be disappointed. Pray for them to thirst after God and realize that He alone can fill their emptiness and give them hope. The DPM team here is ready to help those who are in search of God. Pray that the Lord will make clear His strategy and plans to reach them.

Netherlands January 7 Pray for wisdom and anointing upon Paul who will join the team in January to help in the further development of online courses. Pray for the participants in “The Promised Land” online course that is running now and continuing through February and that those taking it will be tremendously impacted. Pray for the successful printing this month of the

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

booklet, Father God, for wide distribution and that this greatly needed and timely message will impact thousands!

Egypt/Middle East January 8 Pray for ongoing discussions concerning possible new TV broadcasting opportunities in the Middle East as well as Internet Radio. The right person is needed to help complete the Arabic website to more extensively reach the Arab world.

China January 9 Pray for the Church and the Christians in China where there are new government policies seriously restricting the freedom of believers. While some areas are less troubled, in other areas there is a very significant clampdown on Christians that involves breaches of human rights. Pray for protection and encouragement for those believers working with the DPM team in China.

Gulf Region January 10 New doors have been opening in this region, in particular Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates where contacts are being made with active ministries. Pray for favour for the DPM workers so the door will open for reaching out with Derek’s material. Continue to pray for a new church in Kuwait and the UAE that is considering ordering Derek’s material and becoming a regular supporter of the ministry.

Angloa January 11 Portuguese books, Teaching Letters, Proclamation Cards and DVDs were sent to several Operation Mobilization training bases in Angola. Pray that this material will encourage and strengthen all those who receive them and produce much fruit in their lives and ministries. 2

Tanzania January 12 Pray that those who are studying the book, Life-Changing Spiritual Power, will be touched and challenged afresh by the power of the Holy Spirit to reach out to the unsaved in their areas. Pray for the new Radio Joy station that broadcasts Swahili teaching to reach Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania and bring people to experience salvation, healing, and deliverance.

Germany January 13 Pray for God’s grace and provision as the staff settles into new offices and gears up to begin work on several new books by Derek in German. Pray for divine appointments and favour in offering and scheduling Bible teaching conferences for 2016 and the Lord’s anointing upon those involved.

Russia January 14 German is an outreach worker on the team who plans to preach and minister in the villages of the Pskov region in western Russia from January 15–30. He also hopes to go to Sevastopol in the Crimea, where a group of 30 students will take part in the seminars to be held. Pray for the Lord’s anointing upon German and for many to come to the Lord and be strengthened in their faith through Derek’s material that will be shared.

Bulgaria January 15 Pray for the new Bulgarian book, The Two Harvests, to be well accepted by Bulgarian Christians and that they will understand and put into practise the truths in this teaching. Pray for the successful translation and printing of Rediscovering God’s Church and that this book will encourage Bulgarian Church leaders to apply biblical truth in their ministries.

Norway January 16 Continue to pray for the youth in a secondary school in Bergen as they read through the New Testament three times a week during lunch. The school has over 500 pupils, and more than 30 have joined in to take part. The Word of God is still active and sharper than a sword and will have an impact as it goes forth!

United Kingdom January 17 Pray that the Word of God will reach millions of Arabic refugees all over Europe and that DPM would play its part in making Derek’s material available. The U.K. team is in contact with an Arabic church in London that has opened its doors to refugees. Pray that this church and others will be able to use Derek’s materials to minister to them.

Indonesia January 18 Pray for God’s wisdom, protection and guidance for new Director Marcel for outreach in Indonesia this year. Pray that plans to redesign and rebuild the DPM–Indonesia website will go smoothly. Pray that the book, Life-Changing Spiritual Power, sent out recently to pastors and Bible school students in east Indonesia, will help build a firm biblical foundation in their lives.

Namibia January 19 Derek’s English programs were on Namibia national radio years ago. Pray for favour with a Christian radio station about airing them so they can be heard again in Namibia. Pray that the Afrikaans Foundations book that Pastor Nel and others leaders received will help establish strong believers and local churches.

Swaziland January 20 Pray that new contacts will be made with Bible schools, radio stations and church leaders in Swaziland so that Derek’s

material can be widely distributed.

Croatia January 21 The new Croatian book, Living as Salt and Light, was printed at the end of 2015. Pray that this message will be taken seriously and transform the lives of many believers. Pray for divine appointments with Croatian pastors and church leaders and open hearts for Derek´s teaching. .


January 22 Pray for the Lord to inspire and refresh Director René and to open new doors for outreach. After 20 years of overseeing the work in France, he needs new vision for future ministry. Pray for Catherine to have grace and strength for her many responsibilities, including the bookkeeping, Bible Correspondence Course, and translation. Pray for new contacts with bookstores, as a small number of small stores are surviving the Internet’s online business, and many have had to close or operate for minimum hours.

Magdagascar January 23 Pray for Dries and Valerie as they continue their faithful work in translating, editing, printing and voicing Derek’s teaching into Malagasy. Pray for good health, protection and provision for Dries and Valerie and the new worker who is assisting with translation work.

Czech Republic January 24 Pray for Directors Daniel and Kristina to have good health, the Lord’s protection and passion to reach the unreached with Derek’s teaching and to manage their time wisely. Pray that God opens the doors to all

denominations in this nation and gives favour with local church leaders so Daniel and Kristina can network with them to spread Derek’s material.

Solomon Islands January 25 Pray for God’s wisdom and anointing upon Director Tele Bartlett and also Co-ordinator Hudson Saeni as he visits and ministers to prisoners and shares Derek’s teaching.

Botswana January 26 The small team working in New Xanagas face many obstacles—lawlessness, corruption and violence as a result of alcohol and drug abuse in addition to poverty, hunger, water shortages and extreme heat. Pray for provision, protection and good health for workers and their families. Pray for the successful translation of Derek’s radio programs into Naro San. Pray that there will be no problems for the translators in using the computer equipment they have just learned to operate. Pray for the voicing of the transcripts by FEBA radio to go smoothly with no recording problems.

United States January 27 Pray for more opportunities to reach the younger generations with Derek’s teaching and the right contacts and venues to come forth to help expand this outreach. Another group of local Hispanic leaders and workers visited the U.S. office recently and received free material. Pray for the Lord to solidify relationships with those He would use to share Derek’s teaching.

Switzerland January 28 Pray for fresh vision and motivation from the Lord for Ruedi and his team


on how to move ahead in the new year to reach this region with Derek’s teaching. Pray that more people will become aware of Derek’s teaching and for more donors to come forth to help support the work of the ministry.

Slovakia January 29 The Radio 7 Christian radio station began broadcasting Derek’s teaching at the end of November after negotiation with the new director who made changes in the content of the program. Pray for him to have the Lord’s wisdom in this area of ministry and favour with church leaders. Pray that many people will become listeners and be impacted by Derek’s Bible teaching.

Israel January 30 Pray for George and Betty and their local team as they continue to produce and distribute Derek’s Hebrew teaching across the nation, along with material in Arabic and Russian. Not long ago, two Jewish men were murdered in a Tel Aviv synagogue across the street from the school attended by the young son of our staff members Daniel and Lee. Pray for the Lord’s mercy and protection in the midst of ongoing violence across the nation.

Zambia January 31 Pray for protection and strength for Peter Pedersen and his wife who encourage pastors across Zambia and in neighbouring countries. (He was the founder of Kaniki Bible College.) Pray for the graduates who received the Graduate Gift pack this year to apply the teaching and share it with the church congregations they plan to establish. Pray that Derek’s radio programs being aired in Lusaka will reach many listeners who will be impacted by his teaching.

Derek Prince Ministries

Worldwide Prayer Focus February 2016 India February 1 Directors Elsie and Danny have been invited to visit Mumbai and other major cities where they have not yet held Derek Prince seminars. There is also a fervent plea for teaching seminars from the pastors in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands who are very neglected because of their distance from the mainland. Pray for God’s timing and His protection and anointing for Elsie and Danny when they minister.

Philippines February 2 Last October, Director John Cochrane and his team held four outreaches and led 500 adults and 230 children to the Lord. Many are hungry to know more, so pray that the Self-Study Bible Course in the national Tagalog language will help give them a firm foundation in the Word. Pray for wisdom for Greg who is translating How to Pass from Curse to Blessing into Tagalog.

Australia February 3 Pray for a good response to the Indigenous Outreach mailing reporting activities during 2016. Pray for the Lord to guide Indigenous Outreach Co-ordinators Graeme and Veronica Hunter in planning their outreaches for 2016 and to keep them in good health.


multi-sport event attended by many Muslims from all over the world (with non-Muslims also welcomed). Pray for open doors and divine contacts for DPM’s outreach workers in preparation for this event which could be a great opportunity to share the gospel. Pray for the Azeri translator who is working on the translation of Does Your Tongue Need Healing? It is a strategic book for both Christians and Muslims.

Mongolia February 5 The Mongolian pastor and his wife who handle Derek’s work in Mongolia continue to do an amazing job. Pray for them to have the Lord’s wisdom as they produce Derek’s material on multiple platforms—books, YouTube, the website, etc. The church in Mongolia is young and in great need of Derek’s teaching.

New Zealand February 6 Pray for increased awareness of DPM in New Zealand and for more visitors to the website ( and Facebook page ( DPMNZ) who would avail themselves of the huge number of free resources available. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance for the staff and Trustees for 2016 and that He will provide all the needed finances for DPM’s outreaches in many nations across the Asia/ Pacific region.

February 4 In 2017, Azerbaijan will host the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games, a multi-national, “And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8

Croatia February 7 Pray for the Lord’s protection and wisdom for the Croatia publishing team in all they do. Pray for a growing hunger and thirst for the Word of God in the Church in Croatia and that DPM will increasingly be used to meet this need.

Malaysia February 8 Derek’s teaching in Indonesian (on 400 micro SD cards as well as MP3 players) has been distributed in East Malaysia. Pray that all those receiving it will be further equipped in their knowledge of God’s Word.

France February 9 Pray for increased online giving and sales in response to online reports and other mailings. Pray all the shipments of French material to Africa to arrive safely. Pray for divine contacts and wisdom in expanding DPM’s influence in French-speaking Africa.

Egypt February 10 Pray for more and more people to respond to the website and access Derek’s teaching. The Video Bible School project is making 30 of Derek’s foundational teachings available in Arabic. Pray for God’s protection for each member of the team and for good relationships.

Norway February 11 Pray for success in the prison ministry as Derek’s books and DVDs are sent free of charge to those requesting help. Pray especially that the material will be widely read and spread in Bergen State Prison where a DPM contact works and is allowed to take books in. Derek’s material is sent to a number of recovery


centres for drug addicts. Pray that it will touch and help change many lives as God’s Word goes forth.

Japan February 12 Pray for many to visit the relatively new Japanese language website (with English capability) and be blessed by the material available. The address is Pray for protection and anointing for the Japanese translator, Yoshie, who is translating 30 of Derek’s most significant audio/video messages.

Syria February 13 The terrible events in Syria have continued for five years and many people have suffered. Pray that the Lord would bring change and end this conflict and refugee disaster. Pray that God’s Word will continue to be distributed across the nation and change many lives and that the Church will be a lighthouse in a country of darkness.

Czech Republic February 14 This nation is among the most atheistic in the world. Pray that Derek’s materials will equip believers here to take God’s Word to every city, town and village across the country. Pray that Czech believers will become living testimonies to unbelievers around them.

Germany February 15 Pray for the Germany staff to understand and fulfill its proper role in God’s plan for German-speaking nations and Italy, including how to effectively reach the younger generation with Derek’s teaching. Pray for open doors for Derek’s teaching in churches throughout the German-speaking nations.

Cambodia February 16 Pray for provision of all finances needed this year in order to translate, print and distribute Derek’s teaching in the Khmer language. Pray for God’s protection and anointing on those who are training believers using Derek’s teaching material and that many nationals will gain a strong foundation in God’s Word.

China February 17 Recently, Derek’s book, Orphans, Widows, the Poor and Oppressed, was translated into Chinese for the first time. As China faces disasters such as earthquakes (inevitable in such a huge country) or other devastating situations, it is believed this message is needed to challenge to Chinese Christians to be involved in humanitarian activities. Pray that God will use this book significantly.

Nepal February 18 Pray that all current book printing (eight titles) goes smoothly and that the books will be safely distributed throughout many parts of Nepal to help strengthen the believers.

Lesotho February 19 Pray for more opportunities to get Derek’s teaching to the isolated villages and people in this mountainous country, especially through radio broadcasts which seems to be the best option. Pray for the Lord’s guidance and for favour with the right people for this outreach.

Ukraine February 20 Derek’s teaching is not only giving believers a solid foundation in the Word, but is helping bring unity in the Lord. Pray that

this will continue among individuals and the churches. Over 2,200 copies of Derek’s books/booklets have been given to refugees and others in need in the midst of the current conflict. Pray for God to touch and encourage everyone who received this material.

Netherlands February 21 Pray for the new website to be a more positive and helpful tool for users and for increased online sales and giving. Pray for DPM to have increased involvement and opportunities with more local churches for teaching, worldwide support of DPM outreaches, book sales, etc.

Mozambique February 22 Pray for the Portuguese books shipped to Mozambique to be a blessing to the pastors and Bible school students who will receive them. Pray for a Portuguese editor who would do the final editing on the Self-Study Bible Course so it can be printed as quickly as possible.

Canada February 23 Pray for more church and ministry leaders to connect with the DPM team and be able to use Derek’s teaching. Pray for increased contact with those involved in outreach to the Aboriginal communities so that Derek’s material can reach these native people.

Zimbabwe February 24 Director Tich has travelled to many towns in Zimbabwe and Botswana. Pray for more opportunities for ministry and the right contacts who would want Derek’s teaching.

Pray for improvement in the economy so that more people can purchase Derek’s material.

Slovakia February 25 Pray for nominal believers, especially in traditional Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches, to have a growing hunger for God’s Word and somehow connect with Derek’s teaching. Pray for Derek’s material to have a growing impact on the Body of Christ in Slovakia, equipping those who receive it to mature and help bring the lost to Christ.

Malawi February 26 Pastor Yonas, who works in prison ministry, will be distributing 2,000 copies of the Chichewa Self Study Bible Course. Pray that many inmates will be equipped and encouraged by this teaching. Pray also for the pastors and leaders in Malawi who receive Derek’s teaching material to bear much fruit and impact their churches, perhaps even establish new ones.

Fiji February 27 Pray for God’s leading for representative Christine Valentine as she ministers to patients in Suva Hospital and distributes copies of The Divine Exchange and God’s Medicine Bottle. Pray that the patients she makes contact with will be blessed by Derek’s teaching and that many would come to salvation.


Myanmar February 28 Pray for an increase in sales of Derek’s Burmese books. Pray also that the Lord would connect the DPM team with many more people and ministries who will want and benefit from receiving complimentary material.

Namibia February 29 Many Chinese people are moving here to work and start businesses and Chinese churches are forming. Pray for the Chinese believers who have received Derek’s Chinese books, CDs and DVDs to be encouraged and equipped. Pray for an open door to reach the many German-speaking people in Namibia with the German DVDs available through the South Africa office.

Derek Prince Ministries

Praise and Thanksgiving January/February 2016 Angola—Isabel Surgeon We plan to send more sets of Portuguese books to five Operation Mobilization missions bases in Angola. OM also has a bookshop and training centre facility not far from our office in Pretoria.

Australia—Alex Genovese All praise and glory to God for the unity among the team that travelled to Walgett during November. The Lord went before us and prepared the way, and we saw great results in people’s lives. An effective door has opened there. — Graeme and Veronica Hunter, Indigenous Outreach Co-ordinators

Botswana—Isabel Surgeon Ina is finalizing work on the Tswana language Life-Changing Spiritual Power book and cover before it goes for printing and distribution in Botswana and a large part of South Africa. Some San Bushmen can understand Tswana and the younger generation can read it. In New Xanagas, we are translating Derek’s broadcasts into Naro San. There are quite a few San Bushman men and women helping with translations that will be used in test broadcasts. If all goes well, we will reach the Kalahari San of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana this year where 100,000 San Bushman people will have teaching in their own “click” language on CD, MegaVoice and the radio. (These people were in the movie, “The Gods Must be Crazy” some years ago.)

Bulgaria—Iskra Nacheva Two recently printed books, You Matter to God and Living as Salt and Light, are being well accepted in Bulgaria. The demand for Derek’s books is increasing regardless of the economic stagnation.

China—Ross Paterson Praise God for the DPM team that serves inside China. We are so grateful for these brothers and sisters who labour without financial reward for the sake of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus.

Croatia—Damir & Irene Blazic We praise God that Derek´s teaching is available in Croatian. We want to share these testimonies: A man bought the book Husbands and Fathers and was so impressed with the teaching that he ordered all 27 Croatian titles we have printed so he can lend them to his relatives and friends. A woman was encouraged by a Roman Catholic priest to buy Derek´s book Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose and read it in an attitude of prayer. Afterward, a friend of hers also requested it. Someone contacted us through our website: I am a believer since 1996. I got converted through Derek Prince’s books: Blessing or Curse and Foundation Series that I bought in a bookstore. These are rare to find, for most books are from Roman Catholic authors. I believe it was God´s grace, for it was the beginning of an exodus for me from false teachings. Until then my hope and faith

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Psalm 46:10–11

was in TM, yoga, and universal life. The fact is I bought the Foundation Series books twice in three months. The first time, under the influence of false gospels and demons, I tore it apart and threw it in the garbage. But praise Jesus, the seed of God´s Word was already sown in me, and soon came forth fruit. Jesus saved me! After that, all of my occult books ended up in the garbage. That same year I was baptized in water, and since then I am serving in the local Church. God blessed me with a beautiful wife, four sons and one daughter. I am leading children’s work and sometimes serve on the worship team. I approach the work of brother Prince with respect, realizing that all of the glory goes to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit.

France—René de Groot All 30 X 13 Project messages in French are now online and our YouTube channel (http://, which has a growing number of visitors. A new French booklet, The Headship of Jesus, has been printed. January marked 20 years since we printed the first edition of Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose in French; 35,000 copies are now in print which is very rare for a Christian book in France.

India—Elsie & Danny After completing our DPM Bible College Curriculum, 30 pastors in Kanchipuram graduated. This is a deeply religious Hindu district where there are no Christian training institutions for church leaders. They trained for nearly 18 months covering 13 teaching topics which are very helpful and practical for Indian ministry. Each graduate also received a set of Derek’s Tamil books. They were very excited to receive the mini-library, and this was probably the first set of teaching material they had ever been given.

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Indonesia—Marcel We were delighted to recently send two significant shipments of books to Surabaya (East Java) which will be a great blessing to the recipients.

Japan—Yoshie Excellent progress is being made on the translation of 30 of Derek’s most significant audio/video messages into Japanese, with more than half the messages now completed.

Kenya—Isabel Surgeon John Skoda is distributing the Swahili LifeChanging Spiritual Power book in Kenya, Congo and Zanzibar. His parents were missionaries near where Derek worked as head of a teacher training college in the 1950s.

Madagascar—Isobel Surgeon Translation of Rediscovering God’s Church into Malagasy was recently completed and the Foundations booklets are in progress. Dries is voicing the written Malagasy work onto CDs for radio broadcasting. The CDs and audio books will also be used on MP3 solar players he will purchase initially for eight leaders that he is training.

Malawi—Isabel Surgeon The Chichewa Self-Study Bible Course is having a final edit before printing and then will be used by pastors and in prison outreach.

Malaysia—Liman and Sai Peng Indonesia Director, Marcel, visited late last year and ministered at a Tamil-speaking Bible school that is planning to use Derek’s English, Indonesian and Tamil books.

Mozambique—Isabel Surgeon We have sets of Portuguese books available for Bible schools in Mozambique.

Namibia—Isabel Surgeon Bertus Nel who requested the Foundations book be translated into Afrikaans has now received the translations to give to church leaders. He also requested Chinese books, CDs and DVDs for the Chinese people in his church, and we were able to supply him with the material.

Nepal—Gopaljee Adhikari Derek Prince’s teaching has changed my life. It is simple language, understandable in Nepali and great truths from the Bible have been so wonderfully exposed. Where I am leading the church, Derek’s anointed books have become the main resource for me to nourish the believers. In this area, almost every pastor has Derek’s books. — Pastor Krishna Thapa

Netherlands—Ivar van der Sterre We have had many and very positive responses to the new online course, “Living in the Last Days” (based on Prophetic Guide to the End Times), with over 200 participants and the 2nd run of the course, “Life with the Holy Spirit,” with 115 participants. Our revised website and E-shop went live in November. We believe this will greatly increase our contacts and online activity. Reading of our Daily Devotional e-mails continues to grow with almost daily positive responses. We are grateful for the ongoing financial support from a group of donors who very faithfully give.

Norway—Sverre Kristoffersen We praise God for a new open door into a large secondary school in Bergen. One other

secondary school heard about the reading and proclaiming of God’s Word, and they are also trying to establish Bible reading in the same way. Derek Prince’s teaching is now well known and established in Norway. Many denominations in our country speak well of it and are joining us to help spread the Word of God. We are expecting even more to stand with us this year. God is giving us co-workers to help start a DPM office in Sweden!

Pakistan—James and Elizabeth Elizabeth shared from Derek’s book, You Matter to God, with young women drug addicts and women who work among them in a Karachi slum. Twenty of them repented and gave their lives to the Lord, with many others being “recharged.” Each participant received a copy of Derek’s book that James shared Called to Conquer, at a prayer and fellowship gathering in Hyderabad. It was attended by the Anglican Archdeacon of the Diocese of Hyderabad, along with 55 pastors and leaders, and each one received a copy of this book, along with Lucifer Exposed. They were touched by the message and intercession for each other and have requested these gatherings be held on a regular basis.

Philippines—John Cochrane The Divine Exchange has now been translated and printed in the national language, Tagalog. We are receiving great comments regarding SelfStudy Bible Course, including these: “The people love this study book and I find it very helpful for baby Christians in our church.” “I believe this book is very timely and needed for all believers (young and old) in our city.”

Slovakia—Brainslav & Claudia Cekan Christian radio station (Radio 7) in Slovakia began broadcasting Derek’s teaching (from his Teaching Letters) in the Slovak language in late

November. This is a new opportunity to reach our nation on a new level at no cost to us!

South Africa—Isabel Surgeon The Lord is moving in Africa, and there are exciting new doors of opportunity opening that are initiated by people who love Derek’s teaching and want to share it with others. Mzi, our Xhosa translator, has completed work on The Holy Spirit in You, God’s Medicine Bottle and Spiritual Warfare. These books will eventually be included in Life-Changing Spiritual Power. Hope Ramaphosa of Seeds of Hope Ministries has implemented the Self Study Bible Course material in several ways. She began with 75 school leaders who will work through it and also presented it to two radio stations who will air it online as a course that she will oversee. It will also be available for students to study by email. Students will receive a certificate after completing the course. Hope has requested further study material as well. If this is done in other provinces, it can change the future of this nation through future leaders. Hope presented this course to her church who was so impressed they started it the next week!

Sri Lanka—Elsie & Danny Elsie, Danny and their team made a return trip to Sri Lanka last September. DPM is held in high regard here and is very well received, enabling many doors to open for Derek’s teaching. Over 1,300 church leaders were ministered to over 13 days, so a significant impact was made. Every comment received indicated it was so timely and what they all needed. DPM–New Zealand Trustee, Alan Brooks, was with the team and writes: “My mind thinks back to the DPM conference in Hyderabad in 1998 where Derek himself was ministering. The passion is the same today as it was then. The Word is going out into the heavenlies as well as into the people, and this

land is changing. The trumpet has sounded and God is assembling these people to unity under His army to recover this land.”

Tanzania—Isabel Surgeon Moses Amani helped distribute copies of LifeChanging Spiritual Power and those who received them were very grateful. A training centre that also received the book were sharing one Bible among 25 students. Moses personally bought Bibles for these students. We often take for granted the access we have to Bible and teaching material. Joy Radio will be broadcasting the Swahili CD messages and is also interested in presenting the Self Study Bible Course on radio. The radio contact will visit the South Africa office in February to discuss this and also take back English radio messages for broadcasting.

Zambia—Isabel Surgeon Peter Pedersen distributed 100 Foundations books in Zambia and other areas in 2015. Graduate packs were sent to Kaniki Bible School and Baptist Theological College in Lusaka.

Zimbabwe—Tich Ruzanne I spoke in towns across Zimbabwe in 2015. In every place, Derek’s teaching was well received. Last October. I went to Gweru to introduce Derek’s books, and about 30 pastors attended and joyfully received the books. Doors are also opening to other areas.

Derek Prince Ministries-UK, Kingsfield, Hadrian Way, Baldock, Herts, SG7 6AN, UK  + 44 (0) 1462 492100 |  |  VAT No. GB 553 8244 33 Reg Charity No. 1123283

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