Lifestyle – Travel
5 essential tips for a smooth road trip with your pet For many people, the thought of holidaying without their pet is like travelling without an arm. A break just isn’t the same unless their furry friend is coming along for the ride.
hile taking a road trip with your pet can be a fun and memorable experience, it can have its challenges. However, with these handy tips you can have a smoother journey when on the road with your dog.
3. Avoid pet sickness
1. Give your pet a check up
It’s important to minimise the chances of your pet being sick while
Shhhh – don’t say the V word too loudly. But before you take to the highway, it’s important that you visit the vet to ensure your furry friend is healthy, up-to-date with vaccinations, and equipped to travel.
2. Take a trial run If your pet has never been on holidays, consider taking it on a trial run. A test run or two with your dog can familiarise it with the vehicle’s BIG4 Great Lakes at Forster-Tuncurry
surroundings and allow you to gauge how well it might travel when it comes to the real thing. Hopefully, this groundwork will provide you with peace of mind, too.
Depending on the length of your road trip, be sure to factor in rest stops Source: supplied
BIG4 Gold Coast Holiday Park
on the road. One way to help avoid travel sickness is ensuring your furry friend has been fed prior to departure; at least three to four hours in advance. Your dog’s vet may also recommend ginger-based tablets in case of travel sickness. It also helps to exercise your pet long before you hit the road so as to ensure they aren’t dehydrated while travelling.
4. Take rest stops It’s best to be prepared if your pet can’t read the sign that states ‘next toilet stop 20km away’. Depending on the length of your road trip, be sure to factor in rest stops. A quick break to give your canine the chance for relief, fresh air, a stretch of the legs, and water will provide great benefit.
5. Safety first Despite cute images suggesting otherwise, dogs should not have their heads hanging out of the window while the vehicle is moving. This exposes them to the danger of being hit by objects and can also be harmful to their health, as cold air can cause ear damage and even lung infections. In addition, this obvious but important advice can’t be stressed enough: never leave your pet alone in a parked car. Even if the weather is only mildly warm, leaving a pet in a parked car can result in heatstroke after as little as 15 minutes. Now that you’re armed with a bunch of tips for travelling with animals, it’s time to check out BIG4’s petfriendly accommodation options at
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