Symptoms of
Irritabl e Bowe l S yn d rome
Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a widely prevalent condition that affects the human digestive system. It can be aggravated by consuming certain types of food or drink. Symptoms may vary among sufferers, but there are several key indicators for IBS.
Pa in a nd Cr a mps Some of the most common IBS symptoms are experiencing pain or cramping in the stomach, especially following a meal. These symptoms often reduce once a stool has been passed.
Bl oat ing Many people with IBS report a feeling of swelling or bloating where the stomach feels uncomfortably full even when they have not eaten much.
Co ns t ipat io n o r D ia r r he a Difficulties with going to the toilet or diarrhea can also be symptoms of IBS. These may be triggered by eating certain types of food.
L e s s Co mmo n Sy mpt o ms Less common but still prevalent symptoms of IBS can include backache, nausea, flatulence, incontinence, lack of energy or tiredness, problems with passing urine, or passing mucus.
Each symptom by itself can also be part of other conditions, so patients should visit their GP if they have concerns.
Dr Carolyn Dean
You can read more about controlling IBS through diet, with tips from the IBS Cookbook for Dummies, by visiting the blog of Dr. Carolyn Dean.