Dealing with Back Pain:
Al t e r n a t i v e s to S ur g e r y
Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books
Back pain can cause all manner of strife and make life difficult to deal with. Surgery can be one option, but there are a variety of other things people can try before going down the surgical route, ranging from alternative therapies to simple lifestyle changes.
Dealing with Back Pain: Alternatives to Surgery
A program of movement including activities such as yoga, flexibility exercises and aerobic activity focusing on the core muscles can alleviate and even cure back pain for many patients.
Ant i - I nflammat ory D i e t s Where inflammation is causing back pain, a simple change of diet may help. There are various foods that have natural anti-inflammatory properties, including nuts, fatty fish, brightly-colored vegetables and fruits, seeds, and foods containing monounsaturated fats such as olive oil and avocado.
W e i g h t-L o ss Often, back pain can be caused by carrying too much weight and therefore putting unnecessary extra pressure on the back. Losing weight may not be the easiest thing in the world, but there are countless health benefits as well as the potential to cure back pain without surgery.
Move me nt It can be tempting when dealing with back pain to try to avoid movement, but this can make things worse. A program of movement including activities such as yoga, flexibility exercises and aerobic activity focusing on the core muscles can alleviate and even cure back pain for many patients.
Dr Carolyn Dean
If surgery is on the cards, you can learn more about how to prepare for and recover better from it by visiting the blog of Dr. Carolyn Dean.