Magnesium Supplements for Health and Well-Being

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Magnesium Supplements for Health and Well-Being

Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books

Magnesium Supplements for Health and Well-Being D r . Ca r o ly n D e a n Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in numerous bodily functions. There are various magnesiumrich foods we can eat to increase our magnesium intake, and there are also supplements that can be taken in addition to ensure we get the proper amounts of magnesium.


H e a lth C o n ditio n s

Mag ne s i u m from Food

There are a variety of health conditions

We can get magnesium from many

that can be improved through taking

of the foods we eat, but studies show

magnesium supplements. These in-

that many US adults do not get enough

clude kidney disease, Crohn’s disease,

magnesium. Increasing the volume of

parathyroid problems and several di-

foods high in magnesium can help, as

gestive conditions. Older adults, peo-

can taking supplements to ensure the

ple who do or have previously abused

body gets enough magnesium no mat-

alcohol, and people taking antibiotics

ter what we eat. People who do not get

for cancer or diabetes may also benefit

enough magnesium are more prone to

from a magnesium supplement.

conditions such as high blood pressure, inflammation and even major health issues like heart disease.

We can get magnesium from many of the foods we eat, but studies show that many US adults do not get enough magnesium.


Dr Carolyn Dean

You can learn more about the links between lowered levels of magnesium and heart disease, obesity and diabetes by visiting the blog of Dr. Carolyn Dean.

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