Positive Bacteria
In Pregnancy
Dr Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopath. She has authored and co-authored over 35 books
Positive Bacteria In Pregnancy D r Ca r o ly n D e a n Bacteria are everywhere, from even before birth. Babies are first exposed to small amounts of bacteria in the womb. Then, upon birth, they become inundated with microbes. Given the quantity of harmful bacteria, it is important for a baby to quickly gain its own bacterial defenses.
T h e G u t B io m e This largely manifests in the gut biome, which dictates a huge amount of physiological wellness. During early development, the gut microbiome begins to diversify, starting with breastmilk. Not only does the milk itself promote healthy gut flora, but 10% of bacteria introduced to an infant is from the skin around a mother’s areola.
D i a b e te s Population of the gut microbiome goes on to dictate the health of a developing child, down to affecting that child’s risk of developing type 1 or type 2 diabetes. One recent study examined 33 infants at risk of type 1 diabetes. Scientists discovered that microbe diversity drops occurred suddenly prior to the onset of type 1 diabetes, with levels of unhealthy bacteria increasing just before onset.
covered that microbe
to the onset of type 1 diabetes, with levels of unhealthy bacteria increasing before onset.
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