World Wide Prayer Focus DPM Nov dec 2015

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Derek Prince Ministries

Worldwide Prayer Focus November 2015 Australia November 1 Graeme and Veronica, DPM’s Indigenous Outreach Co-ordinators, will be joined by members of an Aboriginal church to travel together to west/central New South Wales for an outreach November 5–9. Pray for their protection and a move of the Holy Spirit that will bless and impact all those they come in contact with.

Iraq November 2 A large shipment of Arabic and Farsi books has arrived in Erbil. Pray that these books can be distributed safely and successfully, both locally and to other neighbouring countries. Another church in Erbil has introduced a weekly Bible study using the Self-Study Bible Course books that they recently received. This book has proven to be quite popular. Pray that it will continue to encourage the believers here and help them mature in their faith. Pray for the Lord’s blessing and protection over the event scheduled for early November in northern Iraq in co-ordination with local churches and other ministries. It is the first such event in the city and will introduce some of Derek’s books to Kurdish and Arabic-speaking churches.

Serbia November 3 Pray for a strong team spirit and relationship between the leaders, Miro Fic and Miro Cobrda, as they continue to co-ordinate DPM’s work in Serbia. Pray for God’s guidance, wisdom and favour

in contacting every denomination in Serbia to share Derek’s teaching. Pray for a gifted website designer who can get a website up and running by the end of this year.

Caucasus Region November 4 Pray for successful distribution of Derek’s Russian books to the northern Caucasus area of Russia. In November and December, Outreach Coordinator Vazgen and his family will travel and minister in a number of countries in this region. Pray for the Lord’s protection and favour upon them.

Belarus November 5 The wife of Aleksandr, the DPM Co-ordinator, will be teaching a course for women about biblical forgiveness and freedom and will include Derek Prince’s teaching. Pray for her to have the Lord’s wisdom and guidance as she shares and ministers.

Israel November 6 The Destiny of Israel and the Church is now published in Hebrew. Pray that this message will spread across Israel and the Church around the world. Derek said, “This convergence will provide the most dramatic and significant developments of all history.”

France November 7 Pray for Catherine to walk in the Lord’s wisdom and peace in her many responsibilities—mentor

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” The Lord has made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. Isaiah 52:7, 10

for the Bible Correspondence Course students, bookkeeper, etc. She is valuable to the team. Pray for all the shipments of material going to French-speaking Africa to arrive safely and quickly and that Derek’s teaching will continue to build up God’s people in these nations.

Egypt/Middle East November 8 An agreement was made in October with a Christian Arabic channel to start broadcasting Derek’s teaching. Negotiations are also underway with another Christian Arabic Radio station. Pray that Derek’s broadcasts will bear much fruit for the Kingdom across the Middle East. Life-Changing Spiritual Power has been printed. Pray that this strategic compilation of books will reach many Arabs and that there would be an increase in distribution of other titles as well.

Netherlands November 9 Pray for more translators who would volunteer their skills to help with several pending projects. Another Internet course is underway on “Who is the Holy Spirit?” Pray that the students working through it will grow in understanding the gifts of the Spirit and find their own gifting and function.

Rwanda November 10 There is a fresh momentum in the translation and publishing work in Rwanda. The Self-Study Bible Course is in the final stages of production. Pray especially that it will give new believers a great start in their journey of faith.

China November 11 The DPM–China team is now distributing the final printing of the year—50,000 books in two different places. In one location, the team was asked to print Rediscovering God’s Church. In another area,


there was a demand for Declaring God’s Word and the Foundation Series. Pray that these needs can be met.

Gulf Region November 12 New contacts have been established in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. Pray that strong relationships will emerge so that through them DPM can reach the believing community in these countries. A new church in Kuwait has indicated they are interested in getting Derek’s books and becoming a regular supporter of DPM. Pray for favour from this congregation, especially from the leadership.

Botswana November 13 Pray for Martin Erasmus to be able to get a year’s permit to be in Botswana so he can continue his work among the San Bushmen tribe. Pray that the Lord will protect him and provide for all his needs as well as for the people he is ministering to.

Solomon Islands November 14 Pray for good sales of Derek’s books through the Christian bookstore in Honiara, the capital. During September, DPM Co-ordinator, Hudson, taught 200 young people on the teachings from The Divine Exchange and Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose. Pray that these truths will bring transformation to their lives.

Germany November 15 Another office facility for DPM will be needed by the end of the year. Pray for the Lord to provide the right place to meet every need for the Germany team. Pray for Dan and his staff to have the Lord’s wisdom to make the right decision regarding a new location and to help them with this move and transition.

Indonesia November 16 Pray for God’s wisdom and protection for Marcel, the new Indonesia Director. Two staff members left to attend university and now a major project is at hand—translating 30 of Derek’s most significant audio/video messages into Indonesian. Pray for new staff with the needed skills to be quickly found and that the office will continue to run smoothly.

Bulgaria November 17 Pray for successful production of the book, Rediscovering God’s Church—translation, editing, layout, and printing—and that it will have a big impact upon the church in Bulgaria.

Latin Ameica November 18 Pray for new inroads into Latin America and the right connections to be solidified. Pray for the Lord’s continued blessing and favour upon the two publishers and distributors of Derek’s Spanish books in Colombia.

Madagasar November 19 Pray for favour for Dries and Valerie as they reach out to Bible Schools with Derek’s teaching. Pray for wisdom and guidance for Valerie and a new worker who will help with editing. Pray for successful voicing of Derek’s teaching into Malagasy for the MP3 players and CDs for radio broadcasting.

Iran November 20 Pray for God’s blessing upon the Farsi recording work for new DVD titles. Pray for protection upon the new DPM office

and team in Iran that will seek to disciple and train believers and distribute Derek’s materials.

United Kingdom November 21 There is great interest in foreign language material for prisons in the UK. Pray that these requests can be filled soon. Pray that the inmates receiving this teaching will be impacted and forever changed by the Lord. .


November 22 The annual DPM Orphans Christmas Party will be held in early December. Pray that the 600 orphans and needy children expected to attend will be greatly blessed and, especially, that those who do not know Jesus will respond positively to the Gospel message and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.

Poland November 23 Pray for wisdom for Marek and Agnieszka as they continue to coordinate DPM’s work across Poland and that they walk in good health and strength for the tasks. Pray for the successful completion of the printing projects planned for this year. Pray for favour and co-operation with Polish churches and Christian organizations in reaching the people of Poland with the Gospel and solid teaching.

South Africa November 24 Pray for the Lord’s blessing and anointing upon Mzi Mahola who is doing the Xhosa translation of Life-Changing Spiritual Power. Pray that millions of Xhosa people will read the book and that their lives would be changed. Pray for the translation and voicing of the

Xhosa language “Laying the Foundation” DVDs.

Pakistan November 25 Pray that everything will go smoothly as Directors James and Elizabeth move to a new house and DPM office. Pray for God’s strength and protection over them and their translators.

Sweden November 26 Pray for the new work in Sweden where four of Derek’s classic books will be translated and printed. Pray for a good working relationship between Sverre, Director of the Norway office, and the team in Sweden working with him.

United States November 27 Pray for increased contact with the Spanish-speaking community in the United States through the Spanish website, contact with Derek’s Spanish books, and other means. Pray for guidance for ongoing outreach to college students and the right people to be involved to help move it forward.

Norway November 28 Pray for school students in Bergen to be increasingly reached and impacted by the Word of God and Derek’s teaching. Pray for the Lord to move at Fjell Secondary School where pupils are doing a complete


reading through the New Testament (three times weekly during lunch breaks). This is an open door for the gospel to go forth! Pray for more missions-minded partners to come forth and begin investing not only in the work in Norway, but in DPM outreaches in China and India, especially.

Kenya November 29 The first printing of Swahili books upon completion will be distributed to other parts of the country, South Sudan, Somalia, Uganda and Tanzania and used in training pastors and leaders from many fledgling churches. Pray for protection over everyone who will be distributing and using these books from militants coming down from North Africa who are seeking to destroy the church..

Myanmar November 30 Pray for good health, God’s protection and wisdom for Director Jacob, his wife Sandar and the 50 children in their care in their home. There are currently 30,000 Burmese books by Derek ready to distribute. Pray for safe distribution of this material across the nation and continued printing and distribution to take place.

Derek Prince Ministries

Worldwide Prayer Focus December 2015 Croatia December 1 Pray for God’s protection and encouragement for all who are involved with DPM in Croatia. Pray for the Lord’s favour with church leaders in Croatia concerning new books and that through the churches even more people can be reached with Derek’s teachings.

Zimbabwe December 2 Pray for Director Tich to have a greater understanding of God’s purposes for DPM’s work in Zimbabwe and to move forward in His wisdom and favour to share Derek’s teaching in 2016. Pray for the successful completion of current translation work. Pray for abundant finances to meet all outreach expenses—travel, translation, printing, distribution, etc.

Iraq December 3 Pray for a good and fruitful relationship with the new Sorani translator and that much more of Derek’s material will be translated into the main language of the Kurdish people. Plans are underway to translate Life-Changing Spiritual Power (a compilation of several titles) into Sorani. Pray for the Lord’s grace and anointing upon those involved in this project. Pray for a suitable printing facility to be found so these books can be printed locally.

South Africa December 4 Radio is still the most effective means of getting the gospel message and Bible teaching to the people of Africa. Pray for more stations in the whole southern Africa region. Pray that many radio listeners will be encouraged and changed as they hear Derek’s teaching. Pray for those who attend the DVD evenings to grow in their walk with the Lord and that more people in the inner city will come to this time of teaching.

Estonia December 5 Pray for wisdom and favour for the DPM team here as they continue to share Derek’s material in the Baltic and Russian languages. Pray for connections with the right people for translation work in Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian and for connection with those who could help distribute material.

Canada December 6 Pray for guidance and favour for the pastors who are using Derek’s material in two very remote Aboriginal communities—one in Ontario and one in Manitoba. Derek’s booklet, Will You Intercede? (500 copies) was provided for a prayer conference in October. Pray that this event brings more

All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations. Psalm 22:27-28

contacts and opportunities to share Derek’s teaching. Pray for clear direction from the Lord for the Canada Board as they prepare for 2016.

Slovakia December 7 Pray for the book, You Matter to God, to be successfully printed and distributed. Pray for the Lord to move in this nation by His Spirit, drawing many believers back to their first love, and that Derek’s teaching will be used to mature these believers.

Mongolia December 8 With the Mongolian team producing Apps, books and a website, pray that Derek’s teaching will be widely received among Mongolia’s comparatively new churches.

Tanzania December 9 The new Joy Radio station is reaching an area with a high Muslim population. Pray that many who listen will receive the truth that they hear, turn to the Lord and become strong believers.

France December 10 Pray for the Dutch friend who is working on the new YouTube channel which has over 40 HD videos of Derek’s teaching in French. Pray for the teaching available on YouTube to bring more contacts and requests for material. Pray for wisdom for Director René to find new ways of reaching the Church in France with Derek’s teachings.

Czech Republic December 11 Pray for Derek’s teaching to build up and encourage believers here, 6

causing the church to grow and more to be planted. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Body of Christ and for believers to become bold in sharing their faith and discipling others.

Egypt December 12 Pray for the final stages of development of the new Arabic website. It will be another very important tool in addition to television and radio that will begin broadcasting soon. Pray for the right person to carry the responsibility for digital and social media distribution.

Japan December 13 Pray for God’s protection and anointing over Yoshie as she translates into Janpanese, Derek’s teaching series on Basics of Deliverance, along with the two series, The Enemies We Face and Release from the Curse.

Slovakia December 14 Pray that God will send new labourers into the harvest in Slovakia, including new and skilled volunteers to help DPM spread Derek’s teaching across the nation. Pray for Branislav and Claudia and the whole team to be guided by the Lord’s wisdom and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Nigeria December 15 DPM has some small ongoing initiatives in Nigeria, but the Lord seems to be indicating that He wants to establish a new work here. Pray that His will would be made clear and the DPM workers would begin to step out into all that He has purposed for DPM in this nation.

Syria December 16 Pray for the Lord’s protection and provision for the people of Syria including DPM co-workers there. Syria has endured nearly five years of war with millions leaving the country and even more being displaced internally. Pray that the Church would be able to minister to many people who are traumatized and bring healing and that the DPM materials they have would be used and shared.

Solomon Islands December 17 Continue to pray for the growth of the prison ministry and that Derek’s teaching will give the inmates a strong foundation of the Word in their lives. Pray for the inmates at Auki Prison. One volunteer is teaching them using Derek’s material on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and a good number of them have given their lives to the Lord.

International December 18 Pray for God’s protection and rest over all the staff members of DPM worldwide as they take time off over the Christmas/New Year’s holidays. Pray that they would all return to their respective offices refreshed and ready to move forward in all that the Lord has shown them to do in 2016.

Nepal December 19 Pray for God’s protection and guidance for Director Gopaljee, his wife Ganga and daughter Ruchi, along with his distributors, especially as they continue to travel and visit earthquake damaged towns and villages. Pray for many open doors to minister and share Derek’s material with those still hurting from this disaster.

Germany December 20 Pray for wisdom for Dan and his team in how best to promote Derek’s teaching and where—missions, organizations, churches, etc. Pray for increased funding for book reprints and printing new books. Pray for connection with new contacts who would desire to support the work of the ministry not only financially, but to help it expand.

Ethiopia December 21 Many leaders are now using Derek’s Amharic materials in their churches and Bible schools. Pray for believers to grow from his teaching and to become effective in the Lord’s service. Pray for Derek’s material to be printed in the Oromo language, which is spoken by 31 percent of the population in Ethiopia.

Netherlands December 22 Pray for the Internet courses to reveal to the participants God’s plan for their lives and help them grow in their faith. Pray for Director Ivar’s safety, inspiration and anointing as he ministers increasingly in several churches, presenting Derek’s teaching from his passion to help the Body of Christ mature. Pray for God’s mighty grace and healing upon the staff as health issues are being battled while work challenges continue and the ongoing demand for Derek’s teaching is steady.

India December 23 The main cities in North Karnataka State lack Christian teaching and there is much persecution. However, there are many churches and leaders in need of encouragement and strengthening in the Word

of God. Pray that the DPM team in India can reach these leaders with Derek’s teaching, along with those in Mumbai and Pune in Gujarat State.

China December 24 President Xi Jinping, leader of the newly powerful China, visited the United States not long ago. Microsoft, Apple and other huge companies willingly met with him to the displeasure of the American administration. Pray that God will turn the hearts of these powerful Chinese leaders to His ways and restrain some of their policies that put pressure on the Church.

Ukraine December 25 Pray for the Ukrainian church to be open to receiving Derek’s materials and that his teaching will help them have the right attitude toward government and right response to the challenges they have in the nation. Pray for God’s help and guidance for those printing and distributing the new translation, Secrets of a Prayer Warrior. Pray for the translation of the next title, Called to Conquer, into Russian to go smoothly.

United States December 26 Pray for the right contacts to help introduce Derek’s teaching to denominational churches and for the Lord’s favour with church leaders. Pray for the Lord’s direction for involvement in ministry events in 2016 so that materials and time would be wisely invested.

Israel December 27 Directors of DPM in Israel, George and Betty, report: “The people of Israel are under severe pressure. In speaking to a Russian woman on the street in Jerusalem, she


said: ‘Christians are the only true friends Israel has, the world has turned against us.’ ” Pray that the team in Israel will be able to reach more and more true believers with Derek’s materials.

Peru December 28 Pray for the Lord to increasingly impact the people of Peru through Derek’s Spanish radio programs (on three stations) and Spanish DVD teachings on television.

Switzerland December 29 Pray for wisdom and favour for the Director, Ruedi, and supporters of the ministry to expand the ministry’s outreach and impact. Pray for contact with more individuals, churches and ministries who would be interested in Derek’s teaching material.

Philippines December 30 The Self-Study Bible Course has now been printed in the Tagalog language. Pray that this book will help lay a firm foundation of the Word in the lives of many believers. The Christian TV station, New Hope TV, is planning to air Derek’s teaching from General Santos City in the south. Pray for many to listen to these programs and be strengthened in their faith.

Latin America December 31 Pray that many people will be impacted by Derek’s teaching which is being broadcast through television stations in Argentina and Peru. Pray that more and more people will access the Spanish website, App and Facebook page and be encouraged by the Word from the Word audio devotionals that are now available (168 total).

Derek Prince Ministries

Praise and Thanksgiving November/December 2015 Botswana/Namibia/S Africa—Isabel It is exciting to see new doors opening for Derek’s teaching in places that have never even heard the gospel! The Kalahari San Bushmen live in an area of northwest Botswana, part of east Namibia and the Northern Cape of South Africa. There is a population of 100,000 who are nomadic. Co-worker Martin Erasmus, a South African, has been working among them for the past five years. We have supplied him with transcripts to do translation into the Kalahari San language, and then voicing will be done onto CDs for radio broadcasting. The messages will also be loaded onto Megavoice players. The Tswana DVD series “Laying the Foundations” has already been taken by Martin to show the San Bushmen.

Bulgaria—Iskra Nacheva We thank the Lord and all those who were involved in the printing projects for this year, as well as prayer and financial support and encouragement. All are vital to us here.

Canada—Bob Yeo We were able to send 500 copies of the booklet, Will You Intercede? to a conference in October held by “Intercede international.” We are grateful for this opportunity and hope it will open more doors for us to share Derek’s material.

China—Ross Paterson Nine new titles are being translated and published in Taiwan. There is a new interest in

Derek’s teaching, and the China team gets free translations of high quality to distribute in China. We are thankful that our team inside China is able to continue distributing Derek’s material to hungry believers, although in some areas, there is a clampdown on Christians and the Church.

Croatia—Damir & Irene Blazic New books by Derek have been a great encouragement to Croatian believers. We now have 27 Croatian books available that the Lord is using to pour out His grace and blessings to the Body of Christ here.

East Africa—Neil, Isabel, Warren Tens of thousands of people are coming to faith across East Africa, as we are hearing from ministries that work with us. We have the privilege of supplying Derek’s teaching to help establish them in the Lord. Pray for this move of the Lord to continue and reach other parts of Africa. We continue to get good reports about the impact of the book, Life-Changing Spiritual Power.

Egypt—Neil Cornick God answered our prayers about broadcasting Derek’s teaching to the Middle East through medium wave Radio and the Internet. We now have an agreement with a Christian Arabic channel that began broadcasting in October and are negotiating with another radio station. We recently printed Life-Changing Spiritual Power in Arabic.

. . . be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:18b–20

France—René de Groot A well-known Christian in Chad who has held some important positions (including Secretary of State for Finances and Economy) has ordered a large number of French books and intends to distribute them among fellow Christians (some of them also in places of authority). We praise God for this opportunity to provide Derek’s teaching for leaders and others in this nation, We had a good response to our request for funds for special reprints and were able to cover the cost of 10,000 Euros without any problem! Another shipment of 2,500 books was sent to various Bible Schools in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Each book is often shared and read by several people. On November 2, we celebrate 20 years of Derek Prince Ministries in France. We are so grateful for everything God has done and for His infinite faithfulness!

India—Elsie & Danny On August 14, a centenary celebration of Derek’s birth was held at St John’s Anglican Church, Bangalore (where Derek was christened as a baby). It was a great success. Glowing tributes were paid to Derek by senior Indian pastors who also told how God had influenced many lives through his teaching. A pastor who has the largest Malayalam congregation in Asia was very clear in explaining how the Blessing or Curse message had revolutionized his deliverance ministry. Almost 200 leaders from all over India attended the two-day conference organized to coincide with the Centenary. Ross Paterson, DPM–China Director, was the speaker and challenged leaders and lay people alike to rise up for the Kingdom.

Indonesia—Marcel During August, we gave out 300 copies of Derek’s book, Life-Changing Spiritual Power, to pastors and Bible school students in East Indonesia. They

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were very excited to receive this material.

Iraq/Gulf Region—Neil Cornick We now have the first translation of Blessings and Curses (the abridged version) in Sorani. Our new translator has also dubbed two of Derek’s video messages into Sorani. A large shipment of Arabic and Farsi books has arrived in Erbil for distribution both locally and to other countries in this region.

Madagascar—Isobel Surgeon Co-workers Dries and Valerie Du Plessis live in west Madagascar and have been missionaries there for 20 years. They are thankful the Lord sent them a lady who speaks English and French and will be a great help to them with ongoing Malagasy translation and editing. The Will You Intercede? booklet and Rediscovering God’s Church book have been translated and printed. Written material will also be voiced onto CDs in Dries’ home studio. We thank the kind donor in Norway for making this possible.

Malaysia—Liman and Sai Peng We recently gave away 120 copies of FONDASI (Foundations for Life) in Indonesian to pastors and lay leaders who came to Kuala Lumpur to attend an International Prayer Summit. The 250 leaders who attended, along with members of their congregations, are from the interiors of Sabah and Sarawak. It was a privilege to meet and be with them and discuss their needs for Christian books and materials.

Mongolia—Ross Paterson The Mongolian team excitedly reported: “God has blessed DPM’s significant work among the Mongols. The Derek Prince Mongolian Website is now online. The Android and IOS Apps of Derek’s teaching in Mongolian are also now available for Smart phone users.” We praise the Lord for the

dedicated Mongolian team and the availability of Derek’s materials to Mongolian believers.

Myanmar—Jacob We were recently able to give out 1,100 books to 350 pastors and other believers at a conference in Mandalay, the second largest city in Myanmar.

Nepal—Gopaljee Adhikari On August 14, we commemorated the 100year anniversary of the birth of Derek Prince by holding a one-day seminar where we shared about Derek’s life history and his teaching. During August/September a training seminar was held in central Nepal. Speakers came from Canada, Dubai, India and the United States. We freely distributed copies of Self-Study Bible Course and Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting to 200 attendees and are told that 70 percent of them received the baptism in the Holy Spirit while there! Testimony received from a pastor: I thank Derek Prince Ministries for providing Derek’s books for our church. I have been greatly blessed by his teaching. Now our believers and others also can read this great teaching. The pastors around this area crave his books, and Brother Gopaljee very kindly provided many books, including Declaring God’s Word, Life-Changing Spiritual Power, SelfStudy Bible Course and Foundations for Life. Derek’s teaching penetrates the heart and mind. We are so fortunate to have his teaching in the Nepali language. Thank you, Derek Prince Ministries.

Netherlands—Ivar van der Sverre We have a growing number of subscribers and many good responses to our Daily Devotional (emails). Nearly 3,000 people are receiving “bitesize” teachings (currently from Living as Salt and Light.) In recent weeks, we shipped out nearly 200 copies of Prophetic Guide to the End Times and

Surviving the Last Days in connection with our latest I-course: “Living in the End Times.” We thank God for how timely it is and the large number who have enrolled (well over 100 at last count). Europe is under great spiritual pressure, and with nearly a million Syrian refugees so far (about 5,000 in Holland), this course exhorts God’s people to walk prayerfully in His plans. We are grateful for several volunteers who promote Derek’s teaching and for opportunities to supply churches with Derek’s materials. We have a steady request for teaching and preaching in churches on topics such as: Gifts of the Spirit, God’s Father Heart, and The Marriage Covenant.

Norway—Sverre Kristoffersen We praise the Lord for new workers in Sweden who are helping us with Swedish translations. We also have a printing company in Poland that will help us start producing digital books in the coming months. This will give us the opportunity to print as we go along and not produce more than we need.

Pakistan—James and Elizabeth James recently visited Multan in central Pakistan, a spiritually difficult city, to speak at two church services in St. Mary’s Cathedral and a leaders’ gathering. The messages were on the Holy Spirit and the teaching from How to Pass from Curse to Blessing. Upon the altar call, 18 people gave their lives to the Lord, and almost everyone raised their hand when asked who would like prayer for release from the curse. The congregation testified this was the most unique teaching they had ever heard! Copies of each of Derek’s Urdu books were donated to the Diocese library. While in Multan, James spoke at the Solid Rock Bible School. This was a great opportunity to provide the 11 new graduates and faculty members with Derek’s books and CDs. Three outreaches were also held in Central

Punjab. The teams gave out Praying for the Government; Divine Exchange; Expelling Demons, Life-Changing Spiritual Power and other books to Christians and non-Christians.

Philippines—John Cochrane Self-Study Bible Course has now been published in the national Tagalog language! We praise God that the Christian TV station, New Hope TV, will be broadcasting Derek’s programs from General Santos City in the south.

Solomon Islands—Tele Bartlett In September, Co-ordinator Hudson had a second opportunity through Youth@Work to teach 200 young people from Divine Exchange and Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose. We are grateful for this, given that young people are the largest and most influential group at this time in this nation. God is doing great things through our prison ministry. The inmates at Auki Prison are very blessed by the Self Study Bible Course book. Ten inmates are graduating, and a good number of them gave their lives to the Lord.

South Africa—Isabel Surgeon The Xhosa language Life-Changing Spiritual Power book is nearing completion. The translator, Mzi, has been deeply moved by Derek’s teaching and is so grateful the Lord connected him with us. He wrote, “The Holy Spirit filled me with inexplicable joy early this morning as I was revising the text I’m translating. A flood of tears poured out without ceasing. It was a wonderful experience.” (Mzi was a professional boxer and has written four plays, two novels and a book of poetry that are unpublished! He has been invited to Europe to present his work, and his second book of poetry, When Rains Come won a literary award.) The Afrikaans books, Atonement and In Search of Truth (Self-Study Bible Course) are now printed.

At Mission Fest in early September, we gained many new contacts and met others who have been listening to Derek’s radio programs. Those attending the conference were happy to download DVD foundational teaching to their mobile phones. We also met with some missionary organizations working in Africa. On September 1, we celebrated 20 years of broadcasting on Impact Radio in Pretoria. We praise the Lord for the lives that have been changed as shared with us through many powerful testimonies from listeners.

Tanzania—Isabel Surgeon Another exciting opportunity we have is to broadcast over 130 CDs that have been translated into Swahili on the new Joy Radio station at Kigoma on Lake Tanganyika. The programs will be heard as far away as Burundi, Rwanda and across a large part of Tanzania. A missionary couple who have been working in Congo and Tanzania for the past 35 years, Lowell Wertz and his wife, saw the need to set up the station as most Tanzanians are avid radio listeners. They are only allowed to broadcast in English and Swahili and are delighted that we have Swahili CDs. We were also able to send 20 copies of Life-Changing Spiritual Power to add to their lending library and to give to pastors and other leaders.

United States—Dick Leggatt The recording of the 168 Word from the Word audio devotionals in Spanish is finished and available on the Spanish website and App.

Zimbabwe—Tich Ruzanne A testimony received: I have been thinking about going to Bible school. I have been inspired by Derek. Now I need to know which school to go to. Where I can get to know about this awesome God?

Derek Prince Ministries-UK, Kingsfield, Hadrian Way, Baldock, Herts, SG7 6AN, UK  + 44 (0) 1462 492100 |  |  VAT No. GB 553 8244 33 Reg Charity No. 1123283

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