Gotcha Input - Input Method for Aphasia patients with naming deficits.
Gotcha Input - A mobile phone input method crafted specifically for Aphasia patient with naming deficits.
Besides handwriting and QWERTY keyboard, Gotcha allow users to input their descriptions on a concept or object in order to find the name or word they are trying to say. The more the user can describe, the more accurate the name of the concept or object Gotcha will query for the user. Gotcha also has the hand drawing ability, which allows the users to quickly sketch the concept or idea they have difficulty to say and send it to the people they want to communicate with.
The project was produced in the course of 2013 UOID+AHCI, a cross-disciplinary course with designers and IT engineers from both NTU and NTUST, Taiwan. The project is APP Design for People in Need. More info could be found here: .