The Fundamentals of Cognition

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The Fundamentals of


Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books

Dr. Carolyn Dean

Cognition refers to a whole range of mental processes that are related to how we store, acquire, retrieve and manipulate information. Many of our daily activities are underpinned by cognition. Cognition helps humans to make decisions that can guide behavior and produce the appropriate responses to situations.

C o g n i t i v e Te s ti ng Cognitive testing is used to tap into particular regions of the brain. This used to be done by completing tasks with a paper and pen, but there are now various computerized tests available. The computerized tests have been validated as performing the same function as the more traditional pen and paper tests.


Dr. Carolyn Dean

Mo nit o r ing Co g nit iv e Pe r f o r ma nce The monitoring of cognitive performance can provide key indicators for brain health and flag any concerns that may lead to issues such as memory loss or dementia. This means that conditions can be diagnosed earlier, which results in more effective and more widely available treatment options, reduced costs of treatment and improved quality of life, among other advantages.

Brain health is affected by a number of outside factors, some of which we are able to change and others that we cannot.


Dr Carolyn Dean

By visiting the blog of Dr. Carolyn Dean, you can find out more about how magnesium supplements can work to maintain a healthy brain.

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