Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Magnesium

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Evidence-Based Health Benefits of

M ag n e si u m

Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books

Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Magnesium Magnesium has multiple health benefits for human physical, emotional and neurological health. Even those who eat a healthy diet may be lacking in magnesium in sufficient levels.


Tack li ng Hyp e rt e ns i on Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can have numerous adverse effects on health. People with hypertension who take magnesium may find their blood pressure lowers.

Mi g rai ne P re ve nt i on Some researchers believe that magnesium deficiency is a probable cause of migraines. One study showed that acute migraines could be relieved more efficiently with magnesium than with common medication.

D e ali ng wi t h P MS Magnesium supplements can help to alleviate many of the symptoms of pre-menstrual tension, including irritability, tiredness, abdominal cramps and water retention.

B i o c he m ic a l Re ac tio n s More than 600 individual biochemical reactions in the body are assisted by magnesium. These include creating energy, moving muscles and forming proteins.

B at t lin g De pr e ssio n There is evidence to suggest that magnesium can help people who are battling depression. People with lower intakes of magnesium have been found to be more at risk from depression.

There are potential health benefits to taking various different types of dietary supplements, including magnesium.


Dr Carolyn Dean

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