Why did God rest on the 7th day, was God tired and needed to relax? (A question posted in “Yahoo Answers)
Dr. Hilali’s answer to the question This statement (of rest on 7th day) is false and was added by humans in the Holy text. 1. The 6 days mentioned in the Old Testament and in the Quran are not our days at all. God does not measure time based on one tiny planet in His Kingdom. 2. Creation is not founding something from nothing. It is the gradual development till the universe became of its current shape. 3. So God created the universe from its original shape of fumes and fire to a gradual shape in 6 "days" of His "clock" of measuring time.. 4. The "days" are periods that may be as huge as millions of years. The Quran says clearly that "days" are not our days when God's actions are taken. (and He will move to it in a day that is as long as 1000 years of what you count)- Verse 4, Surah Al-Sajda, Chapter 21. (The angels and the spirit will ascend to Him in a day the length of which is like 50,000 years of what you count)- verse 4, Surah Al-Ma'arej, Chapter 29. 5. The statement of rest on 7th day is false, added by those who wanted to justify the Sabbath for human rest. 6. The Quran says (and We created heavens and earth in 6 days and any tiredness did not touch us) 7. Humans who do not understand or translate properly the language of the Holy scripts render the meaning as they understand, as humans, the meanings of the words. Please take the story in the context of God’s unlimited abilities, like any believer should. Akram Al-Hilali 28-12-2013