2014 Fall Newsletter

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Artwork by Bobby P.

Principal’s Message

Happy New School Year to all of our wonderful Noll Center students. It is great to see you back in class! We are very proud to be able to offer you five days of exci ng school ac vi es each week. Your teachers worked hard to make this happen, so please smile and say, "Thank you!" As we move farther into the school year, we will be hiring more staff and adding more fun and learning to your day. I want you to know that every visit to Noll Center to see you puts a big smile on my face. Your principal, Steve Giudici


Newsle er Contributors Agnes Bobby Khalid Lori Marcus Marie Sam Nick Judy

Writer/Layout Artwork for Title Photographer Artwork Writer/Photographer Photographer/Proofer Photographer Writer/Layout Writer/Photographer

Our Gardener and Friend Vince has been the school’s gardener for many years. He helps the students get experience in learning how to plant and garden. He teaches us how to get the soil ready to plant, then plants and grow our own vegetables. We harvest the garden vegetables we grow and also use the food in our school lunches. We have plants that we grow and sell at our yearly plant fair. We have a big assortment of plants and vegetables. Our school is very lucky to have Vince as our gardener. If we didn’t have Vince at our school, there would be no garden. Vince has dedicated his me and effort to help us for many years. He comes 7 days a week, rain or shine, almost 365 days a year. There are no words we can say to express how thankful we are for his commitment and devo on to us. We love our Vince! Wri en by Judy A.

Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511






Veronica was born in Oakland and now lives in Hayward. She has a sister named Erica and loves her and her mom. She has two cats named Bruce and Beauty. She likes to watch movies and going to the library. She went to Sunset School and enjoys ea ng Mexican food. She likes all kinds of music. Her favorite television show is Barney and she likes being with her friends and family.

Zia is from Kabul. He has one brother and one sister. He lives with them and his mom who takes care of them. He likes to walk to the park and watch Disney movies. He went to American High School in Fremont. His favorite food is a chicken sandwich with le uce, and tomato. He likes to play basketball, soccer, baseball, hockey, and volleyball. His favorite television shows are Aus n and Ally, Dog with a Blog, Good Luck Charlie, and Jessie. Math is his favorite subject.

Be nice to each other. ~ Nick L. and Wayne Y. Don’t use cell phone during class. ~ Lori S.


Use Bathroom before class and during break. ~ Lori S.


Don’t use iPod during class. ~ Yvonne W. Push your chairs in. ~ KarƟka R. Study in class. ~ Susan K.

Roger is from Iowa. He has one sister, named Judy. His brother, William, also a ends the Noll School. He watches football and baseball on TV. He likes pizza and hot dogs. His favorite sports are football and baseball. He enjoys gospel music and watches Sci‐fi and ac on shows.

Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

You can buy a soda at the 1:30 pm break. ~ Edna C. Be pa ent. ~ Richard K. Don’t be bossy. ~ Bobby P. Prac ce star ng the computer. ~ Jill K.

2 4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511

On October 22, 2014, we celebrated the life of Greg Brower. Several of our students par cipate in the Special Olympics each year. Jesus and Kevin play basketball. Lori plays bocce ball, basketball, bowling, floor hockey and volleyball. Bianca bowls. We are very proud of them.

Greg was born on August 13, 1962, in Pensacola Florida. He moved to California with his family in 1971 and a ended schools in Fremont and even went to Castro Valley Adult School for awhile. He began taking classes at Fremont Adult School in 2002, and over the next 13 years a ended Adult Basic Educa on, High School Art, and Adults with Disabili es courses. Greg always brought a great a tude and sense of humor to class. He was quick to smile, and we will all remember his dis nc ve laughter. Some of his favorite things were: Classic Coca‐Cola, any book store, Art Class, his friends at Noll, and off color jokes. You are missed by all, Greg Brower.

Dates to Remember Dec 10 Dec 22‐Jan 2 Jan 5 Jan 19 Feb 14 Feb 16 Mar 31 Apr 3 Apr 6‐10 Apr 13 May 25 May 26

Open House School in session Winter Break No School Classes Resume School in session Mar n Luther King Day No School Valen ne’s Day Saturday Presidents’ Day No School Cesar Chavez Day No School Staff Development Day No School No School Spring Break Classes Resume School in session Memorial Day No School Classes Resume School in session

Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

Jesus, Lori, & Bianca

Artwork by Lori S

My name is Lori M. Santos. My team name is Tri‐ City Roadrunners. I’ve been in the Special Olympics for 20 years. The Roadrunners have been around for 30 years. I’ve been in different sports, such as basketball, track and field, swimming, so ball, volleyball, and bocce ball. We are traveling to train for the Bowling Tournament for this month of November. We are also training for floor hockey. I do enjoy playing sports. Lori M. Santos, Student

3 4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511

with Disha Disha came to the mul ‐purpose room and taught Bollywood dance to the students. The students had a lot of fun learning it.

The students s ll enjoy their weekly trips to the bowling alley. Some of them even play in a league and recently took 1st place in the annual bowl‐a‐ thon!


The students try their best to follow Disha.

Khalid & Lori

The students enjoy playing basketball during break. It’s a good way for them to exercise.

Lorraine always comes up with ways for the students to create their art projects. The projects are on display in the classrooms.

What a shot! Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511


Safe Happy Place is a class offered once a week to student/consumers in the AWD program‐Noll Center. Michele and I team teach it. Students learn to get along and resolve their problems in a mature and considerate way. Students are encouraged to represent themselves and are included in the decision making process. They are currently working on a cell phone use policy. Regular topics include learning coopera on, tolerance, respect for each other, and safety. It is exci ng to see how enthusias c and involved they are.

Yina, Para Educator, and the students sing karaoke songs and dance to the music.

Eric Debus, Teacher

Jesus Singing

The students have SHP mee ngs once a week. The students are told by their teachers to be nice to people and enjoy their me at school. Agnes C., Student

Lori Rauscher, Para Educator, con nues to teach yoga once every week. Also, the students weigh themselves to make sure they’re in good shape. Another exercise they follow is the Richard Simmons video or walking around the table in the mul ‐purpose room.

The students wash and vacuum the van, before they go on community ou ngs.

Roger Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

The students are stretching as they do yoga. 4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511


Lori Rauscher teaches cooking on Tuesdays. The best part is being able to eat what we make.

Chloe, Clinton, Marie, Elizabeth, Yvonne, and Richard

Khalid, Chris na, Karen, and Master Chef’s in the making

Spooky Deviled Eggs

Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

Walter, Para Educator, has the students work on their addi on, and subtrac on in math lab and during their break me for prac ce.

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511


Marie, Zohal, Marcus, & Kar ka The students visited the polls on Elec on Day. Lorraine took the students to see which candi‐ dates were going to win the elec on.

Yina and the students play the Survival Skills board game.

The students love going to the Computer Lab. Some of them play games, prac ce typing, search the Internet, create the newsle ers, write blogs, etc., and more.

The students like to take a look at the pumpkins at the Pumpkin Patch at Orchard Supply.

Students working in the computer Lab

Jesus, Hector, Elizabeth, & Priscilla

Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511


We had a great Halloween dance on October 30th. Our regular DJ , Nick Field, was here. On Halloween we enjoyed a fun Halloween movie.


Zia and Elizabeth

Pamela, Michelle, and Monica

Priscilla and Leilani


Artwork by Lori S.

8 Center Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

Judy 510.793.6465 X29511

Halloween is a fun time for all!



Halloween Haunters!

Becky, Kim, and Debra

Yvonne (Darth), Marie, and Ricardo Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

A Spooky Group 510.793.6465 X29511


The students had a Thanksgiving feast in the mul ‐ purpose room. Our teachers, Eric and Michele, had to defrost two 22lb turkeys for days so they could be ready to cook for the turkey feast on Thursday November 20. With the help of their students, they cleaned out the turkeys and prepared them. They enjoyed the turkey with all the fixings, including stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and the dessert, pumpkin pie.

Khalid and his pet turkey

Michele and David C.


Bianca, Zohal, Walter, Sam, Yvonne 10 with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center Adults

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

Veronica 510.793.6465 X29511

Nathan Champion came by and taught the students how to take pictures with cameras and their cell phones.

Debra, Elizabeth, Michelle, and Jesus

The garden is a place where the students can admire the vegetables and the beau ful flowers and plant that were planted. Sam, Wayne, and Jesus

Say cheese!

Roger 11 with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center Adults

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511

The students shared one of their favorite things about Judy Aldridge Judy tormented her aunt with a centipede.

Elizabeth Garibo Elizabeth went to a baby shower.

Zohal Azizi Zohal had her 23rd birthday at her house.

Balraj Gill Balraj relaxed during his summer break.

David Brown David went fishing with his dad over the summer.

Keola Hope Keola was working and sleeping over the summer.

Kim Campbell Kim enjoyed going to Ardenwood.

Jill Kinsey Jill went to Wendy’s for lunch and dinner.

Marie Cardema Marie, her brother, her sister, cousin, her two nephews, her two nieces, and her sister-in-law experienced the earthquake in Napa Valley.

Richard Koury Richard went bowling with his friends.

David Carr David played dominoes at home.

Susan Kwong Susan went to Fisherman’s Wharf with her family. Becky Ledgewood Becky stayed at home.

Ricardo Cason Ricardo played sports by himself. Christina Cecconi Christina went to Los Angeles with her family. Agnes Cheng Agnes went to the Kennedy Park with her friends. Edna Cobarrubia Edna went to church.

Nick Leung Nick went to Legoland in Carlsbad with his mom and his brother, Jason. Bianca Luna Bianca went bowling. Jose Mariscal Jose went to his sister’s house.

Jesus DeLeon Jesus went to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk with his family.

Peter Maslin Peter went to the Oakland Coliseum with Terry, Connie, and Conrad to watch the A’s play against Seattle.

Annette Ferreira Annette went to Hawaii with her niece.

Marcus Mcmillan Marcus went to the beach in Alameda.

Cathy Foreman Cathy and her friend went shopping.

Kelly Meadowcraft Kelly went to the movies with her dad.

Susan Fuller Susan went out for a walk.

Crystal Michelli Crystal spent time with her dad watching sports on television.

Chloe Funesto Chloe hung out with her brother. Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

4700 Calaveras Avenue, 12 Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511

The students shared one of their favorite things about summer. Clinton Montgomery Clinton went to the Country Cowboy Concert with his mom. Andrea Moran Andrea went to a bridal shower over this summer. Michelle Moresi Michelle stayed with her aunt in Montana.

Monica Rogers Monica had a very nice break. Maria Rosa Maria went shopping with her dad. Khalid Samadi Khalid enjoyed talking with his friends over the phone.

Elizabeth Mosely Elizabeth enjoyed being home with her family.

Lori Santos Lori participated in the summer games for the Special Olympics.

Michelle Nachmias Michelle went to Target.

Karen Seyk Karen went to the Dinosaur Show.

Leilani Noche Leilani went to the movies.

Jeff Sullivan Jeff relaxed during his summer break.

Adriana Orozco Adriana stayed home over this summer.

William Turner William went to an A’s game at the Oakland Coliseum.

Pamela Pangan Pamela went to the Grand Canyon.

Violet Tun Violet had a good time relaxing at home with her family.

Priscilla Pangan Priscilla went to the Grand Canyon. Bob Petershagen Bob went to an A’s game with his brother. Jack Sam Phan Sam Jack went to Hayward and saw his brothers. Roseann Pinto Roseann went out to a restaurant and had a diet soda.

Mariela Ramirez Mariela spent time with her family. Kartika Reddy Kartika went to an Indian concert with her family.

Adults with DisabiliƟes Program—Noll Center

Debra Van Zile Debra went swimming at her friends pool. Merritt Wallace Merritt went to Wisconsin for his summer vacation. Yvonne Wang Yvonne played with her Gameboy.

DeManuel Pugh DeManuel did laundry at home.

Caleb Rezentes Caleb went to the swimming pool.

Hector Valdivia Hector relaxed during his summer break.

Kevin Yang Kevin is now in Scotland and will be back next year, January 2015. Wayne Younkins Wayne went to NewPark Mall for his birthday and had lunch at the Food Court.

4700 Calaveras Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538

510.793.6465 X29511


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