The Calcium / Magnesium Balance to Help
Control Anxiety
Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books
Dr. Carolyn Dean
Humans need both calcium and magnesium to maintain optimum physical health. Magnesium has also been shown to help prevent or control various mental health issues, including anxiety. However, the relationship between magnesium and calcium within our bodies can be quite complex.
A b so r pt i o n Magnesium plays a key role in helping our bodies to absorb calcium properly, so one without the other results in sub-optimal absorption. Conversely, however, too much calcium in the system can result in us not being able to properly absorb the magnesium, so getting the quantities right is essential.
Dr. Carolyn Dean
Cha ng e s in D ie t Over the centuries the food we typically eat has changed. Long ago, we got abundant magnesium but little calcium from our diets, causing our bodies to evolve and learn to retain calcium without retaining excess magnesium. Today, most of us get plenty of calcium as we eat more dairy, but our foods are depleted of magnesium. Supplementation may therefore be required to get to that optimum balance. Depleted levels of magnesium could be linked to many of the symptoms of anxiety, so finding the right balance between calcium and magnesium can help with stress and panic disorders.
Dr Carolyn Dean
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