Explaining Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes

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D ia b e te s a nd Pre - Di a b e t e s

Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books

Explaining Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes Diabetes is the name of a condition in which the blood sugar levels of a person become too high. There are two main types of diabetes which have different causes. People may also be diagnosed with a condition known as pre-diabetes. Pregnant women can be subject to gestational diabetes, which is usually a temporary condition.


Typ e 1 Dia b e te s Type 1 diabetes occurs when the immune system of the body begins to attack insulin-producing cells, so the body does not produce enough to properly manage blood sugar levels.

P re-Diabetes People who have elevated levels of blood sugar that are higher than normal, but not so high to be classed as diabetes, are often referred to as having pre-diabetes. People with pre-diabetes are at a higher risk of progressing to full diabetes if the condition is not properly managed.

Typ e 2 Dia b e te s Type 2 diabetes is the more common variation and occurs when the body either does not produce enough insulin in the first place, or where the cells of the body do not react properly to the insulin that is produced.

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to both categories of diabetes.


Dr Carolyn Dean

You can learn more about how magnesium supplements can help prevent diabetes by visiting the blog of Dr. Carolyn Dean.

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