Magnesium: K e y
H e a l t h
F a c t s
Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books
Magnesium: Key Health Facts Magnesium is one of seven macro-mine rals that are essential for good health in humans.
The health benefits of an adequate intake of magnesium are many, as the mineral helps more than 300 enzymatic reactions including the body’s ability to metabolize food. Bo ne He a lt h Magnesium works in conjunction with calcium to promote healthy bones in the human skeleton. A high calcium intake without magnesium can result in health issues such as kidney stones and arterial calcification.
He a r t He a lt h Magnesium has strong associations with healthy hearts and an adequate intake can help to prevent a range of heart conditions, including heart attack, hypertension and atherosclerosis. The mortality risk is lo wered in heart attack patients who receive magnesium.
R e l ie v ing Sy mpt o ms Magnesium has been shown to help alleviate symptoms for a range of conditions, including premenstrual cramps and migraine headaches.
D ia be t e s Studies have shown that people with a higher intake of magnesium are typically at a lower risk of contracting diabetes than those that do not get enough of the mineral.
A nx ie t y Magnesium deficiency can be linked to an increased likelihood of suffering from anxiety.
Dr Carolyn Dean
Studies have found a correlation between magnesium intake and improved memory and learning ability – you can read more about this by visiting the blog of Dr. Carolyn Dean.