A r rhy th m i a explained
Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books
Arrhythmia Explained Arrhythmia is the medical term for problems with the rhythm of the heart. Over 2 million people will experience some form of arrhythmia in the UK each year. If properly diagnosed, most people with arrhythmia will be able to lead a normal life.
Diag nosis by EC G
Tre atm e n t
The most common diagnostic tool for
There are a variety of possible treat-
arrhythmia is an electrocardiogram, or
ments that will be suggested depend-
ECG. This device records and monitors
ing on the type and severity of the
the rhythm of the heart and can detect
arrhythmia and the patient medical
any disturbances. If exercise has been
history. These include having a pace-
flagged as a trigger for symptoms, pa-
maker fitted, or certain medications be-
tients may be asked to use an exercise
ing prescribed. Electric shocks may be
bike or treadmill while hooked up to the
applied through cardioversion while the
ECG monitor. A portable ECG may also
patient is sedated or anaesthetized, or
be used to record symptoms over a pe-
an ICD can be fitted to administer gen-
riod of 24 hours or more.
tle shocks when required.
Magnesium has been shown to be effective in helping to control certain types of heart palpitations.
Dr Carolyn Dean
You can find out more by visiting the blog of Dr. Carolyn Dean.