Using Magnesium in the Fight against Depression

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Usin g M a g ne s i u m in the Fight against Depression

Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books

Using Magnesium in the Fight against Depression D r Ca r o ly n D ea n

There are many health benefits to maintaining adequate levels of magnesium in our bodies, with these benefits being both physical and mental. Magnesium deficiency has been strongly linked to depression, so an increase in magnesium intake can help battle low mood and depression.


An analysis of a study with 8,800 participants showed that people with the lowest intake of magnesium aged under 65 were more likely to suffer from depression.


A n a lysis

Re d u ci ng Symp t oms

An analysis of a study with 8,800 participants showed that people with the lowest intake of magnesium aged under 65 were 22% more likely to suffer from depression.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that an increase in magnesium intake can help to alleviate or reduce many of the symptoms of depression. One randomised trial of depressed older adults found that a daily 450mg magnesium supplement helped improve mood to the same level as an anti-depressant medication.

M o d e rn F o o d While it has not yet been conclusively proven, there are many that believe that modern food’s low magnesium content could be a key factor in causing many cases of mental illness, including depression.

Having a regular body cleanse can also help alleviate some of the symptoms of depression as well as improve our overall health.


Dr Carolyn Dean

You can learn more about this by visiting the blog of Dr Carolyn Dean.

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