My Teaching Portfolio 15022019

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DATUK ASSOC.PROF. DR. SU'AIDI DATO' SAFEI Centre for Languages and Human Development (PBPI), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), 76100 Hang Tuah Jaya, Melaka, Malaysia. email: Phone: +60111 331 3346


1.0 Statement of Teaching


2.0 About Me


3.0 Teaching Philosophy and Goals


4.0 Teaching Responsibilities


5.0 Teaching Methodology • Class session-Lecture and Discussion • Class Presentation • Case Study • Use of Technology • Teaching Assessment

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6.0 Evaluation on Teaching and Supervision • Teaching Evaluation • Comments by International Undergraduate Students

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7.0 Academic Supervision


8.0 Other Teaching-Related Activities 8.1 Curriculum Development and Syllabus revision 8.2 Talks on Teaching and Learning 8.3 Course and Conferences 8.4 Publication 8.5 Consultation 8.6 Committee 8.7 Personal Academic Weblog

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9.0 Teaching Improvement and Future Plan



1.0 Statement of Teaching All life experiences teach us something. Remembering this fact is essential to being an instructor; the experience our students have during class time, during office hours and during out of class mentoring affects our students’ learning. My generalized teaching goals follow directly from this philosophy: 1. Ensure that the students learn the course material. 2. Integrate the three components of academia (research, education, and service) into teaching. 3. Utilize tools for success: variety of teaching methods, technology and real world applications. I approach these goals by utilizing the faculty and campus resources, and by using teaching tools that reach out to today’s student.

2.0 About Me I received my M.A. in Modern Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies (1992), and Ph.D. specialising in Computer Based Learning from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom in 1997. I held a B.A.(hon.) in Islamic and Arabic studies from University of al-Azhar, Cairo in 1989. I was among the pioneers of the Technical University of Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), and was assigned with the post as the first Dean of Students' Affairs (Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor) at UTeM between 2001 and 2004. I was the former Director of Education Malaysia Egypt (EME, 2010 to 2013), a Ministry of Higher Education agency based at the Malaysian Embassy in Cairo, mandated to promote strategic bilateral education relations between the two countries and to administer more than 12,000 Malaysian students learning in respective universities in Egypt, in different field of studies, i.e. Medical, Arabic and Islamic studies. Prior to this post, I was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD) on secondment basis for 4 years (2006 to 2010) from UTeM.

3.0 Teaching Philosophy and Goals My philosophy of teaching is based on a belief that learning needs to be student centered and that students need to be equal partners in the learning process. My role involves using my expertise to put the necessary resources in the hands of the students or more likely to be sure that my students are well equipped to find and evaluate the resources they need to answer their questions. Now that the majority of my teaching is in an online forum, I let students know that my role in the online classroom is to be a facilitator, not a provider of information. I create multiple discussion questions to keep the online discussion exciting and stimulating and to address the multiple backgrounds and interests of my adult learners. I provide a good deal of rigor in my undergraduate classes, but am right there to support them as they seek their answers and to encourage them to work together to get the most out of their learning. I always provide detailed descriptions of writing assignments and I provide samples so that they are able to see what a good finished product should look like.


4.0 Teaching responsibilities This is the latest print out taken from UTeM’s Student Information System (SMP) that records my teaching works/responsibilities throughout the years, excluding my secondment teaching experience at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) from 2006 to 2010 (4 years). The total number of students joined and followed my class is of our concern to observe my commitment in teaching.



5.0 Teaching Methods Class Session-Lecture and discussion I begin each class with a brief reflection on what have been learned during the previous class. Then, my lecture proceeds with establishing the learning outcome for the particular lecture hours. I believe this is an essential step in setting up student intention (as well as my intention) in following the lecture session with focus. With a clear objective in each lecture session, students will be motivated to get involved with the activities that have been planned in order to achieve the targeted outcome. My lecture session will end up by each member reflecting on what had been learned today, works needed to carry out for further understanding and things to explore (pre-reading) for the next lecture session. Class Presentation Class presentation is a must activity in my class. It is usually based upon an assigned topic of discussion. I am implementing this approach as an effort to build student’s confidence, promote deep understanding in subject matter and enhanced their communication skill. Thru the activities, students are encouraged 6

to give their very best effort in preparing a good material to be presented. Moreover, during each presentation, class discussion is conducted where this act as a medium for students to raise their concern, give comments and feedback to the presentation done. Example of class presentation by a group of students based on a given assignment is to follow. Case Study Case study is a method that I am adopting to enhance student learning in order to achieve deeper understanding in the subject matter. The case study is design for students to be able to describe, analyze, relate and suggest suitable improvement in an issue related to the context of the subject. This promotes critical thinking among students. Example of case study conducted and student presentation note was taken from student activities during semester 2 session 2017/2018 and semester 1 session 2018/2019.

Use of Technology I am also incorporating the utilization of technology in enhancing student learning in my class. An example of innovative approach is the utilization of e-Portfolio (Pdf based) software (which consists of a database of material and process information). The use of this software in teaching and learning activities for undergraduate study is a pioneer approach in public higher institution. Despite the effort to incorporate technology assisted materials during learning activities, the other aspect that I am educating my students is on how to critically study the information found in the World Wide Web for learning purposes. Guidance is also been given on how to do effective information searching in the internet as well as in the university online resources (Weblog, ULearn, MOOC, Padlet, Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Wiki and etc.).

Teaching Assessment Typically, the assessment conducted in the subject is to determine the attainment of pre-established learning outcomes among the students. For that purpose, a particular learning domain in Bloom’s taxonomy or soft skill element to be assessed is specified for each learning outcome; defined by the subject coordinator and the team and referred to the overall curriculum design of the program of Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Engineering. The mapping of learning domains in Bloom’s taxonomy or soft skill elements to the learning outcome and its respective assessment methods are clearly outline. Activities are utilized to assess the attainment of LO1, LO2, LO4 and LO5 which contribute to 30% of the total marks for the subject. For each assessment method, specific rubrics are developed based on a set of relevant criteria indicating the achievement of the learning outcome and the desired taxonomy level. The rubrics are also utilized to delineate consistent criteria of grading to all students involved since the subject was taught by a team of five lecturers.


6.0 Evaluation on Teaching & Supervision I appreciate feedback from students on the impact of my teaching and supervision. At the end of each teaching semester, I always ask students to give feedback on the strength and things that need to be improved from both sides (themselves and me) based on the current teaching and learning experience. Students’ comments are always in consideration in improving my way of teaching as well as building up my charisma as an academician. The reflection is not just on the subject matter but including the learning process itself. As such, the action plan will not just applicable to the learning of my subject but encompass the overall learning process and each individuals’ personal development. Samples of evaluations and comments by the International students on my teaching are as follows:




7.0 Academic Supervision List of student supervision: Program M. Ed (Mixed Course)

Name of Student Hj. Rose De Yusof Bin Hj. Mohd Ramlee Hj.Rusli Bin Hj.Md.Salleh Mohd Rasidi Bin Hj.Sulaiman Maladiah Binti Liman


Role Main Supervisor

Year 2009

Main Supervisor Main Supervisor Main Supervisor

2009 2008 2008

8.0 Other Teaching-Related Activities 8.1 Curriculum Development and Syllabus Revision 1. Menyedia Kertas Pelan Induk, Course Outline dan Syllabus Kursus Persijilan "Computer Aided Arabic Learning" untuk Kolej Antarabangsa Terengganu Sdn. Bhd. 8.2 Talks on Teaching and Learning. 1. "CAI/CAL Application among Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK) Teachers", at 14th International Conference on Education 2. "Computer Assisted Teaching and Learning ", 1st Knowledge Season (lecturers & students) at Saleh Kamel Centre for Islamic Economy, organized by Kulliyah Ulum Islamiyyah, al-Azhar University, Cairo 3. "School Management and Administration" Special Inductive Course for Headmasters and Principals of Religious Schools, at Centre of Dakwah Islamiyah, organized by Studies Department, Ministry of Religious Affairs (KHEU) Brunei Darussalam 4. "Supervising the Teaching of Islamic and Arabic Studies" Inspectorate Inductive Program, at Religious Teaching University College of Seri Begawan (KUPUSB), organized by Studies Department, Ministry of Religious Affairs (KHEU) Brunei Darussalam 5. Penyelia Latihan Mengajar (Teaching Practice Supervisor), Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE), UBD 8.3 Courses and Conferences 1. Kursus “Supervision Skill” anjuran Pusat Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (PPP). 2. Kursus Perundingan anjuran Pejabat Pendaftar (Umum). 3. Kursus aplikasi e-Pembelajaran; Blended Learning, Flipped Learning, MOOC dan kaedah menggunakan Bilik CLeaR dalam P&P di UTeM. 4. “Techno-Daie and Challenges in the 21th Century”, seminar MUCET, 6-7 Disember 2017 di Park Royal Hotel, Pulau Pinang. 5. Program Global Leadership Development (GLeD), Hotel Marriott, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (anjuran AKePT & UMS. 6. Bengkel penulisan Converting from Conference Papers into Journals (A Secret Revealed). 7. Bengkel Research and You 2018. 8. Bengkel AUU Dalam Konteks Inovasi E-Pembelajaran 9. "Computing in Malay, Persian and Urdu", 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Multi-lingual Computing (ICEMCO 94), University of Cambridge, London. 10. Bengkel Skor Cemerlang Ahli Akademik 2018.

8.4 Publication 1. Synergizing Educational Sector Relationship Between Malaysia and Egypt", in Book "Misr Fi Khatiriy" (Arabic), pp.89 – 112, Dar el-Gumhouriyya: Cairo (Nov 2013). 2. Book on "Relook at Contemporary Malaysia" (Arabic), pp.241 – 260, Ruz el-Yosouf: Kaherah (Apr 2013). 12

3. “Bahasa Arab Medium Wahyu dan Mukjizat al-Quran”, Buku Al-Qur'an Memartabatkan Ilmu, Membumikan Titah Wahyu, 2017: UTeM 4. "Techno-Da’ie and Challenges in the 21st. Century", MATEC Web of Conferences;

8.5 Consultation 1. Program Smart Leader D’Hutan 2.0, Sekolah Menengah Arab JAIM Assyakirin, Selandar pada 27-29 Julai 2018. 2. Program Smart Leader D’Hutan 2.0, Sekolah Kebangsaan Air Baruk , Jasin pada 13-14 Oktober 2018. 3. Wakil UTeM menggerakkan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan Universiti Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Negara Brunei Darussalam 8.6 Committee 1. Pengerusi Panel Peperiksaan Lisan (Viva-Voce) PPS, Calon Sarjana Sains IPTK 2. Panel Penilai Proposal Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) KPT & CRIM, UTeM, fasa 1/2018 3. Ahli jawatankuasa menggubal dan menawarkan program ijazah Sarjana di IPTK 4. Penyelaras subjek BLHW 2752: Malaysian Culture dan bertanggung jawab mengemaskini fail ISO berkaitan. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Juri Dalaman, Innovation Carnival: UTeMEX 2017 Ahli Mesyuarat Program Baharu Educational Technology Management (ETM) IPTK Panel Penilai Seminar Penyelidikan Pasca Siswazah IPTK "Moving Towards GOT" Ahli Panel Penasihat Pengarang Antarabangsa Journal of Human Capital Development (siri 7. No. 2, 2014), terbitan PBPI, UTeM.

8.7 Personal Academic Weblogs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. search=Search&_order=bytitle&basic_srchtype=ALL&_satisfyall=ALL 10. 11. 12. 13. 13

9.0 Teaching Improvement and Future Plan In achieving my objective in teaching and learning, I need to always equip myself with the relevant knowledge and methods so that meaningful learning is taking place thus benefiting the students in each own way (not only in their career but most important in life). Within the scope of my responsibility, the level of intended outreach is becoming wider (from a person to a class, faculty, university, nation and worldwide). There will always be continuous challenge as the approach, skill needed and methods do progress and vary with time. As such, lifelong learning is a must practice. I am to face the challenges with optimistic mind, determination and innovative action as teaching and learning is a passion that I am living with. I look forward to contribute more in developing the students who not only appreciate knowledge in life, but honour the significance of knowledge in human life.


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