Key Health Risks Posed by
Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books
Key Health Risks Posed by Obesity D r Ca r o ly n D e a n Obesity is a weight condition that is diagnosed when a patient reaches or exceeds a body mass index (BMI) of 30. Being obese makes people far more susceptible to a varieÂty of other, serious health issues, some of which can eventually prove fatal.
H e a r t D i s ea se a n d Str o k e
S ome Cance rs
Being overweight can lead to serious con-
Several types of cancer have been linked to
ditions such as heart disease and stroke,
obesity, such as breast, colon, esophagus,
each of which has the potential to be fa-
kidney and endometrium cancers. There
tal. Obesity raises cholesterol and blood
are also studies underway exploring report-
pressure, which can both lead to these
ed links between obesity and cancers of the
conditions. Losing even a small amount of
pancreas, ovaries and gallbladder.
weight can significantly lower the risk.
T yp e 2 D i abe t e s Most people who end up with type 2 dia-
Several types of cancer
betes are obese or overweight. The risk of
have been linked to obe-
developing this can be reduced by losing weight and adopting a healthier lifestyle.
sity, such as breast, colon,
Weight-loss, particularly through becoming
esophagus, kidney and
more active, can also help regulate blood
endometrium cancers.
sugar in those already living with diabetes.
Dr Carolyn Dean
You can learn how magnesium can play a key role in weight-loss when dealing with obesity by visiting the blog of Dr. Carolyn Dean.