Bliss january 2018

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Volume: X January, 2018 EDITOR: Dr. Anurag Nath ‘Kritiranjan‘ Cover design: Paplu Patel Page design and layout: Ghanashyam Nayak

Online Coordinator: Satyaranjan Pradhan Publisher: Raja Chakraborty

EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS 1. Sumit Majumdar 2. Sumit Patel 3. Ghanashyam Nayak 4. Swarashtra Srivastava 5. Kumaresh Pal

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Param Premamaya Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra


A fresh start !

F r o m t h e E d i t o r


018 is here! As the wintry wind continues to blow across the snowcovered expanses, we are reminded that the entire realm has gracefully accepted the arrival of a new year. We still relish the zest of the festivities that began from the Christmas-eve and which continues till days after the new year. Apparently, the new year has even deeper significance than just the celebration itself. From the psychological point of view, we await the arrival of the new year as a clean slate. Three hundred and sixty-five days of new opportunities, twelve new chapters to be written in a completely new notebook! We still cherish the memories of the previous year. The joyful moments we spent, the mistakes we committed, the lessons we learned, everything will definitely goad us to be a better human being! The new year also brings into the picture the New year resolutions. The promises we make to ourselves, which unfortunately most of the time, remain unfulfilled. Those books which you thought of finishing, that habit you could not get rid of last year, the gym class you promised to join, that subject you promised to study and the list goes on. Every year it is the same picture, the same event, repeating itself. Maybe finally it is time to fold our sleeves and start working on these things together. Maybe finally, we start making this world a better place! I must be kidding, right? How can one man’s new year resolution shape the fate of the whole world? Well, actually it does. Every time we make a certain promise or a resolution, our motor and sensory nerves coordinate together to complete that anyhow. For us, it can be as simple as starting jogging each morning. But our nervous system gets this as a “command” from our brain and starts working on it. The moment we abort our mission or the instant we fail to keep our promise, there takes place a serious incoordination between the motor and the sensory neurons. In the long run, this may cause drastic effects like lack of self-esteem, low confidence and lack of tenacity to do a particular job. Gradually, this slack behavior has its implications in every sphere. Be it academics, sports, business, job, anywhere and everywhere. Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra, a brilliant life-teacher and a prudent philosopher from the East, called this nature as, “Go-between” and recognized this as a major cause of failure for most of the ventures. Only by adhering to a True Master, we can completely come out of the clutches of Go-between. So above all the new year resolutions we make this year, let us all resolve to be true to our own selves, value our own words, keep the promises we made. When every individual works for being a better individual, unknowingly the world will surely change to a better place. If not instantly, someday surely. Some day, some new year! A very happy new year to you all! Adorations to Fulfiller the Best!

Dr. Anurag Nath Kritiranjan Page 2 JANUARY 2018 BLISS


TABLE OF CONTENTS Regulars : ❖ Companion on the way Dictum of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra from the book “Chalar Sathi”, which serves as the essential companion on the way of Life. ❖ Bad progeny brings in devastation to the Nation. (Discourses with Shree Shree Thakur Anukulchandra) ❖ You are to be perfect An Indian seer provides practical solutions to the problems faced by the modern Christian World. Articles : ❖ Should Community Service be an essential part of Indian Education? Mahashweta Roy ❖ Creation of Good Human being as per Shree Shree Thakur Anukulchandra: A scientific analogy. Dr. Bishwambhar Mishra Health : ❖ An Introduction to Homeopathy ❖ Medicinal Plants and their uses Special coverage : ❖ Did the Vedic Philosophy Influence the concept of Free Energy and Quantum Mechanics? Resist evil immediately when it drags you to commit evil without any good consequence. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra


Companion On The Way (Translated from the Bengali book ‘Chalar Sathi’ by Kerry Brace)

GAINING ATTAINMENT (SIDDHI) Doing, adherence, observation and following,— these few establish perception, knowledge, skill, and attainment (siddhi) ! 15

THE ROYAL SIGN OF SUCCESS Regarding one whose vision of good fortune and opportunity blooms in times of difficulties with faithfulness, gratitude and skill in work, you can say with utmost certainty, whatever he may be, it is absolutely sure that his head will be graced with the crown of success! 16

EFFICIENCY AND DEXTERITY IN LOVE Love alone can discover how its beloved can be elevated in life, glory, love and growth, and thus overflow into his environment; so, love alone, gathers normal wisdom in one, establishes the beloved practically with efficiency and dexterity! 17

Any obsession that hinders the way to achieve is the female emissary to failure : hence ignore and do undo it immediately ! Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra


LUXURY OF THOUGHT Whenever you find that any thought or movement of yours does not invoke activity, or does not stick to activity,— understand that is only a luxury of your thought or imagination! 18

THE TOUCHSTONE OF PURE DESIRE For the sake of some desire you have you cannot ignore the complexes antagonistic to it, — this is the means of knowing that your desire is not pure ! 19

FOPPISH* WISH Your go, character, words, behavior, and continuity or adherence do not go near, or find it difficult to go near the way of doing or the way of being by which the object of your desire can be had,— definitely understand— your desire is not at all pure; it is rather mere foppishness of desire. 20 *foppish—capricious, whimsical. When Ego, the shine of existence, concentrates through the convexity of obsessed complex, ambition creeps on,— inferiority smiles with a cynic eye. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra


BAD PROGENY BRINGS IN DEAVASTATION TO THE NATION! (Discourses with Shree Shree Thakur Anukulchandra)


n the course of conversation, an American admirer asked –In America, in

order to impair the procreative ability of those who are feeble minded, their reproductive ability is surgically removed. What are your views regarding this? SRREE SHREE THAKUR: It is better for those who are ineligible (for marriage), to remain unmarried. If at all they get married, it should be ensured that those who have some sort of communicable diseases in character and mind, do not beget any children at all. Nothing can cause as much devastation to a nation as bad progeny. Then, hundreds of efforts on the part of Nation and society fail to create a healthy, uplifting atmosphere. Whatever is being done, along with that, it is mandatory to conduct a system of proper marriage and division of occupation each according to their individual distinctive character and culture i.e the Varna system. That will bring economic stability, procreation of good humans and will also solve the problem of unemployment. It will also lead to a permanent cure of several other issues like strikes. Ref. [Alochana Prasange, Vol.8, 02/06/1946] Compiled by: Prafulla Kr. Das Translated by: Dr.Anurag Nath ‘Kritiranjan’ Decency is the essence of conscientious adjustment of habits. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra


COMMITMENT TO CHRISTIAN RENEWAL Compiled by Ray Archer Hauserman (An Indian seer provides all-fulfilling solutions to the problems faced by modern day Christianity) 'You are to be perfect...' (Matt. 5:48)


t was early in the morning when the

group arrived at Thakur's house. As usual, he was sitting on the verandah and welcomed them with an affection that was overwhelming. There was an undercurrent of sadness, for this would be the final discussion before they left for America. After they were seated, the leader of the group remarked, "You have given us in these few days an inspiring and expansive conception of Christ and possibilities for the Church. We leave with grateful hearts."

"I feel," Thakur observed, "the clue to true religion concentrates in the character and conception of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and it can only be realized through a concentric zeal, love, and service to Him. Also, I feel that it is better to refute none, though you follow the One." 'Thakur, what do you mean by refuting none?" the wife inquired immediately. "Doesn't loving Christ mean that we must refute all others?"

Morale of the environment moulds the tongue. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra


Thakur's voice seemed to overflow with ardent appeal as he said, "Just love Christ for the sake of Christ. Think all true Prophets as Christ, and follow him in whom Christ lives with meaning and mercy. This, I believe, is the essence of Christianity for the world." "Oh, Thakur!" There was disappointment in the woman's voice. "Does loving Christ for His sake mean we must love other prophets, too? Don't you feel this is a kind of immoral neutrality? A kind of insincerity to Christ Himself?" Thakur's hand raised in caution. "Be very careful. If in the garb of love for Christ, and with a pride of knowledge, and a motive to envelop the existential gleam of others in a dusky selfconceit, you ignore or belittle any One of Them; then, I believe you will only deprive yourself of their Tidings that can nourish existence. And when your love becomes partialized, then humanity cannot gather together to practice those tidings." "What do you mean by partialized love, Thakur?" "'I love Christ, but I ignore Moses,' or 'I follow Moses but belittle Mohammed.' This is what I call partialized love. And this kind of

love pollutes a prejudice into the people with every vanity. It turns them away from the tidings that can adjust traits, temperament, and culture into a pious evolution toward One. In depriving yourself and the people, you deprive mankind. Then a murky gloom with fluent flow of words covers all in vanity.“ Now Thakur leaned toward the group and with a voice vibrating with a naked appeal said, "So I say again, you must love Christ for the sake of Christ in your thoughts, words, and deeds. You should accept all true Prophets as Anointed Advents. And then, follow him who follows and fulfills Christ in every thought, word, and deed according to the needs of this age. This is the way I understand it is possible to be inspired with Christ's will in every situation!" "Follow one who fulfills Christ, Thakur?" The young American girl's eyes were puzzled. "Where're we going to find him? How're we going to recognize Him?" Thakur's response was immediate. "Whenever you find one who speaks of Christ with the pride of faith and becomes restless with pleasure and humility when he speaks of His kindness and mercy; who calls and

He who seeks compromise in the ignoring insult of Ideal and Principle that enlivens being and becoming, without any defence of upright fight that convinces, is surely a hypocritic coward --that declares his origin! Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra


embraces all with His love - a love that bursts spontaneously from his every word and deed: one who knows no rest unless he be lost in His love then, know it for sure, Christ lies blazing in him. Furthermore, that love flowing in his heart inspires limitless lives toward self elevation, progress, and peace!" She didn't ask 'when,' Thakur," her companion interjected. "She asked 'where?' "Thakur smiled. "Christ has said, ' and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto thee.. .''' (Matthew 7:7).

The shelter and support of treachery is the treacherous protector of evils that dooms the environment to death with the contamination of Satanic hell— woe the treacherous and more woe to those that support— for hell is permanent to them with the haunt of living, invisible burning fire that leads to despondency and despair. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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Should Community Service Be Essential Part Of Indian Education? Mahashweta Roy, Navi, Mumbai

Do all that nurtures life "Be not superficial in your knowledge but know things with every thorough ness; and be not exuberant in doing anything that makes existence shattered, but do all that nurtures life with a progressive go." --- Shree Shree Thakur Anukulchandra (The Message vol .5)


ccording to Swami Vivekananda,

"education is the menifestation of divine perfection already in man." Education is derived from the Latin word ‘educare’ which means to train or to mould. The aim of education is to bring out the true human from an individual. Community service is a compulsory part of education in the US. But in India parents have a quantitative mindset. Parents are more focused towards grades of their child. They are least interested in developing life skills and moral values among their

children. Children are under severe parental pressure right from their early school days to study for better grades; not so much to be a better or an allround person. Once they reach Class 10th and 12th the goal shifts towards studying for a prestigious college seat and after that, to get a job with a nice payroll, then a house and so on and so forth. The present day system of education ignores the softer aspects of conditioning children into better human beings. Moral science is just another free session and an internal subject where 100 percent marks are doled out as freebies to help students pass.

Longing, enticing, selfish service, inordinate passionate cry and intolerance are the bawds of devil which with a deluded, designing watch, seduce the complex to cater to lust ! Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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Children are not taught about the values of being a good human being. They are not conditioned to go out and face real life problems, look for solutions and solve them in the real world. Community service if introduced in right spirit in our education system can yield gems to our society. Shree Shree Thakur Anukulchandra always provided an all-fulfilling solution to every problem, every question asked or brought to Him. He came to teach the true humanity to mankind. His heart cried for the needy and deceased. Through his actions and words he taught us the true community service. Sri Sri Thakur has taught us to be lovers of existence. We need not have to do big changes, but through our small steps, we can serve the society. Parents have to leave the mentality of making their children money makers rather have to emphasize on developing morals. For eg teaching the child to plant a sapling on his /her birthday will make the child a nurturer of nature. Teachers can make the children clean a part of school garden and make arrangements for welcoming migratory birds there so that the children need not visit bird sanctuary to see them. Students at high school level can volunteer themselves in distributing old clothes,

toys, shoes, blankets to the needy people. This will not only give them immense satisfaction but also will help them to develop many skills like problem solving and empathy. All the seers have shown us the path of service to society. Shree Shree Thakur in his life has always emphasized to work for being and becoming. Let us take the pledge to follow the path shown by our seers and mould our kids to become good human beings. Community service should essentially be part of our education system as it will make the path of humanity more meaningful. (The Author is a teacher at Mumbai).

It is vile to resist evil with every aptitude when it is revealed. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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Creation Of Good Human Being As Per Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra: A Scientific Analogy Dr. Bishwambhar Mishra, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology (SNIST), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, India E-Mail: Phone: +91-7036442532 Introduction


cience admits that nothing happens

without a definite cause behind it. Man is said to have been created by God himself. The holy Bible says, “God created man after his own image”. “Hence it is a fact that as God is pure, so man is pure, God is perfect and benignant, and so man is perfect and benignant”. God is unique and without second, man is also unique and without any one like him in the creation. But is it reflecting? Spontaneously the answer comes “No”. Without an Ideal Centric life no man can be a man with humanity. There should be a centripetal force towards the Living ideal in the life. Science and technology have done their best to provide man with comfort and amenities. But yet man seems to have been tossed in the current and eddies of excruciating pain due to disharmony, anomaly, treachery, ungratefulness and dragonic sense of despair and despondency in personal

Figure 1: Factors affecting for creation of good human being as per Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra life, conjugal life, social life and in every sphere of life itself. Science and technology is ignorant to create a good human being. It can give the solution for developing a biologically good human, but not psychologically or mentally. But, Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra, the fulfiller of the all past prophets came with the practical solution for this.

It is villain—vile to be non-violent to violence. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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In this article the philosophy of Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra, with special reference to His ideology in creating good human being has been described. Few points have been summarized below. 1. Leading an ideal centric life: First of all, we should know who is ideal? He in whom Dharma finds a living embodiment is called the Ideal. He is also called ‘Guru’ (spiritual guide), ‘Acharya’ (spiritual preceptor), ‘Ista’ (superior beloved) etc. If we see any types of analytical instruments (examples: HPLC, GCMS, NMR or any others), we always use the standard/ideal sample value for comparing with test sample. This is for the comparison of the analysis. Any kind of new scientific study is based upon the comparison with the existing study. Similarly, for leading a happy and meaningful life we have to also compare and lead with some Living ideal in our life. Because He is the most evolved creation in the universe. If we see the solar system, all the planets are revolving the sun without any disturbance from long time. There won’t be any collision between them. How is it possible? It’s possible because, all the planets consider sun as the centre/ideal and revolve around it. So, there is no chance of collision. But, we people

always have some conflict of interest (scientifically called as ‘collision’) with our friends, relatives and family members. This is because we don’t have the centre/ideal in our life. Therefore, accepting the Ideal/Centre/ Guru is very essential for everybody. Sri Sri Thakur says in his book, Satyanusaran “Take to the habit of the creeper and entwine yourself around the tree of the Ideal; fulfillment of desire shall be yours. If you feel pleasure in speaking about your Ideal, pleasure in hearing and thinking about Him, pleasure in His order, pleasure in His affection, pleasure even in His inattention, and the heart swells up in His Name; I tell you surely, don’t worry any more for your elevation”. In chemistry there is a well-known principle, “Like dissolves like”. It means same kind of substances dissolve in the same kind of solvents. Therefore, Sri Sri Thakur also says in Styanusaran “As is the Ideal in whom you place faith, so will your nature be formed and your vision too will be like that. Follow the faithful. Love him. Faith will embrace you too”. 2. Importance of ‘Libido’ Family heredity comes from two streams; one from father and one from mother. A person is an outcome of the union of the biological assets or genes of two streams. Genetic science tells

To rule oneself is to adjust oneself with one’s environment towards life and growth,— and that is the autocracy which nature dictates. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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us that union of genes could give rise to qualitative appreciation (positive transformation) or lead to qualitative deterioration (negative transformation) . The former type of combination is identified as compatible and the latter type as incompatible. The compatibility breeds appreciation and the incompatibility breeds depreciation. He says: Fusional adherence that evolves into being with responsive become is life. (Magna Dicta, 4th edition, p. 8, verse 3) According to Sri Sri Thakur, every individual has “libido” i.e the “Cohesive Urge for Unison”. So, this Libido is very powerful factor for being and becoming. If we direct our Libido to upwards i.e towards Ideal, our life becomes heaven. when man is inclined to such a great man like Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Hazrat Rasul through active love, service and admiration and employ all his thoughts, deeds and speeches to establish him and him alone in the hearts of people and when all his liking, love and inclination are engaged in pleasing him and him alone, his libido becomes attached to his supreme beloved strongly. His libido becomes integrated.

Compatible Marriage: The purpose of marriage is attainment of superior becoming and offering a good progeny to the society. Superior becoming means to advance towards all-round progress. The Government only made some age limit for the eligibility criteria of marriage. But, this is not the correct thing. According to philosophy of Shree Shree Thakur, ‘Marriage without acquiring proper fitness (Psychological, Spiritual, Biological and Mental) may bring about deterioration instead of improvement’. According to the Aryan Culture, the first stage of life is called the Brahma-charyaashram i.e., Ideal-centric student life, then comes the stage where a man adopts the life of a householder. In the student life if the student acquires well-built physique and mind, well-developed intelligence, serviceable efficiency and self-control etc., through concentric adherence to the Ideal and devout culture, it is only then that he becomes qualified to marry. So Shree Shree Thakur has said, “If a man marries without having an Ideal, his marriage kindles a flame of devastating fire”. Before marriage the male should have adherence to the Ideal and selfadjustment. If the male is too much inclined to females, it indicates that he is not fit to marry. Females can never

To demand without any satisfactory service is a taunt to grateful gift ! Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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be regardful to males who have an unhealthy sex-leaning. So marriage at this stage can never be a source of becoming. According to Shree Shree Thakur, it is never proper for a girl to accept an Inferior husband. The female should be especially aware of the fact that she is carrying her forefathers in and through her blood-stream. The biological structure, family culture and personal temperament of the male should be fulfilling to the biological structure, family culture and the individual temperament of the female and again the biological structure, family culture and individual nature of the female should be nurturing to the biological make up. Based on the compatibility criteria, marriages have been classified as hypergamous and hypogamous. Therefore, it is necessary to ascertain the type of classes and their compatibility before marriage with a view to get progeny of a superior quality. It is also proved that, in the hypergamous condition, the formed zygote is always a balanced one. So, the progeny evolves from this is biologically superior. Hence, hypergamous marriage sustain the good characters in the genes of each individual from generation to generation, but on the other hand, the hypogamous progeny retains the bad

character in the genes. Therefore, Shree Shree Thakur says to avoid hypogamous marriage (Pratiloma Vivah). 4. Happy Conjugal life: In order to maintain a happy and harmonious relation, wife and husband are expected to be true to their respective characteristics and nature as defined below: “Wife is she who never wipes out her adherence to the husband; Husband is he who through his love to lord, the lead, does not separate himself from her existential interest in every suffering and happiness.” (The Message, Vol. VII) Shree Shree Thakur points to a statement of Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament where he said: “Both husband and wife should be attached to each other through deep love in such a way that they turn to be one in flesh and spirit”. The love and affection in the conjugal life will be reflected in creation of superior progeny.

Frailty seeks excuse, will exerts, to achieve. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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5. Importance of Biological makeup (Jaivee-Sangsthiti) The biological make-up of an individual is determined at the time of inception. It is the intensity of the cohesive urge with which a sperm is attracted towards the ovum, compatibility among the genes contributed by both sperm and ovum, and the extent of eagerness with which the ovum receives the sperm with all its inner attributes and potentiality, that determine the very intrinsic nature of individual. The biological make-up governs how the individual being will happen to display his 'self'. So, let see what Sri Sri Thakur says about Biological Make-up (JaiveeSangsthiti) :“The sprouting essence (Satta)latent in the seed in whichall the natural characteristics of germinationbeing ingrained in functional attributessprout into a living entity--through proper nurture and nutritionwith the conglomeration of stability, nature,attributes and function—that conglomeration of the very essence (satta) latent in the seedmay be called ‘Jaive-Sangsthiti’

(Dhriti Bidhyana, Vol. I)

The function of education and environment in developing a child may be compared with function of soil and atmosphere in developing a seed. Without proper soil and good atmosphere, the seed fails to yield desired fruits. Similarly, without proper education and congenial environment a human being cannot bloom into his full potentiality. But if the seed is of inferior variety, then however fertile may be the soil, we can never obtain superior quality of fruits from that variety of seed. Similarly, if a child is born with infected “Jaivee-Sangsthiti”, anomalous instincts and less potentiality, we can never develop the child into a man of integrated personality, balanced exposition, enriched with greater potentiality and inexhaustible urge to run towards Eternal Becoming. We know that the same soil nurtures different seeds to sprout into various plants with their specific botanical properties. It is in the same soil and atmosphere that different seeds sprout into varieties of seedlings and then into plants to yield different fruits with varieties of tastes, flavor, chemical properties, medicinal values and

When luxury deprives the call of life, outrage outbreaks like a hunger-stricken demon with an ardent effulgence for life and a faltering fright to perish. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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nutritive efficiency for human health. But it is neither the soil nor the atmosphere that differentiates one plant from another; it is the latent specifics lying in the seeds themselves that make this differentiation in tastes, flavor, and nutritive properties. Similarly, the same education and environment provides different individual with nurture and nutrition. But men of different 'Jaivi-Sangsthiti', instincts and potentiality grow up in different types of personalities. Hence Shree Shree Thakur posits, “Birth is more important determinant than environment. In the process of growth, a man picks up necessary nourishment from his environment. But he picks up according to his inherent instincts.” Eugenic science has also admitted that, “If the genes carried by the chromosomes contributed by the ovum be not compatible with and complementary to genes carried by the chromosomes contributed by the sperm, then the child born out of such incompatible combination comes to be possessor of inferior attributes and undesired “Jaivee Sangsthiti”. On the other hand, when genes contributed by both sperm and ovum happen to be compatible with and complementary to one another, the child born out of

such combination is expected to inherit superior attributes, sublime instincts and an unadulterated “Jaivee Sangsthiti” (Biological makeup). Sri Sri Thakur, a great exponent of all the past prophets, sustained the statement of Lord Krishna in more explicit manner. “At the time of death, an individual leaves its mortal body with the Bhaba,(called Carrier Bhaba), and that life takes its birth again to the parents in tune with carrier Bhaba of the departed life, during their union” (Anusruti,Vol. I) Prof. K. P. Bhattacharyya, the former Ritwikacharya of Satsang and coworker of Dr. C. V. Raman, Nobel laureate, asks Sri Sri Thakur, “We may easily understand the role of sperm and ovum and their contribution in the process of inception. But where lies the consistent and co-ordinated relation of an unseen and abstract soul with concrete sperm and ovum? Sri Sri Thakur explains; 'The Bhaba and impulses of the wife generally induce her husband to be sexually inclined to her. The braincenter of the husband gets excited according to those Bhaba and impulses. Now all the departed souls with their respective carrier Bhabas

Derivative insight into the intent of a word is the proper guidance to its proper use and effect ; whereas a lazy hearsay conception is a misguider to attain the fact. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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that lie in tune within the range of tremors of the excitement come together first in the brain and then into the scrotum of the husband. Then all the sperm-cells in the scrotum become charged with those carrier Bhabas of those departed souls and become mobile. That is, those incoming souls impart life to the sperms and render them living and moveable; and that time the man feels a sensation of contraction in his body. Then during sexual union those mobile sperms run forward to meet and mingle with the ovum in the fallopian tube. On the other hand, the wife also gets enlightened and inspired to the extent she is charged and moved by the resultant effect of her husband's personality, character, conduct, display of love and affection for her and above all, his all fulfilling nature. This enlightenment and inspiration color her total being and get imprinted on the awaiting ovum in her fallopian tube. Thus the wife and her ovum get charged with a particular Bhaba. Now the ovum embraces in it's bosom the particular sperm whose charge of Bhaba coincides with the Bhaba that the ovum is charged with. That is, the ovum receives the particular sperm, which is in tune with the ovum in affinity and Bhaba, but not because it wins the race. Thus the ovum blends together with sperm in such a way that

they dovetail together, there remains no gap at all. Thus the conjunction of a sperm and ovum produces a complete entity. Cell division starts and ultimately a child grows.” (Alochana Prasange, Vol.I) . Prof. Bhattacharya desires Sri Sri Thakur to explain it elaborately, “Why, out of millions of sperms only a particular sperm is conceived, is it providential? Sri Sri Thakur replies, “I don't call it providential. The particular sperm of father that possesses strongest affinity for the ovum in the mother, will be received by the ovum. The ovum with particular Bhaba will receive the very particular sperm that is charged with the identical Bhaba of the ovum in itself. So I say so much about compatible marriage union and happy conjugal life” (The New Light from The East, 1982, P. 72). Conclusion Purushottam (Fulfiller the best) rebuilds a man from within. He reforms a man anew. Moving on the path of social evolution human beings have always required and searched for such personalities from whom they could be guided and inspired to overcome the struggle of being and becoming and could form better society.

Curious, inquisitive liking begets memory. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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AN INTRODUCTION TO HOMEOPATHY Swarashtra Srivastava BSc (Zoology), MA (English) Varanasi



Oxide et Aluminum - Argilla A very general condition corresponding to this drug is dryness of mucous membranes and skin, and tendency to paretic muscular states. Old people, with lack of vital heat, or prematurely old, with debility. Sluggish functions, heaviness, numbness, and staggering, and the characteristic constipation find an excellent remedy in Alumina. Disposition to colds in the head, and eructations in spare, dry, thin subjects. Delicate children, products of artificial baby foods. Mind Low-spirited; fears loss of reason. Confused as to personal identity. Hasty, hurried. Time passes slowly. Variable mood. Better as day advances. Suicidal tendency when seeing knife or blood. Head Stitching, burning pain in head, with vertigo, worse in morning, but relieved by food. Pressure in forehead as from a tight hat. Inability to walk except with eyes open. Throbbing

headache, with constipation. Vertigo, with nausea; better after breakfast. Falling out of hair; scalp itches and is numb. Eyes Objects look yellow. Eyes feel cold. Lids dry, burn, smart, thickened, aggravated in morning; chronic conjunctivitis. Ptosis. Strabismus. Ears Humming; roaring. Eustachian tube feels plugged. Nose Pain at root of nose. Sense of smell diminished. Fluent coryza. Point of nosecracked, nostrils sore, red; worse touch.Scabs with thick yellow mucus. Tettery redness. Ozœna atrophica sicca. Membranes distended and boggy.

He who sees everything in Him—the Self, and He in everything, in sense and essence, is a Sage. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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Face Feels as if albuminous substance had dried on it. Blood-boils and pimples. Twitching of lower jaw. Rush of blood to face after eating. Mouth Sore. Bad odor from it. Teeth covered with sordes. Gums sore, bleeding. Tensive pain in articulation of jaw when opening mouth or chewing. Throat Dry, sore; food cannot pass, œsophagus contracted. Feels as if splinter or plug were in throat. Irritable, and relaxed throat. Looks parched and glazed. Clergyman's sore throat in thin subjects. Thick, tenacious mucus drops from posterior nares. Constant inclination to clear the throat. Stomach Abnormal cravings-chalk, charcoal, dry food, tea-grounds. Heartburn; feels constricted. Aversion to meat (Graph; Arn; Puls). Potatoes disagree. No desire to eat. Can swallow but small morsels at a time. Constriction of œsophagus. Abdomen Colic, like painter's colic. Pressing in both groins toward sexual organs. Left-sided abdominal complaints.

Stool Hard dry, knotty; no desire. Rectum sore, dry, inflamed, bleeding. Itching and burning at anus. Even a soft stool is passed with difficulty. Great straining. Constipation of infants (Collins; Psor; Paraf) and old people from inactive rectum, and in women of very sedentary habit. Diarrhœa on urinating. Evacuation preceded by painful urging long before stool, and then straining at stool. Urine Muscles of bladder paretic, must strain at stool in order to urinate. Pain in kidneys, with mental confusion. Frequent desire to urinate in old people. Difficult starting. Male Excessive desire. Involuntary emissions when straining at stool. Prostatic discharge. Female Menses too early, short, scanty, pale, followed by great exhaustion (Carb an; Coccul). Leucorrhœa acrid, profusetransparent, ropy, with burning; worse during daytime, and after menses. Relieved by washing with cold water. Respiratory Cough soon after waking in the morning. Hoarse, aphonia, tickling in

Attend to redress calamities with cautious service, evading untoward effect,— it’s the natural characteristic of a kinsman and a friend. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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larynx; wheezing, rattling respiration. Cough on talking or singing, in the morning. Chest feels constricted. Condiments produce cough. Talking aggravates soreness of chest. Back Stitches. Gnawing pain, as if from hot iron. Pain along cord, with paralytic weakness. Extremities Pain in arm and fingers, as if hot iron penetrated. Arms feel paralyzed. Legs feel asleep, especially when sitting with legs crossed. Staggers on walking. Heels feel numb. Soles tender; on stepping, feel soft and swollen. Pain in shoulder and upper arm. Gnawing beneath finger nails. Brittle nails. Inability to walk, except when eyes are open or in daytime. Spinal degenerations and paralysis of lower limbs. Sleep Restless; anxious and confused dreams. Sleepy in morning. Skin Chapped and dry tettery. Brittle nails.Intolerable itching when getting warm in bed. Must scratch until it bleeds; then becomes painful. Brittle skin on fingers. Modalities Worse, periodically; in afternoon; from potatoes. Worse, in morning on

awaking; warm room. Better, in open air; from cold washing; in evening and on alternate days.Better damp weather. Relationship Compare: Aluminum chloridum (Pains of loco-motor ataxia. Lower trits in water).Slag SilicoSulphocalcite of Alumina 3x (anal itching, piles, constipation, flatulent distention); Secale; Lathyr; Plumb. Aluminum acetate solution. Externally a lotion for putrid wounds and skin infections. Arrests hæmorrhage from inertia of uterus. Parenchymatous hæmorrhage from various organs-23 % solution. Hæmorrhage following tonsillectomy is controlled by rinsing out nasopharynx with a 10 % sol. Complementary: Bryonia. Antidotes: Ipecac; Chamom. Dose Sixth to thirtieth and higher. Action slow in developing. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM Black Sulphide of Antimony For homeopathic employment, the mental symptoms and those of the gastric sphere, determine its choice. Excessive irritability and fretfulness, together with a thicklycoated white tongue, are true guiding symptoms to many forms of disease

It is not much what one says ; the test is there— ‘how people respond.’ Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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calling for this remedy. All the conditions are aggravated by heat and cold bathing. Cannot bear heat of sun. Tendency to grow fat. An absence of pain, where it could be expected, is noticeable. Gout with gastric symptoms. Mind Much concerned about his fate. Cross and contradictive; whatever is done fails to give satisfaction. Sulky; does not wish to speak. Peevish; vexed without cause.Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at. Angry at every little attention. Sentimental mood. Head Aching, worse in vertex, on ascending,from bathing, from disordered stomach, especially from eating candy or drinking acid wines. Suppressed eruptions. Heaviness in forehead with vertigo; nausea, and nosebleed. Headache with great loss of hair. Eyes Dull, sunken, red, itch, inflamed, agglutinated. Canthi raw and fissured. Chronic blepharitis. Pustules on cornea and lids. Ears Redness; swelling; pain in eustachian tube. Ringing and deafness. Moist eruption around ear. Nose Nostrils chapped and covered with

crusts. Eczema of nostrils, sore, cracked and scurfy. Face Pimples, pustules, and boils on face.Yellow crusted eruption on cheeks and chin. Sallow and haggard. Mouth Cracks in corners of mouth. Dry lips. Saltish saliva. Much slimy mucus. Tongue coated thick white, as if whitewashed. Gums detach from teeth; bleed easily. Toothache in hollow teeth. Rawness of palate, with expectoration of much mucus. Canker sores. Pappy taste. No thirst. Subacute eczema about mouth. Throat Much thick yellowish mucus from posterior nares. Hawking in open air. Laryngitis. Rough voice from over use. Stomach Loss of appetite. Desire for acids, pickles. Thirst in evening and night. Eructation tasting of the ingesta. Heartburn, nausea, vomiting. After nursing, the child vomits its milk in curds, and refuses to nurse afterwards, and is very cross. Gastric and intestinal complaints from bread and pastry, acids, sour wine, cold bathing, overheating, hot weather. Constant belching. Gouty metastasis to stomach and bowels. Sweetish waterbrash.Bloating after eating.

Incompetent haste is a gutter to waste. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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Stool Anal itching (Sulpho-calc. Alum). diarrhœa alternates with constipation, especially in old people. Diarrhœa after acids, sour wine, baths, overeating; slimy, flatulent stools. Mucous piles, continued oozing of mucus. Hard lumps mixed with watery discharge. Catarrhal proctitis. Stools composed entirely of mucus. Urine Frequent, with burning, and backache; turbid and foul odor. Male Eruption on scrotum and about genitals. Impotence. Atrophy of penis and testicles. Female Excited; parts itch. Before menses, toothache; menses too early and profuse. Menses suppressed from cold bathing, with feeling of pressure in pelvis and tenderness in ovarian region. Leucorrhœa watery; acrid, lumpy. Respiratory Cough worse coming into warm room, with burning sensation in chest, itching of chest, oppression. Loss of voice from becoming overheated. Voice harsh and badly pitched. Back Itching and pain of neck and back.

Extremities Twitching of muscles. Jerks in arms.Arthritic pain in fingers. Nails brittle; grow out of shape. Horny warts on hands and soles. Weakness and shaking of hands in writing followed by offensive flatulence.Feet very tender; covered with large horny places. Inflamed corns. Pain in heels. Skin Eczema with gastric derangements. Pimples, vesicles, and pustules. Sensitive to cold bathing. Thick, hard, honey-colored scabs. Urticaria; measle-like eruption. Itching when warm in bed. Dry skin. Warts (Thuja; Sabina; Caust). Dry gangrene. Scaly, pustular eruption with burning and itching, worse at night. Sleep Continual drowsiness in old people. Fever Chilly even in warm room. Intermittent with disgust, nausea, vomiting, eructations, coated tongue, diarrhœa. Hot sweat. Modalities Worse, in evening, from heat, acids, wine, water, and washing. Wet poultices. Better, in open air, during rest. Moist warmth. Relationship Compare: Antimonium Chloridum. Butter of Antimony (A remedy for

Do not excite the need of luxury in a man; excite his love for the principle. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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cancer. Mucous membranes destroyed. Abrasions. Skin cold and clammy. Great prostration of strength. Dosethird trituration). Antimon iodat (Uterine hyperplasia; humid asthma. Pneumonia and bronchitis; loss of strength, and appetite, yellowish skin, sweaty, dull and drowsy). In sub-acute and chronic colds in chest which have extended downwards from head and have fastened themselves upon the bronchial tubes in the form of hard, croupy cough with a decided wheeze and inability to raise the sputum, especially in the aged and weak patients (Bacmeister). Stage of resolution of pneumonia slow and delayed. Compare: Kermes mineral-Stibiat sulph rub (Bronchitis). Also Puls, Ipecac, Sulph. Complementary: Sulph. Antidote: Hepar. Dose Third to sixth potency. (Ref. Materia Medica by Dr William Boericke)

Where urge flows on with a responsive contentful compliance enticement weeps, hindrance screams, persecution pants, the repellent are repelled with conscientious rebuke, service waves light with fragrant fumes, adherence awakes with every smiling bliss. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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Various medicinal plants and their uses Pradyot Kumar Nayak Student, Msc Ag. (Horticulture) OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

METHI SCIENTIFIC Name- Trigonella foenum-graecum FAMILY- Fabaceae COMMON NAMESSanskrit- Bahuparni, Bahupatrika, Chandrika, dipani Odia- methi Bengali name - Methi Hindi- Methi English name - Fenugreek, Greekclover, Greek hay HABITAT- Fenugreek is a fodder of very ancient cultivation in Mediterranean countries. A highly aromatic plant which is used as a potherb, spice and fodder. It is widely grown in India and neighbouring countries as a flavouring agent and fodder, and in North Africa and Western Asia as a fodder and spice. The dried leaves of a small, cloverlike, rosette forming, small-seeded type (Kasuri methi) var. corniculata (or sometimes Trigonella corniculata) is grown in Punjab and its foliage marketed dried as a flavouring. PLANTING- Sow seeds ¼ inches deep in a good potting mix or soil.

Remember, fenugreek hates to be transplanted. Leave 2 inches of space for each plant while sowing seeds. They’ll sprout quickly and you’ll see seedlings just within 2 – 4 days. Within 20 days fenugreek will be ready for first harvest, chop up its leaves to use as green leafy vegetable and prepare delicious recipes or air dry it to use as herb. Leave the twigs, which will grow up again within 15 days, you can do this up to four times. To harvest fenugreek seeds you’ve to wait for 2-4 months, depending on the growing conditions.

Unrevenged persecution to the innocent makes their lives deteriorate. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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PARTS USED- Seeds, Leaves MEDICINAL PROPERTIES1. Fenugreek has been traditionally prescribed by Ayurvedic physicians for nursing mothers. Fenugreek contains diosgenin which helps in increasing milk production in lactating women. 2. Studies have proved that regular consumption of fenugreek helps in lowering the levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol. 3. Peptic ulcers and inflamed conditions of the stomach and bowel are successfully cured with fenugreek. It absorbs all toxic materials and eliminates them from the body, thereby healing and soothing the inflamed areas. 4. Fenugreek is a good source of galactomannan, which is a natural soluble fiber. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 5. Fenugreek is quite effective in curing type II diabetes. Studies show that it may also help people with type I diabetes. It contains the natural fiber galactomannan, which slows down the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the blood. Further, it can induce the production of insulin. 6. The soothing mucilage of fenugreek helps in relieving sore throat pain and cough. The seeds are combined with honey and lemon to make a soothing tea; thus, relieving ailments.

7. The fiber content of fenugreek helps in bowel movements. It is very helpful in treating constipation, diarrhea and minor indigestion. 8. Fenugreek contains diogenin which possesses anti-carcinogenic properties, thereby helping battle free radicals. As a result, the spice is found to protect against the risk of cancer. 9. Fenugreek has the natural soluble fiber galactomannan which induces the feelings of satiety by swelling the stomach and hence, reducing appetite. As a result, it contributes towards weight loss. 10. Fenugreek is very helpful in inducing childbirth as it is capable of stimulating uterine contractions, speeding, and easing childbirth. 11. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, fenugreek serves as an effective topical treatment for skin problems, like abscesses, boils, burns, eczema and gout. 12. Other health benefits of fenugreek are associated with effectively treating head colds, influenza, catarrh, constipation, bronchial complaints, asthma, pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, sore throat, laryngitis, hay fever, emphysema and sinusitis.

Serve, but do not destroy one’s self-helping ability. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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Did The Vedic Philosophy Influence The Concept Of Free Energy And Quantum Mechanics?


he properties of space have been

postulated by many, from ancient Vedic philosophy, Eastern Mystics, various ancient civilizations throughout human history all the way to Descartes, Einstein, Newton and more. Again, if you observed the composition of an atom with a microscope, you would see a small, invisible tornado like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons.

These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure. Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter. Tesla and Ancient Vedic Philosophy and the Properties of Space

Sham refusal of gratuitous offer is a sober ingratitude that leads one soberly down, but exalting grateful exposition makes one exalted. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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The Vedas are a group of writings that consist of hymns, prayers, myths, historical accounting, science and the nature of reality. They date back at least 5000 years, and are not so different from other ancient texts that dive into the same matters from all across the globe. The language used is Sanskrit and its origins are unknown. We’ve seen a very interesting trend (especially within the past decade) of modern-day science catching up to an ancient understanding about the true nature of reality, its make-up, how it functions and how we can work with it to bring about change on our planet. For anybody to label merging of spirituality and science as pseudoscience means they have not properly investigated it. Spiritual concepts of our ancient world are directly intertwined with modern-day science, more so quantum physics, and Nikola Tesla was well aware of this. Nikola Tesla had correlations with Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), who was one of the most famous and influential spiritual leaders of the philosophies of Vedanta (one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, the term originally referred to the upanishads, a collection of philosophical texts in Hinduism) and

Yoga. He was the chief disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and the founder of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. He is a giant figure in the history of the hindu reform movements. Tesla began using the Sanskrit words after meeting with Swamiji, and after studying the Eastern view of the true nature of reality, about the mechanisms that drive the material world. Eventually, it led him to the basis for the wireless transmission of electrical power, what is known as the Tesla Coil Transformer. During this year he made the following comments during a speech before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (given before he familiarized himself with the Vedic sincere of the eastern nations of India, Tibet, and Nepal) Apparently, Tesla was unable to show the identity of energy and matter, this did not come until Albert Einstein published his paper on relativity, which was known in the East for the last 5000 years. Tesla’s vision of the wireless transmission of electricity and free energy has been postponed for almost one hundred years now. Bohr, Heisenberg and Schrödinger regularly read Vedic texts Heisenberg stated: “Quantum theory

Loyal uni-centric love-learning in thoughts and deeds, acts like opsonin that leads one to fulfill the principle of life in accordance with the wishes of the Love. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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will not look ridiculous to people who have read Vedanta. Vedanta is the conclusion of Vedic thought.” The famous Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Laureate Niels Bohr (1885-1962) (pictured right), was a follower of the Vedas. He said, “I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.” Both Bohr and Schrödinger, the founders of quantum physics, were avid readers of the Vedic texts and observed that their experiments in quantum physics were consistent with what they had read in the Vedas. Niels Bohr got the ball rolling around 1900 by explaining why atoms emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation only at certain frequencies. Then, in the 1920′s Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961), an Austrian-Irish physicist, who won the Nobel prize, came up with his famous wave equation that predicts how the Quantum Mechanical wave function changes with time. Wave functions are used in Quantum Mechanics to determine how particles move and interact with time. Schrödinger, in speaking of a universe in which particles are represented by wave functions, said: “The unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics. This is

entirely consistent with the Vedanta concept of All in One.” Vedanta and Gnosticism are beliefs likely to appeal to a mathematical physicist, a brilliant only child, tempted on occasion by intellectual pride. Such factors may help to explain why Schrödinger became a believer in Vedanta, but they do not detract from the importance of his belief as a foundation for his life and work. It would be simplistic to suggest that there is a direct causal link between his religious beliefs and his discoveries in theoretical physics, yet the unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics. In 1925, the world view of physics was a model of the universe as a great machine composed of separable interacting material particles, During the next few years, Schrödinger and Heisenberg and their followers created a universe based on superimposed inseparable waves of probability amplitudes. This new view would be entirely consistent with the Vedantic concept of the All in One (Schrödinger: Life and Thought (Meine Weltansicht), p. 173). According to Walter J. Moore on page 125 of his biographical work, A Life of Erwin Schrödinger, Schrödinger

Profitable run in every step— There peeps education. Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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found “Vedanta teaches that consciousness is singular, all happenings are played out in one universal consciousness and there is no multiplicity of selves… The stages of human development are to strive for Possession (Artha), Knowledge (Dharma), Ability (Kama), Being (Moksha)… Nirvana is a state of pure blissful knowledge. It has nothing to do with individual. The ego or its separation is an illusion. The goal of man is to preserve his Karma and to develop it further – when man dies his karma lives and creates for itself another carrier.” Schrödinger did not believe that it is possible to demonstrate the unity of consciousness by logical arguments. One must make an imaginative leap guided by communion with nature and the persuasion of analogies. He understood the nonmaterial eternal nature of the conscious self and how the Atman is intimately connected to the supreme. In the 1920′s quantum mechanics was created by the three great minds: Heisenberg, Bohr and Schrödinger, who all read from and greatly respected the Vedas. They elaborated upon these ancient books of wisdom in their own language and with modern mathematical formulas in order to try to

understand the ideas that are to be found throughout the Vedas, referred to in the ancient Sanskrit as “Brahman,” “Paramatma,” “Akasha” and “Atman.” As Schrödinger said, “some blood transfusion from the East to the West to save Western science from spiritual anemia.” Vedic texts such as the Bahgavad-gita and the Upanishads were collectively considered the most influential books ever written by eminent people like Thoreau, Kant, Schopenhauer, Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, Tesla, and Einstein, among others. From: --- A “Temple Science” Presentation.

What you ought to do, do in time, or it will go to the dustbin ! Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

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বা​াংলা সূচীপত্র

❖ সত্যানুসরণ ❖ দীপরক্ষী ❖ খা​াঁটি মুসলমান (‘ইসলাম প্রসঙ্গে’ গ্রন্থ থেঙ্গে) ❖ ইষ্টভৃ তত্ (‘ইষ্টপ্রসঙ্গে’ গ্রন্থ থেঙ্গে) ❖ উদ্বর্দ্ধঙ্গনর পে-থেয় অনুরাগ ----------------------------------------------------- সুদীপ েুমার ধর ❖ আছ অনল অতনঙ্গল, তির নভনীঙ্গল --------------------------------------------- দীপাদীতি বাগিী ❖ ত্া​াঁর দয়া (ধারাবাতিে) -------------------------------------------------------------------- তিবানী সািা

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॥ সত্যানুসরণ ॥

ত্ু তম লাখ গল্প ের, তেন্তু প্রেৃত্ উন্নতত্ না ি’থল ত্ু তম প্রেৃত্ আনন্দ েখনই লাভ ে’রঙ্গত্

পারঙ্গব না । েপিািঙ্গয়র মুঙ্গখর ে​োর সঙ্গে অন্তঙ্গরর ভাব তবেতিত্ িয় না, ত্াই আনঙ্গন্দর ে​োঙ্গত্ও মুঙ্গখ নীরসত্ার তিহ্ন দৃষ্ট িয় ; োরণ, মুখ খুলঙ্গল েী িয়, হৃদঙ্গয় ভাঙ্গবর c িয় না ।

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॥ দীপরক্ষী ॥ সঙ্কলতয়ত্া: েী থদবীপ্রসাদ মুঙ্গখাপাধযায় (পূব প্র ধ োতিঙ্গত্র পর) ২১থি ববিাখ, ১৩৬০ (৫ই থম, ১৯৫৩) সোঙ্গল েীেীঠােুর দালাঙ্গনর ঘঙ্গর আঙ্গছন । থেন্সারদা, িাউজারমযানদা ও আঙ্গরা অঙ্গনঙ্গে এঙ্গস বসঙ্গলন । আঙ্গলািনা শুরু িল--হাউজারম্যানদা---ব্রহ্মা, ব্রহ্ম এবং ব্রাহ্মণ, এর মঙ্গধয পাে​েয ধ েী ? শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---ব্রহ্মা---The Creator (স্রষ্টা), ব্রহ্ম---the hose of becoming (বর্দ্ধনার ধারে ও সঙ্গেরে ), আর ব্রাহ্মণ---he who knows ব্রহ্ম (তিতন ব্রহ্মঙ্গে জাঙ্গনন ) । হাউজারম্যানদা---বাইঙ্গবঙ্গল এইরেম এেিা ে​ো আঙ্গছ, By contact with salt you’ll become salt, by contact with light you’ll become light. এর মাঙ্গন েী ? শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর--- ঐ থি ‘ব্রহ্মতবদ্ ব্রহ্মহ্মব ভবতত্’---same thing (এেই জজতনস ) । ত্ারপর বনতবিারীদার (থঘাষ) তদঙ্গে ত্াতেঙ্গয় বলঙ্গছন--শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---হৃদয় আমার উেঙ্গল ওঙ্গঠ থিাগাঙ্গবগী নর্ত্ধঙ্গন বা আঙ্গবগভরা নর্ত্ধঙ্গন,---এই থিমন আতম এিা compose (রিনা) েরলাম । এরেম থছাি-থছাি প্রীতত্র েতবত্া বত্রী ে’থর গাওয়া লাঙ্গগ । থেন্সারদাঙ্গে বলঙ্গছন--শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---Love-song (থপ্রমগীতত্) থলখা িায় না থছাি-থছাি---like the Vaishnavas (ববষ্ণবঙ্গদর মত্) ? থেন্সারদা থিষ্টা েরঙ্গবন বলঙ্গলন । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---ঐ থিমন আঙ্গছ, সতখ ! প্রণয় পরম থবদ ; এঙ্গে ইংরাজীঙ্গত্ এভাঙ্গব বলা িায়---O sweetheart ! Aware, love is the supreme knowledge. হাউজারম্যানদা---ভালবাসা পােঙ্গল intelligence (বুজর্দ্)-িা থিন এেিু blunt (থভা​াঁত্া) ি’থয় িায় । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---ওঙ্গর বাবা, ভালবাসা িত্ই পাঙ্গে, মানুষ intelligence-এ (বুজর্দ্ঙ্গত্) ত্ত্ই adorned (থিাতভত্) িয় । হাউজারম্যানদা---এখাঙ্গন িারি’ বছর আঙ্গগ েীহ্মিত্নয এঙ্গলন, এেি’ বছর আঙ্গগ রামেৃষ্ণ ঠােুর এঙ্গলন । তেন্তু ইউঙ্গরাঙ্গপ েত্তদন থেঙ্গি থগল থেউ এঙ্গলন না । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---Deepest concentration of evil (অসৎ-এর প্রগাঢ় জিলা ) থিখাঙ্গন, থসখাঙ্গন তত্তন আঙ্গসন । ইউঙ্গরাঙ্গপও তত্তন এঙ্গসঙ্গছন ছাড়া তে ? হররনন্দনদা (প্রসাদ)---খুব বড় ভক্ত ি’থল থস বড় বড় philosophy (দিঙ্গনর ধ ে​ো) আওড়ায়, ত্ার মঙ্গধয থোন scientific reason (ববজ্ঞাতনে িুজক্ত) থনই । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর---Philosophy (দিঙ্গনর ধ ে​ো ) থস নাঙ্গম েয় । থস িা’ েঙ্গর ত্াই philosophy (দিনধ ), িা’ েঙ্গর ত্াই science (তবজ্ঞান) ।

Page 36 JANUARY 2018 BLISS

॥ খা​াঁটি ম্ুসলম্ান-খা​াঁটি ইনসান ॥ (ইসলাম প্রসঙ্গে গ্রন্থ থেঙ্গে)

তবংি িত্ঙ্গের মাঝামাজঝ সমঙ্গয় থমািাম্মদ খতললর রিমান ও েৃষ্ণপ্রসন্ন ভট্টািািযধ নাঙ্গম দুইজন উচ্চতিতক্ষত্ পজিত্ বযজক্ত সমাঙ্গজর নানাতবধ সমসযাসঙ্ েুল প্রঙ্গের সমাধান থপঙ্গত্ িরণাপন্ন িঙ্গয়তছঙ্গলন এে অসাধারণ বযজক্তঙ্গের অতধোরী, থেত্-শুভ্র থপাষাে পতরতিত্ এমন এে মিাপুরুঙ্গষর সঙ্গে, তিতন তিন্দু, মুসলমান, থবৌর্দ্, খৃষ্টান ইত্যাতদ সব সেদাঙ্গয়র পারেতরে সমস্ত মত্তবঙ্গরাধ থঘািাঙ্গত্ তনঙ্গয় এঙ্গলন এে সাবজনীন ধ মত্াদি,ধ সমগ্র তবঙ্গে এঙ্গন তদঙ্গলন এে নত্ু ন ক্রাতন্ত । িলমান থস্রাত্ধারার তবপরীঙ্গত্ তগঙ্গয় পাঙ্গে তদঙ্গলন ধঙ্গম্মরধ তিরািতরত্ বর্দ্মূল ধারণা । েুসংস্কার ত্ো নানাতবধ সংস্কাঙ্গর আচ্ছন্ন সমাজঙ্গে নত্ু ন েঙ্গর থদখাঙ্গলন বা​াঁিা-বাড়ার পে । থসই তবে থপ্রতমে, সমগ্র মানব সমাঙ্গজর থসই শুভাোঙ্খী িঙ্গলন সবজনতবতদত্ ধ েীেীঠােুর অনুেূলিন্দ্র । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুরকক প্রশ্ন করা হয়, খা​াঁটি ম্ুসলম্ান হওয়া যায় রক-ক’রর ? উর্ত্ঙ্গর দয়াল ঠােুর বলঙ্গলন--- থোন মান-িান আতম তেছু বুজঝ না বাপু ! ত্ু তম িতদ থখাদায় তবোসী িও, রসুলঙ্গে িতদ থমঙ্গনই োে---আর িতদ থবাঝ, আতম িা’ বতল ত্া’ েরঙ্গল থত্ামার জীবঙ্গনর িলািা আঙ্গরা পতরপূরঙ্গণর তদঙ্গে এতগঙ্গয় িাঙ্গব, ত্ঙ্গব থত্া আতম বলতছ--আতম িা’বতল ত্া’ ের; উপঙ্গভাঙ্গগ আঙ্গরা আঙ্গরাত্র-ভাঙ্গব উন্নত্ ি’থয় থসবায় পাতরপাতে​েঙ্গে ধ আদঙ্গি ধ থিতত্ঙ্গয় থত্াল; তিন্দু-মুসলমান-থবৌর্দ্-খৃষ্টানঙ্গদর থি সব মরণমরঙ্গোি আঙ্গছ, থস-সব থঝাঁ টিঙ্গয় তদঙ্গয় খা​াঁটি মুসলমান, থবৌর্দ্, খৃষ্টানপ্রাণ তনঙ্গয় িল--- আর িাঙ্গত্-িাঙ্গত্ থদখ, দুতনয়ায় েী দা​াঁড়ায় ? এ-সব ে​ো িতদ ভাল না লাঙ্গগ, ত্ঙ্গব আমাঙ্গে তদঙ্গয় থত্া তেছুই িঙ্গবই না থত্ামার, োরুঙ্গে তদঙ্গয় তেছু িঙ্গব তেনা সঙ্গন্দি ! আতম বতল, ত্ু তম খা​াঁটি মুসলমান িও, খা​াঁটি খৃষ্টান িও, খা​াঁটি আিযধম্মী ধ িও, খা​াঁটি থবৌর্দ্ িও---থত্ামার ও থত্ামার পাতরপাতেঙ্গের ধ জীবন ও বৃজর্দ্র থমরুদিঙ্গে অবলম্বন ে’থর । মানুষ মরঙ্গত্ পাঙ্গর, বা​াঁিার োয়দা থস িয়ত্ িাতরঙ্গয়ঙ্গছই---মরণও অেৃত্োিযত্ার ধ সঙ্গে লড়াই েরা থস থেন ভুঙ্গল’ িাঙ্গব ? মরঙ্গণও থস লড়াই েরঙ্গব ত্া’থদর সাঙ্গে(*)--- আর এই আপ্রাণ থিষ্টার ফঙ্গল িয়ত্ থখাদা এেতদন ত্া​াঁ’র অমর-েরা িাত্ বাতড়ঙ্গয়, অভঙ্গয়র আঙ্গলাে থেঙ্গল, প্রঙ্গত্যেঙ্গে অমৃত্তসক্ত ে’থর থদঙ্গবন । ............................................................................................................................................. “মুমূষু ধ অবস্থায়ও থত্ামার মৃত্ুযর জনয ইচ্ছা বা প্রােনা ধ েতরঙ্গব না---োরণ, থত্ামরা প্রাণত্যাগ েতরঙ্গল থত্ামাঙ্গদর সমস্ত োিযধ বন্ধ িইঙ্গব এবং থত্ামরা পুরস্কার লাঙ্গভ বজিত্ িইঙ্গব । তনশ্চয় মুঙ্গমঙ্গনর দীঘায়ু ধ ত্ািার সৎোজ-বৃজর্দ্র উপায় ।” (----মুছতলম ) *“থত্ামরা ঈেঙ্গরর পঙ্গে বযয় ের । মৃত্ুযর িঙ্গস্ত আত্মসমপণধ েতরও না, তিত্ানুষ্ঠান ের--তনশ্চয় ঈের তিত্োরীঙ্গে প্রীতত্ েঙ্গরন ।” (থোরাণ---২ সুরা বের ১৯৫ র, ২৪)

Page 37 JANUARY 2018 BLISS

॥ ইষ্টভৃ রত্ ॥ (ইষ্টপ্রসঙ্গে গ্রন্থ থেঙ্গে, েীেীবড়দার সঙ্গে েঙ্গোপে​েন)

২রা ববিাখ, ১৩৮০ (ইং ১৫।০৪।৭৩) ইষ্টভৃ তত্ েীভাঙ্গব েরা, েীভাঙ্গব পাঠাঙ্গনা উতিৎ ইত্যাতদ নানা তবষয় তনঙ্গয় েমীবৃঙ্গন্দর সঙ্গে আলাপিাতরত্া িলাোলীন েীেীতপত্ৃঙ্গদব (েীেীঠােুঙ্গরর থজযষ্ঠাত্মজ ত্ো সেল সৎসেীঙ্গদর পরম পূজযপাদ েীেীবড়দা ) বলঙ্গলন: নত্ু ন এেিা দ্বন্দ্ব উপতস্থত্ িঙ্গয়ঙ্গছ ইষ্টভৃ তত্ পাঠান তনঙ্গয়,---ইষ্টভৃ তত্ ৩০ (জি​ি) তদঙ্গন, না এে মাঙ্গস পাঠান িঙ্গব ? থিমন, থোন মাঙ্গসর ৭ ত্াতরখ থেঙ্গে পঙ্গরর মাঙ্গসর ৭ ত্াতরখ তেংবা থিতদন দীক্ষা থনওয়া িঙ্গয়ঙ্গছ ত্ারপর থেঙ্গে টঠে ৩০ তদঙ্গনর তদন---থোনিা থমঙ্গন িলা উতিৎ ? আমার মঙ্গন িয় থিথোনিা থমঙ্গন িলা িায় । এ তনঙ্গয় অিো ত্েধাত্তেধ েরা ভাল না । প্রঙ্গত্যেঙ্গে তমটষ্ট েঙ্গর বুজঝঙ্গয় বলঙ্গত্ িয় । ত্ঙ্গব ৩০ তদঙ্গন পাঠাঙ্গনার ে​ো ঠােুঙ্গররই । প্রতত্ মাস বলঙ্গত্ ঠােুর ৩০ তদনঙ্গেই mean (অে)ধ েঙ্গরঙ্গছন । সুত্রাং বযত্যয় না েঙ্গর ঐ ৩০ তদঙ্গনর তদনই পাঠান সব থেঙ্গে ভাল । ইষ্টভৃ তত্ অনুরাঙ্গগর সতিত্ তনয়মতনষ্ঠ িঙ্গয় েরঙ্গত্ িয় । তবিুযতত্, তবভ্রাতন্ত ও বযত্যয় থোনসময়ই ভাল নয় । এেজন প্রে েরঙ্গলন ইষ্টভৃ তত্ েখন েরঙ্গবা ? উর্ত্ঙ্গর েীেীতপত্ৃঙ্গদব বলঙ্গলন: প্রত্ু যঙ্গষ েরঙ্গব, ঠােুঙ্গরর বলা আঙ্গছ । এখন থেউ িতদ সোল ৭/৮ িায় উঙ্গঠ ইষ্টভৃ তত্ েঙ্গর, ত্ঙ্গব ত্া’ থত্া আর িঙ্গবনা । োরণ, ত্খন প্রত্ু যষ োঙ্গেনা । ত্ঙ্গব এিা এেিা পঙ্গয়ন্ট বঙ্গি । আসল ে​ো, থদখত্ িয় থস আঙ্গদৌ ইষ্টভৃ তত্ েঙ্গর তেনা । ঠােুর বঙ্গলঙ্গছন, “ঊষাতনিায় মন্ত্রসাধন

িলাঙ্গফরায় জপ িোসময় ইষ্টতনঙ্গদি মূর্ত্ ধ েরাই ত্প ।” এখন ঊষা থত্া আর সোল ৮ িা নয় । তনয়ম থমঙ্গন িলঙ্গত্ িয় । তনয়ম থমঙ্গন িলঙ্গল মানুষ তমটষ্ট ি’থয় ওঙ্গঠ, িজক্তিালী ও ত্াজা িয় । সোল ৮ িায় ওঠার আঙ্গগ অঙ্গনঙ্গের সংসাঙ্গরর অঙ্গনে োজই ি’থয় িায় । িতদ থেউ ৮ িায় ওঙ্গঠ, ত্ঙ্গব থস আর ঊষায় ওঠার আনন্দ পায় না ।

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উদ্বর্দ্ধকনর পথ---রশ্রয় অনুরাগ সুদীপ েুমার ধর, তিতলগুতড়

ভগতবভূ ধ তত্ সতবত্া থসৌরী সুন্দরেী তবেদৃে পালনধৃতত্ পরমপুরুষ নমঙ্গস্ত।। স্বয়ং সৃটষ্টেত্ধা নররূঙ্গপ অবত্রণ েরঙ্গলন ত্া​াঁর সৃটষ্টঙ্গে রক্ষা েরঙ্গত্ । আনঙ্গন্দর তিঙ্গলাল বঙ্গয় থগল আোঙ্গি বাত্াঙ্গস । প্রতত্টি সর্ত্া থগঙ্গয় উঠঙ্গলা জীবঙ্গনর জয়গান । ত্া​াঁর অত্লান্ত থপ্রঙ্গমর েঙ্গি ধ থোোয় থিন তত্ঙ্গরাতিত্ িঙ্গয় িায় থদ্বষ, তিংসা, েলুষ সব ।

সাধঙ্গের সাধনার ধন, গৃতির পরম আপনজন, থিাোত্ধ এর িরম বযোিাতর দয়াল েীেীঠােুর অনুেূলিন্দ্র ত্া​াঁর অঙ্গমাঘ অস্ত্র ভাঙ্গলাবাসা তদঙ্গয় ত্া​াঁরই থেষ্ঠ সৃটষ্ট মানুষঙ্গে উপলতি েরাঙ্গলন তনজ স্বরূপ । ত্া​াঁর থপ্রঙ্গমর েঙ্গি ধসজচ্চদানন্দময় িঙ্গয় োোর আেুতত্ থবঙ্গড় িঙ্গল সবার । সংসাঙ্গরর তনত্য োলা িন্ত্রণার ইষ্টানুেূল তনয়ন্ত্রঙ্গণর োয়দা থপঙ্গয় ত্া​াঁরই তনত্যসােী িঙ্গয় োেঙ্গত্ িায় মন । েীেীঠােুর অনুেূলিন্দ্র আমাঙ্গদর থিখাঙ্গলন বা​াঁিা-বাড়ার ত্ু ে। প্রবৃতর্ত্ অতভভূ ত্ মানুষ িাঙ্গত্ সজচ্চদানন্দময় রূঙ্গপ তনত্য অতধষ্ঠান েরঙ্গত্ পাঙ্গর ত্ার জনয তদঙ্গলন তত্তন তনত্য পালনীয় অপূব ধ পা​াঁিটি নীতত্-- িজন, িাজন, ইষ্টভৃ তত্, স্বস্তযয়নী ও সদািার । ধম ধ অোৎ ধ বা​াঁিা-বাড়ার নীতত্ তবতধর মূত্রূ ধ প জীবন্ত আদিঙ্গে ধ দীক্ষার মাধযঙ্গম জীবঙ্গন গ্রিণ ও ত্া​াঁর তবধৃত্ তবতধ গুঙ্গলার অনুিীলঙ্গন আঙ্গস ত্া​াঁর প্রতত্ অনুরাগ । আর থেঙ্গষ্ঠর প্রতত্ অনুরাগই বৃতর্ত্ তনয়ন্ত্রঙ্গণর এেমাি পে । বৃতর্ত্ তনয়ন্ত্রঙ্গণ আঙ্গস বা​াঁিা-বাড়ার তনয়ম নীতত্ গুঙ্গলাঙ্গে ধারণ েরার ক্ষমত্া বা ধৃতত্ । ধৃতত্মান লাভ েঙ্গর আনন্দ ।

েীেীঠােুঙ্গরর ভাঙ্গলাবাসার অঙ্গমাঘ আেষঙ্গণ ধ ছুঙ্গি এঙ্গসঙ্গছ থোটি থোটি মানুষ । বণ, ধ মত্, ভাষা, সেদায় তনতবঙ্গিঙ্গষ ধ সবার পরম আপনজন িঙ্গয় উঠঙ্গলন তত্াঁ তন । েত্ িত্ দুবৃর্ত্ ধ ত্া​াঁর োঙ্গছ আেয় থপঙ্গয় খুঙ্গাঁ জ থপল ত্ার অেৃতর্ত্ম সর্ত্াঙ্গে । পেভ্রান্ত, পতরোন্ত পতে​ে থপঙ্গলা নত্ু ন উদযঙ্গম এতগঙ্গয় িলার থপ্ররণা । ত্া​াঁর ভাঙ্গলাবাসা ভতরঙ্গয় তদল সেল িূণযত্াঙ্গে । প্রতত্টি বযজক্তসর্ত্া থপঙ্গলা উৎসমুখী িওয়ার থপ্ররণা । তিরসুন্দর তপ্রয়পরমঙ্গে আতলেন েঙ্গর উজ্জ্বল িঙ্গয় উঠঙ্গলা মানুঙ্গষর সর্ত্া । সুন্দর, সুস্থয মানব সমাজ গঠঙ্গনর জনয েীেীঠােুঙ্গরর অত্ন্দ্র প্রয়াস । তত্তন থজার তদঙ্গলন সুতববাি ও সুপ্রজনঙ্গনর উপর । ভাঙ্গলা সন্তান জন্ম না তনঙ্গল ভাঙ্গলা সমাজ গঠন িঙ্গব োঙ্গদর তদঙ্গয় ? সন্তান পতরি​িযাধ ও পালঙ্গন ঠােুর তদঙ্গলন এে অতভনব পর্দ্তত্-িার মূল ে​োই িঙ্গলা-অনুরাঙ্গগর বা ভাঙ্গলাবাসার ি​িধা এবং আতভজাত্য থবাঙ্গধর জাগরণ । পুতাঁ েগত্ তিক্ষার সাঙ্গে তত্তন িুক্ত েরঙ্গলন অভযাস, বযবিার ও সিজ জ্ঞাঙ্গনর তিক্ষা । তত্াঁ তন আমাঙ্গদর থিখাঙ্গলন, পাতরপাতেঙ্গের ধ ভাঙ্গলা োো থি তনঙ্গজ ভাঙ্গলা োোর জনযই অপতরিািয-ধ থসই সত্য । পুরুঙ্গষার্ত্মঙ্গে থেন্দ্র েঙ্গর এে আঙ্গদঙ্গি িঙ্গল গটঠত্ িঙ্গত্ োঙ্গে এে সুন্দর সমাজ । বযজক্ত জীবন, দাম্পত্য জীবন, গািধস্থয জীবন, সমাজ জীবন, রাষ্ট্রীয় জীবঙ্গন আঙ্গস এে অতভনব আঙ্গলাড়ন । ইষ্ট থেজন্দ্রে জীবনিলনা দূরীভূ ত্ েঙ্গর প্রবৃতর্ত্ িলন জাত্ তবপিয়ঙ্গে ধ । প্রতত্টি জীবন িয় অতনবাণ ধ আঙ্গলাঙ্গে প্রোতিত্, আনন্দ উচ্ছল । েীেীঠােুঙ্গরর োঙ্গছ আমরা থপলাম ধঙ্গমরধ িোে স ধ ংজ্ঞা । তত্তন বলঙ্গলন---

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"বা​াঁিা-বাড়ার মম্ম ধ িা’ টঠেই থজঙ্গনা ধম্ম ধ ত্া’ ॥” “ধঙ্গম্ম স ধ বাই বা​াঁঙ্গি-বাঙ্গড় সেদায়িা ধম্ম ধ না থর ॥"

জীবঙ্গনর প্রতত্টি েমঙ্গে ধ িোিে ভাঙ্গব েরািাই ধম্ম ধ পালন বঙ্গল তত্তন অতভতিত্ েঙ্গরঙ্গছন । ত্া​াঁর ে​োয় -"ধম্ম ি ধ তদ নাই থর ফুিঙ্গলা জীবন-মাঙ্গঝ, তনত্য েঙ্গম্ম, ধ বাতত্ল ে’থর রাখতল ত্া’থর েী িঙ্গব থত্ার থত্মন ধঙ্গম্ম ?ধ “ আোঙ্গির ভগবান েখঙ্গনাই পাঙ্গরন না োউঙ্গে উন্নতত্র পে থদখাঙ্গত্ । নরঙ্গদিধারী জীবন্ত আদি ধ বা ভগবাঙ্গনর প্রতত্ েমময় ধ অিুি আসজক্তই পাঙ্গর বৃতর্ত্ প্রবৃতর্ত্র গজি থভদ েঙ্গর ঈের প্রাতির তদঙ্গে এতগঙ্গয় তনঙ্গয় থিঙ্গত্ । অঙ্গলৌতেত্ার বা না েঙ্গর পাওয়ার থমাঙ্গি আচ্ছন্ন না থেঙ্গে জীবন্ত আদঙ্গিরধ অনুসরঙ্গণই আঙ্গস জীবঙ্গন সাে​েত্া ধ । অসীম ভগবান ত্াই সসীম িঙ্গয় িুঙ্গগ িুঙ্গগ আঙ্গসন আমাঙ্গদর সাে​েত্ামজিত্ ধ েঙ্গর ত্ু লঙ্গত্ । থপ্রঙ্গমর োিারী পুরুঙ্গষার্ত্ম উচ্চারণ েঙ্গরন এে অঙ্গমাঘ সত্য"তবতধর তনয়ম পালতব থিমন িত্িা বা িত্িুেু, থোঁ ঙ্গি-থছাঁ ঙ্গি সব তমতলঙ্গয় পাতবও ফল ত্ত্িুেু ॥“ সবঙ্গেিনািী ধ থপ্রঙ্গমর সাগর দয়াঙ্গলর জীবন ও বাণীই িুঙ্গগর তবধান, তিরন্তন সত্য । "পুরুঙ্গষার্ত্ম আঙ্গসন িখন

সব গুরুরই সাে​েত্া ধ ত্া​াঁঙ্গে ধরঙ্গল আঙ্গস নাঙ্গো গুরু ত্যাঙ্গগর ঘৃণয ে​ো।"

সূিযধ থিমন থি থোন আঙ্গলারই উৎস এবং সূঙ্গিযর ধ অবস্থানোঙ্গল সব আঙ্গলাই ত্াঙ্গত্ সমাতিত্ । থত্মতন সৎগুরু পুরুঙ্গষার্ত্ঙ্গমর আতবভধাঙ্গব তত্তনই এেমাি অনুসরণীয় । তত্তন থিঙ্গিত্ু সবারই পতরপুরণ েঙ্গরন ত্াই ত্া​াঁঙ্গে গ্রিণ েরঙ্গল পূঙ্গবরধ থোন গুরুঙ্গেই ত্যাগ েরা িয় না । পূবপু ধ রণী বত্ধমান পুরুঙ্গষার্ত্ম ত্াই জাতত্, বণ, ধ সেদায় তনতবঙ্গিঙ্গষ ধ সেঙ্গলরই অনুসরণীয় । এবার তত্তন অপার অসীম েরুণাময় । দয়া েঙ্গর তদঙ্গলন আিািযধ পরম্পরা। ত্া​াঁর জীবন্ত প্রভাব আিািযঙ্গদঙ্গবর ধ অনুসরঙ্গণ ইষ্টঙ্গদঙ্গবর প্রতত্ ভজক্ত, ভাঙ্গলাবাসা, তনভধরত্া পূণত্া ধ পায় । আিািযঙ্গদঙ্গবর ধ অফুরন্ত, তনিঃস্বাে ধ ভাঙ্গলাবাসা প্রতত্ মুিুঙ্গত্ধই আমাঙ্গদর সঙ্গিত্ন েঙ্গর রাঙ্গখ ঈেরানুরাঙ্গগ, ইষ্ট অনুসরঙ্গণ। িুগ-িুগান্ত ধঙ্গর িলঙ্গব প্রভুর এই লীলা । দৃি েঙ্গে তবেময় থঘাতষত্ িঙ্গব জীবননাঙ্গের আগমনবাত্ধা-- "শুঙ্গনাঙ্গর ভাই, থমঙ্গর মাতলে জগৎ থে নাে....." তবস্তাঙ্গরর পঙ্গে িলাই আমাঙ্গদর সাধনা । তপ্রয়পরঙ্গমর ভাঙ্গলাবাসায় স্নাত্ িঙ্গয় ত্া​াঁর ভাঙ্গলাবাসার বাণী, ত্া​াঁর সঞ্জীবনী মন্ত্র দ্বাঙ্গর দ্বাঙ্গর থপৌ​ৌঁঙ্গছ থদওয়াই আমাঙ্গদর েত্ধবয । এই পঙ্গেই আসঙ্গব পরের সিানুভূতত্ বা তবে ভ্রাত্ৃেঙ্গবাধ, আসঙ্গব সুখ, আসঙ্গব িাতন্ত । ত্া​াঁর েীিরঙ্গণ আমাঙ্গদর এেিাই প্রােনা— ধ আতম িজক্ত, মুজক্ত িাতিঙ্গন তভক্ষা পায় । থত্ামাঙ্গর থসবার সািস তভক্ষা েতর । বতলনা েখঙ্গনা বতিঙ্গত্ আমার দায়, থপ্রম থ াঙ্গর থিন থত্ামাঙ্গর বা​াঁতধঙ্গত্ পাতর । থত্ামার থপ্রঙ্গমঙ্গত্ সবাঙ্গর আপন েঙ্গর, ত্ব শুভ নাম তনঙ্গয় িাঙ্গবা ঘঙ্গর ঘঙ্গর । ত্ব ইচ্ছায় আমার ইচ্ছা েতর, মায়ার সাগর অনায়াঙ্গস িাঙ্গবা ত্তর । বঙ্গন্দপুরুঙ্গষার্ত্ম ॥

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“আছ অনল অরনকল, রচর নভনীকল” দীপাদীতি বাগিী, আিঙ্গমদাবাদ, গুজরাি আজ থেঙ্গে প্রায় আঠাঙ্গরা বছর আঙ্গগর এে িীঙ্গত্র সোল । তদনিা তছল ২০০১ সাঙ্গলর ২৬-থি জানুয়ারী । গুিা ভারত্বষ ধ জুঙ্গড় প্রজাত্ন্ত্র তদবঙ্গসর উৎসঙ্গবর আঙ্গমজ । প্রতত্তদঙ্গনর মত্ থসতদনও সোলঙ্গবলা ঘুম থেঙ্গে উঙ্গঠ আমরা আমাঙ্গদর প্রাত্যতিে োজ ইষ্টভৃ তত্ ও প্রােনা ধ েঙ্গর তনঙ্গয় থি িার মত্ োঙ্গজ বযস্ত । আমার স্বামী আমাঙ্গে বলঙ্গলন, “গাড়ীিা disturb েরঙ্গছ; Flag hoist আঙ্গছ, office-থয় থিঙ্গত্ িঙ্গব । থোন mechanic পাই তেনা থদতখ ।” এই প্রসঙ্গে বঙ্গল রাতখ, আমার স্বামী L.I.C.-এর এেজন উচ্চপদস্থ েমিারী, ধ গুজরাঙ্গির আিঙ্গমদাবাঙ্গদ posting । আমরা L.I.C.থয়র থোয়ািধ াঙ্গরই োতে, িারত্লায় । িোরীতত্ আমার স্বামী নীঙ্গি িঙ্গল থগঙ্গলন । আমাঙ্গদর িার বছঙ্গরর থমঙ্গয় বঙ্গস বঙ্গস TV থদখতছল আর আতম পাঙ্গির থোয়ািধ াঙ্গরর এেজন মতিলার সাঙ্গে দা​াঁতড়ঙ্গয় দা​াঁতড়ঙ্গয় গল্প েরতছলাম । এতদঙ্গে আমার িরীরও ত্খন ভাল তছল না । আতম সাত্ মাঙ্গসর অন্তিঃস্বো তছলাম । টঠে থসই সমঙ্গয়ই ঘিল থসই দুঘিনা, ধ িা ভাবঙ্গল আজও আমার গাঙ্গয় ো​াঁিা থদয় । ঘতড়ঙ্গত্ ত্খন আি​িা থবঙ্গজ ঊনিতলি তমতনি । িঠাৎ েঙ্গরই প্রি​ি িঙ্গে সমস্ত তবজডংিা ভয়ঙ্করভাঙ্গব ো​াঁপঙ্গত্ শুরু েরল, পাখীঙ্গদর তিৎোর আোি​িা থিন তবদীণ ধ েঙ্গর তদঙ্গত্ লাগল । েঙ্গয়ে থসঙ্গেঙ্গির জঙ্গনয থিন আতমও িত্ভম্ব িঙ্গয় থগলাম । মুিুঙ্গত্ধর মঙ্গধয বুঝঙ্গত্ পারলাম থি এিা ভূ তমেম্প । িাতরতদঙ্গে এত্ িে, এত্ থোলািল থি েী েরঙ্গবা তেছুই বুঙ্গঝ উঠঙ্গত্ পারতছলাম না । থোনমঙ্গত্ থমঙ্গয়ঙ্গে এেিাঙ্গত্ ধঙ্গর নীঙ্গি নামঙ্গত্ শুরু েরলাম । বািান্নিা তসাঁতড় । সমস্ত তসাঁতড়গুতল থনৌোর মত্ দুলঙ্গছ । িয়ত্

এমন তবপঙ্গদর মুিুঙ্গত্ধ ঠােুরই আমাঙ্গে মঙ্গন েতরঙ্গয় তদঙ্গয়তছঙ্গলন থি আমার থছাট্ট থমঙ্গয়টিঙ্গে তনঙ্গয়ই আমাঙ্গে নামঙ্গত্ িঙ্গব । আমাঙ্গদর নীঙ্গির ত্লায় োেঙ্গত্ন এে পাঞ্জাতব তিখ ভদ্রঙ্গলাে ওনার পতরবার তনঙ্গয় । থসই ঘঙ্গরর থছঙ্গলিা এঙ্গস এেিাঙ্গত্ আমাঙ্গে ধরঙ্গলা, অনযিাঙ্গত্ ধরঙ্গলা ওর মাঙ্গে । আতম ত্খন তিৎোর েঙ্গর েঙ্গর শুধু ঠােুরঙ্গেই থ ঙ্গে িঙ্গলতছ আর নীঙ্গি নামতছ । আমার মঙ্গন িঙ্গত্ লাগল থি ক্রমাগত্ শুধু থনঙ্গমই িঙ্গলতছ তেন্তু ত্বুও রাস্তা ফুরুঙ্গচ্ছ না । সমস্ত তসাঁতড়গুঙ্গলা থদালনার মত্ দুলঙ্গছ । িাতরতদঙ্গে অসম্ভব তিৎোর থিাঁ িাঙ্গমতির আওয়াজ । নীঙ্গি নামঙ্গত্ই আমার স্বামী থদৌ​ৌঁঙ্গড় এঙ্গস থমঙ্গয়ঙ্গে থোঙ্গল ত্ু ঙ্গল তনঙ্গলন । আতম োন্নায় থভঙ্গঙ পড়লাম । আমার স্বামী বলঙ্গলন “থত্ামাঙ্গদর আতম তিৎোর েঙ্গর ােতছলাম...... ।” এেিু থিত্ন িওয়ার পর থদখলাম িাতরতদঙ্গে থলাঙ্গে থলাোরণয । শুনলাম গুজরাঙ্গি ভীষণ ভূ তমেম্প িঙ্গয় থগঙ্গছ, তরখিার থস্কঙ্গল িার ত্ীব্রত্া তছল ৭.৯ ! ভয়ঙ্কর ক্ষতত্ িঙ্গয়ঙ্গগঙ্গছ পুঙ্গরা গুজরাঙ্গি । েত্ থলাে থি মারা থগঙ্গছ ত্ার টঠে থনই । থদঙ্গির সঙ্গে গুজরাঙ্গির সমস্ত থিাগাঙ্গিাগ তবজচ্ছন্ন িঙ্গয় থগঙ্গছ । আমাঙ্গদর থোয়ািধ াঙ্গরর সব থমঙ্গয়ঙ্গছঙ্গলরা নীঙ্গি বঙ্গসতছলাম । পুরুষরা বলঙ্গলন, “থত্ামরা এখাঙ্গন বস, আমরা থদঙ্গখ আতস থোোয় েী ক্ষতত্ িঙ্গয়ঙ্গছ ।” এইে​ো বঙ্গল ওনারা িঙ্গল থগঙ্গলন । এতদঙ্গে আতম বঙ্গস বঙ্গস ভাবতছ তেভাঙ্গব ঠােুর আমাঙ্গদর বা​াঁিাঙ্গলন । আতম অন্তিঃস্বো, পঙ্গড় থগঙ্গল তে িঙ্গত্া । এসব সাত্-পা​াঁি ভাবতছ । োন্নাও পাজচ্ছল খুব । বাড়ীঙ্গত্ খবর থদঙ্গবা তেভাঙ্গব, থফান বন্ধ । প্রসেত্িঃ বঙ্গল রাতখ, আতম থদওঘঙ্গরর

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থমঙ্গয় । আমার ভাই দীপ থদওঘঙ্গর োঙ্গে । এইরেম অঙ্গনেতেছুই ভাবতছ । ভাবঙ্গত্ ভাবঙ্গত্ সোল এগাঙ্গরািা থবঙ্গজ থগল । আতম আমার থমঙ্গয়ঙ্গে বললাম, “মামতণ, ত্ু তম aunti-থদর সাঙ্গে োে, আতম ঠােুরঙ্গভাগ তদঙ্গয় আতস ।” থছাট্ট থমঙ্গয়টি ফযাল-ফযাল েঙ্গর আমার তদঙ্গে ত্াতেঙ্গয় বলঙ্গলা, “মা ত্ু তম ঠােুরঙ্গভাগ তদঙ্গয়ই িঙ্গল আসঙ্গব, আমার জঙ্গনয খাবার বানাঙ্গত্ িঙ্গব না, থদরী েঙ্গরানা মা ।” মাঙ্গন ও ওইিুেু বয়ঙ্গস আমাঙ্গে বলঙ্গত্ থিঙ্গয়তছল ওর জঙ্গনয রান্না েরঙ্গত্ তগঙ্গয় আতম থিন এেদম সময় নষ্ট না েতর, শুধু ঠােুরঙ্গভাগ তদঙ্গয়ই থিন নীঙ্গি িঙ্গল আতস । ধীঙ্গর-ধীঙ্গর আতম উঙ্গঠ দা​াঁড়ালাম । সবাইঙ্গে বললাম, “ওঙ্গে এেিু থদঙ্গখা, আতম ঠােুরঙ্গভাগ তদঙ্গয়ই িঙ্গল আসঙ্গবা ।” সবাই এেসাঙ্গে তিৎোর েঙ্গর বলঙ্গত্ আরম্ভ েরল---“থত্ামার তে মাো খারাপ িঙ্গয় থগঙ্গছ ! ঠােুর থদখঙ্গত্ পাঙ্গচ্ছন আমাঙ্গদর েীরেম তবপদ, ত্ু তম এেদম থোোও থিও না ।” আতম বললাম, “রক্ষা েরার মাতলে তত্াঁ তন । তেন্তু আমার এইসময় ঠােুরঙ্গভাগ থদওয়ার োজ আর আমাঙ্গে থসিা েরঙ্গত্ই িঙ্গব । দয়া েঙ্গর থত্ামরা আমার থমঙ্গয়িাঙ্গে এেিু থদঙ্গখা ।” এই বঙ্গল পরমতপত্ার নাম েরঙ্গত্ েরঙ্গত্ আতম তসাঁতড় থবঙ্গয় উঠঙ্গত্ লাগলাম । ঘঙ্গরর সামঙ্গন িখন এলাম, ত্খন আবার থজাঙ্গর ধাক্কা । নীি থেঙ্গে সবাই তিৎোর েরঙ্গত্ লাগল “ভাবী থনঙ্গম এঙ্গসা......।” প্রসেত্িঃ বঙ্গল রাতখ, এইরেম থছাি-থছাি ধাক্কা প্রায় এেমাস তছল । িাইঙ্গিাে, ঠােুঙ্গরর োঙ্গছ প্রােনা ধ েরলাম থি ঠােুর রক্ষা ের, নীঙ্গি আমার থছাট্ট থমঙ্গয়িা আঙ্গছ । ও ভয় পাঙ্গচ্ছ । আঙ্গস্ত-আঙ্গস্ত ঠােুরঘঙ্গরর োজ থসঙ্গর থভাগ লাগাঙ্গত্ বসলাম । টঠে ওইসময় আবার ধাক্কা । আতম ঠােুরঙ্গে বললাম,--“ঠােুর ত্ু তম িান্ত ের । েত্ মানুষ মারা থগল, েত্ মানুঙ্গষর েত্ েষ্ট ! ত্ু তম রক্ষা েঙ্গরা প্রভু ।”

এেিা বযাপার লক্ষয েরলাম থি, আমাঙ্গদর ঘঙ্গরর থোন জজতনস এেিুল ও এতদে থসতদে িয়তন অেি পাঙ্গির থোয়ািধ াঙ্গরর অঙ্গনে জজতনস পঙ্গড় থভঙ্গে থগঙ্গছ । তবোলঙ্গবলা আবার প্রােনার ধ সময় উপঙ্গর এঙ্গস প্রােনা ধ েরলাম । তেন্তু আমরা থেউই থোয়ািধ াঙ্গর োতেতন । জানুয়ারী মাঙ্গসর প্রবল িীঙ্গত্র রাঙ্গত্ও প্রায় পঙ্গনঙ্গরা তদন আমরা থখালা আোঙ্গির নীঙ্গি থেঙ্গেতছ । থখঙ্গয়তছ পাউরুটি, তবস্কুি তেংবা বড়ঙ্গজার তখিুড়ী । এতদঙ্গে খবর থপঙ্গয় থদওঘঙ্গর মা আর ভাই পাগঙ্গলর মঙ্গত্া িঙ্গয় থগঙ্গছ । ঘিনার তদন অঙ্গনে থিষ্টা েঙ্গরও িখন আমাঙ্গদর সাঙ্গে থোন থিাগাঙ্গিাগ েরা সম্ভব িয়তন, ত্খন তবঙ্গেলঙ্গবলা আমার ভাই আিািযঙ্গদঙ্গবর ধ (েীেীঠােুঙ্গরর ত্ৃত্ীয় পুরুষ) োঙ্গছ ো​াঁদঙ্গত্ ো​াঁদঙ্গত্ সবতেছু জানাঙ্গলা । আিািযঙ্গদব ধ পূজযপাদ েীেীদাদা বলঙ্গলন, “মা-থে তগঙ্গয় বল্ আতম বলতছ, িারা তনয়তমত্ তনষ্ঠাভঙ্গর ইষ্টভৃ তত্ েঙ্গর, পরমতপত্া ত্াঙ্গদর রক্ষা েঙ্গরন ; মাঙ্গে খাওয়া-দাওয়া েরঙ্গত্ বল ।” এর পরতদন সোঙ্গল প্রােনার ধ পর আতম ভাইঙ্গয়র সাঙ্গে থিতলঙ্গফাঙ্গন থিাগাঙ্গিাগ েরঙ্গত্ পারলাম । থিতলঙ্গফাঙ্গনর দুতদঙ্গে দুজন পরেঙ্গরর ে​ো শুঙ্গন ো​াঁদঙ্গত্ ো​াঁদঙ্গত্ অনুভব েরলাম পরমতপত্ার দয়ার পরি । আমার ভাই থফান থরঙ্গখই আিািযঙ্গদব ধ েীেীদাদাঙ্গে খবর তদঙ্গত্ থগল । আিািযঙ্গদব ধ ও ভাইঙ্গয়র োঙ্গছ আমাঙ্গদর োো-খাওয়ার বযপাঙ্গর থখা​াঁজখবর তনঙ্গলন । এর তেছুতদন পর আমার থপঙ্গি ি​িাৎ িন্ত্রণা শুরু িঙ্গলা । ত্খন সবাই আমাঙ্গে াক্তার থদখাঙ্গত্ তনঙ্গয় থগঙ্গলন । আতম ভাবতছলাম, এখনওঙ্গত্া সময় িয়তন, তে আবার তবপদ িঙ্গলা থে জাঙ্গন ! াক্তারবাবু থদঙ্গখ জানাঙ্গলন, গঙ্গভধ বাচ্চার পজজিনিা উঙ্গে থগঙ্গছ, দু-এে তদন rest

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তনঙ্গয় তনন্ । পরমতপত্ার দয়ায় সময়মঙ্গত্া আমার পুি সন্তান িঙ্গলা । নাি্, আর থোন অসুতবধা িয়তন । আমার বাবা স্বগীয় দীননাে িমা ধ প্রায়ি​িঃই বলঙ্গত্ন,--- “পরমতপত্ার ইচ্ছা ছাড়া গাঙ্গছর এেিা পাত্াও নঙ্গড় না, সবসময় ত্া​াঁর দয়া অনুভব েরঙ্গত্ িয় ।” আর আমার মা বঙ্গলন,---“আমরা থি োস-প্রোস তনজচ্ছ, এিাও ত্া​াঁরই দয়া ।” আর সতত্যই থত্া, ত্া​াঁর দয়াঙ্গত্ই এমন ভীষণ তবপঙ্গদও আমরা রক্ষা থপঙ্গয় তগঙ্গয়তছলাম । আিািযঙ্গদব ধ পূজযপাদ েীেীদাদা বিুবার আমার োঙ্গছ এই গল্প শুঙ্গনঙ্গছন আর বঙ্গলতছঙ্গলন, পারঙ্গল তলতখস । ত্া​াঁরই আিীবাদ ধ মাোয় তনঙ্গয় এই ক্ষুদ্র প্রঙ্গিষ্টা । জয়গুরু ॥

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॥ ত্া​াঁর দয়া ॥ তিবানী সািা, েলোত্া (পূব প্র ধ োতিঙ্গত্র পর) আমার স্বস্তযয়নী ব্রত্ গ্রিণ েরার পর আমার জীবঙ্গন অজস্র ঘিনা ঘঙ্গি থগঙ্গছ । তেন্তু পরমতপত্ার অঙ্গিষ দয়ায় সব পরীক্ষাঙ্গত্ই আতম সফলভাঙ্গব উর্ত্ীণ ধ িঙ্গত্ থপঙ্গরতছ । থি তবষয়িা তনঙ্গয় আমাঙ্গদর পতরবাঙ্গরর সবাই খুব উতদ্বগ্ন তছঙ্গলন, থসই আমার তবঙ্গয় থদওয়া তনঙ্গয় থোন সমসযাই িয়তন । বরং আতম থিন স্বস্তযয়নী ব্রত্ টঠে টঠে পালন েরঙ্গত্ পাতর থসতদঙ্গে আমার স্বামীর সবসময়ই সত্েধ দৃটষ্ট । ঠােুঙ্গরর প্রতত্ তনষ্ঠা ও গভীর ভালবাসা োেঙ্গল, ত্া​াঁর আদি ধ ও অনুিাসন থমঙ্গন িলঙ্গল আমরা থি েত্ভাঙ্গব েত্ অমেল এতড়ঙ্গয় িলঙ্গত্ পাতর, ত্ার প্রমাণ আতম তনজ জীবঙ্গন বিুবার অনুভব েরঙ্গত্ থপঙ্গরতছ । পরম তপত্ার দয়ায় আমাঙ্গদর পর পর দুই থছঙ্গল িয় । তদ্বত্ীয় থছঙ্গলর জঙ্গন্মর দু’মাস পঙ্গর আমরা জানঙ্গত্ পারলাম থি ওর heart-থয় এেিা major problem আঙ্গছ আর থসজনয সাজধাতর েরাঙ্গত্ িঙ্গব । আমাঙ্গদর জীবঙ্গন থিন এেিা োঙ্গলাঙ্গমঙ্গঘর ছায়া থনঙ্গম এঙ্গলা । ওর এত্ সুন্দর growth িজচ্ছল, weight gain িজচ্ছল থি থদঙ্গখ থবাঝার থোন উপায়ই থনই থি ওর থোন িারীতরে সমসযা আঙ্গছ । তেন্তু ওর এই over weight োোিাই ওর pre আর post surgery থত্ help েরঙ্গলা । পরমতপত্ার অজচ্ছল আিীবাঙ্গদ ধ আমার থছঙ্গলর operation খুব সুষ্ঠুভাঙ্গবই সম্পন্ন িয় । থছঙ্গলও খুব ত্াড়াত্াতড় recover েরঙ্গলা । পরমতপত্া থিন সবতেছু সাজজঙ্গয়ই থরঙ্গখ তদঙ্গয়তছঙ্গলন । তত্াঁ তন আমাঙ্গদরঙ্গে তবপদ আপদ থবড়াজাঙ্গল থফঙ্গলন িাঙ্গত্ তেনা আমরা আমাঙ্গদর ইষ্টঙ্গদবত্াঙ্গে বুঝঙ্গত্ পাতর, আরও ত্া​াঁর িঙ্গয় উঠঙ্গত্ পাতর । থসানা থিমন আগুঙ্গন না তদঙ্গল খা​াঁটি িয়না,

থত্মতন আমরাও এইসব আপদ তবপঙ্গদ ত্া​াঁঙ্গে ধঙ্গর িলঙ্গল আরও শুর্দ্ িঙ্গয় উঠঙ্গত্ পাতর । আঙ্গরেিা বযাপার, আমার জীবঙ্গন ঘঙ্গি িাওয়া নানা বা​াঁধা-তবপতর্ত্ থদঙ্গখ আমার তেছু পতরতিত্ জন আমায় বলঙ্গত্ন থি এগুতল গ্রিঙ্গদাষ, ত্াই আতম থিন তেছু পাের বা গ্রিরত্ন ধারণ েতর । তেন্তু আতম থোনতদনও ত্া থদইতন । োরণ, পূজযপাদ বাবাইদাদা এেবার বলতছঙ্গলন থি, “পরমতপত্ার থদওয়া সবেিা তদনই ভাল, সবই আমাঙ্গদর থদখার উপর তনভধর েঙ্গর থি থোনিা ভাল আর থোনিা মন্দ । এেিা গ্লাঙ্গসর জল থদঙ্গখ আমরা বলঙ্গত্ পাতর অঙ্গর্দ্ধে খাতল বা অঙ্গর্দ্ধে ভতত্ধ, সবতেছুই থদখার উপর তনভধর েঙ্গর ।” েীেীঠােুর বঙ্গলঙ্গছন, “ইষ্টিাঙ্গনর অঙ্গমাঘ িলায় / থদখঙ্গব অঙ্গনে গ্রঙ্গির থফর, / খাতব থখঙ্গয় পাঙ্গে থগঙ্গছ / থরঙ্গখ সৎ-এর ঝলে থজর । [ অনুশ্রুতত্ ১ম খি, পৃিঃ ২৩২ ] ত্াই, আমাঙ্গদরঙ্গে িলঙ্গত্ িঙ্গব ত্া​াঁঙ্গে টঠে টঠে পতরপালন েঙ্গর । তত্াঁ তন িা িা বঙ্গল তদঙ্গয়ঙ্গছন ত্াই েরঙ্গবা তবনা আপতর্ত্ঙ্গত্, তবনা ওজঙ্গর বরং পরম আনঙ্গন্দ । আর ত্ািঙ্গলই আমরা আমাঙ্গদর জীবঙ্গনর বা​াঁিার পে খুঙ্গাঁ জ পাঙ্গবা । “ওঙ্গর আমার পাগলা মন, ত্ু ই তিসাব েঙ্গর িতলস্ । থত্ার ভাবা বলা িলার সাঙ্গে িয় না থিন ঊতনি-তবি । িজন-িাজন-ইষ্টভৃ তত্ ভাবা বলা েরার নীতত্,--এই ে​োটি রাতখস মঙ্গন, সফলত্ার পাতব িতদস ॥” [বন্দনাগীতত্সুধা]

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ह िं दी सूहिपत्र

कथा प्रसं ग ---------------------------------------------------------------- प्रश्नकर्ा​ा -श्री सु शील चंद्र बसु

आर्ा सभ्यर्ा की एक झलक --------------------------------------------------स्वराष्ट्र श्रीवास्तव 'स्वर'

श्रीश्री ठाकुर जी का शशक्षा दशान ----------------------------------------------------- श्री राजेंद्र पुहाण

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कथा प्रसङ्ग शिर्ीर् खण्ड प्रश्नकर्त्ा​ा : श्री सु शीलचंद्र बसु प्रश्न । भगवान श्रीरामकृष्ण कहर्े हैं शक जीवकोटी और ईश्वरकोटी दो-र्रह के लोग हैं , – उसका अथा क्या है ? श्रीश्रीठाकुरजी । जीवन और वृ द्धि में शजनकी और अशिक होने की अनु सद्धित्सा प्रबल है – जैसे की ऐशी सहज भाव, जुनून बनकर चलर्ा है , वही लोग ही सािारणर्ः र्ह सहज भगवर्​् अनुसद्धित्साशील होर्े हैं – सािारणर्ः इसी को ही ईश्वरकोटी कहा जार्ा है । उनकी चेर्ना, स्वप्न दे खकर भू ल जाने पर भी जैसे स्वप्न का बोि रहर्ा है , परं र्ु क्या दे खा है र्ाद नही ं रहर्ा ― उसके बारे में शकर्ना कुछ सोचर्े हैं , उनकी अवस्था भी इसी प्रकार होर्ी है । वे लोग सवा समर् घूमर्े हैं , कहा​ाँ शकसके पास जाने से कैसे वह शमलेगा । जहा​ाँ कही ं भी वै सी सू चना शमलर्ी है , र्भी सं पूणा भाव से उसको लेकर ही परम अनुरद्धि से मर्वाला हो जार्ा है उसको लेकर । और, जो वृ शर्त्-परार्ण हैं , अनु सद्धित्सा शजनकी है वृ शर्त् की खुराक की शचंर्ा लेकर मगन हैं –कुछ बड़ा पाने के प्रलोभन से , जो उनको पसं द है वह छोड़ने को शबल्कुल मन नही ं करर्ा, जबशक वह छोड़ने से और अच्छा शमलेगा र्ह समझर्े हुए भी एक पग आगे बढ़ने को नाराज़ है , वै से को ही जीवकोटी कहा जा सकर्ा है ।* और, इसीशलए ही जो ईश्वरकोटी हैं , उनकी चेर्ना सहज-साड़ाप्रवण और ग्रहणक्षम है इसशलए वे लोग शकसी भी अवस्था में खुद को हारने नही ं दे र्े ; हर समर् ही वे सब अवस्थाओं को ऊपर खड़े होकर उपभोग कर सकर्े हैं , र्ह उनके शलए सहज है ; अर्ः वे लोग ऐसे की शनर्व्वेद समाशि से भी लौटकर दु शनर्ा को अमृ र् की वाणी सु ना सकर्े हैं ।* और जीवकोटी जो हैं , वे प्रार्शः वृ शर्त् की चक्की में बे होश रहर्े हैं , जैसी भी अवस्था क्यों न आए, उसमें वे उसी प्रकार का स्वरूप ही लाभ करर्े हैं – अवस्था जैसे उनके अद्धस्तत्व को भू र् की

र्रह जकड़ लेर्ी है । इसशलए उनका चैर्न्य वै सा जड़ – कम साड़ाप्रवण होर्ा है । वे लोग प्रार्शः शकसी शकसी वृ शर्त् के माध्यम से इष्ट् में अनुरि रहर्े हैं ; और इसशलए शकसी शवराट अशभव्यद्धि के अंदर शगरने से वे लोग उिर ही ज़ब्त हो जार्े हैं – उनके अद्धस्तत्व को, वह अवस्था ही पूणारूप से हज़म कर लेर्ी है – एकदम र्द् -स्वारूप्य में ही पररवशर्ा र् हो जार्े हैं । इसशलए वे लोग और स्वारूप्य में दु शनर्ा में वापस आकर दु शनर्ा को कुछ दें गे उसका कुछ उपार् नही ं रहर्ा । र्ह है जीवकोटी की बार् । ----------------------------------------------------* ऐसा पटाखा है जो आग लगर्े ही एक पल में जल उठर्ा है । र्शद साध्य-सािना कर ऊपर जार्ा है र्ो और शिर नीचे आकर खबर नही ं दे र्ा । जीवकोटी का साध्य-सािना कर समाशि हो सकर्ा है , परं र्ु समाशि के बाद नीचे आ नही ं सकर्ा– आने पर भी खबर नही ं दे सकर्ा । * स्थूल, सू क्ष्म, कारण, महाकारण । महाकारण में जानेपर चुप, वहा​ाँ बार् नही ं चलर्ी । ईश्वरकोटी महाकारण में जाकर प्रत्या​ावर्ा न कर सकर्े हैं । अवर्ार आशद ईश्वरकोटी होर्े हैं । वे ऊपर उठर्े हैं , और नीचे भी उर्र सकर्े हैं । छर्पर उठकर शिर सीढ़ी से होकर नीचे उर्रकर र्ार्ार्ार् कर सकर्े हैं । अनुलोम शवलोम । सार् मंशजला इमारर्, कोई बारह मंशज़ला घर र्क जा सकर्े हैं । राजपुत्र हैं , अपना घर है , सार्वे मंशज़ले में जाना-आना कर सकर्े हैं । एक-एक पटाखा है , एकबार में एक प्रकार का िूल शनकलर्ा है , कुछ दे र बाद और एक प्रकार का, बाद में और एक प्रकार । इनकी अनेक प्रकार के िूल शनकलने से िुरसर् नही ं । – श्रीरामकृष्ण-कथामृर्, २र् खंड ( अनुवादक : सु शमर् पटे ल )

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आर्य सभ्यता की एक झलक स्वराष्ट्र श्रीवास्तव 'स्वर'

"आर्ा भारर् वर्ा मेरा ज्ञान गररमा गशवा नी । द् र्ु शर् प्रेक्षा स्फुरक प्रज्ञा द् र्ु लोक-दीप कमशलनी ।।" -श्रीश्री ठाकुर अनुकूल चंद्र भारर्वर्ा के शवख्यार् आर्ा ऋशर् श्रीश्री ठाकुर अनुकूल चंद्र जी के अनु सार शवश्व की सबसे प्राचीन सभ्यर्ाओं में अग्रगण्य आर्ा सभ्यर्ा का जन्म आज से हज़ारों वर्ा पूवा िरर्ी के उर्त्री ध्रु व (North Pole) पर हुआ था । श्रीश्री ठाकुर जी के मर्ानु सार शवश्व भर में आर्ा जाशर् ही एकमात्र ऐसी जाशर् थी शजसने सवा प्रथम ज़मीन से िसल उगाना सीखा और शिर र्ही परम्परा शवश्व भर में प्रसाररर् होर्ी चली गर्ी । ARYA-ITS MEANING "The meaning of the word 'Arya' is - to go, to cultivate, to achieve." -Sree Sree Thakur (The Message Vol.9) श्रीश्री ठाकुर जी के अनुसार 'आर्ा' शब्द सं स्कृर् के 'ऋ' िार्ु से उत्पन्न है शजसका अथा है शवस्तार और वृ द्धि । आर्ा वाद का मूल उद्दे श्य ही रहा है मानव जीवन का सवा​ां गीण शवकास और उन्नशर् । ARYAN CULTURE "He who adopts a culture of life and growth- is Aryan". -Sree Sree Thakur (The Message Vol. 9) हावा डा र्ु शनवशसा टी के प्रोफ़ेसर शमस्टर ई. जे . स्पेंसर के साथ वार्ा​ा लाप के शसलशसले में श्रीश्री ठाकुर जी ने एकबार कहा शक आज से हज़ारों वर्ा पूवा आर्ा लोग उर्त्री ध्रु व पर वास शकर्ा करर्े थे । उर्त्री ध्रु व की जलवार्ु र्ब उर्नी कठोर नही ं थी शजर्नी की आज है । वहा​ाँ का र्ापमान सामान्य था और जीवन जीने के र्ोग्य था । पर कालां र्र में िीरे िीरे वहा​ाँ का मौसम अत्याशिक ठण्डा होने लगा शजसके उपरान्त वहा​ाँ रहना अत्यांर् दु ष्कर हो गर्ा । और शिर आर्ा

लोग नीचे र्ानी दशक्षण की ओर आने को बाध्य हुए । वहा​ाँ से एक जत्था अरब और इस्त्राएल दे श(Middle East) की ओर चला गर्ा और एक जत्था मध्य एशशर्ा की र्रि चला आर्ा । वही ं कुछ दल पूवी और मध्य र्ू रोपीर् दे श जैसे रूस और जमा नी की ओर बढ़ गर्े । और एक अहम शहस्सा आ गर्ा भारर् वर्ा में । इस रोचक र्थ्य के कई सारे वै ज्ञाशनक एवं ऐशर्हाशसक प्रमाण भी पाए गए हैं । अबी और र्हूदी भार्ा में सं स्कृर् से शमलर्े जुलर्े कई शब्द पार्े गर्े हैं । श्रीश्री ठाकुर जी के अनुसार सं स्कृर् का शब्द "आब्रह्म" र्हूदी भार्ा के "अब्राहम" और अरबी भार्ा के "इब्राशहम" से मेल खार्ा है । वहीं रूस में "ओम" नदी का होना एक सीिा प्रमाण है शक आर्ा लोग वहा​ाँ रहर्े थे । अिगाशनस्तान में "शहं दुकुश" पवा र् का होना और र्ू रोप एवं मध्य एशशर्ा में "आमीशनर्ा", "र्ू रल" जैसे नाम वास्तशवक प्रमाण हैं शक वे जगहें प्राचीन काल में आर्ों का शनवास स्थल रही हैं । वही ं भारर्वर्ा की हर एक भार्ा में सं स्कृर् शब्दों का पार्ा जाना भी र्ह दशा​ा र्ा है शक आर्ा लोग सम्पूणा भारर् वर्ा के हर एक कोने में व्याप्त थे । श्रीश्री ठाकुर जी के मर्ानुसार आर्ों के शदए हुए प्रत्याेक सं स्कार एवं नीशर्-शनर्म बड़े ही वै ज्ञाशनक एवं जीवन वृ द्धिप्रद हैं । आर्ों से सारे शवश्व ने बहुर् र्रह की शशक्षा ग्रहण की परन्तु दु भा​ा ग्यवश आज पाश्चात्या सभ्यर्ा के दबाव में हमारी र्ह महान सभ्यर्ा जजार हो चुकी है । आर्ा सभ्यर्ा में समर् समर् पर अगशणर् ऋशर्गणों एवं प्रेररर् पुरुर्ों का आगमन भी हुआ शजन्ोंने इस सभ्यर्ा को एक अनुपम स्वरूप प्रदान शकर्ा । श्रीश्री ठाकुर जी के मर्ानु सार भगवान मनु , भगवान राम, भगवान कृष्ण, भगवान बु ि, र्हा​ाँ र्क की मोहम्मद रसू ल एवं ईसा मसीह भी आर्ा रि वहनकारी हैं । इनकी दी हुर्ी शशक्षाओं में भी बहुर् मेल पार्ा गर्ा है ।

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हमारे प्राचीन ऋशर् एवं महात्माओं ने अनेक जप र्प सािन करके बहुर् से उर्त्म सं स्कार शदए शजससे की हमारा समाज उन्नर् स्तर र्क जा सके जैसे-एक ईश्वरवाद, वणा​ा श्रम-शविान, शववाह-नीशर् इत्या​ाशद । एक बार आर्ा सभ्यर्ा के शवर्र् में प्रसं ग उठने पर श्रीश्री ठाकुर ने कहा-"आर्ा लोग क्या थे उसकी कल्पना भी नही ं की जा सकर्ी है । शवप्र, क्षशत्रर् , वै श्यों के प्रिानों को लेकर Cabinet formed (मंत्रीमंडल गठन) होर्ा था । प्रिानों के प्रिान होर्े थे । इस प्रकार एक सुं दर gradation (पर्ा​ा र्) था । जो शजर्ने अशिक की पूशर्ा करर्े थे , वे उर्ने ही बड़े प्रिान बनर्े थे । प्रिानमंत्री सवा दा ठीक ही रहर्े थे । उपर्ु ि लोक शनवा​ा चन को लेकर शकसी र्रह का हो हं गामा नही ं मचर्ा था । भारर्वर्ा पर दू सरा दे श आक्रमण करने का साहस नही ं कर सकर्ा था । सारा राष्ट्र खूब compact (सं हर्) रहर्ा था । अनुलोम शववाह की प्रथा रहने के कारण सारा राष्ट्र एक सू त्र में बं िा था, उससे evolution ( क्रमोन्नशर्) में सु शविा होर्ी थी - र्थाक्रम पा​ाँ च, सार् और चौदह पीशढ़र्ों र्क लगार्ार क्षशत्रर्, वै श्य और शूद्रों में र्शद Brahmanic instinct (ब्राह्मण्य सं स्कार) दे खा जार्ा था र्ो उन्ें शवप्र बना शदर्ा जार्ा था । इस र्रह से उन्नशर् का पथ खुला था । " -(आलोचना प्रसं ग प्रथम खण्ड पृष्ठ 2-3) वर्ा मान र्ु ग में श्रीश्री ठाकुर अनकूल जी ने समूचे आर्ा वर्ा को आह्वान शकर्ा है शजससे शक हम जागें और र्ाद करें शक हम कौन हैं । हमारे रि में अदभु र् ज्वाला है और हमारे एक-एक कोर् में असं ख्य दै व गु ण मौजू द हैं । श्रीश्री ठाकुर जी इस र्ु ग में आर्े हैं हमे अपनी भू ली हुई कृशष्ट् की महर्त्ा को समझाने और हमे जगाने र्ाशक हमारा भारर्वर्ा पुनः शवश्व गु रु बन उठे और सारे आकाश में शनमोि आह्वान ध्वशन गूाँ ज उठे "आर्ा स्थान शपर्ृ स्थान उच्च सबसे पूर्ामाण । अमर रहे आर्ा वाद जाग उठे आर्ा जार् ।।" -श्रीश्री ठाकुर अनुकूल चंद्र वं दे पुरुर्ोर्त्मम् । Page 49 JANUARY 2018 BLISS

श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी का हिक्षादियन श्री राजेंद्र पुहाण

परम् प्रेममर् श्रीश्रीठाकुर अनुकूल चन्द्र जी का शशक्षादशान अत्यां र् व्यापक है । र्ु गावर्ार श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी के शशक्षादशान की र्ह आलोचना शसिा एक उनकी भाविारा को सामने रखने का एक मामूली प्रर्ास मात्र है । श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी के मर्ानु सार, शशक्षा = शशक्ष् + अ + आ ; शशक्षा शब्द 'शक् ' िार्ु से उत्पन्न है , शजसका अथा है - शद्धि , सामथ्या ,र्ोग्यर्ा और से वा । शशक्षा के इस िार्ु गर् शवश्ले र्ण के अनुसार श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी ने कहा है -"शशक्षा वही है , शजससे व्यद्धि जीवन और चररत्र में सवा र्ोभाव से र्ोग्य हो उठर्ा है , दक्षर्ा लाभ करर्ा है । ( बागथा दीशपका पृष्ठ 129 ) श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी ने कहा है :दीक्षा लेकर शशक्षा िरो , आचार्ा को करके सार , आचरणी बोि चर्न से , ज्ञान का सागर होजा पार । श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी की इस वाणी से स्पष्ट् है की शशक्षा के मूल में है 'दीक्षा ' । शशक्षा साथाक होर्ी है दीक्षा के माध्यम से । शवद्यालर् की शशक्षा के साथ साथ छात्र छात्राएं र्शद सद् गु रु की दीक्षा ग्रहण करके चलर्े हैं , शिर उनकी अशनष्ट्कारी प्रवृ शर्त् शनर्ं शत्रर् होर्ी है और उनका बौद्धिक शवकास होने के साथ साथ वे परम ज्ञान के अशिकारी हो उठर्े हैं । क्योंशक सद् गु रु पुरुर्ोर्त्म हैं परम ज्ञानी वे र्त्ा पुरुर् । जहा​ाँ से सभी ज्ञान और र्त्त्ों का उद्भव हुआ है । परम् कल्याणकारी वार्ा​ा लेकर आर्े हैं वे हर र्ु ग में । इस र्ु ग के परम् पुरुर् श्रीश्रीठाकुर अनुकूल चन्द्र जगर् के कल्याण के शलए जो शशक्षा पिशर् दे कर गए हैं , वह सभी के शलए अनुसरणीर् हैं । उनकी हजारों हजार वाणी और कृशर् आचरण आज सभी छात्र, छात्रा और शशक्षक र्था जन समाज को एक कल्याणकारी व्रर् पालन में व्रर्ी

कर रही है । इसीशलए वे हैं परम् शशक्षक जगद् गु रु । वही हैं आदशा र्ा इष्ट् । सु शशशक्षर् और सु संहर् जीवन र्ापन करने के शलए , आचार्ा र्ा र्ु ग- पुरुर्ोर्त्म की 'दीक्षा ' अत्या​ावश्यक है । क्योंशक आचार्ा र्ा र्ु गोपर्ोगी पुरुर्ोर्त्म हैं शशक्षा के मूर्त्ा प्रर्ीक । इसीशलए , आचार्ा की दीक्षा ग्रहण करके उनके प्रशर् केंद्राशर्र् से वा के माध्यम से मनुष्य के अभ्यास और व्यवहार सु शनर्ां शत्रर् हो जार्े हैं । श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी कहर्े हैं , " अभ्यास व्यवहार अच्छा शजर्ना शशशक्षर् होर्ा वह जन उर्ना । “

श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी चाहर्े थे शशक्षा होनी चाशहए "Man making education, character making education " श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी ने आिु शनक समाज में प्रचशलर् शशक्षापिशर् की गं भीर आलोचना की है । उनके मर् में आिु शनक शशक्षा केवल शडग्री (Degree ) हाशसल करने के शलए है । छात्र सोचर्े हैं , शकसी भी र्रह से एक उच्चर्र शडग्री र्ा उपाशि हाशसल कर लेने से उनकी शशक्षा समाप्त हो गर्ी । र्हा​ाँ र्क की आिु शनक र्ु ग में छात्र गण शडग्री हाशसल करने के शलए परीक्षा में नकल करने में भी पीछे नहीं हट रहे हैं । शशक्षा का लक्ष्य है चररत्र गठन । आिु शनक शशक्षा चररत्र गठन को महत्त् नहीं दे कर केवल छात्रों को पुस्तक का ज्ञान आहरण करने की प्रेरणा दे रही है । अंग्रेजी ( English ) में दो शब्द हैं । Education (शशक्षा ) और Literation( आक्षररक ज्ञान ) र्ह दोनों शब्द समथी नही ं हैं । Literation( आक्षररक ज्ञान ) का अथा हुआशलखना - पढ़ना - जानना , उसके साथ चररत्र गठन का कोई सं पका नहीं है । लेशकन Education ( शशक्षा ) का अथा है चररत्र गठन , Habits ( अभ्यास ) और Behavior (

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व्यवहार ) को ठीक करना । र्ु ग पुरुर्ोर्त्म श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी की भार्ा में " Degree is not the criterion of education ". ( Message Vol VIII page 65 ) " Degree is not the measure of learning "( Message Vol VIII page 64 ) Degree के साथ शजसका चररत्र उन्नर् नहीं है ,अभ्यास व्यवहार शजसका सु शनर्ं शत्रर् नही ं है ,शजसके सं पका में आकर मनुष्य सु खी नही ं होर्े हैं ,ज्ञान के अहं कार से जो पररपुष्ट् हैं ,शजनके हृदर् में दर्ा नही ं है , वे वास्तव में शशशक्षर् नही ं है । श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी और भी कहर्े हैं शलखने - पढ़ने में पटु र्ा ही शशक्षा नहीं कहलार्ी , अभ्यास-व्यवहार सहज ज्ञान

शबन शशक्षा नहीं हो पार्ी ।

र्ु ग पुरुर्ोर्त्म श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी की भार्ा में शशक्षा की सं ज्ञा ( Definition ) है - जीवन और वृ द्धि के शलए अभ्यास और व्यवहार का सशक्रर् साथाक शनर्ं त्रण । “Systematic organization habits and instincts for the purpose of fulfilling the becoming of life through an actively graduated manipulation of behaviour,may be called education .“ अथा​ा र् मनुष्य के व्यवहार के वास्तव शनर्ं त्रण से मनुष्य के जीवन और वृ द्धि को अटू ट और अक्षु ण्ण रखने के उद्दे श्य से उसके सहजार् सं स्कार और अभ्यास के िारावाशहक सं गठन को ही शशक्षा कहर्े हैं । शवद्या के साथ र्शद शवनर् होर्ा है , शशक्षा के साथ र्शद सदव्यवहार और श्रिा होर्ी है और ज्ञान को जो सर्त्ा के शवविा न के शलए व्यवहार करर्े हैं वे वास्तव में शशशक्षर् हैं । श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी ने शशक्षा में आमूल पररवर्ा न लाना चाहा है । उन्ोंने एक ऐसी शशक्षा को चाहा है शजस शशक्षा से शशशक्षर् होकर कोई शजससे मु ट्ठी भर अन्न के शलए शकसी का िार न खटखटार्े । उन्ोंने कहा है –

" सीखा र्ु मने शकर्ना शर् बोि र्ो मगर कुछ हुआ नहीं , स्मृशर् के बै ल बने केवल मुठ्ठीभर अन्न जुटा नहीं । “ श्रीश्रीठाकुर आिु शनक शशक्षापिशर् में प्रचशलर् सह-शशक्षा का घोर शवरोि शकर्े हैं । क्योंशक उनके मर् में जब छात्र छात्रा की र्ौवन अवस्था आ उपस्थशर् होर्ी है , उनके मन में काम उद्दीपना जागृ र् होर्ी है । सािारणर्ः १३ साल से लड़के और लड़कीर्ा​ाँ र्ौवन की ओर अग्रसर होने लगर्े हैं । १३ साल की उम्र में सािारणर्ः छात्र छात्राएं उच्च शवद्यालर् (आठवी ं कक्षा ) में अध्यर्न करर्े हैं । आिु शनक शशक्षा व्यवस्था में उच्च शवद्यालर् से लेकर महा शवद्यालर् और शवश्व् शवद्यालर् में सह - शशक्षा प्रचशलर् है । सह-शशक्षा के प्रचलन से छात्र छात्रा र्ौन अवस्था में बािारशहर् रूप से शमलने का अवसर पार्े हैं । शजससे छात्र छात्राएं कामासि होकर आकृष्ट् होर्े हैं और शशक्षा ग्रहण करने के बदले शवशं खल जीवन- र्ापन करर्े हैं । र्ह कामासि छात्र छात्रा परस्पर आकृष्ट् होकर भशवष्य में शववाह-बिन में आबि होने के शलए अपने अपने जीवन साथी चु नर्े हैं । इससे शववाह -और प्रजनन में शवकृशर् का जन्म होर्ा है । इसीशलए , श्रीश्रीठाकुर अपना मर् रखर्े हैं शववाह-शवकृशर् की सृ शष्ट् होने से घर घर में प्रशर्लोम शववाह से कुचररत्रवान सं र्ान का जन्म होर्ा है । जो गृ ह, समाज और राष्ट्र को ध्वं समुखी बनार्े हैं । जो शशक्षा चल रही और आप जैसी शशक्षा चाहर्े है उसमे िका क्या है ? इस प्रश्न के उर्त्र में श्रीश्रीठाकुर बोले - मै ाँ र्ो सबकुछ अच्छी र्रह नही ं जानर्ा । शकंर्ु दे ख-सु नकर मुझे ऐसा प्रर्ीर् होर्ा है शक आज शक शशक्षा शसिा शडग्री और नौकरी पाने के शलए हो रही है । पररपूणा रुप से जीवन शबर्ाने की खाशर्र नही।ं र्शद ऐसी बार् न होर्ी र्ो शशक्षा का लक्ष्य होर्ा मनुष्य को चररत्रवान, हृदर् वान एवं कमाठ बना दे ना । शजससे चाहे शजस शकसी अवस्था में क्यों न

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पड़े ले-दे कर वह शजससे पररवे श के शहर् में Profitable ( लाभजनक ) कुछ कर सके । ऐसे मनुष्य बहुर् कम ही र्ै र्ार हो रहे हैं । इसशलए मुझे केवल र्ही प्रर्ीर् होर्ा है शक हमारे ऋद्धत्वक लोग र्शद प्रकृर् लोकशशक्षक हो जार्ें र्ो शार्द ऐसी अवस्था में बहुर् हद र्क सु िार आ सकर्ा है । (आ॰प्र॰4, पृष्ठ सं ॰195, ) शशक्षा का उद्दे श्य : ---------------श्रीश्रीठाकुर :--शशक्षा का उद्दे श्य होना चाशहए adjustment of complexes (वृ शर्त् शनर्ं त्रण ) । व्यद्धित्व , character (चररत्र )इन सबों का meaningful adjustment(साथा क सं गशर् )होना चाशहए । शशक्षा में आवश्यक है concentric (सु केद्धन्द्रक )होना । concentric होने के शलए सर्त्ा केद्धन्द्रक होनी चाशहए । Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics सभी शवर्र् शजससे हमारे सर्त्ा के सं गर् हो जार्ें ,ऐसा प्रर्ास करना पड़े गा । वही है Education (शशक्षा )और ,इसके साथ -साथ व्यद्धित्व और चररत्र का गठन । (आलोचना प्रसं ग ,प्रथम भाग ) शशशु शशक्षा : ------------शशशु को बोल - बोल कर शसखाना । खेलने के समर् गणना सीखा सकर्े हो । कार्ा कलाप के माध्यम से जरूरर् के अनुसार उसे गशणर्ीर् पिशर्र्ां जैसे जोड़,घटाव,गु णा,भाग आशद का ज्ञान दे ना चाशहए । इसी र्रीके से इनसब चीजों की जानकारी उसके मन में अच्छी र्रह बै ठ जार्े गी । प्रारम्भ में ही समझदारी शवकशसर् हो जाने से बाद में उसे कोई शदक्कर् नही ं होगी । मान लो ,बे र र्ा िूल लेकर आरम्भ शकर्ा । पहले उसे पा​ाँ च शदए , उसे शगनर्ी करने के शलए कहा,शिर र्ीन शदर्ा शमलाकर पुनः उसे शगनने के शलए कहा ,उसने शगनर्ी कर आठ बर्ार्ा ,इसके बाद उसे शलखकर लाने कहा ।पुनः शार्द उन्ी आठ िूलों मे से दो शनकाल कर शगनर्ी करने कहा ,उसने छः बर्ार्ा । हमने उसे बर्ा शदर्ा शक इस शक्रर्ा को घटाव कहर्े है ।इसी प्रकार जोड़, घटाव,गु णा,भाग करने का व्यवहाररक प्रर्ोजन क्या है ,और कैसे उसे शकर्ा जार्,उसको समझा शदर्ा । वह शजंदगी में

कभी नही ं भू लेगा । जीवन की आवश्यकर्ार्ों को अलग-अलग बां टकर कार्ा की उत्पशर्त् करनी है । (आलोचना प्रसं ग , शिर्ीर् खण्ड ) नारी शशक्षा : -----------लड़शकर्ों की शशक्षा की शभशर्त् से वा मूलक होनी चाशहए । उनको ऐसी व्यव्हाररक शशक्षा दी जानी चाशहए शजससे वे पररवार , पररजन और पररवे श को Nurture (पोर्ण ) दे सकें । इन्ीं सब कार्ों को शभशर्त् बना कर उसकी पररपोर्णी शशक्षा शजर्नी ज्यादा हो सके उर्ना ही अच्छा है । लड़शकर्ों को cooking(रं िन ),washing(िु लाई ), domestic work (घरे लू काम),first aid(प्राथशमक शचशकत्सा ),nursing (शुश्रूर्ा ), food science (खाद्य शवज्ञान ) इत्या​ाशद में शशक्षा दी जानी चाशहए । Husband selection (स्वामी चर्न )के बारें में लड़शकर्ों का सु ष्ठ (अच्छा )ज्ञान होना चाशहए ,in a healthy psychological way (सु गम मनोवै ज्ञाशनक सम्मर् पथ ) में उसकी व्यवस्था होनी चाशहए ।इन शवर्र्ों का अच्छा- खासा ज्ञान नही ं होने से ठगे जार्ें गे । शजसको पसन्द करना चाशहए शार्द उसको पसन्द नही ं करके ,शजसको नही ं पसन्द करना चाशहए उसको पसन्द कर बै ठेगी । ( आलोचना प्रसं ग १०वा​ाँ भाग । ) शशक्षा का दाशर्त्वबोि : -------------------बच्चे की शशक्षा पहले शुरू होर्ी है उसके मार्ा शपर्ा से । अंग्रेजी में एक कहावर् है " Mother is the best teacher and charity begins at home “ इसशलए शपर्ामार्ा का सु शनर्ं शत्रर् सर्​् चलन बच्चे की सु शशक्षा का आमंत्रक है । इस सम्पका में श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी कहर्े हैं , "शवद्यालर् में बच्चे शजर्ना कुछ भी सीखें क्यों नही ं घर की शवद्या सु ष्ठ नही ं र्ो शशष्ठ स्वभाव के होर्े नही ं । इसीशलए मार्ा शपर्ा के दाशर्त्व अत्यांर् महर्त्वपूणा हैं । उनका जीवन आदशा में केंद्राशर्र् होना बहुर् जरूरी है ।इस सं पका में श्रीश्रीठाकुर ने शववाह सं स्कार की बार् बोली हैं । Page 52 JANUARY 2018 BLISS

शशशु के मार्ृ गभा में उपद्धस्थर् होने के साथ ही उसकी शशक्षा शुरू हो जार्ी है । इस बार् का प्रमाण िापर र्ु ग में अजुा न और द्रौपदी के माध्यम से अशभमन्यु जैसे एक वीर बालक का जन्म है । और श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी कहर्े हैं , मार्ा शपर्ा श्रेष्ठ जन में श्रिा भद्धि जो भी रहे ना इष्ट्ानुग न होने पर वह आर्े गी नही ं सम्विा ना । अथा​ा र् मार्ा शपर्ा गु रुजन के प्रशर् भद्धि के साथ साथ र्शद इष्ट् के प्रशर् भद्धि नही ं हो र्ब जीवन में सं विा ना नही ं आर्ी है । शशक्षा है एक सािना और इष्ट् हैं इस सािना के केंद्रशबं दु। श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी की भार्ा में Education in its real form to unfold the characteristic faculties that are latent within by attachment to an Ideal embodied . शशक्षक की भू शमका : -------------------शशक्षक र्शद इष्ट् र्ा आदशा के प्रशर् श्रिाशील नही ं होंगे शिर छात्र भी शशक्षक के प्रशर् श्रिाशील नही ं होंगे । श्रीश्रीठाकुर जी की वाणी है – शशक्षक को नही ं इष्ट् -टान , कौन जगावे छात्र -प्राण ।

अंदर शशक्षक के प्रशर् प्रेम की सृ शष्ट् करर्ा है । शशक्षक और छात्र के सं पका व्यवसार् शभशर्त्क नही ं होकर प्रीर्ी मिु र सहज सशक्रर् होना चाशहए । शशक्षक के उन्नर् चररत्र को दे ख कर छात्र आकृष्ट् होंगे । सो शशक्षक ही Magnet (चुम्बक ) है । छात्र और शशक्षक के शबच सम्मान जनक दू री( Honourable distance ) रहना आवश्यक है । आज सभ्यर्ा के चरम सं कटमर् मुहूर्ा में उन्ोंने उस शशक्षा की पररकल्पना की है जो सभी को अनन्त शवकास के पथ पर ले जार्े गी । वन्दे पुरुर्ोर्त्मम्

झोंक न बू झे शशक्षा दे र्े , पग-पग पे कुिल पार्े । छात्र में जब हो इष्ट्-टान, र्ब ही जागृ र् कमा प्राण । चररत्र शवहीन शशक्षक छात्र के जीवन का भक्षक चुम्बक ( Magnet ) जैसे लोहे को पुनशवा न्यस्त करके Magnet में पररणर् करर्ा है ठीक उसी र्रह बच्चो के अभ्यास व्यवहार को शनर्ं शत्रर् करा कर शुभ में पररणर् करना शशक्षक का कर्त्ाव्य है । शशक्षक का आचरण ही छात्र के

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ପରମପ୍ରେମମୟ ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ଅନୁ କୂଳଚନ୍ଦ୍ରଙ୍କ ବାଣୀ : – ଆଦର୍ଶ-ବିନାୟକ ସ୍ୱାସ୍ଥ୍ୟ ଓ ସଦାଚାର ସୂତ୍ର ର୍ାଶ୍ବତୀ ❖

ସାଧନାର ପପ୍ରେ: – ଧ୍ୟାନର େପ୍ରୟାଜନୀୟତା

କବିତା : – େବୃ ତ୍ତି-କାଣ୍ଡାରୀ

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" ପ୍ରେଉମାପ୍ରନ ଁ ଅେ​ୋ ନିଜର ର୍ରୀରକୁ କଷ୍ଟ ଦିଅନ୍ତି,

ବା ନିୋଶ ତନ କରନ୍ତି― ତାହା େଦି ସତ୍ତାପ୍ରପାଷଣୀ ନ ହୁ ଏ,― ପ୍ରସମାନଙ୍କ ଅନ୍ତନିହତ ି ଈଶ୍ୱରଙ୍କର ଜୀବନ୍ତ ଆର୍ୀବଶାଦକୁ ନିପୀଡିତ କରି ପ୍ରତାଳନ୍ତି ;

ପ୍ରସ-ପୀଡନ ଈଶ୍ୱରଙ୍କୁ ହି ସ୍ପ ଁ ର୍ଶ କପ୍ରର ।" -ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ( ସ୍ୱାସ୍ଥ୍ୟ ଓ ସଦାଚାର-ସୂତ୍ର , ବାଣୀ ସଂଖ୍ୟା - ୧୭)

" ପୁଣ୍ୟ ମନ, ପୁଣ୍ୟ ଚଳନ, ପୁଣ୍ୟ ଆହାର, ପୁଣ୍ୟ ବ୍ୟବ୍ହାର― ଏଥିରର ମଣ୍ିଷ ଦୀପ୍ତ ହୁ ଏ, ରସୌନ୍ଦର୍ଯ୍ୟର ଅଧିକାରୀ ରହାଇ ଉରେ― ସ୍ୱର୍​୍–ସୁଷମାରର ।" – ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀୋକୁର ( ର୍ାଶ୍ବତୀ, ବିଧ ି ଅଧ୍ୟାୟ, ବାଣୀ ସଂଖ୍ୟା ୮୬୩)

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ପରମପ୍ରେମମୟ ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ଅନୁ କୂଳଚନ୍ଦ୍ରଙ୍କ ବାଣୀ: " ମଣିଷର ପି ତାମାତା ବା ଗୁରୁଜନ ପ୍ରେଉମାପ୍ରନ ଁ ୋଆନ୍ତୁ ନା କାହିକିଁ – ପ୍ରସମାପ୍ରନ ପାଳନ-ପରି ଚେଶୟୀ ଗୁରୁ ; କିନ୍ତୁ େି ଏ ଇଷ୍ଟ, େି ଏ ଆଚାେଶୟ,– ପ୍ରସ ମଣିଷର ସାତ୍ୱତ ଗୁରୁ, କାରଣ, ପ୍ରସ ବାସ୍ତବ ସଂଗତିର ଅନ୍ିତ ବ ଅେଶନାପ୍ରର ଆତ୍ମବିନାୟନୀ ଅନୁ ର୍ୀଳନର ଭି ତର-ପ୍ରଦଇ ବୟକ୍ତି ତ୍ୱସମନ୍ିତ ବ ସତ୍ତାକୁ ସମ୍ବର୍ଦ୍ଧିତ କରି ପ୍ରତାଳନ୍ତି, ତାଙ୍କ େତି ଶ୍ରର୍ଦ୍ଧା, େୀତି ଓ ଅନୁ ଚେଶୟା, ତାଙ୍କର ନିପ୍ରଦର୍ବାହୀ ଅଭି ୋୟ-ଅନୁ ସାରୀ ଅନୁ ଚଳନ ସ୍ୱତଃ ହି ମ ଁ ଣିଷକୁ ଏହିପରି କରି ୋଏ, ପ୍ରତଣୁ, ପ୍ରସ ମହାଗୁରୁ, ପରମ ଗୁରୁ, ପ୍ରତଣୁ 'ସବଶପ୍ରଦବମପ୍ରୟା ଗୁରୁଃ' ପ୍ରତଣୁ, ଭଗବାନ୍ କପି ଳ ପ୍ର ାକ-ଗୁରୁ ପ୍ରହାଇ ମଧ୍ୟ ନିଜ ମାତୃ ପ୍ରଦବୀଙ୍କର ମଧ୍ୟ ଗୁରୁ େ ିପ୍ର ।" ୧୬୧ ( ଆଦର୍ଶ-ବିନାୟକ)

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ସାଧନାର ପରଥ

େମେ ଭାଇ ― କାମ କପ୍ର

ହି ଁତ ପ୍ରହ ା, meditation (ଧ୍ୟାନ) ର ପୁଣି ଦରକାର କ'ଣ ?

ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀଠାକୁର ― କୋ, ଚା ି ଚଳନ, କାଜ-କମଶ, ଭାବ, ରକମ-ସକମ ସବୁ କିଛିର ମଧ୍ୟ-ପ୍ରଦଇ ଇଷ୍ଟସ୍ୱାେଶ େତିଷ୍ାଠ ପନ୍ନତାର ସୂତ୍ର ଅଚ୍ଛିନ୍ନ ରଖ୍ବ ି ାର େୟାସ ହି ଁ real meditation ( େକୃତ ଧ୍ୟାନ ) । Meditative mood (ଧ୍ୟାନପରାୟଣ ଭାବ) ନ ରହିପ୍ର କମଶର ମଧ୍ୟପ୍ରର, ସଂଘାତର ମଧ୍ୟପ୍ରର, ଇଷ୍ଟଙ୍କ ସପ୍ରେ ଅନୁ ରାଗମୁଖ୍ର ପ୍ରୋଗସୂତ୍ର ଅବୟାହତ ରପ୍ରହ ନାହି ଁ । ଅନୁ ରାଗ-ମୁଖ୍ର ପ୍ରସବା ଓ ସ୍ମରଣ-ମନନର ମାଧ୍ୟମପ୍ରର ଇଷ୍ଟଙ୍କ ସପ୍ରେ ସବଶଦା େୁକ୍ତ ରହିବାକୁହି ଁ ଭକ୍ତି ପ୍ରୋଗ କହନ୍ତି । ଖ୍ମ୍ବ ସାେ ିପ୍ରର ବନ୍ଧା ନ ରହିପ୍ର କାମ ଆମ୍ଭମାନଙ୍କୁ ପ୍ରକାଉଠି ଭପ୍ରସଇ ପ୍ରନଇେି ବ ତାର କଣ ଠିକଣା ଅଛି ? ୋହା କହି ି ଏମି ତି meditation (ଧ୍ୟାନ)-ହି ଁ ଅଖ୍ଣ୍ଡ ବୟକ୍ତି ତ୍ୱ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କପ୍ରର, େକୃତ ଜ୍ଞାନ ଆପ୍ରଣ । ପ୍ରସ literate (ଅକ୍ଷରଜ୍ଞାନସମ୍ପନ୍ନ) ନ ପ୍ରହାଇପାପ୍ରର, କିନ୍ତୁ enormously educated(େଭୁତଭାପ୍ରବ ର୍ିକ୍ଷିତ) ପ୍ରହାଇଉପ୍ରଠ ହି ଁ । ପ୍ରେପ୍ରତ କଷ୍ଟକର ଅବସ୍ଥ୍ା ଆସୁ'ନା କାହିକିଁ , ପ୍ରସ ବିଭ୍ରାନ୍ତ ହୁ ଏ କମ୍ ହି ଁ । ସବୁ ଅବସ୍ଥ୍ାପ୍ରର ତା'ର decision (ସି ର୍ଦ୍ଧାନ୍ତ) sharp (କ୍ଷି େ) ଓ unblundering (ଅଭ୍ରାନ୍ତ) ପ୍ରହାଇ ଉପ୍ରଠ । ଜୀବନ ସଂଗ୍ରାମପ୍ରର, କାେଶୟପ୍ରକ୍ଷତ୍ରପ୍ରର ଏହି meditation (ଧ୍ୟାନ) ର- େପ୍ରୟାଜନ ପ୍ରକପ୍ରତ ତା'ପ୍ରହପ୍ର ବୁ ଝି ପ୍ରଦଖ୍ନ୍ତୁ । ଧ୍ୟାନ-ଜପର ଅନୁ ର୍ୀଳନପ୍ରର େତିଦିନ ନିୟମି ତ ନିବିଷ୍ଟଭାପ୍ରବ ଦୁ ଇ-ତିନିବାର ବସି ବାକୁ ହୁ ଏ । ଆଉ, କୋବାତ୍ତଶା, କାେକମଶର ମଧ୍ୟପ୍ରର ବି ତାହାର ଗତି ଚପ୍ରଳଇବାକୁ ହୁ ଏ । ଜପପ୍ରର brain-cell (ମସ୍ତି ଷ୍କ-ପ୍ରକାଷ) sensitive ( ସାଡା​ା଼େବଣ) ହୁ ଏ ଏବଂ ଧ୍ୟାନପ୍ରର ତାହା receptive(ଧାରଣକ୍ଷମ) ହୁ ଏ । ... ଭକ୍ତି , କମଶ, ର୍କ୍ତି , ଧ୍ୟାନ, ଜ୍ଞାନ ଓ ପ୍ରସବାର ସମନ୍ଵୟପ୍ରର ଭାରତ ଦିପ୍ରନ ଜଗତର ଗୁରୁ ପ୍ରହାଇ ଠିଆପ୍ରହାଇେ ି ା । େପ୍ରତୟକର ଅସ୍ତି ତ୍ୱ ପପ୍ରକ୍ଷ ପ୍ରସ ପ୍ରସପ୍ରତପ୍ରବପ୍ରଳ ଅପରି ହାେଶୟ ପ୍ରହାଇ ଉଠିେ ି ା । ପ୍ରକହି ତାକୁ ପ୍ରସପ୍ରତପ୍ରବପ୍ରଳ ଆକ୍ରମଣ କରି ବା ବା ର୍ତ୍ରୁତାର ଆଖ୍ ିପ୍ରର ପ୍ରଦଖ୍ ିବାର କଳ୍ପନା ମଧ୍ୟ କରୁ ନେ ି ା । ( ଆପ୍ର ାଚନା େସେ, ୮ମ ଖ୍ଣ୍ଡ, ତା-୨୨/୦୫/୧୯୪୬ ରି ଖ୍) ଅନୁ ବାଦକ : ସୁମିତ ପପ୍ରେ

" ଏକ ଆଦର୍​୍ଙ୍କୋରର ରତ, ଭାବ୍ିତ, ତତ୍ପର ବ୍ା ଅନୁ ବ୍ର୍ତ୍​୍ୀ ରର୍ଯଉମାରନ ଁ ରର୍ଯପରି ― ପରସ୍ପର ମଧ୍ୟରର ଏକତା ମଧ୍ୟ ରସଇପରି ସକ୍ରିୟ ଓ ଘନିଷ୍ ଠ ।" - ଶ୍ରୀଶ୍ରୀୋକୁର ( ର୍ାଶ୍ବତୀ, ସଂଗଠନ ଅଧ୍ୟାୟ , ବାଣୀ ସଂଖ୍ୟା ୯୪୯)

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" ପ୍ରବ୍ୃର୍ତ୍ି କାଣ୍ଡାରି “

ରଚୟି ତା : ଶ୍ରୀମତୀ ଦୀପ୍ତି ଶ୍ରୀ ନାୟକ ଗ୍ରାମ- ଖ୍ରସାହାପୁର, ଜି - ବାପ୍ର ଶ୍ୱର ଓଡିର୍ା ଝାପ୍ସା ଝାପ୍ସା ରେିନ ଆପ୍ର ାକ ଦିର୍େ ି ାଏ ମୁଖ୍ ଏକ, ଅସ୍ପଷ୍ଟ ଦର୍ଶନ ତୀବ୍ର କପ୍ରର ମାନସ ସୁରତ ସାପ୍ରପକ୍ଷ । ଆସନ୍ତି ପ୍ରସ ବହୁ ବାର ମାନସପେପ୍ରର େବୃ ତ୍ତିର ଝୁ ଙ୍କ୍ କପ୍ରର ଦୂ ର, ଅପସରି ୋନ୍ତି େି ୟତମ ଅସ୍ତି ତ୍େ ବ ା ହୁ ଏ ଅପ୍ରଗାଚର । ଡୁ ବିୋଏ ପାରି ପାଶ୍ିକ ବ ସଂଘାପ୍ରତ ବାପ୍ରଜ େବୃ ତ୍ତିର ର୍କ୍ତ ଚାବୁ କ୍, ହୁ ୁ ହାଣ ମନ ଓ ର୍ରୀର ପୁନଶ୍ଚ ପ୍ରଖ୍ାଜଇ ତାଙ୍କୁ । ରକ୍ଷାକର ରକ୍ଷାକର ତ୍ରାହିମାଂ େଭୁ ପ୍ରହାଇଅଛି ଦିଗହରା, ଦିଅ ଜୀବନର ସଠିକ କମ୍ପାସ୍ ଭି ବି ସଠିକ୍ ଇସାରା । େଣପ୍ରମ ଦିଗଦ୍ରଷ୍ଟା ଇଷ୍ଟଗୁରୁ ପାଇଛି ଠିକଣା ପ୍ରନାପ୍ରହ ପେହରା, ପ୍ରବଦମ୍ ମନୁ ଷୟ ଧରି ନାମର ଚାବୁ କ୍ କରି ବ ସାବାଡ େବୃ ତ୍ତି ଏ ସାରା । ବପ୍ରେ ପୁରୁପ୍ରଷାତ୍ତମମ୍

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